Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
Atomic structure
Previously, we have seen that the quantum mechanics of atomic hydrogen, and
hydrogen-like atoms is characterized by a large degeneracy with eigenvalues
separating into multiplets of n2 -fold degeneracy, where n denotes the principle
quantum number. However, although the idealized Schrödinger Hamiltonian,
p̂2 1 Ze2
Ĥ0 = + V (r), V (r) = − , (9.1)
2m 4π"0 r
provides a useful platform from which develop our intuition, there are several
important effects which mean that the formulation is a little too naı̈ve. These
“corrections”, which derive from several sources, are important as they lead to
physical ramifications which extend beyond the realm of atomic physics. Here
we outline some of the effects which need to be taken into account even for
atomic hydrogen, before moving on to discuss the quantum physics of multi-
electron atoms. In broad terms, the effects to be considered can be grouped
into those caused by the internal properties of the nucleus, and those which
derive from relativistic corrections.
To orient our discussion, it will be helpful to summarize some of key aspects
of the solutions of the non-relativisitic Schrödinger equation, Ĥ0 ψ = Eψ on
which we will draw:
1 (p̂2 )2
Ĥ1 = − .
8 m3 c2
When compared with the non-relativistic kinetic energy, p2 /2m, one can see
that the perturbation is smaller by a factor of p2 /m2 c2 = v 2 /c2 $ (Zα)2 , i.e.
Ĥ1 is only a small perturbation for small atomic number, Z ( 1/α $ 137.
It may seem odd to discuss relativistic corrections in advance of the Dirac equation
and the relativistic formulation of quantum mechanics. However, such a discussion would
present a lengthy and unnecessarily complex digression which would not lead to further
illumination. We will therefore follow the normal practice of discussing relativistic corrections
as perturbations to the familiar non-relativistic theory.
energy shift can be obtained from first order perturbation theory, By making use of the form of the
radial wavefunction for the hy-
1 & 2 '2 drogen atom, one may obtain the
%Ĥ1 &n!m ≡ %n'm|Ĥ1 |n'm& = − En − 2En %V (r)&n! + %V 2 (r)&n! .
2mc2 identities,
$ %
Since the calculation of the resulting expectation values is not particularly 1 Z
illuminating, we refer to the literature for a detailed exposition3 and present r n! a0 n2
here only the required identities (right). From these considerations, we obtain $ %
1 Z2
the following expression for the first order energy shift, = 2 3 .
r n! a0 n (' + 1/2)
! " ! "
mc2 Zα 4 n 3
%Ĥ1 &n!m = − − . (9.2)
2 n ' + 1/2 4
From this term alone, we expect the degerenacy between states with different
values of total angular momentum ' to be lifted. However, as well will see,
this conclusion is a little hasty. We need to gather all terms of the same
order of perturbation theory before we can reach a definite conclusion. We
can, however, confirm that (as expected) the scale of the correction is of order
"Ĥ1 #n!m
En ∼ ( Zα
n ) . We now turn to the second important class of corrections.
1 1
Ĥ2 = (∂r V (r)) Ŝ · L̂ .
2m2 c2 r
For a hydrogen-like atom, V (r) = − 4π#
1 Ze
0 r
, and
1 Ze2 1
Ĥ2 = Ŝ · L̂ .
2m2 c2 4π"0 r3
by E = −∇V (r) = −er (∂r V ). For an electron moving at velocity v, this translates
to an effective magnetic field B = c12 v × E. The magnetic moment of the electron
associated with its spin is equal to µs = gs 2m S ≡ −m
S, and thus the interaction
energy is given by
e e e 1
−µs · B = S · (v × E) = − S · (p × er (∂r V )) = (∂r V ) L · S ,
mc 2 (mc)2 (mc)2 r
where we have used the relation p × er = p × rr = − Lr . In fact this isn’t quite correct;
there is a relativistic effect connected with the precession of axes under rotation, called
Thomas precession which multiplies the formula by a further factor of 12 .
Once again, we can estimate the effect of spin-orbit coupling by treating Ĥ2
as a perturbation. In the absence of spin-orbit interaction, one may express
the eigenstates of hydrogen-like atoms in the basis states of the mutually
commuting operators, Ĥ0 , L̂2 , L̂z , Ŝ2 , and Ŝz . However, in the presence
of spin-orbit coupling, the total Hamiltonian no longer commutes with L̂z
or Ŝz (exercise). It is therefore helpful to make use of the degeneracy of
the unperturbed Hamiltonian to switch to a new basis in which the angular
momentum components of the perturbed system are diagonal. This can be
achieved by turning to the basis of eigenstates of the operators, Ĥ0 , Ĵ2 , Jˆz ,
L̂2 , and Ŝ2 , where Ĵ = L̂ + Ŝ denotes the total angular momentum. (For a
discussion of the form of these basis states, we refer back to section 6.4.2.)
