Manaois v. ST Scho

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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. 188914 December 11, 2013





The present case concerns the academic qualifications required in attaining the
status of a permanent full-time faculty member in the tertiary level of a private
educational institution. Petitioner Jocelyn Herrera-Manaois (Manaois) assails the
judgments1 of the Court of Appeals (CA), which reversed the Resolution2 of the
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) and ruled that respondent St.
Scholastica's College (SSC) was not guilty of illegal dismissal. SSC did not
extend to Manaois the position of permanent full-time faculty member with the
rank of instructor because she failed to acquire a master's degree and because
her specialization could no longer be maximized by the institution due to the
changes in its curriculum and streamlining.


SSC, situated in the City of Manila, is a private educational institution offering

elementary, secondary, and tertiary education. Manaois graduated from SSC in
October 1992 with a degree in Bachelor of Arts in English. In 1994, she returned
to her alma mater as a part-time English teacher. After taking a leave of absence
for one year, she was again rehired by SSC for the same position. Four years
into the service, she was later on recommended by her Department Chairperson
to become a full-time faculty member of the English Department.

Manaois thus applied for a position as full-time instructor for school year 2000-
2001. She mentioned in her application letter3 that she had been taking the
course Master of Arts in English Studies, Major in Creative Writing, at the
University of the Philippines, Diliman (UP); that she was completing her master’s
thesis; and that her oral defense was scheduled for June 2000. In a reply
letter4 dated 17 April 2000, the Dean of Arts and Sciences informed her of the
SSC Administrative Council’s approval of her application. She was then advised
to maintain the good performance that she had shown for the past years and to
submit the necessary papers pertaining to her master’s degree. Accordingly,
SSC hired her as a probationary fulltime faculty member with the assigned rank
of instructor for the school year 2000-2001.5 Her probationary employment
continued for a total of three consecutive years. Throughout her service as a
probationary full-time faculty member with no derogatory record, she was given
above-satisfactory ratings by both the Department Chairperson and the Dean of
Arts and Sciences.

Because of the forthcoming completion of her third year of probationary

employment, Manaois wrote the Dean of Arts and Sciences requesting an
extension of her teaching load for the school year 2003-2004. She again
mentioned in her letter that she was a candidate for a master’s degree in English
Studies; that the schedule of her oral defense may actually materialize anytime
within the first academic semester of 2003; and that she intended to fully earn
her degree that year. She also furnished the school with a Certification from UP,
stating that she had already finished her coursework in her master’s studies.
Furthermore, she indicated that it was her long-term goal to apply for a return to
full-time faculty status by then and for SSC to consider the aforesaid matters.6

Manaois eventually received a letter from the Dean of College and Chairperson
of the Promotions and Permanency Board officially informing her of the board’s
decision not to renew her contract. The letter provides as follows:7

The Permanency Board reviewed your case and after a thorough deliberation,
the members decided not to renew your contract for school year 2003-2004.

With due consideration to your services, the institution had granted your request
for a three-year extension to finish your master’s degree. However, you failed to
comply with the terms which you yourself had requested. In addition, your
specialization cannot be maximized at SSC due to the college’s curriculum
changes and streamlining.

It is with your best interest in mind and deep regret on our part that we have to let
you go. A new environment may be able to provide you more avenues and
opportunities where you can utilize your graduate studies in Creative Writing to
the fullest.

Manaois sought clarification and reconsideration of the decision of SSC to

terminate her services. SSC denied her request in a letter dated 11 July 2003.
Consequently, she filed a complaint for illegal dismissal, payment of 13th month
pay, damages, and attorney’s fees against SSC.

