Module 1 Activity 9
Module 1 Activity 9
Module 1 Activity 9
Module 1: Personal Development
CLC Name: Minda Community Learning Center
Learning Facilitator: Paul Albert P. Navaja
Program Level: Elementary and Advance Secondary
By the End of the activity, participants will be able to:
a. Review the main topics presented during the session (learning
style assessment, learning strategies)
A. Topic: Activity 9: session 3 review and application- learning new skills
B. Reference: MYDev Project Skills
C. Materials: Manila paper, markers, tape, Handout 1.6: Learning My Way
A. Review/ Motivation
Ask the learners about the previous lesson
What they learn in the previous lesson
Ask the students if they really understand the past lessons?
B. Motivation
Paramihan game: the teacher divides the group into 3 small groups. In 1
minute, each group will list on a manila paper all the topics they have
learned in module 1. When time is up, review will follow. Each group will
cross out every same common correct answer that they have other
groups. The group with the highest number of correct answers left in their
manila paper after reviewing, is the winner.
Lesson Proper
1. Activity
The facilitator will explain the activity to be conducted
Task 1- use the same grouping. Each group is given an open-ended
scenario. Before acting it out, each group will discuss among themselves
on how to end the story. The ending should lead to the achievement of a
certain goal in the story. Use 2 or more of the 6 general styles of learning.
2. Analysis
Ask the learners:
a. How was the activity?
b. Have you enjoyed the activity?
c. Based on what styles of learning you used on the story, can you reflect
the type of work you are likely to involved?
d. What process should you use to accomplish this long-term goal?
3. Abstraction
The teacher review and apply the learning new styles through the different
activity that they have done.
4. Application
What lessons from the 3 scenarios can you use in your life?
How are vales, skills, qualities and people’s support important in achieving
one’s goal? Give some examples from your own experience
III. Evaluation
Review the main topics presented during the session (learning style
assessment, learning strategies)
1. What are the topics that we discuss?
2. Give at least 4 on how do you learn best.
3. Give at least 3 tips to improve you learning.
IV. Assignment
1. Study the interpersonal communication
2. What is interpersonal communication?
3. What is the importance of the interpersonal communication?