Orals Questions

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MTAP Division Finals 2006

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure that you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself
again by answering the questions.

15 second questions
1. The length of a rectangle is 3x – 2 cm and the width is x + 3 cm. What is
the area?
2. Two sides of a triangle are 14 and 9. What is the range of possible values
for the length of the third side?
3. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 18 more than a base angle.
What is the vertex angle?
4. If the coordinate of A is -8 and that of B is 10, what is the coordinate of the
midpoint of AB?
5. Find the area of an equilateral triangle of side 16 cm.
6. ∆ ∆XYZ. If AB = 8, BC = 10 and XY = 12, find YZ.
7. ABCD is inscribed in a circle. If A = 80, find C.
8. AC and BD are two diameters of a circle. What special figure is ABCD?
9. ABCD is a rectangle with AC = 18 cm. M, N, P, Q are midpoints of
consecutive sides of ABCD. What is the perimeter of MNPQ?
10. ∆ has a right angle at , = 14 cm, = 6 cm. Find the
circumference of the circle circumscribed about ∆ .
11. One leg of an isosceles triangle is 12 cm and the base is 16 cm. Find its

30 second question
1. In ∆ , A = B + 15 and C = B - 90. Find A.
2. ABCD is a rhombus of side 10 cm. If A = 60, find the area of ABCD.
3. In a lecture hall, the front row has 18 seats. Each succeeding row has 4
more seats than the row ahead of it. How many seats are there in the first 12
4. A rectangle is (3a – 2b) m long and (2a – b) m wide. If a = 3b, find the
perimeter in terms of b.
5. Find an equation with integral coefficients whose roots are -2 and 4/3.
6. ABCD is a parallelogram. If A = (4x + 17) and B = (3x – 5), find C.

1 minute question
1. ABCD is a parallelogram. If AB = (4x – 5) cm, DC = (2x + 7) cm and
BC = (2x – 3) cm, find the perimeter of ABCD.
2. In ∆ABC, AB = 12 cm and AC = 8 cm. If the length of BC is also a whole
number of centimeters, how many different triangles can be formed using the
given two sides?
3. The numerator and denominator of a certain fraction are in the ratio 3:4. If
the numerator is decreased by 1 and the denominator increased by 2, the
resulting fraction reduces to 2/3. Find the original fraction.
4. Two equal circles of radius 8 cm intersect at X and Y. If the line joining the
centers is 12 cm long, find the length of XY.

5. A line of symmetry is a line that divides a figure into two congruent figures.
How many lines of symmetry does a regular hexagon have?
6. ∆ABC has a right angle at C. If CD is perpendicular to AB such that AD = 9
and DB = 16, find the length of AC.

1. What is the x – intercept of the line 3y – 4x = 7?
2. ABCD is a rectangle with AC and BD meeting at K. If BKC = 70, find
3. The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is less than 187. What
maximum values could the 3 numbers have?

Do or Die
1. C degrees Centigrade is the same temperature as F degree Fahrenheit If
C = (5/9)(F – 32). Find n if n degrees Centigrade is the same temperature as
(-n/3) degrees Fahrenheit

MTAP Division Finals 2007

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

15-Second Questions
1. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 12⁰ less than a base angle.
Find a base angle.
2. The ratio of the surface areas of 2 cubes is 1:4. What is the ratio of
their volumes?
3. On a plane containing a line segment, how many points are equidistant
to the ends of the segment?
4. What values of x will satisfy x2 - 5x + 6 > 0 ?
5. What is the maximum number of points at which 4 lines can intersect?
6. In ABC, AB = 7 and AC = 10. What is the range of values of BC?
7. A is 12⁰ more than B and they are a linear pair. Find A.
8. If A = (x+5)⁰ and B = (3x-15)⁰, and they are complementary, find A.
9. How long is an altitude of an equilateral triangle of side 14 cm?
10. If M, N, O, P are the midpoints of the sides of a square of side 15 cm,
what is the perimeter of MNOP formed by joining the midpoints?
11. In ABC, if AB < BC < AC, arrange the angles from least to greatest.

