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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)

ISSN: 2455-4847
www.ijlemr.com || Volume 03 - Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 01-11

Power Theft Detection in Agriculture and Field Protection- A

Literature Survey
Dr. B. Sudarshan, Jayashree Kavya V, Sanjana K S, Navitha T, Nishchitha N
Electronics and Communication Department,
Kammavari Sangham Institute of Technology,

Abstract: Power theft is a big challenge to be addressed in many countries. This has an negative impact on
national economy. Agriculture provides food requirements to people and also provides raw materials for
industries. Because of animal interruption in agricultural lands, there is a huge crop loss and crops are totally
being destroyed. To avoid these significant losses, it is very important to secure agricultural farm from animals.
This paper presents a literature review of various proposed technologies implemented in the previous years and
their benefits and drawbacks. We have developed a system which can detect electric power theft and informs to
the nearest power station automatically. Field monitoring is also a part of our proposed work which includes the
following features: Elephant chase away technology, Bird shoo away technology, rodents siren technology.
These technologies helps us in preventing crop destruction from animals.

There was a time where when farming in India was dependent on cattle and all agriculture was labour
based. Over time, technology has not only improved the level of farming in India but has also reduced the
dependence on labour, hence replacing manual work with high performance machines, the most important
advantage of modern times to us is Electricity. From sowing to irrigation and irrigation to Harvesting everything
is being done with the help of power in the Agricultural sector. Power operated farming systems make the task
quick, as well as enabling the judicious use of natural resources. Water pumps are the greatest breakthrough in
improving the irrigation crisis in India as about 1/5 th of the total electricity is utilized in pumping ground water
for Agriculture. Hence electricity has played a major role towards maintaining food security in India by
increasing the rate of agricultural production. Thus proper power supply in rural areas becomes a necessity for
successful farming. But the quality of electricity and illegal power supply due to power theft in rural areas are
creating a major problem to the farmers. Further the unmetered supply has created an opportunity in hiding the
T and D losses as supply to Agriculture. Regulators have also been unsuccessful in dealing with the problems of
power supply to agriculture. Attempts at metering of pump sets and quantitative restrictions on over all supply
have also not worked. Farmers have also ignored attractive metered tariffs. Further the power subsidy is
effectively untargeted and poorer farmers have been denied its benefits. So power consumption and losses have
to be closely monitored so that the generated power is utilized in a most efficient manner. An another major
problem faced by the farmers is crop damage due to animals and birds. Farmers are inflicted with crop losses
and other damages when animals and birds occasionally stray from their habitat and enter farm lands, destroying
the field and plantations. Due to this there will be a large amount of economic loss for farmers. To avoid these
financial losses it is very important to protect the agricultural field from animals. So the main objective of this
study is to provide various measures for protecting the field without harming the living beings. In this paper the
basic idea behind many technologies has been analysed and a system is proposed which is effectively able to
detect the illegal issues of power faced by the farmers and also to prevent the crop damage caused by the
animals in the field in an efficient manner.

In this paper [1], Many species of rodents are pests in agriculture. Almost all field crops are affected by
rodents. It was found that rodents cause damage at almost all stages of crop from sowing to harvesting.
Moreover several traditional techniques are used by the farmers to control rodents. The two basic rodent control
approaches are – the lethal approach, which uses rodenticides and trapping method which provides immediate
solution to the problem. The non-lethal approach includes biological methods which may produce a more lasting
effect. The traditional method such as placing of screw-pine leaves along the edges of paddy field and drooping
of palm leaves in rice fields making a rattling sound were used by farmers to scare away the rodents. Biological
control methods involves use of predators, parasites, pathogens and reproductive inhibitors against rodents.
Mechanical techniques such as hunting, killing and trapping were also used to get rid of rodents. The chemical

