TING V Velez - Ting Fact:: The Phils. v. Court of Appeals and Molina
TING V Velez - Ting Fact:: The Phils. v. Court of Appeals and Molina
TING V Velez - Ting Fact:: The Phils. v. Court of Appeals and Molina
TING v Velez – Ting - Thus, on Jan 9, 1998, the RTC rendered its
Fact: Decision declaring the marriage between
-Petitioner Benjamin Ting (Benjamin) and petitioner and respondent null and void.
respondent Carmen Velez-Ting (Carmen) - CA, reversed RTC’s decision, It faulted the
first met in 1972 while they were classmates trial court's finding, stating that no proof was
in medical school. adduced to support the conclusion that
- The couple begot six (6) children Benjamin was psychologically incapacitated
- On October 21, 1993, after being married for at the time he married Carmen since Dr.
more than 18 years to petitioner Oñate's conclusion was based only on
- Carmen filed a verified petition before the theories and not on established fact.
RTC of Cebu City praying for the declaration - CA’s basis or guidelines of there decision
of nullity of their marriage based on Article were, Santos v. Court of Appeals and in Rep. of
36 of the Family Code. She claimed that the Phils. v. Court of Appeals and Molina.
Benjamin suffered from psychological - Subsequently, Carmen file a motion for
incapacity even at the time of the celebration reconsideration, arguing that
of their marriage, which, however, only the Molina guidelines should not be applied
became manifest thereafter. to this case since the Molina decision was
- Carmen’s complaint, she already aware of promulgated only on February 13, 1997, or
the habit of petitioner of his drinking and more than five years after she had filed her
gambling habit before their marriage, petition with the RTC.
moreover, petitioner is become angry and - Molina ruling could not be made to apply
violent when he is induced w/ alcohol, thus retroactively, as it would run counter to the
affecting his profession as an principle of stare decisis.
anesthesiologist. ISSUE:
- Carmen also said that petitioner Whether the CA violated the rule on stare
deliberately refuse to give financial support decisis when it refused to follow the
to their family, thus neglecting his obligation guidelines set forth under
as a father and husband. the Santos and Molina cases;
- Petitioner, Benjamin denied being Ruling:
psychologically incapacitated, thus he -NO. The principle of stare decisis enjoins
maintained that he is a responsible and adherence by lower courts to doctrinal rules
respectable person. On his behalf, as a established by this Court in its final
member of a social club, wherein he used to decisions.
drink and gamble only for that social reason. It is based on the principle that once a
He denied being violent and the alleged of question of law has been examined and
failure to support his family decided, it should be deemed settled and
- petitioner presented a psychiatrist, Dr. closed to further argument. Basically, it is a
Onate, proving his psychological incapacity, bar to any attempt to relitigate the same
being Benjamin's compulsive drinking, issues, necessary for two simple reasons:
compulsive gambling and physical abuse of economy and stability. In our jurisdiction,
respondent are clear indications that the principle is entrenched in Article 8 of the
Civil Code.
- Two strains of stare decisis have been retroactively for being contrary to the
isolated by legal scholars. The first, known principle of stare decisis is no longer new. The
as vertical stare decisis deals with the duty same argument was also raised but was
of lower courts to apply the decisions of the struck down in Pesca v. Pesca, and again
higher courts to cases involving the same in Antonio v. Reyes. In these cases, we
facts he second, known as horizontal stare explained that the interpretation or
decisis requires that high courts must follow construction of a law by courts constitutes a
its own precedents. Prof. Consovoy correctly part of the law as of the date the statute is
observes that vertical stare decisis has been enacted. It is only when a prior ruling of this
viewed as an obligation, while Court is overruled, and a different view is
horizontal stare decisis, has been viewed as a adopted, that the new doctrine may have to
policy, imposing choice but not a command. be applied prospectively in favor of parties
Indeed, stare decisis is not one of the precepts who have relied on the old doctrine and have
set in stone in our Constitution. acted in good faith, in accordance therewith
under the familiar rule of "lex prospicit, non
2 horizontal stare decisis: respicit."
Constitutional stare decisis involves
judicial interpretations of the Constitution Caboabas v Pepsi – Cola
while statutory stare decisis involves Facts:
interpretations of statutes. -Respondent Pepsi-Cola Products
Philippines, Inc. (PCPPI) is a domestic
In general, courts follow the stare decisis rule corporation engaged in the manufacturing,
for an ensemble of reasons, viz.: bottling and distribution of soft drink
(1) it legitimizes judicial institutions; products, which operates plants all over the
(2) it promotes judicial economy; and, country, one of which is the Tanauan Plant
(3) it allows for predictability. in Tanauan, Leyte.
