Annual Report 2018

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Vision and Mission 01

Company Information 02

Directors' Profile 04

Notice of Annual General Meeting 06

Financial Highlights 09

Chairman's Review-(English & Urdu) 11

Directors' Report to the Members-(English & Urdu) 16

Statement of Compliance with the Code of Corporate Governance 28

Independent Auditors’ Review Report on the Statement of Compliance 31

Independent Auditor's Report to the Members 32

Statement of Financial Position 38

Statement of Profit or Loss Account 39

Statement of Comprehensive Income 40

Statement of Cash Flow 41

Statement of Changes in Equity 42

Notes to the Financial Statements 43

Pattern of Shareholding 69

Form of Proxy-(English & Urdu) 73

To become a leading integrated business delivering exceptional growth by
continuously striving to lead change and innovate.

Create value for our stakeholders by applying best manufacturing practices using
seamless integrated business processes and technology, whilst being sensitive to
environmental and social responsibility obligations.

01 to Growth
Company Information

Board of Directors Abdul Majeed Ghaziani Chairman-Non-Executive

Muhammad Farrukh Chief Executive
Safdar Sajjad Non-Executive
Muneer S. Godil Independent
Abdul Hafeez Non-Executive
Sheikh Ali Baakza Non-Executive
Muhammad Zain Sardar Non-Executive

Audit Committee Muneer S. Godil Chairman

Safdar Sajjad
Abdul Hafeez

Human Resource & Muneer S. Godil Chairman

Remuneration Committee Safdar Sajjad
Abdul Hafeez

Chief Financial Officer Muhammad Amin Hussain

Company Secretary Syed Muhammad Tariq Nabeel Jafri*

*Syed Muhammad Tariq Nabeel Jafri has been appointed as Company Secretary on
August 15, 2018 in place of Mr. Jalees Edhi.

External Auditor Naveed Zafar Ashfaq Jaffery & Co.

Chartered Accountants
1st Floor, Modern Motors House
Beaumont Road

Internal Auditor EY Ford Rhodes

(Out Sourced) Chartered Accountants
5th Floor, Progressive Plaza, Beaumont Road

Bankers Al Baraka Bank Limited

Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited
Habib Bank Limited
National Bank of Pakistan
MCB Bank Limited
Meezan Bank Limited
Bank Alfalah Limited
Dubai Islamic Bank Limited

REPORT 18 02
Legal Advisor Mohsin Tayebaly & Co.
1st Floor, Dime Centre,BC-4, Block-9
Kehkashan, Clifton, Karachi -75500
Phone # +92-21 111-682-529

Share Registrar F.D. Share Registrar (SMC-Pvt) Ltd

17th Floor, Saima Trade Tower A,
I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi
Phone # +92-21 32271905-6

Registered Office Unity Tower, Plot # 8-C, Block-6, PECHS

Karachi 75400.

Phone No. +92 21 34373605-607, 34388666, 34387666

Fax No +92 21 34373608
Email [email protected]
Business Import of Oil Seeds, Solvent Extraction, Refining,
Marketing of Edible Oil, processing of ancillary and

Status of Company Public Listed Company (PLC)

Company Registration number K-0023133
National Tax Number 0698412-6
Contact Person Syed Muhammad Tariq Nabeel Jafri
Phone No. +92-21 34373605-607
Email [email protected]

Factories Solvent Extraction Plant and Pellitising Mills

N-27 / B, N-27 / C & N-37 / A
Site Area, Kotri
District Hyderabad

Oil Refinery
Plot # E-32
SITE Area, Karachi.

03 to Growth
Abdul Majeed Ghaziani - Chairman

Mr. Abdul Majeed Ghaziani is a Qualified Cost & Management Accountant from Institute of
Cost & Management of Pakistan. He is an ex-treasurer – Rice Exporters Association of
Pakistan. He has over twenty one years of experience in commodity business. His core
expertise is in the area of exploring new products & business ventures and integrating them
with the current business model. His knowledge along with decades of experience adds a
high value in intellectual asset of the company.

Muhammad Farrukh - Chief Executive

Mr. Muhammad Farrukh is a seasoned businessman and an avid learner He has over sixteen
years of experience. His role encompasses exploring untapped export markets and managing
group`s banking support. His passion for the business steers the company in the most
profitable and determined manner.

Safdar Sajjad - Director

Mr. Safdar Sajjad’s Multi-dimensional experience is the key through which the group is
managing voluminous trade. His responsibilities include but not restricted to managing the
logistics, procurement and disbursement of the products. He has over fifteen years of
experience. His deep knowledge of various aspects of the edible oil business has played an
instrumental role in group’s growth.

Muneer S. Godil - Director

Mr. Muneer S. Godil is a graduate from the NED University of Engineering and Technology,
with specialization in Energy and Power from the US. He is a recognized expert in his field
having spent over two decades in planning, engineering and implementation of Green Field
Projects including Power and Cogeneration. He has a wealth of experience to draw on in
operating plants of various configurations. He is currently working as Advisor to the Board of
Directors of various globally and nationally renowned companies helping them with planning,
development and operational challenges.

Abdul Hafeez - Director

Mr. Abdul Hafeez is Masters in Computer Science. He has gained dual experience of
Information Technology as well as Accountancy in his career and has over sixteen years of
experience in these areas. His also possesses vast expertise of imports that has enabled the
group to achieve market competitiveness.

REPORT 18 04
Sheikh Ali Baakza - Director

Mr. Sheikh Ali Baakza studied at Wharton Business School, USA for two and half years and
successfully completed several courses with Grain and Food Trading Organizations in
London. He has an exhaustive experience of sixteen years in trading and shipping and has
remained associated with renowned organizations namely; Ameropa, Cargill and Louis
Dreyfus. His core expertise in solvent extraction, shipping and trading commodities enables
the group to discover new opportunities and expand its horizons.

Muhammad Zain Sardar - Director

Mr. Muhammad Zain Sardar has over twenty one years’ experience mainly in the fields of
shipping, port operations, mechanized and advanced agriculture, solvent extraction, flour mill
operations, import and export and other trading businesses. He has worked with Price Club
(Now COSTCO), Northstar Int’l Support, Ace International (Pvt.) Limited, various ports in
Pakistan besides in agricultural farming. He has an Associate Degree/Junior Bachelors from
Los Angeles Valley College, California, USA and Graduated with Honors from Dale Carnegie
Course in Human Relations and Effective speaking in Los Angeles, California, USA.

05 to Growth
Notice is hereby given to all the members of Unity Foods Limited that the 28th Annual General
Meeting of Unity Foods Limited will be held on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 06:30 p.m. at
Regent Plaza Hotel and Convention Centre, Main Shahreh-e-Faisal, Karachi, to transact the
following businesses:

Ordinary Business:
1. To receive, consider and adopt the audited financial statements of the company for
the twelve months period year ended 30th June, 2018 together with Directors’ and
Auditors’ reports thereon.
2. To appoint the Auditors of the Company for the year ending June 30, 2019 and fix
their remuneration. Messrs. Naveed Zafar Ashfaq Jaffery & Co. Chartered
Accountants, retire and being eligible, have offered themselves for reappointment.
3. To approve 5% cash dividend (final) as recommended by the Board of Directors of
the Company for the period ended June 30, 2018

Special Business:
4. To approve transmission of annual audited financial statements, auditor’s report and
directors’ report etc. (“Annual Audited Accounts”) along with notice of general
meeting to the shareholders of Unity Foods Limited at their registered address in soft
form i.e. CD/DVD/USB instead of transmitting the same in hard copies from the year
ending June 30, 2019 as notified by SECP vide its SRO no. 470 (1) 2016 dated May
31, 2016 as allowed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
(SECP) and if thought fit to pass the following resolution as special resolution.

“RESOLVED THAT transmission of annual audited financial statements, auditor’s report and
directors’ report etc. (“Annual Audited Accounts”) along with notice of general meeting to the
members of the Company at their registered address in soft form i.e. CD/DVD/USB instead of
transmitting the same in hard copies from the year ending June 30, 2019 as notified by SECP
vide its SRO no. 470 (1) 2016 dated May 31, 2016 be and is hereby approved.”

A statement of material facts under Section 134 (3) of the Companies Act, 2017 pertaining to
Special Business along with the special resolutions proposed to be passed , are being sent to
the shareholders with the notice.

Other Business:
5. To transact any other business as may be placed before the meeting with the
permission of the Chair.

By Order of the Board

Dated: October 03, 2018 Syed Muhammad Tariq Nabeel Jafri

Place: Karachi Company Secretary

REPORT 18 06
Notice is hereby given to all the members of Unity Foods Limited that the 28th Annual General
Meeting of Unity Foods Limited will be held on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 06:30 p.m. at
Regent Plaza Hotel and Convention Centre, Main Shahreh-e-Faisal, Karachi, to transact the
following businesses:

Ordinary Business:
1. To receive, consider and adopt the audited financial statements of the company for
the twelve months period year ended 30th June, 2018 together with Directors’ and
Auditors’ reports thereon.
2. To appoint the Auditors of the Company for the year ending June 30, 2019 and fix
their remuneration. Messrs. Naveed Zafar Ashfaq Jaffery & Co. Chartered
Accountants, retire and being eligible, have offered themselves for reappointment.
3. To approve 5% cash dividend (final) as recommended by the Board of Directors of
the Company for the period ended June 30, 2018

Special Business:
4. To approve transmission of annual audited financial statements, auditor’s report and
directors’ report etc. (“Annual Audited Accounts”) along with notice of general
meeting to the shareholders of Unity Foods Limited at their registered address in soft
form i.e. CD/DVD/USB instead of transmitting the same in hard copies from the year
ending June 30, 2019 as notified by SECP vide its SRO no. 470 (1) 2016 dated May
31, 2016 as allowed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
(SECP) and if thought fit to pass the following resolution as ordinary resolution.

“RESOLVED THAT transmission of annual audited financial statements, auditor’s report and
directors’ report etc. (“Annual Audited Accounts”) along with notice of general meeting to the
members of the Company at their registered address in soft form i.e. CD/DVD/USB instead of
transmitting the same in hard copies from the year ending June 30, 2019 as notified by SECP
vide its SRO no. 470 (1) 2016 dated May 31, 2016 be and is hereby approved.”

A statement of material facts under Section 134 (3) of the Companies Act, 2017 pertaining to
Special Business along with the ordinary resolutions proposed to be passed , are being sent
to the shareholders with the notice.

Other Business:
5. To transact any other business as may be placed before the meeting with the
permission of the Chair.

By Order of the Board

Dated: October 03, 2018 Syed Muhammad Tariq Nabeel Jafri

Place: Karachi Company Secretary

REPORT 18 06
i) The Share Transfer Books of the Company shall remain closed from October 18, 2018 to October 24, 2018
(both days inclusive) for determining the entitlement of shareholders for attending the Annual General
ii) Physical Transfers received by the Company at the close of business on October 17, 2018 will be treated
as being in time for the purpose of attending the meeting.
iii) Members entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting may appoint a proxy to attend, speak
and vote on him /her behalf. The proxy need not to be a member of the Company.
iv) Forms of proxy to be valid must be properly filled in/ executed and received by the company not later than
forty eight hours before the commencement of the meeting.
v) Shareholders who have deposited their shares into the Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited
will further have to follow the guidelines as laid down in Circular 1 dated January 26, 2000 issued by the
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Such shareholders must bring their original
Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) or Original Passport at the time of attending the meeting. If
proxies are granted by such shareholders the same must be accompanied with attested copies of the CNIC
or the Passport of the beneficial owners. Additionally, (i) the proxy form shall be witnessed by two persons
whose names, addresses and CNIC numbers shall be mentioned on the form; (ii) attested copies of CNIC
or the passport of the proxy shall be furnished with the proxy form; and (iii) the proxy shall produce his / her
original CNIC or original passport at the time of the meeting.
vi) In case of a corporate entity, the Board of Directors’ resolution / power of attorney with specimen signatures
of the nominee shall be produced (unless it has been provided earlier) at the time of the meeting. If proxies
are granted by such corporate shareholders the same must be accompanied with the Board of Directors’
resolution / power of attorney with specimen signatures.
vii) Members are requested to immediately notify any change in their addresses to the Company’s registrar and
share transfer agent.
viii) Pursuant to SECP Circular No 10 of 2014 dated May 21, 2014, if Company receives consent from members
holding aggregate 10% or more shareholding residing in a geographical location to participate in the
meeting through video conference at least 5 days prior to the date of Annual General Meeting. The
Company will arrange video conference facility in that city subject to availability of such facility in that city.
To avail this facility please provide the following information to the Share Registrar Office of the Company
i.e. F.D. Share Registrar Services (SMC-Pvt.) Limited Office No. 1705, 17th Floor, Saima Trade Tower-A,
I. I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi.