Making use of the relation, Ĵ2 = L̂2 + Ŝ2 + 2L̂ · Ŝ, in this basis, it follows
L̂ · Ŝ = (Ĵ2 − L̂2 − Ŝ2 ) .
Combining the spin and angular momentum, the total angular momentum
takes values j = ' ± 1/2. The corresponding basis states |j = ' ± 1/2, mj , '&
(with s = 1/2 implicit) therefore diagonalize the operator,
! "
!2 '
Ŝ · L̂|j = ' ± 1/2, mj , '& = |' ± 1/2, mj , '& ,
2 −' − 1
where the brackets index j = ' + 1/2 (top) and j = ' − 1/2 (bottom). As for
the radial dependence of the perturbation, once again, the off-diagonal matrix
elements vanish circumventing the need to invoke degenerate perturbation
theory. As a result, at first order in perturbation theory, one obtains
! " $ %
1 !2 ' Ze2 1
%H2 &n,j=!±1/2,mj ,! = .
2m c 2
2 2 −' − 1 4π"0 r3 n!
Then making use of the identity (right),4 one obtains For ' > 0,
! " ( ) $ % ! "3
1 2 Zα 4 n 1
1 mcαZ 1
%Ĥ2 &n,j=!±1/2,mj ,! = mc j
1 . = .
4 n j + 1/2 − j+1 r3 n! !n '(' + 12 )(' + 1)
Note that, for ' = 0, there is no orbital angular momentum with which to
couple! Then, if we rewrite the expression for %Ĥ1 & (9.2) in the new basis,
! " ( 1 )
1 2 Zα 4
%Ĥ1 &n,j=!±1/2,mj ,! = − mc n j
1 ,
2 n j+1
where Qnuclear (r) = Zeδ (3) (r) denotes the nuclear charge density. Since the
perturbation acts only at the origin, it effects only states with ' = 0. As a
result, one finds that
! "4
Ze2 !2 1 Zα
%Ĥ3 &njmj ! = 4π|ψ!n (0)|2 = mc2 nδ!,0 .
4π"0 8(mc)2 2 n
n = 3, ' can take values of 0, 1 or 2. Here, the pairs of states 3S1/2 and 3P1/2 ,
and 3P3/2 and 2D3/2 each remain degenerate while the state 3D5/2 is unique.
These predicted shifts are summarized in Figure 9.1.
This completes our discussion of the relativistic corrections which develop Willis Eugene Lamb, 1913-2008
from the treatment of the Dirac theory for the hydrogen atom. However, A physicist who
won the Nobel
this does not complete our discription of the “real” hydrogen atom. Indeed, Prize in Physics
there are further corrections which derive from quantum electrodynamics and in 1955 “for his
discoveries con-
nuclear effects which we now turn to address. cerning the fine
structure of the
hydrogen spectrum”. Lamb and
9.1.4 Lamb shift Polykarp Kusch were able to pre-
cisely determine certain electromag-
According to the perturbation theory above, the relativistic corrections which netic properties of the electron.
follow from the Dirac theory for hydrogen leave the 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 states
degenerate. However, in 1947, a careful experimental study by Willis Lamb
and Robert Retherford discovered that this was not in fact the case:5 2P1/2 Hans Albrecht Bethe 1906-2005
A German-
state is slightly lower in energy than the 2S1/2 state resulting in a small shift American
of the corresponding spectral line – the Lamb shift. It might seem that such a physicist, and
tiny effect would be deemed insignificant, but in this case, the observed shift Nobel laureate
in physics “for
(which was explained by Hans Bethe in the same year) provided considerable his work on the
insight into quantum electrodynamics. theory of stellar
In quantum electrodynamics, a quantized radiation field has a zero-point A versatile theo-
energy equivalent to the mean-square electric field so that even in a vacuum retical physicist,
Bethe also made important contribu-
there are fluctuations. These fluctuations cause an electron to execute an tions to quantum electrodynamics,
oscillatory motion and its charge is therefore smeared. If the electron is bound nuclear physics, solid-state physics
by a non-uniform electric field (as in hydrogen), it experiences a different and particle astrophysics. During
World War II, he was head of the
potential from that appropriate to its mean position. Hence the atomic levels Theoretical Division at the secret
are shifted. In hydrogen-like atoms, the smearing occurs over a length scale, Los Alamos laboratory developing
the first atomic bombs. There he
! "2 played a key role in calculating the
2α ! 1 critical mass of the weapons, and
%(δr)2 & $ ln , did theoretical work on the implosion
π mc αZ method used in both the Trinity test
and the “Fat Man” weapon dropped
some five orders of magnitude smaller than the Bohr radius. This causes the on Nagasaki.
electron spin g-factor to be slightly different from 2,
! "
α α2
gs = 2 1 + − 0.328 2 + · · · .
