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Article pharmacology

Inotrope and Vasopressor Support in

J. Lauren Ruoss, MD,* Educational Gaps
Christopher McPherson,
1. There is limited knowledge regarding the optimal management of neonates with
hemodynamic instability.
James DiNardo, MDx
2. One approach to hemodynamic instability may not be efficacious for all neonates.

Author Disclosure Abstract

Dr Ruoss, Hemodynamic instability is a common problem in neonates and has important implica-
tions for long-term outcomes. Inotropes and vasopressors are commonly used to treat
Dr McPherson, and
low blood pressure or poor perfusion in neonatal intensive care, despite limited evidence
Dr DiNardo have
to guide optimal management in specific clinical situations. Dopamine is the most com-
disclosed no financial monly used agent in clinical practice, increasing blood pressure with limited adverse ef-
relationships relevant fects compared with epinephrine. Dobutamine is less commonly used but may be the
to this article. This optimal agent for premature neonates with poor perfusion due to immature myocardial
commentary does contractility. New evidence is emerging to guide the treatment of hypotension in the set-
ting of sepsis and persistent pulmonary hypertension. Norepinephrine and vasopressin
contain a discussion of
may have utility in the setting of refractory hypotension due to sepsis. Increasing evidence
an unapproved/
supports use of norepinephrine, milrinone, and vasopressin in the setting of persistent
investigative use of pulmonary hypertension. Hydrocortisone should be reserved for vasopressor-resistant hy-
a commercial product/ potension in preterm neonates; however, this agent may also prove useful in the treat-
device. ment of persistent pulmonary hypertension in term neonates. Further clinical trials are
necessary to determine the optimal treatment algorithm for neonates with hemodynamic
instability. Future trials should include physiologically relevant end points and long-term
follow-up. However, one approach may not be efficacious for all neonates even with
a similar diagnosis. Therefore, bedside assessment techniques should continue to be ex-
plored to allow tailored therapy based on real-time assessment of underlying physiology.

Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:

1. Characterize the mechanism of action, pharmacokinetic properties, and cardiovascular

effects of different inotropes.
2. Describe additional medications that can provide cardiovascular support.
3. Determine clinical factors that affect medication selection.

Hemodynamic instability represents an ongoing challenge in the management of critically
ill neonates. (1) Neonatal hypotension has been associated with brain injury, (2) necrotiz-
ing enterocolitis, (2) retinopathy of prematurity, (2) and death. (1) Unfortunately, recog-
nition (2)(3) and management of hypotension in the neonate can be exceedingly difficult
(4)(5) partly because normative blood pressure parameters are not standardized in neo-
nates and hypotension alone does not predict negative outcomes. (6)
There are multiple accepted definitions of hypotension in neonates; however having hy-
potension does not necessarily equal inadequate end-organ perfusion. (7) Recently, the focus
of clinicians and researchers has shifted from blood pressure to end-organ perfusion. (8) For

*Department of Newborn Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA.

Department of Pharmacy, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.

Department of Pediatric Newborn Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.
Department of Cardiac Anesthesia, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA.

NeoReviews Vol.16 No.6 June 2015 e351

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pharmacology / inotrope and vasopressor support

