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Notes/Errata Active 3-Way Crossover for Loud Speaker Systems
Get the very best from your 3-way loudspeaker system with this easy-to-build high-performance design.
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The shot inside the box reveals the simplicity of construction. Everything except the transformer is one one PC Board!
What is an active crossover and why would you want one?
Most hifi enthusiasts are aware that 2-way and 3-way loudspeaker systems contain passive networks to split up the
audio spectrum into two frequency bands in the case of 2-way systems and three bands in the case of 3-way
Passive crossover networks use inductors, capacitors and resistors to split the audio into the various bands and set
the signal levels to the various speaker drivers.
For example, the woofer is often less sensitive than the midrange driver and tweeter and so the signals to the latter
drivers have to be reduced so that the overall output from the three drivers is equal.
• 1-unit rack case
• Single PC board
• 15V+15V 20VA toroidal transformer
• Stereo module
• Buffered input and output stages
• Individually variable outputs (trimpots)
• On-board power supply
• On-board RCA connectors
• Made from standard components
In the higher performance speakers, the crossover networks are often very complex and they can be very difficult to
design and optimise. And because they usually do attenuate the midrange and high signals, that means they do
waste amplifier power. 7/26/2017
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They also interpose a complex network between the speakers and the amplifier which means a loss of damping
factor, particularly for the lower frequencies where it is most needed, if you are to achieve tight, clean bass and
midrange reproduction.
In an "active" system, we
eliminate the passive
crossover networks and
electronically split each of left
and right channel signals into
three frequency bands: low,
midrange and high. This is the
job of the "active crossover".
Its output signals are fed to Fig.1: the block diagram shows the overall system layout. It replaces the crossover currently in
six (yep, six) separate the speaker enclosure.
amplifiers to drive the woofer,
midrange and tweeter units in each loudspeaker enclosure. The overall system layout is shown in the block diagram
of Fig.1.
So you end up with a lot more amplifiers than in a conventional system but it gives you a lot more flexibility. And
ultimately, you can end up with a system with higher performance, including much higher power levels.
The active crossover approach also means you can mix 4Ω and 8Ω drivers in the same system and match the levels
easily, without power wastage.
Active crossover
The Active Crossover
presented here is housed in a
1-unit high rack case with just
the power switch on the front
Inside the case, all the circuitry is on a PC board measuring 219 x 99mm and this includes the dual RCA input and
output sockets. The only external wiring to the board are the secondary connections to the toroidal power
Circuit description
Now let's have a look at the circuit of Fig.2. Since both channels are identical, this shows only the left channel. While
the power supply is also on the PC board, it is shown in Fig.3. 7/26/2017
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Fig.3: the power supply is entirely conventional, using positive and negative 15V regulators to give ±15V rails. Everything from
the bridge on is mounted on the PC board. The seven 100nF capacitors are bypasses distributed around the PC board.
In total, the left channel uses 12 op amps, in three TL074 quad FET-input op amp packages.
Four op amps, IC1a, IC1b, IC5a & IC5b, act as input or output buffers while the remaining eight op amps are
Linkwitz-Riley active filter stages with 12dB/octave filter slopes.
In each case, two 12dB/octave filters are cascaded to give an overall filter slope of 24dB/octave. This is far steeper
than is normally used in passive crossover networks.
The voltage gain of all these filter stages in the passband is unity.
A low pass filter is one that allows low frequencies to pass through and it blocks the higher frequencies. Hence, a
circuit to drive a subwoofer would be called a low pass filter since it only delivers frequencies below 200Hz or
Fig.4: the basic arrangements for the low pass and high pass filters.
The filters used in this circuit
have an attenuation of
12dB/octave; this is the filter slope and it applies for frequencies after the cut-off frequency. The cut-off frequency is
where the signal output is -3dB down on the normal level.
For example, in a low pass filter we might have a cut-off frequency of 1kHz (ie, -3dB point) and from there on the filter
slope could be 12dB/octave. In theory, this means that the response at 2kHz (ie, one octave above 1kHz) will be
-15dB although in practice it might not be quite that good.
The filters used in our circuit are of the Linkwitz-Riley configuration and we use eight of these filters, four high pass
and four low pass, in each channel. Each filter consists of an op amp connected as a voltage follower, preceded by
two RC networks.
Note that the capacitors in the low pass filter are shown
with values of C and 2C while in the high filter we have
resistors with values of R and 2R.
The input to the left channel is fed via an RC filter, to roll off frequencies above 100kHz, and then to op amp IC1a
which is connected as a unity gain buffer (or voltage follower).
It drives two high pass filter stages associated with IC1d & IC1c, and two low pass filters associated with IC3a &
IC3d. Both these low pass and high pass filters have cutoff frequencies set to 5.1kHz. 7/26/2017
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The output of the second high pass filter, IC1c, is fed to the level setting trimpot VR1 and then to op amp IC1b which
is connected as a non-inverting amplifier with a gain of two. It drives the left treble output (tweeter). Hence the
tweeter only gets frequencies above 5kHz.
