BMC Public Health: Risk Factors For Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Clinic-Based Case Control Study in The Gambia
BMC Public Health: Risk Factors For Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Clinic-Based Case Control Study in The Gambia
BMC Public Health: Risk Factors For Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Clinic-Based Case Control Study in The Gambia
Address: 1Tuberculosis Division, Medical Research Council Laboratories, Banjul, The Gambia and 2Programme Tuberculose -UMR 145, Institut de
Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier, France
Email: Philip C Hill* - [email protected]; Dolly Jackson-Sillah - [email protected]; Simon A Donkor - [email protected];
Jacob Otu - [email protected]; Richard A Adegbola - [email protected]; Christian Lienhardt - [email protected]
* Corresponding author
Background : The tuberculosis (TB) epidemic in Africa is on the rise, even in low-HIV prevalence
settings. Few studies have attempted to identify possible reasons for this. We aimed to identify risk
factors for pulmonary tuberculosis in those attending a general outpatients clinic in The Gambia, a
sub-Saharan African country with relatively low HIV prevalence in the community and in TB
Methods: We conducted a case control study at the Medical Research Council Outpatients' clinic
in The Gambia. Pulmonary TB cases were at least 15 years old, controls were age and sex matched
clinic attendees. Participants were interviewed using a structured questionnaire.
Results: 100 sputum smear positive TB cases and 200 clinic controls were recruited. HIV
prevalence was 6.1% in cases and 3.3% in controls. Multivariable assessment of host factors showed
that risk of TB was increased among the Jola ethnic group and smokers, and decreased in those in
a professional occupation. Assessment of environmental factors showed an increased risk with
household crowding, history of household exposure to a known TB case, and absence of a ceiling
in the house. In a combined multivariable host-environment model, the risk of TB increased with
crowding, exposure to a known TB case, as well as amongst the Jola ethnic group.
Conclusion: In The Gambia, household crowding and past household exposure to a known TB
case are the standout risk factors for TB disease. Further research is needed to identify why risk
of TB seems to differ according to ethnicity.
Background tor in this [4]. However, even in African countries with rel-
Tuberculosis (TB) causes approximately 2 million deaths atively low HIV prevalence, the TB case notification has
per year globally [1]; 98% occur in low-income countries been rising: in The Gambia (where community HIV sero-
[2]. In Africa, in contrast to many other parts of the world, prevalence is approximately 2%[5]) TB case notification
the incidence rate is rising by approximately 6% per year rose from 82/100,000 in 1994 to 140/100,000 in 2004
[3] High rates of HIV infection have been a key driving fac- [6]. New ways to tackle the epidemic are urgently needed.
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Studies investigating the risk factors for TB have been con- blood test, and were counselled to have an HIV test. Those
ducted in a variety of settings, but very few in Africa [7]. found to be HIV positive were referred for post-test coun-
Recently, we published a community-based case control selling and appropriate care, according to national guide-
study of host and environmental risk factors for TB from lines.
3 West African countries [8] In a combined multivariable
model, male gender, HIV infection, smoking, history of Study participants answered a structured questionnaire
asthma, being widowed or divorced, family history of TB, administered in their own language by a trained health
increasing household size and not owning a house were worker. Information was collected on a wide range of
all identified as determinant risk factors for TB. potential host- and environment- related risk factors for
TB, focusing on those that might be amenable to an inter-
A particular aspect of conducting case control studies in vention. Host information collected included basic demo-
settings, such as many African countries, is the lack of graphic data (age, gender, ethnicity), past medical history
street address, post-code, telephone or recent reliable cen- of asthma and diabetes, history of smoking and alcohol
sus information, that has led investigators to consider var- consumption, schooling and category of occupation [11]
ious ways to select controls. One approach, as in our The presence of a BCG scar on the left or right deltoid was
previous study, is to select neighbourhood controls using checked. Environmental factors considered included the
a standard method[9]. However, as we identified, this presence of a functional electric or gas cooker, building
may lead to overmatching for environmental factors. An structure and materials, occupation of the head of the
alternative approach is to select clinic controls. We household and whether there had been another member
searched for host and environmental risk factors for pul- of the household with TB disease. We created a crowding
monary TB using a clinic based case control study in The index comprising 3 categories: (1) a household of less
Gambia, where HIV prevalence is low in both the commu- than 4 persons and less than 2 people sleeping per room
nity and in TB patients. on average; (2) either a household of less than 4 persons
and 2 or more persons per room, or a household of at
Methods least 4 persons but less than 2 persons per room; (3) a
The present case control study was conducted at the MRC household of at least 4 persons and at least 2 persons per
Laboratories general outpatients' department (OPD), was room.
