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Q. What is NPSH? Which NPSH value to be given by designer? What is preferable

margin between available NPSH and Required NPSH.
A. NPSH: Net positive suction head. Designer will give NPSH available to pump
supplier. Preferable margin between NPSH available and required is minimum 1 mtr.
Q What is Preferable L/D ratio for External floating roof tank?
A. Preferable L/D ratio is 0.6 to 0.8 for External Floating roof. However it will be lower
for higher capacity tanks
Q. Difference between External floating roof tank and internal floating roof tank
A. Internal floating roof tank will have a coned roof or other external roof above the
floating roof.
Q. What is different between submersible and submerged pump
A. Submersible pump are generally vertical radial flow pump with inbuilt motor.
Submerged pump is a centrifugal pump either vertical or horizontal. (motor remains
outside of the tank)
Q. Why does HAZOP study required? At which stage it is required.
A. HAZOP is required to check the Hazardous and operatibility of the system. It is
carried out once the P&ID is freezed and no further change is expected from process
point of view. Different parameters like flow temp. and pressure are checked wrt
different conditions like High, low, partial etc.
Q. Preferable velocity in pump suction line
0.5 to 1.2 mps
Q Preferable Discharge velocity
A 1.2 to 3 mps
Q Normal Pressure of Instrument air in industries
A 7 bar
Q % of opening of control valve during normal flow.
A 60-80 %
Q Function of thermal relief valve on pipe line
A Relief of external pressure incase of thermal expansion in blocked line
Q Function of Rupture disk below pressure safety valve
A To protect the safety relief valve from corrosive fluid
Q How to generate pump curve for parallel operation
A For parallel operation of two or more pumps the combined performance curve is
obtained by adding horizontally the capacities of the same heads
Q How to generate pump curve for series operation.
A For series operation the combined performance curve is obtained by adding
vertically the heads at the same capacities.
Q Which API shall be followed for centrifugal pumps
A API-610
Q Which API shall be followed for reciprocating pump.
A API-676
Q API 14 C is used for
Q API 14 C is used for
A Recommended Practice for Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of Basic
Surface Safety Systems for Offshore Production Platforms
Q What is the criteria to size the flare headers
A 1-Back pressure at the relief valve
2-Mach number
3-Momentum criteria

Q Which type of relief valves are generally used in refineries?

Q Where we should place the dehydration unit?
Q Fluid characterization
Q Can you model the column in Hysis?
Q What are the different types of test separator .How to select them?
Q If water cut is increased above the designed water cut then what we can do in
existing test separator to accommodate increased water quantity.
Q If all the process conditions are same like flow and pressure ratio. Then power
consumption will be more in with case of compressor ?
1-Single stage compressor
2-Double stage compressor
Q In vertical KOD in compressor inlet what should be minimum distance between inlet
device and mist mat?
Q How many types of flare tips are there?
Q Why do we use steam in flares?
Q What is the surge and stone wall in compressor?
Q If a plant is in shutdown for two three days and process fluid is reached to the
ambient temperature then what initial pressure should be considered for
Q Can you simulate column in Unisim ?
Q What is the criterion to decide the length of test separator?
A Droplet velocity
Q How will you calculate the settle out pressure?
Q What is the recycle efficiency in Unisim .
Q What is the PV and what values should be taken for adiabatic or fire case?
Q What are the API used for tank design
Q Name the API used in process engineering.
Q What are the check points of PEFS?
Q What the inputs required for performing the pipeline hydraulics?
Q What is the need to specify the nozzle distance in data sheet?
Q What are the inputs required to perform the hydraulics?
Q If velocity is high (i.e. 60 m/s) but is less than the erosional velocity then which
other parameter shall be checked.
A Rho V2 shall be checked and should be less than 200,000 Pa.

Q How will you calculate the latent heat of vaporization for the fire case relief valve?
Q Which correlation will be used for hydraulics for PDO
Q For cane pump why Process CFDH approval is required?
A Because of seal leakage?
Q If we have composition and we want to do hydraulics with water then how we will
do it?
Q Explain the safeguarding of the test separator?
Q Where we should provide the equalizing of pressure around the valve
A As per DEP
Quick opening of a large valve holding high pressure may cause a significant shock wave
travelling through the pipe at sonic speed. This can cause damage to vessel internals,
flanged connections, bellows etc. Since controlled opening (cracking a valve open) is
easier with a small valve than with a big valve, large valves should be provide with a small
by-pass in order to allow controlled equalization of the high differential pressure. As a guide
line, a DN 50 (NPS 2) by pass should be provided when the run pipe is larger than DN 150
(NPS 6) and the pressure difference is larger 15 Bar (218 psi). A bypass is not necessary in
cases where a control valve is installed downstream, and the control valve can be opened
gradually after opening the upstream block valve. The decision to install an equalizing
bypass is a part of the process design.
For equalization of pressure in steam pipes-

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