8.2.1 Representation of Ternary Data: Solute Solute
8.2.1 Representation of Ternary Data: Solute Solute
8.2.1 Representation of Ternary Data: Solute Solute
Group Solute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(þ) Plus sign means that compounds in the column group tend to raise activity coefficients of compounds in the row group.
() Minus sign means a lowering of activity coefficients.
(0) Zero means no effect.
Choose a solvent that lowers the activity coefficient.
Source: R.W. Cusack, P. Fremeaux, and D. Glate, Chem Eng., 98(2), 66–76 (1991).
capacity for acetone. If the compound is environmentally common are Type II systems, in Figure 8.10b, which include:
objectionable, though, it must be rejected. (1) n-heptane/aniline/methylcyclohexane, (2) styrene/ethyl-
A sophisticated solvent-selection method, based on the benzene/diethylene glycol, and (3) chlorobenzene/water/
UNIFAC group-contribution method for estimating activity methyl ethyl ketone. For Type I, the solute and solvent are
coefficients and utilizing a computer-aided constrained opti- miscible in all proportions, while in Type II they are not. For
mization approach, has been developed by Naser and Four- Type I systems, the larger the two-phase region on line CS,
nier [23]. A preliminary solvent selection can also be made the greater the immiscibility of carrier and solvent. The
using tables of partition coefficients and Godfrey Miscibility closer the top of the two-phase region is to apex A, the greater
Numbers in Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook [106]. the range of feed composition, along line AC, that can be sep-
arated with solvent S. In Figure 8.11, only feed solutions in
the composition range from C to F can be separated because,
§8.2.1 Representation of Ternary Data
regardless of how much solvent is added, two liquid phases
Chapter 4 introduced ternary diagrams for representing are not formed in the feed composition range of FA (i.e., FS
liquid–liquid equilibrium data at constant temperature. Such does not pass through the two-phase region). Figure 8.11a
diagrams are available for a large number of systems, as dis- has a wider range of feed composition than Figure 8.11b. For
cussed by Humphrey et al. [6]. For ternary systems, the most Type II systems, a high degree of insolubility of S in C and C
common diagram is Type I, shown in Figure 8.10a; much less in S will produce a desirable high relative selectivity, but at
A Solute
Plait Equilibrium
point curve
Raffinate Tie
phase lin
Tie lin
ph tract
Solvent S
E1 E2 E3 En En + 1 EN –1 EN
1 2 n N–1 N
Figure 8.13 Countercurrent-flow,
R1 R2 Rn–1 Rn RN–2 RN –1 Raffinate N-equilibrium-stage liquid–liquid
RN extraction cascade.
En ¼ mass flow rate of extract leaving stage n; direction. Sometimes the solutropy phenomenon disappears
Rn ¼ mass flow rate of raffinate leaving stage n; if mole-fraction coordinates, rather than mass-fraction coor-
dinates, are used.
(yi)n ¼ mass fraction of species i in extract leaving stage
n; and
(xi)n ¼ mass fraction of species i in raffinate leaving stage n. §8.3.1 Number of Equilibrium Stages
Although Figure 8.13 implies that the extract is the light From the degrees-of-freedom discussions in §4.1 and §5.8,
phase, either phase can be the light phase. Phase equilibrium the following sets of specifications for the ternary component
is represented, as in §4.5, on an equilateral-triangle diagram, cascade of Figure 8.13 can be made, where, in addition, all
as proposed by Hunter and Nash [26], or on a right-triangle sets include the specification of F, (xi)F, (yi)S, and T:
diagram, as proposed by Kinney [27]. Assume the ternary sys-
tem is A (solute), C (carrier), and S (solvent) at a temperature, Set 1. S and ðxi ÞRN Set 4. N and ðxi ÞRN
T, such that liquid–liquid equilibrium data are as shown in Set 2. S and ðyi ÞE1 Set 5. N and ðyi ÞE1
Figure 8.14, where the bold line is the equilibrium curve (also Set 3. ðxi ÞRN and ðyi ÞE1 Set 6. S and N
called the binodal curve because the plait point separates the
curve into an extract to the left and a raffinate to the right), where ðxi ÞRN and ðyi ÞE1 and all exiting phases lie on the equi-
and the dashed lines are tie lines connecting compositions of librium curve.
