What Is Culture (Reaction Paper)
What Is Culture (Reaction Paper)
What Is Culture (Reaction Paper)
BSED-Mathematics II B
TTH (10:30-12:00)
The different quotations about culture as compiled by Helen Spencer-Oatey is a great aid
if you want to have an in-depth view of culture and anything related to it. In the paper, culture is
viewed as fuzzy and hard to define. British Anthropologist Edward Tylor said that, “Culture is that
complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. But Tylor’s definition of culture
isn’t the only one, in fact, it is just one of the one hundred and sixty four or more definition of
culture. Some would say that culture is derived from experience and some would also say that it
is a collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of a certain group from
the other. Oatey also highlighted in her paper some of the key characteristics and common
misconceptions about culture. In the later part of the paper, she presented some terms related
to culture. It is stressed there that culture isn’t equivalent to terms such as nation, race, ethnicity,
or even identity.
Reading some of the quotations about culture makes me look back at the times when I
used to joke with my friends and we would utter words such as “wala man kay culture” or
“uncultured swine” as a way to make fun of each other when we do and say things that are absurd
or when we lack knowledge about things or happenings that are considered as basic. I just
realized that when we said those words, our view and understanding of culture isn’t actually that
broad for we are only referring to one of the many key characteristics of culture which is
descriptive and linked to terms such as civilized, well-educated, and refined. But culture isn’t just
about being educated, as a matter of fact culture encompasses so much more.
When Oatey mentioned the notion that culture is learned from the people you interact
with, it makes me see people from a different light and explains why we act the way we do. When
we were young, my brother and I were taught by our parents to not meddle with the adult talks
and businesses. So, when we have adult guests around and they started talking about their own
stuff we would just sit in the corner or play and try our best not to disrupt them. This kind of
behavior that our parents taught us are still instilled in my mind. Even though I considered myself
old enough to understand adult issues and concerns, I would still try my best to not be nosy in
other people’s business unless my opinion is needed. For me, that is an example of a set of
behavior and culture influenced by the people that surrounds us.
Another thing about culture that I can totally relate with is that it is subject to gradual
change. Before, people viewed Filipino women as home buddies only meant to maintain the
household and to take care of her children and attend to the needs of her husband. It is unusual
for them to work and they are often viewed as weak. But now, it isn’t new to see Filipino women
working for their family and have her husband take care of the house and the children. Women
now can do so much and are seen as equal to their male counterparts. The different key
characteristics of culture mentioned in the paper tells me that I still have a lot to learn about
culture and that my understanding of it isn’t enough and as I get into reading the rest of the
paper, my misconception about culture is corrected. I have now realized, that it isn’t just about
behaviors, practices and traditions.
In the end, Oatey’s compilation about culture is a big help for me to be more
understanding of the people that I get to meet every day and is a great reminder of our own
uniqueness and individuality.