Grade 9 Telephone
Grade 9 Telephone
Grade 9 Telephone
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routine
a. Opening prayer
b. Checking of attendance
2. Review
The teacher will ask the following questions:
a. What are the things you learned during our 2nd grading period?
b. Did you enjoy the first half of your journey as grade 9 students?
c. How would you summarize the first half of your journey?
3. Drill
Sounding Words Correctly
4. Motivation
B. Procedure
1. Presentation of the Lesson
TASK 2. Linking Together
2. Discussion of the Lesson
The teacher and the students will be engaged in an active discussion on the following:
Extracting Information
Through technology, you are able read, watch and listen to a lot of information. This information may
influence you to believe certain ideas and push you to take some form of action. Some information may also dissuade
you from believing or doing other things.
Many writers use argumentative texts to persuade the readers to agree to their points of view. Writers do so,
not just by presenting information, but by showing the pros and cons of an issue. In extracting information from an
argumentative text, you must be able to note the issue and the supporting (pros) and opposing (cons) opinions about
the issue.
3.Practice Exercise
Task 4. Bonding Together
Students work in groups of 7-10 to discuss the message of the poem.
Group 1. Gratitude
My happiness depends on an electric appliance.
And I do not mind giving it so much credit.
Guide questions: What is the predominant feeling of the speaker in these lines? Why does he feel that way?
Group 2. Obstacle
With life in this city being what it is
Each person separated from friends
By a tangle of subways and buses
Guide question: Why are friends disconnected?
Group 3. Pleasure
Yes my telephone is my joy
It tells me that I am in the world and wanted
It rings and I am alerted to love or gossip
I go comb my hair which begins to sparkle
Guide question: How does the speaker justify his joy of having a telephone?
Group 4. Spring
Without it I was like a bear in a cave
Drowsing through a shadowy winter
It rings and spring has come
Guide questions: a. To what did the speaker compare man’s situation before the advent of the telephone?
b. What value do people give to the telephone when he has the access to it?
c. What literary device is used here?
Group 5. Connection
I stretch and amble out into the sunshine
Hungry again as I pick up the receiver
For the human voice and the good news of friends
Guide questions: What does the speaker hunger for? Was he able to connect to the world? Explain.
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Choose from the topics inside the box and complete the table below. Put at least 5 reasons and 5
details (in a form of sentence) that will support your stand. Write it on a whole sheet of pad paper.
Banning cellphones inside the school Lowering the age of criminal responsibility to 12 yrs. old
Legalizing death penalty in the Philippines Banning Facebook and other social media sites in the Phil.
Legalizing Marijuana for medical use
V. Assignment
Watch news and gather information about a specific issue and write a simple argumentative text.
Organization- 6 pts.
Clarity- 6 pts.
Cleanliness- 3 pts.
Total- 15 pts.