30-Second Questions
1. In ABC, B = 54⁰, C = 62⁰ and BE, CF, the bisectors of B and C
meet at I. Find BIC.
2. With two sticks of lengths 6 cm and 9 cm, how many triangles can be
formed with the two sticks and a third stick with integral length?
3. If the bases of a trapezoid are x+5 cm and 2x-1 cm and the altitude is
x+3, find its area as a polynomial in x.
4. If each side of a triangle is increased by 10%, by how many percent is
the perimeter increased?
5. If the bases of a trapezoid are 76 cm and 58 cm, how long is the
segment connecting the midpoints of the nonparallel sides?
6. If the complement of an angle is ¼ of its supplement, find the angle.

1-Minute Questions
1. What is the radius of a circle with the same area as a 14 cm by 11 cm
2. How many multiples of 8 are there between 200 and 500?
3. The legs of right ABC are 5 cm and 12 cm respectively. Find the
circumference of the circle circumscribing the triangle.
4. In the figure, AP and CQ are tangents to the circle at A and C
respectively. If BAP = 40⁰ and ABC = 60⁰, find BCQ.



5. AB and CD are chords of circle O. If AB meets CD at P inside the
circle, such that AP = 6, PB = 8, and CP =5, find PD.
6. ABC is equilateral. P is a point between B and C on the side BC.
Arrange in order of length, from shortest to longest, the sides of ABP.

Clincher Questions
1. If a diagonal of a rectangle is 20 cm, what is the perimeter of the
quadrilateral formed by joining the midpoints of the sides of the
2. In parallelogram ABCD, A = 2x+30⁰ and C = x+45⁰. Find B.
3. How many terms of the series 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 ... to get a sum of 11?

Do or Die Question
A bench 18 ft long holds either 3 men and 8 boys or 6 men and
4 boys. What length of bench will be needed for 10 men and 10 boys?

MTAP Division Finals 2009

Directions: Check your answer. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

15 – second questions
1. If A has coordinates of (-14, -4) and B has coordinates (2, 8), what are
the coordinates of the midpoint of AB?
2. ABCD is inscribed in circle O. If B  95 , what is D ?
3. How many percent is the area of a square increased if each side is
increase 20%?
4. n angle is 12˚ greater than its complement. Find the angle.
5. Find each base angle of isosceles Δ if it is 12˚ more than the
vertex angle.
6. An ice cream vendor is 2km from a bus terminal and 5km from a train
station. What is the least possible distance between the two stations?
7. What is the obtuse angle between 2 rays, one pointing north – east and
the other to the west?
8. Two sides of a triangle are 27cm and 31cm. What is the possible
maximum integral length of the third side?
9. What is the slope of the line 2x – 3y + 7 = 0?
10. In a circle of radius 6cm, central A intercepts an arc of length 4π.
How many degrees is A ?
11. In Δ , A = 55˚, B = 75˚. rrange the sides of Δ from
shortest to longest.

30 – second questions
1. a and b are a linear pair. If a = 3 b - 16, find a .
2. The parallelogram ABCD, A  (2 x  5) and B  (3x  10). Find C.
3. The longer diagonal of a rhombus is 24cm and one side is 13cm. Find
its area.
4. In Δ , . If AX = 8, AB = 18 and CY = 9, find AY.
5. In rt. Δ , D to the hypotenuse AB, AD = 9 and DB = 16. Find BC.
6. PA, PB are tangents to circle O from an outside point P. If P  50 , In
Δ , . If AX = 8, AB = 18 and CY = 9, find AY.
7. In rt. Δ , D to the hypotenuse AB, AD = 9 and DB = 16. Find BC.
8. PA, PB are tangents to circle O from an outside point P. If P  50 ,
what is AOB ?

