Chapter - 3 Structure of Matter: 25/04/2019 Grade: Vii Enable
Chapter - 3 Structure of Matter: 25/04/2019 Grade: Vii Enable
Chapter - 3 Structure of Matter: 25/04/2019 Grade: Vii Enable
Extension task:
List two elements and two compounds used at home and describe how they are
useful to us.
Q. 1 Choose the most appropriate answer.
i The symbol of mercury is _______.
a) Me b) Hg c) Mg d) He
ii Pure substances are classified into elements and compounds. Which one best
describes the rust found on a vehicle over time?
a) A compound b) An element
c) A mixture d) A chemical property
Q. 2 Helium is found abundantly in the universe. However, there are no known
compounds of Helium. Why?
Q. 3 Define valency. Write valency of the following:
i) Calcium ii) Aluminium
Q. 4 Write chemical formula of the following :
a) Magnesium chloride b) Calcium chloride
Extension task:
What are metalloids? Are they elements or compounds? How are metalloids
different from alloys? Write uses of any two metalloids.
Q. 1 Choose the most appropriate answer.
i Study the diagrams representing elements, compounds and mixtures shown, and
choose the correct statement from the following:
a) X represents an element and W represents a
b) Y represents an element and W represents a
c) Y represents a compound and Z represents a
d) X represents an element and Z represents a mixture
Q. 2 The valency of elements are given in the following table. Explain how the chemical
formula of the compound of these two elements is derived.
Sr. no. Elements/Radicals valency Compound
1 Zinc 2
Chlorine 1
2 Aluminium 3
Sulphate 2
Q. 3 Differentiate between the symbol and formula of Oxygen.
Extension Task:
A) What do diamonds, the ‘lead’ in pencils and coal have in common?
About 98% of the known compounds contain this particular element. It forms so
many compounds, that they are studied under a separate branch of chemistry.
B) Name the branch of chemisry under which this element and compounds are
C) Find out the importance of these compounds to the living world.