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THEOLOGY (First Shifting)

Dignity Kalayaan
HUMAN DIGNITY - essential to human living; it gives sense of - Reciprocal or joint performance of an action
Human dignity is measured by: purpose to go on. Ø “Ka” – with people
1. Appeal to rights of autonomy - Starting point for a moral vision for the - To cause something to become
2. Social Construct: In-group, class, race, society. Ø “an” - sense of freedom
possession, rank, title, status Patriarchy - Freedom of all
3. How we perceive a person via their projection - most potent when oppression doesn’t feel like - “The function of freedom is to free someone
or performance oppression, or when packaged in terms of else.”(Toni Morrison)
Christianity biology, religion, or basic social needs. Pain (What does it teach us?)
- dignity is a gift, innate gift that has to be Degradation - Vulnerable to other people in order to
sustained. - Treating the other poorly, who count as understand them.
nothing. Ø Vulnerable- struggle to achieve
Human dignity does not come from the work they do, - To live in subhuman conditions that is Freedom
but from the persons they are. (The Hundredth Year unbearable and unacceptable. - Not freedom in the expense of another
RN #11) - Trampled and infringes the person’s agency. person.
Dehumanization - Not personal but social.
We forget that: Human Person is a subject, yet often - Loss of identity
treated and valued like an object. - Denial of the humanity of a person or group of OBSTACLES OF FREEDOM
persons. 1. Genetic Inheritance
VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN DIGNITY: - Silence of the community - Unalterable; no amount of willing
1. Humiliation Ø “What hurts the victim the most is not the can change it
cruelty of the oppressor, but the silence of - Alter the manner of development
• How humiliation happens:
the bystander.” (Ella Wind) - Stress over uniqueness and
Ø Sense of superiority / ego
Ø Manipulation; use of power
Why do people violate the other? What is lacking of 2. Environmental Conditions
Ø Improper treatment or attitude
have lost in the human person? - Family, media, peers, drug,
• What does one sense when humiliated?
- Empathy addiction
Ø Loss of self-respect, honor
- Inter-connectivity Ø Can shape our worldview
Ø Sense of powerlessness,
3. Passions/Unconscious Influences
Ø Sense of shame; self-respect is Sacredness lies on betzelem (resemblance of God).
- Blind habits, fears, ignorance, body
2. Objectification FREEDOM - Cannot blame other for the
- person is treated like a thing or mode to feel - Resemblance the God has shared/imparted consequence of their actions
to be a thing for one’s end with us. - “I really should have…”
3. Animalization - An attitude - “I had better…”
- depiction in the form of an animal - Absence of subjectification to foreign Danger
domination - Sell out
- State of not being imprisoned or enslaved - Not to take responsibility
For the victims – violated life becomes insignificant.
- Power or right to act, speak, or think as one - It is given (don’t blame)
Ø Fragmented – life becomes insignificant. wants without hindrance or restraint -
Ø Emptiness - Power of self-determination attributed to will
The power of self-determination contributed to the
- We can discover our purpose
will: In saying no, we can discover our purpose
- We are capable to respond, create and do
what we OUGHT to do/be
1. Freedom of Choice - Root word: Tarung - ayos, tama, upright, fight
- Smorgasbord kind of freedom Kapwa
- Choice from different options - shared inner self or self in other
- Does NOT demand a DEEP involvement - Root word: Pwa - space (welcome you inside
2. Basic Freedom my space
- Decide for oneself; make this for yourself - inner principle of shared goodness/Godness,
- Entails for self-commitment, to a kind of not just shared identity
person you want to be - awareness of the rootedness of each one of us
3. Real Freedom in the One Divine Essence within
- Learning to live well within one’s limits - respect and consideration for the Other is
(capacity) extended to all beings
4. True Freedom
Filipino Humanism (Kapwa)
- Choosing what you ought to be
- Filipino psyche and way of life that carries the
- Choose what is GOOD:
ethos of sharing, recognizing and caring for
Ø Humanizing
the Other as oneself
Ø Life-giving
- Accepting a deeper sense of responsibility for
- Demands/involvement that will alter our
the Other = justice is acknowledging the
responsibility to the Kapwa.
5. Choice of Self
- “Everything can be taken from a man but Dignity
one thing: the last of human freedoms - - Not attribute peculiar to persons and their
to choose one’s attitude in any given set singularity.
of circumstances, to choose one’s way” - Relationship
(Viktor Frankl) Ø We consider them human, just as human
as we are, even if their appearance
Luke 10.25-37 (Who is my neighbor?) suggests non-humanity
• Jesus Christ
Ø Open-Commensality
Ø Table-Fellowship
- True freedom does not label anyone
- Stress on reverence for the human person
- Everyone must consider one’s neighbor
without exception as another self
• The Samaritan showed dignity:
- The me’s wounds had awaken the
Samaritan’s respect for a disfigured
- Molarity and Solidarity
Ø Basic respect for dignity in our
common lack for dignity
- Latin: righteous; equality
Ø jūstus- just
Ø jūs- right


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