1 – minute questions
1. Find the ratio of an angle of a regular polygon of 9 sides to the angle of
a regular polygon of 12 sides.
2. Find the area of a rectangle if a diagonal is 25cm and one side is
3. A rectangular aquarium is 18dm by 12dm by 14dm. How many liters of
water does it hold if filled to a depth of 10dm?

4. ABCD is a parallelogram in which AB = 40cm, BC = 50cm and
. Find the length of the perpendicular to BC.
5. A circle has a radius of 5cm. What is the maximum distance between
two parallel chords of length 6cm and 8cm respectively.
6. If X is a point between A(5, 10) and B(-1, 2) such that BX = XA, find the
coordinates of X.

1. Δ is equilateral with AB = 16cm. Find its area.
2. If an interior angle of a regular polygon is 165˚, how many sides has it?
3. ABCD is a convex quadrilateral in which AB = 7cm, BC = 5cm, CD =
8cm and DA = 11cm. Between what limits will the length of DB lie?
4. For what value(s) of x is the distance between (x, 3) and (2, -1) equal
to 5?

MTAP Division Orals S 2010

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

15-Second Questions
1. A base angle of an isosceles triangle is 53°. What is the vertex angle?
2. If x:81 = 144:x, what is x?
3. The length of a rectangle is 6 more than the width. If the width is 3x-4,
what is the perimeter of the rectangle?
4. A wheel makes 10 revolutions per minute. Through how many degrees
will a point on its rim turn in 1 second?
5. The point (-3,5) is the midpoint of the segment PQ where P is the point
(-7,2). What are the coordinates of Q?
6. The altitude to the hypotenuse of a right triangle divides the
hypotenuse into two segments of length 8 and 9. How long is the
7. How many sides does a regular polygon have if each interior angle is
8. A, B, and C are three distinct points on a line. If AB=BC=12 and the
coordinate of B is 5, what is the coordinate of A if A is to the left of B?
9. An equilateral triangle and a regular hexagon have the same perimeter.
If a side of the hexagon is 15 cm, what is the altitude of the equilateral
10. Two sides of a triangle are 12 cm and 21 cm. What is the maximum
possible length of the third side if it is an integer?
11. If ∠M = 40⁰, what is the supplement of the complement of ∠M?

30-Second Questions
1. In an isosceles triangle, the base is 7cm more than a leg. If the
perimeter is 40cm, find the base.
2. In circle O, POQ is a diameter. If ∠QOR = 50⁰, what is ∠RQP?
3. Express the quadratic equation + = p in the form ax2+ bx + c = 0.
4. A ladder just reaches the top of a wall 15 ft high when the end on the
ground is 8 ft from the wall. How long is the ladder?
5. If (a+b):b = 12:5, what is the ratio of a to b?
6. A, B, and C are three points on a circle such that AB:BC:CA = 3:4:5.
Find BAC.

60-Second Questions
1. The lower base of a trapezoid is x+7 cm and the upper base is x+4 cm.
If the distance between them is x cm and the area of the trapezoid is
20 cm2, find x.

2. In the figure, find the value of x+y. S
y R

x 40⁰

3. The angle formed by two tangents from an external point is 50. Find
the major intercepted arc.
4. In a family, each boy has as many sisters as brothers, but each sister
has only half as many sisters as brothers. How many children are in
the family?
5. ABP and CDP are two secants of circle O that meet at P outside the
circle. If PB=8, BA=10, and PD=9, find PC.
6. In ABC,  A = B + 6 and C = B - 18. Find A.

Clincher questions
1. If R=S=3.2, what is the value of + in simplest form?
2. Write the equation of the circle tangent to x2 + y2 = 4 and with center at
(5,0) in center-radius form.
3. Find k so that (2k-1)x + 6y – 12 = 0 is perpendicular to 2x – 3y + 6 = 0.

Do or Die: ACB is right angled at C. There is a point D on AB such that AD

= DB and AC = CD. Find A.

MTAP Division Orals 2011

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every

question. Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself
again by answering the questions.