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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847
www.ijlemr.com || Volume 03 - Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 01-11
methods include certain chemicals and their effectiveness depends upon the selection of an appropriate
compound its formulation and the method and timing of application .
In this paper [2], Crop destruction by wild animals is a major problem in some parts of India. The
objectives of the study were - To analyze and estimate the crop spoilage by wild animals on agricultural crops.
To determine the efficiency of electric fences and other approaches to stop the wild animals from entering into
the crop field. In order to prevent the crop loss by wild animals methods like fences ,trenches, and stone walls
were used. Different fences like electric fence, bamboo fence, cactus fence, barbed wire cable were used. All
these fences were effective in preventing wild animals from entering the field upto a certain extent. Trenches are
the traditional methods which were build to keep away the wild elephants from entering the villages. Trenches
completely prevented damage by elephants. Stone walls was constructed to stop elephants and other animals
from entering agricultural crops.
In this paper[3], Birds are the bigger source to damage to crops. Particularly rice and fruit crops. This
paper gives us knowledge about the amount of loss caused by birds and also how to minimize it. It is not simple
to know how much spoilage is affected by birds. Here, the main pest birds are, two species of crow- jungle crow
and carrion crow. The most important way of doing crop protection is to mask the farm by using net and other
methodology is to decrease the bird population. Stimuli which disturb aversion in the birds are used to shoo
them away from farms. In stimuli there are two major groups namely, Visual stimuli and acoustic stimuli. Visual
stimuli consists of plastic bags and flags placed in the fields which will flutter in the wind. The acoustic stimuli
brightens away the birds by sudden loud sound and this sound is made by using wooden clapper which is
banged together by pulling it.
In this paper [4], Power theft is defined as political, regional, social, economical, infrastructural point
of view. At present world technology which is in raising scope, they should also note the rapidly raising
activities. Power theft is of major social problem so it is necessary to completely reduce it. Power consumption
has to be closely supervised so that the generated power is utilized in a most efficient manner. In this proposed
paper power theft is detected using wireless techniques. The illegal usage of power can be solved electronically
without any human control using RF. When power is transmitted from transmitter to receiver load is applied. If
there is any difference between transferred power and received power then we can say that stealing has been
done through unauthorized person. The central observer reads the energy value and this energy value is
compared with the sum of power consumption values. This process is mainly done to detect the amount of
illegal theft. A new technology has been added i.e VEMS (Vigilant energy metering system) this collects data
between other energy meters, local stations and base stations.
In this paper [5], Power theft has created adverse effects on all utility customers .It has been estimated
that around 0.5 to 1% steel from the main supply. And there natural losses exceeds upto 1.2 billion annual loss in
the electricity. Sophisticated power thieves either use elaborate tamper or bypass systems with internal meter
mechanism. Tampering the current transformers (CT) of the energy meter, these are generally made non-
conductive where the CF are not able to measure the current flowing in it. This kind of thefts can be easily
detected using smart meters by glowing EL. This is an optional in the smart meter whose light emitting diode
when flashed shows points i.e mismatch is detected between phase and neutral current.
In this paper [6], Grazing is also a part of agriculture where domestic livestock are used to convert
grass and other foodstuff into meat, milk and other products. This paper concentrates mainly in protecting the
biodiversity. According to today’s demands, grazing system involved many new fencing techniques such as
conventional fence, electric fence etc. But these fencing techniques were less flexible and more expensive .To
overcome these limitations a concept called virtual fencing came into picture. The main methodology involved
in this paper is that microcontrollers is used at the two of the ends i.e Transmitter and Receiver, which increases
the accuracy of the system. Coding can be changes at the two of the ends depending on their needs. This system
includes a wireless sensor network containing radio and sensors which are tied across the cattle’s neckband and
these sensors makes a sound when animals try to enter the cattle’s boundary. The RF here is mainly used to
transmit the signals. When an animal is within the range the transmitter will send the digital data continuously
and receiver will receive it. If the data transmission is stopped, the receiver will not receive anything and a
buzzer is activated and the LCD will alert the person at the receiver end for an immediate action
In this paper[7], Human-elephant incompatibility is a major issue which leads to crop damage, human
death and injuries caused by elephants, and elephants being killed by humans. The inspection and tracking of
elephants are difficult due to their size and nature of movement. A method for detecting and tracking elephants
along the forest border areas using the sounds of elephants is presented. Two methods are used one is to find the
spectral energy magnitude and the other to determine highest pitch frequency produced by elephants. Seismic
sensors are used to detect the movement of elephants in forest border areas, whenever the elephant walk across
the region of seismic sensors an alert is sent to forest officials and image cameras were used to capture the
images and compare with a data base to detect the movement of elephants A threshold is identified for the two

