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Denny M. Oliveira, Ph.D.

Assistant Research Scientist Ó +1(301) 286-1206

Goddard Planetary Heliophysics Institute Æ +1(603) 767-0386
University of Maryland, Baltimore County B [email protected]
Office Location ™
Geospace Physics Laboratory ORCID ID
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center PUBLONS P
8800 Greenbelt Rd, Building 21, Room 234 Twitter 8 @DrDennyOliveira
Greenbelt, MD 20770 United States Linked in @denny-oliveira-8292a258/

Born on June 4, 1978.
São Paulo, Brazil.

Current position held

Oct/2018 - present Assistant Research Scientist

University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD


Ph.D., Physics, May 2015 University of New Hampshire, Durham NH

Dissertation Title: “A study of interplanetary shock geoeffectiveness controlled
by impact angles using simulations and observations”
Advisor: Joachim Raeder, Professor
Financial support: NASA, NSF, Air Force Office of Sponsored Research.
M.Sc., Physics, June 2010 University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Dissertation Title: “Lorentz symmetry breaking in quantum electrodynamics”
Advisor: Adílson José da Silva, Professor
Financial support: CNPq
B.Sc., Physics, June 2005 University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Dissertation Title: “Classical theory of fields”
Advisor: Adílson José da Silva, Professor
Financial support: CNPq

Previous employment record

Aug 2015 - Sep 2018 Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Maryland, Baltimore
County, Baltimore, MD
Jan 2012 - May 2015 Research Assistant, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Aug 2011 - May 2012 Teaching Assistant, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Feb 2008 - Dec 2010 Teacher of Physics, Bandeirante University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Jan 2010 - Dec 2010 Teacher of Physics, Colégio Exatus (high school), São Paulo, Brazil
Jan 2003 - Dec 2003 Teacher of Physics, Colégio Casagrande (high school), São Paulo, Brazil
Jul 2006 - May 2007 Teaching Assistant, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Jul 2006 - May 2010 Research Assistant, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Denny M. Oliveira, Ph.D. 2

Honors, awards and other recognition

Nov 2018 AGU/NSF Travel Grant to attend the 2019 Chapman Conference on Sci-
entific Challenges Pertaining to Space Weather Forecasting
Aug 2014 UNH Graduate School Travel Grant
Jul 2005 CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development,
Brazil) Undergraduate Research Grant

Teaching experience

University of New Hampshire

Spring semester, 2012 Introduction to Modern Astronomy I, PHYS 405
Fall semester, 2011 Introduction to Physics I, PHYS 401

Bandeirante University of São Paulo

Feb 2010 - Dec 2012 Courses: Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering
Introduction to Physics I (Classical Mechanics, theory and lab)
Introduction to Physics III (Electricity & Magnetism, theory and lab)
Apr 2009 - Dec 2009 Course: Biological Sciences
Elementary Math I
History of Science
Feb 2008 - Jun 2010 Course: Physics
Methodology of High School Physics Teaching
History of Science
Introduction to Physics
Feb 2008 - Dec 2009 Course: Mathematics
Linear Algebra
Differential and Integral Calculus I
Introduction to Physics
History of Science
Feb 2008 - Dec 2008 Course: Chemistry
Differential and Integral Calculus I

University of São Paulo

Feb 2007 - Jun 2007 Course: Physics
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics II, FMA404
Jul 2006 - Dec 2006 Course: Physics
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I, FMA403

Colégio Exatus (high school)

Jan 2010 - Dec 2010 Course: High School
Elementary Physics

Colégio Casagrande (high school)

Jan 2003 - Dec 2003 Course: High School
Elementary Physics
Denny M. Oliveira, Ph.D. 3

Professional memberships

2013 - present Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)

2013 - present Member of the NSF Division of Atmospheric Sciences Geospace Environ-
ment Modeling (GEM)
2018 - present Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
2019 - present Member of the Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica Espacial e Aeronomia
(SBGEA, Brazilian Society of Space Geophysics and Aeronomy)

Other education and training

Summer Schools
1. Summer School on Plasma Processes in Space Physics, Boston, MA, July-August 2014.
2. Heliophysics Summer School, Boulder, CO, July 2014.
3. CISM Space Weather Summer School, Boulder, CO, June 2013.

Special training and skill development

1. Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, September
2. Using material resources on the history of science in classroom. Pontifical Catholic University of
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, September-October 2010.
3. Teaching development program in quantum mechanics. University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil,
August-November 2006.

