Discussion Paper No. 0045: Ramkishen S. Rajan, Rahul Sen and Reza Siregar
Discussion Paper No. 0045: Ramkishen S. Rajan, Rahul Sen and Reza Siregar
Discussion Paper No. 0045: Ramkishen S. Rajan, Rahul Sen and Reza Siregar
No. 0045
November 2000
ISSN 1444-4534
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November 2000
This paper examines Thailand’s exchange rate policy, focusing on the degree of the
country’s real exchange rate misalignment pre-crisis, and their consequent effects on
Thailand’s trade balance with its two large trading partners, the US and Japan. We
estimate misalignment as the difference between actual and “equilibrium” exchange
rates. We use three key “equilibrium” exchange rates of the Thai baht, viz. the real
effective equilibrium exchange rate of the Thai baht against its twenty two major
trading partners; the bilateral real equilibrium exchange rates of the baht against the
US dollar; and the bilateral real equilibrium exchange rate of the baht against the
Japanese yen. Our sample period spans two decades (Q1: 1981 to Q3: 1999).
Contact author:
Ramkishen S. Rajan
School of Economics
Adelaide University
Tel: (+61 8) 8303 4666
[email protected].
1. Introduction
Just as the Tequila crisis of 1994-95 has inspired a great deal of interest in
the Mexican economy, the East Asian debacle of 1997-98, triggered by the July 2nd,
1997 devaluation of the Thai baht, has invariably focused attention on the Thai
economy and crisis. Detailed studies of the Mexican and Thai debacles have
reached a broadly similar conclusion, viz. that these crises ought most appropriately
Thai devaluation in turn was largely a case of “bad fundamentals”, both financial and
economic (Rajan, 2000a). For instance, most of the key economic variables in
participants about the near term prospects of the Thai economy (Lauridsen, 1998).
Also of importance is the fact that the empirical studies that have attempted to
develop indicators of currency crises have been able to “predict” the Thai crisis with a
fairly high probability ex-post (Rajan, 2000a). Kaminsky (1999) for example refers to
Thailand as constituting “the perfect picture of the typical financial crisis” and finds
that the probability of a currency crisis rose from a low of 20 percent in 1995 to about
100 percent in mid 1997”. Berg (1999) has concluded that “(t)he Thai crisis was
weaknesses. Moreover, the situation was deteriorating through 1996 and the first
part of 1997. It is thus not surprising that most models that are designed to predict
currency crises, even those formulated and estimated on pre-1997 data, are able to
Among the weak macro fundamentals in Thailand that have been frequently
pointed out are the sharp real exchange rate appreciation of the Thai baht between
mid 1995 and 1997 and the accompanying burgeoning current account deficit which
averaged between 6 and 8 percent in the first half of the 1990s (Table 1). This paper
examines Thailand’s exchange rate policy, focusing on the degree of the country’s
Thailand’s trade balance with its two single largest trading partners, the US and
exchange rates. We use three key “equilibrium” exchange rates of the Thai baht, viz.
the real effective equilibrium exchange rate (REER) of the Thai baht against its
twenty two major trading partners; the bilateral real equilibrium exchange rates of the
baht against the US dollar; and the bilateral real equilibrium exchange rate of the
baht against the Japanese yen. Our sample period spans two decades (Q1: 1981 to
Q3: 1999).
relevance are Montiel (1997) and Lim (2000). Montiel (1997) concentrates on the real
effective exchange rate of Thailand as well as the other Southeast Asian economies
of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore. The key objective of the Montiel
study is to empirically test whether “the recent behavior of the real exchange rate in
the period of 1960-1994 using annual data, and employs a sequence of time-series
testing, viz. the Unit Root test and the Johansen cointegrating test. Montiel fails to
find any significant and persistent misalignments during the period of late 1980s and
early 1990s. The results provide statistical support that the paths followed by actual
real effective exchange rates of Thailand and the other regional economies have
The Lim (2000) paper is an extension of the Clark and MacDonald (1999)
who distinguish between the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate (FEER) and the
The long run equilibrium real effective exchange rate is determined by the values of a set of
fundamental variables. For the case of Thailand, the fundamentals are: world inflation rate;
terms of trade; government expenditure to GDP; an index for commercial openness of the
domestic economy; and time trends.
behavioral equilibrium exchange rate (BEER). The study finds two significant
fundamental variables to have determined the equilibrium real exchange rate of the
Thai baht against the US dollar - the level of foreign debt and the cumulative sum of
real interest rate differentials. The study covers the period between January 1988
and December 1996 (i.e. pre-crisis period). Having tested the Unit Root properties of
the variables, Lim proceeded to undertake three types of cointegration tests, viz. the
Engle-Granger test, the Johansen test and the Phillips-Loretan Test. The results
reveal that the estimated long run equilibrium real exchange rate of the Thai baht
Exchange Rate (NATREX) model developed by Stein (1994 and 1996), our findings
support the conclusions of the earlier studies for the REER and the bilateral real
exchange rate cases against the US dollar. However, by extending our coverage to
the case of real exchange rate of the Thai baht against the Japanese yen (RERJP),
we are also able to identify persistent and significant misalignments with the RERJP.