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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847
www.ijlemr.com || Volume 03 - Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 01-11
methods When the elephant vocal transmission signal crosses the limit a message will be sent to the forest
officials notifying them about the elephant interruption and also sends the elephant back to the forest.
In this paper [8], Nowadays power theft is the largest problem which accounts lot of loss to electricity
boards. In countries like India, these conditions are more often, avoiding these thefts we can recover lot of
power. This model is build in such a way that every consumer is accommodated with an automated meter reader
with inbuilt microcontroller to detect the data consumed frequenty , PIC microcontroller is applied at consumer
end and ARM microcontroller is applied on pole station. PIC convey data regularly and ARM process data , it
previously has the details of amount of power sent to each line and it differentiates with received feedback , if
the distinctness between these two values exceeds the prescribed limits then ARM microcontroller gets to know
that power theft was happened and an alarm is raised , also sends message to authorities through GSM. Zigbee
technology has effective transmission, self- healing network, low power utilization zero traffic etc. Zigbee
transmission installation requires no special authorisation in most of the places.
In this paper[9], The power theft detection and monitoring is of greater importance In this proposed
paper we are using, two parts they are – link method and remote terminal. The link method is used in the main
energy meter in the substation transformer as well as consumer energy meter. The outcome of consumer’s single
phase energy meter also has an mutual relationship with power. If power theft has taken place then the consumer
single phase energy meter cannot be measured correctly. There will be differences among the number of output
impulse in standard power calculating module and in user single phase electric energy meter module. If the theft
has occurred an alarm message is transmitted to the field man using GSM network. This is actually monitored
by system software in control room.
In this paper [10], the main goal is to address the difficulty of crop damage by animals. It also
illustrates the difficulties that are experienced by farmers through attack of animals on their agricultural field.
The main aim of this paper is to give an efficient solution to these issues by using electronic surveillance
system. This proposed system consists of following components such as camera, microcomputer, ultrasonic
buzzer and passive infrared sensor. The camera and the additional components are connected with
microcontroller. This device should operate for the whole day. The video signal is fed to the micro computer
through the camera which helps in continuously monitoring the field. If any sort of motion is identified in the
farm the microcontroller checks for the presence of animals. If the animal is detected the image buzzer is turned
on and it also provides real time images of the farm which can be observed using web browser like mobile,
computer etc.
In this paper [11], Power theft detection and monitoring is of greater importance. This is done through
distribution lines, Power tapping on distribution lines is the main agenda of this paper. Microcontroller used here
is STM85 which the information is taken from pole side and home side meter and performs the required control
functions such as display reading, per unit amount and sends the appropriate data to the mobile phone through
the GSM communication module .At the load side a 200w incandescent bulb is used as a load by which energy
utilization by the user. On the pole side another meter record the power sent over each line connected to the
pole. The power line communication is utilized for sending data over the power network .GSM is also used to
transfer the information from the pole side meter and home side. The bulbs are connected to the load, which is
used to calculate the average real power information.
In this paper [12], Electricity distribution jurisdictions lose a large mass of income, due to illegal
connections or lack of honesty of consumers for their personal benefits. Different systems are suggested by
scholars to determine the theft and reduce the non-operational losses .The techniques like SVM , Fuzzy C –
means clustering , Fuzzy logic , User profiling etc are used to determine power theft .Latest research in power
theft detection has progressively focused on building systems for electricity supplier organization consumer will
use the product to recognise the potential faulty users with their specifics to reduce distribution losses.
In this paper [13] , The world economy of many countries is dependent on agriculture. Agriculture
provides food requirements to people and also provides raw materials for industries. But because of animal
interruption in agricultural lands there is a huge crop loss and crops are totally getting destroyed. To avoid these
significant losses it is very important to secure agricultural farm from animals. Here, fencing wire is used as a
sensor. An amplifier circuit is connected to the fence. If the animals are in contact with the fence the fencing
circuit will be grounded and the proposed system will be activated. Using LDR, buzzer is operated. It also
detects light intensity, if it is less, it will spot the light, due to this animals will not enter the field and it will run
away. GSM module sends a message to the farmer after the system starts operating .
In this paper [14], We can discover power theft wirelessly. Unlawful use of electricity can be clear up
electronically without any human control, using Radio Frequency (RF) technology. Electric power is
transfigured from transmitter to receiver. If there is difference between transforming and receiving power, we
can conclude that stealing of power has occurred from unauthorized person i.e , if energy is permitted from
supplier to consumer at this time , if total amount of electric power is not collected by consumer then there is