equilibrium phases. Because the tie lines slope upward from Calculations for sets 1 to 3 involve determination of N, and
the C side toward the S side, at equilibrium, A has a concentra- are made using triangular diagrams. Sets 4 to 6 involve a spec-
tion higher in S than in C. Thus, in this example, S is an effec- ified N, and require an iterative procedure. First consider set 1,
tive solvent for extracting A. Alternatively, because the tie with the procedures for sets 2 and 3 being minor modifica-
lines slope downward from the S side toward the C side, C is tions. The technique, sometimes called the Hunter–Nash
not an effective solvent for extracting A from S. method [26], involves three kinds of constructions on the
Some systems, such as isopropanol–water–benzene, triangular diagram, and is more difficult than the McCabe–
exhibit a phenomenon called solutropy, wherein moving Thiele staircase method for distillation. Although the proce-
from the plait point into the two-phase region of the diagram, dure is illustrated here only for a Type I system, parallel
the tie lines first slope in one direction; but then the slope principles apply to a Type II system. The constructions are
diminishes until an intermediate tie line becomes horizontal. shown in Figure 8.14, where A is the solute, C the carrier, and
Below that tie line, the remaining tie lines slope in the other S the solvent. On the equilibrium curve, extract compositions
90 10
Tie line
80 20 Operating line
Equilibrium curve
70 30
60 40
50 point 50
40 E1 60
30 70
20 M 80
Mmax 10 90
RN Figure 8.14 Construction 1: Location of
(Solvent) S C (Carrier)
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 product points.
C08 09/20/2010 Page 314
lie to the left of the plait point, while all raffinate compositions material balances above, or from Figure 8.14 by the inverse-
lie to the right. Determination of N is as follows, given lever-arm rule:
feed and solvent flow rates and compositions, and raffinate
E1 =M ¼ MRN =E1 RN
RN =M ¼ ME 1 =E1 RN
Construction 1 (Product Composition Points)
with M ¼ 350 kg. By either method the results are:
First, on Figure 8.14, locate mixing point M, which repre-
sents the combined composition of feed F plus entering Raffinate Product Extract Product
solvent S. Assume the following feed and solvent specifica-
tions, as plotted in Figure 8.14: RN ¼ 198.6 kg E1 ¼ 151.4 kg
(xA) ¼ 0.025 (xA) ¼ 0.364
Feed Solvent (xC) ¼ 0.90 (xC) ¼ 0.075
(xS) ¼ 0.075 (xS) ¼ 0.561
F ¼ 250 kg S ¼ 100 kg
(xA)F ¼ 0.24 (xA)S ¼ 0.00
Also included in Figure 8.14 is point Mmax, which lies on
(xC)F ¼ 0.76 (xC)S ¼ 0.00
the equilibrium curve along the straight line connecting F
(xS)F ¼ 0.00 (xS)S ¼ 1.00
to S. Mmax corresponds to the maximum possible solvent
By material balances, composition M of combined F and S addition if two liquid phases are to exist.
M ¼ F þ S ¼ 250 þ 100 ¼ 350 kg Construction 2 (Operating Point and Operating Lines)
ðxA ÞM M ¼ ðxA ÞF F þ ðxA ÞS S
¼ 0:24ð250Þ þ 0ð100Þ ¼ 60 kg For vapor-liquid cascades, §6.3 and §7.2 describe an operat-
ðxA ÞM ¼ 60=350 ¼ 0:171 ing line that is the locus of passing streams in a cascade.
Referring to Figure 8.13, material balances around groups of
stages from the feed end are
ðxC ÞM M ¼ ðxC ÞF F þ ðxC ÞS S
¼ 0:76ð250Þ þ 0ð100Þ ¼ 190 kg F E1 ¼ ¼ Rn1 En ¼ ¼ RN S ¼ P ð8-5Þ
ðxC ÞM ¼ 190=350 ¼ 0:543 Because the passing streams are differenced, P defines a
difference point, not a mixing point, M. From the same geo-
ðxS ÞM M ¼ ðxS ÞF F þ ðxS ÞS S metric considerations that apply to a mixing point, a differ-
¼ 0ð250Þ þ 1ð100Þ ¼ 100 kg ence point also lies on a line through the points involved.
