J-10 & Lca-Tejas Review
J-10 & Lca-Tejas Review
J-10 & Lca-Tejas Review
Crisis and Russia ................................. 2 Under New Year Tree ......................... 20
SINCE 1997
Nikolay Laskov
Alexander Chernov
Vladimir Ilyin
The Russian President
MARKETING DIRECTOR Dmitry Medvedev Visits Salut .............. 8 Airshow China 2008 ........................... 22
Alexander Kiryanov
Nina Gusyakova
Dmitry Bykovskiy
Vladimir Zhilinko
Alvina Kirillova
Sergey Velichkin
Circulation: 10,000
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35 27
Vladimir Karnozov
The world-wide financial crisis started in made in November, when the oil was selling for enterprise. The SAM.146 powers Sukhoi Superjet
autumn 2008, with liquidity problems hitting certain merely 34-38 dollars. The strategists calculated, 100 small commercial airliner. If not for the
North American banks. During the fourth quarter however, that, even at 50 dollar per barrel, the crisis and inflated banking interest rates, Saturn
of the past year it evolved into a global economy Russian economy will make losses. would never have gone back under government
downturn. Now, the crisis is taking its toll on The strategists have predicted a budget deficit control. This view is widely shared in the Russian
Russia’s power and capability. The country’s GDP this year, after a decade of profitable growth. The aviation community.
rose by 6% in 2008, against 7% in 2006-2007, years of 2009 and 2010 will be to be critical for the
reflecting poor results of the last quarter. This year Russian industrial enterprises and airlines. Some Addiction to petrodollars
GDP is expected to have no growth or even fall by of them will fly into bankruptcy or be devoured by Russia is as much dependant on export of
few percent. larger and more stable players. The Russian govern- fossil fuels and raw materials as the oil-rich Arabs,
The Russian power will continue to contract for ment has indicated that it is ready to buy stakes in Iran, Venezuela etc. Saudi Arabia holds the title of
awhile. In crisis environment, the world’s consump- private and mixed-capital companies provided they world’s largest oil exporter. Russia comes second.
tion of fossil fuels runs low. Manufacturers reduce operate in the strategic areas or carry substantial But Moscow takes the lead when it comes to a
production rates due to weak solvent demand. social function. This will increase state share in the grand total of raw material export, taking account of
They buy less energy and raw materials to feed economy, on the account of private capital. natural gas and minerals. Officially, the share of the
their plants and factories. Economists believe that In December 2008 Kremlin-controlled struc- fuel sector in the nation’s economy is given at some
Russian economy will go strong again after the tures increased their stake in NPO Saturn to over 30%. But some experts estimate that the share of
price of crude oil rises above 70 dollars per barrel. It 50%. It made the first case in the recent Russian “fossil fuel + raw materials” – based sector of the
will be doing more or less OK with the figure within history when privately-control aero engine manu- Russian economy is as large as 70%.
the corridor of 50-60. facturer went back from the private hands to the
When this story was written, the price was fluc- state control. Saturn makes D-30KP/KU turbo-
tuating between 37 and 45 dollars. That’s below the fans for Il-76TD/MD airlifters and Tu-154M airlin-
critical mark. And this reduces the amount of money ers, AL-55 non-reheated turbojets for Hindustan
at hand to support Russia’s ailing defense industrial Aeronautics HJT-36 trainers, cruise missile pro-
complex, military and civil aviation. pulsion systems, marine and industrial turbines.
