Sika Viscocrete 10: Hwrre - High Range Water Reducer Retarder

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Product Data Sheet

Edition 17 September 2015

Sika® ViscoCrete® 10
HWRRe – High Range Water Reducer Retarder

Description Sika® ViscoCrete® 10 is a third generation superplasticiser for concrete and

mortar. It meets the requirements for set retarding / high range water
reducing superplasticisers according to AS1478.1-2000.

Uses Sika® ViscoCrete® 10 is especially suitable for concrete mixes with extended
transportation times and extended workability requirements, very high water

reduction and excellent flow characteristics.

Sika® ViscoCrete® 10 is mainly used for the following applications:
 Soft Concrete with very high water reduction.
 High performance concrete.
 Concrete in hot weather and with extended transportation and workability

Characteristics / Sika® ViscoCrete® 10 is a powerful superplasticiser which acts through

Advantages several mechanisms.
Through surface absorption and steric effects dispersing the cementitious
binder particles the following properties are achieved:
 High water reduction, resulting in high density, high strength and reduced
 Excellent plasticising effect, resulting in improved flow, soft placing and
compaction characteristics.
 Reduced shrinkage and reduced creep in hardened concrete.
Sika ViscoCrete® 10 does not contain chlorides or any other ingredients

which promote the corrosion of steel. It is therefore suitable for use in

reinforced and prestressed concrete structures.

Storage and Shelf life Stored at temperatures between 5oC and 35oC in unopened original
containers protected from direct sunlight and frost, shelf life is at least one (1)
year. Requires recirculation when held in storage for extended periods.

Instructions for Use

Dosage Soft concrete Dosage is 250mls to 1000mls per 100kg of total

cementitious material.
SCC Dosage is 700mls to 2000mls per 100kg of total
cementitious material
Optimum dosage should be determined by site trials.
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Mixing Sika ViscoCrete 10 is added to the initial batch water. For optimum
utilisation of the high range water reduction we recommend thorough mixing
at a minimum wet mixing time of 60 seconds per cubic metre after the
admixture addition.
The addition of the remaining gauging water, to fine tune concrete
consistency should only be started after 2/3 of the wet mixing time has
elapsed and after the admixture addition, to avoid surplus water in the
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Specification Type Sika ViscoCrete 10 meets and exceeds all requirements of Australian
Standard 1478.1-2000 for High Range Water Reducer Retarder Admixture

Queensland Government Department of Main Roads approved.

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Sika ViscoCrete 10
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Technical and Physical Data
Form Aqueous solution of modified polycarboxylates

Colour Light brown

Density (20°C) 1.06 kg/litre approx.

pH value (20°C) 4.3± 0.5

Chloride Content No added chlorides


TEA Content Does not contain triethanolamine

Air Entrainment May slightly increase air content of concrete at normal dose

Packaging 10 litre pail

205 litre drum
Bulk deliveries
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Important Note  Sika ViscoCrete 10 can be used in conjunction with the following Sika
products (trials are recommended before use): SikaMix, SikaRapid, Sika
Retarder, Sika FerroGard-901, Sika Control 40, Sika Plastiment, Sika Air.
All admixtures must be added separately.
 Must be recirculated in bulk, or when held for extended periods in smaller
 For self compacting concrete it is necessary for the concrete mixes to be
designed to specifically satisfy the required flow and cohesive
characteristics (contact our Sika Technical Department).
 Do not use in conjunction with naphthalene admixtures.
 As with all concretes it is essential to protect mixes containing Sika®
ViscoCrete® 10 from water evaporation during the crucial early age
period. We recommend the use of Antisol curing membranes for this
 For additional information, please contact your local Sika Representative.
Handling Precautions  Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
 Wear protective gloves and eye protection during work.
 If skin contact occurs, wash skin thoroughly.
 If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with warm water and seek medical
attention immediately.
 A full Material Safety Data Sheet is available from Sika on request.
Important Notification The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the
application and end-use of Sika’s products, are given in good faith based on
Sika’s current knowledge and experience of the products when properly
stored, handled and applied under normal conditions. In practice, the
differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such that no
warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose,
nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be
inferred either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or
from any other advice offered. The proprietary rights of third parties must be
observed. All orders are accepted subject of our terms and conditions of
sale. Users should always refer to the most recent issue of the Australian
version of the Technical Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of
which will be supplied on request.



Sika Australia Pty Limited

ABN 12 001 342 329 Tel: 1300 22 33 48
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Sika ViscoCrete 10
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