SSC explained that upon consideration of the written application of Manaois, the
Dean of Arts and Sciences wrote the following notation at the bottom of her letter
of application – "APPROVED: on the basis that she finishes her MA."8 The
college clarified that the application for full-time faculty status of Manaois was
accepted with the specific qualification that she would submit the necessary
papers pertaining to her master’s degree. It stressed that permanency may only
be extended to full-time faculty members if they had fulfilled the criteria provided
in the SSC Faculty Manual. According to SSC, the Chair of the English
Department did not endorse the application for permanency of Manaois, since
the latter had not finished her master’s degree within the three-year probationary
period. SSC then refuted the supposed performance ratings of Manaois and
instead pointed out that she had merely received an average rating from her
students. Finally, it asserted that her specialization was the subject of writing and
not English Literature, which was the subject area that they needed a faculty
member for.


On 16 July 2004, the labor arbiter rendered a Decision9 finding the dismissal of
petitioner to be illegal. In addressing the issues, he first noted the two reasons
given by SSC for not renewing the contract of Manaois: (1) the failure of
petitioner to finish her master’s degree within the three-year probationary period;
and (2) SSC’s inability to maximize petitioner’s specialization due to curriculum
changes and streamlining.

With respect to the first reason, the labor arbiter reiterated that the alleged
handwritten notation on Manaois’s employment application showing that the
approval thereof was premised on her completion of a master’s degree had not
been disclosed or made known to her at the start of her engagement. In fact, she
was not given a copy of the approval until it was attached to the position paper of
SSC. The labor arbiter agreed with Manaois that the only credible evidence that
a precondition had been set for the acceptance of her employment application
was SSC’s letter expressly stating that she must (a) maintain a good
performance and (b) submit the necessary papers pertaining to her master’s
degree. Regarding these preconditions, the labor arbiter noted that the allegation
concerning the mere average performance rating of Manaois given by the
students was neither made known to her nor duly substantiated with
documentary proof. Even so, the labor arbiter articulated that at the very least,
the performance of Manaois during her three-year probationary employment was
satisfactory, as admitted by SSC itself, thereby satisfying the first condition
mentioned in the letter. The labor arbiter then considered the Certification issued
by UP as sufficient evidence of Manaois’s compliance with the second condition
set by SSC.

Next, the labor arbiter noted that under the SSC Faculty Manual, the minimum
requirements for the rank of instructor, for which petitioner had been hired under
the employment contract, was a bachelor’s degree with at least 25% units of
master’s studies completed. He then found that the requirement for a master’s
degree actually pertained to the rank of assistant professor, a position that had
not been applied for by Manaois. Thus, he ruled that failure to finish a master’s
degree could not be used either as a ground for dismissing petitioner or as basis
for refusing to extend to her a permanent teaching status.

Anent respondent’s argument citing the Manual of Regulations for Private

Schools, the labor arbiter ruled that the provisions therein were inapplicable
insofar as the employment status of petitioner was concerned. He explained that
the manual merely referred to the requirements for tertiary schools to be
accredited and not to the employment conditions of the academic personnel.
Thus, he pronounced that Sections 44(c) and 45 of the manual, which required
tertiary schools to hire teachers who were holders of master’s degrees, could not
be used as basis for dismissing Manaois.

The labor arbiter then focused on the second reason of SSC as a reflection of the
true motive behind the dismissal of Manaois. According to the labor arbiter, the
clear import of the statement "your specialization cannot be maximized at SSC
due to the college’s curriculum changes and streamlining" was that SSC had
already decided to terminate her services, regardless of the completion of her
master’s degree. The labor arbiter consequently ruled that this reason was not a
valid cause for dismissing a probationary employee, reiterating that probationers
may only be terminated either (a) for a just cause, or (b) for failure to qualify as a
regular employee in accordance with reasonable standards made known at the
time of engagement. Ultimately, the labor arbiter pronounced that Manaois had
attained permanent status and that SSC’s nonrenewal of her contract must be
deemed as a dismissal without just cause.


On 27 July 2007, the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) issued a

Resolution10 upholding the labor arbiter’s Decision. The NLRC reiterated the
labor arbiter’s finding that the failure of petitioner to finish her master’s degree
within the three-year probationary period was not a valid ground for the
termination of employment, as the condition was not made known to her at the
time of engagement. Furthermore, it reasoned that an average rating was not
one of the just causes for dismissal under the Labor Code. Consequently, it
affirmed the Decision of the labor arbiter in toto.


