Rkvy Raftaar Ent

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RKVY-RAFTAAR (2017-18 TO 2019-20)




Sr. Contents
1 Background
2 Introduction
3 The key components of RKVY-RAFTAAR
3.1 Components to be executed under RKVY-RAFTAAR
3.2 Operating Structure of RKVY-RAFTAAR
4 Establishment of RKVY-RAFTAAR Agribusiness Incubators
4.1 Objectives of RKVY-RAFTAAR Agribusiness Incubators (R-
4.2 Organizational Arrangements
4.3 Implementation of the Programme
4.4 Pattern of Financial Assistance and Release of funds
4.5Execution of the sanctioned project, adherence to time lines,
its implementation, Monitoring etc.
4.6 Deliverables and Outcomes
4.7 Sustainability
5 Seed Stage Funding as grant-in-aid to Startups
5.1 Objectives
5.2 Eligibility Criteria
5.3 Selection Process of Incubatee for Seed Stage Funding
5.4 Pattern of Funding support and Release of Funds
5.5 Broad Activities to be supported under Seed Stage Funding
6 Agripreneurship Orientation
6.1 Objectives
6.2 Eligibility Criteria
6.3 Selection Process of Interns for Agripreneurship Orientation
6.4 Pattern of Funding Support and Release of Funds
6.5 Broad Activities
7 Idea/ Pre-Seed Stage Funding
7.1 Objectives
7.2 Eligibility Criteria
7.3 Selection Process of StartupsIdea/ Pre-Seed Stage Funding
7.4 Pattern of Funding Support and Release of Funds
7.5 Broad Activities to be supported under Idea/ Pre-Seed Stage
8 Monitoring
9 Awards and Recognition

10 General Guidelines
11 Annexures
Budget Guidelines for R-ABI
Application for Agribusiness Incubator (R-ABI)
Application for New Incubator
Application for Agripreneurship Orientation under RKVY-
RAFTAAR Programme of RKVY Scheme
Operational Guidelines for Innovation and Agri-Entrepreneurship Cell under

1. Background

All over the world, incubators are receiving attention for developing new enterprises
in the fields of technology, service, business ideas etc. in research institutions and
universities. The Government of India has also attempted to rejuvenate the
technology and business development ecosystem in various sectors through its
rejuvenated flagship programmes. The Agriculture sector which, as per the Indian
Economic Survey 2018, still employs over 50 per cent of the Indian workforce and
contributes around 17-18 percent to the country’s GDP, has its own unique
ecosystem and opportunities in the realm of business. Therefore, to specifically cater
to the need and modalities for agribusiness promotion, a revamped
“RashtriyaKrishiVikasYojana - Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied
Sector Rejuvenation” (RKVY-RAFTAAR)has been launched in 2017-18 with a
component for innovation and agrientrepreneurship. Through this initiative, a thrust
would be given to promote agripreneurship and startups.

2. Introduction

The RashtriyaKrishiVikasYojna (RKVY) is an important scheme of the Government

of India, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare (MoA&FW), aimed at
strengthening infrastructure in agriculture and allied areas In order to promote
agripreneurship and agribusiness by providing financial support and nurturing the
incubation ecosystem, a new component under the revamped scheme RKVY-
RAFTAAR has been launched in 2018-19 with 10% of annual outlay inclusive of 2%
administrative cost.

RKVY-RAFTAAR supports agribusiness incubation by tapping innovations and

technologies for venture creation in agriculture. In this process, incubation facilities
and expertise already available with participating academic, technical, management
and R&D institutions in the country shall be utilized on an individual or collective
basis to harness synergies. The existing institutional agribusiness incubators would
be strengthened on a need basis by providing grants-in-aid.
Agribusiness Incubation is in its early stages in the Indian agricultural
landscape. Though a good number of agribusiness incubators have been
started since the first agribusiness incubator by ICRISAT was set up around
2003 in India, yet the success rate of such incubators has not been high. The
existing institutional agribusiness incubators are, therefore, envisaged to be
strengthened on a need basis and new ones to be set up by providing grants-
in-aid under the scheme.

Agribusiness Incubation is in its early stages in the Indian agricultural

landscape. Though a good number of agribusiness incubators was set up
around 2009 in India, yet the success rate of such incubators has not been
high. The existing institutional agribusiness incubators are, therefore,
envisaged to be strengthened on a need basis and new ones to be set up by
providing grants-in-aid under the scheme.

3. The key components of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Cell under RKVY-


3.1 The following components will be executed under RKVY-RAFTAAR:

a. Strengthening of existing agribusiness incubators for integrated

rejuvenation and development and setting up new ones – R-ABI
(RKVY-RAFTAAR Agribusiness Incubators).

b. Seed Stage Funding of R-ABI Incubatees

c. Agripreneurship Orientation

d. Idea/Pre-Seed Stage Funding of Agripreneurs

The same facility will be utilized to execute all the above mentioned
components of RKVY-RAFTAAR.

3.2 Operating structure Innovation & Entrepreneurship Cell under


As a first step, a R-ABI (either existing or new) will strengthen itself with
need-based infrastructure, equipment and man power support to
implement different components. Thereafter, the R-ABI will execute and
monitor various activities covered under these components.
a. Funding support will be provided to operate the R-ABI programme
up to March 2020.

b. Selected RKVY-RAFTAAR incubatees will be provided incubation

and seed stage money as 85 percent grant up to a maximum of Rs.
25 lakhs through R-ABIs for product development/improvement,
administrative and market research in the early stages of a start-up.

c. Selected RKVY-RAFTAAR agripreneurs that have technology/

service/ business platform-based ideas will be provided a stipend for
two months for training cum internship with R-ABIs.

d. Selected RKVY-RAFTAAR interns after successful completion of

training cum internship will be provided idea/pre-seed stage seed
money as 90 percent grant up to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs through
R-ABIs to convert their idea/proof of concept into prototype/ product.

