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Dynamics Linkages Among Money, Output, Interest Rate: International Business Research November 2010

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Dynamics linkages among Money, Output, Interest Rate

Article  in  International Business Research · November 2010

DOI: 10.5539/ibr.v4n1p145 · Source: DOAJ


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2 authors:

Ai YEE Ooi Rayenda Brahmana

University of Malaya University Malaysia Sarawak


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www.ccsenet.org/ibr International Business Research Vol. 4, No. 1; January 2011

Dynamics Linkages among Money, Output, Interest Rate and Price:

The Case in Malaysia
Ai-Yee Ooi
Labuan International School of International Business and Finance
Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 8799 Labuan, Malaysia
E-mail: [email protected]
Rayenda Khresna Brahmana
School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
E-mail: [email protected]
Second author gratefully acknowledge the support of Universiti Sains Malaysia Fellowship Scheme
This paper aims to examine the factors of monetary policy transmission that affecting output and inflation variability
in Malaysia. By using quarterly data from 1980 to 2008, the results suggest that money is a lead output indicator and
is also essential to curb inflation and maintain high growth rate in GDP. Interest rate is found as another important
intermediate target in the monetary policy transmission mechanism in affecting output variability. The absence of
causality from real GDP to price suggests that the excess of aggregates demand generated by increase in real GDP is
absorbed by growth in aggregate supply.
Keywords: M2, Interest Rate, Price, Dynamics Linkages, Malaysia
I. Introduction
Malaysia has sustained significant economic growth with more than 8% increase in real GDP for the past nine years
before the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Prolong to the rapid economic progress since 1988, rising inflation
expectations has been one of the major arising issues currently experienced by policy makers. In this context,
Malaysia has been relatively successful in maintaining a low inflation environment (approximately 3.4%) with
relatively high GDP growth (approximately 9.3%) per annum for the period 1990-1997(refer to Table 1).
Undeniable that monetary policy has played a major role in maintaining this low inflation, and thereby supporting
the conditions for high rate of real output growth. These conditions did not persist over an extended period as 1998
episode of financial crisis has brought severe turmoil to Malaysia, with massive depreciation of local currency and
thus caused a sharp increase in domestic price.
Prior to the mid-1990s, the monetary policy strategy had been implemented base on targeting monetary aggregates
(M1, M2 or M3). Government first started focused targeting with M1 and shift in focus to M3 when the financial
liberalization and innovation has rendered M1 less reliable for policy targeting. Evidence proves that velocities of
M1 and M3 and their average values over the last ten year have diverged from their long trend (refer to table 2).
Even though M2 showed divergent trend, nevertheless the divergence is comparatively smaller than that of M3.
Thus, we employ M2 as monetary targets to examine its efficiency in attaining the stability of output growth and
low inflation rate.
Few policy issues and questions arise and remain unresolved. What is the correct choice of a tradeoff between
output variability and inflation variability? Do M2 play important role to minimize the tradeoff between these two
variables’ variability? Is monetary aggregate still an efficient and adequate as policy target? If not, is interest rate
targeting is another potential channel for policy targeting?
Thus, this paper aims to examine the dynamic linkages among the money, output, interest rate and inflation to
ascertain the importance of the monetary policy transmission mechanism by using Malaysia data. In particular, the
specific objectives of this paper are:
1. To investigate if money aggregates (M2) is essential to curb inflation and maintain high growth rate in GDP.
2. To determine if interest rate is another important channel in the monetary policy transmission mechanism in
affecting output and inflation variability.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follow: First section focus on the brief introduction about Malaysia
economy in 1990’s and the economic problems that still remain unresolved. Section 2 reviews empirically the