Thailand, particularly during the late 1980s until the mid 1990s. Detailed analysis of
Thailand’s bilateral trade relations with Japan and the US further supports the
baht, particularly with reference to the yen. Hence, this paper adds further weight to
the argument by Ito et al. (1999), Ito and Ogawa (2000) and others regarding the
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The next section focuses
on Thailand’s pre-crisis exchange rate policy and trends in the various real exchange
la Stein (1994, 1996) and establishes the degree of misalignment of the baht pre-
rate policies on Thailand’s bilateral trade balance with two of its most important
trading partners, the US and Japan. The final section provides a summary by way of
preceded by very large private capital inflows (Dooley, 2000). More specifically,
Radelet and Sachs (1998) have observed “at the core of the (East) Asian financial
crisis were the massive capital inflows that were attracted into the region during the
1990s” (p.8). A proper perspective of the East Asian crisis may therefore only be
Outlook data set, we see that net private capital inflows to the Asia-5 economies
were positive and exceeded the corresponding current account deficit, resulting in a
particularly high in Thailand, which was among the ten largest emerging market
recipients of net private capital flows (together with Malaysia and Indonesia) during
the period under consideration (Lopez-Mejia, 1999 and World Bank, 1997). This
boom period coincided with relaxation of controls of capital flows. In Thailand, the
now notorious Bangkok International Banking Facility (BIBF) was established in early
1993. Financial institutions under the BIBF were authorized to accept deposits and
loans from abroad in foreign currency and extend loans to both overseas and local
the “other net investment” component constituted the largest share of overall capital
flows (Table 2). This category of capital flows includes syndicated bank lending, trade
financing, along with some other smaller items. It therefore captures movements in
bank financing and has consistently been found to be the most interest sensitive and
volatile component of capital flows in the balance of payments account. The stability
of the bilateral exchange rates vis-à-vis the US dollar (Figure 2) as well as the
interest rate premium offered by Thailand (Table 3) seemed to have been important
contributory factors for these capital inflows and the consequent build-up of external
debt (Table 4)2. Given the expectations about the durability of the US dollar-based
peg, most of this external debt accumulation was short-term in maturity and was left
have adopted basket peg systems, with the US dollar, yen and other currencies
economic linkages with the East Asia. However in reality the US dollar had the
overwhelming weight de facto (Table 5), leading McKinnon (1990) and Ohno (1998)
to refer to East Asia’s “dollar standard” and “soft dollar zone”, respectively. The
reasons for this dollar peg remain uncertain3. Regardless, the dominance of the US
Short-term indebtedness has been found to be a robust predictor of financial crises (Rodrik
and Velasco, 1999 and World Bank, 2000a). The reason for the relatively high (and
sustained) interest rate premium offered by an economy that has undertaken international
financial liberalization (even after accounting for potential default and devaluation risk premia)
is an important empirical puzzle (Bird and Rajan, 2000a).
For instance, Kasajima and Lewis (1998) claim the reason for the dollar peg was the
dominance of the US dollar as the international transaction settlement currency, and the
potential capital loss on the part of borrowers of mostly the US dollar denominated debt (due
to variations in the baht-US$ rate). Others have noted that Thailand and other regional
economies viewed a stable and competitive exchange rate as key to remaining attractive as a
destination for Japanese FDI (Goldberg and Klein, 1997). Bénassy-Quéré et al. (1999) also
emphasize the importance of exchange rate stability for attracting FDI.
dollar continued in 1990s, despite the fact that Japan was Thailand’s largest export
market, and Thailand’s dominant import source (of intermediate goods) along with
the US (Figure 3). Japan was also Thailand’s largest single creditor (Table 6), and a
substantial share of external debt to the region was denominated in yen (Table 7).
These intensive economic linkages between Thailand and Japan suggests a priori
basket. There have in fact been a number of recent studies that have attempted to
measure optimal currency baskets in Southeast Asia (Table 8). A simple average of
the various studies reveals the optimal weight of the Japanese yen to be in the range
of 40 percent, the remainder being divided between the US dollar, euro and/or
The nearly fifty percent nominal appreciation of the US dollar relative to the
yen between June 1995 to April 1997 led to a rise in the value of the regional
currencies vis-à-vis the yen. This in turn contributed to a marked appreciation of the
real effective exchange rates (REERs) of most of the East Asian economies
(including Thailand) by end December 1996 and into mid 1997 over 1995 (Figure 4)5.
This was in sharp contrast to the decade preceding that period when the REER of
the baht was quite stable. The same degree of stability is found in the case of the
real exchange rate of the baht against the US dollar (RERUS). In contrast, the real
exchange rate of the baht against the Japanese yen (RERJP) has been significantly
more volatile, as would be expected given the above-noted dollar peg operated by
Needless to say that there remains much work to be done on refining the methodologies
and assumptions used in the determination of optimal currency baskets (Rajan, 2000b and
Williamson, 1999).