On 27 February 2009, the CA issued the presently assailed Decision reversing

the NLRC judgment on the ground of grave abuse of discretion and thus
dismissing the complaint of Manaois. According to the appellate court, it was
compelled to conduct its independent evaluation of the facts of the case, since
the factual findings of the labor arbiter and the NLRC were contrary to the
evidence on record.
First, the CA ruled that various pieces of evidence showed that Manaois had
been, at the time of engagement, aware and knowledgeable that possession of a
master’s degree was a criterion for permanency as a full-time faculty member at
SSC. As early as April 2000, which was the period during which Manaois applied
to become a full-time faculty member, she had already sent a letter indicating
that she was completing her master’s degree, and that the oral defense of her
thesis was scheduled for June 2000. According to the appellate court, this fact
reasonably implied that she was fully aware of the necessity of a master’s degree
in order for her to attain permanent status at SSC. Furthermore, it noted that
Manaois submitted, together with her application letter, a Certification from UP
stating that she had already finished her course work for her master’s degree. It
then deduced that this submission was proof that she had endeavored to
substantially comply with one of the requirements for permanency.

The CA then juxtaposed her letter with the reply of SSC’s Dean of Arts and
Sciences, who said that petitioner must submit the necessary papers pertaining
to the latter’s master’s degree, as represented in her application letter. It treated
this reply as indubitable proof of SSC’s appraisal of the requirement to obtain a
master’s degree. Consequently, the appellate court reasoned that the disclosure
of the notation on petitioner’s application latter was already inconsequential,
since one of the topics of the exchange of correspondences between the parties
in April 2000 was the submission of petitioner’s papers for her master’s degree.
This directive proffered no other interpretation than that the completion of a
master’s degree had been a precondition for the conferment of Manaois’s
permanent employment status.

The CA also noted that the employment contract of petitioner incorporated the
conditions set in the SSC Faculty Manual. The manual explicitly stated that the
criteria for permanency included the completion of a master’s degree. According
to the CA, the labor arbiter gravely erred when he solely relied on the minimum
requirements provided for the rank of instructor. It stressed that the criteria cited
for the rank of instructor referred to the basis on which full-time and part-time
faculty members were ranked, and not to the requirements to be fulfilled in order
to become a permanent faculty member. Instead, the appellate court agreed with
SSC that what happened in this case was merely the expiration of an
employment contract and the nonrenewal thereof. It pointed out that, in spite of
the requests of Manaois for the extension of her employment in order for her to
finish her master’s degree, she failed to do so. In fact, she informed SSC that
there was still no fixed schedule for her oral defense.

Thus, in the light of the foregoing pieces of evidence, the CA ruled that the labor
arbiter and the NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion in ruling that petitioner
had not been made aware of the reasonable standards of employment at the
time of her engagement. Based on her own acts, Manaois knew of the necessity
of obtaining a master’s degree in order to attain permanent employment status.
SSC was thus well within its rights not to renew her employment contract for her
failure to qualify as a permanent full-time faculty member. Consequently, her
complaint was dismissed.


Whether the completion of a master’s degree is required in order for a tertiary

level educator to earn the status of permanency in a private educational


Probationary employment refers to the trial stage or period during which the
employer examines the competency and qualifications of job applicants, and
determines whether they are qualified to be extended permanent employment
status.11 Such an arrangement affords an employer the opportunity – before the
full force of the guarantee of security of tenure comes into play – to fully
scrutinize and observe the fitness and worth of probationers while on the job and
to determine whether they would become proper and efficient employees.12 It
also gives the probationers the chance to prove to the employer that they
possess the necessary qualities and qualifications to meet reasonable standards
for permanent employment.13 Article 281 of the Labor Code, as amended,
provides as follows:

Art. 281. Probationary employment. Probationary employment shall not

exceed six (6) months from the date the employee started working, unless it is
covered by an apprenticeship agreement stipulating a longer period. The
services of an employee who has been engaged on a probationary basis
may be terminated for a just cause or when he fails to qualify as a regular
employee in accordance with reasonable standards made known by the
employer to the employee at the time of his engagement. An employee who
is allowed to work after a probationary period shall be considered a regular
employee. (Emphases supplied)

We agree with the CA in setting aside the NLRC Decision and in ruling that the
requirement to obtain a master’s degree was made known to Manaois. The
contract she signed clearly incorporates the rules, regulations, and employment
conditions contained in the SSC Faculty Manual, viz:14


A. x x x x

B. After having read and understood in full the contents of the

MEMBER agrees to faithfully perform all the duties and
responsibilities attendant to her position as PROBATIONARY
FULL-TIME FACULTY MEMBER and comply with all the rules,
regulations and employment conditions of the SCHOOL, as
provided in said FACULTY MANUAL including any
amendment/s pertinent to her position as may be hereinafter
incorporated therein.



A. The SCHOOL has the right to terminate the FACULTY

MEMBER’S services for just cause such as, among
others, failure to comply with any of the provisions of the
FACULTY MANUAL pertinent to her status as FULL-TIME

The SSC Faculty Manual in turn provides for the following

conditions in order for a faculty member to acquire permanent
employment status:15


1. Prior to the end of the probationary period, the faculty member

formally applies for permanency to her/his Department
Chair/Coordinator. The Department Chair/Coordinator, in
consultation with the faculty member, reviews the applicant’s over-
all performance. If the records show that the criteria for
permanency are met, the applicant is recommended for
permanency to the Promotions and Permanency Board by the
Department Chair/Coordinator. In certain instances (i.e., when the
Department Chair/Coordinator does not give a recommendation for
permanency), the Academic Dean can exercise her prerogative to
recommend the applicant.



1. The faculty member must have completed at least a

master’s degree.

2. The faculty member must manifest behavior reflective of the

school’s mission-vision and goals.
3. The faculty member must have consistently received above
average rating for teaching performance as evaluated by the
Academic Dean, Department Chair/Coordinator and the students.

4. The faculty member must have manifested more than

satisfactory fulfillment of duties and responsibilities as evidenced by
official records especially in the areas of: x x x

5. The faculty member must manifest awareness of and adherence

to the school’s code of ethics for faculty.

6. The faculty member must be in good physical health and

manifest positive well being. (Emphasis supplied)

Viewed next to the statements and actions of Manaois – i.e., the references to
obtaining a master’s degree in her application letter, in the subsequent
correspondences between her and SSC, and in the letter seeking the extension
of a teaching load for the school year 2003-2004; and her submission of
certifications from UP and from her thesis adviser – we find that there is indeed
substantial evidence proving that she knew about the necessary academic
qualifications to obtain the status of permanency.

We also agree with the CA that the labor arbiter and the NLRC gravely
misinterpreted the section in the SSC Faculty Manual, which purportedly
provided for a lower academic requirement for full-time faculty members with the
rank of instructor, regardless of whether they have attained permanency or are
still on probation. The labor arbiter refers to the following section in the SSC


Only full-time and half-time faculty members are ranked. Subsidiary faculty
members follow a separate ranking system. Based on academic preparation,
fulfillment of duties and responsibilities, performance, research, output and/or
community service, a full-time or half-time faculty member may be appointed to
any of the following ranks:


There are 4 probationary ranks and 8 permanent ranks

a. Minimum Requirements

1. A bachelor’s degree with at least 25% masteral units

2. At least 2 years of teaching experience or its equivalent

(i.e., 1 year supervisory or professional experience)

b. Promotion within the Rank

1. A minimum of 1 year in the present level for promotion to

Instructor 2, 3, 4, and 5; a minimum of 2 years for promotion
to Instructor 6, 7 and 8.