International event participations

Conferences, workshops and symposiums

1. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.

2. GEM (Geospace Environment Modeling) Summer Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, June 2019.
3. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Chapman Conference on Scientific Challenges Pertaining to
Space Weather Forecasting Including Extremes, Pasadena, CA, February 2019.
4. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 2018.

5. GEM (Geospace Environment Modeling) Summer Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, June 2018.
6. 1st SEEC (Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration) Symposium, Greenbelt, MD, April 2018.
7. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2017.

8. 13th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-13), Portsmouth, NH, September 2017.

9. GEM (Geospace Environment Modeling) Summer Workshop, Portsmouth, VA, June 2017.
10. 15th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium, Alexandria, VA, May 2017.
11. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
Denny M. Oliveira, Ph.D. 4

12. GEM (Geospace Environment Modeling) Summer Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, June 2016.
13. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
14. GEM (Geospace Environment Modeling) Summer Workshop, Snowmass, CO, June 2015.
15. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
16. 12th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-12), Ise, Japan, November 2014.
17. GEM (Geospace Environment Modeling) Summer Workshop, Portsmouth, VA, June 2014.
18. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2013.
19. GEM-CEDAR (Geospace Environment Modeling - Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmo-
spheric Region) joint Workshop, Boulder, CO, June 2013.
20. GEM (Geospace Environment Modeling) Summer Workshop, Snowmass, CO, June 2013.
21. HPC (Heavy Photon Search) Collaboration Meeting, Newport News, VA, September-October 2011.

Work presentations (Oliveira in color bold, students in italic)

Given talks
1. Satellite Orbital Drag During Extreme Geomagnetic Storms: How Accurate are our Predictions? (D.
M. Oliveira). Talk given at the 2019 AGU Chapman Conference on Scientific Challenges Pertaining
to Space Weather Forecasting Including Extremes, Pasadena, CA, February 2019.
2. Impact angle controls geoeffectiveness of interplanetary shocks: Current results and perspectives
(D. M. Oliveira, E. Zesta, A. J. Halford, D. M. Arel, J. Raeder, C. M. Ngwira, E. Yizengaw, B. A.
Carter, B. T. Tsurutani, J. T. Rudd, A. Bhaskar, and J. W. Gjerloev). Talk given at Space@VT Space
Science Seminar at Space@VT, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, January 2019.
3. Timing thermosphere responses to geomagnetic storms (D. M. Oliveira, E. Zesta, P. W. Schuck, &
E. K. Sutton). Talk given at the Heliophysics Director’s Seminar (Hosted by the Geospace Physics
Laboratory, Code 673), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, October 2016.
4. Global time response of thermospheric neutral density to geomagnetic storms (D. M. Oliveira, E.
Zesta, P. W. Schuck, E. K. Sutton, & Y. Shi). Talk given at the SSC seminar, University of New
Hampshire, Durham, NH, August 2016.
5. Geoeffectiveness of interplanetary shocks: Results of global MHD simulations (D. M. Oliveira & J.
Raeder). Talk given on the Dayside Science teleconference, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA,
January 2014.

1. Sporadic aurorae, the pariah of Space Weather phenomena (D. M. Oliveira, H. Hayakawa, E. Zesta,
A. Bhaskar & G. Vichare). Talk given at GEM Summer Workshop, 3D Ionospheric Electrodynamics
and Its Impact on the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupled System, Santa Fe, NM,
June 2019.
2. Asymmetric satellite orbital drag effects during magnetic storms (D. M. Oliveira, E. Zesta, P. W.
Schuck, E. K. Sutton & S. Krauss). Talk given at GEM Summer Workshop, Interhemispheric Ap-
proaches to Understand M-I Coupling, Santa Fe, NM, June 2019.
3. Magnetic storms heat the atmosphere and reign satellites (E. Zesta, & D. M. Oliveira). Talk given
at the Heliophysics Director’s Seminar (Hosted by the Geospace Physics Laboratory, Code 673),
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, March 2019.
Denny M. Oliveira, Ph.D. 5

4. LEO satellite orbital drag effects caused by CME-driven geomagnetic storms (D. M. Oliveira& E.
Zesta). Talk given at the Magnetosphere Science Discussion Group (MSDG), NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, March 2019.

