Sexual Self
Sexual Self
Sexual Self
• Mouth and Lip- Many women rank the lips and mouth
highly as erogenous areas.
• Neck- One study found that the neck is very
sensitive to light touch, especially (oddly enough)
among people with low body fat.
excitement resolution
increase in pulse and blood pressure, more rapid
breathing, secretion of genital fluids, vaginal expansion,
and a general increase in muscle tension
return to a normal or subnormal
physiological state
S exual
O rientation,
G ender
I dentity, and
E xpression
based on physical characteristics (e.g. genitals)
– male, female, intersex
sexual orientation
emotional and sexual attraction to others
– heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual
gender identity
internal sense of identity as female, male, both or
neither, regardless of their sex
gender expression
how a person expresses their gender (include, but
not limited to, how they look, the name they choose,
the pronoun they use, and their social behavior)
– masculine, feminine, androgynous
• Gonorrhea
• is an infection caused by a sexually
transmitted bacterium that can infect
both male and female
• Often affects the urethra, rectum, or in
throat and can also infect cervix
• Genital Herpes
• Caused by the herpes simplex virus
• Symptoms may include are pain,
ulcers, itching
• Human papillomavirus infection
• Is a infection that commonly causes
skin or mucous membrane growths
• Can also cause cancer in the area of
• (AIDS)
• is the late last stage of HIV infection
• lowering your resistance to infection
and malignancy
• The natural family planning
methods do not involve any
chemical or foreign body
introduction into the human body
while for the artificial method
involves chemicals and foreign
• Withdrawal – its is where the penis is removed from the vagina
before the ejaculation
• Basal body temperature – a women temperature every morning.
Because the women body temperature drops about 1F 12 to 24 hour
before her ovary releases an egg
• Herbs for natural birth control – natural healing can be effective
and preventing from pregnancy
• Stoneseed root – would drink and inhale smoke root to induce
cause sterility
• Thistle – a hot tea made to cause infertility
• Ginger root – also a tea to initiate menstruation
• Barrier Methods – it physically stop the sperm from getting to the
egg. Condoms to prevent form STDs
• Hormonal Method – some birth control works by altering the
women hormones to make pregnancy unlikely or impossible, they
may take pills and control shots but it requires doctor prescription.
• Permanent Method – some people do not want any or any more
• Men can have (vasectomy)
• Women can have (tubal ligation)