-In 1999, PCPPI’s Tanauan Plant allegedly
Courts refuse to be bound by the stare incurred business losses in the total amount
decisis rule where of Twenty-Nine Million One Hundred Sixty-
(1) its application perpetuates illegitimate Seven Thousand and Three Hundred Ninety
and unconstitutional holdings; (P29,167,390.00) Pesos
(2) it cannot accommodate changing social - In order to avert further losses, PCPPI
and political understandings; implemented a company-wide retrenchment
(3) it leaves the power to overturn bad program denominated as Corporate-wide
constitutional law solely in the hands of Rightsizing Program (CRP) from 1999 to
Congress; and, 2000, and retrenched forty-seven (47)
(4) activist judges can dictate the policy for employees of its Tanauan Plant on July 31,
future courts while judges that respect stare 1999.
decisis are stuck agreeing with them.
*NOTE: retrenchment - as an activity to
respondent's argument that the doctrinal legally terminate any employment contract
guidelines prescribed with the employee by offering a
in Santos and Molina should not be applied compensation package*
unsettle things which are established) is well
-subsequently, after this event, twenty-seven entrenched in Article 8 of the New Civil
(27) of said employees led by Anecito Molon Code which states that judicial decisions
(Molon, et al.), filed complaints for illegal applying or interpreting the laws or the
dismissal before the NLRC against PCPPI. Constitution shall form part of the legal
-in line to this, same event that happened in system of the Philippines.
the case of Molon et al. that on January 15, pertain to the dismissal of the complaints for
2000, petitioners, who are permanent and illegal dismissal filed by Molon, et al., the 27
regular employees of the Tanauan Plant, former co-employees of petitioners in PCPPI.
received their respective letters, informing On the issue of whether the retrenchment of
them of the cessation of their employment on the petitioners' former co-employees was in
February 15, 2000, pursuant to PCPPI's CRP accord with law, the Court ruled that PCPPI
- petitioners alleged that PCPPI was not had validly implemented its retrenchment
facing serious financial losses because after program.
their termination, they also alleged that they -Guided by the jurisprudence on stare
regularized employees and rehire another 47 decisis, the remaining question is whether
as their replacement, furthermore, according the factual circumstances of this present case
to the petitioners, the program was just to are substantially the same as the Pepsi-Cola
prevent their labor union from becoming a Products Philippines, Inc. v. Molon case.
certified bargaining agent of PCPPI's rank- -There is no dispute that the issues, subject
and-file employees. matters and causes of action between the
-Labor arbiter ruling: finding the dismissal of parties in Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc.
petitioners as illegal, thus Pepsi appealed to v. Molon
NLRC -the present case are identical, namely, the
-NLRC ruling: rendered a decision nullifying validity of PCPPI's retrenchment program,
the LA’s decision and dismissing the and the legality of its employees'
complaints for illegal dismissal and that the termination. There is also substantial
PCPPI’s program is a valid exercise of identity of parties because there is a
management prerogatives. In addition, community of interest between the parties in
NLRC ordered to pay complainants there the first case and the parties in the second
separation benefits and other benefits that case, even if the latter was not impleaded in
shall be paid to them. Dissatisfied, the first case.
complainant filed a petition for certiorari -they are petitioners' former co-employees
with the CA . and co-union members of LEPCEU-ALU
-CA ruling: denies the petition and agreed who were also terminated pursuant to the
with NLRC ruling. PCPPI's retrenchment program. only
ISSUE: difference between the two cases is the date
W/N the doctrine of stare decisis applies in of the employees' termination.
this case as the previous case ruled on the
validity of the same retrenchment program. Brotherhood Guardian Inc. v COMELEC
RULING: Facts:
The petition has no merit. COMELEC removed Philippine Guardians
The principle of stare decisis et non quieta Brotherhood, Inc. from the roster of
movere (to adhere to precedents and not to registered national, regional or sectoral
parties, organizations or coalitions under the - Second, the MINERO ruling is squarely in
party-list system through its Resolution No. point, as MINERO failed to get 2% of the
8679, in accordance with Section 6 (8) of votes in 2001 and did not participate at all in
Republic Act No. 7941, also known as the the 2004 elections.
