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The patient, Cassandra Kinser, presented with a lip laceration and symptoms of a urinary tract infection. She has a history of schizophrenia and engages in risky health behaviors including smoking, alcohol use, and unprotected sex.

The patient has a history of schizophrenia. Her current diagnosis is a lip laceration from an alleged assault by her boyfriend as well as a urinary tract infection. She reports abdominal pain and burning urination.

In hospital, the patient is receiving antibiotics including Cipro, Clindamycin, and oxycodone for pain management. She is also using Peridex mouthwash. Her urine appears infected and she is being treated for a UTI.

OET Writing sub-test


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OET Writing sub-test



Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.


Miss Cassandra Kinser, a 32-year-old, is a patient in the medical ward in which

you work.

Hospital: St. Vincent’s Hospital, 390 Victoria Street,


Patient details

Name: Cassandra Kinser (Miss)

Marital status: Single

Residence: Cabramatta

Next of kin: unknown

Admission date: 17 January, 2016

Discharge date: 17 January, 2016

Admission diagnosis: Lip laceration (alleged assault by boyfriend / did not

seek medical care)
Abdominal pain
Burning with urination last several days

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May have STD
Denies vomiting / diarrhea
Sexually active, does not use protection

Social background: Smoker (chain)

Denies illicit drugs

Past medical history: History of schizophrenia

Diagnosis: 1. Lip laceration

2. Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Medical progress: CONSTITUTIONAL: Denies fever, chills, dizziness,

CARDIOVASCULAR: Denies chest pain / palpitations
RESPIRATORY: Denies shortness of breath / cough
All other review of systems negative

Nursing management: For lip: Cipro 500 mg orally twice daily x 6 days
Clindamycin 300 mg orally 4 x daily x 10 days
Peridex mouthwash 10 mL swish and spit after meals
and before bed
Oxycodone one orally every 4 hours.
UTI: follow up with GP

Assessment: Discharged home good condition

Discharge plan: Appointment made at sexual health clinic.

Follow up with GP. Monitor antibiotics. Urine appears
infected. Treat for UTI.


Using the information given in the case notes, write a referral letter to Miss
Kinser’s General Practitioner Travis Wrenn at Punt Road Medical Clinic, 172
Punt Road, Mosman, 2088 for further medical evaluation.

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In your answer:

• Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences

• Do not use note form
• Use letter format

The body of the letter should be approximately 180–200 words.

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