2π π
There is also a slight weakening of the force on the electron when it is very
close to the nucleus, causing the 2S1/2 electron (which has penetrated all the
way to the nucleus) to be slightly higher in energy than the 2P1/2 electron.
Taking into account these corrections, one obtains a positive energy shift
! "4 ! "
Z 8 1
∆ELamb $ nα Ry ×
α ln δ!,0 ,
n 3π αZ
Once again, to evaluate the expectation values on the spin degrees of free-
dom, it is convenient to define the total spin F = I + S. We then have
1 1 1
S · I = 2 (F2 − S2 − I2 ) = (F (F + 1) − 3/4 − I(I + 1))
! *2! 2
1 I F = I + 1/2
2 −I − 1 F = I − 1/2
where rij ≡ |ri − rj |. The first term represents the “single-particle” contri-
bution to the Hamiltonian arising from interaction of each electron with the
nucleus, while the last term represents the mutual Coulomb interaction be-
tween the constituent electrons. It is this latter term that makes the generic
problem “many-body” in character and therefore very complicated. Yet, as we
have already seen in the perturbative analysis of the excited states of atomic
Helium, this term can have important physical consequences both on the over-
all energy of the problem and on the associated spin structure of the states.
The central field approximation is based upon the observation that
the electron interaction term contains a large central (spherically symmetric)
component arising from the “core electrons”. From the following relation,
|Ylm (θ, φ)|2 = const.
Here the one-electron potential, Ui (r), which is assumed central (see below),
incorporates the “average” effect of the other electrons. Before discussing how
to choose the potentials Ui (r), let us note that Ĥ0 is separable into a sum of
terms for each electron, so that the total wavefunction can be factorized into
components for each electron. The basic idea is first to solve the Schrödinger
equation using Ĥ0 , and then to treat Ĥ1 as a small perturbation.
On general grounds, since the Hamiltonian Ĥ0 continues to commute with
the angular momentum operator, [Ĥ0 , L̂] = 0, we can see that the eigenfunc-
tions of Ĥ0 will be characterized by quantum numbers (n, ', m! , ms ). However,
since the effective potential is no longer Coulomb-like, the ' values for a given Douglas Rayner Hartree FRS
n need not be degenerate. Of course, the difficult part of this procedure is 1897-1958
An English
to estimate Ui (r); the potential energy experienced by each electron depends mathematician
on the wavefunction of all the other electrons, which is only known after the and physicist
most famous for
Schrödinger equation has been solved. This suggests that an iterative approach the development
to solving the problem will be required. of numerical
analysis and its
To understand how the potentials Ui (r) can be estimated – the self- application to
consistent field method – it is instructive to consider a variational ap- atomic physics.
proach due originally to Hartree. If electrons are considered independent, the He entered
St John’s College Cambridge in
wavefunction can be factorized into the product state, 1915 but World War I interrupted
his studies and he joined a team
Ψ({ri }) = ψi1 (r1 )ψi2 (r2 ) · · · ψiN (rN ) , studying anti-aircraft gunnery. He
returned to Cambridge after the war
where the quantum numbers, ik ≡ (n'm! ms )k , indicate the individual state and graduated in 1921 but, perhaps
because of his interrupted studies,
occupancies. Note that this product state is not a properly antisymmetrized he only obtained a second class
Slater determinant – the exclusion principle is taken into account only in so degree in Natural Sciences. In 1921,
a visit by Niels Bohr to Cambridge
far as the energy of the ground state is taken to be the lowest that is consistent inspired him to apply his knowledge
with the assignment of different quantum numbers, n'm! ms to each electron. of numerical analysis to the solution
of differential equations for the
Nevertheless, using this wavefunction as a trial state, the variational energy is calculation of atomic wavefunctions.
then given by
+. ! 2 2 "
∗ ! ∇ 1 Ze2
E = %Ψ|Ĥ|Ψ& = 3
d r ψi − − ψi
2m 4π"0 r
. .