the purpose of this article, the term hypotension is used to Dopamine is the most commonly used drug for the
reflect an inadequate blood pressure to maintain end-organ management of hypotension by neonatologists. (4)(14)
perfusion. Importantly, poor cerebral perfusion has been as- It is more effective at increasing mean arterial pressure
sociated with brain injury, death, and neurodevelopmental (MAP) than dobutamine. (15)(16) When compared with
impairment in early childhood. (9) There are emerging epinephrine for treatment of hypotension in low-birth-
technologies, such as functional echocardiography and weight neonates, it has a comparable effect on MAP and
near-infrared spectroscopy, that allow real-time assessment urine output. (17) Although the use of epinephrine is as-
of cardiac output and cerebral blood flow. (10) sociated with a higher incidence of transitory metabolic ef-
In addition to a change in evaluation strategies, the ap- fects, such as hyperglycemia, increased plasma lactate level,
propriate goals of cardiovascular support in neonates have and lower bicarbonate level, there is no difference in the
also been questioned. Historically, trials of medications incidence of gastrointestinal complications and mortal-
for the treatment of hemodynamic instability in neonates ity. (14)(17) Dopamine also increases peripheral perfu-
focused primarily on the correction of hypotension. sion in normotensive very low-birth-weight (VLBW)
However, attention is increasingly directed toward assess- neonates (18) and increases cerebral blood flow and tis-
ment of perfusion and the effect of various interventions sue oxygenation in hypotensive VLBW neonates. (14)
on long-term outcomes. (5) The aims of this article are to It is plausible that the abrupt increases in MAP found
review the inotropes most commonly used in neonatol- in these trials may place VLBW neonates at risk for
ogy, discuss other pharmacologic management strategies brain injury. Further research is needed to evaluate
for hypotension and hypoperfusion in neonates, and dis- the effect of dopamine on brain injury and long-term
cuss clinical factors that affect medication selection. neurodevelopmental outcomes.
Dopamine is also the most commonly used therapy for
Catecholamines treatment of hypotension associated with persistent pul-
Dopamine monary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). Although
Dopamine is an endogenous sympathomimetic amine that dopamine is highly effective at increasing MAP in these
potentiates the release of norepinephrine in addition to di- patients, it may also increase pulmonary vascular resis-
rect action on a-, b-, and dopaminergic receptors. (1)(4) tance, compromising oxygenation. (3) Literature regard-
(11)(12) a1-receptor stimulation produces systemic vaso- ing the outcomes of neonates with PPHN treated with
constriction, and b1- receptor stimulation increases cardiac dopamine is lacking, and trials demonstrating its benefit
output through positive inotropy (ie, myocardial con- are needed.
tractility) and chronotropy (ie, heart rate). Dopaminer- Table 2 summarizes the clinical effects on neonates of
gic receptor stimulation increases renal blood flow dopamine and other inotropes and vasopressors discussed
through renal vasodilation, change in tubular absorp- in this review.
tion, and positive inotropy. (6) Stimulation of dopami-
nergic receptors is also responsible for the endocrine Dobutamine
effects of dopamine, including decreased thyrotropin, Dobutamine is a synthetic sympathomimetic amine that
prolactin, and thyroxine. (13) Potential negative effects acts directly on a- and b-receptors without the release of
of dopamine include abnormalities of the endocrine sys- norepinephrine. (19)(20) This synthetic catecholamine has
tem, arrhythmias, and an increase in pulmonary vascular a relative affinity for b1-cardioreceptors, leading to in-
resistance. (11)(12) creased myocardial contractility, (21) and b2-receptors,
The receptor effects of dopamine are dose dependent leading to vasodilation of the peripheral vasculature (Table 1).
in children and adults, with a low dose (0.5–2 mg/kg/min) (20) Peripheral vasoconstriction via a-receptor stimulation
acting on dopaminergic receptors, a medium dose (2– is counterbalanced by b2-receptor stimulation, producing
6 mg/kg/min) acting on cardiac b1-receptors, and a higher a net systemic vasodilation. (12) The possible negative ef-
dose of greater than 6–10 mg/kg/min acting on a1-receptors fects of dobutamine include arrhythmias and peripheral va-
(Table 1). (11) However, the effective dose to stimulate sodilation with associated hypotension. (22)
each receptor subtype varies substantially among neonates. Dobutamine is used in the neonatal period primarily
Premature neonates may be affected by dopamine at lower for the treatment of decreased myocardial contractility
doses secondary to decreased metabolism of the drug. (6) and low cardiac output. (20)(22) Dobutamine may be
Conversely, premature neonates may be relatively resistant the drug of choice during the transition period in premature
to dopamine secondary to blunted norepinephrine release as neonates secondary to its ability to improve contractility of
a result of immature sympathetic innervation. the immature myocardium and decrease afterload. (5)