5. Zesta, E., D. M. Oliveira, P. W. Schuck, & G. Wilson (2018), Ionosphere-thermosphere system

response to extreme geomagnetic storms, in Final paper abstract number: SM51A-08, Presented at
2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec.
6. Geomagnetically induced currents and interplanetary shocks (D. M. Oliveira, D. Arel, J. Raeder, E.
Zesta, C. M. Ngwira, B. A. Carter, E. Yizengaw, A. J. Halford, B. T. Tsurutani, and J. W. Gjerloev).
Talk given at the joint session between the InterHemispheric approaches to understand M-I Cou-
pling (IHMIC) and 3D ionospheric electrodynamics and its impact on MIT coupling (IEMIT) focus
groups, Santa Fe, NM, June 2018.
7. Geomagnetically induced currents caused by interplanetary shocks with different impact angles
and speeds (D. M. Oliveira, D. Arel, J. Raeder, E. Zesta, C. M. Ngwira, B. A. Carter, E. Yizengaw,
A. J. Halford, B. T. Tsurutani, J. W. Gjerloev). Talk given at the GPHI All Hands Meeting, NASA
Goddard Space FLight Center, Greenbelt, MD, April 2018.
8. New insights on the understanding of interplanetary shock impact angle control of magnetosphere-
ionosphere response: Shock geo-efficiency and geomagnetically induced currents (D. Oliveira, T.
Rudd, E. Zesta, A. Bhaskar, A. Halford, D. Arel, J. Raeder, C. Ngwira, E. Yizengaw, & B. Carter).
Talk given at the Magnetosphere Science Discussion Group (MSDG), NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, MD, January 2018.
9. Investigating geomagnetic activity controlled by solar wind with different phase front angles using
pointwise mutual information. (T. G. Cameron, B. Jackel, & D. M. Oliveira). Talk given at the 13th
International Conference on Substorms, Portsmouth, NH, September 2017.

10. Statistical study of the thermosphere global time response to magnetic storms caused by CMEs.
(D. M. Oliveira, E. Zesta, P. W. Schuck, & E. K. Sutton). Talk given at GEM Summer Workshop,
3D Ionospheric Electrodynamics and Its Impact on the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere
Coupled System, Portsmouth, VA, June 2017.
11. Ionosphere-thermosphere global time response to geomagnetic storms (D. M. Oliveira, E. Zesta, P.
W. Schuck, H. K. Connor, & E. K. Sutton). Talk given at the 15th International Ionospheric Effects
Symposium, Alexandria, VA, May 2017.
12. Superposed epoch analysis of thermosphere global time response to geomagnetic storms (D. M.
Oliveira, E. Zesta, P. W. Schuck, & E. K. Sutton). Talk given at the Magnetosphere Science Discus-
sion Group (MSDG), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, January 2017.

13. Global time response of thermospheric neutral density to geomagnetic storms (D. M. Oliveira, E.
Zesta, P. W. Schuck, E. K. Sutton, & Y. Shi). Talk given at the M-ITM meeting, NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, October 2016.
14. Superposed epoch analysis of the thermosphere global time response to geomagnetic storms (D.
M. Oliveira, E. Zesta, P. W. Schuck, E. K. Sutton, & Y. Shi). Talk given at GEM Summer Workshop,
Magnetospheric energy input and its role in the MIT coupling focus group, Santa Fe, NM, June
15. Impact angle control of interplanetary shock geoeffectiveness: Modeling and experimental results
(D. M. Oliveira, J. Raeder, B. T. Tsurutani, & J. W. Gjerloev). Talk given at the Radiation Belts
Science Discussion Group (RBSDG), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, January
16. Impact angle control of interplanetary shocks using simulations and observations (D. M. Oliveira,
J. Raeder, B. T. Tsurutani, & J. W. Gjerloev). Talk given at GEM Summer Workshop, Transient Phe-
nomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures focus group, Snow-
mass, CO, June 2015.
Denny M. Oliveira, Ph.D. 6

17. Shocked Magnetotail: ARTEMIS Observations and MHD simulations (X.-Y. Zhou, X.-Z. Zhou, V.
Angelopoulos, J. Raeder, D. M. Oliveira, & Q. Shi). Talk given at GEM Summer Workshop, Tail
Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances focus group, Snowmass, CO, June 2015.
18. Geomagnetic Activity Triggered by Interplanetary Shocks: Controlling Factors (J. Raeder & D. M.
Oliveira). AOGS 12th Annual Meeting, 2015, Suntec City, Singapore. Solar and Terrestrial Sciences
Session, 2015.
19. Role of symmetry in the geo-effectiveness of interplanetary shocks (D. M. Oliveira). Thesis pro-
posal defense, EOS Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, May 2014.
20. Role of symmetry in the geo-effectiveness of interplanetary shocks (D. M. Oliveira & J. Raeder).
Talk given at GEM Summer Workshop, Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock
and Their Ground Signatures focus group, June 2015.

