Antonio M. Abad Guillermo Gomez Wyndham Manuel Bernabé: Ilustrado
Antonio M. Abad Guillermo Gomez Wyndham Manuel Bernabé: Ilustrado
Antonio M. Abad Guillermo Gomez Wyndham Manuel Bernabé: Ilustrado
is the literature associated with in drama and essay; Antonio M. Abad and Guillermo Philippine is a country rich in diversity and language
the Philippines and includes the legends of Gomez Wyndham, in the narrative; Fernando María heritage. Even before Spanish colonization, its
prehistory, and the colonial legacy of Guerrero and Manuel Bernabé, both in poetry. The literature had evolved tremendously. Some of the
the Philippines, written in both Indigenous, and predominant literary style was the so called notable literatures are a general reflection of the
Hispanic languages. Most of the notable literature of "Modernismo," a mixture of elements from the influence exerted by Spaniards during the
the Philippines was written during French Parnassien and Symboliste schools, as colonization of Philippine. During pre-colonial
the Spanish period. Philippine literature is written promoted by some Latin American and Peninsular times, there has been widespread evidence that the
in Spanish, Tagalog, English, and other Spanish writers (e.g. the Nicaraguan Rubén Darío, island inhabitants display a culture rich with
native Philippine languages. the Mexican Amado Nervo, the Spaniard Francisco traditions. Folk speeches, folk songs and indigenous
[edit]Classical literature in Spanish (19th Century) Villaespesa, and the Peruvian José Santos rituals are part of their daily lives. The infusion of
In 1863, the Spanish government introduced public Chocano as major models). such elements represents a lifestyle deeply ingrained
education. This had an important role in the rise of in the locals. An understanding on the history of
an educated class called the Ilustrado (meaning, Philippine literature will allow us to appreciate the
well-informed), so that Spanish became the social literary riches of this nation.
language of urban elites and the true lingua franca of
the archipelago. In Cebu City, the first Spanish Why to we study The colonization by Spain did not subject literature
newspaper, "El Boletín de Cebú" (The Bulletin of development to a halt. Rather, it breathed a different
Cebu), was published in 1890. A good number of We need to study Literature because...... kind of life into the local literary works. European
Spanish newspapers were published until the end of civilization was imbued into the local traditions
the 20́s, the most influential of them being El * Literature intruduces us to new worlds of through religion and institutions. During that period
Renacimiento, printed in Manila by members of the experience. We learn about books and literature; We of time, performing theaters were introduced and the
Guerrero de Ermita family. Some members of enjoy the comedies and the tragedies local languages experienced enrichment. Much later,
this ilustrado group, whereas residing or studying in of poems,stories,and plays; and we may even grow Spain brought about liberal ideas and a sense of
Spain, decided to start a literary production in and evolve through our literary journey with books. internationalism to the people of Philippines. Similar
Spanish with the aim of serving the autonomy and/or to the period of renaissance, it has substantial
independence projects. Members of this group * Literature helps us get attuned with our feelings influence on local intellectuals. They start to
included Pedro Alejandro Paterno, who wrote the desires and sentiments like self-denial passion, question and portray the meanings of "liberty and
novel Nínay (first novel written by a Filipino); the romance, anger, wrath, and (etc...) teaches us role freedom" in their works. The history of Philippine
Philippine national hero, José Rizal, who wrote playing when you act out Shakespearean plays. It literature demonstrates that the combination of
excellent poetry and two famous novels in improves vocabulary by forcingto read more novels. realism and surrealism gives rise to some of the
Spanish: Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not), and El Basically, just gets us thinking about the finer things greatest Philippines literature today.
Filibusterismo'.. in life.
[edit]Modern literature (20th and 21st century) 19th century marks a change in the literary
*Literature improves out
The greatest portion of Spanish literature was written spelling,grammar,vocabulary, enriches our mind, development when Filipino intellectuals educated in
during the American period, most often as an makes us more creativ, and opens up a world of Europe wrote about colonization and the associated
expression of pro-Hispanic nationalism of the elites, ideas and possibilitiesthat you might not have downsides. This realization brought about a
who had been educated by the Spanish friars and necessarily thought of on your mind. reformation movement which eventually led to the
whose principles entered in conflict with the downfall of the Spanish colonial. The history of
American cultural trends. Such period of Spanish Philippine literature was once again marked by a
literary production--i.e., between the independence change when English was introduced. The
of Spain in 1898 and well ahead into the decade of History introduction of English language led to the slow
the 30́s--is known as "Edad de Oro del Castellano en demise of Spanish, and subsequently literature
Filipinas." Some prominent writers of this era written in Spanish. The sustaining use of English
were Wenceslao Retana and Claro Mayo Recto, both language birthed some of the well known English
poems, short stories and once again enriched the
local literature in a unique way.
History is the recording of events in time.
Basically,history deals with the overall
achievements, events, occurrences and happenings
of an entire population. It tends to be slanted
somewhat depending on who has written it..."The
victor writes the history" old adage that has
more than a grain of truth to it.
Literature, on the other hand, deals with the same
events, etc, from a much more personal viewpoint.
For example, in history we are taught about the
Great Depression, how it affected the country, the
population, the government. In literature from/about
the same time, The Grapes of Wrath for example,
you get a deep sense of the real concerns of the
people, families that lived through it affected
their daily lives and their plans for the future.
Both are important, and both are essential to truly
understanding the world as it was.