The Pipeline Model
The Pipeline Model
The Pipeline Model
Contributors: Editor: Glenn Minch (Aquent LLC); Technica l Reviews: Levi Geinert, Jason Rutherford (Model
Technology Solutions); Matthew Wetmore (Microsoft) ; Jim Britt (Microsoft)
Summary: There are benefits to be gained when patterns and practices from developer techniques are applied to
operations. Notably, a fully automated solution where infrastructure is managed as code and all changes are
automatically validated before reaching production. This is a process shift that is recognized among industry
innovators. For organizations already leveraging these proces ses, it should be clear how to leverage Microsoft
platforms. For organizations that are new to the topic, it should be clear how to bring this process to your
environment and what it means to your organizational culture. This document explains the componen ts of a
Release Pipeline for configuration as code, the value to operations, and solutions that are used when designing a
new Release Pipeline architecture.
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Table of Contents
Foreword 1
Motivation 2
This document is for IT Operations Professionals 3
References 3
The release pipeline model 4
Configuring infrastructure “as code” 5
Why would Operations apply the release pipeline model? 8
Improve security 8
Reduce recovery time 8
Improve change management 9
The key components of a release pipeline 9
Source 10
What does source control mean to me as an IT Operations Professional? 11
Key concepts in this section 15
Build 16
What does a build system mean to me as an IT Operations Professional? 17
Triggering automation runbooks during build 18
Key concepts in this section 19
Test 20
What does testing mean to me as an IT Operations Professional? 24
Certifying operating environments using test automation 26
Test is the most important aspect of the release pipeline concept 27
Monitoring is not a substitute for testing 27
Key concepts in this section 28
Release 29
What does the release phase mean to me as an IT Operations Professional? 30
Reversing a change to the production environment 31
Patterns for deploying configuration as code 32
PowerShell Desired State Configuration 32
Azure Resource Manager templates 33
Eventual Consistency 33
Key concepts in this section 34
Continuous integration 34
Additional scenarios 37
Combining new tools with existing tools 37
Automate builds of Operating system images 39
Packages and containers 39
Visibility 39
Notifications 40
Monitoring and status 40
Monitoring Windows servers 40
Node status reporting 40
Servicing deployed environments 41
Implementations 42
Stack Overflow 42
Turn 10 Studios 42
Closing 43
It is time to stop lying to ourselves. What we’ve been doing is not working. Our infrastructure is a mess.
Our application deployments are a nightmare. We spend our nights and weekends fighting fires of our
own making. We put more effort into shifting blame than improving our environments. Documentation
lags because of last minute changes or ever-shifting deployment targets. Convoluted change
management leaves critical, important tasks waiting for urgent, less important work. We need to find a
better way, but we are not alone.
Over the past few years, research has been ongoing into the state of IT and the impact of these wacky
“DevOps” ideas. Well, the data is in and it doesn’t look good for traditional IT processes. Per the “State
of DevOps Report” and the “DevOps and the Bottom Line” studies and data analysis performed by Dr.
Nicole Fosgren, IT performance is a key factor in an organization’s profitability, productivity, and market
share. IT can be a competitive advantage, but it requires a mind shift and process shift from the
traditional way of doing things.
And the businesses are noticing. They are finding cheaper and faster ways to access the services we
once held the sole dominion over. Once the shackles of traditional IT management have been shed,
business is being unleashed to try new things at a faster pace than before and at less cost.
All is not lost for the enterprise IT admin, though. To steal a saying from the United States Marine Corps
and that wonderful movie Heartbreak Ridge, we need to “improvise, adapt, and overcome.” We are in a
fight for our place in the IT industry. Cloud services offer alternatives to in-house offerings everywhere
from email and productivity tools to bare machine images, to raw services for developers. These
services are attractive to businesses because there is little impediment to getting up and running. We,
as IT professionals, need to compete with these services (or use them where they make sense), and offer
business a value for the cost of our time and the infrastructure we’ve been entrusted with. The tools we
equip ourselves with for this challenge are the four major components of DevOps: Culture, Automation,
Measurement, and Sharing. In the following whitepaper, you will be challenged to look at the delivery
of IT infrastructure in a new way. Millions of managed servers in environments that are enjoying
unprecedented levels of stability can’t be wrong (60 times greater success of changes and 168 times
better mean time to recover—MTTR—per the 2015 State of DevOps Report). Organizations adopting
workflows like those outlined here enjoy shorter lead time (200 times shorter) for deployments (code
committed to deployed in production). Another benefit to these workflows is more frequent
deployments (30 times greater) than lower performing traditional IT. It doesn’t matter where the
software comes from; these results are possible with packaged software, consultant written software, or
software developed in-house. While these practices and tools are still evolving on the Microsoft stack,
they have been proven in the real world and can deliver tangible value for you in your environments.
IT operations have traditionally managed Windows servers with many of the same practices used to
manage Windows desktops, and their success has been (and continues to be) measured by the strictest
of expectations for service continuity. In the event of a service outage, functionality must be restored no
matter what the cost.
In most traditional, on-premises environments, incremental changes to the baseline configuration are
delivered using a more or less manual approach to integration and release management. Even when
there is automation of the process, a person usually has to manually perform certain key actions to
deploy changes, such as installing an update or configuring system settings. The administrators who
build and configure servers and desktops require administrative user privileges to perform their tasks,
often granted on a permanent basis. Testing, when there is formalized testing, is generally performed
manually. This approach is error-prone, difficult to troubleshoot, and it exposes the organization to
security risks.
None of this is news; these are problems that IT operations has struggled with for decades. While it is
possible to manage the situation without automation, there is an insidious hidden cost to “manageable
manual tasks” in small to mid-sized environments. While manual changes and testing, with a smattering
of automation, can allow IT operations to “keep up” with change, it ties up precious and expensive
person hours doing work that computers should do. This either slows the rate of innovation or stifles it
The modern industry shift towards cloud-based and hybrid IT architectures is driving a parallel evolution
in development and management frameworks. The forces of change in the industry have resulted in the
development of new IT operations processes that are more precise, automated, and far more repeatable
and scalable than traditional approaches, without rejecting the accomplishments from years of prior
development in operational practices.
This duality of goals, addressing the problems we have always had and addressing the new challenges
we face with the rising popularity of cloud services, satisfies the observed criteria for a successful
paradigm shift:
First, the new candidate must seem to resolve some outstanding and generally
recognized problem that can be met in no other way. Second, the new paradigm must
promise to preserve a relatively large part of the concrete problem-solving ability that
has accrued to science through its predecessors. (Kuhn n.d.)
There are industry terms that have become popularized to describe the modernized approach. The
cultural shift is often described as DevOps, referring to developers and operations working together to
share responsibility, communicate openly, improve quality of life, and drive the delivery of value to the
business. DevOps is a cultural shift for people that occurs with the support of both tools and practices.
Another common term is agile, which refers to practices that enable stakeholders to organize and
deliver on projects in a more effective cycle that is intended to reduce time to value.
These industry shifts have brought attention to the practice of using a concept borrowed from software
development, the release pipeline, applied to the management of core infrastructure technologies.
This paper is all about implementing a release pipeline for IT operations, as seen from the perspective of
an IT professional managing Windows servers and the Microsoft Cloud.
