TYPE : K1401-2
(III parts)
The purpose of the labyrinth ring shown in the turbine shaft (1) has shallow circular
fig.1 is to seal the wheel chamber against the grooves turned on it which mate with the
space upstream of the gland. the effective packing rings caulked into the labyrinth ring
diameter of the packing is determined in (2). this arrangement improves the throttling
accordance with the requirement of balancing effect, as steam flow is frequently baffled.
the residual axial thrust.
The radial clearances between the shaft and
The labyrinth ring (2) is split axially and slide on the packing strips have been selected with
to projecting surfaces on the turbine casing (3) view to ensuring a good throttling effect while
At the joints, the labyrinth ring is located by grub maintaining safety against rubbing.
screws. diameter
1. Turbine shaft
2. Labyrinth ring
3. Turbine casing
4. Packing strip
5. Caulking material
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Labyrinth ring
The purpose of the labyrinth ring shown in Fig. 1 is to seal the wheel chamber against the space
upstream of the gland. The effective diameter of the packing is determined in accordance with the
requirements of balancing the residual axial thrust.
The labyrinth ring (3) is split axially and slid onto projecting surfaces on the turbine casing (1 ). At
the joints, the labyrinth ring is located by grub screws (2).
The turbine shaft (6) has shallow circular grooves, turned on it which mate with the package rings
(5) caulked into the labyrinth ring (3). This arrangement improves the throttling effect, as the steam
flow is frequently baffled.
The radial clearances between the shaft and the packing strips have been selected with a view to
ensuring a good throttling effect while maintaining safety against rubbing.
6 5 4
1. Turbine Casing
2. Grub screw
3. Labyrinth ring
4. Caulking material
5. Packing rings
6. Turbine shaft
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STEAM TURBINES The rings of moving blades are as assembled
Description from individual blades; and blade is machined
from one piece of metal, i.e., root, blade
proper and shroud, all from same piece.
Low-pressure stages
Fig. 1
Drum blading – moving blades with shrouding
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profile and stagger angle. This gives the low- This reduces the force with which the droplets
pressure blades their twisted form. The impinge on the leading edges of the blades.
thickness of the blade also decreases from the he leading edges of the blades are hardened
hub to the tip because of the high centrifugal if circumferential velocity. high steam wetness
force. and low condenser. pressure are
encountered together .
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The sealing strips for fixed blades are caulked The sealing strips are also made of rust-
into the rotor and those for the moving blades resistant steel. They are sufficiently strong to
into the guide blade carrier. The sealing strips withstand the maximum pressure differences
are very thin and leave only a few tenths of a which can occur. Should rubbing occur, the
millimeter between the shrouding and the rotor amount of heat generated by them is
or guide blade carrier. insufficient to cause any dangerous distortion
of the rotor or guide blade carrier.
Fig. 4
Blade tip sealing
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Fig. 1
Front bearing pedestal
1. Thermometer connections for journal
2. Aperture for emergency tripping device
3. Thermometer connections for thrust
4. Supporting web of thrust bearing
5. flange for main oil pump connection
6. Oil inlet to journal bearing
7. Keyway for sliding key of base plate
8. Oil drain
9. Elongated hole for bearing-pedestal mounting screw
10. Oil inlet to thrust bearing
11. Tapped hole for turbine-casing fastening screw
12. Supporting web of journal bearing
13. Flange for emergency speed governor adjustment.
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Thrust Bearing (-2)
Function :
thrust bearing and transmitted to the front
The residual axial thrust of the turbine rotor,
bearing pedestal. The magnitude of the
in so far as it has not been compensated by
axial force thus acting on the thrust bearing
the balancing piston in the labyrinth
is chiefly determined by the turbine load.
section, is taken up by the
Thrust bearing
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Design : For this purpose, the pedestal and the binder
The thrust bearing is accommodated in the are both provided with an integrally cast rib
front bearing pedestal. Its principal parts are which in the assembled state engages with
the upper bearing shell (1), the lower bearing a corresponding annular groove machined in
shell (4), and the segmental bearing pads the middle of the bearing shell periphery.