I/We, of being a member of Unity Foods Limited, holder of Ordinary Share(s) as per Register Folio No.
hereby opt for video conference facility at (Please insert name of the City)

Signature of member

ix) Payment of Cash Dividend through Electronic Mode

In terms of section 242 of the Companies Act, 2017, any dividend payable in cash shall only be paid
through electronic mode directly into the bank account designated by the entitled shareholders.
Accordingly, the shareholders holding physical shares are requested to provide the Company’s Share
Registrar at the address mentioned above, electronic dividend mandate on E-Dividend Form which is
available on website of the Company i.e In the case of shares held in CDC, the
same nformation should be provided to the CDS Participants for updating and forwarding to the Company
in order to make process of payment of cash dividend more efficient.

x. Deduction of Income Tax from dividend at Revised Rates

Pursuant to the provisions of Finance Act, 2017 effective July 01, 2017, the deduction of income tax from
dividend payments shall be made on the basis of filers and non-filers as per applicable tax rate. Income tax
will be deducted on the basis of Active Tax Payers List as posted on the website of Federal Board of

07 to Growth
Members seeking exemption from deduction of income tax or are eligible for deduction at a reduced rate
are requested to submit a valid tax certificate or necessary documentary evidence, as the case may be.

The shareholders who have joint shareholdings held by filers and non-filers shall be dealt with separately
and in such particular situation, each account holder is to be treated as either a filer of a non-filer and tac
will be deducted according to his shareholding. If the share is not ascertainable, then each account holder
will be assumed to hold equal proportion of shares and the deduction will be made accordingly. Therefore,
in order to avoid deduction of tax at a higher rate, the joint account holders are requested to provide the
below details of their shareholding to the share registrar of the Company.

Principal Shareholder Joint Shareholder

Folio / CDC
Total Shares (Name, CNIC and (Name, CNIC and
Account No.
Shareholding Proportion) Shareholding Proportion)

xi. Unclaimed Dividend

Shareholders who by any reason could not collect their dividend are advised to contact the Registrar
to collect / enquire about their unclaimed dividend, if any. In compliance with Section 244 of the
Companies Act, 2017, after having competed the stipulated procedure, all such dividends outstanding
for a period of 3 years or more from the due date shall be deposited to the credit of Federal Government.

xii. Placement of Financial Statements:

The Company has placed the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended June 30,2018 along with
Auditors and Directors Reports thereon and Chairman’s Review Report on its website:

Statement of Material Facts under Section 134 (3) of the Companies Act, 2017 pertaining to
Special Business
Transmission of Annual Accounts by CD/DVD/USB
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (“SECP”) has vide S.R.O 470(1)2016 dated May 31, 2016
allowed the companies to circulate the annual reports including annual audited accounts, notices of annual
general meetings and other information contained therein of the Company to its members through CD/DVD/USB
subject to consent of the shareholders in the general meeting. This will save time and expenses incurred on
printing of the annual report.
The Company shall provide the hard copies of the aforesaid documents to the shareholders on demand, free of
cost, within one week of such demand. After approval of the shareholders, the Company shall place a Standard
Request Form on its website to communicate their need of hard copies of the documents along with postal and
email address of the Company Secretary / share registrar to whom such requests shall be made.
The directors, sponsors, majority shareholders of the company and their relatives have no vested interest,
directly or indirectly in the above mentioned Special Business.

REPORT 18 08

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

------------------------------ (Rupees) ------------------------------

Sales 2,782,172,064 - - - - -
Cost of goods sold (2,534,098,638) - - - - -
Gross profit 248,073,426 - - - - -
Operating profit / (loss) 149,637,697 (4,343,650) (3,001,104) (3,298,642) 72,738,395 (30,128,400)
Profit / (loss) before taxation 97,797,326 (4,343,650) (3,001,104) (3,298,642) 72,738,395 (30,128,400)
Profit / (loss) after taxation 121,516,425 (4,343,650) (3,001,104) (3,241,359) 72,681,112 (30,128,400)


Paid up capital 1,690,500,000 40,500,000 40,500,000 40,500,000 40,500,000 40,500,000

Equity balance 1,773,917,658 2,401,233 6,744,883 9,745,987 12,987,346 (9,315,471)
Fixed assets 1,527,524,826 - - - - 396,510
Current assets 3,015,913,659 2,984,752 6,787,283 9,798,987 13,027,346 10,282,477
Current liabilities 2,793,264,926 608,519 67,400 78,000 65,000 113,540,708


Gross margin (%) 8.92 - - - - -

Operating margin (%) 5.38 - - - - -
Net profit (%) 4.37 - - - - -
Return on Capital (%) 6.85 (180.89) (44.49) (33.26) 559.63 323.42
Current ratio (%) 1.08 0.20 0.01 0.01 0.00 11.04
Earning per share (Rs.) 1.18 (1.07) (0.74) (0.80) 17.95 (7.44)
Cash Dividend (%) 5.00 -

Metric Tonnes

Edible Oil Refinery 54,000 - - - - -

Solvent Extraction Plant 162,000 - - - - -

09 to Growth
Industrial Fats
Divisional Hierarchy

Specialty Fats

Chocolate Fats Confectionary Fats Bakery Fats

Cocoa Butter Bakery margarine Bakery margarine

Improver, Cocoa
Butter Equivalent Bakery Shortenings Bakery Shortenings

25 to Growth
YoY growth
8.00% 6.92% 7.19%
6.31% 6.61%
6.00% 4.95%
FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17

Edible Oils - Pakistan

4.38 4.60
4.50 4.09
4.00 3.84
Total Market. Size (MT)
FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17

REPORT 18 26
27 to Growth

Name of Company: Unity Foods Limited

Year Ending: June 30, 2018

The Company has complied with the requirements of the Regulations in the following
1. The total number of directors are Seven as per the following:
a. Male : Seven
b. Female: Nil

2. The Composition of the Board is as follows:

Independent Director 1) Muneer S. Godil
Non-Executive Directors 2) Safdar Sajjad
3) Abdul Hafeez
4) Abdul Majeed Ghaziani
5) Muhammad Zain Sardar
6) Sheikh Ali Baakza
Executive Director 7) Muhammad Farrukh

3. The directors have confirmed that none of them is serving as a director on more
than five listed companies, including Unity Foods Limited.

4. The company has prepared a Code of Conduct and has ensured that appropriate
steps have been taken to disseminate it throughout the company along with its
supporting policies and procedures.

5. The board has developed a vision / mission statement, overall corporate strategy
and significant policies of the company. A complete record of particulars of
significant policies along with the dates on which they were approved or amended
has been maintained.

6. All the powers of the Board have been duly exercised and decisions on relevant
matters have been taken by board / shareholders as empowered by the relevant
provisions of the Act and these Regulations.

7. The meetings of the board were presided over by the Chairman. The Board has
complied with the requirements of the Act and the Regulations with respect to
frequency, recording and circulating minutes of meeting of board.

8. The board of directors has a formal policy and transparent procedures for
remunerations of directors in accordance with the Act and these Regulations.

REPORT 18 28
9. None of the Directors has attended the Director’s Training program during the
year, however, the condition of training certification for the director’s shall be
complied with in due course.

10. The Board has approved appointment of CFO, Company Secretary and Head of
Internal Audit, including their remuneration and terms and conditions of
employment and complied with relevant requirements of the Regulations.

*Mr. Muhammad Amin Hussain has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer
(CFO) on December 01, 2017 in place of Mr. Muhammad Faizan. Subsequently
after year end, Syed Muhammad Tariq Nabeel Jafri has been appointed as
Company Secretary (CS) on August 15, 2018 in place of Mr. Jalees Edhi.
Mr. Jalees Edhi was appointed as Head of Internal Audit on July 3, 2017. On
March 30, 2018 when the Internal Audit was outsourced to EY Ford Rhodes,
Mr. Jalees Edhi was appointed to liaise between the EY Ford Rhodes and the

11. CFO and CEO duly endorsed the financial statements before approval of the

12. The Board has formed committees comprising of members given below.

Name of Committee Name of Members and Chairman

Audit Committee 1) Muneer S. Godil (Independent Director) Chairman
2) Safdar Sajjad – Member
3) Abdul Hafeez -Member

Human Resource and a) Muneer S. Godil (Independent Director) Chairman

Remuneration Committee b) Safdar Sajjad – Member
c) Abdul Hafeez -Member

13. The terms and reference of the aforesaid committees have been formed,
documented and advised to the committee for compliance.

14. The frequency of meetings (quarterly/ half yearly/ yearly) of the committee were
as following:

a. Audit committee Six Meetings

b. HR and Remuneration Committee One Annual Meeting held on July 3, 2017

• Mr. Ilyas Ahmed was an independent Director till February 13, 2018. Mr. Muneer
S. Godil was appointed as Independent Director on February 13, 2018 and also
appointed as Chairman Audit Committee. Further, Mr. Muneer S. Godil also
appointed as Chairman Human Resource and Remuneration Committee on May
02, 2018 in place of Mr. Safdar Sajjad.

29 to Growth
15. The Board has outsourced the internal audit function to EY Ford Rhodes & Co. on
March 30, 2018 who is considered suitably qualified and experienced for the
purpose and are conversant with the policies and procedures of the company.

16. The statutory auditors of the company have confirmed that they have been given
a satisfactory rating under the quality control review program of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) and registered with Audit Oversight
Board of Pakistan, that they or any of the partners of the firm, their spouses and
minor children do not hold shares of the Company and that the firm and all of its
partners are in compliance with International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
guidelines on code of ethics as adopted by Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Pakistan (ICAP).

17. The statutory auditors or the persons associated with them have not been
appointed to provide other services except in accordance with the Act, these
regulations or any other regulatory requirement and the auditors have confirmed
that they have observed IFAC guidelines in this regard.

18. We confirm that all other requirements of the Regulations have been complied

Abdul Majeed Ghaziani Muhammad Farrukh

Chairman Chief Executive

Dated: September 19, 2018

REPORT 18 30
Independent Auditors’ Rewiew Report to the
Members of Unity Foods Limited

Review Report on the Statement of Compliance contained in Listed

Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2017

We have reviewed the enclosed Statement of Compliance with the Listed Companies
(Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2017 (the Regulations) prepared by the
Board of Directors of Unity Foods Limited (the Company) for the year ended June, 30 2018
in accordance with the requirements of regulation 40 of the Regulations.

The responsibility for compliance with the Regulations is that of the Board of Directors of

the status of the Company’s compliance with the provisions of the Regulations and report
if it does not and to highlight any non-compliance with the requirements of the Regulations.
A review is limited primarily to inquiries of the Company’s personnel and review of various
documents prepared by the Company to comply with the Regulations.

As a part of our audit of the financial statements we are required to obtain an

understanding of the accounting and internal control systems sufficient to plan the audit
and develop an e ective audit approach. We are not required to consider whether the
Board of Directors’ statement on internal control covers all risks and controls or to form an
opinion on the e ectiveness of such internal controls, the Company’s corporate
governance procedures and risks.