1. Komar, C. M., D. M. Oliveira, A. T. Bhaskar, and S.-B. Kang (2019), Modeling an Extreme Coronal
Mass Ejection and its Consequences for the Earth’s Magnetosphere, in 2019 AGU Chapman Confer-
ence on Scientific Challenges Pertaining to Space Weather Forecasting Including Extremes, Pasadena, CA,
11-15 February.
2. Shi, Y., D. J. Knipp, T. Matsuo, D. M. Oliveira, and B. J. Anderson (2019), Effects of Frontal and
Inclined Interplanetary Shocks on High-latitude Field-aligned Currents Response, in 2019 AGU
Chapman Conference on Scientific Challenges Pertaining to Space Weather Forecasting Including Extremes,
Pasadena, CA, 11-15 February.
3. Bhaskar, A., D. G. Sibeck, S. G. Kanekal, H. J. Singer, G. D. Reeves, V. Angelopoulos, and D. M.
Oliveira (2018), Radiation belt response to fast reverse shock at geosynchronous orbit, in Final paper
abstract number SM31C-1792, Presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec.
4. Kim, H., A. R. Soto-Chavez, K. Takahashi, M. Adewuyi, A. J. Gerrard, L. J. Lanze- rotti, M. D.
Hartinger, and D. M. Oliveira (2018), Van Allen Probes observations of symmetric, compressional
ULF waves in association with interplanetary shocks, in Final paper abstract number SM11C-1209,
Presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec.
5. Oliveira, D. M., D. M. Arel, J. Raeder, E. Zesta, C. M. Ngwira, B. A. Carter, E. Yizengaw, A. J.
Halford, B. T. Tsurutani, J. W. Gjerloev, J. T. Rudd, and A. Bhaskar (2018), Causes of unusually
high dB/dt variations at magnetic equatorial regions, in Final paper abstract number, SM31C- 1794,
Presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec.
6. Oliveira, D. M., D. M. Arel, J. Raeder, E. Zesta, C. M. Ngwira, B. A. Carter, E. Yizengaw, A. J.
Halford, B. T. Tsurutani, and J. W. Gjerloev (2018), Geomagnetically induced currents caused by
interplanetary shocks with different impact angles and speeds. Poster presentation, GEM Summer
Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, 2018.
7. Xu, Z., M. D. Hartinger, D. M. Oliveira, C. R. Clauer, and S. Coyle (2018), Inter-hemispheric asym-
metries in the ground magnetic response to interplanetary shocks: The role of shock impact angle,
in Final paper abstract number, SM11C-1207, Presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.,
10-14 Dec.
8. North-south asymmetric thermosphere response to geomagnetic storms caused by coronal mass
ejections. (D. M. Oliveira, E. Zesta, P. W. Schuck, E. K. Sutton, & Y. Shi). Poster Presentation,
Abstract SM41A-2682. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2017.
9. Superposed epoch analysis of the thermosphere global time response to geomagnetic storms (D.
M. Oliveira, E. Zesta, P. W. Schuck, & E. K. Sutton). Poster Presentation, Abstract SM51C-2499.
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2016.
10. Superposed epoch analysis of the thermosphere global time response to geomagnetic storms (D.
M. Oliveira, E. Zesta, P. W. Schuck, E. K. Sutton, & Y. Shi). Poster Presentation, GEM Summer
Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, 2016.
Denny M. Oliveira, Ph.D. 7

11. Superposed Epoch Analysis of Storm Time Orbital Drag (SEASTOD): IRAD Midterm Status Report
(P. W. Schuck, E. Zesta, & D. M. Oliveira). Poster presentation, Annual IRAD (Internal Research
and Development Achievements) Poster Session, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
MD, 2016.