Kremlin strategists working on the country’s The company hired much money for the PowerJet
2009 annual economy plan balanced it on the SAM.146 turbofan project undertaken jointly with
assumption that during the year a barrel of crude Snecma of France. But it ran out of funds in late
oil would sell at 50 dollar on average. There is some 2008. The government moved for rescue, provid-
hope their assumption may turn out right. It was ing money in exchange for a control stake in the
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17500 combat
NUMBER OF AIRCRAFT 1109 326 1078 1581 3165
12100 training
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Europeans for permanent residence. This helped and Germany. Stalin laid foundations of the Soviet
Russia master many of the then-advanced European military-industrial complex, which later evolved into
technologies. Although in somewhat smaller scale, the Russian defense-industrial complex. Whatever
this strategy was carried out by Peter’s successors. is being said and written today about Lenin and
As a result, the Imperial Russia kept pace with the Stalin, one fact remains undisputed: the communist
Western Europe on military technologies, including leaders succeeded in bringing the Russian industry
artillery and armored ship building. into a new quality level, sufficient enough to defend
There is a lot of evidence to that. Perhaps the USSR from its aggressive neighbors such as
the most illustrative is naval hardware: battle- Japan and Germany.
ships, armored cruisers and submarines. Warships When, in the late 1930s, the world went onto a
of these classes were constructed by domestic massive war, the Soviet Union emerged as a promi-
manufacturers to the standards corresponding to nent exporter of advanced war machines. Moscow
those in the United Kingdom, Germany, France and supplied fighters, bombers, tanks and cannons to
the United States. From time to time, the Russian Republican Spain, China, Czechoslovakia etc. The
Imperial Navy purchased new warships in other Soviet-made equipment fared well against that of
countries. The purpose was to assess them and, the Japanese in China and Mongolia, and against
if necessary, set up local production. But larger that of the Germans and Italians in Spain.
portion of newly made weapons was developed In particular, the popular Polikarpov I-16 was
domestically. Thus, Russia kept among world’s top the world’s first fighter to have retractable landing
five countries in advanced weaponry making and gears. Equipped by powerful M-25 radial piston
armed forces organization. engines (later replaced by more powerful M-62/63 –
Born in 1917, the world’s first Republic of the these motors were manufactured in Moscow, at the
Workers and Peasants had to fight enemies on enterprise now known as MMPP Salut), the I-16
all sides of its immense territory stretching from developed top speed of 450km/h, a record for its
The Baltic and Black Seas all the way to Pacific time. Strongly-built and agile, I-16 fighters won
waters. The new Kremlin inhabitants understood numerous air duels with contemporary Japanese,
early in their careers the importance of high- German and Italian designs.
tech, massive local production of military equip- In summer 1939 the Red Army aviation and
ment. Revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin launched armor units crashed numerically larger Japanese
GOELRO project calling for “total electrofication” expedition force in Mongolia. Japanese equipment
of the country. Thus, Lenin laid foundations of was outclassed by the Russian one. Suffering three
Russia’s next-generation economy. times larger losses and complete defeat in the
(1242, the Battle of the Chudskoe Lake). These In 1929 Josef Stalin launched the great indus- battlefield, the Japan made decision to maintain
great victories reflected the fact that Slav-made trialization campaign by adopting the Soviet Union’s peace with the Soviet Union for the next five years.
armor was stronger and lighter than that of the first Five Year Economic Plan. In four years that “Disproportioned” losses in 1939 made Tokyo
opponents. followed the Soviet industry assembled 4,289 new refrain from attacking the Soviet Union even when
In 1380 the Moscow-led army of the united aircraft, and 2952 more in 1933. The new indus- its strategic ally Germany had its forces fighting at
Russian duchies crashed numerically larger force of trial policy focused on erecting thousands of small, Moscow outskirts in winter 1941/1942.