If you are grappling with these concepts for the first time, you might find yourself thinking “these are
mostly developer concepts”. You would be correct. The tools and solutions are largely borrowed from
practices associated with software development. The patterns and practices expect a willingness to
learn new skills including advanced scripting and automation. By applying these practices to managing
infrastructure, we align with an industry shift and become ready for the new career opportunities in IT.
For a list of books that provide original, industry-changing thought on the subject of DevOps, see the
DevOps Reading List1.
The following list of books in particular have influenced the authors of this whitepaper and deserve
special mention:
Readers of this document might also want to reference the following whitepaper which addresses many
of the same challenges from a software development point of view: Building a Release Pipeline with
Team Foundation Server 20122.
The release pipeline model
The term “release pipeline” is often used in Microsoft documentation when referring to patterns and
practices for developers. Pipeline refers to moving a project through stages of work and release refers
to publishing software as a final product. Other documents use similar terms such as “deployment
pipeline” or “build pipeline” to describe the same model.
In the release pipeline model, deployment and configuration details are stored alongside the
developer’s code, or alongside installation files for packaged software products.
Storing the configuration details together with applications code helps to ensure that there is alignment
between the version of software that is currently released and the configuration of the server or service
that is hosting the software.
Test scripts, test parameters, and the scripts used by automation to deploy the solution and apply
configurations are also stored in the repository. This is done to facilitate automation of the pipeline.
When changes are needed, either a new version of the service is released or an updated file that
describes incremental changes to already deployed servers is pushed to the hosting environment.
Storing server configuration within deployment scripts or in a settings file (often some combination of
both) is also known as configuration as code.
In fact, the model is already expanding to include declaring a service, not just a server, through the
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) REST API3. The ARM API is available in Microsoft Azure (public cloud)
and Microsoft Azure Stack4 (private cloud), and it provides a high level of consistency across public,
private, and hybrid environments. Consistency permits deployments to occur in either private
datacenters or publicly-hosted services with few to no changes to the configuration code.
Some examples of configuration as code to manage server platforms include PowerShell Desired State
Configuration (DSC), Chef, Puppet, and CFEngine. PowerShell DSC provides a platform for managing
Windows Server using declarative models that any solution can leverage. Both Chef and Puppet offer
integration with PowerShell DSC to manage Windows Server, and Azure Resource Manager includes
extensions for declarative platforms such as PowerShell DSC for server node configuration.
This means that no matter how many times you apply a given configuration script to an environment, the
environment will not be changed after the first application of the configuration. For more information about
idempotence, see Wikipedia contributors, "Idempotence," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
PowerShell Desired State Configuration to create and manage a simple file:
Configuration example
File textFile
Ensure = 'Present'
DestinationPath = 'c:\examplefile.txt'
Contents = 'Hello DSC'
And using the same PowerShell DSC resource inside a Chef Cookbook:
dsc_resource 'example' do
resource :file
property :ensure, 'Present'
property :destinationpath, 'c:\examplefile.txt'
property :contents, 'Hello DSC'
For more practical examples of configuration as code, see Configuration in a DevOps world – Windows
PowerShell Desired State Configuration5.
Segment of an ARM template that describes a Windows Server virtual machine:
{ "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
"name": "server01",
"location": "Central US",
"apiVersion": "2015-06-15",
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/', 'myservice1')]",
"[concat('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/', 'nic1')]"
"properties": {
"hardwareProfile": {
"vmSize": "Standard_D1"
"osProfile": {
"computerName": "server01",
"adminUsername": "admin1234",
"adminPassword": "[parameters('Password')]" // this value is input at
"storageProfile": {
"imageReference": {
"publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
"offer": "WindowsServer",
"sku": "2012-R2-Datacenter",
"version": "latest"
"osDisk": {
"name": "osdisk",
"vhd": {
"uri": ""
"caching": "ReadWrite",
"createOption": "FromImage"
"networkProfile": {
"networkInterfaces": [
"id": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces','nic1'))]"
The concept of configuration as code follows many of the same practices presently used in traditional
server deployment. Tools such as the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit6 and PowerShell
Deployment Toolkit7 already provide a framework that is used to define the details of how a machine
should be built, and the deployment scripts act as a single source of truth8 to define how a machine
should be configured. Administrators familiar with System Center Configuration Manager or System
Center Virtual Machine Manager can relate to the GUI experience of defining how applications will be
deployed from trusted installation files, or defining application service templates to configure servers as
they are provisioned.
Configuration as code builds on these experiences by integrating best practices commonly associated
with developer tools to the use of tools that IT professionals are already familiar with. Implementing
configuration as code is essential to implementing a release pipeline.
Why would Operations apply the release pipeline model?
The objectives of implementing a release pipeline include the adoption of new technology concepts
such as increased frequency in release cadence with high degrees of trust; promoting smaller
incremental changes instead of large, monolithic changes; easing the transition to cloud service
deployment models; and using tools that help operations and development perform work as one
collaborative unit.
The release pipeline also addresses gaps in traditional service management operational processes that
have historically been difficult to overcome. Some of the key improvements that a release pipeline
brings to operational processes include improving security in the IT infrastructure; reducing recovery
time to bring servers back online after an outage or migration; and establishing consistent, complete
change management for server configurations.
Improve security
Only the automation platform should introduce changes to production servers in an environment
managed by a release pipeline. It is imperative to avoid giving individuals long-term administrative
access to the IT infrastructure. When it is necessary to grant plenipotentiary privileges, grant them only
for the minimum time necessary to perform the task at hand.
Advice to restrict administrative privileges does not ignore the need to perform routine maintenance on
servers that exist in long-term deployment scenarios. Tasks such as patching, password changes, and
other operational requirements often require administrative privileges on the target machines. These
tasks can be performed without giving an operator elevated privileges by using tools such as
PowerShell Just Enough Administration (JEA).
Improve change management
In this context, change management refers to evaluating, validating, and tracking the changes that are
applied to production servers. In a mature IT operations practice, changes to the environment are
implemented only after close consideration and agreement across stakeholders. This is true whether the
organization uses a release pipeline or not, but for organizations that lack a release pipeline, testing and
implementation are typically handled in a manual fashion. Manual testing is rarely able to keep up the
need for testing, and even when it does, it is time consuming and ties up valuable resources that could
be more effectively used elsewhere.
The drawbacks of manual testing are especially apparent when there is an outage and changes need to
be made in a short period of time; it simply takes too long to manually perform a full test pass. This
leads to ad hoc changes, that is, makeshift (not validated by testing) solutions that are implemented on
short notice.
Any change made on an ad hoc basis breaks the rule that all changes must be validated before release.
Changes that are not validated by the standard testing protocol greatly increase the risk of
incompatibility with future changes. Ad hoc changes during outage situations complicate change
management because the state of the environment is often never fully understood. If almost all your
changes qualify as ad hoc changes, it will limit IT operations to only introduce changes during off-hours,
so that there is time to recover if a problem is discovered after deployment.
In contrast to a manual approach, managing infrastructure using a release pipeline automates change
management by organizing changes into small increments, and by only allowing production changes
following in-depth validation by automated tests. Essential automated tests can often be run in minutes
whereas it would take hours (at least) to perform the same testing manually. This greatly reduces the
incidence of ad hoc changes, which reduces the problems that tend to be closely associated with ad
hoc changes. Changes to the environment can be made more often, with greater confidence that
nothing will break, and a complete record of all the changes is automatically maintained so that there is
no doubt about the actual state of the environment.