(7). Dimensionally the design has been Rotation of the radial bearing is prevented
made so as to prevent axial displacement of by an arresting plug (9). It is screwed into the
the turbine rotor except for the part which is rib of the binder and engages into a hole
caused by thermal expansion (sf. 1-12 10 drilled into the upper bearing shell.
2. Cylindrical pin
3. Bearing pad
11. Seating face of segmental pad
12. Running face of segmental pad
13. Collar of rotor shaft
Fig. 2.
Arrangement of a segmental bearing pad
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Hydraulic Jacking devices
A further oil pocket (6), machined in the middle of the bottom bearing shell, is connected
via a drilled passage (5) with a special oil line of the hydraulic pressure jacking system.
When the turbine is being started by means of the turbine gear, high-pressure oil from
the jacking system will be admitted through this line to the pockets underneath the rotor
journals of the turbine. This has the effect of relieving the bearing from load, because
the break-away torque will be reduced and dry friction is avoided. An additional
advantage is that the starting torque, which has to be supplied by the turning gear, will
be considerably reduced.
• Extra equipment
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The rear support elements - Exhaust Hood, support Paws of the exhaust part and the
alignment elements - serve to support the turbine casing and the turbine rotor and for
their alignment relative to each other.
The exhaust hood (1) with its support paws (2) is directly connected to the turbine
foundations, whereby the two support paws each rest on a bed plate (7). The bed
plates are rigidly anchored to the turbine foundations Base frame. The support paws
and bed plates are connected by bolts. However, the bolts are designed such that in
case of thermal expansion the support brackets can expand laterally. Freedom of
movement can be checked by spacers which must always be easily movable.
The exhaust hood is split horizontally. It houses the rear journal bearing
supporting the turbine rotor in the lower part and bearing cover for the upper part.
In between the exhaust portion and rear journal bearing sealing is done by rear oil
gland and rear labyrinth gland. The bearing cover designed to accommodate a
manual or electro hydraulic shaft turning gear which can be supplied on request.
The bearing seal ring is axially split. It fits into appropriate turned grooves in the bearing pedestal.
The upper half of the ring is fixed to the pedestal bearing cap by grup screws.
Heat transfer
The transfer of heat from the turbine casing to the bearing pedestal is effectively reduced by a
screw-mounted annular heat shield.
1. Heat shield
2. Top half of bearing seal ring
3. Oil scraper ring
4. Botlom half of bearing seal ring
Fig 1
Bearing seal ring
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Device for remote operation of emergency Solenoid valve (1051) and an
trip gear from the control room automatically opening control switch
(1052) with interlocking mechanism (011)
Purpose: which will block the switch in the open
Starting a turbine from the control room
requires, in addition to the distant operation Mode of operation:
of the starting device, remote control of the After the sailing device (1840)has
emergency trip gear. Such control will be been brought into the starting position,
achieved with the help .of the following the solenoid valve (1051) will be moved
apparatus. through the action of the control switch
(1052) in to the position represented by
"b". This will allow pressure
Fig. 1
Schematic circuit diagram for remote operation of emergency trip gear from the control room
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00800 Control Valves,HP 5621(2) Damping devices
080 (2) Control Valves, LP ST Speed transmitter
12320 Wood ward controller C Second oil
1680 I/H Converter D Steam
1681 I/H Converter E Trip Oil
1900 Control valve actuater, HP P Pressure oil
190 (2) Control valve actuater, LP T Drain oil
5620 Damping devices
Fig. 1:
Speed governing System using the digital Wood Ward controller
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Fig. 1 Actuator
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Design :
A thrust ball bearing (15) is shrunk on to the
The principal parts of the actuator are the pilot pivot pin arranged on the top face of the
valve (9) with pilot piston (8), the connection impeller (16). A cup shaped spring is pressed
piece (6) and the feedback system. The piston against the thrust bearing. Preloading of the
(5) and piston rod (3) are located in the actuator compression spring is determined by the
housing. The piston rod carries the feedback setscrew (11) and the position of the lever
bar (2) and the eyebolt joint head (1) for (10).