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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847
www.ijlemr.com || Volume 03 - Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 01-11
feasibility of energy theft.
In this paper [15], Electricity theft is a very usual problem in country , where residents are very high
and the usage of electricity are ultimately immense. In this paper , current transformers are used , one
transformer is kept at the input side of post line . Other transformer is kept at distribution points of house lines.
Output of CT values is fed as input to PIC microcontroller.PIC microcontroller transforms analog inputs to
digital, differentiates the input current and output current. If result has negative values then it is recognized as
power theft. This differentiated value is sent to electricity board, which is displayed in LCD display . The details
will then be swiftly processed by microcontroller and a message will be sent through GSM.
In this paper, [16] Power theft is an illegal offence and it also effects the nation’s economy. For
reducing electricity theft, we proposed this system. This proposed system works autonomously without human
involvement. Application of this system will not only elude issue of electricity theft but also will increase the
number of customers and will increase nation’s economy.
Proposed Methodology consists of 4 modules.

Module 1 : Preprocessing
For the process of identifying attributes , we are giving electricity distribution data in excel as input and get
preprocessed data as output.

Module 2 : K means Clustering

For the process of data point and distance calculation , we input preprocessed data and get cluster as output.

Module 3 : Gaussian Distribution and ANN

For the process of Gaussian Distribution Probability and neuron formation , K means Clusters are given as input
and we get Fine grained clusters as output.

In this paper [17], Food is the most important need for living beings. The protection of crop field has
been a main content and a major issue. Animals are attacking the crop field over many years and the
conservation of this crop field has become a main responsibility. The elephant detection is done by using image
processing on raspberry pi board and it sends a message to the recognized person through GSM module. Camera
is interfaced to the raspberry pi module. When the image is taken by the raspberry pi through the camera it is
compared with data base image. After comparing the image if the output is positive/negative it gives commands
to the GSM module .If output is positive Elephant is detected and message is sent to the recognized person using
In this paper [18], More crop damage is caused by wild animals which raid on the agricultural field.
The farmers followed the traditional methods, but these methods were not so effective. The crop protection can
be done by using computer vision techniques. This method is applicable for many fields, they are- medical field,
robotics, remote fencing, machine vision, content based image retrieval. Cameras were installed for capturing
images in the field. After capturing, these images are progressed in order to identify animal existence in the
captured image. If the animal existence in the captured image is found then the identification is accomplished
using W-COHOG and the output will be sent to the farmer using a communication module. In this paper
weighted co-occurrence histograms of oriented gradient (W-COHOG) is used to determine the animal in the
captured image which is highly accurate and also reduces false positive rates.
In this paper[19] , Wild animals frequently damages the standing crops. The annual result of crop losses
are also covering economic losses to farmers. The low productivity is due to two major issues- Crop damaged
by animals and crops damaged by nature substance. The main aim of this paper is to conserve the crop field
from animals. Therefore this paper gives analysis for technical solution using wireless sensor networks and
internet of things (IOT) to prevent their product from animals. A WSN includes a different clusters connected by
sink node. Each cluster has a different sensor and each sensor require four main units they are - sensing unit,
processing unit, transceiver unit and a power unit. This paper develops an algorithm to find the existence of
animals in the field. Here, Raspberry pi is the heart of the process and each node has different sensors which is
useful for determining the wildlife activity .The required activity will be taken from the actuator. Once the
animal position is detected tracking can be done using ultrasonic sensor and raspberry pi is used to capture the
image of an animal by installing cameras in the field. These images are sent to the user through GSM .
In this paper [20], both technology and science will have its prodigy which has fascinated social life to
a greater extent i.e. imagining a world without these revolution is hardly possible. Power theft which is a non-
ignorable offence or unlawful act which has to be controlled. This paper mainly focuses on the automatic
monitoring and identification of theft which works under embedded controllers. There are different modes of
theft such as meter tampering, meter tilting, meter bypassing etc. these can be overcome by tamper proof seals

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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847
www.ijlemr.com || Volume 03 - Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 01-11
and labels, tamper resistant screw or locks. It has check meter and remote meter for detecting power theft.
Comparing revenue meter readings. If there is any change in the readings it indicates that there may be power
theft or malfunction of meter. The whole process can be divided into many sections such as transmitting,
receiving, processing and counter sections.