approved by the joint Gambia government/MRC ethics
committee and all study participants provided written Data were double entered into an ACCESS database and
informed consent. The MRC Laboratories are located on checked for errors. Analysis was conducted using index
the edge of a large urban area in the Greater Banjul region case and control triplets. Odds ratios (OR) and their 95%
in The Gambia. The population of the area is approxi- confidence intervals (CI), were estimated using condi-
mately 500,000 people. Patients seeking healthcare at the tional logistic regression, with TB as an outcome. The like-
OPD have a wide variety of conditions, although patients lihood ratio test used to assess the association between the
with symptoms strongly suggestive of a surgical or obstet- explanatory variables and the risk of TB, and to test for
ric problem are not seen. The MRC OPD sees approxi- interaction and trend. Univariable analyses were per-
mately 250 patients per weekday and patients can be formed to examine the effect of each variable on the risk
admitted directly to an onsite ward for hospital care. of TB. Multivariable models were then constructed,
including variables that showed an effect in the prediction
Consecutive newly diagnosed sputum smear positive of TB in the univariable analyses at the p = 0.05 level of
tuberculosis patients older than 15 years were recruited significance. Finally a combined host and environment
from the OPD. Pulmonary TB was confirmed by two con- multivariable model was constructed. The analyses were
secutive sputum smears positive for acid-fast bacilli and a performed using STATA (version 7, Stata corporation,
positive culture; the smear and culture procedures were College Station, TX).
conducted as previously described [10].
For each case, two controls were selected. Controls were Over a 2-year period from June 2002 to June 2004, 100
age (within 10 year age bands) and sex-matched with a sputum smear and culture positive TB cases plus 200 age
respective case. The first 'first-time' OPD attendee fitting and sex matched controls were recruited. Three eligible
the age and sex criteria was approached on a clinic day. If cases and approximately 20% of eligible controls refused
he/she refused to be involved in the study, the next eligi- participation. The median age of both cases and controls
ble clinic attendee was approached. The control was seen was 30 years (Table 1). Six (6.1%) of 98 cases tested were
by the study doctor to address their medical complaint HIV positive, compared to 2 (3.3%) of 60 controls tested
and to have a chest x-ray to exclude pulmonary TB. All (p = 0.45). The age, sex and HIV status of the cases
cases and those controls with a clinical indication, had a recruited from this clinic were similar to those we have
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Age, years
Mean (std dev) 33.6 (14.4) 33.5 (13.2)
Median (range) 30 (15–75) 30 (15–75)
Sex, n (%)
Male 65 (65) 130 (65)
Female 35 (35) 70 (35)
HIV positive, n(%) 6a (6.1) 2b (3.3)
an = 98, b n = 60
previous reported from The Gambia []. The most com- Discussion
mon diagnoses among the controls were gastrointestinal In this clinic-based case-control study we have identified
problems (51; 25.5%) and skin complaints (36; 18%). key risk factors for tuberculosis in The Gambia. Over-
Other diagnoses in at least 5% of controls were: muscu- crowding and a history of household exposure to a known
loskeletal disorders (16; 8%), cardiovascular disorders TB case are the standout risk factors in this setting, while
(12; 6%), upper respiratory tract infections (13; 6.5%), we also found that being in the Jola ethnic group was a
malaria (13; 6.5%), urinary tract infections (11; 5.5%) risk factor.
and viral illness (10; 5%).
The finding that household exposure to a known TB case
Table 2 shows the assessment of host-related risk factors is by far the most important risk factor for TB in this TB-
for TB disease. In the univariable analysis, members of the endemic setting is consistent with our previous study,
Jola ethnic group, those widowed or divorced and smok- where 24% of West African TB cases had a family history
ers were significantly more likely to have TB, while trained of TB compared to 10% of controls (OR 3.24; 95% CI
professional workers (eg. school teacher, nurse, doctor, 2.3–4.6; p < 0.001)[8]. Here, 45% of cases reported
pharmacist) had significantly lower risk. In the multivari- household exposure to a known TB case, compared to
able analysis, Jola (p = 0.028) and smoking (p = 0.032) 11% of controls. This finding is of substantial public
remained significant risk factors, while professional work- health importance. Increased household size was found
ers also remained at significantly reduced risk (p = 0.039). to be important in our previous study, and overcrowding
has been documented as a risk factor for TB from several
Table 3 shows the assessment of environmental risk fac- other studies in a variety of settings [12,13]. It is of note
tors for TB disease. In the univariable analysis, the absence that three quarters of cases and 60% of controls in this
of a ceiling, walls made of mud, the highest category of study were from households that were in the highest
household crowding, and a history of TB in another mem- crowding category-reflecting the extent of this issue in
ber of the household were all found to be associated with urban Gambia.