To be precise, REER appreciations were experienced by the Southeast Asian economies
only, South Korea’s REER being relatively stable during the period under consideration.
the Thailand (Figure 5)6. After a sharp depreciation of the baht against the yen
(following the Plaza Accord in 1985), the baht appreciated gradually from 1989 and
1990 against the yen before depreciating again from 1990 to late 1995 (when the yen
appreciated sharply against the US dollar). This trend was suddenly reversed with a
sharp nominal appreciation of the US dollar relative to the yen between mid 1995 and
It is in this sense that it is often suggested that if Thailand had given greater
weight to the yen in their baskets pre-crisis there would have been lesser degrees of
regional real exchange rate misalignments7. Williamson (2000) has gone so far as to
conclude “the yen/dollar exchange rate had a statistically significant impact on output
growth in the Asian economies. A strengthening of the yen depreciated their real
effective exchange rates, given their de facto dollar pegs, and thus accelerated their
growth, while a weakening of the yen had the opposite effects” (p.6).
“equilibrium” real exchange rate. This in turn could be due to a number of reasons,
Associates, 1998), a relative increase in the demand for non-tradables over tradables
Similar conclusions are drawn if the focus is on nominal exchange rates. Real exchange
rate volatility is constructed by the moving sample standard deviation of the growth rate of the
real exchange rate:
2 1/2
Vt = [ (1/m) (log Q t+i-1 - Q t+i-2) ]
i =1
where Q is the real exchange rate and m = 6. This index has been used in previous studies
including Kenen and Rodrik (1986), Koray and Lastrapes (1989) and Chowdhury (1993).
McKinnon (2000) refers to the yen/US dollar exchange rate as the “loose cannon” in East
Asia pre-crisis.
Empirical tests by Ito et al. (1996, 1997) do suggest that the experiences of Malaysia and
Thailand provide counterexamples to the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis. Also see Chinn
the consistency (or lack thereof) of the observed real exchange rates of the baht
The NATREX is the rate that is determined by the prevailing real economic
fundamentals in the economy. Unlike the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) model, the
NATREX model does not require that the observed REER and the real equilibrium
rate be stationary and (Edwards and Savastano, 1999). In fact the NATREX will vary
words, it is a moving equilibrium exchange rate that “is directly amenable to empirical
agents, who make independent saving, investment, import and export decisions, to
optimize when they know that there is significant uncertainty…The NATREX model is
positive not normative..(it)..is precisely the real exchange rate associated with both
internal and external balance” (Stein and Paladino, 1998, pp.1688-89 & 1712).
Since Stein (1994, 1996), Stein and Paladino (1998) and others have extensively
The NATREX approach begins with the assumption that there is a vector of
The small letters represent natural logs. Vector erer represents (reer, rerjp, rerus).
Vector z consists of the fundamentals in the economy {g, r*, tot and prd}, where: g is
real government spending; r* is world real interest rate; prd is productivity; and tot is
the terms of trade. Since the erer is not observable, we estimate the following set of
Eqs. 2 to 4 seek the best fit of the reer, rerus and rerjp on the economies’
exchange rate for each economy’s currency using the coefficient estimates obtained
from regressing the above three equations. The variables used are summarized in
Table 9. Following Montiel (1997), a time trend (t) is introduced to capture the effects
of missing fundamentals.
Such single equation econometric models are commonly used in the literature on the
determination of equilibrium real exchange rates (Edwards and Savastano, 1999).
Government Expenditure (g): Following Obstfeld and Rogoff (1996), we assume that
the relative demand for nontradables also goes up, triggering an increase in price of
Interest Rate Differentials (rthai - r*), (rthai - rus) and (rthai - rjpn): International interest rate
arbitrage implies that when the return for foreign currency dominated assets (r*, rus
and rjpn) exceeds local currency dominated assets (rthai), investors shift their portfolios
away from local assets to foreign assets. In turn, the local currency will depreciate,
Terms of Trade (tot): An improvement in the terms of trade will cause a capital inflow
into the tradable sector, creating a real appreciation. Thus β 3 > 0; α3 > 0 and γ3 > 0.
currency via the Balassa-Samuelson condition, i.e. β 4 > 0; α4 > 0; and γ4 > 0.