the Golden Horde. Again, the Russians demonstrat- medium and large plants all over the country. When fascist Germany invaded Soviet Union
ed better quality of their armor. Besides, for defense Among others, aviation plants were erected in in June 1941, VVS RKKA (acronym for the Air
of cities and castles, the Russians used cannons. Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Komsomolsk-upon-Amur. To force of the Workers and Peasants Red Army) had
Their craftsmen went swiftly from light guns to this day these plants remain Russia’s largest pro- 17,500 combat aircraft. This number included 9,288
very heavy cannons (such as the Tsar Cannon, now ducers of fighter aircraft. fighters (of which about two thousand copies of
a Kremlin memorial). Artillery was something the In the 1930s, the Soviet Union developed brand-new MiG, LaGG and Yak types), 5,065 frontal
nomad invaders did not have. faster than any other country. In 1939 it became bombers (including 458 Pe-2 diving bombers),
The fall of Kazan (a khanate on the Volga River) the world’s third largest economy after the USA 2,147 heavy bombers, 611 close air support air-
to the army of Ivan IV the Terrible in 1556 led to
merging of the Russian and Tatar technologies. This
enabled Russia to capitalize on this unique blend of
European and Asian achievements in arms manu-
facturing techniques. And helped the tsar’s army
withstood heavy pressure on Eastern and Western
directions. In many ways, the Russian victories of
the time were due to the advanced blade and fire
weapons produced in the country.
In 1709 the Battle of Poltava saw Peter the
Great soldiers defeating Europe’s strongest army
of the time, that of Carl XXII of Sweden. This great
victory was preceded by Peter’s sustained efforts
on improving the structure of the Russian army and
industry by means of West-European “technology
insertions”. Since then Peter’s lasting legacy was
mobilizing Russian resources to complete on equal
terms with the West.
Under Peter the Great, Russia became an empire.
St. Petersburg attracted great many talented West
Alexander Velovich
Photos: Nikolay Laskov
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price offered to our consumers for the products. Of economy has been created as part of Government, reform”. These particular words may be regarded
course it should be accompanied by a fall in produc- comprising key industries and organisations, and it as a victory of Yury Eliseyev, the Salut Director
tion costs, which would be no bad thing. And, in had taken several most important decisions. General, who is reported to oppose the inclusion
the end, even on the background of a falling growth The President warned against reorganizations of his plant in an integrated engine-manufacturing
rate, we could see an increase in labour efficiency and reforms for purely the sake of reforms them- concern controlled by Russian Technologies cor-
in industry this year, irrespective of the very difficult selves in the difficult times of the financial crisis: “I poration. Salut still retains the status of a Federal
context”. The Russian President reminded that a am just drawing attention to the fact that our main State Unitary Enterprise. This year the Russian gov-
commission on increasing sustainable growth in the task is the protection of our production base, not ernment plans to provide RUR 300 billion (Russian
roubles) for credit guarantees for businesses, of
them one third is dedicated to the defence indus-
try complex.. However, the president remarked:
“All these credit procedures are very bureaucratic,
including in the banks themselves, where the time
it takes to make the agreement is simply endless”.
“Today it is simply unforgivable for the documents
to take so long to complete”, he added.
Prepayment for work on national defence
orders and on federal programmes was another
question discussed at the meeting. The president
stated: “The work on this is going extremely slowly,
everyone is complaining. Another theme that we
ought to consider – is what additional measures,
and mechanisms are needed in order to raise the
overall efficiency of the all steps we have taken
both in the budgetary-financial sphere and in the
support of the real economy”. The president urged
Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin to take the issue
under his control and to implement changes to
administrative technology “adequate to the current
tasks before us, and which is fully focused on the
serious financial crisis”.
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Alexander Velovich
Typescript of an interview with Alexey Fedorov, UAC president and
Chairman of Executive Board
– Please tell us about results of the past year. these new establishments by moving plants and in 2008. Preliminary calculations indicate that the
How restructuring of the Russian aviation industry design houses under control of these units and production output came to about Rouble 100 bil-
has been going? specializing them. lion, roughly the same figure we reported for 2007.