Source control (also known as revision control or version control) platforms, such as Visual Studio
Team Foundation Server10 (TFS), Git11, and GitHub12, are recognized as tools that are used by
developers. IT professionals would traditionally be more familiar with using a file share, or possibly a
Microsoft SharePoint library to fulfill the need for document storage. However, a file share provides
almost none of the services that a version control system provides. SharePoint, though it does have
version control abilities, does not include tools to view and merge changes, resolve conflicts, or create
change lists. Managing configuration as code calls for the use of a source control system. Source
control is really just a system to manage changes to electronic files, deployment scripts, code, etc. The
source control system provides special services to make management of the files more effective when
working with multiple authors and frequent changes, and with extensibility to connect with other
Source control systems automate much of the process of keeping track of changes made to documents
under version control. Most of the time, the person checking in the change only has to enter a summary
description of what was done to the document; all the other metadata such as date, time, and author is
collected automatically. Every change made to the file is tracked in detail by the system to record which
lines include changes from the previous version. When operations are performed on the files (as
opposed to a modification to the file), that information is also recorded by the system. The change list is
a report of all of the specific modifications that were made to the file since the file was first added to
source control.
Inevitably, there will be conflicts between changes submitted by different contributors. Mature source
control platforms include conflict resolution features to help identify and resolve conflicts between
In an environment where source control is used to manage configuration as code, a change to a service
might begin by opening a text file in an editor such as PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment13 or
Visual Studio Code14, and then changing the value of a setting. When managing a server using a
platform such as PowerShell Desired State Configuration15 (DSC), if a value in the Windows registry was
previously set to 0 and should now be 1, that would be an identifiable change in that file when it is
saved. In the case of managing a service such as ARM deployment templates16, the change might
include modifying the number of deployed virtual machines, changing which configuration will be
applied to them, or how they are connected to a software defined load balancer. These modifications
are made as changes to text in a JSON file.
Source control has a specialized vocabulary for referring to artifacts, metadata, actions, state changes,
and so on. Three key terms related to source control are used frequently in this paper: commit, push,
and pull.
Commit refers to accepting changed files into to a project. Many authoring tools are able to compare
before and after views of the file side-by-side so that it is easy to see what has changed since the
previous commit.
Push refers to uploading (“pushing”) all of the changes and the metadata about changes that were
committed on a local workstation to a central server or a service. This operation is also called a check-in.
The next time you look at the files in source control you can view the commits you performed on your
workstation and the related metadata including date/time, author, and comments.
Pull is a means of updating files from a remote copy. When an author would like to modify files and
they are not the owner of the files, the proposed change is submitted as a pull request. If the pull
request is accepted by the owner of the files, the changed files are merged with the primary source
control repository.
When deployments are managed using configuration as code, the entire history of an artifact can be
traced from inception to production deployment. All of the changes made along the way are visible.
You can control who can make changes to the source files, and establish “gates” where changes are
reviewed before being accepted into the baseline version. Multiple instances of the project can be
maintained at the same time using branches that permit the active work to occur without disrupting the
stable production-ready files. The release pipeline model integrates the source control system with the
build and test automation systems. For example, pushing a file from the dev branch to the test branch is
a logged source control operation that will result in that file automatically being included in the next
test automation pass.
It might still be necessary for a workgroup such as a change advisory board to review changes before
they go into production but we will see later how test automation can provide much more information
than what was ever available before in traditional change control process.
Imagine a change control meeting that is reviewing proposed changes, and two teams have requested
different values for the same group policy setting. It is up to the lead of the meeting or the attendees to
notice that the values requested for the setting would be in conflict. If the conflict is overlooked, it
could result in an inconsistent server configuration during the next maintenance window. When file
changes are submitted as pull requests, the source control system can automatically identify when there
are multiple outstanding pull requests that modify the same settings in the same files. This is normally
followed by a notification to the requester that their change creates a conflict and that something must
be done to resolve the issue.
Logical visualization of a configuration as code project using ArmViz
The project stored in source control
Observing the change history by viewing the Push to source control when adding a second network
adapter to a server
Key concepts in this section
For IT operations, source control provides an elegant method of storing configuration as code and
documenting changes to core infrastructure.
Everything that goes through the release pipeline begins its journey when it is added to the
source control system.
Source control provides a mechanism for multiple teams to submit changes to the same files,
and to identify and resolve conflicting changes.
Source control establishes a centralized, durable record of the history of an artifact along with
storing previous versions of the artifact itself. This can be invaluable for troubleshooting, fixing
bugs, and for long-term maintenance and modifications.
When you are designing a source control environment, evaluate products such as Visual Studio Team
Foundation Server, GitHub Enterprise, and Apache Subversion, or online services such as Visual Studio
Online and GitHub.
A build system is an orchestration service that is connected to the source control platform, so that
actions can be triggered when files change in the repository. Source control and the build system work
hand in hand. The build system will execute a file or files stored in the source control that run as scripts
to perform work. There are multiple options for triggering a build activity:
Web hook refers to a web service call from the source control environment to the build service. Web
hooks are used by tools that provide continuous integration with a web-based source control system
such as GitHub. Examples include Travis CI17, Visual Studio Team Foundation Server, and AppVeyor.
An agent polls the source control environment waiting for changes to occur. Polling is used by
continuous integration systems such as Jenkins18 and TeamCity19.
Scheduled builds run on a regular basis. Most build services support scheduled builds.
A manual request initiates a build activity on demand. Most build services support manual requests.
A build system can be as simple as a platform that can run scripts or execute commands. Developers
traditionally refer to the build as a process that begins when code is committed to the source control
system. Software source code is compiled to binaries which are then output to a secondary location as
artifacts. For example, a C# project might be compiled to produce an executable file that is intended to
be run as a command-line tool.
When working with configuration as code, the build system is usually responsible for running a script
that performs all the actions that must occur before a change can be released into production. This
might include running tests locally on the build server or provisioning a test environment by making
calls to external services. In the case of validating changes to a server, the configuration might be
pushed to a temporary virtual machine. In the case of managing a service such as a deployment to
Microsoft Azure or Microsoft Azure Stack, a template would be deployed to create resources such as
network, compute, and storage.
The script executed by the build system is referred to as the build script. There is a community tool
known as PSake20 to organize tasks in build scripts written in PowerShell. This community-driven effort
standardizes build scripts using keywords that align with the syntax used in tools such as Make21 and
Example of the PSake domain specific language (DSL) where key words
implement automatic tasks such as compiling artifacts, executing tests, and
resetting the build server to a clean state:
properties {
$testMessage = 'Executed Test!'
$compileMessage = 'Executed Compile!'
$cleanMessage = 'Executed Clean!'
task Clean {
Unfortunately, given the velocity of change in most environments, it has become impossible to give
every task the attention it deserves. In traditional IT operations, a human is expected to perform these
tasks and is given limited time to complete them, in addition to a massive backlog of other tasks that
might be even more visible to stakeholders. As the backlog grows, documentation is delivered after the
fact if at all. This is amplified by the likelihood of configuration drift in environments with multiple
administrators that might have different philosophies about how settings should be applied.