ðxS ÞM ¼ 100=350 ¼ 0:286 However, whereas M lies inside the diagram and between the
two end points, P usually lies outside the triangular diagram
From any two of the (xi)M values, point M is located, as
along an extrapolation of the line through two points such as
shown, in Figure 8.14. Based on properties of the triangular
F and E1, RN and S, and so on.
diagram discussed in §4.5, point M must be located on the
To locate the difference point, two straight lines are drawn
straight line connecting F and S. Therefore, M can be located
through the passing-stream point pairs (E1, F) and (S, RN)
knowing just one value of (xi)M, say, (xS)M. Also, the ratio S/F
established by Construction 1 and shown in Figure 8.15.
is given by the inverse-lever-arm rule as
These lines are extrapolated until they intersect at difference
S=F ¼ MF=MS ¼ 100=250 ¼ 0:400 point P. These lines and point P are shown in Figure 8.15.
or From (8-5), straight lines drawn through points for any other
S=M ¼ MF=SF ¼ 100=350 ¼ 0:286 pair of passing streams, such as (En, Rn1), must also pass
Thus, point M can be located by two points or by measure- through point P. Thus, the difference point becomes an oper-
ment, employing either of these ratios. ating point, and lines drawn through pairs of points for pass-
With point M located, the composition of exiting extract ing streams and extrapolated to point P are operating lines.
E1 is determined from overall material balances: The difference point has properties similar to a mixing
point. If F E1 ¼ P is rewritten as F ¼ E1 þ P; F can be
M ¼ RN þ E1 ¼ 350 kg interpreted as the mixing point for P and E1. Therefore, by
ðxA ÞM M ¼ 60 ¼ ðxA ÞRN RN þ ðxA ÞE1 E1 the inverse-lever-arm rule, the length of line E1 P relative to
ðxC ÞM M ¼ 190 ¼ ðxC ÞRN RN þ ðxC ÞE1 E1 the length of line FP is
ðxS ÞM M ¼ 100 ¼ ðxS ÞRN RN þ ðxS ÞE1 E1 E1 P E1 þ P F
¼ ¼ ð8-6Þ
FP E1 E1
Specify ðxA ÞRN ¼ 0:025. Because it lies on the equilibrium
curve, RN can be located and the values of ðxC ÞRN and ðxS ÞRN Thus, point P can be located with a ruler using either pair of
can be read from Figure 8.14. A straight line drawn from RN feed-product passing streams.
through M locates E1 at the equilibrium-curve intersection, The operating point, P, lies on the feed or raffinate side of
from which the composition of E1 can be read. Values of the the diagram in Figure 8.15. Depending on the relative
flow rates RN and E1 can then be determined from the overall amounts of feed and solvent and the slope of the tie lines,
C08 09/20/2010 Page 315
Tie line
90 10
Operating line
80 20 Equilibrium curve
70 30
60 40
50 50
40 E1 60
30 70
20 80 Opera
ting li
ne Operating
10 90 point
S C Operating line Figure 8.15 Construction 2: Location of
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
operating point.
point P may lie on the solvent or feed side of the diagram, point to J is determined from four tie lines and the plait point.
and inside or outside of the diagram. From tie line DE, lines DG and EF are drawn parallel to
triangle sides CB and AC, respectively. The intersection at
point H gives a second point on the conjugate curve. Subse-
Construction 3 (Tie Lines and Equilibrium Lines)
quent intersections establish additional points from which the
The third type of construction involves the tie lines that conjugate curve is drawn. Then, using the curve, additional
define the equilibrium curve, which is divided into the two tie lines are drawn by reversing the procedure. If it is desired
sides (raffinate and extract) by the plait point. For Type I dia- to keep the conjugate curve inside the two-liquid-phase
grams, the plait point is the composition of two equilibrium region of the triangular diagram, the procedure illustrated in
phases that become one phase. A material balance around Figure 8.16b is used, where lines are drawn parallel to trian-
stage n for any of the three components is gle sides AB and AC.
