Ell Teaching Lessons-2

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Meghan Bode and Gillian Groom

EDUC 359

November 20, 2019



College Dance


Different types of dance in college and how it works



-Students will be able to write about which type of dance they like best and then present

the information to the class.


-Students will be able to distinguish between the three different types of dance.


● Give pictorial support, pictures, videos (p1): The students will see videos of each type of

dance. This will help their understanding because they will be able to visually see the

differences between each type.

● The KWL graphic organizer requires students to write down what they know, what they

want to know, and what they learned about a topic. The first two columns will be

completed before the lesson to engage the class and measure their preconceptions.

The last column will be completed after the lesson.

● Take your corners (p8): Students will have to choose which type of dance is their

favorite. They will go to different corners of the room based on which one they picked.
They will have to defend their choice to the other corners. This helps their understanding

because they have to cite evidence and facts from the lesson in their arguments.




-Open Division

-Hip Hop






-KWL worksheet

-Notes sheet

MOTIVATION: First, the teacher will ask the students if anyone has ever danced before or if

anyone knows anything about dance. The students will create a KWL graphic organizer. The

KWL graphic organizer requires students to write down what they know, what they want to

know, and what they learned about a topic. The first two columns will be completed before the

lesson to engage the class and measure their preconceptions. The last column will be

completed after the lesson. The teachers will also introduce key vocabulary words: D1A, D1,

Open Division, Hip Hop, Jazz, Pom, UDA, NDA

PRESENTATION: The teachers will present a PowerPoint with a corresponding notes

worksheet. The PowerPoint will include video examples of the different types of dance that will

be discussed.
PRACTICE AND APPLICATION: On the back of the notes sheet, students will have space to

pick their favorite type of dance and explain why they like it. Then, the class will play the “Take

your corners” game. In this game, each corner of the room will represent a type of dance.

Students will have to go to the corner for the type of dance they chose as their favorite and use

their writing on their sheets to defend their opinions. They will be able to talk in their groups and

combine their answers.

REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT: The teachers will go over the notes sheet to review what was

learned on the PowerPoint. The KWL graphic organizer will act as both review and assessment.

The teachers will have the students complete the “what have you learned” column at the end of

the lesson. This will assess the students by asking at the end of the lesson “what is one thing

you wrote down in your what have you learned column?”

EXTENSION: If we have extra time, the teachers will go back to the videos we played earlier

and watch the full videos instead of the portions we preselected. The students will talk to their

shoulder partners about what they liked best about the video.

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