2. An Instructor at any level may be promoted to the rank of

Assistant Professor upon fulfillment of all the qualifications
and requirements of the said rank. (Emphases supplied)

As correctly pointed out by the CA, the aforecited minimum requirements

provided for the rank of instructor merely refer to how instructors are ranked, and
not to the academic qualifications required to attain permanency. It must be
noted that the section in the SSC Faculty Manual on the ranking of instructors
cover those who are still on probationary employment and those who have
already attained permanency. It would therefore be erroneous to simply read the
section on the ranking of instructors – without taking into consideration the
previously quoted section on permanency – in order to determine the academic
qualifications for the position of permanent full-time faculty member with the rank
of instructor. Thus, to properly arrive at the criteria, the sections on both the
permanency and the ranking of an instructor, as provided in the SSC Manual,
must be read in conjunction with each another.

At this juncture, we reiterate the rule that mere completion of the three-year
probation, even with an above-average performance, does not guarantee that the
employee will automatically acquire a permanent employment status. 17 It is
settled jurisprudence18 that the probationer can only qualify upon fulfillment of the
reasonable standards set for permanent employment as a member of the
teaching personnel. In line with academic freedom and constitutional autonomy,
an institution of higher learning has the discretion and prerogative to impose
standards on its teachers and determine whether these have been met. Upon
conclusion of the probation period, the college or university, being the employer,
has the sole prerogative to make a decision on whether or not to re-hire the
probationer. The probationer cannot automatically assert the acquisition of
security of tenure and force the employer to renew the employment contract. In
the case at bar, Manaois failed to comply with the stated academic qualifications
required for the position of a permanent full-time faculty member.

Notwithstanding the existence of the SSC Faculty Manual, Manaois still cannot
legally acquire a permanent status of employment. Private educational
institutions must still supplementarily refer19 to the prevailing standards,
qualifications, and conditions set by the appropriate government agencies
(presently the Department of Education, the Commission on Higher Education,
and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority). This limitation on
the right of private schools, colleges, and universities to select and determine the
employment status of their academic personnel has been imposed by the state in
view of the public interest nature of educational institutions, so as to ensure the
quality and competency of our schools and educators.

The applicable guidebook20 at the time petitioner was engaged as a probationary

full-time instructor for the school year 2000 to 2003 is the 1992 Manual of
Regulations for Private Schools (1992 Manual).21 It provides the following
conditions of a probationary employment:

Section 89. Conditions of Employment. Every private school shall promote the
improvement of the economic, social and professional status of all its personnel.

In recognition of their special employment status and their special role in

the advancement of knowledge, the employment of teaching and non-
teaching academic personnel shall be governed by such rules as may from
time to time be promulgated, in coordination with one another, by the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports and the Department of Labor
and Employment.

Conditions of employment of non-academic non-teaching school personnel,

including compensation, hours of work, security of tenure and labor relations,
shall be governed by the appropriate labor laws and regulations.

Section 92. Probationary Period. Subject in all instances to compliance with

Department and school requirements, the probationary period for academic
personnel shall not be more than three (3) consecutive years of satisfactory
service for those in the elementary and secondary levels, six (6) consecutive
regular semesters of satisfactory service for those in the tertiary level, and
nine (9) consecutive trimesters of satisfactory service for those in the tertiary
level where collegiate courses are offered on the trimester basis.

Section 93. Regular or Permanent Status. Those who have served the
probationary period shall be made regular or permanent. Fulltime teachers
who have satisfactorily completed their probationary period shall be
considered regular or permanent. (Emphases supplied)

Considering that petitioner ultimately sought for the position of a permanent full-
time instructor, we must further look into the following provisions under the 1992
Manual, which set out the minimum requirements for such status:

Section 44. Minimum Faculty Qualifications. The minimum qualifications for

faculty for the different grades and levels of instruction duly supported by
appropriate credentials on file in the school shall be as follows:

c. Tertiary

(1) For undergraduate courses, other than vocational:

(a) Holder of a master’s degree, to teach largely in his major field; or, for
professional courses, holder of the appropriate professional license required for
at least a bachelor's degree. Any deviation from this requirement will be subject
to regulation by the Department.