The Regulations require the Company to place before the Audit Committee, and upon
recommendation of the Audit Committee, place before the Board of Directors for their
review and approval, its related party transactions and also ensure compliance with the
requirements of section 208 of the Companies Act, 2017. We are only required and have
ensured compliance of this requirement to the extent of the approval of the related party
transactions by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Audit Committee. We
have not carried out procedures to assess and determine the company’s process for
identification of related parties and that whether the related party transactions were
undertaken at arm’s length price or not.

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention which causes us to believe that the

material respects, with the requirements contained in the Regulations as applicable to the
Company for the year ended June 30, 2018.

Further, we highlight the status of compliance as mentioned in the paragraph 10 of the

Statement of Compliance, which has been complied with subsequent to the year end.

Chartered Accountants
Engagement Partner: Tanveer Afzal Khan

Karachi :
Dated : September 19, 2018

31 to Growth
Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements


We have audited the annexed financial statements of Unity Foods Limited (the Company),
which comprise the statement of financial position as at June 30, 2018, and the statement
of profit or loss, the statement of comprehensive income, the statement of changes in
equity, the statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the financial
statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory
information, and we state that we have obtained all the information and explanations
which, to the best of our knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purposes of the

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given
to us, the statement of financial position, statement of profit or loss, the statement of
comprehensive income, the statement of changes in equity and the statement of cash
flows together with the notes forming part thereof conform with the accounting and
reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan and give the information required by the
Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017), in the manner so required and respectively give a
true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs as at June 30, 2018 and of the profit
and other comprehensive income, the changes in equity and its cash flows for the year
then ended.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) as

applicable in Pakistan. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in
the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our
report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the International Ethics
Standards Board for Accountants’ Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants as adopted
by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (the Code) and we have fulfilled our
other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit
evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Key Audit Matter(s)

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most
significance in our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters
were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in
forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

REPORT 18 32
S. No Key audit matter(s) How the matter was addressed in our

01. New requirements under the

Companies Act, 2017 (Refer note 3.1)

The provisions of the fourth schedule to We reviewed the requirements of the

the Companies Act, 2017 (the Act) Fourth schedule to the Act and carried
became applicable to the Company for out the following audit procedures to
the first time in the preparation of these ensure that the financial statements were
annexed financial statements which prepared in accordance with new
replaced previously applicable fourth requirements:
schedule to the repealed Companies
Ordinance 1984. • As part of transition to new
requirements, the management
The Act, has also brought certain performed a gap analysis to identify
changes with regards to preparation and additional requirements of disclosure
presentation of the annual financial for the current financial reporting
statements of the Company. framework. We reviewed the
management’s process to identify the
In view of the extensive impacts in the necessary amendments required in
annexed financial statements due to first the Company’s financial statements;
time application of the fourth schedule to
the Act, we considered it as a key audit • We evaluated the results of
matter. management’s analysis and key
decisions taken in respect of the
transition,; and

• We assessed the adequacy and

appropriateness of the additional
disclosures made in the annexed
financial statements based on the
new requirements.

02. The Company’s exposure to litigation Our procedures in relation to this

risk matter included:

On 24 May 2018 the Company and the • Obtained and reviewed details of the
former directors received a notice from significant pending legal case and
Habib Bank Limited relating to Suo Moto discussed the same with Company’s
Notice of Supreme Court on Loan write management;
off pertaining to the period 2007. The
former management for their own behalf • Circulated confirmations to the
and on behalf of the Company have filed company’s external legal for their
a statement on June 5, 2018 through views on open legal/tax matters ;
their legal counsel whereby they have
explained that the amounts were duly

33 to Growth
paid by the then management to National • Reviewed correspondence of the
Bank of Pakistan and Habib Bank company with the relevant authorities;
Limited. The case is yet to be decided.
The current management believes that • Evaluated rationale provided by the
no liability or payment accrues against company and opinion of the external
the Company. Accordingly, no legal counsel
provisioning has been provided in these
financial statements.
• Reviewed the disclosures made in the
Due to the uncertainty involved in the financial statements in respect of
outcome of this case we have identified such contingencies
this as key audit matter.

Review of recoverability of deferred Our procedures in relation to this

tax asset (Refer note 13) matter included:

Under International Accounting Standard • We evaluated the appropriateness of

12, Income Taxes, the Company is amounts of un-used tax losses, tax
required to review recoverability of the credit on investments and minimum
deferred tax assets recognised in the tax against which deferred tax assets
statement of financial position at each were recognised;
reporting period.
• We assessed the reasonableness of
Recognition of deferred tax asset management’s projections with
position involved managements’ estimate underlying assumptions including
of the future available taxable profits of growth rate, future revenue and costs,
the Company and there is an inherent comparing the assumptions to,
uncertainty in such estimation in relation historical results and considering
to the future cash flows and timing of other relevant information to assess
reversals of un-used tax losses to whether the deferred tax asset would
determine whether or not the availability be adjusted against future taxable
of future profits against which tax profits as per the management
deductions represented by the deferred projections;
tax assets would be adjusted.
• We tested mathematical accuracy of
As at June 30, 2018, the Company projections along with use of
carries a net deferred tax asset of appropriate tax rate on temporary
Rs. 23.72 million in its statement of differences;
financial position.
We assessed the appropriateness of
We considered this as a key audit matter management’s accounting for deferred
owing to its significant value and taxes and the accuracy of related
estimation uncertainty of the disclosures
assumptions used by management
about future profitability.

REPORT 18 34
Information Other than the Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report Thereon

Management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the
information included in annual report, but does not include the financial statements and
our auditor’s report thereon.

Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do
not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the
other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially
inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or other-
wise appears to be materially misstated.

If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material
misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing
to report in this regard.

Responsibilities of Management and Board of Directors for the Financial


Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial
statements in accordance with the accounting and reporting standards as applicable in
Pakistan and the requirements of Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017) and for such internal
control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial
statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the

Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters
related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless
management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no
realistic alternative but to do so.

Board of directors are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting

Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue
an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of
assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs as
applicable in Pakistan will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.
Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or
in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions
of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

35 to Growth
As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs as applicable in Pakistan, we exercise
professional judgment and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We

• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,
whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to
those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide
a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting
from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion,
forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal

• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design

audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose
of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control.

• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness

of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management.

• Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis

of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material
uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on
the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material
uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the
related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are
inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence
obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions
may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements,
including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the
underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

We communicate with the board of directors regarding, among other matters, the planned
scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant
deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide the board of directors with a statement that we have complied with
relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all
relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our
independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with the board of directors, we determine those matters
that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period
and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report
unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in
extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in
our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected
to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

REPORT 18 36
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Based on our audit, we further report that in our opinion:

a) proper books of account have been kept by the Company as required by the
Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017);

b) the statement of financial position, the statement of profit or loss, the statement of
comprehensive income, the statement of changes in equity and the statement of
cash flows together with the notes thereon have been drawn up in conformity with
the Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017) and are in agreement with the books of
account and returns;

c) investments made, expenditure incurred and guarantees extended during the year
were for the purpose of the Company’s business;

d) no zakat was deductible at source under the Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980.

The engagement partner on the audit resulting in this independent auditor’s report is
Mr. Tanveer Afzal Khan.

Chartered Accountants

Date: September 19, 2018

37 to Growth
Unity Foods Limited
Statement of Financial Posi on
As at June 30, 2018
Note 2018 2017
Share capital and reserves
Authorized capital

170,000,000 (2017: 6,100,000) ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each 1,700,000,000 61,000,000

Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital 5 1,690,500,000 40,500,000

Unappropriated pro / (loss) 83,417,658 (38,098,767)
1,773,917,658 2,401,233
Current liabili es
Trade and other payables 6 1,744,791,482 608,519
Accrued mark-up 7 9,549,688 -
Short-term borrowings 8 616,198,108 -
Loan from related party 9 422,725,648 -
2,793,264,926 608,519
Con ngencies and commitments 10

Total equity and liabili es 4,567,182,584 3,009,752

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 11 1,521,820,847 -
Intangible assets 12 5,703,979 -
Long-term deposit 25,000 25,000
Deferred tax 13 23,719,099 -
1,551,268,925 25,000
Current assets
Stock-in-trade 14 1,479,257,110 -
Trade debts 15 1,148,211,099 -
Advances, deposits and short-term prepayments 16 107,098,427 -
Other receivables 30,995,650 1,007,019
Sales tax receivable 143,749,417 -
Tax on - net of provision 96,643,514 226,665
Cash and bank balances 17 9,958,442 1,751,068
3,015,913,659 2,984,752
Total assets 4,567,182,584 3,009,752
The annexed notes from 1 to 35 form an integral part of these nancial statements.

Chairman Chief Execu ve Chief Financial cer

Abdul Majeed Ghaziani Muhammad Farrukh Muhammad Amin Hussain
REPORT 18 38
Unity Foods Limited
Statement of Pro t or Loss Account
For the year ended June 30, 2018

Note 2018 2017


Net Sales 18 2,782,172,064 -

Cost of sales 19 (2,534,098,638) -

Gross pro 248,073,426 -

Selling and distribu on expenses 20 (55,590,338) -

Admin ve expenses 21 (55,078,582) (4,366,608)
Other op g expenses 22 (21,840,927) -
(132,509,847) (4,366,608)

Other income 23 34,074,118 31,266

ng pro / (loss) before nance cost 149,637,697 (4,335,342)

Finance cost 24 (51,840,371) (8,308)

Pro / (loss) before tax on 97,797,326 (4,343,650)

Tax on 25 23,719,099 -
Pro / (loss) tax on 121,516,425 (4,343,650)

Basic and diluted earnings / (loss) per share 26 1.18 (0.44)

The annexed notes from 1 to 35 form an integral part of these nancial statements.

Chairman Chief Execu ve Chief Financial cer

Abdul Majeed Ghaziani Muhammad Farrukh Muhammad Amin Hussain

39 to Growth
Unity Foods Limited
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ended June 30, 2018

2018 2017

Pro t / (loss) a taxa on for the year 121,516,425 (4,343,650)

Other comprehensive income for the year - -

Total comprehensive income / (loss) for the year 121,516,425 (4,343,650)

The annexed notes from 1 to 35 form an integral part of these nancial statements.

Chairman Chief Execu ve Chief Financial cer

Abdul Majeed Ghaziani Muhammad Farrukh Muhammad Amin Hussain

REPORT 18 40
Unity Foods Limited
Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended June 30, 2018
Note 2018 2017
Cash ows from opera ng ac vi es
Pro t / (loss) before taxa on 97,797,326 (4,343,650)
Adjustments for:
D on 22,721,668 -
Amo z on 196,689 -
Finance cost 51,840,371 8,308
172,556,054 (4,335,342)
Changes in working capital
(Increase) / decrease in current assets:
Stock in trade (1,479,257,110) -
Trade debts (1,148,211,099) -
Sales tax receivable (143,749,417) -
Advances, deposits and short-term prepayments (107,098,427) -
Other receivables (29,988,631) 4,000,000
(2,908,304,684) 4,000,000
Increase in current liabil
Trade and other payables 1,744,182,963 541,119
Cash (used in) / generated from opera ng ac vi es (991,565,667) 205,777
Taxes paid (96,416,848) (5,216)
Finance cost paid (42,290,684) (8,308)
Net cash (used in) / generated from opera ng ac vi es (1,130,273,199) 192,253
Cash ows from inves ng ac vi es
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (1,544,542,515) -
Purchase of intangible asset (5,900,668) -
Net cash used in inves ng ac vi es (1,550,443,183) -
Cash ows from nancing ac vi es
Proceeds from short-term borrowing - net 938,923,756 -
Proceeds from issue of right shares 1,650,000,000 -
Net cash generated from nancing ac vi es 2,588,923,756 -
Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalents (91,792,626) 192,253
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 1,751,068 1,558,815
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year (90,041,558) 1,751,068


Cash and bank balances 17 9,958,442 1,751,068
Short-term borrowings from bank - running nance (secured) 8 (100,000,000) -
(90,041,558) 1,751,068
The annexed notes from 1 to 35 form an integral part of these nancial statements.