12. Superposed epoch analysis of storm time response of the ionosphere–thermosphere (IT) system (D.
M. Oliveira, E. Zesta, H. K. Connor, Y.-J. Su, E. K. Sutton, C. Y. Huang, D. M. Ober, S. Delay, & P.
W. Schuck. Poster Presentation, Abstract SM23B-2565. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2015.
13. Geomagnetic activity triggered by interplanetary shocks: The shock impact angle as a controlling
factor (D. M. OliveiraJ. Raeder, B. T. Tsurutani, & J. W. Gjerloev). Poster Presentation, Abstract
SM41B-223. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2015.
14. A study of interplanetary shock geoeffectiveness controlled by impact angles using simulations
and observations (D. M. Oliveira, J. Raeder, B. T. Tsurutani, & J. W. Gjerloev). Poster Presentation,
GEM Summer Workshop, Snowmass, CO, 2015.

15. Shocked Magnetotail: ARTEMIS Observations and MHD simulations (X.-Y. Zhou, X.-Z. Zhou, V.
Angelopoulos, J. Raeder, & D. M. Oliveira). Poster presentation, EGU General Assembly, Vienna,
Austria, 2015.
16. Impact angle control of interplanetary shock geoeffectiveness (D. M. Oliveira & J. Raeder). Poster
Presentation, Abstract SM31D-4226. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2014.

17. Observations and MHD Simulations for a Shocked Magnetotail (X.-Y. Zhou, X-Z Zhou, V. An-
gelopoulos, J. Raeder, & D. M. Oliveira, Q. Shi). Poster Presentation, Abstract SM31D-4225. AGU
Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2014.
18. Role of interplanetary shock impact angles in substorm triggering (D. M. Oliveira & J. Raeder).
Poster Presentation, 12th International Conference on Substorms, Ise, Japan, 2014.

19. Geoeffectiveness of inclined interplanetary shocks: Results of numerical MHD simulations (D. M.
Oliveira & J. Raeder). Poster Presentation, GEM Summer Workshop, Portsmouth, VA, 2014.
20. Role of symmetry in the geo-effectiveness of interplanetary shocks (D. Oliveira & J. Raeder). Poster
Presentation, Abstract SM41B-2232. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013.

21. OpenGGCM simulation of the April 24, 2009 interplanetary shock interaction with Earth’s mag-
netosphere: effects of symmetry (D. Oliveira & J. Raeder). Poster Presentation, GEM Summer
Workshop, Snowmass, CO, 2013.


Undergraduate research internship

1. John T. Rudd, United States Navy Academy (USNA). Project title: Space and ground magnetometer
response to impacts of interplanetary shocks with different orientations. May 2017 - June 2017
2. Samnang Heng, United States Naval Academy (USNA). Project title: Modeling of radiation belt
response to impacts of interplanetary shocks with different impact angles. June 2017 - July 2017.
Denny M. Oliveira, Ph.D. 8

Professional service

Scientific journal referee

1. Publisher: American Geophysical Union (United States)
Geophysical Research Letters
Journal of Geophysical Research
Space Weather
2. Publisher: American Astronomical Society (United States)
The Astrophysical Journal

3. Publisher: Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (Japan).
Earth, Planets and Space
4. Publisher: Sociedade Brasileira de Física (Brazil).
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física

5. Publisher: Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Volcanologia (Italy).

Annals of Geophysics
6. Publisher: Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (India).
Indian Journal of Physics

7. Publisher: Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (United States)

IEEE Access
8. Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media (Germany)
Astrophysics and Space Science

Federal grant proposal reviewer

1. External NASA proposal grant reviewer (March 2018)

2. Primary and secondary panelist/reviewer of NASA proposal grants (July 2019)

Convener of scientific meeting sessions

1. Lead proposer, primary convener and liaison of the session SM001 Challenges in Extreme Space
Weather Research: Science, Applications, and Policies for Rare Events, held at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting
in Washington, D.C., December 2018.

Member of organizing committees

1. Member of the local organizing committee for the 1st Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration
(SEEC) Symposium, held at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 9-13 April 2018.