Power Theft Detection in Agriculture and Field Protection Techniques

Technology Paper Name

Zigbee Wireless Power Monitoring with Power Theft Detection and Intimation System using GSM and Zigbee

Fuzzy Logic Survey: Electricity Theft Detection Technique

ANN Electrical Power Theft Detection

Smart meter Electricity and Power Theft Detection Virtual Fencing for Animals Management Using RF Module

Sensors Surveillance and tracking of Elephants Smart Crop Protection IoT Based Wireless Sensor
using Vocal Spectral Information System Networks for Prevention of
Crops from Wild Animals

Image Surveillance and Prevention o Wild IoT Based Wireless Wild Animals Recognition in
Processing Tracking of Animals Entering Sensor Networks for Agricultural Farms using W-
Elephants using into the Prevention of Crops from COHOG for Agro-Security
Vocal Spectral Agriculture Fields Wild Animals

Wireless Power Minimizing Unmanned Power Theft

RF Theft Detection Electricity Theft Detection and Automatic Virtual Fencing for Animals
using Smart Power Breaking by Management Using RF Module
Meters in AMI Wireless Control System

GSM based Design and Unmanned Power Theft Wireless Power Prevention
Electricity Theft Implementation of Detection and Automatic Monitoring with o Wild
GSM Identification in Power Theft Power Breaking by Power Theft Animals
Distribution Detection in Wireless Control System Detection and Entering
System Automatic Meter Intimation into the
reading using System using Agriculture
Power line GSM and Zigbee Fields
Communication Networks

Sl Year Paper name Basic Concept Advantages Disadvantages

1. 1998 Rodent Control in India The traditional method such as Traditional Mechanical
placing of screw-pine leaves methods are techniques
along the edges of paddy field effective involves high
and drooping of palm leaves in compared to labour costs &
rice fields making a rattling other methods are less
sound were used by farmers to as it is not practicable over
scare away the rodents. harmful to large areas.
Biological control methods, rodents.
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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847
www.ijlemr.com || Volume 03 - Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 01-11
Mechanical techniques etc are
also used.

2. 1999 Studies on Crop Damage

Wild Animals in Kerala To prevent the crop loss by Electric fences Construction of
and Evaluation of Control wild animals,methods like with energizers stone wall was
Measures fences, trenches, and stone were efficient expensive,
walls were used. and safe in Trenches were
controlling wild not effective in
animal southern areas
interruption. due to the heavy

3. 1999 Damage to Crops by Birds Stimuli which disturb aversion Razoo, a bird Razoo device is
in the birds are used to shoo scaring device is operated only in
them away from farms. used which is small areas and
more effective its requirements
than the are very large &
previously used also the device is
devices. very expensive.

4. 2012 Wireless Power Theft If there is any difference

Detection between transferred power and Location of the The technology
received power then we can power theft can used in this
say that stealing has been done be identified paper has some
through unauthorized person. using new limitations where
The central observer reads the technology it leads power
energy value and this energy called VEMS. theft by using
value is compared with the Remote billing illegal practices
sum of power consumption can also be such as
values. done. bypassing the
meters, illegal

5. 2012 Minimizing Electricity Thefts can be easily detected Smart meters Data produced
Theft using Smart Meters using smart meters by glowing will provide by smart meters
in AMI EL. This is an optional in the quick, accurate could be quite
smart meter whose light measurements invasive.
emitting diode when flashed of These devices
shows points i.e. mismatch is power can be hacked.
detected between phase and eliminating the
neutral current. need for
monthly bills
and home visits
from readers.

6. 2013 Virtual Fencing for System includes a WSN As RF module is Using RF

Animals Management containing radio and sensors used which is module,
Using RF Module which are tied across the more flexible, , electronic collar
cattle’s neckband & these also improves in is very complex.
sensors makes a sound when situations where
animals try to enter the cattle’s fence may be
boundary. difficult to
install or subject
to flood damage.

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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847
www.ijlemr.com || Volume 03 - Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 01-11
7. 2014 Surveillance and Tracking Seismic Sensors and image Reduces the Difficult to
of Elephants using Vocal cameras are used to detect the work effort of develop an
spectral Information movement of elephants. forest officers algorithm for
and also has the every sounds
ability to made by
discriminate the elephants like
elephants from trumpets,chirps,r
other animals. oars,rumbles.

