Sexual Self

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Sexual Self

- determines the sexual concept of the individual.

• Can evolve during an individuals lifetime as a

result of experiences- internal or external.
• Decision to express one’s sexuality will
determine one’s identity as faced with future
challenges in the future.
• People with low self-esteem may turn off their erotic
feelings because they feel they don’t deserve them.
• Self-esteem provides the freedom to search for new
• Self-esteem lets people ask their partner to help satisfy
their preferences.
• Self-esteem makes it possible to engage in pleasuring.
• appear during puberty
• caused by hormones
• around two years earlier in girls than in
• pubic hair begins to grow
• underarm hair
• breasts develop
• fat deposits around the hips and buttocks
• girls gain less height and weight than boys
do during their teenage years
• growth of testicles and pubic hair
• chest becomes larger
• hair grows in the armpits
• muscles grow in the arms
• legs and shoulders become larger and
• facial hair grows (above the lips, on cheeks)
• larynx (voice box) becomes larger (deeper
• applies to people of all genders
• parts of the body that experience
heightened sensitivity and/or
signal sexual arousal of some kind
• Clitoris- Research shows that stimulating the clitoris is
the fastest and easiest way for many women to orgasm.

• Vagina- The interior of the vagina does contain nerve

endings, and deep stimulation leads to more intense
orgasms. The outer edge tends to respond to light

• Mouth and Lip- Many women rank the lips and mouth
highly as erogenous areas.
• Neck- One study found that the neck is very
sensitive to light touch, especially (oddly enough)
among people with low body fat.

• Breast and Nipples- Nipple stimulation sets

fireworks off in the same region of the brain that
processes sensations from the clitoris and
• Penis- both survey and lab-based scientific
experiments demonstrate that penile stimulation
significantly contributes to sexual satisfaction.

• Mouth and Lip- Male lips respond to light touch,

temperature, or pressure. Kissing also triggers a
release of hormones involved in intimacy—especially
oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone.”
• Scrotum- One of men’s most notable erogenous
zones. Lots of nerves mean that this area is super-
sensitive to touch.

• Neck- The neck has great sensitivity to low-

frequency vibration, making it a prime spot for light
erotic touch.

• Ears- highly sensitive to touch because of a high

number of sensory receptors on the skin.
• The human sexual response to sexually
arousing stimuli is a motivational incentive-
based cycle comprising subjective
experience and physiologic changes.
• The biology of human sexuality includes the
reproductive systems and the sexual
response cycle

• Is a sexual behavior that is defined as any activity

– solitary, between two persons, or in a group
that includes sexual arousal
• The Inherited Sexual Response –
Ensuring reproduction to become a part
of each individual’s genetic inheritance.

• The Degree of Restraint – exerted on the

individual by society in the expression of
his sexuality.
1. Solitary Behavior – self-gratification means
self-stimulation that leads to sexual arousal.
Most self-gratification takes place in private as
an end in its self, but can also be done in a
sociosexual relationship
2. Sociosexual Behavior – occurs only one
male and one female.
• Petting – differs from hugging, kissing, and
generalized caresses of the clothed body to
practice involving stimulation of genitals. It
is an expression of affection and a source of
pleasure in a way to learn how to interact
with another person sexually.
• Coitus – the insertion of the male
reproductive structure in to the female
reproductive organ.
• Physical attraction
• The desire to have sex
• Driven by the sex hormones
• lust involves cravings for sexual
gratification and biological horniness

Testosterone and oestrogen drive

• Love makes you focus on a particular
partner and occurs when you are truly
love-struck and can think of little else. The
three main neurotransmitters involved in
this stage, backed by science, are;
norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.
• Norepinephrine
• Dopamine
• Serotonin
-dopamine, norepinephrine, and Phenylethylamine
create attraction
-only when these three chemicals combine together, we
feel the real "chemistry" of love. It is due to this
combination that new lovers feel euphoric and energized
and can talk days and nights long.
• Attachment is the bond that keeps partners
together long enough for them to have and
raise children. The two major hormones
involved in this feeling of attachment are
oxytocin and vasopressin.

oxytocin and vasopressin mediate

-love is often accompanied by jealousy, erratic
behavior, and irrationality. It seems that our
hormones is also responsible for the downsides of
-Sexual arousal appears to turn-off regions in
our brain that regulate critical thinking, self-
awareness, and rational behavior, including
parts of the prefrontal cortex. In short, love
makes us dumb
• All humans possess fundamental psychological needs.
• Just like we need food, shelter, and sleep to survive, we
also need to fulfill our psychological needs to remain
mentally healthy and stable.
• One passionate, spontaneous sexual encounter can
change the course of a life, for better or worse.
• Sex is a strategy we use to meet our psychological needs
and not a need itself.
Differences Between Males And Females In Sex Psychology

•Typically, men seem to see sex as something that they

constantly need to seek out.
•Men have traditionally used their sex lives as a status symbol
with other men.
•In the past, women mainly sought sex out as a form of security.
•Women tend to see sex as an extension of their relationship
with a partner.


excitement resolution
increase in pulse and blood pressure, more rapid
breathing, secretion of genital fluids, vaginal expansion,
and a general increase in muscle tension


breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure continue to

increase, muscle tension increases
Orgasm (sexual climax)
a feeling of abrupt, intense pleasure, a rapid increase in
pulse rate and blood pressure, and spasms of the pelvic
muscles causing contractions of the female
reproductive organ and ejaculation by the male

return to a normal or subnormal
physiological state
S exual
O rientation,
G ender
I dentity, and
E xpression
based on physical characteristics (e.g. genitals)
– male, female, intersex

sexual orientation
emotional and sexual attraction to others
– heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual
gender identity
internal sense of identity as female, male, both or
neither, regardless of their sex

gender expression
how a person expresses their gender (include, but
not limited to, how they look, the name they choose,
the pronoun they use, and their social behavior)
– masculine, feminine, androgynous
• Gonorrhea
• is an infection caused by a sexually
transmitted bacterium that can infect
both male and female
• Often affects the urethra, rectum, or in
throat and can also infect cervix
• Genital Herpes
• Caused by the herpes simplex virus
• Symptoms may include are pain,
ulcers, itching
• Human papillomavirus infection
• Is a infection that commonly causes
skin or mucous membrane growths
• Can also cause cancer in the area of

• (AIDS)
• is the late last stage of HIV infection
• lowering your resistance to infection
and malignancy
• The natural family planning
methods do not involve any
chemical or foreign body
introduction into the human body
while for the artificial method
involves chemicals and foreign
• Withdrawal – its is where the penis is removed from the vagina
before the ejaculation
• Basal body temperature – a women temperature every morning.
Because the women body temperature drops about 1F 12 to 24 hour
before her ovary releases an egg
• Herbs for natural birth control – natural healing can be effective
and preventing from pregnancy
• Stoneseed root – would drink and inhale smoke root to induce
cause sterility
• Thistle – a hot tea made to cause infertility
• Ginger root – also a tea to initiate menstruation
• Barrier Methods – it physically stop the sperm from getting to the
egg. Condoms to prevent form STDs
• Hormonal Method – some birth control works by altering the
women hormones to make pregnancy unlikely or impossible, they
may take pills and control shots but it requires doctor prescription.
• Permanent Method – some people do not want any or any more
• Men can have (vasectomy)
• Women can have (tubal ligation)

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