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Table 1. Mechanism of Action and Dosages of Inotropesa

Vascular Cardiac
Peripheral Vasoconstriction Vasodilation Contractility Rate Contractility
Drug Dosage a1 a2 b2 a1 b1 b2
Dopamine, mg/kg/min
0.5–2 0 0 0 0 D 0
2-6 0/D 0 DD 0/D DDDD DD
Dobutamine, mg/kg/min
Epinephrine, mg/kg/min
Norepinephrine, mg/kg/min
0.05–0.5 DDDD DDDD 0/D DD DDD DD
Specific dose responses are based on data in children and adults.

Dobutamine significantly increases cardiac output but does human neonates and needs further investigation before
not have a significant effect on endogenous catecholamine routine use.
levels, MAP, or heart rate in preterm neonates. (19)
Dobutamine increases renal perfusion, likely because of de- Epinephrine
creased systemic vascular resistance rather than a direct ef- Epinephrine is an endogenous catecholamine that stimu-
fect on the kidneys. (20) Although dopamine more lates a1,2- and b1,2-receptors. (3)(12) The b-receptor effect
effectively increases blood pressure, dobutamine more ef- is seen at low doses (0.01–0.1 mg/kg/min) and causes
fectively increases systemic blood flow in preterm neonates. an increase in myocardial contractility with associated
(15) A comparative trial of dobutamine vs dopamine in pre- peripheral vasodilation. (12)(14) High-dose epinephrine
term neonates with low cerebral blood flow found no dif- (>0.1 mg/kg/min) is associated with increased systemic
ference in mortality but a reduction in late grade III or vascular resistance due to a-receptor–mediated peripheral
IV intraventricular hemorrhage. (23) The follow-up for vasoconstriction (Table 1). (3)(22) Notably, dose thresholds
have not been established in neonates. The possible negative
this trial revealed that neonates treated with dobutamine
effects of epinephrine include tachycardia, arrhythmias, pe-
incurred significantly less disability (eg, cerebral palsy,
ripheral ischemia, lactic acidosis, and hyperglycemia. (17)
blindness, deafness, and severe developmental delay)
(21) Importantly, tachycardia is most likely attributable
in early childhood. (9) However, the trial found no dif-
to b2-receptor stimulation in the heart, while lactic acido-
ference in the overall incidence of intraventricular hem-
sis and hyperglycemia are most likely attributable to b2-
orrhage or the combined rates of death or disability at 3
receptor stimulation in the liver. Excessive vasoconstriction
years of age. There was a significant crossover between leading to peripheral ischemia occurs predominantly at
the treatment groups and a high rate of treatment fail- high doses and does not represent the most likely cause
ure despite crossover, which limits the possible conclu- of these adverse effects in routine clinical practice.
sions from this trial. Further studies are necessary to Epinephrine is primarily used in neonates with hypoten-
define the outcomes of preterm neonates treated with sion refractory to first-line therapies. As primary therapy, epi-
dobutamine. nephrine increases blood pressure with an efficacy similar to
Dobutamine has also been described for the treatment dopamine, although producing increases in heart rate,
of myocardial dysfunction secondary to PPHN. In animal plasma lactate level, and blood glucose level. (17) Impor-
models, dobutamine improves myocardial function, de- tantly, these adverse effects do not appear to produce a dif-
creases pulmonary vascular resistance, and improves oxy- ference in short-term clinical outcomes between therapies.
gen delivery. (4) However, dobutamine has not been (22) Similar effects occur when epinephrine is used to treat
formally studied for this indication in clinical trials in hypotension unresponsive to dopamine in VLBW infants. In

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Benefits and Limitations of Inotropes and Vasopressors in

Table 2.

