Religion and Science
Religion and Science
Religion and Science
I. Introduction
“It is well known that in the nineteenth century scientists and theologians came
into open conflict. It is often said nowadays that the conflict between religion and science
is a thing of the past. Science is said to have become less materialistic and hence more
favorable to theology, whereas theology has allegedly become more sophisticated and
thus less vulnerable to attack by science. Moreover, some scientists have tried to use the
among theologians there has been a withdrawal, in that most of them would no longer
wish to defend the literal truth of Biblical stories such as that of Adam and Eve or of
Noah’s Ark. Those who still hold that there is a conflict between religion and science are
The history of well-known conflicts were found between the Church and Galileo
and Darwin. In the case of Galileo “the Church did not want to accept that the earth was
not the centre of the universe. On the other hand, Darwin’s theory about evolution which
was against the creation written in the bible.”2 Though these problems were from the
past, there are still questions about the relationship between science and religion in this
present era. There are also arguments against religion that were imposed, such as “when
Paul Edwards, Ed, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (United States of America: Mcmillan Incorporation,
1967), 158.
Hubertus Gevinus Hubbeling, Principles of the Philosophy of Religion (Netherlands: Van Gorcum, Assen,
1987), 175.
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conservative believers object to the investigation of the space of the universe, for example
with the argument that if God wanted man to investigate space he would have created
him equipped with wings. Another argument in the 17th century against the use of
microscopes. If God wanted man to see in such a subtle way he would have equipped us
with the eyes of flies: Why has not man a microscopic eye?”3
Even though these arguments were being carved in history there are still minds
that remain to be in doubt and still have questions about the relationship between this
two. And because of this we will try to discuss more about science and religion, what are
their own flaws when it comes to their theory and if there is a way to reconcile both of
In that year, the conflict between non-believers and believers are starting to arise.
And not later on the twenty-first century, the radicals of science and faith divide and not
Ibid., 175.
Francis Collins, The Language of God (United States of America: Free Press A Division of Simon and
Schuster Incorporation, 2006), 159.
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a). Atheism
These are the two forms of atheism: the strong and the weak atheism. Strong
atheism is the belief that God or gods do not exist. Weak atheism is like agnosticism,
Atheism played a minor role in human history until the eighteenth century, with
the advent of the Enlightenment and the rise of materialism. But it was not just the
discovery of natural laws that opened the door to an atheistic perspective; after all, Sir
Isaac Newton was a firm believer in God, and wrote and published more works on
Additional fuel for the atheist perspective was the view of Sigmund Freud about
religion. Freud regarded God as an illusion.6 But even stronger support for atheist
perspective in the last 150 years has been seen to arise from Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Dismantling the ‘argument from design’ that had been such a powerful arrow in the
theist’s quiver.7
“Even stronger words have emanated from Richard Dawkins. From his book
entitled ‘Is Science a Religion?’ He stated these aggressive words ‘It is fashionable to wax
apocalyptic about the threat to humanity posed by the AIDS virus, "mad cow" disease, and
many others, but I think a case can be made that faith is one of the world's great evils,
comparable to the smallpox virus but harder to eradicate.’ He added, ‘Given the dangers
of faith -- and considering the accomplishments of reason and observation in the activity
called science -- I find it ironic that, whenever I lecture publicly, there always seems to be
someone who comes forward and says, Of course, your science is just a religion like ours.
Fundamentally, science just comes down to faith, doesn't it?’” 8
Ibid., 162.
6's_views_on_religion. Accessed on January 4, 2019.
Francis Collins, The Language of God, 162.
8 Accessed on January 4, 2019.
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Dawkins emphasized that science is not religion and it does not come down to
faith. For Dawkins, science has the virtues of religion but it does not have any vices.
therefore, science is more believable than religion. People who are under religion must
have enough faith but why is it that there is a name the Doubting Thomas?
