5G Wirless Networks: Inam Khan, Anam Begum, M.Younas Khan, Noor Islam, Arshad Khan

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5G Wirless Networks

Inam Khan[1]*, Anam Begum[1], M.Younas Khan[1] , Noor Islam[1], Arshad Khan[1]

Department of Computer Science Abdul Wali Khan Universty KPK Mardan,Pakistan
[email protected]

Abstact: 5G stands for fifth generation permitted a mobile only to receive and throw
mobiles.Fron generation 1G to 2.5G and from 3G the voice within a country. Then 2G was
to 5G this world of telecommunication got introduced where it allowed mobile to have
improvement along with improve performance limited data support in the range of 9.6 kbps
with every passing day.Due to this rapid to 19.2 kbps and transmit the voice with
improvement the world become like a littel digital signal. This is used in our digital
village where we can interact,work, learn and handsets where phone networks are used
spread our knowledge etc over the world.This mainly for voice transmission and are
improvement make our daily life so much easy. essentially circuit-switched networks. After
By 2020 all networks will support voice,video
that 2.5G wireless System came with more
adn a complex range of communication services bandwidth but was not able to bring any new
for more 9 billion users and billion of connected evolution. Later on 3G with more capabilities
Around the same time the next generation 5G of like faster communication, Internet, Mobile
telecom technology,equipments snd devices will T.V, Video Conferencing, Video Calls,
become commercialy availible. MMS, 3D Gaming etc. – enriched the mobile
technology. To lower the cost of the
But what is 5G? It is the next generation of applications of 3G system with better
telecom networks designed to meet a more performance, 4G was introduced. It was able
advanced and complex set of performance to provide cellular and broadband multimedia
requirement.It represents new way of thinking. services everywhere and allows smooth
The main purpose of 5G networks is that,user can global roaming ubiquitously with lower cost.
samultaneouslly connect to multiple wirless And, the latest comer in this race is 5G that
technologies and can switch between them.5G we are going to discuss today.
will offer the service like
5G is a packet switched wireless system with
Docomentation,Suporting electronic
wider area coverage and high throughput.

Simply saying- 5G technologies will provide

consumers with the same abilities of 4G, but
5G has come through the continuous
with more power and features in hand held
evolution of 1G, 2G, 2.5G, 3G and 4G. 1G
phone. 5G wireless uses OFDM and
was the 1st generation of mobile technology
which was just an analog system that millimeter wireless that enables data rate of
20 mbps and frequency band of 2-8 GHz. It But this does not means that manufacturers are
offers: worldwide cellular phones, extra waiting around.
ordinary data capabilities, high connectivity In opposite to this the other generations, 5G is
and of course, a bright future. 5G, which is much more than another new set of technologies
being called the Real world wireless or that will require massive eqipments upgrades.The
WWWW that is World Wide Wireless Web, aim of 5G is to build on the maturity that teleom
allows complete wireless communication system have already reached.5G will bring the
with almost no limitation, Multi-Media evo;ved versions of existing radio-access,cloud
Newspapers, watch TV programs with the and core technologies,to cater for more devices
clarity as to that of an HD TV. To enjoy this and more type of devices with different
operations requirements and thousend of
technology, mobile hardware must improve
different use cases.
and provide larger phone memory, quicker
dialing speed, more clarity in audio and video III. Evolution of Different Wirless
etc. Technologies:
As we gudge mobile communication has become
II.Difinition of 5G: very popular in last few years due to fast
revolotion in mobile technolgies.Due to high
increase in telecom customers this revolution
occurs.the revolution is from 1G(first
,4G(4th generation),5G(5th generation).

First Generation(1G):
In 1980’s 1G has emerged.It contained analoge
system and was popularly known as cell phone.It
introduced mobile technologies such as Mobile
Telephon System(MTS),Advanced Mobile
Like other generatioms 5G is a set of evolved Telephone system(AMTS),improved Mobile
networks technologies.But the aim of 5G is to Telephone Services(IMTS) and Push to
provide unlimited access to informations and Talk(PTT).It works under analoge radio signals
ability to share data anyware,anytime by anyone wich have 150MHz frequency.Frequency-
and anything for the sake of Division Multiple access(FDMA) is used for
humanbeing,business and society.The exact voice call modulation,unrelaible handoff,poor
performane level and requirements that system voice links, and no security due to this reason
and equipments will need to meet to label voice call were played back in radio towers,
themselves 5G are yet to be defined.The making these calls susceptible to unwanted
standerdization activities are expected to start in eavesdropping by third parties.
this year(2016),leading commercial availibility
of equipments and devices sometime around Second Generation(2G):
In late 1980’s 2G was emerged. Digital signals
with a speed of 64 kbps were used for voice
transmission .It provide facility of SMS(Short
Message Service) and use the bandwidth of 30 to
200 KHz, next to 2G,2.5G use paket switched and
circuit switched domain and provides data rate op
to 144kbps,E.g. GPRS,CDMA and EDGE.