connecting the actuator with the lever system of
the control valves. Mode of operation :
14 Compression spring
15 Axial thrust bearing
16 Wheel disk
17 Slide piston
18 Drain hole
19 Set screw for vibration
20 Small drilled hole
21 Set screw for rotation
22 Drilled radial hole
23 Aluminum insert
24 Drilled radial passage
C Secondary oil
T Oil drain
P Pressure oil
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By means of a feedback bar (2), the piston The permanent flow of oil leaving the impeller
stroke is fed back to the lever (10) via a bell (16) from which it escapes. The permanent
crank follower (12). The action of that lever on flow of oil leaving the impeller tangentially
the compression spring opposes the pilot piston imparts a continuous rotational motion to the
movement. The pilot piston reacts to the spring pilot piston. The setscrew (21) allows
force and returns to its neutral position. The adjustment of the speed by adjusting the oil
feed back system thus stabilizes the flow volume. The speed can be measured in
movements. the aluminum insert (23).
The functional relationship between secondary The secondary oil pressure acting on its
oil pressure and piston movement can be underside imparts a constant axial motion to
changed by adjusting the inclination of the the pilot valve. This is achieved by a small
feedback bar to the desired position with the hole drilled into the lower part of the pilot
help of a setscrew. Such adjustments will affect piston. During every complete revolution of
only the amount of proportional gain, while the the piston, this hole momentarily over- laps a
secondary oil pressure/piston displacement drain hole (18) in the housing. The quantity of
relationship remains linear with the design of secondary oil which is thus allowed to escape
the feedback bar shown here. However, non- causes a small pressure drop in the
linear control characteristics can also be secondary oil circuit causing the pilot piston to
provided through an appropriately shaped cam move downwards by a small amount. When
profile of the feedback bar. the hole is covered again the piston is lifted
until the next overlap. During each of the
movements by the pilot piston, a minute
Rotation and vibration of pilot piston : volume of pressure oil flows to the actuator
piston. This causes slight vibration of the
Pressure oil p passes through drilled passages spindles of the control valves, thereby
in the pilot valve housing to the upper part of ensuring immediate response of these
the pilot piston. From there, it flows through four components to the control pulses of the
radial holes (22) into the cavity of the hollow governor. The vibration stroke of the pilot
pilot piston, from where it passes to the drilled piston can likewise be adjusted by means of a
radial and tangential passages (24) of impeller setscrew ( 19).
(16) from which it escapes.
Fig. 3
Oil flow through wheel disc
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SPEED MONITORING Design and mode of operation:
(With electronic pick-up of the type A steel disk is bolted onto a pinion shaft
manufactured by Messrs. "Jaquet" , " driven by the turbine rotor or onto the
Bently" , or similar) turbine rotor itself at the head end. Near its
periphery, the disk carries a number of
equally spaced axial holes. The pick-up is
Function: screwed into the cover in front of the
rotating disk.
Convenience of operation or local site
conditions of a turbine plant sometimes When the perforated disk rotates in front of
warrant the accurate measuring or remote the pick up this produces a frequency
reading of the turbine speed. To this effect, proportional to the speed of the turbine
the speed will be measured by an rotor. The pick-up frequency is converted
electromagnetic pick-up which does not into a speed-proportional current in a
following converter and measured on an
require mechanical contact with rotating indicating instrument.
parts. This signal may also be used as
input for supplementary governor and
control equipment.
1. Indicating instrument
2. Converter: frequency/current
3. Pulse pick-up
4. Perforated disk
5. Drilled hole
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MEASUREMENT OF AXIAL ROTOR extension cable. The transducer is
POSITION arranged perpendicularly to a collar on the
turbine rotor.