1 + e2
+ 3
d r d3 r! ψi∗ (r)ψi∗ (r! ) ψj (r! )ψi (r) .
4π"0 |r − r! |
1 + e2
Ui (r) = d3 r! |ψj (r! )|2 .
4π"0 |r − r! |
Equation (9.4) has a simple interpretation: The first two terms relate to the
nuclear potential experienced by the individual electrons, while the third term
represents the electrostatic potential due to the other electrons. However, to
simplify the procedure, it is useful to engineer the radial symmetry of the
potential by replacing Ui (r) by its spherical average,
Ui (r) -→ Ui (r) = Ui (r) .
Note that, in applying the variation, the wavefunction ψi∗ can be considered independent
of ψi – you might like to think why.
If we compare this expression with the variational state energy, we find that
+ .
1 + e2
E= "i − d3 r! d3 r |ψj (r! )|2 |ψi (r)|2 . (9.5)
4π"0 |r − r! |
i i<j
Note that each of√the N ! terms in Ψ is a product of wavefunctions for each individual Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fock
electron. The 1/ N ! factor ensures the wavefunction is normalized. A determinant 1898-1974
A Soviet physi-
changes sign if any two columns are exchanged, corresponding to ri ↔ rj (say); this cist, who did
ensures that the wavefunction is antisymmetric under exchange of electrons i and j. foundational
Likewise, a determinant is zero if any two rows are identical; hence all the ψk s must work on quan-
be different and the Pauli exclusion principle is satisfied.9 In this approximation, a tum mechanics
and quantum
variational analysis leads to the Hartree-Fock equations (exercise), electrodynamics.
, - His primary
!2 2 Ze2
εi ψi (r) = − ∇i − ψi (r) scientific con-
2m 4π"ri tribution lies
+. 1 e2 0 1 in the development of quantum
+ d 3 rj ψ (r
∗ #
) ψ j (r#
)ψ i (r) − ψ j (r)ψ i (r#
)δ m ,m . physics, although he also contributed
4π"0 |r − r# | j s i s j
significantly to the fields of me-
chanics, theoretical optics, theory of
The first term in the last set of brackets translates to the ordinary Hartree contribution gravitation, physics of continuous
above and describes the influence of the charge density of the other electrons, while medium. In 1926 he derived the
Klein-Gordon equation. He gave
the second term describes the non-local exchange contribution, a manifestation of his name to Fock space, the Fock
particle statistics. representation and Fock state, and
developed the HartreeFock method
in 1930. Fock made significant
The outcome of such calculations is that the eigenfunctions are, as for contributions to general relativity
theory, specifically for the many
hydrogen, characterized by quantum numbers n, ', m! , with ' < n, but that the body problems.
states with different ' for a given n are not degenerate, with the lower values
of ' lying lower. This is because, for the higher ' values, the electrons tend
to lie further from the nucleus on average, and are therefore more effectively
screened. The states corresponding to a particular value of n are generally
referred to as a shell, and those belonging to a particular pair of values of n, '
are usually referred to as a subshell. The energy levels are ordered as below
(with the lowest lying on the left): !
Subshell name 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d ··· !
! !
7s 7p
! ! 7d
n= 1 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 5 4 ··· ···
'= 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 ··· 6s !
6p !
6d 6f · · ·
" ! ! !
Degeneracy 2 2 6 2 6 2 10 6 2 10 ··· ! 5p 5d
5s ! ! 5g
! 5f
Cumulative 2 4 10 12 18 20 30 36 38 48 ··· " ! ! ! !
4s 4p
! ! 4d
! 4f!
Note that the values of Z corresponding to the noble gases, 2, 10, 18, 36, at " ! ! ! !!
! 3p
3s ! 3d!
which the ionization energy is unusually high, now emerge naturally from this " ! ! !!
filling order, corresponding to the numbers of electrons just before a new shell 2s
! !2p
" ! !!
(n) is entered. There is a handy mnemonic to remember this filling order. By 1s
! !
writing the subshells down as shown right, the order of states can be read off !
along diagonals from lower right to upper left, starting at the bottom.