Party-List System Act. RA No. 7941
provides: Third, PGBI was given an opportunity to be
Section 6. Removal and/or heard or to seek the reconsideration of the
Cancellation of Registration. action or ruling complained of - the essence
– The COMELEC may motu of due process; this is clear from Resolution
proprio or upon verified
No. 8679 which expressly gave the adversely
complaint of any interested
affected parties the opportunity to file their
party, remove or cancel, after
due notice and hearing, the
registration of any national,
regional or sectoral party, - As regards the alternative relief of
organization or coalition on application for accreditation, the COMELEC
any of the following grounds: found the motion to have been filed out of
x x x x time, as August 17, 2009 was the deadline for
(8) It fails to participate in the accreditation provided in Resolution 8646.
last two (2) preceding The motion was obviously filed months after
elections or fails to obtain at the deadline.
least two per centum (2%) of
the votes cast under the ISSUE:
party-list system in the two
(a)whether there is legal basis for delisting
(2) preceding elections for the
PGBI; and
constituency in which it has
registered.[Emphasis (b) whether PGBI's right to due process was
supplied.] violated.
-PGBI filed its Opposition to Resolution No.
8679, but likewise sought, through its RULING:
pleading, the admission ad cautelam of its No. according to Our Minero ruling is an
petition for accreditation as a party-list erroneous application of Section 6(8) of RA
organization under the Party-List System 7941; hence, it cannot sustain PGBI's
Act. Among other arguments delisting from the roster of registered
-PGBI also asserted in their arguments that national, regional or sectoral parties,
MINERO v. Comelec cannot apply in the organizations or coalitions under the party-
instant controversy for two reasons list system.
(a) the factual milieu of the cited case is
removed from PGBI’s; The word “OR” is a disjunctive term
(b) MINERO, prior to delisting, was afforded indicating disassociation and independence
the opportunity to be heard, while PGBI and of one thing from the other things
enumerated. With this, the law provides for
the 25 others similarly affected by Resolution
two separate reasons for delisting.
No. 8679 were not.
exception to the application of the principle
of stare decisis.
-As our discussion above shows, the most canceled by Taiwanese authorities, ordered
compelling reason to his summary deportation.
abandon Minero exists; it was clearly an -December 11, 1998, petitioner filed before
erroneous application of the law - an the RTC of Manila a Petition for Habeas
application that the principle of stability or Corpus on the ground that his detention was
predictability of decisions alone cannot illegal
sustain. Minero did unnecessary violence to *Note: literally meaning to “produce the
the language of the law, the intent of the body”—is an order issued by a court of law
legislature, and to the rule of law in general. to a prison warden or law enforcement
Clearly, we cannot allow PGBI to be agency holding an individual in custody to
prejudiced by the continuing validity of an deliver that prisoner to the court so a judge
erroneous ruling. Thus, we now can decide whether that prisoner had been
abandon Minero and strike it out from our lawfully imprisoned and, if not, whether
ruling case law. they should be released from custody.*
-January 7, 1999, After the said petition, the
-We are aware that PGBI's situation - a party trial court subsequently grants his petition
list group or organization that failed to and ordering his release from custody.
garner 2% in a prior election and - January 11, 1999, Respondents, Rodriguez,
immediately thereafter did not participate in filed a Motion for Reconsideration, which
the preceding election - is something that is was denied by trial court.
not covered by Section 6(8) of RA 7941. From -thus, leading the Respondents to file a
this perspective, it may be an unintended "Notice of Appeal from the judgment of the
gap in the law and as such is a matter for Honorable Court in the above-stated case,
Congress to address. We cannot and do not which was received by the Bureau on
address matters over which full February 11, 1999 and RTC on February 16,
discretionary authority is given by the 1999
Constitution to the legislature; to do so will -Petitioner filed an "Opposition," claiming
offend the principle of separation of powers. that the Notice had been filed beyond the 48-
If a gap indeed exists, then the present case hour reglementary period for filing appeals
should bring this concern to the legislature's in habeas corpus cases as prescribed by the
notice. pre-1997 Rules of Court.
-February 18, 1999, the RTC rejected
Hui v. Rodriguez petitioner's contention and granted due
Facts: course to the Notice of Appeal.
-After obtaining a visa at the Philippine -Petitioner then filed a Motion for
Embassy in Singapore, petitioner, a Reconsideration to CA, arguing this time
"Taiwanese citizen," that the Notice should be rejected because it
-On November 15, 1998, he was arrested by had referred not to the RTC Decision but to
several policemen, who subsequently turned the January 29, 1999 Order denying
him over to the Bureau of Immigration and reconsideration.