The role of the build system when managing infrastructure using configuration as code is to perform
work in the environment by executing scripts. The scripts are stored in source control, as described in
the previous section. The scripts can include any actions to make changes in the environment by
remotely connecting to devices or services.
Build activities can include interaction with IT tools and solutions that are already familiar in the
environment. For example, a script might interact with System Center Operations Manager23 to onboard
a new server for monitoring, or it might use Maintenance Mode24 to suppress alerts during the process
of releasing changes to a server that requires a reboot. A script might call out to Azure Automation to
activate a runbook that completes a routine set of work that is common across many releases. If there is
a need to test changes to web servers and the test should be performed together with a hardware load
balancing platform, the runbooks executed by Azure Automation might create and configure a new
load balancing pool that points to the temporary test machines.
PowerShell script as a Build task, using the PSake community project to simplify build automation
Real time output from PowerShell as a build is running
The build service executes repeatable tasks when certain changes are made to files in source
The output of the build system is not limited to binaries. The build system doesn’t just compile
code; it can also perform complex actions on an environment.
Due to their flexibility and ability to interact with external systems, build systems often allow you
to integrate your existing tools, solutions, and devices into your release pipeline.
The real-time state of the build is a key performance indicator that needs to be visible to all
When you designing your build environment, consider products such as Visual Studio, Jenkins, TravisCI,
AppVeyor, and Team City.
When changes are accepted in source control, the build system will orchestrate the process to evaluate
the quality of each change. This process usually consists of several steps. The first step is lintingb, which
checks the code for style and formatting. This is followed by unit testing, where the functionality of the
various elements of the code are tested in isolation. Finally, code is made available to test environments
for integration or acceptance testing.
Linting and unit testing is typically performed on local build servers. Linting and syntax checking
occurs when configuration files and/or service templates are loaded and evaluated to look
common problems such as formatting that does not comply with the standards for your
environment. Unit testing often includes tasks such as executing a test script to check parameter
limits on new or changed functions, or checking to be sure that all sections of a deployment
template have implemented the required properties.
There are script language extensions available to simplify the process of authoring tests. Windows 10
shipped with an extension for PowerShell, Pester27, which is designed for authoring tests. PowerShell
Operational Validation Framework28 offers a solution to organize and execute scripts specifically
intended to validate operation. ServerSpec29 is a popular extension for Rspec30 that is popular for
authoring tests. Chef InSpec31 is an auditing and testing framework that is also based on Rspec. InSpec
follows a similar approach as what you would expect with ServerSpec, but with a focus on compliance.
The term linting is derived from the name of a Unix utility, lint, which flags suspicious or malformed code.
A high level example of testing a PowerShell function by passing in values and validating the
Describe 'function' {
$team = 'blue'
$country = 'USA'
$result = Get-Team -team 'blue' -country 'USA'
It 'Should return true when Test is passed Time Zone thats already set'{
Test-TimeZoneTargetResource -TimeZone 'Pacific Standard Time' -
IsSingleInstance 'Yes' | Should Be $true
It 'Should return false when Test is passed Time Zone that is not set'{
Test-TimeZoneTargetResource -TimeZone 'Eastern Standard Time' -
IsSingleInstance 'Yes' | Should Be $false
The results of software tests for .NET are often returned in an XML format named NUnit, which is
supported by Pester and other language extensions. The results might be transformed to a report
format and then hosted in the continuous integration platform, or simply emailed by a script when the
build system receives a success response as an exit code from the tests.
There are also acceptance and integration testing tools such as Test Kitchen32. Test-Kitchen is an
acceptance and integration testing harness that can be used to automate test scenarios including
matrices of PowerShell Desired State Configuration and Azure Resource Manager deployment
Test-Kitchen is very useful in scenarios where the same tests should be conducted against variances in
application platforms (such as multiple versions of .NET) and across multiple environments (such as
multiple versions of Windows Server or multiple platforms such as IIS, Microsoft Azure Stack websites,
Microsoft Azure websites, and additional platforms such as Amazon AWS and OpenStack).
Test-Kitchen example describing a scenario where tests need to be run against multiple
versions of an Operating System:
name: azurerm
subscription_id: <%= ENV['AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'] %>
location: 'Central US'
machine_size: 'Standard_A2'
name: dsc
name: winrm
name: pester
- name: windows-2012r2-wmf4
dsc_local_configuration_manager_version: wmf4_with_update
image_urn: MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2012-R2-DataCenter:latest
- name: windows-tp4-wmf5
dsc_local_configuration_manager_version: wmf5
image_urn: MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:Windows-Server-Technical-
- name: Sample_xWebsite_NewWebsite
configuration_script: Sample_xWebsite_NewWebsite.ps1
- nodename: localhost
websitename: test
destinationpath: c:/sites/BakeryWebsite
sourceurl: '
Best practice is for contributors to run standardized unit tests locally before submitting the change for
review by others. Local testing happens throughout the process, ideally. To simplify and expedite the
process of creating a local virtual machine on a laptop computer, copying in a project, and executing
tests, many authors use Vagrant to perform local test work. Vagrant provides a command line interface
so that instantiating a new virtual machine, copying in a project, and executing a script, is accomplished
by changing to the project directory and issuing the command “Vagrant Up”. Vagrant is a common
driver for Test-Kitchen.
In some environments the test is written first and then the change is made to the configuration scripts
to create the outcome that is validated by the test (this is known as Test-Driven Development or TDD).
Test Driven Development can lead to increased quality when authoring configuration as code. A simple
to follow process is given in the article Guidelines for Test-Driven Development33.
When all tests pass, the contributor submits their pull request to the owner of the project in source
control. This is also an opportunity where impact of your changes can be evaluated together with other
contributor’s requests to make sure that even if your scripts do not overlap, the outcomes are not going
to cause a conflict. The results are made available as reports or logs so both the contributor and the
owner of the source can consider whether the change should be deployed to production. This makes it
easy for the owner to feel confident in accepting the change.
When a human connects to a test environment to validate that a change does not affect the
environment in a negative way, we are counting on them to test the change perfectly. If the change
impacts many systems, we expect the human component to perfectly test the required change across
every type of system.
Script quality is improved by catching errors as early as possible. During development, changes
are evaluated for quality through lint and unit tests.
Operational validation assesses the potential impact of changes, including changes to
application code and infrastructure configuration, and even Windows Update and policy
decisions. Changes must flow through a series of quality gates before they reach production to
eliminate (as much as possible) the possibility of negative impact.
Complex tasks are handled by the test automation platform including, if necessary, deployment
of multiple operating system versions or combinations of applications to verify every
combination that could exist in production.
Think about the manual steps you might take to test a change: You might create virtual machines,
install the operating system with all the applications needed to mirror the configuration you would
expect to find in production (you might use snapshots, differencing disks, or clones to simplify setup).
Then you would manually make the change across those machines and validate that everything still
works as it should. Therefore, that sequence of tasks is exactly the minimum set of capabilities you
would expect out of a test automation solution.
This is where the differences between a cloud platform and traditional virtualization concepts become
apparent. Creating a new environment that includes network, storage, and virtual machines where this
testing can be performed in a cloud platform is a series of calls to an API from within a script, and your
build platform might include plugins to make this simple. For environments that cannot be automated,
the system will need to provide a workflow where manual steps or requests for work can be handled,
and this can significantly reduce the velocity of work.