We can use this sequence of energy levels to predict the ground state
electron configuration of atoms. We simply fill up the levels starting from
the lowest, accounting for the exclusion principle, until the electrons are all
accommodated (the aufbau principle). Here are a few examples:
Z Element Configuration 2S+1
LJ Ioniz. Pot. (eV)
1 H (1s) 2
S1/2 13.6
2 He (1s)2 1
S0 24.6
3 Li He (2s) 2
S1/2 5.4
4 Be He (2s)2 1
S0 9.3
5 B He (2s)2 (2p) 2
P1/2 8.3
6 C He (2s)2 (2p)2 3
P0 11.3
7 N He (2s)2 (2p)3 4
S3/2 14.5
8 O He (2s)2 (2p)4 3
P2 13.6
9 F He (2s)2 (2p)5 2
P3/2 17.4
10 Ne He (2s)2 (2p)6 1
S0 21.6
11 Na Ne (3s) 2
S1/2 5.1
Note that for N = 2, the determinant reduces to the familiar antisymmetric wavefunc-
tion, √12 [ψ1 (r1 )ψ2 (r2 ) − ψ2 (r1 )ψ1 (r2 )].
Since it is generally the outermost electrons which are of most interest, con-
tributing to chemical activity or optical spectra, one often omits the inner
closed shells, and just writes O as (2p)4 , for example. However, the configura-
tion is not always correctly predicted, especially in the heavier elements, where
levels may be close together. It may be favourable to promote one or even
two electrons one level above that expected in this simple picture, in order to
achieve a filled shell. For example, Cu (Z = 29) would be expected to have con-
figuration · · · (4s)2 (3d)9 , and actually has configuration · · · (4s)1 (3d)10 . There
are several similar examples in the transition elements where the d subshells
are being filled, and many among the lanthanides (rare earths) and actinides
where f subshells are being filled.
ways of distributing the νn! electrons among the δ! individual states. The total
degeneracy, g, is then obtained from the product.
where Ĥ0 includes the kinetic energy and central field terms, Ĥ1 is the residual
Coulomb interaction, and (with ξi (ri ) = 2m12 c2 1r (∂r V (r))) Ĥ2 is the spin-orbit
interaction. We can then consider two possible scenarios:
Ĥ1 2 Ĥ2 : This tends to apply in the case of light atoms. In this situation,
one considers first the eigenstates of Ĥ0 + Ĥ1 , and then treats Ĥ2 as a
perturbation. This leads to a scheme called LS (or Russell-Saunders)
Ĥ2 2 Ĥ1 : This can apply in very heavy atoms, or in heavily ionized light
atoms, in which the electrons are moving at higher velocities and rela-
tivistic effects such as the spin-orbit interaction are more important. In
this case, a scheme called jj coupling applies.
1. Combine the spins of the electrons to obtain possible values of total spin
S. The largest permitted value of S lies lowest in energy.
2. For each value of S, find the possible values of total angular momentum
L. The largest value of L lies lowest in energy.
3. Couple the values of L and S to obtain the values of J (hence the name
of the scheme). If the subshell is less than half full, the smallest value
of J lies lowest; otherwise, the largest value of J lies lowest.
2. Maximising L also tends to keep the electrons apart. This is less obvious,
though a simple classical picture of electrons rotating round the nucleus
in the same or different senses makes it at least plausible.
where the three 3 P states are separated by the spin-orbit interaction, and the
singlet 1 P state lies much higher in energy owing to the Coulomb interaction.
The separations between the 3 P2 and 3 P1 and the 3 P1 and 3 P0 should be in the
ratio 2:1. This is an example of the Landé interval rule, which states that
the separation between a pair of adjacent levels in a fine structure multiplet is
proportional to the larger of the two J values involved. This is easily shown
using Eq. (9.7) – the separation in energy between states J and J − 1 is
∝ J(J + 1) − (J − 1)J = 2J .
Actually in the case of helium the situation is a bit more complicated, because
it turns out that the spin-orbit interaction between different electrons makes
a non-negligible additional contribution to the fine structure. Other excited
states of helium, of the form (1s)1 (n')1 , can be handled similarly, and again
separate into singlet and triplet states.
$ Exercise. For the case of boron, with the electron configuration (1s)2 (2s)2 (2p),
use Hund’s rules to show that the ground state is 2 P1/2 .