4. Establishment of RKVY-RAFTAAR Agribusiness Incubators (R-ABIs) and

strengthening of existing agribusiness incubators

Under this scheme, new agribusiness incubators will be established as well as

existing agribusiness incubators strengthened as R-ABIs with need-based
infrastructure, equipment and manpower. These R-ABIs will in turn invite
applications from agripreneurs in different stages of the business life cycle
(ideation/expansion) and provide them an opportunity to generate innovations in
agriculture and allied sector.

These innovations may include, for example, technological solutions/ processes /

products/ services/ business platforms etc. that could enhance productivity or
increase efficiency in agriculture and allied activities, enhance remuneration/ farmers’
incomes, rural economy and wealth. Aligning farmers to market through value chain
approach with a sustainable development agenda will be the other key objective of
the incubation/agripreneurship development programme under RKVY-RAFTAAR.

The R-ABIs are also expected to act as facilitation platforms for aggregation and
networking of various stakeholders including innovators, agripreneurs, investors,
mentors and other institutions / bodies.

The main aim of the programme is to help farmers throughout the country.
4.1 Objectives of RKVY-RAFTAAR Agribusiness Incubators (R-ABI)

a. To achieve ''Lab to land'' by dissemination of new technology /varieties to

farmers through promoting a culture of Agri startups

b. To promote innovation, entrepreneurship and business creation in agriculture

and allied sector by skill development, capacity building and technology scale

c. To create employment opportunities for youth in agriculture in the rural vicinity;

d. To promote an integrated approach for technology acquisition, R&D,

commercial technology transfer and knowledge dissemination;

e. To facilitate evolution of an agri-startup ecosystem by support for cost effective,

value added services including technical, legal, financial, intellectual property
and regulatory compliance related services to agripreneurs;

f. To build a vibrant agri-startup ecosystem, by establishing a network between

academia, financial institutions, industries and other related institutions;

g. Capacity building of existing agri-incubators as R-ABIs to achieve other related


h. To generate/ provide innovative solution to meet local and global agriculture

and business challenges, and competitiveness.

4.2 Organizational Arrangements

The Nodal Division of RKVY-RAFTAAR in DAC&FW shall be responsible for

governance and overall management of the scheme. The Division will invite
applications and sanction projects for R-ABIs based on recommendations of RKVY-
RAFTAAR Selection & Monitoring Committee (RC). The Division will ensure
release of funds in instalments, following due procedure and ensuring proper
utilization of funds etc. The Nodal Division shall be the final authority for deciding on
all matters including financing mentioned at para 3.1 (i to iv) and review of progress,
monitoring etc. of all projects sanctioned under this scheme

4.2.1 RKVY-RAFTAAR Selection & Monitoring Committee (RC)

a. RC shall be constituted under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary of the Nodal

Division, DAC&FW.

b. RC will consist of 3-5 domain experts, including one each in R & D, Technology
Development & Commercialization and Incubation & Entrepreneurship and a
Representative of the Knowledge Partner.

c. Member Secretary of RC will be decided by the Chairman of the committee.

d. The term of the committee will be co-terminus with the scheme.

e. RC will meet on a regular basis, at least once in every quarter.

f. RC will recommend to the Nodal Division of RKVY-RAFTAAR for selection,

sanction, review, monitoring of various projects under different components of
RKVY- RAFTAAR and any other matter that may be brought before this
empowered committee from time to time.

4.2.2 Implementation support mechanism / Knowledge Partner

a. Since implementing this program needs a very specific skill set, hence there is
a requirement of appointing a Knowledge Partner (s) with the requisite
expertise, who can advise DAC&FW on one side, hand hold all the new or
existing sanctioned R-ABIs and implement a Centre of Excellence (CoE) to
demonstrate best practices to eco system partners on the other.

b. Nodal Division of RKVY-RAFTAAR, DAC&FW may designate any existing

agribusiness incubator in the public sector as a Knowledge Partner for
implementation assistance to advise on smooth and efficient execution of the
scheme, handholding of R-ABIs and other related matters etc.

c. The Knowledge Partner shall, in particular, offer contextual and customized

solution to the incubation ecosystem by providing support through technologies
/ know-how / IPRs and other value added techno-commercial services to Start-
ups like mentoring, networking, collaborative research, entrepreneurship
training, capacity building programmes and addressing the issues of scale and
sustainability of the enterprise and linkages to national and international

d. The Knowledge partner will be provided sufficient funds for undertaking

activities expected of it including capital funding.

e. In addition, the Knowledge Partner can also apply for grants under the scheme
as a Standalone Incubator.

f. Nodal Division may select one or more Knowledge Partners depending upon
the requirement of the programme.

g. An active participation of the States is also sought in the matter, for instance in
identifying sectors to focus on in agriculture in the state in the implementation
process, in order to make the scheme more effective and in selection of R-
ABIs, incubatees etc.

4.3. Implementation of the Programme

4.3.1 Call for Proposal

Proposals will be invited from the eligible publicly funded existing Agribusiness
Incubators or new incubators by Nodal Division RKVY-RAFTAAR in DAC&FW
through advertisements in newspapers and websites. The Proposal (two hard copies
+ soft version in MS word document) in the prescribed proforma, available at
Annexure I, II and III of Scheme Guidelines (also at http://www.agricoop.nic.in) along
with the necessary enclosures will be submitted by the Head of the Host Institute.
The proposal should be sent to the following address: -

The Joint Secretary,

Nodal Division of RKVY-RAFTAAR Scheme


New Delhi-110001

Telefax: (011) 23382444 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: www.rkvy.nic.in

4.3.2 Eligibility for submitting proposal for Agribusiness Incubators

a. Public funded Academic/ Technical/R&D institutions/ organizations/ universities

/ State Agriculture University(s)(SAUs)/IITs/IIMs [called Host Institution (HI)]
working in Agriculture & Allied sectors and engaged in promotion of innovation,
technology development & commercialization with a proven track record in
promotion of agri/rural-technology based enterprises would be eligible to apply.

b. The Host Institution is required to have adequate expertise and infrastructure to

support agri-incubation activity. Provision of a minimum of 5,000 sq. ft. built up
space (including existing incubation space) for hosting the R-ABI.

c. The R-ABI may be setup as a “not for profit” section 8 company or as a

Society/Trust at the discretion of the Host Institution.
d. The existing agribusiness incubators should have adequate expertise and
infrastructure to support incubation activity for promoting innovation in

e. To set up new R-ABI, the eligible public funded institutions as stated above,
should have a proven track record of promotion of innovative /technology
based entrepreneurship in agri-business.

f. A Pure R&D proposal for academic pursuits and industrial consultancy will not
be eligible for support.

g. The proposals which are not complete or do not meet eligibility criteria will not
be considered.
4.3.3 Selection of RKVY-RAFTAAR-Agribusiness Incubators (R-ABIs)

Application for RKVY-RAFTAAR Agribusiness Incubators (R-ABIs) will be processed

as per following evaluation flow chart for selection of R-ABIs.