After the test scripts have completed, the environments that were created for operational validation are
usually decommissioned to reduce the cost of hosting in public cloud environments, or to free up
resources in a private cloud. The most common approach is to remove a test environment if all the tests
pass, but persist the environment if one or more tests fail. The person who investigates the failure will
then be able to examine the logs and attempt to isolate the cause of the problem using the same
environment in which the problem occurred.
Test-Kitchen output simplifies complicated long-running scenarios where Pester is used to validate work
across multiple environments
When using a platform such as Visual Studio TFS, teams can review test reports to understand where
problems exist before introducing changes to production
Certifying an application on a new operating system using a release pipeline would include:
1. Use a release pipeline to create the virtual machine images for the new application.
2. Create templates based on the new images, and then add them to the cloud environment where
test automation is hosted.
3. Add the new operating system version to the test matrix for the application.
4. Trigger the continuous integration environment to conduct tests against the latest version of the
5. Review the test reports with application owners to confirm acceptance or address compatibility
It will be difficult for you to author a comprehensive set of tests when you are first getting started with a
test automation platform. You should plan to start small, initially authoring only the essential unit and
acceptance tests that you need to get started, to demonstrate the value of the concept. You will
increase the number of standard tests that you run against all releases over time, implementing unique
tests for each set of files as you gain experience and refine your test platform.
Eventually, every operations team is likely to release a change that impacts the production environment
in some negative way, ideally in a very small way that is quickly identified and fixed, but sometimes the
impact throws up a lot of debris and leaves a big crater. The worst impacts become the stuff of legends
that are handed down to future generations of IT operations personnel. Generally speaking, most of us
hope not to feature prominently in that sort of legend, which is yet another great reason to go to the
trouble of implementing a release pipeline.
If—when—a defect does slip past the automated tests, make sure to work with your partner teams to
modify existing tests or add new tests to your system so that the problem will be detected in the future.
Over time, gaps in the testing protocol will be closed through a process of learning by experience, and
your confidence in the integrity of the build will improve accordingly.
In this model, a change is typically introduced during a scheduled maintenance window. During the
maintenance window, alerts from the production monitoring system are suppressed to prevent
erroneous messages from being sent out during planned disruptions. After the change, the monitoring
system is checked to determine if new conditions exist that would indicate a service outage. If not,
alerts are re-enabled. If there are concerns, the problems are investigated and a rollback is initiated if
needed. The maintenance window is sized to accommodate the expected time needed to complete a
Using monitoring as a solution to identify issues with changes to an environment has some theoretical
faults that explain why test automation is so compelling. The list below provides examples of such
Operational validation can be a resource intensive procedure involving many in-depth checks. It
is expensive in terms of compute resources to monitor at this level of scrutiny.
Some monitoring systems focus on capturing application errors and service performance
diagnostics. For example, if normal usage of an application includes an average of 30 requests
per minute and requests have dropped to zero, that might indicate a failure. Neither a lack of
application errors nor a lack of usage are substitutes for active operational validation, where the
service is thoroughly checked to make sure code that might not be used until it is needed is still
behaving as expected.
Monitoring does not check for code-level issues. For example, a new function might be
introduced as a change including unit tests that make sure the function returns only an integer,
or only a specific range of string values that align with parameter validation. Without the tests, a
condition could be released to production where the function has the potential to return
unexpected values. This could be the root cause of future errors where changes are introduced
that use the function in a new way. This type of issue can be very expensive to troubleshoot.
Finally, using monitoring systems for production validation can create cultural consternation when there
is a dispute over who is responsible for identifying and correcting the problems that are discovered
after deployment. The more time that elapses between making a change and identifying a consequent
problem, the more likely it is that there will be a conflict over who “owns” the response. Monitoring,
even in near real time, is inherently an after-the-fact activity. A robust testing protocol helps to avoid
internecine conflicts by reducing a common source of friction between teams.
Consider the following tools when you are designing your test platform: script language extensions
such as Pester, platforms such as Test-Kitchen to automate complex mixtures of requirements so that
tests can be thoroughly evaluated before release to production, and tools such as Vagrant to simplify
rapid creation of virtual machines for testing during development.
When a build system is used to compile code, the resulting output is a “build artifact.” Typically, this
refers to a binary file that is released as the deployable software product. A build script that is focused
on managing configuration as code will also include build artifacts but rather than binaries that artifacts
are production ready script or data files. For example, the build service might execute scripts that create
MOF files34 for PowerShell DSC, and then publish them to Azure Automation.
There are two common deployment models, continuous deployment and incremental deployment.
Continuous deployment is popular for “fungible servers” or “immutable servers”, such as web servers
where every server is an exact configuration replica and it is trivial to retire one node from a farm and
then replace it with a new node. In this case, the release scenario might call for the build system to
proceed node by node, removing the node from a load balancer, deleting the VM (node), replacing the
old VM with a new VM that has the latest code, and then adding the node to the load balancer to move
it into production.
Certain kinds of changes require a cutover from one set of nodes to another. A cutover occurs when a
system cannot be incrementally updated; the old system continues to operate while the new system is
prepared. When the new system is ready, a rapid change (the “cutover”) is made to take the old system
offline and then replace it with the new system. Including a cutover in a continuous deployment
scenario can be accomplished by changing the configuration of the load balancing solution after the
nodes with the latest code have been provisioned. In the future, Windows Containers will simplify this
process even more by isolating applications so that only the affected container has to be updated.
Incremental deployment is popular for servers that must be maintained for a long period of time and
cannot be easily disposed and re-deployed. Database servers, failover cluster nodes, and domain
controllers are among the kinds of servers that are typically managed under an incremental deployment
model. When you check in a change the configuration is delivered to the server or servers as an
updated version of the existing configuration.
The industry expects IT architects who are designing new services to create solutions that leverage
continuous deployment whenever possible. This is because servers that require incremental
deployments tend to be more expensive to maintain than continuous deployment servers.
What does the release phase mean to me as an IT Operations Professional?
Imagine that a change is accepted to modify 20 values in the Windows registry, and the change will
affect 75 server nodes. That means we are counting on a human to be perfect 1500 times, or else there
is a chance we might cause an issue with a setting that could lead to a service outage. In practice, most
operators would leverage existing tools to make bulk changes to as many of those 1500 changes as
possible, but it is still likely to involve many repetitious and error-prone manual steps to complete the
update. Now, what if we need to release a change that is slightly different across
Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2?
Consider how the same change would be implemented using configuration as code. To review steps
discussed thus far in the process:
Tests are run to verify that your change meets the requirements agreed upon for your
organization and does not have functional errors.
Operational validation tests verify that the change does not cause a malfunction for any
applications or services that represent a production impact across multiple operating system
versions with various combinations of software.
The release artifacts are published to the environment, ready for deployment.
Build service executes the scripts you provided that take action to implement changes.
It is possible that your deployment will be released to more than one environment. In some cases, even
with automated test validation, projects are released to quality assurance (QA) environments for further
hands-on validation before being fully trusted for production. This might include non-production
scenarios such as user acceptance experimentation. Products such as Microsoft Release Management35
offer the ability to manage changes to the project based on the target environment, should
environmental factors dictate the need for feature flags or changes in configuration data (for more
information, see Understanding Microsoft Release Management36 on MSDN. These solutions also allow
for “promoting” a build from one environment to the next by triggering each deployment scenario
through a workflow of approvals.