We next consider the case of carbon, which has ground state electron
configuration (1s)2 (2s)2 (2p)2 . This introduces a further complication; we now
have two identical electrons in the same unfilled subshell, and we need to
ensure that their wavefunction is antisymmetric with respect to electron ex-
change. The total spin can either be the singlet S = 0 state, which has an
antisymmetric wavefunction √12 [| ↑1 & ⊗ | ↓2 & − | ↓1 & ⊗ | ↑2 &], or one of the triplet
S = 1 states, which are symmetric, √12 [| ↑1 & ⊗ | ↓2 & + | ↓1 & ⊗ | ↑2 &], | ↑1 & ⊗ | ↑2 &
(1) (2)
or | ↓1 & ⊗ | ↓2 &. We must therefore choose values of L with the appropriate m! m! mL
symmetry to partner each value of S. To form an antisymmetric state, the two 1 0 1
1 −1 0
electrons must have different values of m! , so the possibilities are as shown
0 −1 −1
right. Inspecting the values of mL we can deduce that L = 1.10 By contrast,
to form a symmetric total angular momentum state, the two electrons may (1) (2)
have any values of m! , leading to the possibilities shown right. Inspecting the m! m! mL
1 1 2
values of mL we infer that L = 2 or 0.
1 0 1
We must therefore take S = 1 with L = 1 and S = 0 with L = 2 or 0. 1 −1 0
Finally, to account for the fine structure, we note that the states with S = 1 0 0 0
and L = 1 can be combined into a single J = 0 state, three J = 1 states, and 0 −1 −1
five J = 2 states leading to the terms 3 P0 , 3 P1 , and 3 P2 respectively. Similarly −1 −1 −2
the S = 0, L = 2 state can be combined to give five J = 2 states, 1 D2 , while the
S = 0, L = 0 state gives the single J = 0 state, 1 S0 . Altogther we recover the E /cm−1
1 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 15 possible states (cf. Eq. (9.6) with the ordering in energy 1
S0 20649
given by Hund’s rules (shown to the right). The experimental energy values 1
D2 10195
are given using the conventional spectroscopic units of inverse wavelength.
P2 43
Note that the Landé interval rule is approximately obeyed by the fine structure
P1 16
P0 0
triplet, and that the separation between L and S values caused by the electron-
electron repulsion is much greater than the spin-orbit effect.
In an excited state of carbon, e.g. (2p)1 (3p)1 , the electrons are no longer
equivalent, because they have different radial wavefunctions. So now one can
combine any of S = 0, 1 with any of L = 0, 1, 2, yielding the following terms
(in order of increasing energy, according to Hund’s rules):
D1,2,3 3
P0,1,2 3
S1 1
D2 1
P1 1
S0 .
For nitrogen, the electron configuration is given by (1s)2 (2s)2 (2p)3 . The
maximal value of spin is S = 3/2 while L can take values 3, 2, 1 and 0. Since
This result would also be apparent if we recall the that angular momentum states are
eigenstates of the parity operator with eigenvalue (−1)L . Since there are just two electrons,
this result shows that both the L = 0 and L = 2 wavefunction must be symmetric under
As a final example, let us consider the ground state of oxygen, which has
electron configuration (2p)4 . Although there are four electrons in the (2p)
subshell, the maximum value of S = 1. This is because there are only three
available values of m! = ±1, 0, and therefore one of these must contain two
electrons with opposite spins. Therefore, the maximum value of mS = 1,
achieved by having electrons with ms = + 12 in both the other m! states. By
pursuing this argument, it is quite easy to see that the allowed values of L, S Level scheme of the carbon
atom (1s)2 (2s)2 (2p)2 . Draw-
and J are the same as for carbon (2p)2 . This is in fact a general result – the
ing is not to scale. On the
allowed quantum numbers for a subshell with n electrons are the same as for left the energy is shown with-
that of a subshell with n “holes”. Therefore, the energy levels for the oxygen out any two-particle interaction.
ground state configuration are the same as for carbon, except that the fine The electron-electron interaction
structure multiplet is inverted, in accordance with Hund’s third rule. leads to a three-fold energy split-
ting with L and S remaining
good quantum numbers. Spin-
9.3.2 jj coupling scheme
orbit coupling leads to a further
When relativitic effects take precedence over electron interaction splitting of the states with J re-
6 effects, we maining a good quantum num-
must start by considering the eigenstates of Ĥ0 + Ĥ2 = Ĥ0 + i ξi (ri )L̂i · Ŝi .
ber. Finally on the right, the lev-
These must be eigenstates of Ĵ2 as before, because of the overall rotational els show Zeeman splittings in an
invariance, and also of Ĵ2i for each electron. Therefore, in this case, the cou- external magnetic field. In this
pling procedure is to find the allowed j values of individual electrons, whose case, the full set of 15 levels be-
energies will be separated by the spin-orbit interaction. Then these individual come non-degenerate.
j values are combined to find the allowed values of total J. The effect of the
residual Coulomb interaction will be to split the J values for a given set of js.
Sadly, in this case, there are no simple rules to parallel those of Hund.