Nodal Division

Invite Application Nodal Division

from Existing ABIs

Pre-Screening of RC/ KP

Screening & Final
Selection of Incubators
Seed Stage Funding

Sanction of the RABIs Nodal Division

Orientation of Implementation of R-ABIs

Agripreneurship R-ABI

Monitoring RC/ KP

Idea Stage Funding

Annual Review
4.4 Pattern of Financial Assistance and Release of funds

4.4.1 The Host Institution would be provided financial support under this
component for FY 18-19 and 2019-20.

4.4.2 A R-ABI would be provided a maximum grant-in-aid of INR 233 lakhs

which would cover capital and operational expenditure as per Annexure I

4.4.3 Any expenditure over and above sanctioned amount will have to be borne
by HI/R-ABI from its own resources. If, because of delay in
implementation of the project, there is escalation in project cost, any
additional expenditure beyond sanctioned cost will have to be borne by
HI/R-ABI from its own resources.

4.4.4 RC while recommending sanction of grant to a R-ABI will take into

account funding already received by Eligible Incubator from other
Ministries and Departments under similar schemes like DST, BIRAC,
MSME,NITI Aayog, DBT, NABARD etc., especially (towards capital

4.4.5 The grant-in-aid shall be disbursed in two instalments (1st: 100% of

capital expenditure + 1st year operational expenses; 2nd: residual amount
as per condition laid down in para 4.4.6) of sanctioned amount by Nodal

4.4.6 The release of the grant after the first year is subject to satisfactory
performance by the R-ABI. For this purpose, the progress of work and
achievement of the milestones/deliverables, as indicated in the business
plan of the R-ABI approved by the Nodal Division of RKVY-RAFTAAR in
DAC&FW, will be taken into account.

4.4.7 Any change or revision required during the implementation not covered
above would be considered on recommendation by RC and such changes
will be considered only if these result in enhancing operational
effectiveness of the R-ABI substantially.

4.4.8 The Nodal Division will ensure timely release of instalments after the
project is sanctioned by the Division based on recommendations of RC.
Similar subsequent instalments will be released after utilization of 80% of
the previously released amount and receipt of provisional Utilization
Certificate (UC) of 80% of already released funds.

4.5 Execution of the sanctioned project, adherence to time lines, its

implementation, monitoring etc.

4.5.1. DAC&FW shall support R-ABIs for identified focus areas. The suggested
focus areas include but are not limited to the following:

Agri-Biotech; Agriculture/ Horticulture/Natural Resource Management;

Sustainable Agriculture/Organic farming; Animal Husbandry, Dairying,
Fishery; Agri-Input tools and technologies, Micro Irrigation, Farm
Mechanisation and Agri Engineering, Precision Farming; Harvesting and
Post-Harvest Processing; Food Processing; Supply Chain Management,
Farm Retailing; Agri Extension Education; Internet of Things (IoT) , ICT
and Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture; Waste to Wealth, Secondary
Agriculture; Agri Clinics & Farm Health services, etc.

4.5.2. The R-ABI will be required to hire manpower (on contractual basis) for its
proper day to day operation and management as well as for putting in
place the requisite physical infrastructure (shared/specific) such as
laboratory and workshop facilities, utilities, support services, incubation
services, networking, mentoring and other facilities within the agreed
timelines during sanction of the project ( three months from the date of
release of funds if not mentioned specifically) for capital and operational

4.5.3. Each R-ABI should have a dedicated capable, committed, motivated and
well experienced Business Manager/Incubation Manager with deep
domain knowledge and management expertise working full time for the R-
ABI. The HI should adopt separate norms for hiring staff for Incubator,
whose salary and compensation structures should be such that good
talent can be attracted to the Incubator.

4.5.4. Each R-ABI would have a dedicated – Business Manager (BM)

/Incubation Manager& a competent team with domain knowledge and
management expertise, who will work full time for the R-ABI.
4.5.5. The Host Institution /R-ABI would constitute a selection committee for the
selection of the BM. The RKVY-RAFTAAR Scheme grant for salary for the
BM will be limited to INR 1.25 lakhs per month or actuals whichever is

4.5.6. The R-ABI would evolve a transparent system for selection of incubatees.
Incubatees fulfilling the laid down admission criteria should only be

4.5.7. Enrolled incubatees should fulfil the criteria as per the Start up Definition
related Notification regarding Startups issued from time to time, by the
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce,

4.5.8. The R-ABI should execute an appropriate agreement with the incubatee.
The residency period and the exit policy may also be defined clearly in the

Every R-ABI should frame its own exit policy. However, general
guidelines may be as follows:

a. An incubated company will leave the incubator on completion of the

stipulated period of stay, unless extended
b. Underperformance or non-viability of the business proposition as
decided by R-ABI on a case to case basis.
c. Irresolvable disputes between promoters/ founders. R-ABI will decide
the position or point when disputes are deemed to be irresolvable

d. When the company enters in an acquisition, merger or amalgamation

deal or reorganisation deal resulting in a substantial change in the
profile of the company, its promoters, directors, shareholders, products
or business plans, or when a company plans for a public issue.

e. Change in promoters'/ founders' team without concurrence of R-ABI

f. Raising substantial investment from angel investor/Venture Capital

Fund/any other investor
g. When the number of employees of the Registered Company exceeds
h. Any other reasons due to which the R-ABI may find it necessary for an
incubatee company to exit the R-ABI.