Chairman Chief Execu ve Chief Financial cer

Abdul Majeed Ghaziani Muhammad Farrukh Muhammad Amin Hussain
41 to Growth
Unity Foods Limited
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended June 30, 2018

Issued, subscribed Unappropriated

and paid-up capital pro t / (loss)

------------------------------------------ (Rupees) -----------------------------------------

Balance as at July 01, 2016 40,500,000 (33,755,117) 6,744,883

Loss a er tax on - (4,343,650) (4,343,650)

Other comprehensive income - - -

Total comprehensive loss for the year - (38,098,767) (38,098,767)

Balance as at June 30, 2017 40,500,000 (38,098,767) 2,401,233

Pro er t on for the year - 121,516,425 121,516,425

Other comprehensive income for the year - - -

Total comprehensive income for the year - 121,516,425 121,516,425

Transac ons with owners

Issuance of right shares 1,650,000,000 - -

Balance as at June 30, 2018 1,690,500,000 83,417,658 1,773,917,658

The annexed notes from 1 to 35 form an integral part of these nancial statements.

Chairman Chief Execu ve Chief Financial cer

Abdul Majeed Ghaziani Muhammad Farrukh Muhammad Amin Hussain
REPORT 18 42
Unity Foods Limited
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended June 30, 2018
1.1 Unity Foods Limited (formerly: Taha Spinning Mills Limited) (the "Company") was incorporated in Pakistan
as a Private Limited Company under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 in 1991 and subsequently converted
into a Public Limited company on June 16, 1991. Shares of the company are listed on the Pakistan Stock
Exchange on February 01, 1994. The principal business of the company has been changed from yarn
manufacturing to edible oil ex on, ning and related businesses. The registered o ce of the
company is situated at Unity Tower, Plot # 8 C, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi 75400.

Geographical lo on and addresses of business units including plants of the Company are as under:
Address Purpose
Unity Tower Plot No. 8-C, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S.
Plot No. E-32, SITE Area, nery

Kotri, District Hyderabad

Plot No. N-27-B, SITE Area,
Plot No. N-27-C, SITE Area,
Plot No. N-37-A, SITE Area, } Edible Oil Ext on Plant

All signi cant tran ons and events that have ed the Company's statement of nancial po on
and performance during the year have been adequately disclosed in the notes to these nancial
statements. For a detailed discussion about these signi cant tran ons and event please refer to the
directors' report.

3.1 Statement of compliance
These nancial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accoun ng and repo ng standards
as applicable in Pakistan. The accoun ng and repo ng standards as applicable in Pakistan comprise of:
- Intern onal Financial Repo ng Standards (IFRS Standards) issued by the Interna onal Accoun ng
Standard Board (IASB) as no d under the Companies Act, 2017; and
- Provisions of and direc es issued under the Companies Act, 2017.

Where the provisions of and d ves issued under the Companies Act, 2017 di er with the requirements
of IFRS Standards, the provisions of and d ves issued under the Companies Act, 2017 have been

3.2 Basis of measurement

These nancial statements have been prepared under the historical cost.

43 to Growth
3.3 Func onal and presenta on currency
These nancial statements are presented in Pakistan Rupees which is also the Company's fun onal
currency. All amounts have been rounded of to nearest rupees, unless otherwise indicated.

3.4 Use Of Es mates And Judgements

The prepa on of nancial statements in conformity with accoun ng and repo ng standards, as
applicable in Pakistan, requires management to make judgments, es mates and assump ons that
the appli on of the accoun ng policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabil income and
expenses. The es mates and associated assump ons are based on historical experience and various other
factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of
making the judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabil that are not readily apparent from
other sources. Actual results may di er from these e mates.
The es mates underlying the assump ons are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accoun ng
es mates are recognized in the period in which the es mate is revised if the revision only that
period, or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision both current and future
periods. Inform on about the judgments made by the management in the appli on of the accoun ng
policies, that have the most signi cant ct on the amount recognized in these nancial statements,
assump ons and es m on uncertain with signi cant risk of material adjustment to the carrying
amount of asset and liabil in the next year are described in the following notes:
- Property, plant and equipment and depr on (refer note 4.1)
- Intangible assets and amo z on (refer note 4.3)
- Stock-in-trade (refer note 4.5)
- Tax on (refer note 4.6)
- Impairment (refer note 4.10)
- Con ng (refer note 4.12)
- Employee (refer note 4.13)

a) Standards, interpreta ons and amendments to published approved accoun ng standards that are
e ec ve and relevant
- IAS 7, ‘Statement of Cash Flows’ amendments introduced an add onal disclosure that will enable
users of nancial statements to evaluate changes in liabil arising from nancing v The
amendment is part of IASB’s Disclosure In e, which con nues to explore how nancial statement
disclosure can be improved. In the rst year of adop on, comp inform on need not be
provided. The relevant disclosure have been made in these nancial statements.
The Companies Act, 2017 (the Act) has also brought certain changes with regard to prepa on and
presenta on of annual nancial statements of the Company. Further, the disclosure requirements
contained in the Fourth Schedule to the Act have been revised, resul ng in the elimin on of
dupli ve disclosures with the IFRS disclosure requirements; and incorpo on of signi cant
add onal disclosures which have been included in these nancial statements.
b) Standards, interpreta ons and amendments to published approved accoun ng standards that are
e ec ve but not relevant

REPORT 18 44
There are certain new standards, amendments to the approved accoun ng standards and new
interpreta ons that are mandatory for accoun ng periods beginning on or July 01, 2017.
However, these do not have any signi cant impact on the Company’s nancial repo ng and
therefore have not been detailed in these nancial statements.

c) Standards, interpreta ons and amendments to published approved accoun ng standards that are
not yet e ec ve

- Classi on and Measurement of Share-based Payment Tran ons - amendments to IFRS 2 clarify
the accoun ng for certain types of arrangements and are c ve for annual periods beginning on or
January 01, 2018. The amendments cover three accoun ng areas (a)measurement of cash-
se share-based payments; (b) classi on of share-based payments se net of tax
withholdings; and (c) accoun ng for a modi on of a share-based payment from cash-se to equity-
se led. The new requirements could the classi on and / or measurement of these
arrangements and poten ly the ming and amount of expense recognized for new and outstanding
awards. The amendments are not likely to have an impact on Company nancial statements.
- Transfers of Investment Property (Amendments to IAS 40 ‘Investment Property’ - c ve for annual
periods beginning on or January 01, 2018) clari that an shall transfer a property to, or
from, investment property when, and only when there is a change in use. A change in use occurs
when the property meets, or ceases to meet, the d n on of investment property and there is
evidence of the change in use. In iso on, a change in management’s inten ons for the use of a
property does not provide evidence of a change in use. The amendments are not likely to have an
impact on Company nancial statements.
- Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2014-2016 Cycle [Amendments to IAS 28 ‘Investments in Associates
and Joint Ventures’] (e for annual periods beginning on or January 01, 2018) clari that
a venture capital organiz on and other similar may elect to measure investments in
associates and joint ventures at fair value through pro or loss, for each associate or joint venture
separately at the me of in recogn on of investment. Furthermore, similar elec on is available to
non-investment that has an interest in an associate or joint venture that is an investment
y, when applying the equity method, to retain the fair value measurement applied by that investment
associate or joint venture to the investment associate’s or joint venture’s interests in
subsidiaries. This elec on is made separately for each investment associate or joint
venture. The amendments are not likely to have an impact on Company nancial statements.
- IFRIC 22 ‘Foreign Currency Tran ons and Advance Consid on’ (e for annual periods
beginning on or January 01, 2018) clari which date should be used for tran on when a
foreign currency tran on involves payment or receipt in advance of the item it relates to. The
related item is translated using the exchange rate on the date the advance foreign currency is
received or paid and the prepayment or deferred income is recognized. The date of the tran on
for the purpose of determining the exchange rate to use on in recogn on of the related asset,
expense or income (or part of it) would remain the date on which receipt of payment from advance
consid on was recognized. If there are mu ple payments or receipts in advance, the shall
determine a date of the tran on for each payment or receipt of advance consid on. The
appli on of interpreta on is not likely to have an impact on Company nancial statements.

45 to Growth
- IFRIC 23 ‘Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments’ (e for annual periods beginning on or
January 01, 2019) clari the accoun ng for income tax when there is uncertainty over income tax
treatments under IAS 12. The interpreta on requires the uncertainty over tax treatment be ted
in the measurement of current and deferred tax. The appli on of interpreta on is not likely to have
material impact on Company nancial statements.
- IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from contracts with customers’ (e for annual periods beginning on or
July 01, 2018). IFRS 15 establishes a comprehensive framework for determining whether, how much
and when revenue is recognized. It replaces ex ng revenue recogn on guidance, including IAS 18
‘Revenue’, IAS 11 ‘Con on Contracts’ and IFRIC 13 ‘Customer Loyalty Programmes’. The
Company is currently in the process of analyzing the poten impact of changes required in revenue
recogn on policies on adop on of the standard.
- IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’ and amendment - Prepayment Features with N Comp on
(e for annual periods beginning on or July 01, 2018 and January 01, 2019 vely).
IFRS 9 replaces the ex ng guidance in IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recogn on and Measurement.
IFRS 9 includes revised guidance on the classi on and measurement of nancial instruments, a
new expected credit loss model for calcu ng impairment on nancial assets, and new general hedge
accoun ng requirements. It also carries forward the guidance on recogn on and derecogn on of
nancial instruments from IAS 39. The Company is currently in the process of analyzing the poten
impact of changes required in classi on and measurement of nancial instruments and the impact
of expected loss model on adop on of the standard.
- IFRS 16 ‘Leases’ (e for annual period beginning on or January 01, 2019). IFRS 16 replaces
ex ng leasing guidance, including IAS 17 ‘Leases’, IFRIC 4 ‘Determining whether an Arrangement
contains a Lease’, SIC-15 ng Leases- In ves’ and SIC-27 ‘Evalu ng the Substance of
Tran ons Involving the Legal Form of a Lease’. IFRS 16 introduces a single, on-balance sheet lease
accoun ng model for lessees. A lessee recognizes a right-of-use asset represen ng its right to use the
underlying asset and a lease liability represen ng its oblig on to make lease payments. There are
recogn on exemp ons for short-term leases and leases of low-value items. Lessor accoun ng
remains similar to the current standard i.e. lessors con nue to classify leases as nance or op
leases. Management is not expec ng impact of the standard on Company nancial repo ng.
- Amendment to IAS 28 ‘Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures’ - Long Term Interests in
Associates and Joint Ventures (e for annual period beginning on or January 01, 2019).
The amendment will companies that nance such with preference shares or with loans
for which repayment is not expected in the foreseeable future (referred to as long-term interests or
‘LTI’). The amendment and accompanying example state that LTI are in the scope of both IFRS 9 and
IAS 28 and explain the annual sequence in which both standards are to be applied. The amendments
are not likely to have an impact on Company nancial statements.
- Amendments to IAS 19 ‘Employee Plan Amendment, Curtailment or Se lement (e
for annual periods beginning on or January 01, 2019). The amendments clarify that on
amendment, curtailment or se ment of a d ned b plan, a company now uses updated
actuarial assump ons to determine its current service cost and net interest for the period; and the
ct of the asset ceiling is disregarded when calcu ng the gain or loss on any se ment of the
plan and is dealt with separately in other comprehensive income. The appli on of amendments is
not likely to have an impact on Company nancial statements.
- Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2015–2017 Cycle - the improvements address amendments
to following approved accoun ng standards:

REPORT 18 46
- IFRS 3 Business Combin ons and IFRS 11 Joint Arrangement - the amendment aims to clarify the
accoun ng treatment when a company increases its interest in a joint op on that meets the
d n on of a business. A company remeasures its previously held interest in a joint op on
when it obtains control of the business. A company does not remeasure its previously held
interest in a joint op on when it obtains joint control of the business.
- IAS 12 Income Taxes - the amendment clari that all income tax consequences of dividends
(including payments on nancial instruments classi as equity) are recognized consistently
with the tran on that generates the distributable pro
- IAS 23 Borrowing Costs - the amendment clari that a company treats as part of general
borrowings any borrowing originally made to develop an asset when the asset is ready for its
intended use or sale.