As an example, consider a configuration (np)2 in the jj coupling scheme, to
be compared with the example of carbon which we studied in the LS scheme.
Combining s = 1/2 with ' = 1, each electron can have j = 1/2 or 3/2. If
the electrons have the same j value, they are equivalent, so we have to take
care of the symmetry of the wavefunction. We therefore have the following
$ j1 = 1/2, j2 = 3/2 ⇒ J = 2, 1.
(1/2, 1/2)0 (3/2, 1/2)1 (3/2, 1/2)2 (3/2, 3/2)2 (3/2, 3/2)0
in order of increasing energy. Note that both LS and jj coupling give the same
values of J (in this case, two states with J = 0, two with J = 2 and one with
J = 1) and in the same order. However, the pattern of levels is different; in
LS coupling we found a triplet and two singlets, while in this ideal jj scenario,
we have two doublets and a singlet. The sets of states in the two coupling
Atomic states are always eigenstates of parity and of total angular momentum,
J, so these selection rules can be regarded as absolutely valid in electric dipole
transitions. It should be emphasized again, though, that the electric dipole
approximation is an approximation, and higher order processes may occur,
albeit at a slower rate, and have their own selection rules.
In specific coupling schemes, further selection rules may apply. In the case
of ideal LS coupling, we also require:
$ ∆S = 0 and ∆MS = 0;
In LS coupling, the states are eigenstates of total spin; since the dipole operator
does not operate on the spin part of the wavefunction, the rules on ∆S and
∆MS follow straightforwardly. This, and the absolute rules relating to J,
imply the rules for L and ML . The rule for ∆'i follows from the parity change
rule, since the parity of the atom is the product of the parities of the separate
electron wavefunctions, given by (−1)!i . However, since LS coupling is only
an approximation, these rules should themselves be regarded as approximate.
With this preparation, we now turn to the consequences of the selection rules
on the atomic spectra of atoms.
$ The ground state has term 2 S1/2 . The excited states are all doublets
with J = L ± 1/2, except for the s states, which are obviously restricted
to J = 1/2.
$ As n increases, the energy levels approach (from below) those for hy-
drogen, because the nuclear charge is increasingly effectively screened
by the inner electrons. This happens sooner for the higher ' values, for
which the electron tends to lie further out from the nucleus.
$ In an absorption spectrum, the atoms will start from the ground state,
so only the 3s → np lines will be seen. In emission, the atoms are excited
into essentially all their excited levels, so many more lines will be seen
in the spectrum.
The comments above for sodium also apply for hydrogen, except that, in this
case, (2s, 2p), (3s, 3p, 3d), etc. are degenerate. One consequence is that the 2s
state in hydrogen is metastable – it cannot decay to the only lower lying level
(1s) by an electric dipole transition. In fact its favoured spontaneous decay
is by emission of two photons; a process which is described by second-order
perturbation theory. In practice, hydrogen atoms in a 2s state are more likely
to deexcite through collision processes. During an atomic collision, the atoms
are subject to strong electric fields, and we know from our discussion of the
Stark effect that this will mix the 2s and 2p states, and decay from 2p to 1s
is readily possible.
$ The ground state has term 1 S0 . The excited states are of the form
(1s)(n') (the energy required to excite both of the 1s electrons to higher
states is greater than the first ionization energy, and therefore these
form discrete states within a continuum of ionized He+ +e− states). The
excited states can have S = 0 or S = 1, with S = 1 lying lower in energy
$ The lines in the S = 0 system are all singlets. They can be observed
in emission, and those starting from the ground state can be seen in
$ The lines in the S = 1 system are all multiplets. They can be observed
in emission only. Transitions of the form 3 S1 ↔3 P2,1,0 are observed as
triplets, spaced according to the Landé interval rule. Transitions of the
form 3 P2,1,0 ↔3 D3,2,1 are observed as sextuplets, as is easily seen by
application of the ∆J = ±1, 0 rule. Actually, as mentioned above, the
fine structure is a little more subtle in the case of helium.
