Chou's SR Article
Chou's SR Article
Chou's SR Article
RISK has been know to man ever since he first faced adversity. It is an integral
part of the evolution of man. Risk has been encountered primarily in his
physical environment, later on in his social environment. With time, risk has
evolved alongwith man. The main risk Neolithic man faced was an attack by a
wild animal. This was mitigated with the discovery of fire. Note: Mitigated not
eliminated. Risk can rarely, if ever, be completely eliminated. This mitigation
has now take the form hedging sales of currencies in the future using forward
contracts or options. It is risk, but it has changed with man and his society.
R I S K averse individuals tend to be willing to pay the expected value of the loss
rather than face the risk of the loss. This can be explained by the fact that the
value of the loss, if incurred, is greater than the amount sacrificed by the
individual to cover that loss.
E.g.: If your house has a 20% chance of catching a fire and being destroyed.
The loss you would incur on this would be $20,000. This the absolute amount
you would lose given the house caught fire. The expected value of this is
(.2)*($20,000) + (.8)*(0) = $4,000 * . So the risk averse person would be willing
to pay $4,000 to avoid a loss of $20,000 with a 20% probability. The amount a
risk averse person is willing to pay depends on the degree of risk aversion. This
also depends on the amount of initial wealth that is at risk. Due to the declining
marginal utility of wealth (each additional unit of wealth is less useful, as the
level of wealth increase), a larger loss has a greater impact than a smaller loss.
The effect of a larger loss is to set back the initial level of wealth, inverting the
marginal utility of wealth. Though, the fact that a larger loss sets you back is
something very obvious, and would not need an explanation.
IN a financial context risk can be mitigated in two ways. One, by hedging using
the correlations of stocks (CAPM), secondly using derivatives. Investors
normally use both, though their applications are different.
In a portfolio, the demand for any financial asset rests on the correlation
between all the assets in the portfolio. In a portfolio, if two assets are
negatively correlated (a loss in one results in a simultaneous gain in the other)
then they have naturally hedged themselves against each other. Financial
models are used to evaluate returns on portfolios. The CAPM is the most
popular model.
This is a pure risk; hence the opposite of the loss $20,000 is “no gain”.
Gaurav Choudhury (UG ’03)
The Wharton School of Finance and Commerce
University of Pennsylvania
C A P M or the Capital Asset Pricing model is the most frequently used financial
model to enable portfolio diversification. If returns on risky assets have less
than perfect correlation, i.e., they do not naturally hedge against each other, risk
averse individuals diversify risk in their holding of assets. A well diversified
portfolio would have less fluctuation than returns on individually held financial
S O how does this work? Assume that you have a portfolio of financial assets (in
this case, equity securities). Each stock as explained in the types of risk, has
two elements of risk. These are systematic and non-systematic risks. The non-
systematic risk of individual securities can be mitigated through a well-
diversified portfolio. Theoretically it can be completely negated by holding a
diversified portfolio that is identical to the market. This normally does not
happened since
a) This would be a very very large portfolio.
b) People would make money only based on the entire market moving up
or down. (i.e., if your portfolio is a perfect substitute for the DJIA,
then you will make money only if the entire market moves up). Most
people who do hold real portfolios would like to make money
regardless of the market movements.
Given that non-systematic risk is virtually nullified by a large portfolio (CAPM
assumes such a large portfolio), the only risk that remains is the systematic risk.
Thus, the only type of risk for which and investor would earn a return would be
the systematic risk. This systematic risk is measured as Beta. Beta (β)
calculates the volatility/exposure of a security’s return to the entire market
(CAPM) portfolio.
EXPOSURE of financial assets is a vast topic and very detailed to get into. This
is intended to provide a brief overview. A simple illustration of risk in financial
terms is as follows. You are issue a loan to another person. The risk you are
exposed to is that of the interest rates on loans rising after you issued the loan.
This means that the amount of money you lent could have been invested to earn
a higher return. The issued person is conversely exposed to the risk of interest
rates dropping after he borrows from you. In the case of a company that issues
debt this changes slightly. Companies would prefer issuing debt when interest
rates are low and vice versa for the debtholders.
T Y P E S of financial assets.
Stock: In the form of a single share, this certifies an individuals
ownership of a certain percentage of the corporation. Individuals
rarely own 1 or 2 shares of a corporation. More often than not they
own, a block of shares. This can range from 100 to 100,000. These
ownership rights are valid as long as the corporation does not become
insolvent or not pay any contractual obligations. The return on
common stock comes in the form of dividends that are paid out of the
net income after all the obligations to other creditors and debtholders
are made. The board of directors/management is not compelled to
declare dividends out of the residual net income. This money can be
Gaurav Choudhury (UG ’03)
The Wharton School of Finance and Commerce
University of Pennsylvania
re-invested by the firm, if the deem that there are better investment
opportunities. To mitigate the conflict of interest between
shareholders and management/directors, companies more often than not
insist on employee compensation scheme based partially on stock based
compensation. In this case the management/directors are more certain
to make more prudent investment decisions.
I1 + I2 + I3 + I4
(1+ I) 1
(1+I)2 1+I)3 (1+I)4 PV of bond =
Assessing the risk of debt is done mainly through the duration of the
bond. Duration measure the time-weighted average till payments are
received from bonds.
The duration (D) is therefore:
(1 x I1) + (2 x I2) + (3 x I3) + (4 x I4)
1 2 3
P (1+ I) (1+I) 1+I) (1+I)4
Gaurav Choudhury (UG ’03)
The Wharton School of Finance and Commerce
University of Pennsylvania
D =
Duration conveys that the longer the stream of cash flow payments, the
more susceptible the bond is to a change in the interest rates. This
concept of duration is comparable to the systematic risk portion of a
Options: An option provides the holder with a right to buy or sell an asset at
an exercise price. A put option is the right to sell and a call is the right to
buy the financial asset. The holder has the right, but not the obligation, to
buy or sell the asset at a specific expiration date (European Option) or by a
specified expiration date. If the option is not exercised by a specific date,
then it expires without value. Options are available on financial assets such
as common stock, foreign currencies and even on futures themselves.
Options are conceptually the hardest financial assets to understand but they
do provide the best insurance at a small premium (as opposed to futures and
Gaurav Choudhury (UG ’03)
The Wharton School of Finance and Commerce
University of Pennsylvania
forwards which have no premium). But options have a greater upside
potential and no downside risk.