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studies and previous researches in related field. In section 3, a discussion on the theoretical framework of money
view of monetary policy transmission mechanism is given. Data and the variables will be determined in section 4.
All the results and findings are analyzed empirically in section 5. Last Section briefly concludes the implications of
the findings for monetary transmission mechanism.
2. Literature Review
Most of the early researches demonstrated the causality between money supply and income (Sims C. A., 1972,
William et. al., 1976, Barro R.J., 1978). Recent years, the research work has expended by utilizing more economical
and financial variables, such as interest rates and prices to explain the dynamic causality between money and
economy activity.
Using auto-regression test and variance decompositions approach to test on United States data 1960 to 1990,
Friedman and Kuttner (1992) found the significant relationships between money and real income or prices
separately. Their result indicating cointegration of real income and real money with the effect of interest rates and
concluded that M1 aggregate statistically does have predictive power over income.
Tan and Baharumshah (1999) found M1 and M3 appear to have significant effect on output and prices using VECM
but not in M2. This contradicts with Azali and Matthews (1996) results that they present evidences of causality
between money (M2) and output in the post-liberalization, money dominated credit. Thus, this paper is aiming to
test on the power of M2 in predicting output to enhance latter’s finding.
Sims (1980, 1992) challenge the monetarist (rational expectation monetarists) results that unanticipated money
affects output (e.g. Baro, 1978). The studies show that when the nominal interest rate is included in the analysis,
money loses its predictive power, implying monetary ineffectiveness. Therefore, we attempt to investigate if interest
rate, yet another potential channel as policy targets.
Besides theoretical issues, we also highlight the importance of discussing the methodological issues. Certain
analyses include Tan and Cheng (1995) did not examine time series properties of the variables, namely the presence
of unit root, cointegration, which might lead to misspecification and invalid inferences (see Masih and Masih, 1996).
Friedman and Kuttner (1993) have included time trends properties (e.g. none time trends, linear time trends, and
linear and quadratic time trends) examining on the extended Stock-Watson’s’ equations. Likewise, Azali and
Matthews (1999) have utilized the augmented Dickey-fuller (ADF) procedures to conduct the null hypothesis of a
unit root.
Friedman and Kuttner (1993) employing the standard Granger-causality tests to examine causal relationship among
variables. While the standard Granger-causality has been a popular tool for empirical testing relationship between
monetary policy and aggregate output, the cointegration is also a popular test (Tan and Baharumshah, 1999).
Cointegration indicates presence or absence of Granger-causality but does not indicate the direction of causality
between variables. In our paper, the direction is obvious that all the exogenous variables are lag value that may
affect endogenous variable (see Section VI).
In short, it is also our purpose to employ Granger Causality test in this study to ascertain the importance of monetary
policy transmission mechanism. Certainly, this approach offered a simple procedure, which requires estimating an
augmented VAR model in the straight forward way WALD Test, by comparing the F-computed value to the critical
3. Theoretical Framework
This study focus on money view of monetary policy transmission mechanism which are complemented from two
basic theories: Quantity Theory of Money and the IS-LM Model.
The Quantity Theory of Money
The classical economist’s view of inflation revolved around the Quantity Theory of Money, by Irving Fisher in his
Purchasing Power of Money (1911). The theory can be succinctly stated by referring to the infamous “equation of
exchange”, these two economists introduced:
M is the amount of money in circulation;
V is the velocity of circulation of that money;
P is the average price level and
T is the level of transactions taking place.

