The Chemical Oxygen
The Chemical Oxygen
The Chemical Oxygen
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To cite this article: Claude E. Boyd (1973) The Chemical Oxygen Demand of Waters and Biological
Materials from Ponds, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 102:3, 606-611, DOI:
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The Chemical Oxygen Demand of Waters and
Biological Materials from Ponds
Department o/ Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture, Auburn University
Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn, Alabama 36830
HealthAssociation (1960). Glassware usedin ides, Cyprinus carpio, and Lepomis machro-
COD analyseswas washedin H2SO4-Na2Cr207 chirus. Whole fish weredried by lypholization
cleaning solution and glass-distilledwater im- and milled. Samples of particulate matter
mediately prior to use. from pond waters were collectedby filtration
The effect of temperature on oxygen con- of organismsonto tared glass fiber filters as
sumption was determined for samples from describedabove. The total amount of oxygen
four ponds. BOD bottles were filled from required to oxidize samplesof organismswas
samples of known dissolved oxygen content. determined by COD analysis. Samples con-
Duplicate bottles of each water were incubated tained on glassfiber filters or 10-mg samples
in the dark at 15, 20, 25, 30, or 35 C for 24 of other organisms were transferred to the
hr and the decreasein dissolvedoxygen was COD flasks and 20 ml of glass-distilledwater
measured. was added. Digestion reagents were intro-
In anothersetof eightsamples,the plankton duced and the procedure conducted in the
was killed in a water bath heated to 70 C. usual manner. The sampleswere titrated with
Sample bottles were allowed to stand un- 0.25 N ferrous ammonium sulfate. The amount
covered at room temperature for 2 days to of oxygenrequired to oxidize 1 mg of sample
establish bacterial populations. The samples was calculatedfrom the relationshipthat 1 ml
were then usedto prepare a 30 C oxygencon- 0.25 N sodium dichromateconsumedis equiv-
sumption experiment as outlined above. alentto 2 mg of oxygen(Sawyer,1960).
The organicmatter is 26 water sampleswas
partitioned into particulate and soluble frac- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
tions by filtration through glass fiber filters The COD of 26 pond waters ranged from
(Gelman Type A, 47 mm). All filters were 7.4 to 138.9 mg/liter with an averageof 43.4
previously ashed at 500 C for 2 hr to remove mg/liter. Oxygenutilization by living plank-
organic matter. COD determinations were tonic communities increased proportionally
made on the original samplesand liltrates. with increasesin COD. Rates of oxygen con-
Essentially unialgal samplesof Aphanizo- sumption rangedfrom 0.60to 8.30mg/liter per
menon]los-aquae,Euglenasp., and .4nabaena 24 hr at 30 C (Fig. 1) with an averageof 3.24
circinalis were collected by centrifugation of mg/liter per 24 hr. Water samplescontained
pond waters containing blooms of these several types of phytoplankton communities,
organisms. Sampleswere dried by hypoliza- including fairly unialgal blooms of green or
tion. Pure cultures of other phytoplankters, blue-green algae, blooms containing several
Scenedesmus dimorphus, .4nabaena ]los-aquae, speciesof green algae,and mixed-speciesphy-
Chlorella pyrenoidosa,.dnkistrodesmus ]al- toplanktoncommunitiesof low density. Zoo-
608 TRANS. AMER. FISH. SOC., 1973, NO. 3
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oJ •100
C9 c=
z •40
/e' r =0,909 (P <O,Ot)
• • •o
• • 0.0• + 0.033X
• I
I I I I I • ' •
50 100
FIGURI;4.--Relationship between the chlorophyll
content of samplesof pond water and the chemical
oxygen demand of these samples.
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PLANTS _• (N=9)
FtcvaE5.--The relationshipbetweenthe chlorophyll
content of unfiltered pond water and the percentage
of the chemical oxygen demand which was found in FISH I (N=7)
flitrates of the samples.Sampleswere filtered through
glass-fiber filters. F[cua•; 6.--The amount of oxygenrequired to com-
pletely oxidize samplesof various aquatic organisms.
Horizontallines representmeans,vertical bars depict
two standard errors, and vertical lines indicate the
ha in a 180-day growing season. During the
Downloaded by [] at 04:33 02 February 2015
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BASU,S.P. 1959. Active respirationof fish in rela- Int. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol. 53: 211-298.
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carbon dioxide. J. Fish Res. Bd. Canada 16: gineers.McGraw-Hill, New York. 367 p.
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BOYD,C.E. 1972a. Summer algal communitiesand plankton blooms and their prevention. Proc.
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