– In the past year we carried on with consistent “Combat Aviation” business unit will take into In the conditions of world-wide financial crisis, it is
efforts on reforming core business and enterprises shape during 2009. It will take after Sukhoi and not bad, at least in my view.
of our corporation. Let me remind you, the United MiG companies, by accepting control over their A special effort – perhaps not so visible one
Aircraft Corporation was established in 2006, in assets. Initial plan called for forming this structure yet – has been done in the sphere of renovation.
accordance with the decree of the president of the sometime later, with completion of the founding We have done a lot introducing new technologies,
Russian Federation. UAC strategy was approved in process in two years’ time. But life makes us go purchasing new equipment and installing it. Today,
February 2008. It postulates that the Corporation’s faster. We had to initiate the founding process in anyone of our plants has newly installed facilities,
structure shall have three new business units. the end of 2008. tooling, machines etc. This is something that
Initial plans allowed us three years to set them up As per UAC itself… it is up and running now, shall help us boost our competitiveness, improve
and running. But life makes us go faster. By the following completion of the founding process and manufacturing quality and reduce costs. Higher
end of 2008 the business units “Civil Aviation” and forming of the core team in the head office. By competitiveness shall enable UAC to hope for
“Transport Aviation” had been established. Now now, the core team has been formed. It enables larger orders in conditions of the modern market
we are doing some structural work to supplement us carry out all the functions that were prescribed dominated by western manufacturers.
for UAC by the presidential decree [dated February – How hard is it to restructure the Russian
2006] and charter documents. By far and large, aviation industry?
UAC has accepted the function of control over the – It is a hard work, indeed. The new system is
whole of Russian fixed wing aircraft manufacturing being created not from a clean sheet. Much rather,
industry. Besides, councils of directors have been it is being created on the base of what Russia
formed on all daughter companies. inherited from the Soviet Union. Foundations of
Corporate Strategy provided base for putting the Soviet aviation industry were laid down back
together plans of our subsidiaries. The Strategy in the 1930s. That time the Soviet Union erected a
was approved by UAC board of directors in the number of new plants, and these still remain larg-
beginning of 2008. It was then submitted to the est in the country. Those are the aviation plants
government for approval, and got it. The Strategy in Komsomolsk-upon-Amur, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk
lists aircraft models that UAC shall manufac- etc. Process of reforming this industry, changing
ture at its plants. It also gives exact figures for its structure and tuning it to the realities of the
production output. modern world is a very hard work that requires
So, the primary result of the past year is that determination, patience and managerial skills.
we laid firm foundations for our industry to start – How long will it take UAC to restructure the
functioning as a system. industry? And how much will it cost?
As we speak, I still do not have yet exact fig- – We need to invest over one billion dollars
ures for UAC operational results and performance into technical renovation of our enterprises. In
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Alexander Velovich
his year the Indian Air Force (IAF) will con- well as fitness and efficiency of the radar’s subsys- Mikhail Belyaev, test pilot of RAC MiG who was
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The chief designer adds: “We implemented transmitting power. In ordinary radar you could Russia has additional trump cards in the IAF
modular design that allows to extract a transceiver apply load to transmitter and just measure the tender. First, it is vast experience of military-
from the array just with a screwdriver, to check it output. And in AESA demonstrator there are 680 technical co-operation between our two countries.
with test equipment and, if needed, to substitute transmitting channels, and you have to measure Second, it is readiness to equal partnership on
with another one. This design approach was abso- the integral transmitting power. So new method- the basis of most modern technology transfer.
lutely right, it proved itself very well. Once we had ology is needed that would be able to determine Dmitry Medvedev, the President of Russia, said
a need to dismount some of the transceivers. So how the emission pattern is formed. The AESA during his visit to New Delhi in December 2008:
we were able to do that, to take some transceivers can have different transmitting and receiving beam “we count that together with our Indian colleagues
to the laboratory, verify their parameters in the patterns. You can emit in one direction and receive we will be able to offer new forms of co-operation:
evening, and the next day to take them back to from another. And now you understand that you these could be technology transfers, creating joint
the airfield, install in their places and continue the have an absolutely new instrument at hand, and venture production enterprises and other forms of
flight tests without interruption. Such design adds you have to learn how to use it”. partnerships beneficial to both sides”.
