15ME11E - Solar PV - Question Bank
15ME11E - Solar PV - Question Bank
15ME11E - Solar PV - Question Bank
Part A
1. Define Photovoltaic effect. CO1-K1
5. A solar cell gives a current of 0.8 A and the voltage of 0.55 at maximum power CO1-K2
temperature increases.
7. The current density of a solar cell having an area of 100 cm2 at STC is CO1-K2
13 Calculate the output power of a solar cell of efficiency 16%, when the CO1-K2
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17 Calculate the voltage of a solar cell at 35 0C, if the Voc at STC is 0.6 V. CO1-K2
Part B
1 The output voltage of a solar cell at STC is 0.7V. The out voltage CO1-K2
2.5 Wp. Calculate the maximum output power at 45°C and 55°C.
4 A solar cell having an area of 100 cm2 gives 2.4A current and 0.7V at CO1-K2
maximum power point at STC. The cell gives 2.8A short circuit current
and 0.8V open circuit voltage. What is the maximum power point of the
solar cell? Also, determine the efficiency of the cell.
5 What is surface texturing. Explain its significance. CO1-K2
solar cell.
9 What is a solar cell? How it generates electricity? CO1-K2
10 A solar cell having fill factor 68% gives 0.6V voltage at maximum power CO1-K2
point at STC. The cell gives 3A short circuit current and 0.7V open circuit
voltage. What is the current at maximum power point of the cell?
11 A solar cell has a maximum power point of 0.3W. The cell voltage at CO1-K2
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input power is say, 600, 800 and 1000 W/m2 and area of the cell is 100
13 Illustrate the effect of light on a solar cell under various intensities in CO1-K2
15 Brief the ways to enhance light trapping in a solar cell. CO1-K2
16 A solar cell having fill factor 0.6 gives 02.5 A current at maximum power CO1-K2
point at STC. The cell gives 3A short circuit current and 0.5V open circuit
voltage. What is the voltage at maximum power point of the cell?
Part C
1. A PV panel has an open circuit voltage of 40 V and short circuit current CO1-K2
3. Enumerate the primary design factors that affect the performance of a CO1-K2
solar cell.
4. A solar cell having an area of 25 cm2 gives a current of 0.85 A and CO1-K2
voltage 0.55 V at maximum power point. If Isc = 0.9 A and Voc = 0.65 V,
what is the fill factor, maximum power point and efficiency of the solar
cell. Consider STC.
5. A solar cell having an area of 120 cm2 gives 3.4A current and 0.7V at CO1-K2
maximum power point at STC. The cell gives 3.8A short circuit current
and 0.8V open circuit voltage. What is the maximum power point of the
solar cell? Also, determine the efficiency of the cell and Fill factor.
6. List the design parameters of a solar cell. Discuss them elaborately. CO1-K2
7. Calculate the efficiency and peak power of a solar cell operating at 27oC CO1-K2
with Isc = 2.2A and Voc = 0.616V at an illumination of 1000 W/m 2. Area
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of the cell is 100 cm2. Also calculate the efficiency and peak power of
the cell if the operating temperature increases to 35oC. Assume the
value of FF as 75%.
8. Explain the techniques used for minimizing the optical losses of a solar CO1-K2
9. What is carrier recombination? How it can be reduced? Describe any CO1-K2
Part A
1. List the possible refining process for producing solar grade silicon from MG- CO2-K1
2. List a few commonly available commercial solar cells. CO2-K1
3. Define solar grade silicon. How it differs from electronic grade CO2-K2
4. Why thin film technologies are referred to as second generation solar CO2-K2
5. What is silicon ingot? How it is obtained? CO2-K2
12 List the steps in producing silicon wafers from raw material quartzite. CO2-K2
13 Why mono and multicrystalline Si wafers are the most commonly used CO2-K2
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14 List out the parameters to be specified at STC by a standard CO2-K2
manufacturer of a PV module.