Signi cant accoun ng policies applied in the prepa on of these nancial statements are set forth below
and have been applied consistently to all years presented.
4.1 Property, plant and equipment and deprecia on
Ini l Recogni
The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment is recognized as an asset if it is probable that future
economic b associated with the item will ow to the and the cost of such item can be
measured reliably.
Recogn on of the cost in the carrying amount of an item of plant and equipment ceases when the item is
in the lo on and cond on necessary for it to be capable of op in the manner intended by the
Property, plant and equipment (except land and buildings) are stated at cost less accumulated
d on and impairment losses, if any. Freehold land are stated at revalued amounts and buildings on
freehold land are stated at revalued amounts less accumulated d on. The costs of Property,
and equipment include:
a) its purchase price including import du non-refundable purchase taxes dedu trade
discounts and rebates; and
b) any other costs directly a ributable to bringing the asset to the lo on and cond on necessary for it
to be capable of op g in the manner intended by management.
c) Borrowing costs, if any.
When parts of an item of property, plant and equipment have di erent useful lives, they are
accounted for as separate items (major components) of property, plant and equipment.

Subsequent expenditure
Expenditure incurred to replace a signi cant component of an item of plant and equipment is capitalized
and the asset so replaced is Other subsequent expenditure is capitalized only when it is probable
that future economic b associated with the item will ow to the Company and the cost of the items
can be measured reliably. All other expenditure (including repairs and normal maintenance) is recognized
in the pro oss account as an expense when it is incurred.

47 to Growth
Deprecia n
D on on all items except for land is charged on straight line method at the rates speci ed in
ve note to the nancial statements and is generally recognized in pro oss account.
D on on add on is charged from the month the asset is available for use up to the month prior to
D on methods, useful lives and residual values of each part of property, plant and equipment that
is signi cant in on to the total cost of the asset are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each

Gains and losses on disposal

Gains and losses on disposal of assets are taken to the pro and loss account, and the related revalu on
surplus on property, plant and equipment, if any, is transferred directly to retained earnings.

4.2 Capital work-in-progress

Capital work-in-progress is stated at cost less impairment loss, if any and consists of expenditure incurred
(including any borrowing cost, if applicable) and advances made in the course of their con on and
in on. Transfers are made to relevant asset category as and when assets are available for intended

4.3 Intangible assets

Intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated amo z on and impairment losses, if any.
Subsequent expenditure on capitalized intangible assets is capitalized only when it increases the future
economic b embodied in the speci c assets to which it relates. All other expenditure is expensed as
Amo z on is charged to the pro and loss account on a straight line basis over the es mated useful
lives of intangible assets unless such lives are ind nite. Amo z on on add ons to intangible assets is
charged from the month in which an item is acquired or capitalized while no amo z on is charged for
the month in which the item is disposed o

4.4 Financial Instruments

4.4.1 Non-deriva ve Financial assets

All non-deriv ve nancial assets are in lly recognized on trade date i.e. date on which the Company
becomes party to the ve contractual provisions. Non-deriv ve nancial assets comprise loans and
receivables that are nancial assets with or determinable payments that are not quoted in ve
markets and includes trade debts, advances, other receivables and cash and cash equivalent. The Company
derecognizes the nancial assets when the contractual rights to the cash ows from the asset expires or it
transfers the rights to receive the contractual cash ows in a tran on in which sub lly all of the
risk and rewards of ownership of the nancial assets are transferred or it neither transfers nor retain
sub lly all of the risks and rewards of ownership and does not retain control over the transferred

REPORT 18 48 Trade debts, advances and other receivables
Trade debts, advances and other receivables are recognized in lly at fair value and subsequently
measured at amo zed cost, as the case may be, less provision for impairment, if any. A provision for
impairment is established when there is an objec ve evidence that the Company will not be able to collect
all amounts due according to the original terms of receivables. Receivables considered irrecoverable are
wri Cash and cash equivalents

For the purpose of presenta on in statement of cash ow, cash and cash equivalents includes cash in
hand, balances with banks and short term borrowings availed by the Company, which are repayable on
demand and form an integral part of the Company’s cash management.

4.4.2 Financial Liabili es

Financial liabil are in lly recognized on trade date i.e. date on which the Company becomes party to
the ve contractual provisions. Financial liabil include mark-up bearing borrowings and trade
and other payables. The Company derecognizes the nancial liabil when contractual oblig ons are
discharged or cancelled or expired. Financial liability other than at fair value through pro or loss are
in lly measured at fair value less any directly a ributable tran on cost. Subsequent to in
recogn on, these liabil are measured at amo zed cost using e e interest rate method. Mark-up bearing borrowings and borrowing costs

Mark-up bearing borrowings are recognized in lly at fair value, less a ributable tran on costs.
Subsequent to in recogn on, mark-up bearing borrowings are stated at amo zed cost, while the
di erence between the cost (reduced for periodic payments) and redemp on value is recognized in the
pro oss account over the period of the borrowings using the c ve interest method.
Borrowing costs that are directly a ributable to the acquisi on, con on or produ on of a qualifying
asset are capitalized as part of the cost of the relevant asset. Trade and other payables

Trade and other payables are recognized in lly at fair value plus directly a ributable costs, if any, and
subsequently measured at amo zed costs.

4.4.3 Deriva ve nancial instruments - other than hedging

Deriv ves that do not qualify for hedge accoun ng are recognized in the statement of nancial po on
at es mated fair value with corresponding ct to pro or loss account. Deriv ve nancial
instruments are carried as assets when fair value is po ve and liabil when fair value is neg ve.

4.4.4 Deriva ve nancial instruments - cash ow hedges

When a deriv ve is designated as a cash ow hedging instrument, the c ve po on of changes in fair
value of the deriv ve is recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in hedging reserve.
Any in c ve po on of changes in fair value of deriv ve is recognized immediately in pro or loss. The
amount accumulated in equity is removed there from and included in the in carrying amount of non-
nancial asset upon recogn on of non- ancial asset.

49 to Growth
The fair value of forward exchange contracts is es mated using appropriate valu on techniques. These
are carried as assets when the fair value is po ve and liabil when the fair value is neg ve.

4.4.5 O se ng of nancial assets and nancial liabili es

Financial assets and nancial liabil are o and the net amount is reported in the nancial
statements only when the Company has currently legally enforceable right to set-o the recognized
amounts and the Company intends either to se on a net basis or to realize the assets and to se the
liabil simultaneously. The legally enforceable right must not be con ngent on future events and must
be enforceable in normal course of business and in the event of default, insolvency or winding up of the
Company or the counter par

4.5 Stock-in-trade
Stock-in-trade is stated at the lower of cost less impairment loss if any and net realizable value. Cost is
arrived at on a weighted average basis. Cost of work-in-process and nished goods include cost of
materials and appropriate po on of produ on overheads. Net realizable value is the es mated selling
price in the ordinary course of business less costs of comp on and selling expenses. Scrap stocks and By-
product are valued at their es mated net realizable value.

4.6 Taxa on
Income tax expense comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax expense is recognized in the pro
and loss account, except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in equity or in other
comprehensive income, in which case it is recognized in equity or in other comprehensive income
vely. In making the es mates for income taxes currently payable by the Company, the
management considers the current income tax law and the decisions of appellate autho on certain
issues in the past.

Current tax is the expected tax payable or receivable on the taxable income or loss for the year, using tax
rates enacted or sub vely enacted at the repo ng date, and any adjustment to tax payable or
receivable in respect of previous years.

Provisions for current tax on is based on taxability of certain income streams of the Company under
presump ve / nal tax regime at the applicable tax rates and remaining income streams chargeable at
current rate of tax on under the normal tax regime and / or minimum tax liability or alternate corporate
tax as applicable, a er taking into account tax credits and tax rebates available, if any.

Deferred tax is recognized using balance sheet liability method, providing for temporary di erence
between the carrying amounts of assets and liabil for nancial repo ng purposes and the amounts
used for tax on purposes. The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of
realiz on or se ment of the carrying amount of assets and liabil using the tax rates enacted or
sub vely enacted at the balance sheet date.
The Company recognises a deferred tax asset to the extent that it is probable that taxable pro for the
foreseeable future will be available against which the assets can be u ised. Deferred tax assets are
reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax will be realised.

REPORT 18 50
4.7 Revenue recogni on
- Domes sales are recognised as revenue when invoiced with the transfer of signi cant risks and
rewards of ownership, which coincides with delivery.
- Export sales are recognised as revenue when invoiced with the transfer of signi cant risks and
rewards of ownership, which coincides either with date of shipping bill or upon delivery to customer
or its representa e, based on terms of arrangement.
- Toll manufacturing / P l manufacturing income is recognised when related services are rendered.

4.8 Income on bank deposits and nance cost

The Company’s nance income is included in other income and interest expense is included in nance
cost. Interest income or expense is recognized using the c ve interest method.

4.9 Provisions
A provision is recognised in the statement of nancial po on when the Company has a legal or
con ve oblig on as a result of a past event, and it is probable that an ou ow of economic b
will be required to se the oblig on and a reliable es mate can be made of the amount of oblig on.
Provisions are measured at the present value of expected expenditure, discounted at a pre-tax rate
ts current market assessment of the me value of money and the risk speci c to the oblig on.
However, provisions are reviewed at each repo ng date and adjusted to re current best es mate.

4.10 Impairment
Financial assets
Financial assets are assessed at each repo ng date to determine whether there is any objec ve evidence
that it is impaired. A nancial asset is considered to be impaired if objec ve evidence indicates that one or
more events have had a n ee t on the es mated future ws of that asset.

4.11 Non-Financial assets

The carrying amounts of the Company’s non- ancial assets, other than deferred tax assets and
inventories are reviewed at each repo ng date to determine whether there is any ind on of
impairment. If such ind on exists, the asset’s recoverable amount, being higher of value in use and fair
value less costs to sell, is es mated. In assessing value in use, the es mated future cash ows are
discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that ts current market assessments of
the me value of money and the risks speci c to the asset. For the purpose of impairment te g, assets
that cannot be tested individually are grouped together into the smallest group of assets that generates
cash in ows from con nuing use that are largely independent of the cash in ows of other assets or groups
of assets. An impairment loss is recognised whenever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its
recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognised in the pro oss account.

4.12 Con ngent liabili es

A con ngent liability is disclosed when the Company has a possible oblig on as a result of past events,
whose existence will be con rmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence, of one or more uncertain
future events not wholly within the control of the Company; or the Company has a present legal or
con ve oblig on that arises from past events, but it is not probable that an ou ow of resources
embodying economic b will be required to se the oblig on, or the amount of the oblig on
cannot be measured with su cient reliability.

51 to Growth
4.13 Employee bene ts

4.13.1 De ned contribu on plan - Provident fund

The Company operates a provident fund scheme for its permanent employees. Equal monthly
contribu ons are made by the Company and its employees. Oblig on for contribu ons to the fund are
recognized as an expense in the pro oss account when they are due.

4.14 Proposed dividend and transfer between reserves

Dividend distribu ons to the Company’s shareholders are recognized as a liability in the period in which
dividends are approved. Transfer between reserves made subsequent to the repo ng date is considered
as a non-adju g event and is recognized in the period in which such transfers are made.