(With "Reutlinger, Bentley Nevada and the
like") The measuring medium is a high-frequency
signal (HF signal) which is generated in the
Function: proximitor by means of an auxiliary voltage
The thrust bearing forms the fixed point of and fed to a coil in the transducer. The coil
the turbine rotor. An axial displacement of the transmits the energy to the surrounding
turbine beyond the given limits (bearing atmosphere as a magnetic field. When an
clearances) can have serious consequences. electrically conductive material cuts this
Frequent checks permit early recognition of field eddy currents are produced, the
rotor displacement. If such displacement has amplitudes of which become larger the
occurred it has been shown by experience closer the turbine rotor comes to the coil in
that immediate tripping will allow the turbine the transducer. The resulting energy loss in
to coast to standstill without causing any the measuring unit reduces the amplitude
secondary damage. of the HF signal between the transducer
and the proximitor . The amplitude of the
HF signal is a function of the gap, i.e. the
Construction and mode of operation: closer the turbine rotor comes to the
The measuring point is located in the front transducer the greater the energy loss but
bearing housing in the immediate vicinity of
the lower the HF voltage. The proximitor
the thrust bearing. The measuring units measures the amplitude of the HF signal
(converters) operate on the eddy-current from zero to the negative peak and
principle. They consist essentiality of a produces a proportional output voltage
proximate, a transducer and the associated which can be used for display (analogue,
digital or recorder).
2 1
1. Transducer
2. Extension Cable 3 5
3. Protective casing
4. Extension Cable
5. Proximitor
6. Console
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hydraulic turbine with a single row of blades
If the rotor of a turbine, which has been which is powered by pressure oil and
disconnected from the steam supply, is not consists of a segment-shaped nozzle
being rotated any ore, it very likely will suffer housing (3) and a blade wheel (2). -The
from considerable warping during a blade wheel is shrunk- fitted on the turbine
characteristic interval of the cooling-down shaft.
period. Any attempt to re-start the turbine in
this condition would therefore produce During the turning operation, the turbine rotor
rubbing con-.tact between the moving and (1) is rotated by the impact of the pressure
stationary blading with resulting deterioration oil on the wheel blading. The pressure oil will
of the blade-lip sealing. In order to permit be supplied by an auxiliary oil pump and
safe re-starting of the turbine during that after having passed a shut- off valve, is
Interval, a hydraulic turning gear has been admitted to the nozzle segment which directs
provided which by Imparting a rotational the oil jet upon the wheel blades.
motion ensures distortion-free cooling of the
turbine rotor an thus effectively prevents Its After leaving the running blading, the oil jet
warping. will flow into the bearing housing and from
there into the drain line. With fully opened
Design and mode of operation shut-off valve, the hydraulic turning gear will
The hydraulic turning gear is incorporated in normally revolve at speeds between 80 and
the rear bearing housing. It is designed as a 120 rpm.
1 Turbine shaft,
2 Blade wheel
3 Segment-shaped nozzle housing
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(Shore Principle: General Description,
installation and operation) Due to the large number electrical potential
General Information: differences between shaft and stator, there
Shaft brushes permit measurement of shaft are no brushes which can protect a machine
voltage and current and balances potential against all possible combinations of such
differences. currents.
Thus, they protect bearings, couplings, gears
etc; to a great extent against damage from
excessive current transfer. This applies
particularly to electrostatic currents.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7. Brush arm
8. Brush
9. Bearing housing
1. Terminal assembly
10. Brush ground switch
2. Set screws and pins
11. Bearing pedestal
3. Head bolts
12. Current conductor
4. Raising screw
13. Head Assembly
5. Indicator
6. Pivot assembly
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1. Oscilloscope
2. Non – inductive resistance
3. Brush ground switch
Fig. 2
Arrangementr to measure flashing currents
(as per P. Nippes)
Starting and operation :
Before the unit is started, the brushes should
- Open brush ground switch ; be checked with the brush ground switch open,
- raise brush by turning brush-raising for:
screw (4) all the way in, but do not exert - Resistance to casing with brush raised.
force; This should be infinite;
- disconnect earthing wire from terminal (1); - resistance from the terminal to shaft with
- remove four head screws (3); brush down. This should be Zero.