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Classical economists suggested that V would be relatively stable and T would (as we have seen above) always tend
to full employment. Therefore, they came to the conclusion that:
M P
Since V and T are fixed and M is exogenous, then increase in the supply of money will lead to an exactly
proportionate increase in the price level. The message was simple: control the money supply to control inflation.
Similarly is the case for our study in examining the relationship among money, output, interest rate and prices. If
output remain unchanged or monetary expansion is greater than the output growth over periods, eventually will lead
to price pressures.
IS-LM Model
In general, the linkages among money, output, interest rate and money can be revealed by using the illustration of
the Classical IS-LM framework. For this purpose, this paper will discuss and analyze on the effects of a monetary
expansion (refer to figure 1).
(a) The economy is in general equilibrium at point E. Output equals the full-employment level of 1000, the real
interest rate is 5%, and the price level is 100.
(b) With the price level fixed, a 10% increase in the nominal money supply, M, raises the real money supply, M/P,
and shifts the LM curve down from LM1 to LM2. At point F, the intersection of IS curve and new LM, LM2, the real
interest rate has fallen to 3%, which raises the aggregate demand for goods. If firms produce extra output to meet the
increase in aggregate demand, output rises to 1200 (higher than full-employment output of 1000).
(c) Because aggregate demand exceeds full-employment output at point F, firms raise prices. A 10% rise in P, from
100 to 110, restores the real money supply to its original level and shifts the LM curve back to its original position,
LM1. This returns the economy at point E, where output again is at its full-employment level of 1000, but the price
level has risen 10% from 100 to 110.
Under the classical assumption, prices are flexible, the adjustment process is rapid. The economy is effectively
self-correcting, automatically returning to its full-employment after a shock moves it away from general equilibrium
(Note 1). Indeed, if respond to increased demand by rising prices rather than by temporarily producing more (earlier
assumed), the adjustment process would be almost immediate. Conversely, according to Keynesian’s argument,
however, sluggish adjustment of prices (and of wages, the price of labor) might prevent general equilibrium from
being attained for a much longer period, perhaps several years.
In brief, Keynesians believe in the monetary neutrality in the long run (after price adjusted) but not in the short run
whereas Classical model is more accepting of the view that money is neutral even in the relatively short run.
Therefore, our study is necessary to investigate the dynamic relationship among money, output, interest rate, and
prices for policy implications.
Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism: Money View
When the Quantity Theory of Money and IS-LM model are both complemented together, we have results of the
primarily money view of monetary policy transmission mechanism. The money view places emphasis on the changes
in the monetary aggregate affecting the output via interest rate channel. This transmission of monetary policy
through interest rate mechanism has been a standard feature in the traditional Keynesian model. This traditional
Keynesian view of how a monetary tightening is transmitted to the real economy can be characterized by a
schematic diagram (Mishkin, 1995):
M   IR   I   Y 
This diagram indicates that a contraction of monetary policy (M ) leads to a rise in real interest rate (IR ), which
in turn raises the cost of capital, thereby causing a decline in investment spending (I ). Further, it leads to a decline
in aggregate demand and a fall in output (Y ).
John Taylor (1995) argues that interest rate channel of monetary transmission is a key component of how monetary
policy effects are transmitted to the economy. In his model, contraction of monetary policy raises the short-term
nominal interest rate. The real long-term interest rate rises as well, at least for a time through a combination of sticky
prices and rational expectations. Eventually these higher real interest rates lead to a decline in business fixed and
housing investment, consumer durable expenditure and inventory investment, which finally inserts decline in
aggregate output.
4. Data
This study is based on quarterly time series data for the period 1980 to 2008. M2 is defined as M1 (narrow money)
plus fixed and savings deposit of the private sector placed with Central Bank and Commercial banks, negotiable
certificates of deposit and Central Bank deposit. The output is measured by Gross National Product (GDP). For the