The major and inescapable flaw of Dawkins’ claim that science demands atheism
is that it goes beyond the evidence. If God is outside of nature, then science can neither
b). Agnosticism
The term ‘agnosticism’ itself was coined by Professor T.H. Huxley at a meeting of
the Metaphysical Society in 1876. For Huxley, agnosticism was a position which rejected
the knowledge claims of both "strong" atheism and traditional theism. More importantly,
though, agnosticism for him was a method of doing things. Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-
1895) was an English natural scientist and author who became widely known as
"Darwin's Bulldog" because of his fierce and uncompromising defense of Darwin's theory
Huxley would later become famous again for coining the term agnosticism. In 1889
he wrote in Agnosticism: ‘Agnosticism is not a creed but a method, the essence of which
lies in the vigorous application of a single principle ...Positively the principle may be
Francis Collins, The Language of God, 165.
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expressed as in matters of intellect, do not pretend conclusions are certain that are not
demonstrated or demonstrable.’”10
An agnostic, then, is one who would say that the knowledge of God’s existence
simply cannot be achieved. Like atheism, there are strong and weak agnosticism. Strong
agnosticism indicates that the humankind will never know that God exists, whereas the
Creationism argues that God is involved in the creation of the universe with His
active divine power. They interpreted the Bible literally but this does not mean that they
are truly the bearers of truth when it comes to religion especially in Christianity.
10 Accessed on January 4,
Francis Collins, The Language of God, 168.
general/creationism. Accessed on January 4, 2019.
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When most people hear the word "creationism," they probably think of the variety
called Young Earth Creationism (YEC). Young Earth Creationists adopt a method of
Biblical interpretation which requires that the earth be no more than 10,000 years old, and
that the six days of creation described in Genesis each lasted for 24 hours. Young Earth
Creationists believe that the origin of the earth, the universe, and various forms of life,
“Young Earth Creationism advocates also believes that all species were created by
individual acts of divine creation, and that Adam and Eve were historical figures created
by God from dust in the Garden of Eden, and not descended from other creatures.14
evolution refers to changes in the gene within the species that can occur by variation and
natural selection while macro-evolution refers to the process where one species can
evolve into another kind of specie. YEC accepted the micro-evolution and rejected the
“Young Earth Creationist argue that perceived gaps in the fossil record
demonstrate the fallacy of Darwin’s Theory. In the 1960’s, the YEC movement was further
crystallized by the publication of the Genesis flood subsequent writings of members of the
institute for Creation Research, founder by the late Henry Morris.” 15
YEC claims that the earth is less than ten thousand years old and it is reshaped by
the global flood. If one specie needs to evolve and to be fully developed it really needs
time but the earth is young, therefore, evolution is not real. Darwin discovered the fossils
13 Accessed on December 18, 2018.
Francis Collins, The Language of God, 172.
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because of the flood described in Genesis 6-9, and the flood only lasts for few weeks,
therefore the fossils were not deposited over hundred millions of years. Overall, the YEC
is just saying that evolution is a big lie. However, this YEC has made a big mistake for
It is simply means that God intentionally made all the radioactive decay clocks, all
the fossils, and all of the genome sequences and the universe look old to test our faith. If
this so, then is this the kind of God that the creationists of even other religions want to
worship? A God who is a cosmic trickster? A God who is a great deceiver? It is not the
science that suffers most here but the religion or faith itself. Therefore, this theory of the
of scientists, philosophers and other scholars who seek evidence of design in nature.”17
Intelligent Design holds the view that the universe and everything in it has a cause,
and it is best explained that the cause was an intelligent designer and not from the theory
of natural selection. But they never claim that this idea of an intelligent designer is taken
geology-and-astronomy/. Accessed on January 5, 2019.
