Affidavit/Sworn Statement of Actual Care and Custody: (Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name)

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Revised as of September 26, 2019

Republic of the Philippines

Regional Office ___
Schools Division of _________


I _______________________, resident of ___________________, of legal age, Filipino state


1. I have the actual care and custody of minor child _____________________, who is
my_____________ (filial relationship to the child, if any).

2. I further state that the actual care and custody was vested upon me since
______________ because

______ both parents of the minor child died;

______ the known parent died; (Proof - Death Certificate)
______ both parents are unknown. (Proof – Certificate of Foundling)
______ other scenario in cases one or both parent cannot sign the necessary
Parental Consent form;

3. As the actual caretaker and custodian of the minor child, I hereby willingly and
voluntarily give consent to the participation of the minor child in the school
sports athletic meets which includes, but not limited to Division Meet, Regional
Meet and Palarong Pambansa.

4. I have considered the benefits that the minor child will derive from the
participation in these activities provided that due care and precaution shall be
observed to ensure the comfort and safety of the minor child.

5. I hereby acknowledge that Department of Education, its management,

personnel, employees and agent may not be held responsible for any untoward
incident which is beyond their control.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereto affixed my signature this ________________ in


Printed Name over Signature

_____________________________ _____________________________
Adviser School Head/Registrar
(Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name)

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to me this ______________________ by

____________________ in _________________________ who I have identified through his/her
competent proof of identification.


FOR SCHOOL SPORTS (Lower Meet up to Palarong Pambansa)

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