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measure of inflation rate, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is used. On the other hand, the Three Months Treasury
bill-rate (3 months T-bill rate) is proxy to interest rate examined in the study.
The data were extracted from International Financial Statistics, Quarterly Bulletin of Bank Negara Malaysia and
website http://www.bnm.gov.my. In later on, all of the series are transformed into logarithm form. All of the
analysis in this study is conducted using the EViews program.
5. Estimated Model and Hypothesis
Estimated Models
For the purpose of examining the dynamic causality among the four variables, below four estimated models are
formed (refer to table 3).
Based on the four models and the objectives of the paper, we examine the hypothesis as showed in table 4.
In WALD-Test, if the computed F-statistic distributed for the lagged independent variables are significant (whether
statistically significant at 5% level), causality from independent variable to dependent variable can be established by
rejecting the null hypothesis.
6. Empirical Results
In this paper, we employed a few methods to capture the dynamic linkages between money, output, interest rates
and prices.
Unit Root Test of Stationarity
We first tested for stationarity and the order of integration of the variables. The unit root property of the series data
is essential for cointegration and causality analysis. To test the presence of unit root in the series, we use the
augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test based on a standard regression with a constant.
Table 5 presents the results of the unit root for the variables in levels and first-difference (with trend and without
trend). The results indicate that the null hypothesis was rejected at the first-difference. Obviously, the results implied
that all variables are stationary in their first-differences. This condition is strictly required in the causality test and
Engle-Granger (EG) Cointegration Test
Having established the order of integration of the individual series, we proceed to test for cointegration. The idea
was to determine whether the stochastic trends in involving variables that contain unit roots have long run
relationship. This paper applied the two-step cointegration suggested by Engle and Granger. First, we run the
following cointegrating regression:
Mt = 1 + 11Yt-1 + 12Mt-1 + 13IRt-1 + 14Pt-1 + e1t
The null hypothesis is that no variables are co-integrated. The second step is to test of the residuals eit (where i =
1,2,3,4) via ADF technique. If eit is found to be consistent with I(0), one may claim that co-integration exist between
the variables. The same process is repeated for the rest of estimation models.
If the absolute computed ADF test value exceeds critical values at significant level 5%, null hypothesis (H0:eit has
unit root) will be rejected. The conclusion would be that the estimated eit is stationary. Refer to Table 6, the output
of our findings show that at significant level 5%, e1t does not has unit root, thus the variables in Model 1 are
cointegrated. Conversely, e2t , e3t and e4t are stationary, thus no variables in Model 2, 3 and 4 are cointergrated.
Granger Causality Test
As Granger (1998) points out, if there is a cointegrating vector among variables, there must be causal relation among
these variables at least in one direction. If the variables are not cointegrated, we will use a standard Granger
causality test. In this context, we will employ WALD test on Model 2, 3 and 4, comparing F-statistic with its critical
value at degree of freedom (1,44).
As the F-statistic reported in Table 7, money (M2) does granger cause output which is relevant to the theory, that is,
money is a lead output indicator. The monetary aggregates are non-neutral at least in the short run which agrees with
Classical economists. Hence, policy makers could influence the sustainable output growth with money supply
Money target is causal to price level. This results similarly also in along with conclusion of Quantity Theory of
Money; “money supply expansions only cause price inflation.” Classical and Keynesians also came to the identical
conclusion, money is neutral after the prices adjust properly back to general equilibrium, and therefore it has no

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effect on real variables exception for price level. The significance of this hypothesis is very important for policy
makers to properly conduct policy measurements to attain inflationary.
Interest rate is causal to output implying that interest rate channel is yet another important intermediate targets in
complementing with monetary targets. Both targets should complement as an effective intermediate target selected
by the Central Bank, depending on the sources of fluctuations in economy conditions and in the money supply. If
the relationship between consumer and business spending and investment decisions and the interest rate is stable,
interest rate targets offer a more predictable way to stabilize economic fluctuations. However, if the relationship
between the demand for money and other assets and the interest rate is stable, targeting M2 offers a more predictable
condition with respect to its goal.
Limitation and Improvement
Due to the cumbersome of many other causality tests (such as VECM), Engle-Granger approach is still wisely used
by researches. Undoubtedly, the procedure is sensitive to the choice of dependent variable and lag chosen in the
cointegrating regression especially for the multivariate models. Similarly, when it comes to extracting the residual
from the cointegrating vector, E-G approach will take the arbitrary choice of dependent variable and is sensitive to
the variable being normalized (Masih and Masih, 1997). These problems also can be minimized to certain extent by
select the lag structure carefully based on appropriate test and diagnostic checking on the error term for each
regression model (Tan and Baharumshah, 1999).
It has been argued that testing for Granger-causality in multiple time series, the F-test in a regression context for
determining whether some parameters of the model are jointly zero. Causality test (VAR model) is not valid when
the variables are integrated and the test statistic does not have a standard distribution (Gujarati, 1995). This
happened to Model 1 in this paper. This limitation may be avoided by Monte Carlo experiment which included three
alternative test procedures, presented in Zapata and Rambaldi (1997). The experiment provides evidence that the
MWALD test has comparable performance in size and power to the Likelihood Ratio.
Although cointegration indicates presence or absence of Granger-causality of two variables, it does not indicate the
direction of causality. To get better view of relationship, we need to take this problem into account for the future
VII. Conclusion
The result of this paper suggests that money is a lead output indicator and is also essential to curb inflation and
maintain high growth rate in GDP. Interest rate is found as another important intermediate target in the monetary
policy transmission mechanism in affecting output variability. The absence of causality from real GDP to price
suggests that the excess of aggregates demand generated by increase in real GDP is absorbed by growth in aggregate
supply. Government has taken lots of endeavor to solved the problem of bottlenecks of infrastructure and shortage
of labors, thus, it is expected that the growth rate of GDP will continuously increase in the near future after sample
In respectively, it is imperative in this paper to highlight that policy makers should not under-value other factors in
money matter, which influence economical growth. Monetary policy itself is inadequate to achieve sustainable
economic growth with price stability and external equilibrium. However, it can be more effective if there is a
coordination of trade, fiscal and exchange rate policies.
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Note 1. The Proposition that a free-market economy with flexible prices is automatically self-correcting is consistent
with Adam Smith’s invisible-hand idea.