Section 45. Full-time and Part-time Faculty. As a general rule, all private
schools shall employ full-time academic personnel consistent with the
levels of instruction.

Full-time academic personnel are those meeting all the following


a. Who possess at least the minimum academic

qualifications prescribed by the Department under this Manual for all
academic personnel;

b. Who are paid monthly or hourly, based on the regular teaching loads as
provided for in the policies, rules and standards of the Department and the

c. Whose total working day of not more than eight hours a day is devoted
to the school;

d. Who have no other remunerative occupation elsewhere requiring

regular hours of work that will conflict with the working hours in the school;

e. Who are not teaching full-time in any other educational institution.

All teaching personnel who do not meet the foregoing qualifications are
considered part-time.


Section 47. Faculty Classification and Ranking. At the tertiary level,

the academic teaching positions shall be classified in accordance with
academic qualifications, training and scholarship preferably into academic
ranks of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Instructor,
without prejudice to a more simplified or expanded system of faculty ranking, at
the option of the school.
Any academic teaching personnel who does not fall under any of the classes or
ranks indicated in the preceding paragraph shall be classified preferably as
professorial lecturer, guest lecturer, or any other similar academic designation on
the basis of his qualifications. (Emphases supplied)

Thus, pursuant to the 1992 Manual, private educational institutions in the tertiary
level may extend "full-time faculty" status only to those who possess, inter alia, a
master’s degree in the field of study that will be taught. This minimum
requirement is neither subject to the prerogative of the school nor to the
agreement between the parties. For all intents and purposes, this qualification
must be deemed impliedly written in the employment contracts between private
educational institutions and prospective faculty members. The issue of whether
probationers were informed of this academic requirement before they were
engaged as probationary employees is thus no longer material, as those who are
seeking to be educators are presumed to know these mandated qualifications.
Thus, all those who fail to meet the criteria under the 1992 Manual cannot legally
attain the status of permanent full-time faculty members, even if they have
completed three years of satisfactory service.

In the light of the failure of Manaois to satisfy the academic requirements for the
position, she may only be considered as a part-time instructor pursuant to
Section 45 of the 1992 Manual. In turn, as we have enunciated in a line of
cases,22 a part-time member of the academic personnel cannot acquire
permanence of employment and security of tenure under the Manual of
Regulations in relation to the Labor Code. We thus quote the ruling of this Court
in Lacuesta, viz:23

Section 93 of the 1992 Manual of Regulations for Private Schools provides that
full-time teachers who have satisfactorily completed their probationary period
shall be considered regular or permanent. Moreover, for those teaching in the
tertiary level, the probationary period shall not be more than six consecutive
regular semesters of satisfactory service. The requisites to acquire permanent
employment, or security of tenure, are (1) the teacher is a full-time teacher; (2)
the teacher must have rendered three consecutive years of service; and (3) such
service must have been satisfactory.

As previously held, a part-time teacher cannot acquire permanent status. Only


when one has served as a full-time teacher can he acquire permanent or regular
status. The petitioner was a part-time lecturer before she was appointed as a full-
time instructor on probation. As a parttime lecturer, her employment as such had
ended when her contract expired. Thus, the three semesters she served as part-
time lecturer could not be credited to her in computing the number of years she
has served to qualify her for permanent status.
Petitioner posits that after completing the three-year [full-time instructor on]
probation with an above-average performance, she already acquired permanent
status. On this point, we are unable to agree with petitioner.