Drugs Benefits Limitations
Transition Period
Dopamine Increased Increase in systemic vascular resistance
Myocardial contractility may impair cardiac contractility
Mean arterial pressure (high dose) (high dose)
Systemic vascular resistance (high dose)
Cerebral blood flow
Tissue oxygenation
Epinephrine Increased Increased
Myocardial contractility Heart rate
Mean arterial pressure (high dose) Plasma lactate
Systemic vascular resistance Blood glucose
(high dose)
Cerebral blood flow
Dobutamine Increased Decreased
Myocardial contractility Peripheral vascular tone
(cardiac output)
Renal perfusion No change
Cerebral blood flow Mean arterial pressure
Dopamine Increased Increased
Myocardial contractility Pulmonary artery pressure (all doses)
Mean arterial pressure (high dose) Pulmonary vascular resistance (high doses)
Systemic vascular resistance
(high dose)
Decreased No change
Mesenteric vascular resistance Oxygen extraction: systemic or splanchnic
(high doses)
Norepinephrine Increased Increased
Mean arterial pressure Peripheral ischemia
Systemic vascular resistance Dose >3.3 mg/kg/min
Left ventricular output Acidosis
Decreased Dose >3.3 mg/kg/min
FiO2 requirement
Pulmonary to systemic
pressure ratio
Epinephrine Increased No change
Myocardial contractility Pulmonary artery pressure (high dose)
Mean arterial pressure (high dose) Pulmonary vascular resistance (high dose)
Systemic vascular resistance
(high dose)
Milrinone Increased Decreased
Myocardial contractility Mean arterial pressure
Ductal shunting
iNO requirement
Lactic acid
Vasopressin Increased
Mean arterial pressure
Systemic vascular resistance
Pulmonary vascular resistance
Oxygenation index
iNO requirement

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Table 2. (Continued)

Drugs Benefits Limitations

Septic Shock
Dopamine Increased
Myocardial contractility
Mean arterial pressure (high dose)
Systemic vascular resistance (high dose)
Epinephrine Increased Increased
Myocardial contractility Lactic acidosis
Mean arterial pressure (high dose) Peripheral ischemia (high dose)
Systemic vascular resistance (high dose) Mesenteric ischemia (high dose)
Norepinephrine Increased Increased
Myocardial contractility Myocardial oxygen consumption
Mean arterial pressure Increase in systemic vascular
Systemic vascular resistance resistance may impair cardiac
Tissue perfusion contractility (high dose)

Hydrocortisone Increased
(catecholamine-resistant Mean arterial pressure
septic shock) Systemic vascular resistance
Vasopressor requirement
Vasopressin Increased Increase in systemic vascular
Mean arterial pressure resistance may impair cardiac
Systemic vascular resistance contractility (high dose)
Catecholamine requirement (low dose)
Dobutamine (only use Increased Decreased
in conjunction with Myocardial contractility Systemic vascular resistance
another inotrope
in warm shock)
FiO2¼fraction of inspired oxygen; iNO¼inhaled nitric oxide; PPHN¼pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.
Pathophysiologic factors include immature peripheral vascular tone and decreased myocardial contractility.
Pathophysiologic factors include increased pulmonary pressures and decreased right-sided cardiac function; if prolonged, leads to decreased bilateral cardiac
Pathophysiologic factors include systemic inflammatory response, multiple organ dysfunction; warm shock: peripheral vasodilation, decreased cardiac output,
decreased preload and afterload; and cold shock: peripheral vasoconstriction, increased afterload, decreased cardiac output.