17 Accessed on January 5, 2019.
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at Berkeley, whose book Darwin on Trial first laid out the ID proposition. Those
arguments have been further expanded by Michael Behe, a biology professor whose book
The Intelligent Design has three propositions that questioned the theory of
Evolution is fundamentally flawed, since it cannot account for the intricate the
complexity of the nature. Third, if Evolution cannot explain irreducible complexity, then
there must have been an intelligent designer. But they focus more in the second and third
“When Behe the biochemist peers into the inner workings of the cell, he is amazed
and awed by the intricacies of the molecular machines that reside there.”19
Behe believed that an organ is composed of billions or trillions of cells. His example
is the human eye, a complex organ but his best example was the bacterial flagellum. This
flagellum of the bacteria serves as the “outboard motors” in order for the bacteria to swim,
more likely it is a propeller. The flagellum is consisting of thirty different proteins. Behe
argued that the thirty different proteins of the flagellum must all be active at the same
time, if one of the proteins is inactive the flagellum therefore, will never work and it will
never be used by the bacteria to swim. And Behe said that this will never be attain by the
Francis Collins, The Language of God, 183.
Ibid., 185.
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Darwin explained that simple organism has light sensitivity, which helps them
avoid predators and seek food. For example, flatworms possess a simple pigmented pit,
containing light-sensitive cells that provide some directionality to their ability to perceive
incoming photons. The Intelligent Design said that every being must be in complete
structure in order to work but this objection of Darwin have just said that being complete
in structure is not necessary. For example, the human eye is a complete structure which
has many parts and if one part is defected then it will cause blindness but in the case of
flatworms they do not have a complete eye, they have only light sensitivity which is only
a part of the complete eye but still these flatworms can perceive without everything that
compose an eye. And there is another example that can really trample down the whole
The bacterial flagellum and the type III secretory apparatus are two different when
it comes to their essence but they have the comparison of proteins. The flagellum in the
bacteria is composed of thirty proteins and one must not be inactive while the type III
secretory apparatus maybe has less thirty proteins but still they are much more alike but
20 Accessed on January 8, 2019.
21 Accessed on January 8, 2019.
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the essence of type III secretory apparatus essence is to inject toxins to the other bacteria
and it provides as clear as the “survival of the fittest.” It only means that there is no
necessity to be in a complete status in order to function as what you are even a mouse trap
is reduced by parts still it can be used in different ways, for example it can be a clip without
other parts. Therefore, the difference between bacterial flagellum and type III secretory
It simply shows that ID theory is just using God as a tool ready to be inserted in an
experiment that can never be true without Him. Their science is lacking of some facts that
is why they needed God in order to support the theory that they are trying to make. And
this serves as a risk for they discredit the faith. A believer who stands in awe of the almost
unimaginable intelligence and creative genius God, this is a very unsatisfactory image.
Francis Collins, The Language of God, 193.
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Theistic Evolution
This word was coined by Francis S. Collins who agreed that theistic evolution
is the key to reconcile science and faith. Theistic evolution as Bios through Logos, or
simply Biologos. This will recognize by the scholars bios as the Greek word for ‘life’
and logos as Greek for ‘word’. For many believers the Word is synonymous with
God as the Gospel of John stated “In the beginning was the Word, and Word was
with God and the Word was God.” (John 1:1). Biologos expresses the belief that God
is the source of all life. According to Collins there are many subtle variants of theistic
years ago.
unknown, once life arose, the process of evolution and natural selection
23 Accessed on January 9, 2019.
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5. Humans are part of this process, sharing a common ancestor with the
great apes.
6. But humans are also unique in ways that defy evolutionary explanation
and point to our spiritual nature. This includes the existence of the Moral
Law (Knowledge of right and wrong) and the search for God that
satisfying, logically consistent emerges: God, who is not limited in space or time,
created the universe and established natural laws that govern us.
God filled this universe with all living things, through the elegant mechanism
of evolution He created microbes, plants and animals.24 The best thing that God did
is, He intentionally chose the same mechanism to create special creatures, who are
humans. Humans are special creatures because they are endowed of intellect and
will, they are also guided by the moral law, the knowledge of right and wrong which
This view is entirely compatible with everything that science teaches us about
natural world. It is also entirely compatible with the great monotheistic religions of the
world. The theistic evolution perspective cannot of course prove that God is real, as no
logical argument can fully achieve that. But this synthesis has provided for legions of
Francis Collins, The Language of God, 200.
Ibid., 201.