Table 1. Growth Rate in GDP and Inflation for Malaysia, 1990-2000

Year %GDP %Inflation
1991 9.5 3.0
1992 8.9 5.1
1993 9.9 3.3
1994 9.2 3.8
1995 9.8 3.4
1996 10.0 3.3
1997 7.3 3.1
1998 -7.4 5.3
1999 6.1 2.5
2000 8.3 2.7
Source: Figures calculated from BNM Quarterly Economic Bulletin

Table 2.Growth in monetary aggregates: M1, M2 and M3 for Malaysia, 1990-2000

Year %M1 %M2 %M3
1991 11 15 15
1992 13 19 20
1993 38 22 24
1994 11 15 13
1995 12 24 22
1996 17 20 21
1997 5 23 19
1998 -15 2 3
1999 36 14 8
2000 7 5 5
Source: Figures calculated from BNM Quarterly Economic Bulletin

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Table 3. The estimated models (unrestricted)

Dependent variable Independent variables
Model 1: Mt = 1 + 11Yt-1 + 12Mt-1 + 13IRt-1 + 14Pt-1 + e1t
Model 2: IRt = 2 + 21Yt-1 + 22Mt-1 + 23IRt-1 + 24Pt-1 + e2t
Model 3: Pt = 3 + 31Yt-1 + 32Mt-1 + 33IRt-1 + 34Pt-1 + e3t
Model 4: Yt = 4 + 41Yt-1 + 42Mt-1 + 43IRt-1 + 44Pt-1 + e4t
where Mt = money supply (M2) at time t ; Yt = real output (GDP) at time t ; IRt = interest rate at time t ; Pt = inflation rate at time t ; et = error
term at time t ;

Table 4. The research hypothesis based on estimated models

Model Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis

(i) H0 : 11 = 0 (i) Ha : 11  0

1 ( Y ⇏M ) ( Y⇒M)
(ii) H0 : 13 = 0 (ii) Ha : 13  0
( IR⇏M ) ( IR⇒M)
(iii) H0 : 14 = 0 (iii) Ha : 14  0
( P⇏M ) ( P⇒M)
To the test causality from output (Y), interest rate (IR) and inflation rate (P) respectively to money (M).

(i) H0 : 21 = 0 (i) Ha : 21  0

2 ( Y⇏IR ) ( Y⇒IR)
(ii) H0 : 22 = 0 (ii) Ha : 22  0
( M⇏IR) ( M⇒IR)
(iii) H0 : 24 = 0 (iii) Ha : 24  0
( P⇏IR) ( P⇒IR)
To test the causality from Output (Y), inflation rate (P), and money (M) respectively to interest rate (IR).