this setting, improvements in blood pressure occur in the human neonates with PPHN has not been evaluated.
context of a worsening base deficit. (24) Of interest, epi- The utility of epinephrine is likely limited by the occur-
nephrine increases cerebral blood flow in extremely preterm rence of tachycardia and lactic acidosis, which may neg-
neonates, potentially to a greater degree than dopamine. atively affect the pathophysiology of PPHN. Until further
(14) As with dopamine, the effect of epinephrine on brain studies are performed evaluating long-term outcomes, it
injury and subsequent outcome has not been adequately is difficult to recommend epinephrine over other ino-
described. tropes for treatment of PPHN.
Epinephrine has also been evaluated for the treatment
of systemic hypotension associated with PPHN in pre- Norepinephrine
clinical models. (25) In this setting, epinephrine produces Norepinephrine is an endogenous catecholamine that in-
similar increases in cardiac output to dopamine; however, creases systemic vascular resistance and cardiac output by
epinephrine increases systemic vascular resistance prefer- activation of a1,2- and b1-receptors (Table 1). (22)(27) As
entially over pulmonary vascular resistance. (25) These with epinephrine, norepinephrine constricts systemic vas-
findings are most likely secondary to a2-mediated nitric culature to a greater degree than pulmonary vasculature.
oxide production, resulting in relative pulmonary vasodi- (26)(27) Norepinephrine also increases cardiac output
lation. (26)(27) However, the role of epinephrine in by increasing contractility via b1-receptors, although this

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effect is less pronounced in the setting of potent a-receptor– myocardial contraction. (32)(33)(34) The inodilator effect
mediated vasoconstriction. The potential negative effects of results from a similarly derived influx of calcium into
norepinephrine include excessive peripheral vasoconstric- smooth muscle cells, increasing relaxation and leading to
tion, leading to tissue ischemia. (6) peripheral vasodilation. (35) Finally, the lusitropic effect is
Norepinephrine is widely used for the management caused by myocyte relaxation due to actin-myosin complex
of hypotension secondary to septic shock in adult and breakdown. (35) Cumulatively, milrinone increases cardiac
pediatric patients. In adult patients with septic shock, output without an increase in myocardial oxygen demand
norepinephrine improves survival when compared with while decreasing afterload by decreasing systemic vascular
dopamine. (28) In 2012, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign’s resistance. (32) The possible negative effects of milrinone
International Guidelines recommended norepinephrine as include systemic hypotension, tachycardia, tachyarrhyth-
the first-line agent for treatment of adult patients and the mias, and thrombocytopenia. (31)
second-line treatment of pediatric patients with hypoten- Milrinone has primarily been investigated in infants for
sion secondary to septic shock. (29) At this time, dopa- the prevention and treatment of low cardiac output after
mine remains the first agent for treatment of septic cardiac surgery. (19) In this setting, milrinone decreases
shock in pediatric patients. Although norepinephrine has systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance while increasing
become the standard of care for treatment of vasodilatory cardiac index. Despite these physiologic benefits, milrinone
septic shock in adults and children, it is not commonly does not appear to alter early postoperative outcomes. (36)