8. 2014 Wireless Power

Monitoring with Power PIC µc is applied at consumer Zigbee There is a
theft detection and end and ARM µc is applied on technology has specified limit in
Intimation System using pole station.PIC µc conveys effective order to keep
GSM and Zigbee data regularly and ARMµc transmission, trace of all
networks processesthe data , it self healing general power
previously has the details of network , low losses other than
amount of power sent to each power theft.
line and it differentiates with utilization , zero
received feedback , if the traffic etc. and
distinctness between these two Zigbee
values exceeds the prescribed transmission
limits, then the ARM µc gets installation
to know that power theft was requires no
happened and an alarm is special
raised , and also sends message authorization.
to authorities through GSM.

10. 2015 Smart crop Protection Camera and additional It provides real High power
System components are connected time images of consumption.
with microcontroller. If any the farm which Device should be
sort of motion is identified in can be observed turned on whole
the farm the microcontroller using web day
checks for the presence of browser like
animals. If the animal is mobile,
detected the image buzzer is computer etc.
turned on. Accurately
predicts the
presence of

11. 2016 Wireless Electricity theft STM8S microcontroller Microcontroller Once it is

detection and Monitoring performs control functions is fully programmed, it
such as display reading per integrated, small cannot be
unit amount & send in size and reprogrammed.It
appropriate data to mobile flexible. has complex
through GSM. architecture &
time is more.
12. 2016 Design & Implementation Fencing wire is used as a Helpful and Electric fence
of an intelligent Security sensor, an amplifier circuit is affordable to the delays the
System for Farm connected to the fence. If the farmers. This emergency
Protection from Wild animals are in contact with the system is not services, if the
Animals fence the fencing circuit will harmful to the bushes and trees
be grounded and the proposed animals and are grown near
system will be activated. human beings the electric fence
and also it there is a chance
safeguards the of fire being
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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847
www.ijlemr.com || Volume 03 - Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 01-11
farm. caught.

13. 2016 Survey: Electricity Theft

Detection Technique Various systems are introduced The review of Disadvantages
to detect theft & diminish non different combined with
operational losses. Methods techniques is using these
like SVM, Fuzzy C-means done to techniques based
Clustering, Fuzzy logic, User introduce new on their
profiling etc technique which methodology is
is foreseen to accuracy and
have higher also the
accuracy to framework
detect electricity needed to
theft.This helps employ
to further reduce them.(SVM).
the non
technical losses
in distribution of

16. 2017 Electrical Power Theft

Detection Proposed Methodology is Less time The system
divided into 4 modules which consumption, developed is
includes Preprocessing, K More profitable complex as
means clustering, Gaussian for utility distribution
Distribution and ANN, Fuzzy company network is
Logic.Electricity distribution working in considered.
data is given as input & we get electrical
approximate theft detected distribution
data as output. network.

17. 2017 Prevention of Wild Elephant detection is done by GSM is costlier,

Animals Entering into the using image processing on Identifies the complex due to
Agriculture Fields raspberry pi board. Image is elephants even raspberry pi
captured by raspberry pi in the presence functionalities.
through camera & is compared of other wild
with database image. If the animals, also
output is positive, elephant is detects
detected & a SMS is sent elephants
through GSM. coming in
18. 2017 Wild-Animal Recognition Cameras were installed for This technique W-COHOG
in Agriculture Farms capturing images in the field. accomplishes method requires
using W-COHOG for Captured images are better efficiency more cameras to
Agro-Security progressed to identify animal on two standard be installed in
existence. If there is animal data the fields to
existence in captured image, capture the
then identification is images which
accomplished using W- leads to high
COHOG& output will be sent cost.
to farmer.

19. 2017 IOT Based Wireless Develops an algorithm to find IoT provides a Smart farming
Sensor Network for the existence of animals in the smart farm land requires
prevention of crops from field. Once the animal position protection computer
Wild Animals is detected, tracking can be system which is knowledge, skills
done using ultrasonic sensor & designed to in robotics which
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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847
www.ijlemr.com || Volume 03 - Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 01-11
raspberry pi is used to capture protect farmers are lacked by
the image of animal. These from farmers.
images are sent to user through economical
GSM. losses caused
due to crop
spoilage, less

20. 2017 Electricity and Power

Theft Detection It has check meter and remote The use of It cannot be
meter for detecting power microcontroller interfaced with
theft. Comparing commeter in this high power
reading and revenue meter. If technology will devices directly
there is any change in the make it flexible & it only
readings it indicates that either or simple. performs limited
there may be theft or This is most number of
malfunction of meter. desirable executions
compared to simultaneously.
other controllers