ðxi Þn1 Rn1 þ ðyi Þnþ1 Enþ1 ¼ ðxi Þn Rn þ ðyi Þn En ð8-7Þ
Stepping Off Stages
Because Rn and En are in equilibrium, their composition
points are at the two ends of a tie line. Typically, a diagram Equilibrium stages are stepped off by alternate use of tie lines
will not contain all tie lines needed; however, they may be and operating lines, as shown in Figure 8.17, where Con-
added by centering them between existing tie lines, or by structions 1 and 2 have been employed to locate points F, E,
using either of two interpolation procedures illustrated in S, R1, and P. Starting at the feed end from point E1 and refer-
Figure 8.16. In Figure 8.16a, the conjugate line from the plait ring to Figure 8.13, it is seen that R1 is in equilibrium with
E1. Therefore, by Construction 3, R1 in Figure 8.17 must be
C at the opposite end of a tie line (shown as a dashed line) con-
necting to E1. From Figure 8.13, R1 passes E2. Therefore, by
Plait Construction 2, E2 lies at the intersection of the straight oper-
ating line drawn through points R1 and P, and back to the
extract side of the equilibrium curve. From E2, R2 is located
D with a tie line by Construction 3; from R2, E3 is located by
C Construction 2. Continuing in this fashion by alternating
Plait between equilibrium tie lines and operating lines, the speci-
point fied point RN is reached or passed. If the latter, a fraction of
the last stage is taken. In Figure 8.17, 2.8 equilibrium stages
E are required, where equilibrium stages are counted by the
number of equilibrium tie lines used.
D Procedures for specification sets 2 and 3 are similar to that
for set 1. Sets 4 and 5 can be handled by iteration on assumed
A J B values for S and following the procedure for set 1. Set 6 can
(a) (b) also use the procedure of set 1 by iterating on E1.
Figure 8.16 Use of conjugate curves to interpolate tie lines: From (8-6), it is seen that if the ratio F=E1 approaches a
(a) method of International Critical Tables, Vol. III, McGraw Hill, value of 1, operating point P will be located at a large dis-
New York, p. 393 (1928); (b) method of T.K. Sherwood, Absorption tance from the triangular diagram. In that case, by using an
and Extraction, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 242 (1937). arbitrary rectangular-coordinate system superimposed over
[From R.E. Treybal, Liquid Extraction, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York the triangular diagram, the coordinates of P can be calculated
(1963) with permission.] from (8-6) using the equations for the two straight lines
C08 09/20/2010 Page 316
90 10
Tie line
80 20
Operating line
70 30 Equilibrium curve
60 40
50 50
40 E1 60
30 70
20 E2 80
R1 90
10 E3
R2 P Figure 8.17 Determination of the
S RN C number of equilibrium stages.
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
established in Construction 2. Operating lines for intermedi- line OL is drawn through the points S and RN and extended to
ate stages can then be located on the triangular diagram so as the left and right. This line is the locus of all possible mate-
to pass through P. Details of this procedure are given by rial balances determined by adding S to RN. Each tie line is
Treybal [25]. then assumed to be a pinch point by extending each tie line
until it intersects the line OL. In this manner, a sequence of
§8.3.2 Minimum and Maximum Solvent-to-Feed intersections P1, P2, etc., is found. If these points lie on the
Flow-Rate Ratios raffinate side of the diagram, as in Figure 8.18, the pinch
point corresponds to the point Pmin located at the greatest dis-
The procedure of §8.3.1 for determining the number of tance from RN. If the triangular diagram does not have a suf-
equilibrium stages needed to achieve a desired solute ficient number of tie lines to determine that point accurately,
extraction for a given solvent-to-feed ratio presupposes additional tie lines are introduced by a method illustrated in
that this ratio is greater than the minimum ratio, which Figure 8.16. If it is assumed in Figure 8.18 that no other tie
corresponds to an infinite number of stages, and less than line gives a point Pi that is farther away from RN than P1,
the maximum ratio that would prevent the formation of then P1 ¼ Pmin .
the required second liquid phase. In practice, one usually With Pmin known, an operating line can be drawn through
determines the minimum ratio before solving specification point F and extended to E1 at an intersection with the extract
sets 1 or 2. This is done by solving set 4 with N ¼ 1, side of the equilibrium curve. From the compositions of the
where, as in distillation, absorption, and stripping, the in- four points S, RN, F, and E1, the mixing point M can be found
finity of stages occurs at an equilibrium-curve and operat- and material balances can be used to solve for Smin=F:
ing-line pinch point. In ternary systems, the pinch point
occurs when a tie line coincides with an operating line. F þ Smin ¼ RN þ E1 ¼ M ð8-8Þ
The calculation is involved because the pinch point is not ðxA ÞF F þ ðxA ÞS Smin ¼ ðxA ÞM M ð8-9Þ
always at the feed end of the cascade.
from which
Consider the previous A–C–S system, shown in Figure
8.18. The composition points F, S, and RN are specified, but Smin ðxA ÞF ðxA ÞM
¼ ð8-10Þ
E1 is not because the solvent rate is not known. The operating F ðxA ÞM ðxA ÞS
90 10 Tie line
Operating line
80 20
Equilibrium curve
70 30
60 Plait 40
Extract point Raffinate
side 50 50 side
40 60
30 70
20 80
10 90 L
O RN Figure 8.18 Determining
S P2 P3 P1 = Pmin
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 C minimum solvent-to-feed ratio.