Special attributions
1. Outstanding Student Poster Award (OSPA) judge. AGU Fall Meeting,New Orleans, LA December

2. Student poster judge. GEM Summer Workshop, Portsmouth, VA 2017.

3. Outstanding Student Poster Award (OSPA) judge. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA December
Denny M. Oliveira, Ph.D. 9

4. Student poster judge. GEM Summer Workshop, Santa Fe, NM 2016.

5. Outstanding Student Poster Award (OSPA) judge. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA December


Online news/blog reports

1. Paper Hayakawa et al. (2019), “Temporal and Spatial Evolutions of a Large Sunspot Group and Great
Auroral Storms around the Carrington Event in 1859", reported by the AGU blog GeoSpace (https://

Federal research funding

Awarded proposals
1. NASA HIF: Heliophysics Innovation Fund (2018-2019). Title: Realistic precipitation patterns and their
impact on Ionosphere-Thermosphere simulations during moderate, intense, and extreme storms: Science for
the Geospace Global Constellation (GDC) mission. PI: Eftyhia Zesta. Role: CO-I. Budget: $140K.
2. NASA HISFM18: Heliophysics Internal Scientist Funding Model (2018-2020). Title: Dynamics,
Coupling, and Chemistry of the Upper Atmosphere/Ionosphere – Improved physical understanding, model
input, and predictive capability. PI: Robert Pfaff. Role: CO-I. Budget: $2.38M
3. NASA/GSFC IRAD: Internal Research and Development (Aug 2015 - Feb 2016). Title: Superposed
Epoch Analysis of Storm Time Orbital Drag (SEASTOD). PI: Peter Schuck. Role: CO-I. Budget: $50K.

Participating proposals
1. NASA NNH13ZDA001N-ROSES: Heliophysics Supporting Research. Title: Tracking the location and
temporal evolution of energy input into the ionosphere - thermosphere (IT) system during different solar wind
and IMF driving (Aug 2015 - Aug 2-18). PI: Yong Shi. Role: budget recipient. Budget: $750K.

Pending proposals
Total of 5 proposals. 3 proposals as a PI (NASA LWS, NASA H-SR, and NASA H-ECIP), 3 proposals
as a Co-I (NASA LWS and NASA Heliophysics Innovation Fund).

Publications (Oliveira in color bold, students in italic)

Refereed publications
Zesta, E., & Oliveira, D. M. (2019). Thermospheric heating and cooling times during geomagnetic storms,
including extreme events. Geophysical Research Letters, 46.
Oliveira, D. M. (2020). Uma andorinha só não faz verão: 160 anos do legado de Richard Carrington.
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 42(1), 1-9.
Oliveira, D. M., & Zesta, E. (2019). Satellite orbital drag during magnetic storms. Space Weather,
17. (Published in the Space Weather special collection
“Scientific Challenges of Space Weather Forecasting Including Extremes")
Denny M. Oliveira, Ph.D. 10

Hayakawa, H., Ebihara, Y., Willis, D. M., Toriumi, S., Iju, T., Hattori, K., Wild, M. N., Oliveira, D. M.,
Ermolli, I., Ribeiro, J. R., Correia, A. P., Ribeiro, A. I., & Knipp, D. J. (2019). Temporal and Spatial
Evolutions of a Large Sunspot Group and Great Auroral Storms around the Carrington Event
in 1859. Space Weather, 17. (Published in the Space
Weather special collection “Scientific Challenges of Space Weather Forecasting Including Extremes"
| Reported by the AGU blog GeoSpace
Cameron, T. G., Jackel, B. J., Oliveira, D. M. (2019). Using mutual information to investigate geoeffec-
tiveness of solar wind phase fronts with different front orientations. Journal of Geophysical Research:
Space Physics, 124(3), 1582-1592.
Rudd, J. T., Oliveira, D. M., Bhaskar, A., & Halford, A. J. (2019). How do interplanetary shock impact
angles control the size of the geoeffective magnetosphere? Advances in Space Research, 63(1), 317-326.
Oliveira, D. M., Arel, D., Raeder, J., Zesta, E., Ngwira, C. M., Carter, B. A., Yizengaw, E., Halford,
A. J., Tsurutani, B. T., & Gjerloev, J. W. (2018). Geomagnetically induced currents caused by
interplanetary shocks with different impact angles and speeds. Space Weather, 16(6), 636-647. (Space Weather featured article and cover image)
Oliveira, D. M., & Samsonov, A. A. (2018). Geoeffectiveness of interplanetary shocks
with different impact angles: A review. Advances in Space Research, 61(1), 1-44.
Shi, Y., Zesta, E., Connor, H. K., Su, Y.-J., Sutton, E. K., Huang, C. Y., Ober, D. M., Christodoulo, C., Delay,
S., & Oliveira, D. M. (2017). High-latitude thermosphere neutral density response to solar wind
dynamic pressure enhancement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122(11), 11,559-11,578.
Oliveira, D. M., Zesta, E., Schuck, P. W., & Sutton, E. K. (2017). Thermosphere global time response to
geomagnetic storms caused by coronal mass ejections. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,
122(10), 10,762-10,782.
Oliveira, D. M., & Ngwira, C. M. (2017). Geomagnetically Induced Currents: Principles. Brazilian Journal
of Physics, 47(5), 552-560.
Oliveira, D. M., & Silveira, M. V. D. (2017). Reação da termosfera a tempestades geomagnéticas. Revista
Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 39(3), e3305.
Oliveira, D. M. (2017). Magnetohydrodynamic shocks in the interplanetary space: A theoretical review.
Brazilian Journal of Physics, 47(1), 81–95.
Oliveira, D. M., & Emygdio, A. S. (2016). A science fiction novel for high school students. A Física na
Escola, 14(1).
Oliveira, D. M., & Silveira, M. V. D. (2016). Clima espacial e choques interplanetários. Revista Brasileira
de Ensino de Física, 38(1), 1–18.
Oliveira, D. M., Raeder, J., Tsurutani, B. T., & Gjerloev, J. W. (2016). Effects of interplanetary
shock inclinations on nightside auroral power intensity. Brazilian Journal of Physics, 46(1), 97–104.
Oliveira, D. M., & Raeder, J. (2015). Impact angle control of interplanetary shock geoeffec-
tiveness: A statistical study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 120(6), 4313–4323.
Oliveira, D. M., & Raeder, J. (2014a). Impact angle control of interplanetary shock
geoeffectiveness. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(10), 8188-8201.
Oliveira, D (2014). Ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling and field-aligned currents. Revista Brasileira de
Ensino de Física, 36(1), 1305.
Oliveira, D. M. (2011). A proposal for the teaching of quantum field theory in the undergraduation
level: The Maxwell-Chern-Simons electrodynamics as motivation. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de
Denny M. Oliveira, Ph.D. 11