In a fully automated pipeline, changes to production are trusted after in-depth testing for quality
In contrast, with servers that are managed under the incremental deployment model there are changes
that are so complex that they are effectively impossible to roll back using a straightforward re-build and
re-deployment process. Changes that alter the structure or location of data are often particularly
difficult to roll back. In these cases, the inability to roll back certain changes would mean re-deploying
the servers from the last known good configuration and restoring the server state and data from
The work performed by PowerShell DSC is provided by PowerShell scripts packaged in modules. These
must be distributed to machines that require them for configuration.
A private NuGet feed makes the module consumable from any machine in your environment. The
PowerShellGet module37 provides commands that assist you in publishing to and consuming from a
NuGet feed. You might consider having multiple feeds in your environment for modules that are still in
development vs modules that are deemed production-ready.
DSC pull server or Azure Automation DSC Service provide solutions where the released modules can be
automatically distributed to target nodes. The build service would need to distribute the files to the
folder where modules are contained on the pull server (this is a property of the configuration for the
pull server itself). For Azure Automation DSC38, there is a cmdlet to publish available modules to the
You might combine these methods so that a build script publishes to a feed and kicks off an
automation job to update the pull server or Azure service from the feed. This would provide ubiquity
throughout the environment to always use the latest modules from any process on a target node.
Configurations provide declarative language to describe machine settings. There are two models for
applying a PowerShell DSC configuration: push and pull.
Pull mode is configured in Local Configuration Manger to register the machine as a client of a service.
The build service in a release pipeline compiles MOF files and then copies them to a DSC pull server and
then create file checksums or publishes the configuration to Azure Automation DSC and verifies it was
compiled successfully by the service.
Azure Resource Manager templates
The ARM API is consistent across public and private cloud environments, which means that the same
REST calls and PowerShell cmdlets are used to deploy to any available Service Endpoint39. The available
resource providers and technical requirements have potential to change based on the environment.
Provide a build script that includes cmdlets from the Azure module available in the PowerShell Gallery.
Pre-stage any required resources and use the PowerShell cmdlet New-
AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment to reference the JSON file for your deployment template.
The build platform might offer capabilities to store information that needs to be passed as parameters
such as account passwords.
Also consider the case where you will deploy nodes across both Microsoft Azure and
Microsoft Azure Stack. This would include hybrid cloud scenarios where some components of a
deployment will be provisioned in a public cloud environment and others may only be hosted in your
private cloud environment. An example might be runbooks in Azure Automation that will maintain
virtual machines hosted in your datacenter.
Eventual consistency
One of the core concepts behind many of the configuration management products in the marketplace
today is the idea of eventual consistency. Products that incorporate the idea of eventual consistency
include Chef, Puppet, CFEngine40, and PowerShell DSC. Eventual consistency is where one’s
infrastructure is given a policy and at some interval after that the node (the server that retrieved the
policy) is responsible for getting to its desired state. This may take several runs of the configuration
management agent (maybe a reboot is needed or something else in the environment has to happen
first). When developing configuration management to be eventually consistent, there are some things
to keep in mind:
Code will need to be written. Either the application being supported or the configuration
management policy (or both) need to understand that the environment is designed to be
eventually consistent.
A single node fulfilling a role is likely to cause outages
The application and the resources it requires need to be loosely coupled as they can be
independently upgraded. Loosely coupled means that they interact through a defined interface
and part of that interface may include a negotiation as to what level of interaction both sides
Applications should be able to either fail gracefully or operate in a degraded state when missing
dependencies. For example, if the database is not available, rather than getting a “yellow screen
of death” (a common ASP.NET error page), a user would see a page with data from a local
cache, be redirected to a support page, or a nicer maintenance page.
Key concepts in this section
For Operations, release refers to the automated deployment that can be executed by the build platform
after scripts stored in source control are validated.
When designing a release platform, search for products such as Microsoft Release Management, and
Chef Delivery41.
Continuous integration
The service that looks for check-ins to occur in source control and queues tasks on the build
environment is often referred to as continuous integration. This platform provides a management
interface and workflow for tracking and reporting on when changes have occurred and work that the
build system has performed. Typically, there is also an approval system where work can be queued for
the build servers to perform, but a person has to approve the work before the server will proceed with
build. This might be required when manual steps need to be taken such as making a request to a team
that manages key resources that are not yet automatable.
Figure 1: The deployment pipeline workflow
A benefit of continuous integration (CI) is the opportunity to create quality gates using an automated
workflow so that tests are run against every check-in. In this scenario, new changes are not merged into
the master branch until the tests succeed. One of the advantages of a CI pipeline (versus ad hoc or
scheduled builds) is that the state of the master branch is continually being verified by the test suite.
The tests in the project drive quality, and no new contributions are allowed until all tests pass. This is
referred to as a gated check-in, meaning that certain tests need to pass before a commit is pushed to
the master branch. If the tests pass, the gate is open and the push occurs. If the tests fail, the gate is
closed and the push is blocked until the problem is corrected and the tests pass.
When a build fails due to an error or failed test (an event commonly called “breaking the build”), new
check-ins are suspended except for changes needed to fix the build. Only after all critical tests are
passed is the change integrated into the main branch, and then new check-ins can resume. In this way,
the master branch is continuously maintained in a known good state.
The state of the build is commonly referred to using the colors red and green. A “green” build is in a
positive state, indicating that all tests were passed. A “red” build has failed one or more tests.
As an alternative to running tests against every check-in, many CI platforms allow you to schedule
builds to occur at specific times. Often, users can manually trigger an on-demand build. Either option
will create a bottleneck in the CI process, which is why it is preferable to run tests on every check-in.
This bottleneck occurs because contributors will not know the state of the build until after the next
scheduled build and test run, leaving them to investigate all the change sets from the previous time
interval. There will be cases where a complete change requires input from multiple contributors. In this
scenario, consider using a combined check-in from one author; the objective is to ensure that multiple
check-ins result in only one test run. It is critical that tests be executed locally before check-in to ensure
reliable results for integration tests as work is combined.
The emphasis on running builds at check in does not mean that all scheduled builds are bad. The CI
platform should rarely be idle. Off-peak hours can be used to run scheduled builds to validate test
scenarios that are too time consuming or unnecessary to run at check-in. For example, backwards
compatibility tests might be run against a current version of project A and all previous versions of
project B that are deployed in production. Such tests take time and would probably never be fully
conducted by humans, even though it is understood that it would be valuable to do so. Additionally,
many projects use scheduled builds (affectionately known as “nightlies”) to make artifacts that early
adopters can test drive.
There are online services that offer continuous integration for projects hosted on Internet-accessible
source control systems. For example, open source PowerShell DSC modules published to the
PowerShell team’s GitHub repository42 are connected with a service hosted by AppVeyor43. There are a
variety of other services available including a service hosted by Visual Studio Online (both source
control and build service). PowerShell.org44 offers a service to the community using a platform named
TeamCity45 that is free for open source PowerShell-related projects. On-premises it is common to host
services such as Visual Studio Team Foundation Server, which includes the ability to locally host build
services in your datacenter.