C08 09/20/2010 Page 317
A solvent flow rate greater than Smin is required for extraction EXAMPLE 8.1 Equilbrium Stages for Extraction.
in a finite number of stages. In Figure 8.18, such a solvent
Acetone is to be extracted from a 30 wt% acetone (A) and 70 wt%
rate results in an operating point P to the right of Pmin, which
ethyl acetate (C) feed at 30 C, using pure water (S) as the solvent,
is a location farther away from RN. A reasonable value for S by the cascade shown at the bottom of Figure 8.19, which estab-
might be 1.5 Smin. From Figure 8.18, (xA)M ¼ 0.185, from lishes the nomenclature for this example. The final raffinate is
which, by (8-10), Smin=F ¼ 0.30. In Figure 8.17, S=F ¼ 0.40, to contain 5 wt% acetone on a water-free basis. Determine the
giving S=Smin ¼ 1.33. minimum and maximum solvent-to-feed ratios and the equili-
In Figure 8.18 the tie lines slope downward toward the brium stages required for two intermediate S=F ratios. The data
raffinate side. If the tie lines slope downward toward the shown in Figure 8.19 are from Venkataranam and Rao [28] and
extract side of the diagram, the above procedure for find- correspond to a Type I system, but with tie lines sloping down-
ing Smin=F is modified. The sequence of points P1, P2, ward toward the extract side. Thus, although water is a convenient
etc., is now on the other side of the diagram. However, the solvent, it does not have a high capacity, relative to ethyl acetate,
pinch point now corresponds to the point, Pmin, that is for dissolving acetone. Also determine, for the feed, the maxi-
mum weight % acetone that can enter the extractor. This example,
closest to point S, so an operating point, P, must be chosen
as well as Example 8.2, are taken largely from an analysis by
between points Pmin and S. For a system that exhibits solu- Sawistowski and Smith [29].
tropy, intersections P1, P2, etc., are found on both sides of
the diagram. Those on the extract side determine the mini-
mum solvent-to-feed ratio. Solution
In Figure 8.14, mixing point M lies in the two-phase Point B represents the solvent-free raffinate. By drawing a straight
region. As this point moves along the line SF toward S, the line from B to S, the intersection with the equilibrium curve on the
ratio S=F increases according to the inverse-lever-arm rule. raffinate side, B0 , is the raffinate composition leaving stage N.
In the limit, a maximum S=F ratio is reached when M ¼
Minimum S=F. Because the tie lines slope downward toward the
Mmax arrives at the equilibrium curve on the extract side.
extract side, the extrapolated tie line that intersects the extrapolated
Now all of the feed is dissolved in the solvent, no raffinate is line SB closest to S is sought. This tie line, leading to Pmin, is shown
obtained, and only one stage is required. To avoid this in Figure 8.20. The intersection is not shown because it occurs far to
impractical condition, as well as the other extreme of infinite the left of the diagram. Because this tie line is at the feed end of the
stages, it is necessary to select a solvent ratio, S=F, such that extractor, location of extract composition D0 min is found as shown in
ðS=FÞmin < ðS=FÞ < ðS=FÞmax . In Figure 8.14, the mixing Figure 8.20. The mixing point, Mmin, for (S=F)min is the intersection
point Mmax is located as shown, from which (S=F)max is of lines B0 D0 min and SF. By the inverse-lever-arm rule,
determined to be about 16. ðS=F Þmin ¼ FM min =SM min ¼ 0:60.
10 90
20 80
Tie line
Operating line 30 70
Equilibrium curve
40 60
50 50
Plait point
60 env finate 40
ct elo
pe F
tra pe
70 Ex elo 30
80 Tie line L1 20
V2 D′ L2
P S 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 C
Water Wt % acetate Ethyl acetate
D′ S, solvent
D 1 2 N
removal Solvent
F B Figure 8.19 Determination of stages for
L1 LN – 1 B′ removal
(30% A) (5% A) Example 8.1 with S=F ¼ 1.75.