4.15 Earnings per share

The Company presents earnings per share (EPS) for its ordinary shares. EPS is calculated by dividing the
pro or loss a ributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

REPORT 18 52

2018 2017 Note 2018 2017

(Number of shares) -------------(Rupees)------------

4,050,000 4,050,000 Ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each fully

paid in cash 40,500,000 40,500,000
165,000,000 - Right shares issued during the year 1,650,000,000 -
169,050,000 4,050,000 1,690,500,000 40,500,000


Trade creditors 1,656,994,507 -

Accrued liabil 12,087,843 608,519
Sales tax payable 21,552,800 -
Withholding tax payable 2,569,149 -
Provident fund payable 1,065,104 -
Workers' Welfare Fund 1,995,864 -
Workers' Pro P p on Fund 6.1 5,252,273 -
Others 6.2 43,273,942 -
1,744,791,482 608,519

6.1 Workers' Pro t Par ipa on Fund

Opening balance as at July 01 - -

Allo on for the year 5,252,273 -
Paid during the year - -
Closing balance as at June 30 5,252,273 -

6.2 This includes payable to Unity Feeds (Private) Limited amoun ng to Rs. 401,075 (2017: Rs. Nil)

Note 2018 2017


Mark-up accrued on :
- Loan from related party 1,334,650 -
- Running nance and short-term loans 7.1 8,215,038 -
9,549,688 -

7.1 This includes mark-up accrued amoun ng to Rs. 4.321 million (2017: Rs.Nil) on shariah arrangement.

53 to Growth
Conven onal
Finance against imported merchandise 8.1 175,228,000 -
Short-term running nance 8.2 100,000,000 -
Short-term running facili under Islamic mode 8.3 340,970,108
616,198,108 -

8.1 Le er of Credit facility , Finance against Import Merchandise facility from conv onal side of commercial
banks under mark-up arrangement amounts to Rs. 161 million (2017: Rs. Nil) and Rs. 175.228 million
(2017: Rs. Nil) vely . During the year, mark-up on such arrangements ranged between 3 Months
KIBOR plus 0.50% to 3 Months KIBOR plus 2% (2017: Nil) per annum.
8.2 Short-term running nance available from conv onal side of various commercial banks under mark-up
arrangements amounted to Rs. 100 million (2017: Rs. Nil) .During the year, mark-up on such arrangements
is 3 Months KIBOR plus 2% (2017: Nil) per annum.
8.3 Le er of Credit facility available from Islamic banks amounted to Rs. 950 million (2017: Rs. Nil), out of
which Rs. 850 million (2017: Rs. Nil), Rs. 200 million (2017: Rs. Nil) is interchangeable with Import
Murabaha facility, Local Murabaha / na / Wakala facility. During the year, mark-up on such
arrangements ranged between 3 Months KIBOR plus 1.25% to 3 KIBOR plus 1.50% (2017: Nil) per annum.

9. This represents loan obtained from a related party for mee ng the working capital requirements. The
loan carries interest at the rate of 3 Months KIBOR plus 0.50%. However, March 31, 2018 the
mark-up is waived by the lender (2017: Nil) and it is payable on demand.


10.1 Con ngencies

On May 24, 2018 the Company and the former directors received a no from Habib Bank Limited
ng to Suo Moto No of Supreme Court on Loan write o pertaining to the period 2007. The former
management for their own behalf and on behalf of the Company have led a statement on June 5, 2018
through their legal counsel whereby they have explained that the amounts were duly paid by the then
management to N onal Bank of Pakistan and Habib Bank Limited. The case is yet to be decided. The
current management believes that no liability or payment accrues against the Company. Accordingly, no
provisioning has been provided in these nancial statements.

10.2 Commitments
10.2.1 Commitments under le ers of credit for raw materials as at June 30, 2018 amounted to Rs. 765.890
million (2017: Rs. Nil).


ng ed assets 11.1 1,398,635,143 -
Capital work-in-progress 11.4 123,185,704 -
1,521,820,847 -

REPORT 18 54
11.1 Oper xed assets
Computer and
Lease hold Building on Plant and xtures and
auxiliary Vehicles Total
land lease hold land machinery o ce
Balance as at July 01, 2017

Cost - - - - - - -
Accumulated depre on - - - - - - -
Net book value - - - - - - -

Add ons / adjustments 445,406,069 226,427,683 733,087,428 9,036,877 3,870,847 3,527,907 1,421,356,811
Depre on charge (2,773,806) (3,929,609) (15,215,616) (295,532) (292,970) (214,135) (22,721,668)
Balance as at June 30, 2018 (NBV) 442,632,263 222,498,074 717,871,812 8,741,345 3,577,877 3,313,772 1,398,635,143

Depreci n rate (% per annum) 1.12 - 1.14 4 5 20 25 20

11.2 The depre on charge for the year has been allocated as follows:
2018 2017

Cost of sales 20,766,343 -

Selling and distribu on expenses 391,065 -
Administra ve expenses 1,564,260 -

22,721,668 -

11.3 Pa ulars of immovable property (i.e. land and building) in the name of the Company are as follows:

Pa ulars Total Area

Leasehold Land Plot No. N-27 / B, N-27/ C & N-37 / A, 38,429.60 Sq. yd
(Manufacturing Plant) Site Area, Kotri, District Hyderabad

Leasehold Land Plot No. N-25, Site Area, Kotri, 148,733.20 Sq. yd
District Hyderabad

Unity Tower, Plot No. 8-C, Block-6, PECHS, Karachi 75400. 600.00 Sq. yd

11.4 Capital work-in-progress - at cost

As at July 01, Addi ns / Transfers / As at June 30,

2017 Adjustments Adjustments 2018
Leasehold land - 500,000 - 500,000
Building on leasehold land - 20,128,266 - 20,128,266
Plant and machinery - 2,527,438 - 2,527,438
Advance to contractor against plant and machinery 100,030,000 - 100,030,000
- 123,185,704 - 123,185,704

55 to Growth
2018 2017

Net book value as at July 01, - -

Add ons 5,900,668 -
Amo z on (196,689) -
Net book value as at June 30, 5,703,979 -

Amor za on rate (% per annum) 20 -


Deferred tax asset in respect of:
Brought forward / current year losses 71,559,114 -

Deferred tax liability in respect of:

Accelerated tax d on (47,840,015) -

23,719,099 -
Raw materials - in hand 478,587,665 -
- in transit 617,624,013 -
1,096,211,678 -

Traded goods - in hand 47,017,883 -

- in transit 154,729,604 -
201,747,487 -
Work-in-process 141,530,436 -
Finished goods 39,767,509 -
1,479,257,110 -
Considered good - unsecured 1,148,211,099 -

15.1 Trade debts include amount of Rs. 231.992 million (2017: Rs. Nil) represen ng receivable against export
sales to Singapore, and Malaysia amoun ng to Rs. 146.084 million (2017: Rs. Nil) and Rs. 294.183 million
(2017: Rs. Nil) respec ely under documents against acceptance basis.

15.2 Related om whome trade debts are due are as under:

Unity Feeds (Private) Limited 15.2.1 & 15.2.2 173,859,164 -

15.2.1 The maximum aggregate amount of receivable due from related pa at the end of any month during
the year was Rs. 173.859 million (2017: Rs. Nil).

REPORT 18 56
15.2.2 The ageing of the trade debts receivable from related pa as at the repo ng date are as under:

Note 2018 2017


Not yet due 106,762,995 -

Past due 1-60 days 67,096,169 -
Total 173,859,164 -


Advances Considered good

- Suppliers 16.1 103,504,808 -

- Employees 1,267,633 -
Security deposits 1,789,945 -
Short-term prepayments 536,041 -
107,098,427 -

16.1 This includes Rs. 63.349 million advance against purchase of inventory to Unity Feeds (Private) Limited
- Associated Company.
16.2 These advances and trade deposits are non interest bearing.


2018 2017
With banks - Conv onal banking
- in saving account 420,716 -
- in current accounts 4,351,649 90,156
4,772,365 90,156

With banks - Islamic banking

- in current accounts 4,694,862 -

Cash in hand 491,215 1,660,912

9,958,442 1,751,068

57 to Growth
Note 2018 2017

Local 1,972,283,149 -
Export 821,824,708 -
2,794,107,857 -

Sales tax (21,552,800) -

Trade discount (1,812,970) -
(23,365,770) -

Toll manufacturing 11,429,977 -

2,782,172,064 -


Opening stock o nished goods (including

traded goods) - -
Cost of goods manufactured 19.1 1,085,152,731 -
Purchases of trading goods 1,690,460,904 -
2,775,613,635 -
Closing stock o nished goods (including
traded goods) (241,514,997) -
2,534,098,638 -

19.1 Opening stock of raw material and work-in-process - -

Purchases 2,201,868,047 -
Salaries, wages and 19.1.1 28,509,123 -
Rent, rates and taxes 11,233,945 -
Fuel, power and electricity 32,954,461 -
Insurance 1,542,273 -
Security and janitorial 638,092 -
Vehicle, travelling and conveyance 1,025,100 -
Toll manufacturing expenses 1,468,259 -
D on 11.2 19,003,405 -
Repair and maintenance 6,146,366 -
Others 18,505,773 -
2,322,435,908 -
Closing stock of raw material and work-in-process (1,237,742,114) -
Cost of goods manufactured 1,085,152,730 -

19.1.1 Salaries, wages and b include Rs. 710,069 for the year ended June 30, 2018 (2017: Rs. Nil) in respect
of st m

REPORT 18 58
Note 2018 2017
Salaries, wages and other bene ts 20.1 5,253,000 -
Freight and forwarding 47,259,840 -
Travelling, conveyance and entertainment 1,587,275 -
D on 11.2 391,065 -
Amo z on 39,338 -
Insurance 160,156 -
Postage, telephone and internet 33,913 -
Adv ement 629,964 -
Others 235,787 -
55,590,338 -

20.1 Salaries, wages and nclude Rs. 67,646 for the year ended June 30, 2018 (2017: Rs. Nil) in respect of
e m
Salaries, wages and other bene ts 21.1 22,317,128 2,598,569
Rents, rates and taxes 264,060 30,000
Travelling, conveyance and entertainment 1,512,275 -
Electricity, gas and water 443,263 -
Postage, telephone and internet 751,853 4,180
Insurance 640,623 -
Repairs and maintenance 915,593 -
Auditors' remun on 21.2 815,400 75,000
Legal and professional 4,475,829 400,000
Fees and subscrip on 18,445,785 155,484
Security charges 816,180 -
Don ons 17,733 -
D on 11.2 1,564,260 -
Amo z on 157,351 -
Prin ng, st onery and o ce supplies 479,613 27,875
Others 1,461,636 1,075,500
55,078,582 4,366,608
21.1 Salaries, wages and b include Rs. 287,389 for the year ended June 30, 2018 (2017: Rs. Nil) in respect
of st m
2018 2017
21.2 Auditors’ remunera on
Audit services
Audit fee 540,000 65,000
Half yearly review 100,000 10,000
640,000 75,000
Non-audit services
ons for regulatory purposes 175,400 -
815,400 75,000

59 to Growth
-------------(Ru pees)------------
Exchange loss 14,592,790 -
Provision for :
- workers' welfare fund 1,995,864 -
- workers' pro r p on fund 5,252,273 -
21,840,927 -


Income / return on nancial assets
Income on bank deposits - conv onal 7,598,379 31,266

Income from non ancial assets

Scrap sales . 2,283,739 -
Others 23.1 24,192,000 -
34,074,118 31,266

23.1 This represents se ment amount resul ng from wash out of contract regarding the purchase of seeds.


Interest on - Non - Shariah arrangement
- running nances 9,502,362 -
- short-term loans 5,494,892 -
Bank charges 7,888,153 8,308
Right issue expenses 21,227,789 -
44,113,196 8,308
Interest on - Shariah arrangement
- short-term loans 7,727,175 -
51,840,371 8,308

- for the year 25.1 - -
- for prior years - -
- -
Deferred (23,719,099) -
(23,719,099) -

25.1 Tax expense for the year is not calculated due the appli on of on 65E of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.
Therefore, onship between income tax expense and accoun ng pro is not presented. Further,
comparison of last three years of income tax provision with tax assessed is presented below:
Accoun ng period Tax year Provision for taxa on Tax assessed

June 30, 2017 2017 - -

June 30, 2016 2016 - -
June 30, 2015 2015 57,283 57,283

REPORT 18 60
25.2 Under sec on 5A of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (as amended by the Finance Act 2017), a tax shall be
imposed at the rate of 7.5% of the accoun ng pro before tax on every public company, other than
scheduled bank or modaraba, that drives pro for a tax year but does not distribute at least 40% of its
tax pro within six months of the end of the tax year through cash.
The Board of Directors in their mee ng held on 19 September 2018 have recommended su ient cash
dividend for the year ended June 30, 2018 for the consid on and approval of the shareholders of the
Company in the forthcoming annual general mee ng which complies with the above stated requirements.
Accordingly, no provision for tax on undistributed pro has been recognised in these nancial statements
for the year ended June 30, 2018.