15-second questions
1. Find the coordinates of X, a point between A(-6) and B(10), such that
2. In and . If BC has an integral length, how
many different triangles can be formed using AB and AC as two sides?
3. A kitchen, 2.4 m by 1.8 m is to be tiled with 12 cm square tiles. How many
tiles are needed?
4. Find the measure of each interior angle of a polygon of 15 sides.
5. The bases of trapezoid ABCD are 34 cm and 21 cm. What is the length of
the median?
6. The ext. angle at vertex A of is and . What is
7. The diagonals of a rhombus are . Find the area of the
8. AT, BT are tangents to circle O at A. If , what is ?
9. The sides of a triangle are , , . Is the acute, right, or
10. is equilateral of side . X, Y, Z are the midpoints of AB, AC,
and BC. What is the perimeter of ?
11. A base angle of an isosceles triangle is more than the vertex angle.
Find a base angle.

30-second questions
1. For what value of k will the vertex of be on the x-axis?
2. ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid with . If ,
and . Find the perimeter of ABCD.
3. AT, BT are tangents to a circle at A and B. If , find the larger arc
4. has a right angle at C. If and find the perimeter
of .
5. p and q are a linear pair. If ( ) and ( ) , find q.
6. What is the common ratio of the sequence 24, 18, 27/2, 81/8, 243/32.

60-second questions
1. If 5 geometric means are inserted between 2 and 54, what is the second
mean to be inserted?
2. The ratio of the altitude AD to base BC in is 3:4. If the area is
, find the length of the base BC.
3. The graph of has its vertex at (0, 4) and passes through (3, -5).
Find the equation of y.
4. Circles O and Q of radii 10 cm and 15 cm respectively intersect at X and Y.
If the line of centers is 20 cm, find the length of the common external tangent.
5. is isosceles with AB=AC=17 cm and BC=16 cm. Find its area.

6. in , AD bisects . If AB=8 cm, AC=14 cm, and BC=16 cm, find

C.1. What is the positive mean proportional between 4 and 16.

C.2. A block of wood 16 cm long, 12 cm wide, and 8 cm thick is to be cut into
the biggest possible cubes so that no material is wasted. How many can be
C.3. How many intersections do 6 lines have if no two of which are parallel,
and no three of which are concurrent?

DoD: A square and a circle have equal perimeters. Find the ratio of the area
of the circle to the area of the square.

MTAP Division Orals 2012

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every

question. Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself
again by answering the questions.

15 second questions
1. The vertex of an isosceles triangle is more than the base angles. Find
the vertex angle.
2. The length of a rectangle is and the width is . Find the
3. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 12 cm and one leg is 4 cm. find the
radius of the circle circumscribing the triangle.
4. Two sides of a triangle are 18 cm and 11 cm. What is the range of values
for the third side?
5. In rt. ACB, . Find .
6. In , . Find
7. and are supplementary angles. If is less than thrice ,
8. If the coordinate of A is -10 and the coordinate of B is 12, what is the
coordinate of the midpoint of ̅̅̅̅?
9. What is the maximum number of points at which 4 lines can intersect?
10. The length of a rectangle is 12 cm and the height is 5 cm. Find the
11. The circumference of a circle is . Find its area in terms of

30-second questions
1. Each leg of an isosceles triangle is 10 cm and the base is 16 cm. Find the
area of the triangle.
2. For what values of x is ?
3. ABCD is a rhombus of side 10 cm. If , find its area.
4. Factor completely: .
5. ABCD is a parallelogram. If ( ) and ( ) , find
6. If , find

1-minute questions
1. If y varies inversely as x and y=12 when x=6, find x when y=1/2.
2. Insert two arithmetic means between x Aand y.
3. In If ̅̅̅̅ is the bisector of
and meets BC at D, find the length of BD.
4. If the same constant is added to 20, 50, and 100, a geometric progression
results. What is the constant that is added?
5. How many tiles of length 10 cm and width 6 cm are needed to tile a floor 5
m long and 4.2 m wide?
6. What is the area of a square circumscribed about a circle of radius 10 cm?