15 What is CIGS technology? Name the frontier in CIGS production. CO2-K2
16 An efficiency of 24% has been reported for wafer based solar cells in CO2-K2
Part B
1 List the various thin film deposition techniques used in fabrication of CO2-K2
4 List the limitations of Siemens reactor which commonly used for CO2-K2
8 Sketch the generic process flow for commercial wafer-based solar cell CO2-K2
9 List the advantages of thin film solar cells. CO2-K2
10 Bring out the requirements to be fulfilled by the material used for thin film CO2-K2
solar cells.
11 What is TCO in thin film technology? List the requirements of TCO layer. CO2-K2
14 Sketch the generations of solar cell technologies. CO2-K2
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15 What are multi-junction solar cells. Where it finds its application? CO2-K2
future? Justify.
Part C
1. Explain the production process of electronic grade silicon using Siemens CO2-K2
2. With a neat sketch, discuss the production of monocrystailine silicon CO2-K2
5. Illustrate the fabrication process of a PV module with the help of a flow CO2-K2
6. With a neat sketch, discuss the production of monocrystailine silicon CO2-K2
9. Explain the Physical vapor deposition technique for deposition of thin CO2-K2
CO3 – UNIT - 3
Part A
1. What is PV module string and array? CO3-K2
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4. How will you estimate the number of cells in a PV module? CO3-K2
11 How cells are normally connected in a PV module? Series or parallel? CO3-K2
17 A photovoltaic panel has six modules connected in series, each module CO3-K2
Part B
3 List the types of DC-DC converters. Enumerate the importance of DC-DC CO3-K2
converters in PV system.
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4 Explain the concept of Net-metering. CO3-K2
5 List the performance indicators in the evaluation of a grid tied PV system. CO3-K2
and voltage of 16.5V at maximum power point under STC. What is the
peak power and efficiency of the module?
7 A solar cell having Isc = 4.75 A is used to make a PV module of 36 cells CO3-K2
13 Estimate the Fill factor and peak power of a PV module of area 1.62 m2 CO3-K2
when Voc= 36.7 V, Vmpp = 29.4 V, Isc= 8.52 A and Impp= 7.83 A.
14 Estimate the efficiency and peak power of a PV module of area 1.646 m2 CO3-K2
when Voc= 37.4 V, Vmpp = 29.72 V, Isc= 8.48 A and Impp= 8.08 A.
Part C
1. Illustrate the factors to be considered for the precise design of a solar PV CO3-K2
2. Examine the key parameters involved in the performance evaluation of a CO3-K2
4. Design a solar PV module for providing voltage at maximum power point CO3-K3
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of Vm=30V (STC) and 28.5V (under operating conditions, 55°C cell
temperature). Use the cells with Voc = 0.62 V and 0.002 V decrease in
V, per degree centigrade rise in temperature.
5. In a PV power plant of 1 MW capacity, the desired voltage at maximum CO3-K3
power point is 700 V. Design the string configuration and estimate the
peak power point of the plant. Also estimate the peak power that will be
supplied by one such PV string. The specifications of the PV modules
used are: Voc= 44 V, Vmpp = 32 V, 1sc= 8.5 A and Impp= 7.5 A.
6. In a PV plant of 10KW capacity, PV modules are connected in series CO3-K3
are connected to the grid through a grid tied inverter. The voltage
range for inverter operation is 300-400V and maximum current the
inverter can handle is 150A.Design a solar PV system for such inverter
which should operate at maximum voltage of 350V and a current at
150A.The module available for this are having Vm = 40V, Im = 9A.
Also estimate the final power of the system.
9. In a PV power plant of 1 MW capacity a large number of PV modules CO3-K3
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parameters of PV modules to be used are Voc = 44 V, Vm =35 V,
Isc= 8A and Im = 7A.
