Recent trend of lifestyle changes with less time for consumers to prepare foods and awareness of
consumer’s health have been the major innovations in the field of packaging technology posed a
great challenge toward food packaging sector for the evolution of novel and innovative food
packaging techniques of active packaging, intelligent packaging and bio active packaging.
These novel techniques act by prolonging the shelf life, enhancing or maintaining the quality,
providing indication and to regulate freshness of food product.
The advancement in novel food packaging technologies involves retardation in oxidation,
hindered respiratory process, prevention of microbial attack, prevention of moisture infusion, use
of CO2 scavengers/emitters, ethylene scavengers, aroma emitters, time-temperature sensors,
ripeness indicators, biosensors and sustained release of antioxidants during storage also increase
the margin of food quality and safety.
The novel food packaging techniques thus help in fulfilling the demands throughout the food
supply chain by gearing up toward persons own lifestyle. The main objectives of this review
article are to provide basic knowledge of different new and innovative food packaging
techniques about their way of preservative action, effectiveness and suitability in various types of
Rapid growth of novel packaging in food segment is contributed by the enormous use of
packaged foods, rising need of prepared foods like use of microwave meals and growing use of
smaller size food, modern trend of retail practices, changing lifestyle, consumer’s demand of
customization, food safety and quality standards incentives for the evolution of novel and
innovative packaging. The introduction of various materials, viz. polyester, polypropylene, and
ethylene vinyl alcohol polymers led to drastic evacuation from metal, paperboard and glass
packaging to plastic and flexible packaging.
These newer ideas of active, intelligent and bioactive packaging had a greater impact on
marketing of food.
1. Intelligent packaging
The concept of intelligent packaging in real sense is to evaluate efficacy and strength of
active packaging system. Intelligent packaging offers greater significance by providing
detailed knowledge throughout the supply chain and maintains food quality by finding
out critical points by the use of attached, incorporated or printed labels onto packaging
Another important aspect of this smart packaging is the self-heating and cooling systems
used as temperature regulators like exothermic reaction packaging, Self cooling
packaging, ethylene absorbers and Radio frequency identification (RFID) used in
intelligent packaging is radio wave based system that wirelessly tracks items.
2. Active packaging
Active packaging came into existence with the aim of satisfying the consumer demand
for natural, recyclable, and biodegradable packaging materials.
Active packaging material capable of degrading by natural compositing process and with
less environmental effect was developed.
A new advancement in the use of active packaging is the addition of polymer materials
containing some additives that impart anti-microbial properties.
Active packaging also involves moisture controlling agents, internal humidity regulators
and Humidity regulators.
3. Bioactive packaging
Bioactive packaging is the novel packaging technology that alters the package or coating
in a way so as to have positive effect on consumer’s health. Various techniques include
enzyme encapsulation, nano encapsulation, micro encapsulation and enzyme
Bioactive packaging technology is implemented via (i) utilization of biodegradable
packaging materials for the release of functional or bioactive components, (ii)
encapsulating bio active ingredients into the foods or to the packaging materials, and (iii)
introducing packaging materials exhibiting enzyme activity and capable of transforming
some food components in order to deliver health benefits.
High Chemical Barriers increases the quality of food can be maintained by preventing
adsorption, desorption, diffusion of gases, liquids, penetration of other molecules such as
oxygen, pressurized liquid or gas, and water vapor by the use of high-barrier packaging.
7. Environmental Barriers
The environmental policy objectives include decrease or even to prevent the use of
packaging, to recover and recycle all residues, and to make the producer responsible for
the waste, as well as for the costs of recovering and recycling and bio sourced,
biodegradable, and recyclable.
9. Conclusion
Research and development in the emergence of biodegradable packaging technology with
improved quality and safety resulted in innovations in packaging techniques.
Preferences gave rise to active, intelligent and bio active food packaging techniques that
are purely innovative. Applicability of novel and innovative packaging techniques is
growing widely because of their health impact and thus resulted in reduced consumer
complaints. In the near future traditional packaging will be completely replaced by
innovative food packaging techniques as these techniques are rapidly making their way
into the global market.