C.1. The nth term of a sequence is . How many terms are


C.2. Solve for a: .
C.3. ABCD is a rectangle with and . If MNPQ is a rectangle
similar to ABCD with , find the area of MNPQ.

DoD: ( ) . Use this or any method to evaluate

( ) .

MTAP Division Finals 2013

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure that you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself
again by answering the questions.

15-Second Questions⦋2 points each]

1.What is the least common multiple of 9x and 4x2?
2. A parallelogram has base 5 cm and height 7 cm. Find its area.
3. Two sides of a triangle are 14 cm and 20cm.What is the range of values for
the third side?
4.A right triangle is inscribed in a circle with radius 5 cm. How long is the
5.On a number line, find the coordinate of the midpoint of PQ if P and Q have
coordinates 4 and 8 respectively?
6.The area of a circle is 49 Πcm2 .Find its circumference in terms of Π.
7. A parallelogram has sides 7cm and 13 cm. Find its perimeter.
8. What is the 4th term the arithmetic sequence 10,7,4...?
9. If x:y = 2:3 and x + y =20,find y.
10.A base of a triangle is 7cm long. How long is the segment joining the
midpoints of the other sides?
11. If the area of a square is 25cm2, find its perimeter?

30- Second Questions⦋3 points each]

1.What is the area of a right triangle that has one leg 16 cm and hypotenuse
20 cm?
2.Find the sum 2 + 4 + 6 +...+ 10 +12.
3. z varies directly as the cube of x. If z = 16 when x = 2, find z when x = 3.
4. Two parallel chords of a circle both have length 24 cm. If the distance
between them is 10 cm, what is the radius of the circle?
5. The sum of two numbers is 23 and their difference is 9.Find the larger
6.How many sides does a convex polygon have if the sum of all its angles is

1-Minute Questions ⦋5 points each]

1.The diagonals of a rhombus are 12cm and 16cm long.How long is one side
of the rhombus?
2. The numbers 30,60,x form a geometric sequence .What is 30 + 60 +x ?
3.Three circles, with radii 5 cm ,6 cm, and 8 cm, are externally tangent to
each other. Find the perimeter of the triangle formed by their centers.
4. Find all the real roots of 2x3 –x2 – 3x =0.

5. The first term of an arithmetic sequence is -5, and the third term is 1.What
is the sum of the first three terms?
6.In ABC,AB =21 cm, AC = 24 and BC = 30 cm. How long are the sides of
a similar triangle with perimeter 25 cm?

C.1 A circle is tangent to the x- axis and its center is at (1,2). Find its radius.
C.2 Factor completely: 8a3 + 8
C.3 How long is the part of the line x + y = 1 that lies on the first quadrant?

D。D. In an arithmetic sequence the second term is 62 and the fourth term is
4.What is the fifth term?

MTAP Division Finals 2014

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure that you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself
again by answering the questions.


1. What is the greatest common factor of 27x4 and 36x7?

2. A triangle has sides 2 and 8. What is the range of values of the third
3. A circle with center at (4,3) is tangent to the line x=6. Find its area
4. What is the 6th term of the arithmetic sequence 25,21,…?
5. A parallelogram has height 6 cm and base 10 cm. Find the area of a
similar parallelogram with height 9 cm.
6. A rectangle has base 2x – 3 and height 3x -2. Find its area.
7. If y varies directly as x and y = 12 when x = 4, find y when x =5.
8. If x:y=2:3 and y:z = 3:5, Find the ration x:z.
9. Factor completely: 2x3 – 16.
10. A line parallel to the base of a triangle divides the left side into
segments 8 and 24. If the right side has length 28, how long is each
segment formed when the line divides this side.
11. What is the area of a right triangle that has 60ᵒ angle and hypotenuse
40 cm?