Notwithstanding anything written elsewhere, R-ABI’s decision in

connection with the exit of an incubatee company shall be final and shall
not be disputed by any incubatee company.

4.5.9. Along with their own incubation programme, R-ABIs will participate in all
innovation programmes organized/launched centrally by the Nodal

4.5.10. R-ABIs will implement all components of RKVY-RAFTAAR scheme as

mentioned at para 3.1 (i to iv)

4.5.11. Each of the R-ABIs would constitute a R-ABI Incubation Committee (RIC)
having experts who can evaluate the prospective incubatee under the
Programme. Suggestive composition of RIC would be as follows:

1. Head of the Institution/Incharge of R-ABI (Chairman)

2. Representative of a bank / VC

3. Domain expert (1 from Industry and 1 from academia)

4. RKVY/ Knowledge Partner Nominee

5. State Representative from the State Department of Agriculture

6. Business Manager / Incubation Manager (Member Secretary)

4.5.12. RIC will review/ monitor the progress of the programme periodically.

4.5.13. Each R-ABI is required to have a web-site of its own and should update it
on a regular basis but at least once in a quarter, including the details of

4.5.14. R-ABI will facilitate market access to the incubatees.

4.5.15 R-ABI will also organize from time to time a Demo Day to showcase
mature products of the incubatees to investors for facilitation of funding to
4.6. Deliverables and Outcome

The R-ABI should generate the following minimum deliverables within the project
period i.e. up to March 2020 to achieve the project objectives:

a. 10-15 Agribusinesses to be incubated in agriculture & allied sectors.

b. Each R-ABI to help entrepreneurs to get access/license to 2-3


c. 25-30 Agripreneurs for training cum internship for the two-month period

4.7. Sustainability

The objective of this component is to create infrastructure and other facilities for
running an Agribusiness Incubator. This scheme will be implemented for a limited
period. Therefore, keeping in mind the sustainability of the project, HI/R-ABI should
develop an action plan for ensuring sustainability, through grants from other
schemes or creating revenue streams such as rental charges, membership fees,
incubation service packages, business development fees, technology transfer fee,
royalty, consultancy fees, equity in incubated enterprises and training programmes.

5. Seed Stage Funding as grant-in-aid to Startups

This seed stage funding will be available to incubatees who are incubated at the R-
ABI. Under this, financial assistance of a maximum of Rs. 25 lakhs will be granted to
potential startups that have a minimum viable product (MVP) based on innovative
solutions/ processes / products/ services/ business models in agriculture and allied
sector. The amount of Rs. 25 lakh is the upper limit of the seed fund assistance. The
applicant incubatees would be provided funds as per their genuine requirements and
as per appraisal/evaluation of their business plans by the RC and the decision of the
RC in this regard will be final. The RC will not be bound to give any reason in case
an application for seed loan is rejected.

This support will assist the incubatees to launch their products/ services/ business
platforms etc. into the market and help them to scale up their operations as well as to
attain business viability at a faster pace. This support will also facilitate them to
attract investments from angel/venture capitalists or taking loans from commercial
banks /financial institutions for further scaling-up of their business operations.
5.1 Objectives

a. To ensure timely seed support to deserving incubatees within R-ABIs.

b. To enable translation of minimum viable product (MVP) to marketable stage

and scale up the product and business.

c. To provide a platform for faster experimentation and modification in their

approaches or minimum viable product (MVP) based on innovative solutions/
processes / products/ services/ business models etc. for scaling up.

5.2 Eligibility Criteria

a. All incubatees of a R-ABI will be eligible for this funding on the basis of
consistent performance evaluated by RIC

b. The recipient should be a registered legal entity in India with a minimum of

two months of residency at the R-ABI.

c. The recipient has to be an Indian start-up as per DIPP notification. This

support is not meant for Indian Subsidiaries of MNCs/foreign companies.

d. A startup supported once will not be eligible for applying for the subsequent
round of seed support to any R-ABIs.

5.3 Selection Process of Incubatee for Seed Stage Funding

a. Each of the R-ABIs would constitute a RKVY- RAFTAAR Incubation

Committee (RIC) as per clause No. 4.5.11

b. During the selection process, R-ABI will take into consideration any other
grant-in-aid funding received by the incubatee for the same
activity/product from other GOI ministries. A self-declaration from the
incubatee about such funding will be mandatory.

c. After two months of residency of incubatees, RIC will evaluate the

progress of the incubatee and based on their performance recommend
them for seed stage funding to RC.

d. RC will further evaluate and recommend the incubatees to the Nodal Division,
DAC&FW for seed stage funding.
e. Nodal Division, DAC&FW will approve and sanction the project of the
incubatees based on recommendation of RC and release the first instalment
of the grant-in-aid to the respective R-ABI for further disbursement to the

f. The R-ABI would execute a legal agreement with the incubatee who is
selected for the seed support and this agreement should be signed before the
release of the first instalment of seed fund to the incubatee. The terms of
agreement with the incubates start up should be framed by the R-ABI linking
with the progress milestones, monitoring norms etc. Subsequent
disbursement schedules should be linked to the achievement of milestones by
the incubatee.

5.4 Pattern of Funding Support and Release of Funds

a. Under the scheme, it is proposed to support around 500 startups during the
scheme period. A maximum of 20 startups per R-ABI will be supported under
this scheme. Each selected startup will be provided a maximum limit of Rs. 25
Lakh as grant-in-aid under the scheme. (start-ups already receiving grants /
financial support from any other source will not be eligible under RKVY-

b. For ensuring incubatee/ private participation in the programme, 15 percent on

proportionate basis of the project cost will be borne by the incubatee. The
remaining 85 percent of the project cost on proportionate basis upto a
maximum of INR 25 lakhs will be borne under RKVY-RAFTAAR scheme
which will be released in three instalment as mentioned below:

i. The first instalment of 40 % of the sanctioned project for seed support

will be released after signing of the agreement between the incubator/ R-
ABI and the incubatee.

ii. The second instalment of 40% will be released to the incubatee after
recommendation of RIC based on their performance and achievement of
milestone as well as after utilization of 80% of previously released
amount and receipt of provisional UC of 80% of already released funds.

iii. The third instalment of 20% will be released to incubatee by the Nodal
Division through R-ABIs after recommendation of RIC based on their
performance and achievement of milestone as well as after utilization of
80% of previous released amount and receipt of provisional UC of 80%
of already released funds.

iv. After two months, market access will be facilitated by the R-ABI.

v. The R-ABI will also organize a Demo Day for Investor pitch to showcase
the matured product of the incubatee to investors for further facilitation of

5.5 Broad Activities to be supported under Seed Stage Funding

Expenses for the following broad activities would be supported under this

a. Product Refinement/Testing and Trials/ Test Marketing/ Marketing


b. Expenses on data generation/data acquisition for ideas working on IT

side/AI side

c. Fees for IP issues/one time technology licensing fees

d. Manpower for day to day operations

e. Day to day operational expenses like electricity bill, incubation charges


f. Any other area/activity as deemed necessary and recommended by

the RIC of R-ABIs.