some weight, and our radar now weighs about 220 The Phazotron specialists feel deserved pride Recently Yuriy Guskov visited India and got
kg, but I consider that to be a justified trade-off for for the results achieved. Yuriy Guskov says: “When thoroughly acquainted with capabilities of the Indian
modularity and convenience of maintenance”. everything began to function, it gave a powerful electronic industry. He has opinion that it is ready
For radar developers a step to AESA is a quali- emotional impulse for all those involved in the to acquire and master industrial technologies of the
tatively new phase. Probably it can be compared program. There was no need to hurry up anybody, AESA radar, including those of monolithic integral
only with the introduction of jet engines instead of each person did best and worked with utmost chips (MIC), and Russia is ready to transfer these
piston ones. Yuriy Guskov recollects his feelings: intensity. And everybody felt joy. When I was technologies. And it is very important that the
“So the first Russian AESA is flying and perform- reporting the results of the first flight to our regu- indigenous Russian AESA Zhuk-AE radar has only
ing. At last it has happened. Still for me it was lar management meeting, I thanked everybody, indigenous components. At the same time British,
very unexpected when so many people began to and quite of a sudden those gathered burst with French and Swedish AESA manufacturers to some
congratulate us. Then I understood how impor- applauses. People had seen the results of many extent rely on American suppliers. And it is known
tant this event was. While there were no results, years of their work”. that Americans usually are reluctant to transfer to
some of the industry leaders reprimanded us. It Now Phazotron-NIIR together with the trans- anybody key defence technologies.
was hard to explain that it was an absolutely new ceiver developers, Micran JSC and Semiconductors It is important to mention that if Russia shared
radar, nothing of that kind had been ever tested in Research Institute, both of Tomsk, is refining technologies with India, it would not loose any of
Russia. If it were traditional transmitter-receiver- technologies of serial production of the AESA them. All that is being done to win the IAF tender,
antenna, such a radar could have been developed radar. Major tasks are to increase reliability and will be used to the benefit of Russia’s defence as
in half a year. And here, with AESA, every step was to decrease cost of transceivers. Guskov stresses: well. The MMRCA tender is of utmost importance to
made with difficulty. Just an easy example: how to “We can say that we have mastered the AESA Russia. The Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,
measure sensitivity? It’s an easy task if you have technology. There were several critical positions speaking at the meeting of the Commission on
separate transmitter and receiver. Then you could there, and in course of research and development Military-Technical Co-operation, said: “Defence
apply a calibrated signal to the receiver’s input and program we had to solve these problems. And we export strengthens our reputation as one of the
just measure the sensitivity by noise coefficient. have done that. Now we are just clearing up some leading industrial powers of the world”. The head
But in AESA all amplifiers are inside the antenna! points, refining technology, expand its capabilities. of the Russian state stressed that “weapons export
And there are several hundreds of them, and their It is fortunate that we work with Micran of Tomsk is an important channel of income to the state bud-
sum provides the needed performance. So we as one team. And there was no blaming each other get”, and the significance of military-technical co-
had to measure sensitivity by substitution method even in the most difficult situations, and we had operation grows especially in the time of financial
with a horn antenna, comparing results with the some of those, no attempts to transfer responsi- crisis. Phazotron has made all than depends on
MiG-29K radar with ordinary slot antenna. Hence bility to a partner. We analyze the results of the the corporation to ensure Russia’s high chances
we had to develop relevant equipment that would development together, look for solutions, find in the competition with the leading combat aircraft
be able to verify every radar. It was the same with them and advance further”. manufacturers of the world.