1. Find the first term of an arithmetic sequence whose second term and
fourth term are 40 and 68, respectively.
2. How many degrees are in each interior angle of a regular pentagon?
3. Suppose z varies directly as the square of x and inversely as y, and
that z = 6 when x = 12 and y = 8. Find z when x = 30 and y = 2.
4. Two similar triangles have perimeters 28 cm and 70 cm. Find the area
of the larger triangle if the smaller triangle has area 100 sq. cm.
5. In ▲ , = 12, = 15, and = 18. If D is on and D
bisects A, find BD.
6. If x + y = 5√ and xy = 18, find x2 + y2.


1. If the same number is added to 30, 60, and 105, a geometric sequence
results. What is the number?

2. In an arithmetic sequence, the sum of the 4th term a4 and the 9th term
a9 is 115, while 3a9 – 2a4 = 120. Find the common difference.
3. If r and s are the roots of x2 – 8x + 6 = 0, find r2 + 3rs + s2.
4. Find the sum of the infinite geometric series ( ) ( )
5. What is the shortest distance from the point (3,1) to the line y = 2x + 5?
6. Find the perimeter of a rhombus if its area is 24 cm2 and the sum of its
diagonal is 14cm.


1. If the area of a square is 9x2 – 12x + 4 cm2, find its perimeter.

2. Find the largest integer n so that 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n < 190.
3. Three circles are externally tangent to each other. Their centers form a
triangle with sides 7, 9, and 11. What is the sum of their

Do or Die

1. The vertices of a triangle are the points (0,0),(6,3) and (4,n). Find all
the positive values of n if the area of the triangle is 9.

MTAP Division Finals 2016

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure that you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself
again by answering the questions.

15 second questions
1. Determine all positive number x that satisfy 5x2 = 10x

2. What is the fourth power of 2 2 ?

k k 1
 
3. Simplify 4 2
8 3

4. If ab = a2  b2 , what is the value of (34)12?

5. Suppose that x, y and z are positive integers such that xy = 6, xz = 10 and

yz = 15. What is the value of xyz?

6. The yearly changes in the population of a certain town for two consecutive
years are 20% increase on the first year and 20% decrease on the second
year. What is the net change in percent over the two year period?

7. What is the slope of the line parallel to 2x + 5y + 2 = 0

8. The area of a triangle is 100 cm2. What will be its area if its altitude is
increased by 10% and its base is decreased by 10%?

9. The sum of two numbers is 2015. If 9 is added to each of the numbers and
then each of the resulting numbers is doubled, what is the sum of the final two

10. A square and a triangle have the same perimeter. If the square has area
144 cm2, what is the area of the triangle?

11. Let r and s be the solutions of x2 – 3x + 1 = 0. What is the value of (r +

1)(s + 1)?

30 second questions
1. If f(x) = x2 - x + 1, find the sum of all numbers y that satisfies f(2y)=2.

2. A man walks 1 km east then 1 km northwest. How far is he from his starting

3. Four men working for four days can paint 4 cars. How many cars can 6
men working, for 6 days paint?
4. The longer base of a trapezoid measures 10 cm and the line segment
joining the midpoint of the diagonals measures 3 cm. What is the length of the
shorter base?

5. What is the least possible value for x2 + 3x + 2 if x2 – 3x – 2 < 0?

6. The point D is the midpoint of the side BC of equilateral triangle ABC and E
is the midpoint of AD. How long is E if a side of ∆ measures 8 cm?

60 second questions
1. If the roots of x2 + nx + m = 0 are twice those of x2 + mx + 1 = 0, what is the
value of n?

2. The lengths of the sides of a triangle are 10, 17 and 21 cm. How long is the
altitude of the triangle to longest side?

3. Triangle ABC is isosceles. If A = 50, what are the possible measures of


4. The medians D and E of ∆ are perpendicular. Find the length of

if BC = 3 cm and AC = 4 cm.

5. The product of three consecutive positive integers is 16 times their sum.

What is the sum of the three numbers?