10. Design a grid connected PV system for fulfilling the load energy CO3-K3
CO3 – UNIT - 4
Part A
1. Define Depth of discharge of a solar battery. CO3-K2
2. What is the purpose of charge controller? List any two types of CO3-K2
13 List any two MPPT schemes commonly used in solar PV systems. CO3-K2
16 List out the parameters on which the stand alone PV system CO3-K2
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configuration depends.
18 List out the factors upon which the choice of a battery depends for a CO3-K2
specific PV application.
19 Define Capacity Utilization Factor. CO3-K2
20 What is the optimum inclination angle and orientation for the PV module CO3-K2
Part B
7 Sketch the energy flow diagram of a PV system used for stand-alone CO3-K2
system design.
9 Design the battery system for the voltage requirements of 24 volts and CO3-K2
capacity 900 Ah. The specifications of available battery are 12H and
150 Ah.
10 Explain Ah capacity and life cycle of a solar battery. CO3-K2
12 List the factors upon which the choice of a battery depends for the given CO3-K2
Part C
1. Interpret the battery parameters to be taken into account while selecting CO3-K2
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How will you validate that tracking of a PV module improve the
performance of the system?
3. What is Maximum Power Point Tracking? Explain the significance of CO3-K2
motor (747 W) operating for four hours a day, 8 tube lights ,each of
50 W operating for 7 hours a day and 8 Fans, each of 75W operating 6
hours a day. Consider 1 day autonomy for battery.
10. Briefly explain the various stand-alone PV system configurations with CO3-K2
suitable schematics.
CO4 – UNIT - 5
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Part A
1. Define simple Pay Back period of a PV system. CO4-K1
3. List any two economic indicators of financial analysis that are often used CO4-K2
5. When will the Net present value of the PV system positive? CO4-K2
8. Name any two software used of PV system economic study CO4-K2
Part B
1 State the procedure for estimating the Life cycle costing of PV CO4-K2
2 What is savings-to-investment ratio for a PV system? When its value will CO4-K2
be higher?
3 What is adjusted internal rate of return? When the PV project can be CO4-K2
5 How will you examine the Net present value of a PV system? CO4-K2
6 Illustrate the economic indicators to carry out the economic analysis of a CO4-K2
PV installation.
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7 Enumerate the components to be considered for the calculation of LCC CO4-K2
of a decentralized PV installation.
8 How will you assess the economic feasibility of a solar street lighting CO4-K2
9 Illustrate the components to be considered for the economic study of CO4-K2
Part C
module. The inverter cost @ Rs. 16/watt, structure & civil works @ Rs.
12/watt, interconnection with the grid @ Rs. 13/watt and miscellaneous
expenses @ Rs. 25/watt are incurred. If the MNRE subsidy is 30 % of
project cost, estimate the energy output, simple payback period, net cost
incurred and annual benefits. Make relevant assumptions if required.
3. What is simple payback period for a PV system? Illustrate with the initial CO4-K2
get the optimum economic benefits from the installed roof top PV
5. Explain the economic indicators for making rooftop solar PV plant CO4-K2
financial analysis.
6. A 10 KW rooftop PV system consists of 42 Nos. of 240 Wp @ Rs. 8000/- CO4-K2
per module. If the 10 KVA inverter cost @ Rs. 3.25 lakhs, battery @
Rs. 6,500 per unit and miscellaneous expenses Rs. 70000/- are
incurred, estimate the total initial investment, cost per kWh, payback
period and SIR of the plant.
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7. It is proposed to install 50 Nos. of solar street lights for a 2 km highway, CO4-K2
40 m apart. If the lamp cost @ Rs. 1800/- per unit, module cost @ Rs.
6500/- per unit, battery @ Rs. 8000/- per unit, controller @ 700/- per
piece and pole cost @ Rs. 7000/- per unit, estimate the total initial
investment. Consider civil works and miscellaneous expenses
accordingly. Determine the simple pay back of the installation.
8. Design a solar PV system and find the simple payback period for CO4-K2
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