E-Billing & Invoice System - Synopsis

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Title of the Project:



The client uses MS Excel, and maintains their product list, customer list, and
prints the invoice, however it is not possible them to share the data from
multiple system in multi user environment, there is lot of duplicate work, and
chance of mistake. When the product price are changed they need to update
each and every excel file. There is no option to find and print previous saved
invoice. There is no security; any body can access any report and sensitive
data, also no reports to find out the sales volume, stock list, and summary
report. This e-Billing and invoicing system is used to overcome the entire
problem which they are facing currently, and making complete atomization of
manual billing and invoicing system.

This section presents a conceptual overview of the solution, and then provides an
introduction to its requirements.

Solution Concept
The e-Billing and Invoice System consists of:

 Customer, Products, Billing Generation: Automate the current manual bill

generation system and maintain the searchable customer, products database and
product invoice, maintain the data security, user rights.

 Report Generation: A Report Generation system will be developed for the user
and management of e-Billing and Invoicing System. This MIS system will have
both details and summary type reports for analysis the sales volume, sales trend,
available stock.

Part of the solution will involve converting data from Microsoft Excel to the
Database, system can import existing customer, product data from predefined MS
Excel, CSV format. It reduces the data entry work and quick implementation of the

The following diagram describes the proposed solution architecture at a high level.

WEB BASED APPLICATION:- A web-based application is any program that is

accessed over a network connection using HTTP, rather than existing within a
devices memory. Web-based applications often run inside a web browser.
However, web-based applications also may be client-based, where a small part of
the program is downloaded to a user’s desktop, but processing is done over the
internet on an external server.

The following user types are expected for the e-Billing and Invoicing System:

User Brief Description of Use Actions

Sales Downloads and uploads customer and order
Representative information, which affects accounting,
inventory and product data. View customer
and product data as described in metrics,
track orders and deliveries.
Manager All sales representative use actions, and
management reports, quota establishment,
reporting and adjustment.
Accountant View and print stocks, track orders. Update
product details like price.
MIS Executive Generate reports, view and print inventory
reports, view and print stock reports.

General Requirement for Server/Client:

Type Software Hardware

Work Station/ Node 1. Windows 7/8/10 1. P-4

2. VB Run time 2. RAM -256 MB

3. MS Office

Database Server 1.Windows 7/8/10 Advance 1.P-4

2.RAM- 2GB

3.Hard Disk-160GB


Application Server 1.Windows 7/8/10Advance 1.P-4

2.RAM- 1GB

3.Hard Disk-40GB

Data Base Server Application Server

Workstation 1 Workstation 2 Workstation 3 Workstation N


Context 0th Level Diagram:

1st level DFD:


An entity relationship model is a detailed and logical representation of the data for
an organization of for business area. The entity relationship, which is also known
as ER relationship is based on the theory of real world which consist of a set of
basic object, which are called entities and relationships among these object. The
data model was developed to facilitate data base design by allowing specification
of an enterprise schema which represents the overall logical structure of a
database. We will represent the modeling concept of ER model which is higher
level conceptual data. The ER-model does not provide the overall database
structure but it gives the intermediate step on the basis of which database is
designed. The ER-modeling is a technique for analysis and logical modeling of a
systems data requirements. It uses graphical notation for representing these:



The main part of designing client/server applications is to map the requirements

identified into the features provided by the environment.

Design Phase

The design phase focuses on the detailed implementation of the system

recommended in the feasibility study. Emphasis is on translating performance
specifications into design specifications. the design phase is a transition from a
user oriented document (system proposal) to a document oriented to the
programmers or database personnel. The design process is a set of iterative steps
that allow the designer to describe all the aspects of the software to be built, based
on the user specifications. System design goes through two phase: The
requirements analysis phase defines WHAT a system must do and the design
phase states HOW to do it.