Some continuous integration platforms include options for build triggers, including automatically building
at every check-in or scheduling builds
Additional scenarios
While a detailed discussion of these scenarios is outside the scope of this document, they are worth
consideration when implementing a release pipeline model for managing Windows servers.
New tools and existing tools are not required to be mutually exclusive; if a tool you already have
continues to provide value in your release pipeline, use it. In particular, your existing investments in high
level management tools are not obsolete. Most of the management suite tools have APIs and features
that are well-suited to the release pipeline model, although you may not presently be using the
capabilities that they provide.
IT operations professionals must recognize their ability to integrate tools to architect a solution that brings
forward the strengths of their existing tools and skillset in to a process that helps them to be more
valuable to the organization.
It makes sense to take small steps such as integrating key components into the existing server lifecycle
management solution. For example, if there is a working deployment solution in place today, select
roles that are deployed frequently and that do not require preservation of state information for your
first pipeline deployment effort. Consider implementing a declarative model in the sequence of tasks
that run on the server during deployment.
The changes that a release pipeline will introduce to your usage of existing tools include managing
configuration as code in source control, multiple teams collaborating on server configuration through
source control pull requests, and the most significant improvement: testing the configuration code for
style, syntax, unit tests, and operational validation, before changes are implemented by the deployment
As a working example, consider one of the ways that System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)
might fit into a release pipeline solution. SCCM includes a feature named Task Sequence that allows the
administrator to define commands that should be executed in each phase of an operating system
deployment. A finalizing pass46 of Windows Setup occurs just before displaying the Welcome screen for
the first time. During this phase, SCCM can run commands such as Start-DSCConfiguration47 to apply
configurations defined by a MOF file, or apply meta-configuration to Local Configuration Manager48 to
add registration information for Azure Automation DSC.
In this model, SCCM is used to bootstrap a node during deployment. Administrators would use SCCM
reporting to track and analyze deployments, but they would probably use the reporting capabilities of
Azure Automation or Microsoft Operations Management Suite49 to track and analyze changes to servers
after they have been deployed. This example of blending existing and new tools could be applied to a
variety of deployment tools and technologies.
Another example is combining configuration as code with existing environments where Group Policy50
is a trusted method for applying configurations to domain joined servers. It is technically possible to
continue delivering security baselines using Group Policy and at the same time deliver application
requirements using configuration as code, but there is no integration between the two systems during
the authoring process. Lack of integration leads to the risk of conflicting changes and it does not allow
for testing frameworks that are not joined to a domain. If you choose to use Group Policy together with
a declarative configuration solution, consider generating and applying policies using scripts stored in
source control maintained by application owners.
Consider transitioning settings from Group Policy to configuration as code in a graceful fashion so that
security teams and application owners can work collaboratively to overcome the inevitable challenges.
Make decisions about which settings should immediately move to configuration as code, and which
should be governed by existing policies based on the impact of changes to operational process and
alignment with project goals. Shifting to configuration as code resolves the requirement for application
owners to have permissions in Active Directory to self-support managed changes to their servers, and
lays a foundation for introducing server footprints where Group Policy is not available such as the Nano
installation option for Windows Server 2016.
When you are reviewing your tools, focus on which role each tool is best suited for. Try to avoid the
ambiguity that comes from having two or more tools with overlapping roles. You will probably find that
you need to add at least a few new solutions to compliment what you already use. In some cases,
familiar tools may need to be retired immediately, while others will be retained or gradually phased out.
If you are starting from scratch, you get to choose exactly the tools that are optimally suited to your
In some cases, IT only consists of operations personnel. If IT operations is working with application
owners, you might find that they are already using the tools referenced in this document. This is
especially true if you have developers who author applications specific to your organization or business.
There is much to gain by aligning with these teams and sharing resources, as well as integrating process
to create a common release model. As an IT Operations professional, look for opportunities to work
together with these teams so that they can derive more value from the environments you are
Where a release pipeline model has been implemented for other platforms, it has been found that
visibility is a key requirement for acceptance and success.
Visibility means that everyone on the team has access to all the information required to know what’s
happening to the software as it goes through the pipeline. – Building a Release Pipeline with Team
Foundation Server 2012,
This means that across the environment, as visibility increases for IT operations stakeholders to make
everyone aware of changes that are happening, especially in production, the easier it is to predict the
outcome of future changes and create plans that avoid conflicts.
Timely notification of changes to the status of the pipeline is a critical aspect of visibility. Your release
pipeline needs to include a notification component. The method you choose to deliver notifications
depends on your continuous integration platform. Here are a few options:
In addition to push notifications, a web-based solution may be added so that system users and project
stakeholders can refer to it for overall status and reporting. The continuous integration platform can
become a dashboard for tracking change in the environment. The status of the build is a critical
indicator of the health of the process, and it is important to ensure that it is always visible to
stakeholders. Visibility for continuous integration is extremely important as it reveals failures. When the
build is broken, the ability to deploy changes has been compromised and requires immediate attention
to restore that process to health.
Runbooks together with Azure Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker can handle common notification
tasks, including scripted calls to a local chat service or sending email. CI platforms also include plug-ins
to handle Email notifications. An example of using Email for notification would be the build system
notifying members of a distribution list any time a new release is deployed in to production on
Microsoft Azure Stack. Or, a runbook that checks the status of a managed node in
Azure Automation DSC, and based on the node name, notifies project stakeholders and operations that
a deployed machine did not finish in the desired state.
When supplemented with runbooks, detection of a noncompliant node could be followed by
remediation during maintenance hours, if scheduling is required.
Accounting for both immutable servers and long term deployments, there should be only two methods
to access production server nodes:
The exception to this rule would be a remote administration model of choice (for example, Remote
Desktop or PowerShell remoting with full language) that is only present for dealing with outages. This is
frequently referred to as an “in case of emergency, break glass” scenario. While this might be attractive
in the early stages of adoption for a release pipeline model, it should be avoided if possible because it
requires that some accounts must have long term administrative access, unless a sophisticated solution
is used to add and remove accounts from privileged groups on an on-demand basis. This approach also
increases the risk of introducing untested changes to the production environment. These changes have
to be backported to source control later and vetted by service owner test validation. This could easily
result in a cascade of trouble if it turns out that the change does cause a new issue to occur.
Whenever possible, routine tasks on servers that will be maintained as long term deployments should
be automated. An example would be patch management using a script run through an automation
platform such as Azure Automation and Hybrid Runbook Worker. This provides a systemic approach to
routine tasks where every step is scripted and never deviates from a known procedure, eliminating
human error from execution. The scripts used to perform the work and the administration of the
platform such as scheduling should be stored in source control and maintained along with project files
such as the latest DSC configuration for the nodes.
Connecting to Windows Server remotely for servicing, whenever possible, should be performed through
a PowerShell Just Enough Administration56 endpoint. Just Enough Administration, or JEA, provides a
technical solution for limiting which commands, parameters, and parameter values are available for
administrative tasks. JEA runs in the context of a temporary administrative account, so the account used
to run the commands does not require administrative access at all. Since JEA configurations are
delivered using DSC it is easily integrated into the release pipeline model and is just another aspect of
the machine configuration. JEA should be used for automated routine tasks, too. The automation
platform should connect to remote nodes and perform work using a JEA endpoint. JEA allows
automation to perform specific administrator tasks without actually granting administrative privileges to
the automation service accounts. For more information about JEA, see Just Enough Administration, Step
by Step57.