Pro / (loss) tax on 121,516,425 (4,343,650)

------(Number of shares)------

Weighted average number of ordinary shares

in issue during the year 103,186,499 9,843,525

Basic and diluted earnings per share 1.18 (0.44)


The Board of Directors of the Company has overall responsibility for the establishment and oversight of the
Company’s risk management framework. The Company has exposure to the following risks from its use of
nancial instruments:

- Credit risk
- Liquidity risk
- Market risk

Risk management framework

The Board meets frequently throughout the year for developing and monitoring the Company’s risk
management policies. The Company’s risk management policies are established to id and analyse the
risks faced by the Company, to set appropriate risk limits and controls, and to monitor risks and adherence to
limits. Risk management policies and systems are reviewed regularly to changes in market cond ons
and the Company’s v The Company, through its standards and procedures, aims to develop a
disciplined and con ve control environment in which all employees understand their roles and
oblig ons.

faced by the Company.

61 to Growth
27.1 Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk of nancial loss to the Company if a customer or counterparty to a nancial instrument
fails to meet its contractual oblig ons without considering the fair value of the collateral available there
Exposure to credit risk

exposure to credit risk at the repo ng date is as follows:

Note 2018 2017


Deposits 1,814,945 25,000

Trade debts 15 1,148,211,099 -
Bank balances 17 9,467,227 1,660,912
1,159,493,271 1,685,912

Trade debts

The Company’s exposure to credit risk arising from trade debtors is mainly in uenced by the individual
cha of each customer. The Company establishes an allowance for impairment that represents its
es mate of incurred losses.

Analysis of gross amounts receivable from local and foreign trade debtors, are as follows:

2018 2017

Domes 916,219,512 -
Export 231,991,587 -
1,148,211,099 -

The majority of export debtors of the Company are situated in Singapore and Malaysia.

The aging of trade debts at the balance sheet date is

2018 2017

Not past due 785,000,500 -

Past due 1 - 30 days 255,605,760 -
Past due 30 - 60 days 107,604,839 -

Management believes that no impairment is required due to the fact that debtors' balances are maximum
outstanding for two months.

REPORT 18 62
Bank balances
The Company kept its surplus funds with banks having good credit ng. Currently the surplus funds are kept with
banks having g from AAA to A-.
The Company has provided security deposits and reten on money as per the contractual terms with counter p
as security and does not expect material loss against those deposits reten on money.

Concentra of credit risk

Con on of credit risk arises when a number of counter p are engaged in similar business v or have
similar economic features that would cause their abil to meet contractual oblig on to be similarly cted by
the changes in economic, poli or other cond ons. The Company believes that it is not exposed to major
con on of credit risk.

27.2 Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter di ulty in mee ng oblig ons associated with nancial
liabil that are se by delivering cash or another nancial asset. Liquidity risk arises because of the possibility
that the Company could be required to pay its liabil earlier than expected or di ulty in raising funds to meet
commitments associated with nancial liabil as they fall due. The Company’s approach to managing liquidity is to
ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have su ient liquidity to meet its liabil when due, under both
normal and stressed cond ons, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the Company’s
reputa on. The Company ensures that it has su ient cash to meet expected working capital requirements by having
credit lines available. The following are the contractual matur of nancial liabil including interest payments
and excluding the impact of ne ng agreements:
Maturity up to
Contractual Maturity up to
Carrying amount two to ve
maturi es one year
-------------------------------- (Rupees) --------------------------------
Non-deriva ve nancial liabili es
Trade and other payables 1,744,791,482 1,744,791,482 1,744,791,482 -
Accrued mark-up 9,549,688 9,549,688 9,549,688 -
Short-term borrowings 616,198,108 616,198,108 616,198,108 -
Loan from related party 422,725,648 422,725,648 422,725,648 -
2,793,264,926 2,793,264,926 2,793,264,926 -
Deriva ve nancial liabili es - - - -
2,793,264,926 2,793,264,926 2,793,264,926 -
Contractual Maturity up to Maturity up to
Carrying amount
maturi es one year two to ve
-------------------------------- (Rupees) --------------------------------
Non-deriva ve nancial liabili es
Trade and other payables 608,519 608,519 608,519 -
608,519 608,519 608,519 -
Deriva ve nancial liabili es - - - -
608,519 608,519 608,519 -

63 to Growth
27.3 Market risk
Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices, such as foreign exchange rates, interest rates and equity prices
the Company’s income or the value of its holdings o nancial instruments. The objec ve of market risk
management is to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while op mising the
return. The Company is exposed to currency risk and interest rate risk only.

27.3.1 Currency risk

Currency risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash ows of a nancial instrument will uctuate because of
changes in foreign exchange rates. Currency risk arises mainly from future commercial tran ons or receivables and
payables that exist due to tran ons in foreign currencies.
Financial assets include Rs 231.992 million (2017: Rs Nil) and nancial liabil include Rs 1,096.097 million (2017: Rs
Nil) which were subject to currency risk.
The following signi cant exchange rates were applied during the year:
Rupees per USD 2018 2017
Average rate 108.64 -
Repo ng date rate 121.60 -

At June 30, 2018, if the currency had weekend or strengthened by 10% against USD with all other variables at
constant, pro er tax would have been Rs 60.487 million (2017: Rs Nil) lower / higher.

27.3.2 Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk represents the risk that the fair value or future cash ows of a nancial instrument will uctuate
because of changes in market interest rates.
The Company has no long term interest bearing nancial assets and liabil whose fair value or future cash ows
uctuate because of changes in market interest rates.

in re ve notes
At June 30, 2018, if interest rates had been 1% higher/lower with all other variables held constant, pro er tax for
the year would have been Rs 7.27 million (2017: Rs Nil) higher / lower, mainly as a result of higher /lower interest
income from these nancial liabil

27.3.3 Other price risk


Capital risk management

The Company’s objec ves when managing capital are to ensure the Company’s ability not only to con nue as a going
concern but also to meet its requirements for expansion and enhancement of its business, maximize re turn of

cost of capital.

return capital to shareholders, issue new shares through bonus or right issue or sell assets to reduce debts or raise
debts, if required.

REPORT 18 64
The chief ex ve o cer and directors have waived their remun ons and mee ng fees for the year.
Execu ves
2018 2017
Managerial remun on 6,586,009 -
House rent 2,963,704 -
Medical 658,601 -
Re m 498,812 -
10,707,126 -
Number of persons 5 -


Related p comprise of associated companies, directors of the Company, companies in which directors also
hold directorship, related group companies, key management personnel and ment b funds. All
tran ons with related pa are under agreed terms / contractual arrangements.
Transac ons with related par es
Tran ons with related pa other than those disclosed elsewhere are as follows :

2018 2017
Associated companies
Unit Feeds (Private) Limited
Sales 173,859,164 -
Purchases 525,412,490 -
Purchases of capital assets 839,760,000 -
Loan from related par es

Fehmida Amin - Mother of director

Loan received 705,725,648 -

Loan repaid 283,000,000 -

Key management personnel

Remun on 7,231,169 -

Balances with related par es


Unity Feeds (Private) Limited - against sale of goods 173,859,164 -

- advance against purchase of 63,348,827
Fehmida Amin - Mother of director 422,725,648 -

65 to Growth
29.1 Name of the Related Party Rela onship and percentage of Shareholding

Crown Feeds (Pvt) Ltd. Associated Company by nature of common directorship

Reliance Exim (Pvt) Ltd. Associated Company by nature of common directorship
Agro Allianz Limited Associated Company by nature of common directorship
Unity Enterprises (Pvt)Ltd Associated Company by nature of common directorship
Unit Feeds (Pvt) Ltd. Associated Company by nature of common directorship
Unity Wilmar Food (Pvt) Ltd Associated Company by nature of common directorship
Unity Wilmar Packages (Pvt) Ltd. Associated Company by nature of common directorship
Unity Wilmar Agro (Pvt) Ltd Associated Company by nature of common directorship
Ace Intern onal (Pvt) Ltd. Associated Company by nature of common directorship
Karachi Steel Industries (Pvt) Ltd. Associated Company by nature of common directorship
North Star Intern onal (Pvt) Ltd. Associated Company by nature of common directorship
Portstar services (Pvt) Ltd. Associated Company by nature of common directorship


The Company's prime objec ve when managing capital is to safeguard its ability to con nue as a going concern in
order to provide adequate returns for shareholders and b for other stakeholders and to maintain an
op mal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.

The Company manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it in the light of changes in economic
cond ons. To maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company may adjust the dividend payments to
shareholders or issue new shares. The management seeks to maintain a balance between higher returns that
might be possible with higher levels of borrowings and the advantages and security orded by a sound capital
po on.


Fair value is d ned as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly
tran on between market ipants at the measurement date.

Level 1 : Fair value measurements using quoted (unadjusted) in ac e markets for id t or liability.

Level 2 : Fair value measurements using inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are
observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices).

Level 3 : Fair value measurements using inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market
data (i.e. unobservable inputs).

REPORT 18 66
The table below analyses nancial instruments measured at the end of the repo ng period by the level in the fair value hierarchy into
which the fair value measurement is categorised:
Carrying amount Fair value
Loans and Other nancial Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
receivables liabili es
Financial assets not
measured at fair value
Deposit 1,814,945 - 1,814,945 - - - -
Trade debts 1,148,211,099 - 1,148,211,099 - - - -
Other receivables 30,995,650 - 30,995,650 - - - -
Bank balances 9,467,227 - 9,467,227 - - - -
1,190,488,921 - 1,190,488,921 - - - -
Financial liabili es not
measured at fair value
Trade and other payables - 1,744,791,482 1,744,791,482 - - - -
Accrued mark-up - 9,549,688 9,549,688 - - - -
Short-term borrowings - 616,198,108 616,198,108 - - - -
- 2,370,539,278 2,370,539,278 - - - -
Carrying amount Fair value
Loans and Other nancial Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
receivables liabil
Financial assets not
measured at fair value
Deposit 25,000 - 25,000 - - - -
Other receivables 1,007,019 - 1,007,019 - - - -
Bank balances 90,156 - 90,156 - - - -
1,122,175 - 1,122,175 - - - -
Financial liabili es not
measured at fair value
Trade and other payables - 608,519 608,519 - - - -
- 608,519 608,519 - - - -


Produ on capacity as at year end was as follows:
2018 2017
---------- Metric Tonnes ----------
Edible oil re nery 54,000 -
ant 162,000 -

The actual produ on for the year was: -

Edible oil re nery 5,735

ant 6,284 -

ons in edible oil nery plant was started in the month of February 2018, whereas seed crushing plant commenced its op on
in the month of April 2018.

67 to Growth
These nancial statements have been prepared on the basis of a single reportable segment as the company's
asset allo on decisions are based on a single, integrated business strategy, and the company's performance is
evaluated on an overall basis

The inform on with respect to op g segment is stated below:

33.1 Major revenue is generated from sales of Soyabean Oil and Soya Meal which represents (57%) of total revenue,
whereas remaining revenue is generated from Palm Olien (17%), Palm Oil (11%), Canola Meal (9%) and Canola
Oil (6%).
All non current assets of the Company as at June 30, 2018 are located in Pakistan
29% sales of the company relate to customer outside Pakistan (direct and indirect exports)(2017: NIL)

34.1 Number of employees 2018 2017
Total number of employees at the year end 39 12
Average number of employees during the year 30 12

Total number of factory employees as at year end 171 -

Average number of factory employees during the year 150 -

34.2 Non adjus ng event a balance sheet date

The Board of Directors of the Company in their mee ng held on September 19, 2018 has proposed a nal cash
dividend of Rs. 0.50 per share amoun ng to Rs. 84.525 million.(2017: Nil per share amoun ng to Rs. Nil) for the
year ended June 30, 2018. The approval of the Members of the Company for the dividend shall be obtained at
the Annual General Mee ng to be held on October 24, 2018. The nancial statements for the year ended June
30, 2018 do not include the ct of the proposed nal cash dividend which will be accounted for in the year
ending June 30, 2019.