used in neonates. (7) Clinical experience in the setting Dose optimization studies that incorporate age, disease,
of sepsis is limited to an observational report of term neo- and type of surgery as covariates are being undertaken in
nates with refractory hypotension, defined as persisting de- an effort to link milrinone’s favorable hemodynamic profile
spite fluid resuscitation plus dopamine or dobutamine with to improved patient outcomes. (37)
or without hydrocortisone. In this setting, norepinephrine Theoretically, milrinone could be ideal to treat low cere-
increases MAP, decreases oxygen requirement, and im- bral blood flow commonly seen in conjunction with reduced
proves tissue perfusion. (1) A high rate of mortality myocardial contractility in extremely preterm neonates. (38)
(18%) makes the results of this observational study difficult Unfortunately, a randomized clinical trial that used
to interpret given the acuity of illness before initiation of milrinone to ameliorate low cerebral blood flow in extremely
treatment with norepinephrine. Given the benefits of nor- preterm neonates did not find a benefit with regard to sys-
epinephrine in pediatric and adult patients with septic temic blood flow, brain injury, or mortality. (34) The limi-
shock, further investigation in neonates is warranted. tations of this trial included the low incidence of low cerebral
Norepinephrine has also been evaluated in neonates blood flow in both the treatment and control groups, ad-
with PPHN. Preclinical data suggest that norepinephrine ministration of a normal saline bolus to all neonates, and
produces pulmonary vasodilation during fetal life via administration of prophylactic indomethacin to more than
a2-receptor stimulation. (26) Although preclinical data half of the enrolled neonates. Pending further investigation,
are promising, published experience in human neonates milrinone cannot be recommended as the primary inotrope
is limited to observational reports. (26)(27) In term neo- for preterm infants in the early neonatal period.
nates with PPHN treated with inhaled nitric oxide, nor- Milrinone has also been evaluated for the treatment of
epinephrine decreases oxygen requirement, increases PPHN. Through phosphodiesterase inhibition, milrinone
cardiac output, and improves blood flow into the lungs, augments the pulmonary vasodilation induced by nitric
without evidence of peripheral ischemia. (30) Further in- oxide. (39) In observational clinical trials, milrinone de-
vestigation, potentially including trials comparing norepi- creases pulmonary artery pressures and oxygenation index
nephrine to current standards of care, appears warranted. without a significant effect on blood pressure. (33)(40)
These findings are promising and require further investiga-
Adjuncts and Alternatives to Catecholamines tion, including trials focusing on the effect of milrinone
Milrinone therapy on outcome in neonates with PPHN. However,
Milrinone is a phosphodiesterase type 3 inhibitor with ino- in these trials, milrinone was used in the setting of PPHN
tropic, inodilator (promotes myocardial contractility and unresponsive to inhaled nitric oxide and in neonates who
produces vasodilation), and lusitropic (promotes myocar- were hemodynamically stable. Milrinone should be used
dial relaxation) properties. (5)(31)(32) The inotropic effect with caution in PPHN with associated hypotension be-
results from decreased breakdown of cyclic adenosine cause of the potential for decreased coronary perfusion.
monophosphate by phosphodiesterase type 3, perpetuating Milrinone has unique pharmacokinetic properties
calcium influx into myocardial cells and resulting in compared with the other inotropes discussed in this

