Are There Any Restrictions Concerning The Foreign Ownership of Electricity Companies or Assets?
Are There Any Restrictions Concerning The Foreign Ownership of Electricity Companies or Assets?
Are There Any Restrictions Concerning The Foreign Ownership of Electricity Companies or Assets?
This part of the report shall focus on the laws that regulate the power industry in
So We looked at the constitution and found that unlike the Philippines, the
Constitution of Japan did not have any provision on the ownership of public utilities.
For reasons of national security, foreign investments in nuclear and other key
power plants will be carefully reviewed, and it will be difficult to obtain permission
for these.
Since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Japan has been facing
issues such as
The electricity sector in Japan is governed by the Electricity Business Act (EBA). It is
regulated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). The Electricity
and Gas Market Surveillance Commission is a specific body which is authorized to
issue a warning against electricity companies to comply with the EBA and
recommend that the Minister of ETI should issue orders against electricity
companies. For nuclear power reactors, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) is
the appropriate governing body.
was established for the purpose of accomplishing three main goals namely (a) to secure stable
electricity supply; (b) suppress electricity rates to the maximum extent possible; and (c) to expand
choices for consumers and business opportunities. 1 It was created in 2015 by the Ministry of
Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan which functions mainly to promote the development of
electricity transmission and distribution networks to be utilized for cross-regional electricity use.
The OCCTO seeks to create a coordinated network access and system to ensure that electricity is
available. This can be done by developing network codes and plan transmissions.
The OCCTO also aims to enhance the nationwide function of maintaining the supply-
demand balance of electricity by ensuring the electricity is evenly distributed according to the
needs and demands of the GEUs’ market even in emergency situations.2 The efforts in cases of
emergency situations has been shown by the conduct of training for disasters and dispute
actualizing its goals through the full liberalization of entry to electricity retail business that began
in 2016.
1 Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, Role of OCCTO in the Electricity
System Reform, available at (last accessed May 17,
2 Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, supra note 43.