This section provides a high level overview of real world environments that demonstrate how
organizations have implemented a release pipeline (or key components) for managing core
infrastructure using configuration as code. Shared learnings from these organizations were influential to
the authors of this document.
Stack Overflow
The Stack Overflow question and answer platform is an ASP.NET MVC application backed by a SQL
Server AlwaysOn Availability Group. There are several Redis servers providing shared cache and
pub/sub services. An ElasticSearch cluster supports search on the site. There are also several machines
providing tag lookup and correlation. All of the essential functions have redundant servers.
Web application code changes go out on an irregular schedule, whenever code changes are ready.
Application changes and database changes are deployed independently. The web application has been
written to work with older or newer versions of the database. While most of the web servers are
upgraded in a close time frame, there can be periods of time where multiple versions of the deployed
application are available across the web farm. Feature toggles prevent exposure of new features until
they are ready to release from a business perspective. Many of the new features in Stack Overflow have
been on the production web servers for months, waiting to be called into action.
If you are interested in more details about the Stack Overflow infrastructure, please take a look at the
excellent blog posts of Nick Craver, a developer and sysadmin at Stack Overflow.
Turn 10 Studios
Owner and cloud service provider for the popular video game series Forza Motorsport, and Forza
Horizon, Turn 10 Studios uses configuration as code patterns and practices to optimize change delivery
throughout their hosting environment. PowerShell DSC is used to manage web servers that provide an
online multiplayer game environment for millions of racing fans.
Operations managing the cloud service behind Forza Motorsports use a variety of community tools in
their release system, notably from the Github repo. The tooling includes an automated
build of DSC artifacts, and configuration data at scale is managed through a series of cascading data
Testing all modules and configurations is absolutely critical to the success of the service and allows
Turn10 to administer an environment under high-demand with only minimal operations staff.
The release pipeline model offers IT operations a framework to help resolve some of the most
complicated issues in service management. It is important for engineers to understand that a process
change, while supported by new and interesting tools, does not mean a wholesale departure from
existing skillsets and the tools that are already deployed. Just the opposite; process change offers an
opportunity to provide value to your organization by applying your existing skills and tools to with new
process that helps the business to move faster, introduce change in small increments more quickly but
with less risk, and reduce operational fatigue.
Long term, a release pipeline will create ubiquity in deployment and configuration models. By
standardizing the deployment and configuration of servers, operations and developers can care less
about individual servers and more about the service(s) the server is delivering. Applications and
application data become the focus. This leads to an environment where servers are treated as a
The ultimate goal is to improve the value that IT operations can provide to their organization by moving
faster, delivering more, and at the same time improving their own quality of life by increasing
confidence and decreasing randomization.
The solutions in this document intentionally refer to how the release pipeline model can be applied to
Windows Servers and the Microsoft Cloud environment, but the ideas in this document originated from
many of the external references given in the introduction. Be on the lookout for new and interesting
tools. The community is constantly publishing open source tools solutions that can serve as very
powerful components of your operations architecture.
Murawski, Steven. “DevOps Reading List,” Can you DevOp with Windows? Blog.
“Building a Release Pipeline with Team Foundation Server 2012,” Microsoft Patterns & Practices eBook.
“Azure Resource Manager REST API Reference,” Microsoft Azure product documentation.
“Microsoft Azure Stack,” Microsoft product landing page.
Gray, Mark. “Configuration in a DevOps world – Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration,” Building
Clouds Blog.
“Microsoft Deployment Toolkit,” Microsoft Windows product documentation.
Willis, Rob. “Deployment—Introducing PowerShell Deployment Toolkit,” Building Clouds Blog.
Wikipedia contributors, "Single source of truth," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
“Azure Automation overview,” Microsoft Azure documentation.
“Team Foundation Server,” Microsoft product landing page.
Git web site.
GitHub web site.
“Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE),” Windows PowerShell product documentation.
“Visual Studio Code,” Microsoft product landing page.
“Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration Overview,” Windows PowerShell product documentation.
“Deploy Azure resources using .NET libraries and a template,” Microsoft Azure product documentation.
“Test and Deploy with Confidence,” Travis CI open source testing platform, home page.
“Jenkins,” Jenkins open source automation server, home page.
“TeamCity,” TeamCity continuous integration tools, home page.
“Welcome to the PSake project,” PSake project page on GitHub. PSake is a build automation tool written in
“GNU Make,” GNU Operating System documentation. Build tool.
“RAKE—Ruby Make,” Rake project page on GitHub. Rake is similar to Make; implemented in Ruby.
“Operations Manager,” Microsoft System Center documentation.
“Start Maintenance Mode,” Microsoft System Center product documentation.
“Automation Runbooks,” Service Management Automation documentation.
“Azure Automation Hybrid Runbook Workers,” Microsoft Azure documentation.
“Pester,” GitHub project home page. Pester provides a framework for running unit tests to execute and validate
PowerShell commands.
“Operation-Validation-Framework,” PowerShell Team GitHub project home page. A set of tools for executing
validation of the operation of a system.
Serverspec project home page.
RSpec project home page. “Behavior Driven Development for Ruby.”
Inspec project home page. “An open-source testing framework for infrastructure …”
Test Kitchen home page.
Palermo, Jeffrey. “Guidelines for Test-Driven Development,” Visual Studio 2005 Team System, Technical Articles,
MSDN Library.
“Using MOF Files,” Appendix B: Windows Management Instrumentation documentation.
Microsoft Visual Studio Release Management product page.
“Understanding Microsoft Release Management,” Visual Studio ALM and DevOps, Release. MSDN.
“PowerShellGet Module,” Windows PowerShell 5.0 documentation.
“Azure Automation DSC Overview,” Microsoft Azure Automation documentation.
“Azure Service Endpoints,” Microsoft Azure, Java Developer Center documentation.
“What is CFEngine?” CFEngine product documentation.
“Chef Delivery,” product landing page.
“PowerShell Team,” GitHub repository.
AppVeyor product home page. Continuous delivery service for Windows.
44 Forums, blogs, and other resources devoted to PowerShell.
“TeamCity,” product landing page. Continuous integration platform.
“How Configuration Passes Work,” How Windows Setup Works, Windows product documentation.
“Start-DSCConfiguration,” Windows PowerShell 5.0 product documentation.
“Configuring the Local Configuration Manager,” Windows PowerShell 5.0 product documentation.
“Microsoft Operations Management Suite.”
“Group Policy for Beginners,” TechNet technical article.
Packer product home page. “Packer is a tool for creating machine and container images for multiple platforms
from a single source configuration.”
Boxstarter home page. Boxstarter is a tool to automate Windows installations.
“Windows Server Update Services,” WSUS product home page.
“Deployment Imaging Servicing Management (DISM) Cmdlets in Windows Powershell,” DISM product
Fowler, Chad. “Trash Your Servers and Burn Your Code: Immutable Infrastructure and Disposable Components.”
Blog post.
“Just Enough Administration (JEA).” PowerShell product documentation.
Greene, Michael. “Just Enough Administration, Step by Step.” Blog post, whitepaper.