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review. A relatively large volume of distribution necessi- found that low-dose AVP improved blood pressure, urine
tates that a loading dose be used before continuous infu- output, and oxygenation index while reducing the re-
sion to achieve therapeutic concentrations in the acute quirement for inhaled nitric oxide. (48) Adverse effects
care setting. There are age-related differences in clear- were not observed. The role of AVP as a primary systemic
ance, but generally speaking, the half-life of milrinone vasopressor and pulmonary vasodilator for the treatment
is 1.5 to 3.5 hours compared with 1 to 2 minutes for of neonates with PPHN requires further evaluation.
the other inotropes. (41) Practically speaking, this means
that the physiologic effects of milrinone persist long after Hydrocortisone
the drug is weaned. In addition, administration of the Hydrocortisone is inferior to dopamine as a first-line agent
loading dose can produce profound hypotension, leading for the treatment of neonatal hypotension, with a delayed
many practitioners to forgo the loading dose in favor of onset followed by significant hypertension after 24 to 48
a higher initial infusion rate and delayed drug onset. hours of therapy. Relative or absolute adrenal insufficiency
may be present in neonates with refractory hypotension
Vasopressin secondary to decreased cortisol stores and decreased ability
Endogenous arginine-vasopressin (AVP) is a neuropeptide to increase cortisol in response to stress. (49) Diagnosing
that increases vascular tone and regulates fluid homeostasis adrenal insufficiency in neonates is challenging, with normal
by binding to vasopressin 1 (V1) and vasopressin 2 (V2) cortisol levels varying with gestational age, weight, and se-
receptors in smooth muscle. (42) AVP is normally secreted verity of illness. Importantly, a normal cortisol level in the
by the posterior pituitary gland in response to decreased setting of stress may indicate relative adrenal insufficiency
circulating volume or increased osmolality. (42) V1 recep- in a neonate that will respond to hydrocortisone supple-
tors mediate vascular tone, platelet function, and release of mentation. Corticosteroids aid in the management of
aldosterone and cortisol, (43) whereas V2 receptors influ- hypotension by decreasing the breakdown of catechol-
ence fluid balance and vascular tone. The effectiveness of amines, increasing calcium levels in myocardial cells,
endogenous AVP is decreased in vasodilatory shock and and upregulating adrenergic receptors. (6) Adverse ef-
after cardiac bypass. (44) Potential negative effects of fects of corticosteroids include hyperglycemia, gastric
AVP include cutaneous ischemia and necrosis, liver ische- irritation, and fluid retention. Long-term exposure in-
mia, and hyponatremia. creases the risk of osteopenia and inhibits immune func-
The role of AVP as a rescue therapy for refractory hy- tion and somatic growth.
potension in patients with vasodilatory shock has been The optimal timing of hydrocortisone therapy for the
extensively studied in adults and children. In this setting, prevention and treatment of hypotension in preterm neo-
AVP increases vascular tone and produces coronary and nates has been extensively explored. Hydrocortisone pro-
pulmonary vasodilation. (43) Clinical effects include in- phylaxis in preterm neonates has been suggested to
creased blood pressure and cardiac output with a de- prevent adrenal insufficiency and subsequent complications
creased catecholamine requirement. (44) There have of uninhibited inflammation. (2) In a randomized clinical
been several small neonatal studies evaluating the use trial, neonates exposed to histologic chorioamnionitis had
of AVP in catecholamine refractory hypotension due to lower mortality when treated with prophylactic hydrocorti-
sepsis and after cardiac bypass. (45)(46) Low-dose AVP sone soon after birth. Importantly, this trial was halted early
(0.00017–0.0007 U/kg/min) appears to decrease cate- because of the high incidence of spontaneous intestinal per-
cholamine requirement without associated hyponatremia. forations in the treatment group. Subsequent analysis re-
(46) In neonates, high-dose AVP (0.001–0.02 U/kg/min) vealed that this complication occurred predominantly in
also appears to be effective but is associated with adverse the setting of concurrent indomethacin therapy. (50)
effects, including transient hyponatremia and transaminitis. As discussed previously, hydrocortisone is inferior to
(45) Trials evaluating the outcomes of neonates treated with dopamine as a first-line agent for the treatment of neona-
AVP may further define the role of this emerging therapy in tal hypotension. (16) Multiple studies have evaluated
clinical practice. hydrocortisone in preterm neonates with refractory hypo-
The selective pulmonary vasodilatory effects of low- tension. Hydrocortisone effectively increases blood pres-
dose AVP make this agent appealing for the treatment sure and reduces catecholamine requirement without
of PPHN. Benefits in neonates were first observed in serious adverse events. (49) The long-term effect of hy-
the setting of severe pulmonary hypertension after repair drocortisone as an adjunctive therapy in the setting of
of obstructive total anomalous pulmonary venous return. catecholamine-resistant hypotension has not been evaluated.
(47) Subsequently, a case series in neonates with PPHN Whether improvements in blood pressure and reduction in