3.3 Empirics
The data sources used in this study is presented in Table 9. We conduct two
stages of sequential tests. The first is the Unit Root test. If the variables are all found
ADF regression:
∆Yt = β0 + β1 Yt-1 + β2 t + αI ∆Yt-i + εt (5)
i =1
where: Y = {reer, rerus, rerjp, tot, g, prd, (r-rus)10, (r-rjp)}, with all variables in logs,
and t denotes a time trend. The ADF test reveals all the variables to be integrated of
order 1 (Table 10). The Akaike Criteria test determines the appropriate number of lag
cointegration test procedures on all the single equation models. The trace statistics
percent level) in each of the single equation models (Table 11a–11c). More
importantly, all the fundamental variables have significant and theoretically consistent
coefficient estimates. We next construct the equilibrium rate for REER, RERUS and
We are expressly interested in the question of whether there has been any
misalignment in baht’s REER, RERUS and RERJP during the period of 1980 to
1997/98 just prior to the crisis. We examine whether the degree of misalignment of
the baht‘s RERUS was less than that of the RERJP, which may be expected a priori
in view of the de facto US dollar peg. A currency is overvalued when its observed
real (effective) rate is higher than its equilibrium exchange rate (for example [reer –
erer] > 0). Figures 6-8 plot the actual REER, RERUS and RERJP against the
NATREX rate, respectively. The results reveal that the size of the misalignment for
the REER and the RERUS is relatively smaller than for the RERJP (Figure 9). While
the baht was overvalued in all three cases (REER, RERJP and RERUS) during the
(r-rus) equals to (r-r*).
period of 1988-1999, the greatest degree of overvaluation occurred in the case of the
global glut in the semiconductor industry in 1996 and a sharp deterioration in the
terms of trade - mainly caused by falling prices of computer chips and electronic
such as Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, along with the next-tier ANIEs of
Malaysia and especially Thailand (World Bank, 2000b). Given that a relatively larger
proportion of imports were denominated in yen compared to exports (Table 12), the
weakening of the US dollar against the yen and other currencies in 1994-1996
induced import prices to rise faster than export prices, further deteriorating the terms
of trade. Ito and Ogawa (2000) have noted, “one of the important triggers that caused
sudden reversal of capital (or an attack by speculators) in Thailand was the large
current account deficit…partly caused by the overvalued baht. The trade balance is
important since it affects the confidence of the exchange rate regime” (p.34).
Second, while the trade balance against the US has largely been in surplus,
Thailand experienced a trade deficit against Japan since 1980, with the largest deficit
occurring in late 1995-early 1996 (Figure 10). The widening of the trade deficit
against the Japanese market took place between 1987 and 1996 when the Thai baht
was depreciating against the Japanese yen. The overall deficit of the Thai trade
balance has primarily been a result of a widening bilateral deficit with Japan (Figure
11). In contrast, the Thailand’s bilateral trade vis-à-vis the US has been in persistent
surplus, though this changed in late 1995 and early 1996 as an acute glut in
Thai exports to Japan, it may have contributed to a loss of export market share of
Thai exports to its competitors in third markets12. To further analyze the effects of the
Trade Shares
In the decade prior to the crisis, Thailand’s overall merchandise trade slightly
outpaced the growth in trade with the US and Japan (about 12 percent each). As
such, the share of the US in Thailand’s total trade remained at about 15 percent
between 1985 and 1996, while the share of Japan in Thailand’s trade was about 23
percent. However the US trade share has risen between 1995 and 1998, while trade
with Japan has fallen off sharply since 1994. Thus by 1998, Thailand’s trade shares
with both countries were virtually identical at 17-18 percent (Figure 3). As discussed,
Thailand has consistently reported a high trade deficit with Japan and a surplus with
the US.
During the pre-crisis years of 1986-96, the average growth rate of Thai
exports to Japan (24 percent) consistently outpaced that of Thailand’s global exports
and Thailand’s exports to the US (about 20 percent each). Thai exports to Japan
recorded negative growth for three consecutive years from 1996-98, as compared to
exports to the US which recorded a slight negative growth only in 1996. The share of
the US in Thai exports has generally hovered around 20 percent between 1985 and
The price of 16-megabyte DRAM chips slumped from US$54 at the end of 1995 to US$13
in 1996 and then US$3 by mid 1997 (World Bank, 2000b).
See World Bank (2000b) for a brief discussion of the growing complementarity of trade
structures of East Asian economies. Thailand’s manufactured export structures (at a three
digit SITC level) were highly correlated with all regional economies in East Asia except for
1994. Having fallen off sharply in 1995, the share of exports to the US relative to
Thailand’s global exports has risen sharply since then. Japan’s export share rose
gradually from about 13 percent in 1985 to about 16 percent over the entire period
In the pre-crisis period, the average growth rates of Thai imports from the US
and Japan were almost identical (15 percent). The share of US imports in Thailand’s
global imports ranged between 10 and 15 percent over the period, with a slightly
upward trend between 1995 and 1998. In comparison, the share of Japan’s imports
was much higher over the period, ranging between 25 and 30 percent, peaking in
1989 but declining sharply from 1994. Regardless, Japan has been a more important
import source for Thailand than the US. This is generally attributed to the high share
of Japanese FDI in Thailand (about 35 percent of total FDI). Much of this Japanese
FDI has been directed towards the manufacturing industry, a major area of Japanese
trade with Thailand, and intermediate inputs have been sourced from their home
To sum up, the stability of the US in Thailand’s overall global trade between
1985 and 1995 was matched by a small but slightly rising bilateral trade balance in
Thailand’s overall trade between 1995 and 1998 coincided with a major rise in
Thailand’s trade surplus with the US. In contrast, the stability of Japan’s trade share
with Japan between 1987 and 1996 corresponded to a persistent and widening trade
It is useful to note that manufactured products including chemical, machinery and metal
manufactures were the principal commodities that contributed to a high surplus in Japan’s
trade with Thailand (Table A1). Among the machinery products, electronic and electrical
products viz. Telecom and Electrical equipment and Transportation equipments contributed
significantly to a high deficit for Thailand in its bilateral trade with Japan pre-crisis.