Logical Design

We know that a data flow diagram shows the logical flow of a system defines the
boundaries of the system. Logical design specifies the user need at a level of
details that virtually determine the information flow into and out of the system and
the required data resources. Logical design describes the inputs, output, database
and procedures. All in a format meets the user’s requirements.

Physical Design

It provides the working system by defining the design specification that tells
programmers exactly what that candidate system must do. In short it can state that
physical design is the implementation of the logical design.

Physical system design consists of the following:

 Specify input, output media

 Design the database and specify backup procedures.
 Design physical information flow through the system and a physical design
 Plan system implementation
10. Modules & Their Description:

The following sections summarize features and functionality described by use

case. Please see bellow e-Billing and Invoice System – Requirements

Manage Customers - Analyze Customers

Must be able to analyze customer data

Must be able to sort customers

Must be able to sort customers by amount of sales

Must be able to sort customers by amount of sales of particular products

Must be able to identify sales trends

Must be able to identify drops in sales

Must be able to identify drops in a customer's sales

Manage Orders

Sales representatives must be able to offer discount in an order

Must be able to create, track, revise, and cancel orders

Must be able to create an order

Must be able to track an order

Must be able to revise an order

Must be able to cancel an order

Manage Products (Catalog, Categories)

Must be able to browse products

Must be able to browse products by category

Must be able to add a new product

Must be able to edit an existing product

Customers must be able to search the database

Customers must be able to search the database by product type

customers must be able to search the database by product

The system must have the capability to provide help

Manage Users

Must be able to record information about users

Must be able to search for employee information

Must be able to track information for each employee

Must be able to add/ modify user information

User can change his/ her password

Must be specify the user rights and privilege

Management Information System / MIS Reports

All users from all departments must be able to see reports from a central database as
per their rights and privileges

All reports can be exported in different formats like Text, CSV, Ms Excel

System should store historical data.

System Should have automated backup procedure for disaster

Network Management
Must be able to monitor the network centrally

Must be able to monitor servers centrally

Must be able to monitor application server software centrally

Must be able to monitor databases centrally

CEO Requirements

To extend our product availability (Looks more like a business goal than a definable

Providing a no single point failure application (Looks more like a business goal than
a definable requirement.)

Reduce our costs by lowering customer handle time (Looks more like a business goal
than a definable requirement.)

Need to improve our sales volume (Looks more like a business goal than a definable
e-Billing and Invoice System Data Dictionary

Table : product_master

Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 5
Number of indexes: 2
Number of foreign keys: 0
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes

Columns Data type Allow NULLs Value/range

Sno Int Not allowed

ProdType nvarchar(60) Not allowed

ProdSubType nvarchar(60) Not allowed

Rate Int Not allowed

Isactive nvarchar(30) Not allowed

Indexes Type Columns

PK_ProductMaster_sno clustered, unique, primary sno

key located on PRIMARY

Table : bill
Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 15
Number of indexes: 3
Number of foreign keys: 0
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes
Columns Data type Allow NULLs Value/range

Sno Int Not allowed

Invoiceno nvarchar(60) Not allowed

Canme nvarchar(60) Not allowed

Invoice_date Datetime Not allowed

Location nvarchar(60) Not allowed

chalan_no Int Not allowed

customer_name nvarchar(100) Not allowed

Customer_address1 nvarchar(100) Not allowed

Customer_address2 nvarchar(100) Allowed

Total_amt Int Not allowed

Discount Int Not allowed

Amt_words nvarchar(100) Not allowed

Paid_type nvarchar(60) Not allowed

Cheque_no nvarchar(60) Allowed

Entry_date Datetime Not allowed

Table : bill_details
Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 6
Number of indexes: 3
Number of foreign keys: 2
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes

Columns Data type Allow NULLs Value/range

Sno Int Not allowed

Bill_sno Int Not allowed

Prod_sno nvarchar(60) Not allowed

Qty Datetime Not allowed

Rate nvarchar(60) Not allowed

Amt Int Not allowed

Table : Company_master

Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 7
Number of indexes: 2
Number of foreign keys: 0
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes

Columns Data type Allow NULLs Value/range

Company_name nvarchar(60) Not allowed

Address1 nvarchar(100) Not allowed

Address2 nvarchar(100) Allowed

City nvarchar(60) Not allowed

Pin Int Not allowed

Telephone nvarchar(60) Not allowed

Vatno nvarchar(60) Not allowed

Table : user_master

Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 3
Number of indexes: 2
Number of foreign keys: 0
Columns Data type Allow NULLs Value/range

user_name nvarchar(60) Not allowed

User_password nvarchar(60) Not allowed

User_type nvarchar(60) Allowed

Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes
e-Billing and Invoice System – Data Schema ER

12. Limitations & Advantages:

Limitations of E-billing
As with any new system, e-billing and its implementation can present some
limitations. The majority the limitations of e-billing will be down to teething
problems and will be smoothed out over time. However before embarking on a
move from postal to electronic billing it is important for you to consider the
following points.
Moving from a traditional system to an electronic billing system is a big change
for both your company employees and your clients alike. It is important to train a
good selection of employees to use and maintain the e-billing system. These
employees will be integral to your electronic billing as they will be able to spend
time helping other company members to get used to the system. It is instinctive for
human beings to fear change, so a period of adjustment should be expected.
From the perspective of your customers the move to electronic billing may be less
alarming. This is predominantly due to its optional nature. For those choosing
electronic billing there may be a few initial hurdles, rather than limitations of e-
billing. It would however, be convenient for you to encourage your customers to
receive their bills electronically. Information sheets to convince customers to
move to e-billing could be included with their postal invoice.
Customers without Internet Access
It would be naïve to assume that all of your client base will be able to benefit from
an e-billing system. Especially for larger companies, a full move to e-billing may
not be completely appropriate. A well implemented electronic billing system will
encompass clients who desire not to receive their invoices and statements
electronically as well as those who do. This can be carried out by using databases
and running two billing systems for customers receiving bills by post or by e-
billing. It is important not to overly encourage people to enter into e-billing,
especially elder clients who may not understand technology and the concept of
electronic billing.
Information Privacy – imagined limitations of e-billing
The nature of statements and invoices is that they contain personal and sensitive
information. For many of your customers the thought of receiving such
information via electronic billing will not be pleasing. We know that a statement
sent via e-mail or fax is far less likely than a letter to fall into the wrong hands;
however, to some people being able to receive, view and store their bank
statement makes them feel secure. The increased safety of an e-bill should be
stressed to customers; along with details of how to ensure the security of
information once in their e-mail inbox. For example, deleting electronic billing
messages once they have been read or printed, and having a non-guessable
password for an e-mail account.

13. Future Scope:

The e-Billing and Invoice System consists of:

 Customer, Products, Billing Generation: Automate the current manual bill

generation system and maintain the searchable customer, products database and
product invoice, maintain the data security, user rights.
 Report Generation: A Report Generation system will be developed for the user
and management of eBilling and Invoicing System. This MIS system will have
both details and summary type reports for analysis the sales volume, sales trend,
available stock

Part of the solution will involve converting data from Microsoft Excel to the
Database, system can import existing customer, product data from predefined MS
Excel, CSV format. It reduces the data entry work and quick implementation of the
14. Bibliography:


 http://www.google.com
 http://www.microsoft.com
 http://www.programmer2programmer.net
 http://www.codeproject.com
 http://www.msdn.com.
 http://www.vb123.com
 http://www.vbcode.com
 http://www.sqltuner.com


 Mastering Visual Basic 6 (Paperback)

 Mastering Visual Basic .NET (Paperback)
 Visual Basic Black Book (Paperback)
 SQL Bible, 2nd Edition (Paperback)
 Database Development in Visual Basic

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