The alkali earths follow the same principles. In the case of calcium, the
triplet 4p state is the lowest lying triplet state, and therefore metastable. In
fact a faint emission line corresponding to the 3 P1 →1 S0 decay to the ground
state may be observed; this violates the ∆S = 0 rule, and indicates that the LS
coupling approximation is not so good in this case. A more extreme example is
seen in Mercury, ground state (6s)2 (5d)10 . Excited states involving promotion
of one of the 6s electrons to a higher level can be treated just like the alkali
Figure 9.4: The well known doublet which is responsible for the bright yellow light
from a sodium lamp may be used to demonstrate several of the influences which
cause splitting of the emission lines of atomic spectra. The transition which gives
rise to the doublet is from the 3p to the 3s level. The fact that the 3s state is lower
than the 3p state is a good example of the dependence of atomic energy levels on
orbital angular momentum. The 3s electron penetrates the 1s shell more and is less
effectively shielded than the 3p electron, so the 3s level is lower. The fact that there
is a doublet shows the smaller dependence of the atomic energy levels on the total
angular momentum. The 3p level is split into states with total angular momentum
J = 3/2 and J = 1/2 by the spin-orbit interaction. In the presence of an external
magnetic field, these levels are further split by the magnetic dipole energy, showing
dependence of the energies on the z-component of the total angular momentum.
where µB denotes the Bohr magneton. Therefore, we see that all degenerate
levels are split due to the magnetic field. In contrast to the “normal” Zeeman
effect, the magnitude of the splitting depends on '.
$ Info. If the field is strong, the Zeeman energy becomes large in comparison
with the spin-orbit contribution. In this case, we must work with the basis states
|n, ', m! , ms & = |n, ', m! & ⊗ |ms & in which both Ĥ0 and ĤZeeman are diagonal. Within
first order of perturbation theory, one then finds that (exercise)
! "4 ! "
1 Zα 3 n nm! ms
∆En,!,m! ,ms = µB (m! + ms ) + mc2 − − ,
2 n 4 ' + 1/2 '(' + 1/2)(' + 1)
the first term arising from the Zeeman energy and the remaining terms from Ĥrel. . At
intermediate values of the field, we have to apply degenerate perturbation theory to
the states involving the linear combination of |n, j = '±1/2, mj , '&. Such a calculation
reaches beyond the scope of these lectures and, for details, we refer to the literature
(see, e.g., Ref. [6]. Let us instead consider what happens in multi-electron atoms.
argument. Since 2L̂ · Ŝ = Ĵ2 − L̂2 − Ŝ2 , this operator is diagonal in the basis of
states, |J, MJ , L, S&. Therefore, the matrix element of the operator (exercise,
hint: recall that [Ŝi , Ŝj ] = i!"ijk Ŝk and [L̂i , Ŝk ] = 0),
must vanish. Moreover, from the identity [L̂ · Ŝ, Ĵ] = 0, it follows that the
matrix element of the vector product,
must also vanish. If we expand the left hand side, we thus find that the matrix
element of
(Ŝ × L̂) × Ĵ = L̂(Ŝ · Ĵ) − Ŝ(L̂ · Ĵ) = Ĵ(Ŝ · Ĵ) − ŜĴ2 ,
also vanishes. Therefore, it follows that %ŜĴ2 & = %Ĵ(Ŝ · Ĵ)&, where the expec-
tation value is taken over the basis states. Then, with Ŝ · Ĵ = 12 (Ĵ2 + Ŝ2 − L̂2 ),
we have that
J(J + 1) + S(S + 1) − L(L + 1) Figure 9.5: In the weak field
%Ŝz & = %Jˆz & . case, the vector model (top) im-
2J(J + 1)
plies that the coupling of the or-
As a result, we can deduce that, at first order in perturbation theory, the bital angular momentum L to
energy shift arising from the Zeeman term is given by the spin angular momentum S
is stronger than their coupling
∆EJ,MJ ,L,S = µB gJ MJ B , to the external field. In this
case where spin-orbit coupling is
where dominant, they can be visual-
ized as combining to form a to-
J(J + 1) + S(S + 1) − L(L + 1) tal angular momentum J which
gJ = 1 + , then precesses about the mag-
2J(J + 1) netic field direction. In the
strong field case, S and L cou-
denotes the effective Landé g-factor, which lies between 1 and 2. Note that, ple more strongly to the exter-
in the special case of hydrogen, where S = 1/2 and J = L ± 1/2, we recover nal magnetic field than to each
our previous result. The predicted Zeeman splitting for sodium is shown in other, and can be visualized as
figure 9.4. independently precessing about
the external field direction.
$ Info. In the strong field limit, where the influence of Zeeman term domi-
nates, the appropriate basis states are set by |L, ML , S, MS &, in which the operators
L̂2 , L̂z , Ŝ 2 , Ŝz , and ĤZeeman are diagonal. In this case, the energy splitting takes the
! "4
1 Zα nML MS
∆EL,ML ,S,MS = µB B(ML + 2MS ) + mc2 ,
2 n '(' + 1/2)(' + 1)