Física, 33(3), 3309.

Non-refereed publications
Oliveira, D. M., Zesta, E., Schuck, P. W., Connor, H. K., & Sutton, E. K. (2017). Ionosphere-thermosphere
global time response to geomagnetic storms. In K. M. Groves & M. S. Magoun (Eds.), Proceedings
of the 15th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium. Alexandria, VA.

Publications under review

Oliveira, D. M., Hayakawa, H., Zesta, E., Bhaskar, A., & Vichare, G. (2019). Sporadic aurora observed
from Rio de Janeiro. Space Weather. (under review)
Hayakawa, H., Ribeiro, P., Vaquero, J. M., Gallego, M. C., Knipp, D. J., Mekhaldi, F., Bhaskar, A., Oliveira,
D. M., Notsu, Y., Carrasco, V. M. S., Caccavari, A., Veenadhari, B., Mukherjee, S., & Ebihara, Y.
(2019). The Extreme Space Weather Event in 1903 October/November: How Hostile a Quiet Sun
can be. The Astrophysical Journal Letters. (under review)
Shi, Y., Oliveira, D. M., Knipp, D. J., Zesta, E., Matsuo, T., & Anderson, B. (2019). Effects of Nearly Frontal
and Highly Inclined Interplanetary Shocks on High- latitude Field-aligned Currents (FACs). Space
Weather. (under review) (Published in the Space Weather special collection “Scientific Challenges of
Space Weather Forecasting Including Extremes")
Bhaskar, A., Sibeck, D., Kanekal, S. G., Singer, H. J., Reeves, G., Angelopoulos, V., Oliveira, D. M., &
Kang, S.-B. (2020). Radiation belt response to fast reverse shock at geosynchronous orbit. Journal of
Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (under review) (Published in the Journal of Geophysical Research
special collection “Particle Dynamics in the Earth’s Radiation Belts")
Xu, Z., Hartinger, M. D., Oliveira, D. M., Coyle, S., Clauer, C. R., Weimer, D., & Edwards, T. (2020).
Inter-hemispheric asymmetries in the ground magnetic response to interplanetary shocks: The role
of shock impact angle. Space Weather. (under review)
Welling, D. T., Love, J. J., Wiltberger, M., Rigler, E. J., Komar, C. M., & Oliveira, D. M. (2019). Numerical
simulations of the geospace response to a perfect interplanetary coronal mass ejection. Geophysical
Research Letters. (under review)

Last updated: November 15, 2019

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