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Sandiway Primary School Newsletter

Newsletter 19
Newsletter 19 Wednesday 16
Wednesday 16thth February
February 2022
2022 Spring Term
Spring Term 2022
2022 [email protected]
[email protected]
School Clubs Easter holidays. We will be teaching your child their time
I am pleased to advise that after school club bookings are objectives as part of our teaching in the Summer Term;
now available, via School Gateway, for after half term. however it would be useful if you could support your
Please find attached letter with instructions and timetable. child(ren) with the objectives in the previous years, e.g. if
they are in Year 5, are they secure with the activities in Years
Red Nose Day – Friday 18th March 3 and 4? This will enable them to be able to work at their
year group level as quickly as possible when they reach this
area of the curriculum. Teachers will still track back to
address any gaps in learning as part of their planning and
We have outlined the time objectives for EYFS – Year 5
(There are no National Curriculum Time objectives in Year 6).
We hope that lots of these objectives can be consolidated at
home through the day-to-day conversations and activities
We are delighted to be taking part in Red Nose Day this year; that take place but there are online activities, videos and
I know the children enjoy the activities the day brings and it worksheets available for you to use if your child would prefer
is such a worthy cause. We will have limited Red Noses on this. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any
sale in school to support our donations, but they are also further questions.
available from many other sources. The suggested minimum
donation for a nose is £1.50. We would like to make the day Marathon running
a ‘non-uniform day’ where children can choose their own Apologies for using the school newsletter with my own news,
clothes – they may also wish to dress all in red or as a super but I know that there will be a number of parents interested
hero (because we are all super heroes in our own way!). We and would like to support. My wife, Toni, is running the
aim to make it a fun day in school. We ask for a £1 donation Manchester marathon on 3rd April – this is the first marathon
per child, which we will send off on your behalf. she has ever run and has spent the past month training and
preparing. She is inspired (in part) to support Cancer
Threadworms Research as we unfortunately lost her dad to cancer just
I have had a few cases of threadworms reported to me – this before Christmas. Cancer is touching more and more people
is actually a very common condition that children have, and we are keen to do what we can to support families in
especially in primary schools. It is also one that is very easy similar situations. Myself and other family members are
to treat. If you suspect your child may have threadworms, taking it in turns to run 10k alongside her as support – but
please visit this NHS website for more information and how Toni definitely has the harder job! If you would like to
to treat. support Cancer Events and Dates
Research, you 18 Feb Break up for half term
Reading activities can donate 28 Feb Children return to school
Last week, you received some information about reading through this 1 Mar 3.30pm Y2 Fox Howl briefing
activities that we would like children to get involved with link. 2 Mar Dental check-up for 5-year-olds
over the coming weeks – these will really help to make sure 2-4 Mar Y5 on Conway Residential
that reading stays at the front of our mind as one of the most Happy Half 8 Mar 3.30pm Y4 Ironbridge briefing
important things we learn in school. During the half term Term Holiday 16 Mar Parent’s Meeting (2-5.30pm)
holiday, there are 9 suggested activities for the children to We hope you 17 Mar Parent’s Meeting (2-5.30pm)
get involved in – each being relatively easy to do – we look have a good 18 Mar Red Nose Day
forward to hearing all about it after the holiday! holiday week 21 Mar-1 Apr Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel
with your 29-30 Mar Y2 on Fox Howl Residential
families and we 1 Apr Break up for Easter holiday
Time to focus on time…
look forward to 19 Apr Children & staff return to school
As part of our recovery mathematics curriculum over the
welcoming the 20-22 Apr Y4 on Ironbridge Residential
past 18 months, we have been ensuring that our children are
children back 2 May Bank holiday
secure in the fundamentals of number as recommended by 9-10 May Y3 on Burwardsley Residential
the Department for Education. Although it is our aim to to school on
27 May Break up for half term
cover all areas of the curriculum by the end of this academic Monday 28th
6 June Extra ‘Bank Holiday’ for school
year, there are some areas that have not been covered in February 2022.
(Queen’s Platinum Jubilee)
depth due to the school closures and our focus on number. 7 June Children & staff return to school
One of these areas is TIME and we would like to ask you to Chris Priddey 28 Jun – 1 July Y6 on Keswick Residential
support us with developing this area as part of our 20 July Children break up for summer
homework during the rest of the Spring Term and over the

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