6. Agripreneurship Orientation

The R-ABI shall execute an agripreneurship orientation programme. This programme

is aimed at providing an opportunity to students/ youth to work on their innovative
ideas by imparting two months training cum hands on internship with other startups
at the respective R-ABI. Guided by experienced and innovative startups, they will be
able to understand business concepts/nuances, strategy and practical insights of
specific industries or markets, challenges and strategies to resolve them.

After successful completion of the two months orientation programme, the R-ABI will
facilitate incorporation of entities for all viable business ideas by the above
mentioned interns. After that, these startups will be eligible for Idea/Pre-Seed Stage
Funding as mentioned in para 7.
6.1 Objectives

a. To nurture potential agripreneurs by providing training cum internship with

other startups to provide them practical, technical and business insights;

b. To create and nurture a pipeline of agripreneurs for incubators

c. To make pursuing entrepreneurship related to innovative ideas an attractive

career option among other available career choices.

6.2 Eligibility Criteria

a. The recipient should propose one innovative idea based on technology,

service, business platforms etc. for increasing efficiency in agriculture and
allied sector.

b. The recipients are expected to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations full


c. The recipient should have an initial business plan/ proposal for the idea
they intend to pursue.

6.3 Selection Process of Interns for Agripreneurship Orientation

a. The R-ABI shall announce the programme at the state/local level.

b. All applicants for this programme will apply as per the prescribed format
(Annexure V).

c. The selection of agripreneurs that have an innovative idea based on

technology, service, business platforms etc. and interest in pursuing their
entrepreneurial aspirations full time, shall be done by the RIC.

d. Under this component, the R-ABI will select a batch of 30 agripreneurs

that have a workable innovative idea.

6.4 Pattern of Funding Support and Release of Funds

A stipend of Rs 10,000/- per month will be granted to these interns for two
months during the hands on training period by the incubators from their R-ABI
recurring grant.
6.5 Broad Activities

a. These young agripreneurs will receive up to 60 hours initial training in R-

ABI along with hands on training cum internship with other R-ABI startups.

b. They will refine/ work on their innovative idea simultaneously.

7. Idea/ Pre-Seed Stage Funding

Under this, subsistence grant of a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs will be provided to

interns who have successfully completed the initial two months of
agripreneurship orientation programme and are aspiring to convert their
innovative idea based on technology, service, business platforms etc. into a
prototype/ product.

Startups supported for idea/pre-seed stage funding will be eligible for obtaining
next stage of Seed Stage Funding after evaluation.

7.1 Objectives

a. To develop an innovative idea based on technology, service, business

platforms etc. into prototype/ product, services/ platforms etc. and
launching of a business based on that.

b. To provide an opportunity to budding agripreneurs/students for venturing

into the agribusiness arena as well as for minimizing risks involved in
businesses based on innovation;

c. To attract and retain a large number of enthusiastic and skilled youth in


d. To create a pipeline of innovative startups for incubators.

7.2 Eligibility Criteria

a. After successful completion of the initial two months of the

agripreneurship orientation programme, interns will qualify for getting
Idea/Pre-Seed Stage Funding.

b. The recipient should be registered for the incubation programme at the R-

ABI for the entire duration of Idea/ Pre-Seed Stage Funding.

c. The recipient will register his/her company before the release of the grant
or he/she has to be an Indian start-up as per DIPP notification.
7.3 Selection Process of Startups for Idea/ Pre-Seed Stage Funding

a. After successful completion of the initial two months of the

agripreneurship orientation programme, the interested interns will make a
presentation before RIC of their respective R-ABI. The RIC will evaluate
interns on the basis of progress made on their innovative idea in the two
months of agripreneurship orientation programme and recommend the
interns to RC for their final evaluation.

b. The RC will evaluate and recommend the interns for Idea Stage Funding.

c. On the recommendation of RC, the first instalment of the grant-in-aid will

be released by the Nodal Division to incubatees through the respective R-

d. The R-ABI would execute a legal agreement with the incubatee who is
selected for the seed support and this agreement should be signed before
the release of the first instalment of seed fund to the Incubatees. The
terms of agreement with the incubate startup should be framed by the R-
ABI linking the progress milestones, monitoring norms etc.

e. Subsequent disbursement schedules should be linked to the achievement

of milestones by the incubatees.

7.4 Pattern of Funding Support and Release of Funds

a. Under this component of the scheme, it is proposed to support around 500

startups during the scheme period. A maximum of 20 idea stage startups per
R-ABI will be supported under this scheme. Each selected startup will be
provided a maximum limit of Rs 5 lakh as grant in aid under the scheme for
working on their idea to convert it into a marketable product. The amount of
Rs. 5 lakh is the upper limit of the seed fund assistance. The applicant
incubatees would be provided funds as per their genuine requirements and as
per appraisal/evaluation of their business plans by the RC and the decision of
the RC in this regard will be final. The RC will not be bound to give any
reason in case an application for seed loan is rejected. In case, the incubatee
is already receiving grant/financial support from any other source, he should
disclose the same and the issue of grant under RKVY-RAFTAAR will be
decided on a case to case basis by RC based on recommendation of the RIC.
b. For ensuring the incubatee / private participation in the programme, 10
percent of the project cost on a proportionate basis will be borne by the
incubatee. The remaining 90 percent of the project cost on a proportionate
basis up to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs will be borne under the RKVY-
RAFTAAR scheme which will be released in two instalments as
mentioned below:

i. The first instalment of 60 % of the amount of the sanctioned project for

support under Idea Stage Funding will be released after signing of the
agreement between the incubator/ R-ABI and the incubatee.

ii. The final instalment of 40% will be released to the Incubatees by the
Nodal Division through R-ABIs after recommendation of RIC and RC
based on their performance and milestone achieved as well as after
utilization of 80% of previously released amount and receipt of
provisional UC of 80% of already released funds.