Over the period 1986 to 1995, Thailand’s trade deficit with Japan increased continuously
and sharply by nearly US$11 billion (with the exception of 1991). In contrast, Thailand’s trade
surplus with the US increased relatively less by only about US$ 3 billion during 1986-94.
trade since then has coincided with a fall in the size of Thailand’s bilateral deficit with
Trade Intensities
as they fail to account for the extent to which each of the Asia-5 economies trade
with the rest of the world (ROW). Accordingly, we have also computed conventional
bilateral trade intensity indices (Appendix B). These indices essentially seek to
i’s trade with the ROW. The IMF’s Direction of Trade Statistics is used to calculate
We consider the export intensity index first (Figure 12). Thailand’s bilateral
export intensity for Japan declined from its peak of about 3 in 1990 to a trough of
about 2.5 in 1997. In contrast, Thailand’s export intensity for the US remained more
or less stable at just above 1 between 1993 and 1997, though down from the peak of
1.5 between 1990 and 1992. In the case of import intensity indices (Figure 13), while
Thailand’s import intensity with the US remained quite stable at about 1 between
1985 and 1997, that with Japan rose from a trough of about 2.6 in 1986 to a peak of
about 3.7 by 199615. Overall, it can be inferred from the preceding that on average,
an export market and import source). While the US has been slightly over-
represented as an export markets, this was far less than the case of Japan. Notably,
Thailand’s bilateral trade intensities in recent years have not changed as discernibly
in comparison to bilateral trade shares. This suggests that the recent variations
(1995/96 to 1998) in Thailand’s bilateral trade shares with the US and Japan were
not unique to Thailand but merely reflected variations in trading patterns and trends
More precisely, there was a sharp rise in Thailand’s import intensity index between 1986
and 1990, declined sharply between 1990 and 1993, before appreciating since until 1996.
factor in variations of Thailand’s bilateral trade deficits with Japan and the US, we
misalignment of the RERJP lead to a larger and more persistent impact than does
the RERUS misalignment on the total trade balance. Between two and five quarters,
the impacts of the RERJP misalignment on Thailand’s overall trade balance (TB) are
much larger than those of the RERUS (Figure 14). Moreover the negative impact of
lasts for about eight quarters or two years16. We conclude from this that the
overvaluation of the Thai baht against the Japanese yen until late 1992 or early 1993
that over one-fifth of the variance in the trade deficit variable can be explained by the
variance of the real exchange rate misalignment against the Japanese yen within two
years (or eight quarters) (Table 13). The misalignment in the real exchange rate
against the US dollar contributes to only about one-tenth of the variance in the trade
deficit variable. Equally important, the results indicate that while the share of the
variance of RERUS misalignment has been relatively stable during the eight lags, the
rise in the share of RERJP misalignment is relatively sharp during the first four
quarters (lags), before abating during the last four quarters. Consistent with the
The t-statistics for RERJP and RERUS remain significant at the 5 percent significant level
during the first four lags. However for the rest of the four lags, the t-statistics for both RERJP
5. Conclusion
This paper has examined, in some detail, three key equilibrium exchange
rates for the Thai baht: a) real effective equilibrium exchange rate of the Thai baht
against its twenty two major trading partners; b) bilateral real equilibrium exchange
rates of the baht against the US dollar; and c) and bilateral real equilibrium exchange
rates of the baht against the Japanese yen over the last two decades (Q1: 1981 to
Q3: 1999). While the results suggest moderate misalignments for the real effective
exchange rate case and the bilateral real exchange rate against the US dollar, the
most significant misalignment was found with respect to the bilateral real exchange
rate against the Japanese yen. The misalignment in the bilateral real exchange rate
against the Japanese yen is consistent with a significant widening of the Thai trade
deficits between 1990 and 1996 just prior to the crisis in 1997, which in turn was
primarily due to Thailand’s bilateral trade relations with Japan. To the extent that an
“optimal exchange rate regime” is defined as one that minimizes the volatility of a
country’s trade balance, when the yen-dollar exchange rate fluctuates, Thailand’s de
facto dollar peg was clearly not optimal (Ito et al., 1999). In light of this, the recent
retreat by Thailand and other regional economies to a de facto dollar peg (Calvo and
Reinhart, 2000a,b and McKinnon, 2000) must be cause for some concern.
The basic structural equations of the NATREX model are the followings.
dK/dt = I (A.4)
where: R = real exchange rate; r = domestic real interest rate; r* = foreign real
risk premium; Z = the vector of fundamental variables. This vector Z includes mainly
Eq. (A.1) is the macroeconomic balance equation. It simply states that excess
investment over saving (I - S) equals to current account deficit. The equilibrium real
exchange rate will adjust to ensure that the current account deficit equals to
investment (I) less saving (S). (I-S) > 0. Eq. (A.2) is the uncovered interest rate parity
the portfolio balance equation. Eqs (A.3) and (A.4) capture the changes in the foreign
debt level and the investment level respectively over the period.
