Association For Symbolic Logic
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Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
Volume 4, Number 1, March 1998
changingthe digits as we go. I shall call this the writtenlist form of the
None of the authorsshowedany knowledgeof Cantor'stheoremabout
the cardinalitiesof powersets.
there are only finitely many. He is not asserting (telling us) that
there are only finitelymany primes (becausehe knows full well
that this is false) but he is askingus to considerthe proposition
with a view to drawingout its implications.
NeverthelessI think there is somethingmissing. Fisher has told us the
purposeof forms (c) and (d). But there are other ways of achievingthis
purpose. We can draw out the implicationsof a propositionP without
assumingP. For examplewe can use Frege'spreferredstyleand stickto the
format'If P then ... '. WhatFisherhas not told us is, first,exactlywhatwe
are being told to do when the argument says 'Assume ...', and second, why
this is a good way of achievingthe statedpurpose.
Writersof a psychologicalcast sometimesspeakof assuming'forthe sake
of argument'as a kind of mentalactivity.Thus Rips ([19]p. 7f) conflatesit
with 'imagininga situation'. Some form of this view must be correct. For
examplein a debateone speakermay say to the other:
(+) Whenyou say 'Q and R', areyou assumingthat P?
Normallythe secondspeakerunderstandsthe questionand knowswhether
the correctansweris Yes or No. 'Assuming'is somethingthat we do with
our minds,and normallywe can tell whetherwe aredoingit.
But this activityof assuminghas some odd properties.Firstof all, we can
assumethingsthat we could neverconceivablyimagine.Thus to provethat
thereis no greatestinteger,we start by assumingthat thereis one. If any
readerknowshow to imaginethatthereis a greatestinteger,I'dbe interested
to hearhow they do it and whatit feels like. But in any case, this approach
to assumingmustbe barkingup the wrongtree.Thevalidityof an argument
can neverdependon you or me doingsomeparticularthingin the privacyof
ourimaginations.(Ourimaginationsmighthelpus tofind a validargument,
but this is a differentmatter.)
Second, in the debatejust mentioned,the second speakercould quite
meaningfullyanswerthe question(+) by saying
I am assumingit for Q but not for R.
So assumingis not a thing that we do at a particulartime;it's a thing that
we do at a particularstagein an argument,and in respectof certainthings
in the argument.This pulls 'assuming'out of the worldof brutefacts, and
givesit an intentionalorjuridicalfeel.
Third,one can assumethingswhicharenot evenmeaningfulpropositions,
since they contain symbols for which no referencehas been given. The
extremecase of this is whereone makesassumptionsin naturaldeduction
arguments,using an uninterpretedfirst-orderlanguage,as in the example
from Beth above. But there is alreadyan example at (2) in our proof
of Cantor'stheorem,wherewe assumethat f has some propertywithout
takingany stepsto specifywhatf is.
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