Childhood Tuberculosis and Its Early Diagnosis: James W. Gray
Childhood Tuberculosis and Its Early Diagnosis: James W. Gray
Childhood Tuberculosis and Its Early Diagnosis: James W. Gray
Received 7 November 2003; received in revised form 9 March 2004; accepted 9 March 2004
Traditional methods for laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis are unsatisfactory, especially for children, in whose specimens mycobacteria
are usually sparse. Recent changes in tuberculosis epidemiology in developed countries, including a large increase in incidence in children
from certain ethnic minorities, have prompted interest in newer diagnostic methods. Liquid-based culture detection systems offer improved
sensitivity and speed of diagnosis, although the time taken for d etection of growth is still upwards of 1 week. Nucleic acid amplification
techniques offer more rapid results, but perform best on smear-positive samples; sensitivities may be as low as 50% in smear-negative
specimens. Although these newer techniques are widely used in some developed countries, in others, they are not perceived as offering
sufficient benefit to justify their routine use. The diagnostic accuracy of mycobacteriophage and serologic methods is insufficient to justify
their wide use even in developing countries. Despite recent developments, there is still no panacea for diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis.
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J.W. Gray / Clinical Biochemistry 37 (2004) 450–455 451
incidence of tuberculosis in children of black African ethnic identification, and drug susceptibility testing of M. tubercu-
origin from 15 to 71 per 100 000 over the same period [8]. losis is typically 4 – 6 weeks, although cultures should be
In all countries, the diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis is maintained for up to 12 weeks before being reported as
often made without laboratory confirmation. In developing negative [15]. However, the US Centers for Disease Control
countries, up to 90% of symptomatic cases are diagnosed have recommended that M. tuberculosis should be identified,
solely from clinical history and examination, and tuberculo- and first-line drug susceptibility testing completed, within 30
sis score charts have been widely used to assist in this days of specimen collection [16]. Recent developments in
process [9,10]. However, increasing numbers of malnour- the laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis have attempted, so
ished and HIV-positive children have compromised the value far with only limited success, to address the poor sensitivity
of such scoring systems [9]. Non-laboratory investigations and slowness of traditional diagnostic methods.
have a limited role in the diagnosis of childhood tuberculo-
sis. Tuberculin skin testing (e.g., the Mantoux test) gives Specimens
negative results in up to 40% of children with tuberculosis,
and radiographic findings are often non-specific [11]. Almost all laboratory techniques for diagnosis of tuber-
Reliable diagnosis of tuberculosis depends on laboratory culosis depend upon detection of mycobacteria. Therefore,
confirmation, but traditional diagnostic methods have long obtaining good quality specimens, containing the highest
been recognised to be less than optimal. In recent years, possible numbers of mycobacteria, is central to the diagno-
several new diagnostic techniques have been developed to sis of tuberculosis. Multiple samples will improve the
improve the speed and reliability of tuberculosis diagnosis. diagnostic yield, and specimen volumes should be as large
However, none of these has proven to be a diagnostic as possible, especially from sites such as CSF where myco-
panacea. Another consideration is that with the decline in bacteria are especially scanty.
incidence of tuberculosis in the indigenous children of many
industrialised countries, clinicians’ expectations of tubercu- Pulmonary tuberculosis
losis testing are changing. Now, the need is often to exclude For childhood pulmonary tuberculosis, the best specimen
tuberculosis from the differential diagnosis in low-risk remains early morning gastric aspirates. However, the
patients, so that drug therapy can confidently be withheld sensitivity is still poor (<50% in most hands, and 33% in
or discontinued. A national audit found that only 3.3% of one recent UK report) [5]. In theory, flexible fibreoptic
primary samples submitted for mycobacterial diagnosis in bronchoscopy might be expected to deliver good quality
the UK produced a positive mycobacterial culture [12], and specimens, however, in practice, it has proved inferior to
in the author’s own laboratory, fewer than 1% of specimens gastric aspirates [13]. However, bronchoscopy can be clin-
investigated for tuberculosis are positive. ically useful, especially in guiding the use of steroid therapy
The purpose of this article is to review the state-of-the-art for children whose chest radiographs are not suggestive of
position on diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis. bronchial involvement [17].
Microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis In tuberculous pleurisy biochemical analysis of the
pleural fluid is indicative of a mild exudate, with a protein
The mainstays of diagnosis of tuberculosis remain mi- concentration of 20 – 40 g/l. There are several thousand
croscopy, and culture on solid and liquid media. However, leucocytes/mm3, with an early predominance of polymorphs
neither microscopy nor culture offers good sensitivity. This giving way to a later lymphocytosis. Smears are rarely
is a particular problem for pediatric microbiology laborato- positive, because of the paucity of mycobacteria in the
ries because the bacterial load in childhood tuberculosis is fluid, and for the same reason, cultures are only positive
substantially lower than that in post-primary tuberculosis in in 15 –70% of cases [18,19]. Although ZN-stained smears
adults. The problem of the relative paucity of mycobacteria of pleural biopsy material are positive in fewer than 10% of
in pediatric samples is compounded by the difficulty in cases, histopathological examination reveals granulomas
obtaining good quality clinical samples of satisfactory vol- that are acid fast-positive in over 50% of cases, and cultures
ume, especially from younger children who are unable to are positive in over 90% [18].
produce sputum [13]. Microscopy can provide same-day
preliminary information, but cannot distinguish between Meningitis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other Mycobacterium spe- The CSF leukocyte count is usually in the range of 10–
cies. In adults, microscopy has the added advantage of 500/mm3 and lymphocytes usually predominate. The CSF
providing a measure of infectivity, but this observation protein concentration is usually markedly elevated (4– 50 g/
may be less important in pediatrics, where secondary cases l), the highest levels being associated with hydrocephalus
in contacts of children with smear-positive respiratory secre- and spinal block. The CSF glucose concentration is reduced,
tions or gastric aspirates appear to be rare [14]. With typically to 2.2 mmol/l or less [19]. The success of tests for
traditional culture methods, the time taken for isolation, detection of M. tuberculosis depends on both the volume of
452 J.W. Gray / Clinical Biochemistry 37 (2004) 450–455
that they would be particularly useful in this setting because tively poor sensitivity, with positive results obtainable in
of the need for a sensitive detection method for M. tuber- 80 – 100% and 50– 95% of smear-positive and smear-nega-
culosis and other Mycobacterium species. Whilst the BAC- tive culture-positive respiratory samples [29]. NAATs may
TEC MGIT 960 system has been reported to offer be even less sensitive with non-pulmonary samples [29].
comparable sensitivity and speed of detection to the BAC- DNA purification before amplification can improve sensi-
TEC 460 in some studies [24], others have found the 460 tivity, but probably at the expense of specificity [30,31]. A
system to be superior for detection of non-tuberculous nested PCR was recently reported to offer improved sensi-
mycobacteria [23]. This is surprising, given the highly tivity for detection of M. tuberculosis in children [32].
enriched formulation of the MGIT medium that presumably Another more straightforward means of improving sensitiv-
accounts for the high contamination rate that has been ity is simply to test multiple samples, presumably because
consistently reported with the MGIT 960 [23 –25]. not all samples will contain detectable nucleic acid [15].
All of these systems are more expensive than conven- Whilst few studies have specifically evaluated the use of
tional culture, and even in developed countries, competition NAATs in pediatrics, a metaanalysis of PCR for diagnosis of
for limited health care resources means that they have not smear-negative tuberculosis concluded that the sensitivity
been adopted universally. Instead, in the UK at least, their and specificity of PCR compared less favourably in the six
use has been largely limited to samples from individual studies that included gastric aspirates [31]. The same meta-
patients in whom there is a particular clinical need for a analysis concluded that NAATs are not consistently accurate
rapid result, for example, in smear-negative clinically sus- enough to be routinely recommended for the diagnosis of
pected cases or where drug resistance is suspected. smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis, but that they might
be most useful for testing bronchial specimens (as opposed
Species identification and drug susceptibility testing to sputum or gastric aspirates) in highly suspicious TB cases
These final elements in the laboratory diagnosis of [31]. NAATs may also be sometimes useful to confirm M.
tuberculosis are usually centralised at regional or national tuberculosis in smear-positive cases. Whenever and however
reference laboratories. As such, detailed discussion of NAATs are used, it is important that requesting clinicians
developments in this area is outside the scope of this article. have information on local experience of their sensitivities
Briefly, rapid genotypic methods are now widely used for and specificities to assist interpreting the significance of both
speciation, and rapid genotypic and phenotypic methods for positive and negative results.
drug susceptibility testing, of Mycobacterium species [12].