Thus the NATREX model adds dynamic stock - flow interactions to the
allows the NATREX to vary over time, reflecting the changes on the fundamental
variables. In the medium run, an economy may face a current account imbalance. In
the long run, however, the foreign debt and capital stabilize. The evolution of the real
exchange rate under the NATREX model can therefore be captured as follows:
where Rk, RF, and Rz are partial derivatives with respect to capital, debt, and
Given k and F are functions of the fundamental variables (Z) - see Eq. A.1
and A.4, the trajectory of the real exchange rate under this model can therefore be
where ∂ R/ ∂ Z is direct effect of the fundamental variables to the real exchange rate
variables to the real exchange rate through their impacts on k and F (indirect effects).
real exchange rate under the NATREX model can be explained through a direct and
an indirect way. What is important for the empirical application of the model is to find
the appropriate set of fundamental variables included in vector (Zt). For most
applications of the NATREX, the vector (Zt) includes the terms of trade, productivity
Tij =[(Xij+Mij)/(Xi+Mi)]/{[Xwj+Mwj)-(Xij+Mij)]/[(Xw+Mw)-(Xi+Mi)]}
where: Tij = Total trade intensity index of country i with country j; Xij = Exports of
country i to j ; Mij = Imports of country i from j; Xi =Total exports of country i; Mi= Total
imports of country i; Xwj= Total world exports to country j ; Mwj = Total world imports
total trade of country i. This forms the numerator of the total trade intensity index. The
second ratio in the denominator represents the total trade of country j with the world
excluding country i as a share of total world trade excluding country i. This forms the
If the numerator exceeds the denominator, i.e. if the value of Tij > 1, then it
implies that the bilateral trade intensity for country i with country j is greater than in
comparison to country i’s trade with the rest of the world (ROW). Thus for instance, if
viz. US / Japan, then a value of Tij > 1 implies that Thailand prefers to trade more
intensely with them than trading with the rest of the world.
The bilateral export intensity index among country i and country j may be
stated as :
where, in addition to the notations in the bilateral trade intensity index, Mj = Total
imports of country j and Mji = Imports of country j from country i. A value of this index
above unity implies that country i’s relative share of exports to country j exceeds
country j’s share of imports from the ROW. This implies an over-representation of
country j in country i’s export market. From country i’s point of view, the value of
greater than one indicates that country i has relatively more intense preference for
where, in addition to the notations in the bilateral trade intensity index, Xj = Total
exports of country j; and Xji = Exports of country j to country i. A value of this index
above unity implies that country i’s relative share of imports to country j exceeds
country j in country i’s import market. From country i’s point of view, the value of
greater than one indicates that country i has relatively more intense preference for
Bénassy-Quéré, A. (1999). “Optimal Pegs for East Asian Currencies”, Journal of the
Japanese and International Countries, 13, pp.44-60.
Bird, G. and R. Rajan (2000a). “Banks, Financial Liberalization and Financial Crises
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Table 1
Selected Thailand Key Macroeconomic Indicators
Inflation Rate (%) 3.7 4.8 5.8 5.8 5.6 8.1 0.3
Table 2
Composition of Capital Flows to Thailand
(percent of GDP)
1989-1995 1994 1995 1996 1997
a) Annual averages
Source: IMF
Table 3
Average Real Interest Rate Differentials
Table 4
External Debt in Thailand
(millions of US)
Table 5
The Southeast Asian Dollar Standard (daily nominal exchange rate)
Regression Model :
%(∆Local Currency/SWF) = β 1 + β 2 (%∆USD/SWF) + β 3 (%∆JPY/SWF) + β 4(%∆DEM/SWF) + et
Notes: USD = US$; JPY = Japanese yen; DEM = German DM and SWF: Swiss Franc
Source: McKinnon (2000)
Table 6
Total Japanese and the U.S. Banking Loans to Thailand
(millions of US dollar)
Notes: ( * ) indicates percentage of the Japanese and the US bank loans in terms of the total foreign
bank loans to Thailand.