Midrange band-pass
Fig.6: the component overlay, as viewed from above the PC board. Note the polarity of electrolytic capacitors and ICs when
soldering them in!
The output of low pass filter IC3d feeds high pass filters based on IC3c & IC3b, both with cut-off frequencies of
239Hz. The output of high pass filter, IC3b, is fed to trimpot VR2 and then to op amp IC5a which has a gain of two.
This drives the left midrange output which gets the band of frequencies between 239Hz and 5.1kHz.
As well as driving high pass filters IC3c & IC3b, op amp IC3d also drives the cascaded low pass filters based on IC5d
& IC5c, again with a cut-off frequency of 239Hz. IC5c drives trimpot VR3 and then op amp IC5b which has a gain of
two. It drives the left bass output which only gets signals below 239Hz.
All the outputs from each stage are in phase at the crossover points. Voltage gain at the crossover frequency for
each section is -6dB (ie, half the reference level).
Thus when the response curves of all three sections are added together, the result is an extremely flat frequency
response with an overall gain of unity.
Just how well this works is shown in the response curves of Fig.5. We've plotted the three filter responses and then
the resultant curve is plotted along the top. The adder circuit we used to do this is shown (for interest only) at the end
of this article in Fig.8.
Power supply
The power supply circuit is shown in Fig.3. It uses a 20VA toroidal power transformer with two 15V secondaries
driving a bridge rectifier (diodes D1 - D4) and two 1000μF 25V capacitors to derive unregulated DC supplies of
around +-22V DC. These are fed to 3-terminal regulators REG1 and REG2 to produce supplies of ±15V DC. These
are each bypassed by a 100μF 25V capacitor and seven 100nF multi-layer ceramic capacitors distributed around the
PC board.
As already noted, all the
circuitry is on a single PC
board measuring 219 x
99mm, so construction is very
In practice, the 2.2nF Fig.7: follow this wiring diagram and you should have no problems with final assembly. Be
capacitors in the high- pass especially careful with the mains wiring - note the heatshrink covering all the "bitey" bits! 7/26/2017
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and lowpass filters associated with IC1 and IC3 now have to be changed to 3.3nF, while the 10kΩ resistors increase
to 11kΩ and the 20kΩ values go to 22kΩ.
Note that it is essential that both the high pass filters (ICd & IC1c) for the tweeter and the low pass filters (IC3a &
IC3d) for the midrange must have exactly the same cut-off frequencies otherwise you will not get an overall flat
frequency response.
Similarly, if you want to change the bass cut-off frequency to around 350Hz (say), run down the righthand column of
Table 1 to 347Hz. The R values then become 11kΩ and 22kΩ while the C values become 27nF.
Alternatively, if you want to do the calculations yourself, visit www. for a filter calculator.
You will then need to wire up the power transformer, using the diagram of Fig.7. Temporarily install the PC board into
the chassis and you are ready for some voltage checks.
Voltage check
Apply power and check the regulated supply rails with your digital multimeter. They should be close to ±15V DC.
Then check that +15V is present at pin 4 of each TL074 and that -15V is present at pin 11 of each IC. Lightly touch
each IC to ensure that none of them are getting hot - they should all be cool.
Similarly, for the midrange, use 1kHz and adjust VR2 (left channel) or VR5 (right channel) to obtain 1V RMS at the
output sockets.
Finally, for the bass, use 100Hz and adjust VR3 (left channel) or VR6 (right channel) to obtain 1V RMS at the output.
That done, it is now a matter of finally completing the wiring inside the case and checking it before connecting the unit
to your amplifiers. 7/26/2017
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Your amplifiers
We mentioned before that six amplifiers are required; one for each of the bass, midrange and treble speakers, times
two (for stereo). But what amplifiers should you use?
Typically, the woofer amplifier needs to be about double the power of the midrange and tweeter amplifiers, to take
into account the lower sensitivity of the woofers.
The Ultra LD (Nov, Dec 2001, Jan 2002) or even the Plastic Power module (April 1996) would make a superb bass
It is simply a matter of connecting the stereo outputs from
the 3-Way Active Cross-over to the appropriate bass, mid-
range and treble stereo amplifier inputs, then connecting
the amplifiers' outputs direct to the appropriate drivers in
each of the speaker enclosures.
Voltage Gain: Unity
Frequency response Within ±1dB from 10Hz to 20kHz (see Fig.5)
Filter attenuation slope 24dB/octave
Total harmonic distortion Typically .003% at 1V RMS
Signal to noise ratio -94dB unweighted (22Hz to 22kHz) with respect to 1V RMS
Separation between channels Typically better than -100dB from 10Hz to 20kHz
Input impedance 47kΩ
Output impedance less than 200Ω
Capacitors 7/26/2017
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2 47kΩW (yellow violet orange brown or yellow violet black red brown)
8 20kΩ (red black orange brown or red black black red brown)
38 10kΩ (brown black orange brown or brown black black red brown)
4 100Ω (brown black brown brown or brown black black black brown) 7/26/2017
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