Problems to be addressed
In the literature survey, several techniques were proposed for detecting the location of direct tapping on
a feeder or tampered energy meter and identifying the illegal consumers where periodic inspection of illegal
connections involves a lot of risk and strain for vigilant officials. Integration of smart meters helps utilities in
detecting unauthorized consumption and electricity
theft in view of improving the distribution efficiency
and power quality. Design deployment and maintenance of smart meter system involves many issues and
challenges. Deployment and maintenance of smart meter system involves several billion dollars of investment.
Smart meters can be used to their fullest extent only when all the appliances and devices in the distribution and
metering network are included in communication network.
Integration of these devices becomes complicated with increased number of customers. Deployment of
communication networks in some localities might also be difficult due to telluric difficulties. Collection and
transmission of energy consumption data is a continuous process that needs to be done automatically which is an
expensive job. Smart meters also might create some privacy and security risks as the data and signals are being
transmitted. It would also be an issue of determining which parameters to be transmitted and who is authorized
to access this information. In field protection several techniques developed till now are being harmful to humans
as well as animals. In this survey, techniques like electric fences and installation of cameras have been found to
be a risky process where electric fences caused electric shock to animals which were very harmful to them.
Cameras installed in the farm has to be operated for long period which leads to heavy cost.

Proposed Framework

Fig 1 : Block Diagram for power theft detection

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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847
www.ijlemr.com || Volume 03 - Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 01-11
To the above stated problems, we propose a power theft detection technique using RF transceiver. The
said system, is more useful in Remote areas.As shown in Fig 1 our proposed system mainly has 2 stages, i.e,
Base station, Consumer and authority side.When power is transmitted from authority side to consumer, a pulse
is transmitted from RF Transceiver1 to the main monitoring section.Timer1 is activated during this time via
buffer and driver section. Now again a pulse is transmitted from the authority side, when this power is received
at the consumer side another activation pulse is transmitted from RF transmitted 2 to the main monitoring
section.When both the timers are activated with in a little span of time, it is predicted that power theft is not
done, as the number of units transmitted from the authority side is equal to the number of units received in terms
of acknowledgement from the consumer side.If the meter is by passed at consumer side then the transmitter 2
which is placed at the consumer side will be disabled and no acknowledgement is transmitted to the main
monitoring section and timer 2 will be waiting for the input for some duration if that timer wont get any input
the main timer will be activated and thereby it will trip the line hence no power will be transmitted on to it. At
the same time, buzzer will be activated which indicates power theft is done.

Fig 2 : Block diagram for Field Protection

We have also added advanced features such as Elephant Chase Away Technology, Bird Shoo
Technology, Rodent Silent Siren as show in Fig 2.These techniques are unique compared to earlier techniques
and are successful in preventing croploss. Elephant Chase Away Technology involves Pressure sensor which
detects the entry of elephants, Capsaicin(chemical present in chillies) is sprayed on the elephants which irritates
them and prevents from entering the field.Bird Shoo Away Technology includes PIR sensor which detects the
entry of birds into the field.A disc is mounted over DC motor to drive the birds.As soon as the birds come near
the sensor, disc will rotate and sun rays which falls on disc will cause reflection.This disturbs the eyes of birds
and they will flew away from the fields. Rodent Silent Siren technology includes an Ultrasonic sensor.
Ultrasonic sounds are neither audible nor disturbing the man. This sensor will detect the entry of rodents. As the
rodents come near the sensor, the buzzer will make sound which irritates the rodents and causes it to move away
from the field.

The study conducted in this paper presents a comprehensive review of different techniques used to
detect the power theft and different sensors used to detect animals in order to prevent crop loss to farmers.
Electric theft detection has been designed and implemented with the proper combination of both hardware and
software. In this survey paper we see that there are many techniques used and also power theft using GSM has
attracted much attention and has also been commercially used. The GSM technology lacks to detect the power
theft in remote areas. In order to overcome this issue our proposed system uses a RF transceiver which helps
detection of power even in remote areas. Advanced features such has elephant chase away, bird shoo and
rodents silent siren technologies which are not harmful have also been included to protect farmers field from
huge crop loss and help them in achieving crop yields thus improving their economic status. Therefore our
proposed system is completely automated, wire free, cost-effective and highly reliable.

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International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)
ISSN: 2455-4847
www.ijlemr.com || Volume 03 - Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 01-11
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