6. Point E is on the side of ∆ and points D and F are chosen on the

side AB such that DEBC and EFCD. Find the length of BD if AF = FD = 3

Clincher questions
1. In ∆ABC, C = 30. If D is the foot of the altitude from A to BC and E is the
midpoint of AC, find the measure of EDC.

2. One candle will burn completely at a uniform rate in 4 hours while another
in 3 hours. At what time should the two candles be simultaneously lighted so
that one will be half the length of the other at 6:00 PM?

3. Points P and Q are drawn on the sides BC and AC of triangle ABC such
that AQB and APB measures 110 and 80 respectively. If point R is
chosen inside ∆ such that R and BR bisectsCAP and CAQ
respectively, what is the measure of ARB?

Do-or-Die Questions
Point E is the midpoint of the side of ∆ and F is the midpoint of E.
The line thru F intersects at D. Find the area of ∆ FD if the area of the
triangle is 48 cm2.

MTAP Division Finals 2016

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure that you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself
again by answering the questions.

15 seconds questions
1. The area of a square is 4 x 2  12 x  9 square inches. What is its perimeter?
2. Find the maximum value of f x   6 x  x 2 .
3. If the first two terms of a geometric sequence and 12 and -3, find its fifth
4. If y varies inversely as x and y is 8 when x is 3, find y when x is 4.
5. Each exterior angles of a regular polygon has measure 30. If each of the
sides of this polygon has length 11 cm, what is its perimeter?
 11 
6. Find sec   
 4 
7. Find and simplify the difference when 40 is reduced by  10  20 .
8. Find the solution to the inequality x 2  10 x  30  0 in interval notation.
9. A circle is inscribed in a square with diagonal 3 2 cm. Find the area of the
10. Let the roots of x 2  13x  15 be r and s. What is the value of r  s 2
11. If sin  5 and  is in Quadrant II, what is tan  ?

30 seconds questions
1. Two similar triangles have areas 81 sq. cm. and 256 sq. cm. respectively.
Find the perimeter of the smaller triangle if the larger triangle has a perimeter
of 128 cm.
2. If z varies directly as x and inversely as the square of y, by what
percentage is z increased if x is increased by 44% and y is decreased by
3. The sum of eight consecutive odd numbers is 224. What is the smallest of
these numbers?
4. The area of a right triangle is 9 square meters. If the sum of the lengths of
its legs is 5 3 meters, find the length of its hypotenuse.
5. Andrea took a test with 50 items. Each correct answer merits 3 points and
each incorrect answer demerits 1 point. She answered all questions and
received a score of 90. How many questions did she answer correctly?
6. When 108 is written in the form 2 a 3b , then what will be the sum of a
23 54
and b?

60 seconds questions
1. A square is inscribed in a circle with radius 2 cm. Then the smaller circle is
inscribed in the square, after which a smaller square is inscribed in this
smaller circle. If this process continued indefinitely, find the total area of all the
squares produced in this manner.
2. Three circles are externally tangent to each other. If their centers form a
triangle with sides 8, 11, and 13, find the sum of their circumferences.
3. What is the measure of C in the figure .

4. Solve: 20  30  1
x x  20
5. If the radius of the bigger circle is 6 cm, what is the length of B?

6. If cos A =  3 and sin B = 7 , A is in Quadrant III and B is in Quadrant II,

5 25
what is the exact value of cos(A + B)?

1. If r and s are the roots of x 2  7 x  11  0 , find r 2  4rs  s 2 .
2. Find x so that (x – 2), (x + 3) and (x + 7) are consecutive terms of a
geometric sequence.
3. ABCD is a rectangle with AB = 12 cm and BC = 9. If MNPQ is a rectangle
similar to ABCD with AB:MN = 2:3, find the area of MNPQ.

Do or Die
A man drove 220 km in 3 ½ hours. Part of the trip was 60 km/h and the
rest at 65 km/h. How far did he drive at the slower rate?


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