Whilst molecular techniques are the most rapid means of Mycobacteriophage
speciation, at present, their use in drug susceptibility testing Many of the advances in tuberculosis diagnosis described
is largely restricted to screening for rifampicin resistance above are dependent on high capital cost equipment that is
(because most mutations conferring resistance to this drug inaccessible to most high-incidence countries. The FAST-
are confined to a short section of the gene encoding the h PlaqueTB (BIOTEC Laboratories, UK) is a commercial
subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase). The most widely used technique that has been marketed to provide rapid diagnosis
phenotypic methods are based on the liquid-based culture of tuberculosis in settings where there is limited access to
systems. Using these, identification of M. tuberculosis to diagnostic laboratories. It utilises a mycobacteriophage (a
species level and drug susceptibility results are usually virus that specifically infects mycobacteria) to reflect the
available within 3 to 6 and 4 to 12 days, respectively [26]. presence of M. tuberculosis in a specimen within 48 h.
Sensitivities of 58.3% to 87.5% in culture-positive samples
Nucleic acid amplification techniques have been reported [33,34].
The use of nucleic acid amplification techniques (NAATs)
is theoretically highly attractive for the diagnosis of tuber- Serology
culosis because they offer potential for high sensitivity and Despite the availability of purified and recombinant
specificity as well as rapid results. Various NAATs are antigens and monoclonal antibodies for competition assays,
commercially available, including PCR (Amplicor, Roche, serological testing has never been developed satisfactorily
Switzerland); transcription-mediated amplification (Gen- for diagnosis of tuberculosis. A particular problem in
Probe, USA), strand displacement amplification (ProbeTec- pediatrics is that children tend to have lower antibody titres,
SDA, Becton Dickinson, USA), and ligase chain reaction making distinction from natural exposure antibodies more
(LCx, Abbott Systems, USA). However, in practice, these difficult [35]. A number of protein and non-protein myco-
techniques have failed to fulfil some of their theoretical bacterial antigens have been investigated for use in antibody
promise. This compares with chlamydia diagnosis, where detection assays. However, IgA, IgG, and/or IgM responses
NAATs rapidly established themselves as the diagnostic tests to these appear to offer adequate sensitivity (29 – 75%) or
of choice [27]. Since they were first developed, the specific- specificity (50 – 92%), either alone or in multiantigen assays,
ities of NAATs for detection of mycobacteria have improved to be useful as a confirmatory test for childhood tuberculosis
markedly, but remains at less than 100% [28]. However, the [36 –41]. Another problem is that sensitivity is markedly
most disappointing feature of NAATs has been their rela- lower in patients with HIV co-infection [40].
454 J.W. Gray / Clinical Biochemistry 37 (2004) 450–455
Provision of tuberculosis laboratory diagnostic services mens that are negative by microscopy); the possibility of
In 1988, the World Health Organisation published defi- false positives; the additional cost; and the fact that with
nitions of peripheral, intermediate, and central tuberculosis limited sample volumes (as is often the case in pediatrics),
diagnostic laboratories [42]. The former are laboratories that use of multiple tests may actually decrease the overall
are capable of undertaking microscopy on sputum smears. likelihood of obtaining a positive result.
Intermediate laboratories have a greater repertoire of micro- Whilst newer diagnostic techniques for tuberculosis do
scopic techniques, undertake mycobacterial culture, and have some advantages over conventional methods, the
undertake species identification of M. tuberculosis. Central question that has to be addressed by laboratories consider-
laboratories can identify all Mycobacterium species and ing their use is whether the benefits that they offer justify
undertake antibiotic susceptibility testing. These definitions the additional cost. In developed countries, where tubercu-
were intended mainly for use in developing countries where losis is confirmed in fewer than 5% of patients investigated,
the lack of financial and infrastructure resources are major the challenge is to determine evidence-based guidelines for
limiting factors, and although they pre-dated the wide the clinical indications and specimen types at which the
commercial availability of newer diagnostic technologies, newer tests should be targeted. The potential value of these
they probably continue to represent a reasonable standard newer diagnostic techniques in developing countries with a
for most developing countries to aim to attain. high incidence of symptomatic childhood tuberculosis is
In developed countries, where financial constraints are clear, but these countries are unlikely to be able to provide
less (but still) important, there is more scope to develop much of the necessary infrastructure for, or afford the
diagnostic laboratory services according to local epidemio- additional costs of, these tests in the foreseeable future.
logical patterns and clinical need. For example, in areas Advances in the diagnosis of tuberculosis applicable to
with a high incidence of HIV infection or multi-drug- children in high-burden countries remain frustratingly out
resistant M. tuberculosis, the need for rapid turnaround of of reach.
species identification and antimicrobial susceptibility results
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