TB disease. In a multivariable model, the absence of a ceil-
ing (p = 0.032), household crowding (likelihood ratio test Differences in TB rates between racial groups have been
for linear trend: p = 0.0013) and a history of TB in another previously described. It is thought that a large proportion
household member (p < 0.0001) remained significant. of the differences seen can ultimately be explained by
environmental and behavioural factors [14,15]. Our find-
Table 4 shows the results of a multivariable model assess- ing in Jola remained significant despite adjustment for a
ing both host and environmental risk factors that were sig- number of host and environmental factors. However, this
nificant in their respective individual analyses. Being in finding could be due to other factors that have not been
the Jola ethnic group (p = 0.012), the highest crowding considered, such as a difference in geographical residence
category (p = 0.003) and a history of TB in another house- of the various ethnic groups covered by our clinic, leading
hold member (p < 0.0001) remained significant risk fac- to a differential distribution of the time to attend the
tors. Increasing crowding across the three categories was clinic, and thus a lower chance for Jola persons to be
significantly associated with TB by the likelihood ratio test selected as controls.
for linear trend (p = 0.0038). The absence of a ceiling
remained significant only at the p = 0.1 level of signifi- In the combined multivariate analysis smoking was not
cance, whereas smoking and occupation lost significance an independent risk factor for TB. However, in previous
in this combined model. No significant interactions case-control studies, we and others found that smoking is
between variables were found. a risk factor and that there is strong dose-response rela-
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Table 2: Host-related factors for tuberculosis: comparison of TB cases and clinic controls.
Variable Controls Cases Total No. triplets OR (95% CI) p-value AdjaOR (95% CI) Adja p value
tionship between smoking and TB [8,16,17]. In this study borderline significance (OR 0.79; 0.63–1.00; p = 0.05)
we sought to identify those who were smokers only dur- [8]. There is no obvious explanation for this difference.
ing the previous 6 months. By doing so, we may have
underestimated the effect of smoking. Furthermore, while A potential weakness in our study is that less than a third
selection of clinic controls is reasonable when the source of controls had an HIV test. The study was considered to
population is difficult to define, bias can be introduced if not have the power to assess HIV infection as a risk factor
any controls are admitted because of an illness that is for disease, noting our previously reported prevalence in
related to a risk factor under study. Smoking related dis- sputum smear positive cases of 8% [18], and in the com-
eases are obvious candidates for this bias, leading to an munity of approximately 2%[5]. To address this issue we
underestimate of the effect of smoking with respect to the have re-run our analyses excluding those that are known
disease under study. While the absence of a ceiling was to be HIV positive and our findings were not significantly
only significant at the p = 0.1 level of significance in the altered. A further issue is a potential bias in this commu-
combined model, it does stand in contrast to our previous nity associated with questions about asthma and diabetes-
finding in the community based study that showed, in the certainly mild forms of these diseases may well have not
univariable analysis, a trend in the opposite direction of been diagnosed. Further, because of the unreliability of
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Table 3: Environmental factors for tuberculosis: comparison of TB cases and clinic controls.
Variable Controls n (%) Cases n (%) Total No. OR (95% CI) p-value Adja OR (95% Adja p value
triplets CI)
verbal history, we did not ask about a history of worms or have symptoms in the long term. Second, ways to avoid
worm treatment. It is also worth noting that, because of overcrowding in urban settings should be sought. There is
matching, we could not assess the importance of no easy solution to this problem, as it is inextricably
increased age and male sex, both factors having been linked to indices of wealth at a population level. Third,
shown previously to be associated with TB [7,19,20]. further studies are required to ascertain whether the Jola
ethnic group have a behavioural cause for their increased
Conclusion rate of TB, which may be amenable to intervention.
With respect to opportunities for intervention, this study Finally, while smoking was not an independent risk factor
has identified several possibilities. First of all, since a his- in a final combined model, there is ample evidence from
tory of a known TB contact inside the household is other studies to confirm it as a risk factor for TB disease
extremely common in The Gambia for those who develop and it is a known killer of its own right.
disease themselves, active tracing of TB case contacts
should be considered to identify co-prevalent cases and to
encourage early attendance at TB clinics for those who
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Table 4: Combined multivariable assessment of host and Environmental factors for tuberculosis: comparison of TB cases and clinic
controls (n = 274).
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