(i) H0 : 31 = 0 (i) Ha : 31  0

3 ( Y⇏P) ( Y⇒P)
(ii) H0 : 32 = 0 (ii) Ha : 32  0
( IR⇏P) ( IR⇒P)
(iii) H0 : 33 = 0 (iii) Ha : 33  0
( M⇏P) ( M⇒P)
To test the causality from output (Y), interest rate (IR),and money (M) respectively to inflation rate (P).

(i) H0 : 42 = 0 (i) Ha : 42  0

4 ( IR⇏Y) ( IR⇒Y)
(ii) H0 : 43 = 0 (ii) Ha : 43  0
( P⇏Y) ( P⇒Y)
(iii) H0 : 44 = 0 (iii) Ha : 44  0
( M⇏Y) ( M⇒Y)

To the causality from interest rate (IR), inflation rate (P), and money (M) respectively to output (Y).
where, ⇏ (independent variable does not granger-causality dependent variable)
⇒ (independent variable does granger-causality dependent variable)
Generally, the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis can be shown as the following:
H0: Independent variable does not Granger-causality dependent variable
Ha: Independent variable does Granger-causality dependent variable

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Table 5. Unit Root Test

ADF Test
constant constant
Variables with trend without trend
ln IR -1.3741 -2.2397
ln M -2.0058 -0.3783
ln P -1.4564 -0.5107
ln Y -1.7794 -1.6579
et -2.3640 -2.3588
First Difference
ln IR -8.0349* -8.0436*
ln M -5.5504* -6.1093*
ln P -6.9304* -5.4273*
ln Y -3.3273* -3.4473*
et -7.3083* -7.2742*
Notes: The null hypothesis is that the series is I(1). The critical value for rejection is -2.92 at a significant level 5% for the model without trend
and -3.51 with trend. These values are provided by EViews output based on MacKinnon(1996) one-sided p-values. *denotes significant at level

Table 6. Engle-Granger Cointegration Test

ADF Test
constant constant
Variables with trend without trend
e1t -6.6618* -6.5764*
e2t -2.3641 -2.3588
e3t -2.1525 -2.1283
e4t -2.7707 -2.9695
Notes: The null hypothesis is that the series is I(1). The critical value for rejection is -2.92 at a significant level 5% for the model without trend
and -3.51 with trend. These values are provided by EViews output based on MacKinnon(1996) one-sided p-values. *denotes significant at level

Table 7. WALD-Test: F-Statistic of Causality with Future Lag

Relationship F-Statistics Results
Model 2
Y t-1 ⇒IR 0.0871 No causality
M t-1⇒IR 4.3303* M does granger cause IR
P t-1 ⇒IR 8.6095* P does granger cause IR
Model 3
Y t-1 ⇒P 1.9799 No causality
M t-1 ⇒P 15.4371* M does granger cause P
IR t-1⇒P 3.4319 No causality
Model 4
M t-1 ⇒Y 10.0665* M does granger cause Y
IR t-1⇒Y 4.2679* IR does granger cause Y
P t-1 ⇒Y 0.6778 No causality
Notes: degree of freedom is (1, 44). The critical value of F-statistic for rejection is 4.08 at a significant level 5%. *denotes significant at level 5%.

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Real interest rate, r
IS LM 1 (P=100)

5% E

Output, Y
(a) Y=1000
Source: Abel and Bernanke, Macroeconomics,
Addison-Wesley, 1998, p.336-337, Figure10.9.

Real interest rate, r

IS LM 1 (P=100)

LM2 (P=100)
5% E

3% F Money
by 10%

(b) Y=1000 1200 Output

Source: Abel and Bernanke, Macroeconomics, Addison- Wesley,
1998, p.336-337, Figure 10.9.
Real interest rate, r
IS LM 1 (P=110)

5% E

Prices rise
by 10%

(c) Y=1000 Output

Source: Abel and Bernanke, Macroeconomics, Addison- Wesley,
1998, p.336-337, Figure 10.9.

Figure 1. Effects of a monetary expansion

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education 153

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