34.3 Corresponding gures

The fourth schedule to the Companies Act, 2017 has introduced certain presenta on and classi on
requirements for the elements of nancial statements. Accordingly, the corresponding gures have been
rearranged and reclassi ed, wherever considered necessary, to comply with the requirements of Companies
Act, 2017.


These nancial statements were authorized for issue in the Board of Directors mee ng held on September 19,

Chairman Chief Execu ve Chief Financial cer

Abdul Majeed Ghaziani Muhammad Farrukh Muhammad Amin Hussain
REPORT 18 68
Pa ern Of Share Holding - Form "34"
Shareholders Sta s s As At June 30, 2018

Number Of Share Holding Total Shares

Share Holders From To Held

145 1 - 100 3,410

538 101 - 500 259,769
546 501 - 1,000 538,842
986 1,001 - 5,000 3,004,923
290 5,001 - 10,000 2,433,193
114 10,001 - 15,000 1,524,000
72 15,001 - 20,000 1,339,500
65 20,001 - 25,000 1,562,240
32 25,001 - 30,000 924,500
23 30,001 - 35,000 784,370
19 35,001 - 40,000 732,000
24 40,001 - 45,000 1,029,867
44 45,001 - 50,000 2,181,500
6 50,001 - 55,000 324,000
5 55,001 - 60,000 290,500
4 60,001 - 65,000 248,611
6 65,001 - 70,000 415,500
7 70,001 - 75,000 517,500
6 75,001 - 80,000 478,000
5 80,001 - 85,000 415,500
6 85,001 - 90,000 528,000
2 90,001 - 95,000 185,500
18 95,001 - 100,000 1,800,000
3 100,001 - 105,000 312,000
4 105,001 - 110,000 432,000
3 110,001 - 115,000 339,500
3 115,001 - 120,000 356,000
4 120,001 - 125,000 496,000
2 125,001 - 130,000 255,222
1 130,001 - 135,000 131,000
1 135,001 - 140,000 137,500
3 145,001 - 150,000 450,000
1 150,001 - 155,000 150,300
1 155,001 - 160,000 157,500
2 170,001 - 175,000 348,500
1 185,001 - 190,000 187,200
3 195,001 - 195,000 579,000

69 to Growth
6 190,001 - 200,000 1,198,000
1 200,001 - 205,000 202,500
1 220,001 - 225,000 225,000
1 225,001 - 230,000 230,000
1 230,001 - 235,000 234,500
1 240,001 - 245,000 245,000
2 245,001 - 250,000 500,000
4 255,001 - 260,000 1,035,500
1 260,001 - 265,000 263,500
1 280,001 - 285,000 282,000
1 295,001 - 300,000 300,000
1 315,001 - 320,000 315,500
1 345,001 - 350,000 347,685
1 360,001 - 365,000 365,000
1 370,001 - 375,000 371,000
1 380,001 - 385,000 385,000
1 395,001 - 400,000 400,000
1 430,001 - 435,000 431,500
1 440,001 - 445,000 445,000
2 495,001 - 500,000 1,000,000
1 510,001 - 515,000 511,500
1 535,001 - 540,000 536,500
1 540,001 - 545,000 543,500
1 550,001 - 555,000 550,500
1 600,001 - 605,000 605,000
1 685,001 - 690,000 690,000
1 835,001 - 840,000 837,500
1 845,001 - 850,000 849,000
1 920,001 - 925,000 922,500
2 995,001 - 1,000,000 2,000,000
1 1,155,001 - 1,160,000 1,159,000
1 1,210,001 - 1,215,000 1,210,950
1 1,340,001 - 1,345,000 1,345,000
1 1,345,001 - 1,350,000 1,348,500
1 1,960,001 - 1,965,000 1,961,453
1 1,975,001 - 1,980,000 1,977,320
1 2,145,001 - 2,125,000 2,125,000
1 2,120,001 - 2,150,000 2,150,000
1 2,195,001 - 2,200,000 2,200,000
1 2,995,001 - 3,000,000 3,000,000
1 6,490,001 - 6,495,000 6,493,500
1 7,795,001 - 7,800,000 7,800,000
4 12,355,001 - 12,360,000 49,438,348
1 44,165,001 - 44,170,000 44,165,297

3,053 169,050,000

REPORT 18 70
No. of Shares

1 Associated Companies, Undertaking And Related Par - -

2 Modaraba And Mutual Funds 3,530,500 2.09%

CDC - Trustee Meezan Islamic Fund 1,159,000

CDC - Trustee Meezan Tah uz Pension Fund - Equity Sub Fund 922,500
CDC - Trustee Al Meezan Mutual Fund 400,000
CDC Trustee - Meezan Dedicated Equity Fund 300,000
CDC - Trustee Meezan Asset Allo on Fund 250,000
CDC - Trustee Faysal Stock Fund 225,000
CDC - Trustee Meezan Balanced Fund 100,000
First UDL Modaraba 89,000
CDC - Trustee Faysal Asset Allo on Fund 45,000
CDC - Trustee Askari Asset Allo on Fund 25,000
CDC - Trustee Akd Index Tracker Fund 15,000

3 Ceo, Directors & Their Spouses And Minor Children 96,816,785 57.27%

Mohammad Farrukh - CEO 13,570,662

Abdul Majeed Ghaziani - Director 12,359,712
Abdul Hafeez - Director 12,359,712
Safdar Sajjad - Director 12,359,712
Sheikh Ali Baakza - Director 44,165,297
Muneer S. Godil - Director 500
Muhammad Zain Sardar - Director 20,870
Salma Majeed 1,977,320
Hina Safdar 1,000
Maria Abdul Hafeez 1,000
Jalees Edhi - Company Secretary 1,000

4 Public Sector Companies & Corpora ons - -

5 Joint Stock Companies 12,117,797 7.17%

DJM Securi (Private) Limited 2,125,000

ASDA Securi (Private) Limited - Mf 1,348,500
Shields (Private) Limited. 1,345,000
Sherman Securi (Private) Limited 550,500
Evalu on Grid (Private) Limited 543,500
Icon Consultants (Private) Limited 536,500
Habib Ullah Sheikh (Pvt) Ltd. 511,500
Apex Capital Securi (Pvt) Limited 500,000
Intermarket Securi Limited - Mf 445,000
Pearl Secur Limited - Mf 431,500
Standard Capital Securi (Pvt) Limited - Mf 385,000
Pearl Secur Limited 347,685
MRA Secur Limited - Mf 282,000
Mohammad Munir Mohammad Ahmed Khanani Secur P)Ltd - Mf 263,500
Arif Habib Limited - Mf 255,500
Premier Fashions (Pvt) Ltd 245,000
Next Capital Limited - Mf 230,000
N. U. A. Secur (Private) Limited - Mf 190,500
Reliance Secur Limited - Mf 157,500
Pak Brunei Investment Company Limited 150,000
Siza (Private) Limited 125,000
Zafar Securi (Pvt) Ltd. 109,000
Aba Ali Habib Securi (Pvt) Limited - Mf 100,000
Amer Securi (Private) Limited 100,000

71 to Growth
Mohammad Munir Mohammad Ahmed Khanani Secur (Pvt.) Ltd. 95,000
Khanani Secur (Pvt.) Ltd. 80,000
Dalal Secur (Pvt) Ltd. 75,000
BMA Capital Management Ltd. - Mf 69,500
RS Holdings (Private) Limited 62,611
NCC - Pre Se lement Delivery Account 59,500
Adam Securi Ltd. - Mf 56,000
Muhammad Sha Tanneries (Private) Limited 50,000
Fawad Yusuf Securi (Private) Limited - Mf 50,000
Dadabhoy Investments (Private) Limited 50,000
B. K. Saadaan (Pvt) Limited 25,000
Bawa Secu (Pvt) Ltd. - Mf 17,000
Zillion Capital Securi (Pvt) Ltd. 15,500
Spectrum Securi Limited - Mf 15,000
Backers & Partners (Private) Limited - Mf 11,500
Adam Securi Limited 10,500
Premier Cables (Pvt.) Limited 10,000
Mra Secur Limited 10,000
FDM Capital Securi (Pvt) Limited 20,000
Royal Secu (Pvt.) Limited - Mf 10,000
Evalu on Grid (Private) Limited 7,000
Apex Financial Services (Pvt.) Limited 5,000
B & B Secur (Private) Limited 5,000
Horizon Securi Limited 5,000
Prud l Discount & Guarantee House Limited 5,000
Dawood Equ Limited - Mf 5,000
Time Secur (Pvt.) Limited - Mf 5,000
M. F. Stocks (Private) Limited 3,000
Axis Global Limited - Mf 2,500
Sha Securi (Pvt) Limited 2,000
Bravisto (Pvt) Limited 2,000
Maan Securi (Private) Limited 1,500
Maple Leaf Capital Limited 1

6 Banks, Development Finance Ins tu , Non Banking Finance Companies, 60,000 0.04%
Insurance Companies, Takaful, Modarabas And Pension Funds

Adamjee Life Assurance Co.Ltd - Dgf 50,000

Habib Bank Ag Zurich, Deira Dubai 10,000

7 Others 1,000,500 0.59%

Dadabhoy Found on 849,000

Dhoraji Youth Services Found on 100,000
First UDL Modarab Provident Fund 39,000
Kiran Found on 12,500

8 Individuals (General Public) 55,524,418 32.84%

Total: 169,050,000 100%

Shareholders Holding 5% Or More Vo ng Rights In The Company

Sheikh Ali Baakza 44,165,297 26.13

Mohammad Farrukh - CEO 13,571,162 8.03
Abdul Majeed Ghaziani - Director 12,359,712 7.31
Abdul Hafeez - Director 12,359,712 7.31
Safdar Sajjad - Director 12,359,712 7.31

REPORT 18 72

I/We _ of _ in the district of ____________ being member(s) of

UNITY FOODS LIMITED holding ordinary shares as per Share Register Folio no.

and /or CDC Participant ID No. and A/c No. (for members who have shares in CDS)

hereby appoint of _______ or failing him /her _

of _______ who is / are also member (s) of UNITY FOODS LIMITED

vide Registered Folio No. _ as my /our proxy in my /our absence to attend, act and

vote for me / us and on my /our behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Wednesday,

October 24, 2018 at 06:30 p.m. and /or any adjournment thereof.

Affix Five Rupees

Revenue Stamp

(Signature should agree with the specimen signature registered with the Registrar).

Signed on _

1. Witness Signature 2. Witness Signature _

Name Name

1. No person shall act as proxy unless he /she himself /herself is a member of the Company, except that a corporation
may appoint a person who is not a member.
2. In the case of bank or company, the proxy form must be executed under its common seal and signed by its
authorized person.
3. If this proxy form is signed under power of attorney then a certified copy of that power of attorney / authority must be
deposited along with this proxy form.
4. Proxy form duly completed and signed, must be received at the registered office of the company at Unity Tower,
Plot No. 8-C, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi at least 48 hours before the time of holding the meeting.
5. If a member appoints more than one proxy and more than one instrument of proxy are deposited by a member with
the company, all such instruments of proxy shall be rendered invalid.
6. In case of CDC account holders:
i) The Proxy Form shall be witnessed by two persons whose names, address and CNIC numbers shall be mentioned
on the form
ii) Attested Copies of CNIC or Passport of the Beneficial Owners and the Proxy shall be furnished with the proxy form.
iii) The Proxy shall produce his/her original CNIC or Original passport at the time of meeting.

The Company Secretary POSTAGE
Unity Foods Limited
Unity Tower, Plot No. 8-C, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi

73 to Growth
REPORT 18 74

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