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catecholamine use are associated with improved survival and References

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NeoReviews Quiz Requirements

To successfully complete 2015 NeoReviews articles for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM, learners must demonstrate a minimum performance level of
60% or higher on this assessment, which measures achievement of the educational purpose and/or objectives of this activity. If you score less than
60% on the assessment, you will be given additional opportunities to answer questions until an overall 60% or greater score is achieved.
NOTE: Learners can take NeoReviews quizzes and claim credit online only at: http://neoreviews.org.

1. A 3-day-old 25-week gestational age neonate has low blood pressure and is given a continuous infusion of dopamine.
The infant is suspected of having sepsis. Which of the following statements regarding dopamine is correct?
A. Dopamine is an endogenous inhibitor of norepinephrine.
B. Dopamine generally lowers the mean arterial pressure in neonates.
C. Dopaminergic receptor stimulation in the kidney leads to renal vasoconstriction.
D. Dopamine at low doses (0.5–2 mg/kg/min) acts on dopaminergic receptors.
E. Dopamine has no chronotropic effect at any dose.

2. The patient continues to have low blood pressure despite increasing dopamine infusion rate, several fluid
boluses, and a packed red blood cell transfusion. Which of the following statements regarding medical
treatment of hypotension is correct?
A. Dopamine tends to cause hypertension at low doses (<2 mg/kg/min) and hypotension when the infusion
rate is increased higher than 5 mg/kg/min.
B. Dobutamine is a synthetic sympathomimetic amine that acts directly on a- and b-receptors without the
release of norepinephrine.
C. Dobutamine causes decreased myocardial contractility but increased chronotropy and net systemic
D. Epinephrine at low doses (0.01–0.1 mg/kg/min) increases peripheral vasoconstriction and decreases
myocardial contractility.
E. Common adverse effects of epinephrine infusion are hypoglycemia and bradycardia.

3. A newborn term male infant is born to a mother with prolonged rupture of membranes and is depressed at birth
with low Apgar scores and poor respiratory effort. He is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit and given
intravenous antibiotics. During his first hospital day, he is treated for hypotension with fluid boluses, but he
continues to have persistently low blood pressure. Which of the following treatments for neonatal hypotension
is described correctly?
A. Norepinephrine inhibits the activation of a1,2- and b1-receptors, leading to decreased vascular resistance.
B. Norepinephrine is contraindicated in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn because it can
lead to pulmonary vasoconstriction, exacerbating the primary disease.
C. Milrinone has an inotropic effect by causing decreased breakdown of cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
D. Milrinone tends to have an effect of increasing cardiac output but also causes a corresponding increase in
myocardial oxygen demand because of increased systemic vascular resistance.
E. The mechanism of action of dobutamine primarily involves the inhibition of phosphodiesterase type 3.

4. A 5-day-old term female infant underwent cardiac surgery for several congenital abnormalities, including
aortic arch abnormality. She has low cardiac output and is being treated with milrinone. Which of the
following statements regarding milrinone is correct?
A. Possible negative effects of milrinone include systemic hypotension, tachycardia, tachyarrhythmias, and
B. The primary action of milrinone in this setting is to cause peripheral vasoconstriction, thereby increasing
blood pressure.
C. Milrinone has a relatively quick action at small initial doses and should not be used as a continuous
D. The half-life of milrinone is 18 to 24 hours and requires close monitoring of drug levels during treatment.
E. Milrinone should be avoided when pulmonary hypertension is present because it increases pulmonary
arterial pressures and oxygenation index.

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5. A 28-week gestational age male infant is now 10 days old and has hypotension associated with a new-onset
infection. The team considers the use of hydrocortisone for his condition. Which of the following statements
regarding hydrocortisone for the treatment of neonatal hypotension is correct?
A. If there is a normal age-specific cortisol level obtained, there is no indication of absolute or relative adrenal
insufficiency; therefore, corticosteroids will have no effect.
B. A potential side benefit of hydrocortisone therapy is increased growth and improved bone maturation.
C. Corticosteroids address hypotension by acting on calcium channel receptors in smooth muscle, leading to
decreased calcium levels in myocardial and endothelial cells.
D. Prophylactic hydrocortisone and concurrent indomethacin therapy has been associated with spontaneous
intestinal perforation.
E. Low-dose hydrocortisone given prophylactically or in the setting of hypotension leads to improved survival
and neurodevelopmental outcomes.

NeoReviews Vol.16 No.6 June 2015 e361

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Inotrope and Vasopressor Support in Neonates
J. Lauren Ruoss, Christopher McPherson and James DiNardo
NeoReviews 2015;16;e351
DOI: 10.1542/neo.16-6-e351

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Inotrope and Vasopressor Support in Neonates
J. Lauren Ruoss, Christopher McPherson and James DiNardo
NeoReviews 2015;16;e351
DOI: 10.1542/neo.16-6-e351

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