- pull brush catridge out
- cover opening; In addition :
- replace brush by removing flat-head - Check for proper operating of the brush
screws. Ensure that the rake of the new ground switch in the closed position;
brush is in the direction of rotation. - Check for possible difference of
electrical potential between rotor, casing and
Note : It is not necessary to disassemble the earth, using a millivolt meter.
catridge for brush replacement. However, if it is
desired to disassemble the catridge components,
this can be done by removing the two set screws Start-up:
and pin (2). - The turbine can be started up with the
brush raised and the brush ground switch
- carefully insert brush catridge into casing open;
- replace four screws and lock washers; - at the required speed and with the brush
- reconnect terminal ground switch still open, lower the brush, or
- lower brush on to shaft. Note position of only one if here are several. Using in
indicator in window; oscilloscope, measure the voltage across
- check contact resistance; the brush ground switch. This is the shaft
- close brush ground switch. voltage being generated.
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It will usually show up as a Series of records of the readings made at start-up and
near-vertical spikes across the ¾ excessive heat is a sign of strong
screen of the scope, often giving currents; the vicinity of the brush
indications, of running-frequency or must therefore be checked for
multiples thereof; excessive heat. In the event of doubt,
pull the brush and check for heat;
Measure current, as shown in
Fig.2, using a non- indicative ¾ when the brush is in operation, .the
resistance of approx. 1 ohm from raising screw (9) must be secured
the brush to earth, and measuring with two lock nuts.
voltage-drop across this resistance
using the oscilloscope. This voltage Brush checkout:
drop can then be converted into If voltage and current hold steady over
current, using the formula: I (A) = periods of weeks the brush(es) is (are) very
Voltage drop/Ohm resistance. probably in good condition. Readings of zero
should be investigated.
The resulting current is the current
discharged by the voltage spikes from the Ohmmeter readings
rotor to earth. If voltage and current are within ¾ Although an ohmmeter is not a
the limits given below and no signs of distress suitable instrument to check brush
are noted, the brush ground switch can be contact resistance, it can be used,
closed. However, if the current is over 0.5 A p- however, to get a fair .idea of brush
p, shutdown and demagnetization should be effectiveness. This can be done as
scheduled, because the brushes may follows (see Fig.3);
deteriorate very rapidly. If readings are much
over 1.0 A, immediate shut should be
considered; ¾ Open brush ground switches of the
two brushes on a rotor,
if several brushes are used, observe
effect of each brush upon the
¾ Connect ohmmeter across the
terminal of the brushes.
voltage and current of all other
brushes. It is recommended that
detailed at periodic intervals are kept;
1. Coupling
2. Brush
3. Brush ground switch
4. Ohm-meter
5. To ground
6. Generator or compressor
Fig. 3
Checkout schematic for brush contact
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1. Brush
2. Brush ground twitch
3. Battery
4. D.C. Voltmeter
5. To ground
6. Generator or compressor
Checkout schematic for
voltage check
The meter will probably fluctuate. If the average shown in Fig. 4. Repeat this test with the
reading is below 100 ohm, the brushes are leads reversed. If the measured voltage is
operating properly. Reverse the meter leads. greater than 10 V (voltage drop across the
Probably one reading is quite high, because a rotor is 2 to 3 V), both brushes are in good
semi-conductor effect seems to exist across condition.
the brush interface. The lower reading should
be used for judging brush conditions;
Caution: Do not connect the above
battery circuit or the
raise each brush briefly and make sure ohmmeter to the brush
that the resistance goes to infinity, terminal for any longer than
indicating there is no short to earth. necessary, because even a
Observe the reading after the brush small battery current can
has been lowered again. generate rather substantial
eddy currents in the shaft
underneath the brush, with
Note: If the brush is raised to its extreme consequent shaft heating and
position, the brush arm may contact brush contact-surface deterio-
the brush casing, giving a zero ration. Never test the brush by
reading. For this checkout, the brush lighting a light bulb with the
need only be raised slightly off the battery circuit, because then
shaft. the eddy currents will be
very significant, and heat and
surface deterioration can be quite
Voltage check rapid in a few minutes.
Using an electronic DC voltmeter or, Brush condition and wear should be checked
preferably, an oscilloscope, check the hourly It first, later at weekly intervals once
voltage of a 1 2 V battery with the satisfactory operation has been established.
rotor in series with the
instrumentation , as
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