7.5 Broad Activities to be supported under Idea/ Pre-Seed Stage Funding

Expenses for the following broad activities would be supported under Idea/ Pre-
Stage Funding:

a. Development of prototype/ product

b. Expenses on data generation/ Data acquisition for ideas working on IT

side/AI side

c. Fees for technology commercialization and IP issues

d. Manpower for day to day operations

e. Day to day operational expenses like electricity bill, incubation charges


f. Any other area/activity as deemed necessary and recommended by

the RIC of R-ABIs.

8. Monitoring

Nodal Division, DAC&FW will monitor the programme implementation and its impact
on an annual basis. The review & monitoring includes presentation by the R-ABIs of
their annual progress report and utilization certificate. They will also submit a
consolidated annual progress report along with the audited account details to Nodal
Division, DAC&FW. R-ABIs will be expected to upload physical and financial
progress on their website on a regular basis.

9. Awards and Recognition

In order to enhance motivation levels among incubators and to recognize the good
work done, DAC&FW will institute a National Award for the best R-ABI. All R-ABIs
under this scheme will be eligible to apply for the award. The award will carry a cash
prize of Rs. 2 lakhs, a trophy and a certificate every year till the end of the project.
The incubator to be awarded will be selected by the RC based on its performance in
various spheres including nurturing Agribusiness entrepreneurship, innovation etc.

R-ABIs in turn will also institute awards for the best incubatees and a cash prize of
Rs.1 lakh, a trophy and a certificate will be awarded every year till the end of the

10. General Guidelines

a. The purpose of this document is to provide information to interested applicants

for the scheme. It is neither an agreement nor an offer made by RKVY-
b. The issue of these guidelines does not imply that RKVY-RAFTAAR is bound to
select an applicant. RKVY-RAFTAAR reserves the right to accept/reject any or all
of applications submitted in response to the document at any stage without
assigning any reasons whatsoever.
c. The decision of RKVY-RAFTAAR will be final and no explanation or justification
for any aspect of the selection process shall be given.
d. Applicants shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of
their applications and their participation in the selection process.
e. As per the latest instruction by Controller General of Accounts (CGA),
Government of India, the Host Institution is required to register at CGA website
(http://xxxxs.nic.in) to facilitate release of funds.
f. The grant being released should be exclusively spent on the specified purpose
for which it has been sanctioned within the stipulated time. Any unspent balance
out of the amount sanctioned would be either adjusted towards the grants-in-aid
payable during the next year or refunded to the Govt. of India by means of an
Account Payee Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Drawing and Disbursing
Officer, RKVY-RAFTAAR, payable at New Delhi.
g. The R-ABI will maintain separate audited accounts for the grant released under
this scheme. The interest earned should be reported to the DAC&FW. The
interest thus earned will be treated as a credit to the organization to be adjusted
towards further instalments of the grant, if any.
h. The HI is required to send online i) progress report; ii) Utilization Certificate to
Nodal Division, DAC&FW at the end of each financial year as well as at the time
of seeking further instalments of the grant, if any.
i. The HI is required to send the Nodal Division, DAC&FW, two copies of audited
statement of accounts relating to the amount sanctioned at the end of the each
financial year.
j. The budget plan should take into account all the expenses and tax liabilities and
cost of insurance specified in the work order, levies and other impositions
applicable under the prevailing law.
k. The operations of the R-ABI will be reviewed yearly based on a comparison of
the proposed budget plan vs the actual expenditure and physical performance.
The release of grants after the first year and each subsequent year will be based
on satisfactory performance.
l. Concerned officers of Nodal Division, DAC&FW or its authorized representatives
may visit the organization/R-ABI periodically for ascertaining the progress of work
and resolving any difficulties that might be encountered in the course of
m. All the assets acquired or created from the grant shall be installed in the
premises of the R-ABI and not in any other department/Division of the Host
Institute, unless specifically approved by DAC&FW.
n. Nodal Division, DAC&FW reserves the right to terminate support to the project at
any stage, if it is convinced that the grant is not being utilized properly or that
appropriate progress in the project work is not being made. In such an
eventuality, the Nodal Division DAC&FW shall be free to make deductions from
funds available with the R-ABI.
o. All the assets acquired or created from the grant should not be disposed-of or
encumbered or utilised for purpose other than those for which the grant has been
sanctioned without the prior permission of the Nodal Division, DAC&FW.
p. DAC&FW at its discretion shall have the right to access the books of account for
the grant received from the GoI.
q. The HI must not entrust the implementation of the work for which the grant is
being sanctioned to another institution and divert the grant receipts as assistance
to the latter institution.
r. The manpower employed by the R-ABI will be the liability of the R-ABI and Nodal
Division, DAC&FW will not have any liability towards them.
s. The Nodal Division, DAC&FW will have no responsibility in case of any loss
caused to life or property due to accident, fire or any other reasons. The HI is
required to take appropriate safety and insurance measures to safeguard against
any loss to human life and property related to the R-ABI.
t. Nodal Division, DAC, will have no liability on account of any omission or
commission of regulatory/statutory requirement by the R-ABI or its incubatees
and their companies.
u. In case of any dispute, the same shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the court/s
at New Delhi.
v. Format for application for seed stage funding and idea / pre-seed stage funding
will be devised in association with Knowledge Partners and R-ABIs as per
w. Based on experience of operating the scheme, DAC&FW reserves the right to
revise the guidelines from time to time
Annexure -I