Source: Rajan and Siregar (2000)
Table 7
Composition of Thailand’s Long-Term External Debt
(percent of total)
1990 1996
US Dollar 17 32.1
Table 8
Optimal Weights of the Japanese yen in Southeast Asian Currency Baskets
Table 9
reer Real Effective Exchange Rate (against around 22 J.P. Morgan Web-Site
Thailand’s major trading partners’ currencies). An
increase in REER implies a real appreciation of the
Thai baht.
rerus Real Exchange Rate of baht against the US dollar: IFS – CD Roam (IMF)
rerjp Real Exchange Rate of baht against the Japanese IFS – CD Roam (IMF)
Table 10
ADF Unit-Root Test
Variable Level [I(0)] First-Difference [I(1)]
Reer -1.9557 (2) -5.2440 (2)
Table 11a
Cointegration-Test Results for REER
reer = -3.848 +1.152 gt + 0.102 (rthai(t)-r*(t)) + 0.613 prdt + 0.758 tott - 0.026 t
(0.1813) (0.0384) (0.1563) (0.3329) (0.0032)
Table 11b
Cointegration-Test Results for RERUS
rerus = -17.32 + 1.298 gt + 0.023 (rthai(t)-rus(t)) + 0.523 prdt + 1.779 tott - 0.017 t
(0.355) (0.053) (0.256) (0.591) (0.004)
Table 11c
Cointegration-Test Results for RERJP
reer = -16.35 + 2.003 gt + 0.394 (rthai(t)-r jpn(t)) + 0.494 prdt + 1.911 tott - 0.035 t
(0.4094) (0.1192) (0.3450) (0.8368) (0.0071)
Table 12
Settlement of Currency Composition of Exports and Imports for Thailand
Exports Imports
Table 13
Variance Decomposition of the Total Trade Balance, Q1: 1987 – Q1: 1996
VAR ordering: (Misalignment RERJP, Misalignment RERUS, and Trade Balance)
Note: a) Refer to Hamilton (1994) for the ordering of the VAR (page 323-330). Based on the knowledge
that most of the trade deficit comes from the trade with Japan, the misalignment RERJP (against the
Japanese yen) should therefore be a more dominant force than the misalignment RERUS in explaining
the trade deficits. The more dominant variable is less likely to respond contemporaneously to innovation
in the other variables.
Table A1
Major Commodity Groups of Thailand’s Trade with Japan
(in millions of US$)
Product group 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998
Agricultural products 122 111 83 107 118 2196 2792 2561 2328 2072
Crude materials excl. 90 160 125 103 82 670 1174 1078 956 657
Mineral Fuels 38 51 46 40 13 13 16 20 54 6
Chemical manufactures 942 1630 1419 1195 982 201 235 257 288 288
Machinery 8160 13100 12259 9314 5501 1476 3033 3319 3223 2858
Office and computing 364 421 426 401 412 375 1047 1262 1118 869
Telcomm & electric 2126 3603 3353 3207 2616 658 1350 1376 1428 1364
Other manufactures 2814 4495 4042 3551 2416 1765 2512 2561 2374 1946
Textlies, apparel, etc. 215 237 218 197 171 490 673 680 609 452
Wood, furniture paper, 223 299 262 200 126 309 490 475 462 365
Metals 1503 2457 2134 1841 1237 291 360 349 319 269
Not classified 138 197 289 274 254 194 361 416 351 351
Total 12304 19744 18263 14583 9366 6515 10121 10212 9574 8178
Figure 1
Balance of Payments
(in billions of US$)
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98
Figure 2
Nominal Exchange Rate (foreign currency per baht)
(average 1990 = 100)
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98
Figure 3
Comparison of Trade Shares of Thailand's Trade with
US and Japan
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Total Trade share (US) Total Trade Share (Japan)
Export share (US) Export Share (Japan)
Import share (US) Import Share (Japan)
Figure 4
Real Exchange Rate (foreign currency/ baht)
(average 1990 = 100)
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98
Figure 5
Volatility Index
(average 1990 = 100)
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
Computed by authors. VJP is the volatility index of the RERJP. VUS is the volatility index of the
Figure 6
(average 1990 = 100)
86 88 90 92 94 96 98
Figure 7
(average 1990 = 100)
86 88 90 92 94 96 98
Figure 8
(average 1990 = 100)
86 88 90 92 94 96 98
Figure 9
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Note: - MISJP = Misalignment for the real exchange rate of the baht against the yen.
- MISREER = Misalignment for the real effective exchange rate
- MISUS = Misalignment for the real exchange rate of the baht against the US$.
The degree of misalignment is calculated using the following standard formula:
For the case of MISREER = ( (REER – NATREX)/NATREX) * 100
Where a positive (negative) number implies an overvaluation (undervaluation).
Figure 10
Thailand’s Bilateral Trade Balance against Japan (TradeJP) and the US (Trade-US)
(in millions of baht)
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98
Figure 11
Total Trade Balance
(in billions of baht)
82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98
Figure 12
Comparison of Thailand's Export Intensity with
Japan and the US
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Thailand with US
Thailand with Japan
Figure 13
Comparison of Thailand's Import Intensity with
Japan and the US
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Thailand with US
Thailand with Japan
Figure 14
Impulse Response Test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: a) VAR ordering: (MISJP, MISUS, TB) following Hamilton (1994). This result (larger and more
persistent impacts of the MISJP than of the MISUS on the trade balance (TB)) holds when we switch the
ordering into (MISUS, MISJP, TB). Note: MISJP = misalignment of the bilateral real exchange rate of the
Thai baht against the Japanese yen. MISUS = misalignment of the bilateral real exchange rate of the
Thai baht against the US dollar. TB = Trade Balance (total export – total import) of Thailand.
