Newsletter 10 131119

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Sandiway Primary School Newsletter

Newsletter 10 Wednesday 13th November 2019 Autumn Term 2019 [email protected]
Poor weather day, I will text all parents/carers and staff Children in Need
Each year, I send this information out and as well as display a notice on the school Don’t forget – we are having a non-
so far, we have never needed it. Hopefully website. I will do this as soon as possible uniform day on Friday
this year will be the same, but please take in the morning. If the school is needed to to support Children in
a few minutes to read this to understand be closed during the day due to Need.
the plan should we have to close the worsening weather, again, I will text all
school in the event of bad weather: parents/carers to inform of the Gin, Quiz and Auction
At this time of year, journeys to and arrangements that will be put in place. I Please see the letter emailed out on
from school and work are a little more will also text parents/carers when the Monday 11th November for the latest
difficult. Not only do we have to contend school is due to be reopened. Local radio information about this exciting event.
with darker mornings and nights, there is stations are also good at alerting parents
also the risk of poor weather. In the event of closures – I am able to contact some of Online Safety
of frost, flood or snow, the school will them, with security information, to inform Some really useful questions to start a
always make best efforts to make the them of the decision of the Trust. conversation with your child. Please see
environment in and around school as safe attached.
as possible. We will clear the main paths Coats and boots
of snow and we will apply salt to speed up I am surprised by the number of children And finally…
the process of melting the ice (gritting who come to school without a coat. We Don’t forget that Yvette Fielding (Blue
routes are displayed in notice boards). try to get outside in all weathers, but it Peter, Most Hunted and now an author of
Even with these precautions, pathways isn’t fair on those children who only have children's books) will be visiting on
will be slippery and I ask that you take their school jumper. I have also spoken to Wednesday 20th November. You are
extra care. Salt takes time to work and the children about wearing alternative welcome to come to our whole school
requires footfall to be more effective. The boots/shoes to/from school if they wish assembly from 9.00am where the children
Parish Car Park will not be gritted by the to. This means they can change into dry will meet Yvette, before she heads off to
Council nor by the school, so additional shoes for the rest of the day. Any hats, Year 5 and Year 6 for a writing workshop.
care is needed in this area when driving gloves, ear muffs, hot water bottles are Her book will be available to purchase
and walking. also a good idea (maybe not the last (thank you for your advance orders).
In the event of severe weather, as one!).
Headteacher, I am required to decide as Chris Priddey
to whether the school is open or closed. Remembrance Day
Ultimately, this is a Trust decision based On Monday, we took a few moments out Events and Dates
on my recommendation. To make this of our school work to reflect on the 15 Nov Children in Need (non-uniform)
15 Nov Gin, quiz and auction evening
decision, I will always consider the health importance of Remembrance. We were
18 Nov Flu vaccinations for children
and safety of all members of the school: honoured to have Cheshire’s standard- 20 Nov Conway Residential Meeting for
children, parents and staff. I will use all bearer, Mr Smith, with us for our two parents (6.30pm)
information available to me, including minutes silence. I was very proud of the 20 Nov Yvette Fielding visiting school
local information from staff who live near children’s response. Thank you if you 27 Nov PTA Film Night (until 5.30pm)
school, the Local Authority, through were able to join us. 28 Nov Parent lunch for Y2
speaking to other Headteachers in the 28 Nov Y5 visit to Space Port
area and advice from the Police. 6 Dec Y1 visit to Delamere Forest
Sometimes, school 6 Dec Parent lunch for Reception
7 Dec PTA Christmas Fair (1-4pm)
closure is also
11 Dec PTA Film Night (until 5.30pm)
dependent upon the 13 Dec Christmas Jumper Day
number of staff who Christmas Lunch
can safely get to Theatre group in school
school to undertake 18 Dec Rec/KS1 Christmas performances
their duties. I (9.30am and 6.00pm)
understand that 19 Dec Christmas Carol Service in St
school closure can be John’s Church (6.30pm)
disruptive in many 20 Dec Break Up for the holiday
6 Jan Teachers return to school
ways, therefore this
7 Jan Children return to school
will be a last resort
decision if the risks of
staying open are
deemed to be too
If the school is
closed from the beginning of the school

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