Budget Guidelines for R-ABI

Sl. Item of Expenditure Project 1st year 2nd year

No. Cost ₹. Lakh ₹ Lakh

A Non-Recurring 100 100 --

a Renovation/furnishing of space for Incubation Cubicles and
Spaces / work stations Interaction Centres/ furniture etc.)
excluding the cost of land & building
b Thrust Area Equipment (Equipment / / IT systems etc.
c Office Equipment including state-of-the art communication
network, Video Conferencing Facilities
d Contingencies for non-recurring expenditure and other
Total A 100 100
B Recurring 133 33
e Manpower* (Core Management Team / Mentors and Tech 60 12 48
Support Persons / Business Development Professionals,
consultant etc.)
f Travel 11 3 8
g Utility and maintenance 6 2 4
h Marketing, networking & publicity 17 5 12
i Training Programmes, Events, and 17 5 12
Seminar, workshops, startup meets, awareness camps/
meetings etc.
j Stipend to agripreneurs @ INR 10,000/ month 6 2 4
k Other Administrative Expenses including consumables, 6 2 4
printing, publications, books, journals, etc.
l Miscellaneous and Contingencies 10 2 8
Total Recurring B 133 33 100
Total (A+B) 233 133 100

*RKVY-RAFTAAR grant for manpower would be calculated on the basis of the

following upper limits indicated in the above table. Suitable provisions can be made
for honorarium and consultancy charges for mentors and experts and consultants.

Manpower Detail

Manpower Monthly emolument 1st year 2nd Year Total

₹ Lakh ₹ Lakh ₹ Lakh ₹ Lakh
Business Manager (BM) (1) 1.25 3.75 15 18.75
Assistant Manager (1) 0.7 2.1 8.4 10.5
Business Executive (2) 0.3 1.8 7.2 9
Office Assistant (1) 0.25 0.75 3 3.75
Support Staff (1) 0.15 0.45 1.8 2.25
Consultant /Consultancy charges 1 3 12 15
Total 11.85 47.4 59.25

Emoluments will depend upon qualifications and experience as defined.

Selection process to be done by following GFR / existing government rules and



Application for Existing Incubator

RKVY-RAFTAAR-Agribusiness Incubator (R-ABI) under RKVY-RAFTAAR


1. Name of the Host Institution/Organization:

Name of the R-ABI:

Address :

Phone :

Fax :

E-mail :

Website :

2. Name of the R-ABI:

Address :

Phone :

Fax :

E-mail :

Website :

3. Name, Designation & Contact Details of the R-ABI Head:

Address :

Phone :

Mobile :

Fax :

E-mail :

4. Executive Summary

5. Host Institution (HI) Information-General

 Please provide details on core activities & resources available.

 List of IP filed/ granted in last five years
 List of technologies available for commercialization
 Strength of the Institute in hosting RABI

6. R-ABI Information- General

a) Whether R-ABI is registered as Society/Trust or Section 8 Company:


If yes, Please enclose the copy of Registration Certificate, Memorandum

of Association, and Bye Laws

b) Date of Establishment

c) Source of Funding for the existing Incubator

d) Amount of Funding at Present:

e) Present Team of R-ABI: - Attach brief profiles, expertise and their

contribution to all key staff members of the R-ABI.

Sl.No Name Position Experience Work done

f) Is the R-ABI Head Full Time (W/o) any other responsibility) and what
powers given for autonomy of R-ABI

g) Details of Technology commercialization by the Institute

h) Details of Incubation Activities done in last three years

Sl.No. Description 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year

1. Number of Entrepreneurs who
approached for incubation
2. Number of Incubated Startups
3. Number of Companies Graduated
4. Services Provided to Incubatees
Pre-Incubation Services
Physical Space
Technology Support
Business Services Support
Financial Support
5. No. of Technical Mentors, if any
6. No of Business Mentors, if any

i) Details on programmes organized for Incubation related activities viz.

awareness camps, workshops, seminars, startup meet, training, competitions
etc. in last three years

j) Notable achievements of existing incubatees and graduated companies, if


k) Details of Recognitions & Awards won by the existing Incubator.

7. Proposed Thrust Area of Incubation

(Please highlight the technology domain that R-ABI would focus on. This should be
aligned with the possibility of promoting economically viable startups)

8. Currently available infrastructure with R-ABI

Sl.No. Description Nos. Space (sq.mt. /sq. ft.)

1 Incubation Space (Cubicles)
2. Co-working space
Labs Facilities/ Pilot Plant/
3. Testing Facility etc.
4. Conference/ meeting Room
5. Office Space
Any other facility
Enclose List or labs/ Pilot/ Testing Facility etc. and equipment.

9. Target Milestones (Realistic attainable targets)

Outcome 1st year 2nd Year Total

1 No. of new ventures to be admitted for
2 No. of new products/technologies to
be developed/innovations to be
3 No. of conferences/seminars/
workshops to be organized/
4. No of Startups that required funding
5. Other Value added services to be
provided (specify)
6. No of service providers linked with
the incubator
7. No. of ventures to be graduated from
the incubator
8. Training
9. Internship of agripreneurs with startup

10. Budget

S. No. Item of Expenditure Amount of

₹ Lakh
A Non-Recurring
Renovation/furnishing of space for Incubation
Cubicles and Spaces / work stations
a Interaction Centres/ furniture etc.)
excluding the cost of land & building
b Thrust Area Equipment (Equipment /
/ IT systems etc.
d Office Equipment including state-of-the
art communication network, Video
Conferencing Facilities
e Contingencies for non-recurring
expenditure and other items
Total A
B Recurring
1 Manpower* (Core Management Team /
Mentors and Tech Support Persons /
Business Development Professionals)/ Consultant
2 Travel

3 Utility and maintenance
4 Marketing, networking & publicity
5 Training Programmes, ADPs, Events, and
Seminar, workshops, startup meets, awareness camps etc.
6 Other Administrative Expenses including
consumables, printing, publications,
books, journals, etc.
7 Miscellaneous and Contingencies
Total Recurring
Total Project cost (A+B)