C08 09/20/2010 Page 318
10 90
Tie line
Operating line 20 80
Equilibrium curve
30 70
40 60
50 50
Extract Raffinate
side side
60 G 40
70 D′min Tie line
To Pmin F
80 Mmin 20
90 10
Water S B
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Acetate Figure 8.20 Minimum and
Extrapolated Mmax
line SB D′max
Wt % acetate
B′ maximum S=F for Example 8.1.
1.0 A
E E 45° Line
C D F S 0D F 1.0 C S xA
(a) (b)
y Equilibrium
x, y 1 Figure 8.21 Development
of other coordinate systems
45° Line from the equilateral-triangle
diagram: (a) to right-trian-
K curve
gle diagram; (b) to auxiliary
y1 distribution curve.
(c) Location of operating
xF F
point on auxiliary McCabe–
ys+1 J
xs Thiele diagram.
Operating I [From R.E. Treybal, Liquid
S ys
ys Extraction, 2nd ed., McGraw-
C xs xF x Hill, New York (1963) with
into phases A0 and A00 . The location of M and the amounts of solute in the raffinate and extract, respectively, and L and V
extract and raffinate are given by the same mixing rule and are total amounts of raffinate and extract. The feed to stage N
inverse-lever-arm rule used for equilateral-triangle diagrams. is LNþ1 ¼ 180 kg of 35 wt% A in a saturated mixture with C
The mixture separates spontaneously into 11,600 kg/h of raf- and S ðxNþ1 ¼ 0:35Þ, and the solvent to stage 1 is VW ¼ 100
finate ðxS ¼ 0:08; xA ¼ 0:32Þ and 24,500 kg/h of extract kg of pure S (yW ¼ 0.0). Thus, the solvent-to-feed ratio is
ðxS ¼ 0:375; xA ¼ 0:48Þ. 100/180 ¼ 0.556. These points are shown in Figure 8.24.
Figure 8.23 represents the portion of an n-stage, counter- The mixing point for LN+1 and VW is M1, as determined by
current-flow cascade, where x and y are weight fractions of the inverse-lever-arm rule.
Suppose the final raffinate, LW, leaving stage 1 is to con-
S tain xW ¼ 0.05 glycol. By an overall balance,
M 1 ¼ V W þ LNþ1 ¼ V N þ LW ð8-11Þ
0.9 Phase envelope Because VW, LN+1, and M1 lie on a straight line, the mixing
0.8 rule requires that VN, LW, and M1 also lie on a straight line.
Furthermore, because VN leaves stage N at equilibrium and
0.7 0 LW leaves stage 1 at equilibrium, these streams lie on the
i on extract and raffinate sides, respectively, of the equilibrium
Wt fraction S
Tie line
1 W VN – 1 VN – 2
ct x C
yN – 1 yN – 2 VW = 100
VW, yW = 0
yN = ?
0.4 (Solvent)
A′′ N N–1
LN + 1 = 180
xN + 1 = 0.35 LN LN – 1
(Feed) xN xN – 1
A LN + 1 = 55 LW LN + 1 = 600 LW
C 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
xN + 1 = 0.35 xW = 0.05 xN + 1 = 0.35 xW = 0.05
0 1
Wt fraction A (b) (c)
Figure 8.22 Right-triangle diagram for system of Figure 8.14. Figure 8.23 Multistage, countercurrent contactors.
C08 09/20/2010 Page 320
P2 If stages are stepped off for case 3, starting from yN3, the
tie line and operating line coincide, giving a pinch point for a
solvent-to-feed ratio of 0.167. Thus, this ratio is the mini-
mum corresponding to 1 equilibrium stages.
For case 1, where the solvent-to-feed ratio is between that
S y ,V
of cases 2 and 3, the required number of stages lies between 1
1.0 W W and 1. The difference point and the steps for this case are
not shown in Figure 8.14, but the difference point is located
at a very large distance from the triangle because lines LW V W
0.8 yN2 VN2 and LNþ1 V N are nearly parallel. When the stages are stepped
off, using operating lines parallel to LW V W , between one and
Tie lines
Wt fraction S
1 180 100 0.556 VN M1
passing streams, as
P2 ¼ V N2 LNþ1 ¼ V W LW ð8-12Þ