Ambassador of Goodwill Q and A
Ambassador of Goodwill Q and A
Ambassador of Goodwill Q and A
Do you think that the youth of today faces more pressure in performing tasks than the previous
generation had faced?
If you could send a message to everybody here, and that you can relate it as a JPIA ambassador of
goodwill, what would it be? Please elaborate.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received from any of your accounting teachers? And why
do you say so?
What are you willing to sacrifice in order for you to become a CPA and reach your goals in life?
What is the most significant change you have seen in your locality in the past years?
Name something over the course of your life that you've failed at and what have you learned from it?
As an ambassador of goodwill, what do you think can you contribute to the betterment of your school?
As an ambassador of goodwill, what can you do to help the environment?