Third Generation(3G):
It uses Wide Brand Wirless Network with wich
clearity is increased. Paket switching is use for
IV.Comparison of All Generations of
data sending.Circuit switching is use for voice Mobile Technologies(1G-5G)
calls interpreted.Along with verbal Generation 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G

communication it includes data services,access to Start 9170- 1990- 2004-2005 2011-Now 2020
television/video,new services like Global 1980 2000

Roaming.2100MHz is use for operations and has Data 2kbps 64kbps 2mbps 1gbps More than
a bandwidth of 15-20MHz use for high speed Bandwidth
internet service,video chating.It use Wide Band
Technology Naloge Digital CDM WiMax wwww
voice channel that is by this the world has been cellular cellular
contracted to a little village because a person can DO)
interact with a person at any part of the world and Wi-Fi
even sent a message too. DGE

Service Voice Digital Integrated Dynamic Dynamic

Fourth Generation(4G): voice,S informatio information
MS,hig High n access,wearabl
It provides 100Mbps Speed of downloading.It her quality access,wea e devices with
comlec rable AI capability
provides same features laike 3G but also provides Audio,vid
ity size devices
some additional services like Multi Media eo and data

Newspaper,to watch TV with more clearity and

send data much faster than previous
generations.LTE (Long Term Evolution)is
considerd as 4G technology.4G is being
developed to accommodate the QoS and Rate Multiplexing FDMA TDMA CDMA CDMA CDMA
requirment set by forthcoming applications like
wirless broadband access,Multimedia Mesaging
Switching Circuit Paket,c Paket All pakets All pakets
Service (MMS),video chat,Mobile TV,HDTV ircuit
content,Digital Broadcasting(DVB),minimal
Core PSTN PSTN Paket N/W Internat Internat
service like voice and data.and other services
utilize bandwidth.
Hanoff Horiza Horiza Horizantal Horizantal Horizantal
Fifth Generation (5G): ntal ntal
And vertical

Already discused above...

V.5G Architicture:

Fifth generation mobile system model is All-IP

based model for wirless and mobile networks.
Interoperability . The All-IP Network (AIPN) is
enable to fiulfill increasing demands of cellular
communication marke.It is a common platform
for all radio access technologies.The AIPN uses
paket switching and its contineous evolution
provides optimized performance and cost.In fifth
generation network architicture consist of a user
terminal (wich has a circuit role in the new
architicture) and a number of
independent,autonomous redio access
technologies (RAT).In 5g network architicture all
IP based mbile applications and services such as
Mobile portals,Mobile commerce,Mobile helth
care ,Mobile goverment,Mobile banking and
others, are offered via Cloud Comuting
Resources (CCR).Cloud computing is a model
for convenient on-demand network access to
configurable comuting resources
(e.g,network,storage,servers,applications and
Fig:5G Architicture
services).Cloud computing allows consumer to
use application with out installation and access
their personal data at any computer with internet
access.CCR links the Configurable Multi
Technology Core (RMTC) with remote
configuration data from RRD attached to
Reconfiguration Data Model (RDM). The main
chalange for a RMTC is to deal with increasing
different radio access technologies.The core in
convergence of the nanotechnology,cloud
computing and radio,and based on All IP
platform.Core changes its communication
functions depending on status of net work and/or
user demands.RMTC is connected to different
radio access technologies ranging from
2G/GERAN to 3G/UTRAN in addition to
802.11x WLAN and 802.16x WMAN.Other
standerds are also enebled such as IS/95,EV-
DO,CDMA2000.....etc.Interoperability process-
critiria and machanisums enable both terminal
and RMTC to select from hetrogeneous access
Fig:Proposed Arciticture of 5G

Conclusion:The aim of this paper is to discuse the 5G.How is it works and the
dependibility of its work.What are the benefits of 5G for human beings.To discuse
Evolution of different wirless technologies step by step from 1G to 5G and also to
compare all Generations of monile tecnologies with 5G.And the architicture of 5G
is also mentioned.In Architicture,it is discused that how is it designed and how is
it work.

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