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Vladimir Karnozov
UAC and its subsidiaries invited prominent of 2009! I am amazed of what I have seen in this in the sphere of aircraft manufacturing and the air
Russian journalists and representatives of the museum today. Honestly, I had not expected that transportation system. I want you to remember
international media working in Moscow to “New there could be some good people among us who the passing year as a good one for the sphere in
Year tree” sort of event. It happened in the premises do not only grow their business, but also do this which we work, the sphere of aviation. As for the
of the Museum of Vehicles located west of Moscow wonderful, important work for next generations. New Year of 2009, let me wish that all of you here
city. Here is typescript of the speeches the Russian This is a great deed! There is much goodness in will have many good happenings in your life, so
aviation leaders made at this assembly. it, which makes our war veterans satisfied. Also, it that we would be proud of the profession we have
Alexey Fedorov, President, chairman of the pleases those who work in the sphere of aviation. chosen, and the job we have been having. I wish
Executive Board, United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). Hopefully, you will agree to me saying that the year that the family life will make us happy more often
Today, in this Museum of Vehicles, we have of 2008 – and we have assembled to say “goodbye” than dissatisfied. Well, from all of my heart, let me
assembled for a meeting of aircraft developers and to that year – was not easy for the aviation industry wish you all the best in the New Year! Please never
manufacturers with those people who create the and the airline industry. I think it is possible to say forget that we do have one thing in common, those
image of our industry, who write, take photos and with confidence that the next year is going to be of us who create new aircraft, who develop onboard
produce reports about the Russian aviation and our even more difficult, if not critical. At the same time, systems, who actually makes new aircraft, and who
Corporation. a lot has been done, many good happenings have write about aviation, who create public image of
Absolutely fantastic and remarkable this place occurred. I will not spend much time naming all our aviation. Good things to all of you, all the best
is! I am honored to be here with you today, to of the achievements we have had. Just one thing: in the New Year!
speak about our achievements in the passing year. this year some newly built Russian aircraft took to Mikhail Pogosyan, UAC first vice-president for
And to wish you every success in the New Year the air for the first time. Great changes occurred program coordination, general director of Sukhoi
The passing year was quite eventful. Most
important things that happened were the follow-
ing: the Sukhoi Superjet 100 prototype made its
maiden flight; the Su-35 fighter entered trials.
Those are most important, but not the only events
that happened. I want to draw your attention to,
perhaps, not so visible event as maiden flight of
a new aircraft, but still very much an important
event. We have improved mutual understanding of
the common goals that we, at UAC, have set before
us. We have been watching how, step by step, the
United Aircraft Corporation is gradually becoming a
workable team with good coordination and mutual
support. Not so long ago we were just a collec-
tion of independent companies, which were put
together on a list… that’s it, the UAC was formed
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Vladimir Karnozov
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Second in the number of China Air Force’s the rest are 4th generation vehicles (F-16, Csingo, and also experimental board radar unit Jemchug
vehicles is Su-27 type fighter. There are 151 Mirage2000-5). from Phazotron – NIIR corporation) for a new one
Su-27SK tactical aircraft and Su-30MK multifunc- In the nearest years, the Chinese Air Force with electronic scanning. Its construction is likely
tional two-seater fighters imported by Russia and will receive another 135 Su-27/J-11 aircraft, to use the technology given to Chinese partners
also 98 J-11 (Su-27 copy produced in PRC). Thus, some J-10 fighters and maybe FC-1 light fighters from Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of
on the whole China has 248 Su-27 aircraft and its (mainly manufactured for exporting). At the Instrument Design in the late 1990s, when experi-
modifications. It’s worthy to note that this is the same time all the H-5, Q-5, J-6 and partly J-7 mental copy of Pero aerial was sent to People’s
biggest group of Su-27s beyond Russia. aircraft of early year of manufacture are likely to be Republic of China.