Completing the probation period does not automatically qualify her to become a
permanent employee of the university. Petitioner could only qualify to become a
permanent employee upon fulfilling the reasonable standards for permanent
employment as faculty member. Consistent with academic freedom and
constitutional autonomy, an institution of higher learning has the prerogative to
provide standards for its teachers and determine whether these standards have
been met. At the end of the probation period, the decision to re-hire an employee
on probation, belongs to the university as the employer alone. (Emphases

For the foregoing reasons, we rule that there is no legal obligation on the part of
SSC to reappoint Manaois after the lapse of her temporary appointn:ient. We
thus affirm in toto the findings of fact of the CA and rule that SSC is not guilty of
illegal dismissal.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED for lack of merit. Accordingly, the Court of
Appeals Decision dated 27 February 2009 and the Resolution dated 22 July
2009 in CA-G.R. SP. No. 101382 are hereby AFFIRMED.



Chief Justice, Chaiperson



Associate Justice


Associate Justice Associate Justice

Associate Justice


Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the
conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the
case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.
Chief Justice


1Both the Decision dated 27 February 2009 and the Resolution dated 22
July 2009 in CA-G.R. SP. No. 101382 were penned by CA Associate
Justice Rosmari D. Carandang. Associate Justices Teresita Dy-Liacco
Flores and Apolinario D. Bruselas, Jr. concurred in the Decision, while
Associate Justices Remedios Salazar-Fernando and Apolinario D.
Bruselas, Jr. concurred in the Resolution. See: rollo, pp. 35-57.

2The Resolution dated 27 July 2007 was penned by NLRC Commissioner

Gregorio 0. Bilog, Ill and concurred in by Commissioner Tito F. Genito.
Presiding Commissioner Lourdes C. Javier took no part in the
proceedings. See: rollo, pp. 58-67.

3 CA rollo, p. 38.

4 Id. at 39.

5 Id. at 40-43.

6 Id. at 47.

7 Id. at 48.

8 Id. at 38.

9The Decision dated 16 July 2004 was penned by labor arbiter Ramon
Valentin C. Reyes. See: rollo, pp. 69-78.

10 Rollo, pp. 59-67.

11Colegio del Santisimo Rosario v. Rojo, G.R. No. 170388, 4 September

2013; Mercado v. AMA Computer College-Parañaque City, Inc., G.R. No.
183572, 13 April 2010, 618 SCRA 218; Magis Young Achievers’ Learning
Center v. Manalo, G.R. No. 178835, 13 February 2009, 579 SCRA
421; International Catholic Migration Commission v. National Labor
Relations Commission, 251 Phil. 560 (1989).

12 Id.
13 Id.

14 CA rollo, pp. 40-42.

15 Id. at 43.

16 Id. at 124.

17Lacuesta v. Ateneo de Manila University, 513 Phil. 329

(2005); University of Santo Tomas v. National Labor Relations
Commission, 261 Phil. 483 (1990).

18Colegio del Santisimo Rosario v. Rojo, supra note 11; Lacuesta v.

Ateneo de Manila University, supra; La Salette of Santiago, Inc. v.
National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 82918, 11 March 1991,
195 SCRA 80; Cagayan Capitol College v. National Labor Relations
Commission, G.R. Nos. 90010-11, 14 September 1990, 189 SCRA 658.

19See: Colegio del Santisimo Rosario v. Rojo, supra note 11; Mercado v.
AMA Computer College- Parañaque City, Inc., supra note 11; Magis
Young Achievers’ Learning Center v. Manalo, supra note 11; Lacuesta v.
Ateneo de Manila University, supra note 17; Cagayan Cagayan Capitol
College v. National Labor Relations Commission, supra; University of
Santo Tomas v. National Labor Relations Commission, supra note 17.

20The Commission on Higher Education has issued the 2008 Manual of

Regulations for Private Higher Education (CHED Memorandum Order No.
40, Series of 2008) during the pendency of this case.

21Department of Education, Culture and Sports Order No. 92, S. 1992 (10
August 1992).

22Lacuesta v. Ateneo de Manila University, supra note 17; Cagayan

Capitol College v. National Labor Relations Commission, supra note
18; University of Santo Tomas v. National Labor Relations Commission,
supra note 17.

23 Supra note 17, at 336-337.

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