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0045 Rajan, Ramkishen S., Rahul Sen and Reza Siregar, "Misalignment of the Baht,
Trade Imbalances and the Crisis in Thailand", November 2000.
0044 Graham Bird and Ramkishen S. Rajan, "Financial Crises and the Composition
of International Capital Flows: Does FDI Guarantee Stability?", November
0043 Graham Bird and Ramkishen S. Rajan, "Recovery or Recession? Post-
Devaluation Output Performance: The Thai Experience", November 2000.
0042 Rajan, Ramkishen S. and Rahul Sen, " Hong Kong, Singapore and the East
Asian Crisis: How Important were Trade Spillovers?", November 2000.
0041 Li Lin, Chang and Ramkishen S. Rajan, "Regional Versus Multilateral Solutions
to Transboundary Environmental Problems: Insights from the Southeast Asian
Haze", November 2000. Forthcoming in The World Economy, 2000.
0040 Rajan, Ramkishen S. " Are Multinational Sales to Affiliates in High Tax
Countries Overpriced? A Simple Illustration", November 2000. Forthcoming in
Economia Internazionale, 2000.
0039 Rajan, Ramkishen S. and Reza Siregar, " Private Capital Flows in East Asia:
Boom, Bust and Beyond", September 2000
0038 Yao, Shunli, "US Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China: What is at
Stake? A Global CGE Analysis", September 2000
0037 Yao, Shunli, "US Trade Sanctions and Global Outsourcing to China",
September 2000
0036 Barnes, Michelle L., "Threshold Relationships among Inflation, Financial
Market Development and Growth", August 2000
0035 Anderson, Kym, Chantal Pohl Nielsen and Sherman Robinson, "Estimating the
Economic Effects of GMOs: the Importance of Policy Choices and
Preferences", August 2000
0034 Anderson, Kym and Chantal Pohl Nielsen, "GMOs, Food Safety and the
Environment: What Role for Trade Policy and the WTO?" August 2000.
Forthcoming in Tomorrow's Agriculture: Incentives, Institutions, Infrastructure
and Innovations, edited by G.H. Peters and P. Pingali, Aldershot: Ashgate for
the IAAE, 2001
0033 Nguyen, Tin, "Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency, Speculators, Arbitrageurs
and International Capital Flows", July 2000
0032 Nielsen, Chantal Pohl and Kym Anderson, "Global Market Effects of
Alternative European Responses to GMOs", July 2000
0031 Rajan, Ramkishen S., and Reza Siregar, "The Vanishing Intermediate Regime
and the Tale of Two Cities: Hong Kong versus Singapore", July 2000
0030 Rajan, Ramkishen S, " (Ir)relevance of Currency Crisis Theory to the
Devaluation and Collapse of the Thai Baht", July 2000. (Forthcoming in
Princeton Studies in International Economics, International Economics Section,
Princeton University, 2000)
0029 Wittwer, Glyn and Kym Anderson, "Accounting for Growth in the Australian
Wine Industry between 1987 and 2003", July 2000
0028 Rajan, Ramkishen S., "Currency Basket Regimes for Southeast Asia: the Worst
System with the Exception of All Others", June 2000
0027 Jones, Ronald W. and Henryk Kierzkowski, "Horizontal Aspects of Vertical
Fragmentation", June 2000
0026 Alston, Julian M., John W Freebairn, and Jennifer S. James, "Beggar-thy-
Neighbour Advertising: Theory and Application to Generic Commodity
Promotion Programs", May 2000
0025 Anderson, Kym, "Lessons for Other Industries from Australia's Booming Wine
Industry", May 2000. Forthcoming in Australian Agribusiness Review, 8, 2000.
0024 Farrell, Roger, "Research Issues in Japanese Foreign Direct Investment", May
0023 Peng, Chao Yang, "Integrating Local, Regional and Global Assessment in
China's Air Pollution Control Policy", May 2000
0022 Maskus, Keith E., "Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Direct Investment",
May 2000 (Forthcoming in Research Issues in Foreign Direct Investment,
edited by Bijit Bora, London: Routledge)
0021 Nielsen, Chantal and Kym Anderson, "GMOs, Trade Policy, and Welfare in
Rich and Poor Countries", May 2000 (Forthcoming in condensed form in
Standards, Regulation and Trade, edited by Keith Maskus and John Wilson,
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001)
0020 Lall, Sanjaya, "FDI and Development: Research Issues in The Emerging
Context", April 2000 (Forthcoming in Research Issues in Foreign Direct
Investment, edited by Bijit Bora, London: Routledge)
0019 Markusen, James R., "Foreign Direct Investment and Trade", April 2000
(Forthcoming in Research Issues in Foreign Direct Investment, edited by Bijit
Bora, London: Routledge)
0018 Kokko, Ari, "FDI and the Structure of Home Country Production", April 2000
(Forthcoming in Research Issues in Foreign Direct Investment, edited by Bijit
Bora, London: Routledge)
0017 Damania, Richard, and Per G. Fredriksson, "Collective Action and Protection",
March 2000