The Incidence of Acute Rheumatic Fever in New Zealand, 2010-2013

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The incidence of acute

rheumatic fever in
New Zealand, 2010–2013
Jason Gurney, Diana Sarfati, James Stanley, Nigel Wilson, Rachel Webb

heumatic fever is a major health isation data preferred to notification data
priority for the current Government, when a case was recorded in both datasets.
and remains perhaps the most Ethnicity was determined using a modified
extreme example of an avoidable health version of the total ethnicity approach.5
disparity in this country. There is now Patient age was determined from date of
substantial research underway to identify birth (NMDS) or age at diagnosis (EpiSurv)
the causes of rheumatic fever in New data. The geographic location of each
Zealand, and to assess approaches to reduce patient was attributed based on the Census
the incidence and impact of this disease. Area Unit where they lived at the time of
Much of this research has been funded ARF incidence. Deprivation was determined
by a collaborative partnership between using the NZDep index.7 Rurality was set
the Human Rights Commission (HRC), the using a simplified version of the Urban/
Heart Foundation, CureKidz, Te Puni Kokiri Rural Profile Classification.8
and the Ministry of Health as part of the We quantified the incidence of ARF sepa-
Rheumatic Fever Research Partnership rately by ethnicity, age group, deprivation,
programme. rurality and geographic location (DHB and
As part of this effort, we have updated Census Area Unit). In addition to descriptive
and built-on previous work in this area2-4 by analyses, we calculated crude and age-stan-
estimating the burden of acute rheumatic dardised incidence rates (per 100,000) using
fever (ARF) across multiple demographic relevant Census population data as the
and geographic strata between 2010–2013. denominator.
To identify cases, we requested National Our observations based on this updated
Minimum Dataset (NMDS) hospitalisation data were, to a great extent, neither new
data from the Ministry of Health pertaining nor unique;2,3 rather, they confirm the
to all hospitalisations in which a primary profound continuing inequity between
diagnosis of ARF was made (ICD-10-AM population sub-groups. While ARF is
codes: I00–I02). Secondly, we requested uncommon in the general population,
public health notification data (EpiSurv) it differentially affects some population
from the Institute of Environmental Science sub-groups over others: more than 9 out
and Research for all new cases of reported of every 10 cases occur among Māori or
ARF. We then merged these datasets Pacific New Zealanders, with Māori nearly
together, and excluded those who a) had a 30 times more likely to be diagnosed with
recorded history of ARF (prior to 2010) or ARF than the European/Other population
chronic rheumatic heart disease (RHD) (any (age-standardised relative risk [RR]: Māori
time prior to the ARF diagnosis date), or b) 28.8, 95% CI 21.3–38.9)—and Pacific more
were recorded as being a non-New Zealand than 40 times as likely (RR: 43.3, 95% CI
resident at the time of their ARF. Following 31.9–58.7). We also noted that those residing
exclusions, a final set of n=733 remained for in the most deprived areas were more than
further analysis. 30 times as likely to be diagnosed with ARF
Ethnicity, geographic location (Census compared to those residing in the least
Area Unit) and date of birth/age were deprived areas (RR: 33.3, 95% CI 19.1–58.1).
determined from both the hospitalisation Rurality appeared to have a somewhat
and notification datasets, with hospital- protective effect—with those living in

NZMJ 3 July 2015, Vol 128 No 1417
ISSN 1175-8716 © NZMA

Figure 1: Age-standardised incidence of acute rheumatic fever (2010-2013), by deprivation quintile and
ethnic group.

rural areas nearly half as likely to sustain explanatory factor for this ethnic inequity.
ARF compared to those living in urban These observations were made for the
areas (RR: 0.58 95% CI 0.44–0.75). Females period 2010 to 2013. We note that the
also appeared to have slightly less risk of Ministry of Health has reported9 a reduction
ARF compared to males (RR: 0.80, 95% CI in the number of ARF cases between 2014
0.70–0.93). and 2015. Whether this apparent reduction
Since Māori and Pacific New Zealanders in disease burden is a real phenomenon—
are more likely to reside in areas of high catalysed by interventions such as the
deprivation compared to other ethnic national throat-swabbing programme—or a
groups,7 it is intuitive to assume that differ- transient phenomenon remains to be seen,
ences in ARF incidence by ethnicity are and will only be confirmed in retrospect.
conflated with level of deprivation, particu- The observations reported here are
larly given the likely role of poverty-related part of a wider study that is exploring the
exposures in the aetiology of this disease. significance of RHD detected by echocardi-
However, when stratifying disease inci- ography in high risk populations without a
dence by deprivation level, we found that prior recognised episode of ARF. These data
Māori and Pacific New Zealanders remain will be used in the development of a risk
substantially more likely to be affected prediction model, which will allow us to
by this disease regardless of NZDep decile simultaneously combine the effects of our
(Figure 1)—suggesting that while depri- predictors (eg, ethnicity, deprivation) and
vation is certainly an exposure of great then identify (and quantify) those groups
importance, it is unlikely to be the sole who are most at risk of developing ARF.

NZMJ 3 July 2015, Vol 128 No 1417
ISSN 1175-8716 © NZMA

Author information:
Jason Kevin Gurney, Department of Public Health, University of Otago, Wellington; Diana
Sarfati, Department of Public Health, University of Otago, Wellington; James Stanley, Depart-
ment of Public Health, University of Otago Wellington; Nigel J Wilson, Green Lane Paediatric
and Congenital Cardiac Services, Starship Children’s Hospital; Rachel Webb, Green Lane
Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Services, Auckland District Health Board.
[email protected]

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NZMJ 3 July 2015, Vol 128 No 1417
ISSN 1175-8716 © NZMA

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