Deportation (BID), after finding him guilty -The Court denied the petition since the
of possessing a tampered passport earlier reglementary period for ordinary appeal,
which is 15 days, also applies to the filing of
an appeal from a judgment regarding habeas
corpus. Thus, the issue regarding the -Accordingly, stare decisis cannot compel this
reglemantary period has become final. Court to apply to the present case the alleged
Issue: precedents decided during the regime of the
w/n Sec.18 Rule 41 of the pre-1997 Rules of pre-1997 Rules.
Court, has been replaced by the Sec. 3 Rule -But because that provision had already been
41 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. repealed when the facts under present
Ruling: consideration occurred, the Court can no
Reglementary Period for Appealing longer rely on those cases.
Habeas Corpus Cases
No. Petitioner contends that the Notice of Statutes as curative.
Appeal was late because respondents filed it
only on February 16, 1999, five days after Knights of Rizal V DMCI Homes
they had received the Order denying the Facts:
Motion for Reconsideration on February 11, -DMCI Project Developers, Inc. (DMCI-
1999. reglementary period for filing an PDI) acquired a 7,716.60-square meter lot in
appeal is 48 hours, as prescribed in Section the City of Manila, located near Taft Avenue,
18 of Rule 41 of the pre-1997 Rules of Court, Ermita, the lot was earmarked for the
-because the foregoing provision was construction of DMCI-PDI's Torre de Manila
omitted from and thereby repealed by the condominium project.
1997 Revised Rules of Court, which -After having completed all the necessary
completely replaced Rules 1 to 71. permits and DMCI already started
-The omission shows the intention of the constructing the said project. However, the
rule-making body, which is to abrogate the City Council of Manila ordered Resolution
said provisions which were not produced by No. 121 to temporarily suspend the Building
older laws. Permit of DMCI-PDI, since it will rise at the
-reglementary period for filing an appeal in back of the monument and clearly dwarf the
a habeas corpus case is now similar to that in said monument of rizal. With due respect to
ordinary civil actions, according to Section 3, the said statue.
Rule 41 of the 1997 Rules of Court. “The - City Legal Officer Renato G. Dela Cruz
appeal shall be taken within fifteen (15) days stated that there is "no legal justification for
from notice of the judgment or final order the temporary suspension of the Building
appealed from…” Permit issued in favor of [DMCI-PDI]" since
-the appeal was seasonably filed within the the construction "lies outside the Luneta
15-day reglementary period. Park" and is "simply too far to be a repulsive
Stare Decisis distraction or have an objectionable effect on
-Petitioner, however, insisted that the the artistic and historical significance"
application of Sec. 18, which requires an 48- -He also pointed has been officially declared
hour period must be maintained under the as an anthropological or archeological area.
said doctrine. - DMCI-PDI sought the opinion of the
-It should be stressed that stare National Historical Commission of the
decisis presupposes that the facts of the Philippines (NHCP) on the matter
precedent and the case to which it is applied - According to the NHCP maintained that
are substantially the same. In this case, there the Torre de Manila project site is outside the
is one crucial difference
boundaries of the Rizal Park and well to the public order" or that it brings harm, danger,
rear of the Rizal Monument, and thus, or hazard to the community.
cannot possibly obstruct the frontal view of
the National Monument.
-According to the KOR "[t]he despoliation of
the sight view of the Rizal Monument is a
situation that 'annoys or offends the senses'
of every Filipino who honors the memory of
the National Hero Jose Rizal.
-They also contended that
NHCP's Guidelines on Monuments Honoring
National Heroes, Illustrious Filipinos and Other
Personages, which state that historic
monuments should assert a visual
"dominance" over its surroundings.
W/N Can the Court issue a writ of
mandamus against the officials of the City of
Manila to stop the construction of DMCI-
PDI's Torre de Manila project?
No. There is no law prohibiting the
construction of the Torre de Manila outside
the Rizal Park.
In Manila Electric Company v. Public Service
Commission,[53] the Court held that "what is
not expressly or impliedly prohibited by
law may be done, except when the act is
contrary to morals, customs and public
- Without this principle, the rights, freedoms,
and civil liberties of citizens can be
arbitrarily and whimsically trampled upon
by the shifting passions of those who can
shout the loudest, or those who can gather
the biggest crowd or the most number of
Internet trolls.
- The Court has allowed or upheld actions
that were not expressly prohibited by
statutes when it determined that these acts
were not contrary to morals, customs, and
public order. Hence there is no rising of
allegation or proof that the Torre de Manila
project is "contrary to morals, customs, and