11. Attach endorsement from the Head of the Institutions as given at Annexure-III.

12. RC while recommending sanction of grant to a RABI will take into account
funding already received by Eligible Incubator from other Ministries and
Departments under similar schemes like DST, BIRAC, MSME,NITI Aayog,
DBT, NABARD etc., especially (towards capital expenditure)

Name & Signature of the

RABI Head (With seal)

Name & Signature of the

Head of the Institute (With Seal)




Application for New Incubator

RKVY-RAFTAAR-Agribusiness Incubator (R-ABI)

under RKVY-RAFTAAR Scheme

1. Executive Summary

2. Name of Host / Promoting Organisation:





3. Name of the R-ABI:





4. Name, Designation & contact details of the R-ABI Head:




5. Executive Summary

6. Host Institute Information

A. Legal Status of the organization (enclose certificate of registration) & whether

a National or International organisation

B. Establishment date & summary of registered Objectives

C. List of Governing Body / Board of Directors

D. Areas of activity

E. List of organizations with which formal MoUs / linkages exist

F. Enclose Annual Audited statement & IT returns for last 3 years

For Academic /Research & Development Institutions

i. Number and names of academic departments with number of associated

faculty in the department.

ii. Total student strength (separately for UG/PG/Doctorate courses)

iii. Total number of teaching and research faculty with PhD qualification

iv. Number of Faculty Research Publications.

v. Number of Student Research Publications.

vi. Details of Patents awarded in last 5 years.

vii. Details of Recognitions & Awards won.

7. Details on the Host Institution’s strength and preparedness in hosting R-


A. Strength of the Organisation for carrying out the activity

B. What services do you provide? These may could include:

(seed funding, co-location, structured programme, mentoring, cohort-based

entry and exit Professional services, networking events.)

C. How will you leverage your networks to deliver services and opportunities
to incubatees? Provide evidence of linkages, agreements and support
from other players in the innovation ecosystem.

D. Sources of tapping new incubatee entrepreneurs

E. Financial model of the Incubator for operational sustainability after 2 yrs.

How will you fund ongoing operations after the grant ends?

8. R-ABI Information

A. General:

i. Built-up area to be made available for R-ABI

Sl. No. Description Nos. Space (sq ft.)

1 Incubation Space (Cubicles)
2 Co-working Space
Lab facilities/Pilot Plant/Testing Facility,
4 Conference/Meeting Room
5 Office Space
6 Any other facility

9. Year-wise work plan for two years (a separate time linked activity chart to
be provided along with the detailed work plan).

10. Target milestones (should be projected based on most likely attainable


Outcome 1st year 2nd Year Total

1 No. of new ventures to be admitted for
2 No. of new products/technologies to be
developed/innovations to be commercialized
3 No. of conferences/seminars/ workshops to be
4 No of service providers linked with the HI
5 No. of ventures to be graduated from the
6 Training
7 Other Value added services to be provided

11. Budget

Sl. No. Item of Expenditure Amount in ₹ Lakh

A Non-Recurring
Renovation/furnishing of space for Incubation
Cubicles and Spaces / work stations
Interaction Centres/ furniture etc.)
excluding the cost of land & building
Thrust Area Equipment (Equipment /
/ IT systems etc.
Office Equipment including state-of-the
d art communication network, Video
Conferencing Facilities
Contingencies for non-recurring
expenditure and other items
Total A
B Recurring
Manpower* (Core Management Team /
1 Mentors and Tech Support Persons /
Business Development Professionals)/ Consultant
2 Travel
3 Utility and maintenance
4 Marketing, networking & publicity
Training Programmes, ADPs, Events, and
Seminar, workshops, startup meets, awareness camps etc.
Other Administrative Expenses including
6 consumables, printing, publications,
books, journals, etc.
7 Miscellaneous and Contingencies
Total Recurring
Total Project cost (A+B)

12. Revenue generation projections for sustainability of R-ABI

Sl. 1st 2nd

Means of revenue generation Total
No. Year Year

13. Attach Endorsement from the Head of the Institution as given at Annexure-IV.

14. RC while recommending sanction of grant to a RABI will take into account
funding already received by Eligible Incubator from other Ministries and
Departments under similar schemes like DST, BIRAC, MSME,NITI Aayog, DBT,
NABARD etc., especially (towards capital expenditure)

Name & Signature of the

Name & Signature of the
Head of the Institute (With Seal)
R-ABI Head (With seal)



Annexure IV



1 We have gone through and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of the
Nodal Division, DAC&FW grant for R-ABI.

2 We have not submitted, nor do we intend to submit this, or a similar project

proposal, to any other agency for financial or other support. In case we submit
a proposal to the other agency and get the support, we will keep Division of
RKVY, DAC&FW informed.

3 We undertake to submit progress reports, statement(s) of accounts, utilization

certificates as required.

4 Certified that Dr/Shri/Smt.......................... is the R-ABI Head of the proposed

R-ABI. The R-ABI Head will assume the responsibility of implementation of
the project.

5 Certified that the hardware, other basic facilities and such other administrative
support required for successful running of R-ABI will be extended to the R-ABI
by Host Institute, as per terms and conditions of the grant.

6 Our institution/agency assures to undertake the complete financial and other

management responsibilities of the R-ABI, and successful running of R-ABI
for two years of sanction of R-ABI by Nodal Division, DAC&FW.

7 Certified that the minimum period to provide land and building to R-ABI is 15
years and we will continue to provide support beyond this initial period.

8 If any of the above statements found to be incorrect by Nodal, DAC&FW at

any point of time, the organization takes the responsibility to refund the entire
amount released by Nodal, DAC&FW.

Date…………… Name & Signature of the

Head of the Institution

Place …….


Application for

Agripreneurship Orientation Programme under

RKVY-RAFTAAR Programme of RKVY Scheme

a. Name of the applicant

b. Postal address

c. Email

d. Phone/ Mobile Number

e. Date of Birth

f. Gender:

g. Qualification

h. Details of Experience if any

i. Please attach a concept note of the technology/business idea you propose to


j. Describe the innovative elements of the idea along with comparisons with
previous reports or products available

k. Please describe the target market opportunities or market for your proposed
technology/business idea.

l. How much money did you invest in developing the plan (if any).

m. How will you generate revenue out of your technology/business idea?


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