The number of J-10 fighters (Chinese 4th gen- discarded. H-6 aircraft will stay as nuclear weapon
Having created a good J-10 lightweight
eration aircraft equipped with one AL-31F engine) carriers. Thus by the middle of the next decade the
is according to Flight International 140 vehicles. Chinese Air Force will number 1000-1100 combat fighter China is still not so good in developing
It is possible that in the nearest future J-10 will aircraft, about 50% of which will be modern “4” a heavy one. While the perspective vehicles are
become China’s main fighter instead of J-6 and Q-5 and “4+” generation vehicles. worked on hard, industry continues producing
1st generation vehicles. To solve EW tasks there are two Il-78 reequipped time-tested J-8-IIМ. At the posters of the con-
The number of J-8 interceptors (close to the aircraft at China’s disposal. In the short term the Air solidated corporation AVIC (created through the
Su-15 in their weight dimension characteristics Force will get also eight IL-78 cargo tanker aircraft. fusion of AVIC1 and AVIC2 before the very open-
and performance) has reduced a bit and now is The review doesn’t give any data about the number ing of Airshow China 2008) there was shown a
only 96 aircraft. The reduction is likely to have been of Chinese airborne early warning aircraft, though new upgraded modification of this veteran. Its
done through discarding early modifications J-8 it’s known that PRC works hard in this direction. tests will begin in one or two years. And while
and J-8-I. At the same time small-batch manufac- Military transport aviation of China has gradu-
the homeland industry is creating its own fourth
turing of J-8-II probably continues even today. ally reduced because of discarding numerous Li-2
Though, the reduction of J-6s (MiG-19) looks and Il-12 reciprocating military transport aircraft generation heavy fighter, China can continue buy-
most radical. If in 2001 there were 2800 vehicles manufactured in 1940-50s. An-2 not long ago in ing such kind of aircraft in Russia.
of this type (which made Chinese tactical aviation service with the Air Force also disappeared. As By the end of the second day of Airshow
almost the most numerous in the world), now, a result today PLAC military transport aviation China 2008 PLAC Air Forces commander general-
according to Flight International, there remained has quite modern flying stock consisting of 5 colonel Siui Tsilan appeared at Russian exhibition.
only 25 J-6 fighters. Boeing-737, 5 An-12, 83 An-26, 5 An-30, 27 Il-76 FGUP Rosoboronexport deputy CEO Aleksandr
And finally J-5 (MiG-17) 1st generation fighters (with another 30 having been ordered), 4 MA-60, 4 Mikheev met him. The commander attentive-
absolutely disappeared from the AF, having been Tu-154 (and another 9 in reserve) aircraft. ly examined the exhibits of Rosoboronexport,
manufactured in big amounts by Chinese aviation In the Air Force’s helicopter fleet there are 31 Vertolety Rossii, ANK Sukhoi, NPK Irkut, NPO
industry in the 1950-60s and also imported by the Mi-8/171 assault support helicopters and 7 SA321s.
Saturn, SPARK and UOMz. Telling him about the
Soviet Union to PRC. It’s worthy to mention that The training aircraft are represented by 170 new
still in 2001 there were more than 1700 J-5 tactical JL-8 (K-8), also 149 JJ-6 (two-seated operational main offers from Russian firms Mikheev espe-
fighters of different modifications in the PLAC Air trainer modification of J-6) and 39 JJ-7 (on the cially noted Mi-26 and Ka-52 helicopters, Be-200
Force combat and reserve units. basis of J-7) vehicles. amphibious plane and also SPARK equipment.
Thus there are currently 1770 combat aircraft On the strength of relatively small army aviation The most time Siui Tsilan spent near Sukhoi
in the PLAC AF, which is some times less than there are 3 Mi-6s, 198 Mi-8/17/171s, 22 S-70Cs, stand at the large-scale model of the newest
there used to be at the beginning of the decade. At and also 6 SA342s and 99 Z-11s, part of which is Su-35 4++ generation fighter. The PLAC Air
all this, the part of “4” and “4+” generation aircraft equipped with assault antitank weapon. As trainers Force commander asked Aleksander Mikheev and
complexes (Su-30MK, Su-27, J-11 and J-10) there used 22 HC-120 helicopters (with another 6 Sukhoi deputy director general Sergey Sergeev
makes 22%, 3rd generation aircraft (J-8) – 5%, ordered) and 48 Z-11s. one question after another. He asked about Su-35
2nd generation (J-7) – 22% and 1st generation Obviously the weak point of Chinese Air Force
combat capabilities, operational range with full
(H-5, H-6, J-6 and Q-5) – 51% . is practically full absence of specialized attack
To compare, according to the Flight International, helicopters. combat load, targeting complex and munition
today the Russian Air Force numbers more than PRC naval aviation has 30 H-6 missile bomb- stockpile. Siui Tsilan highly estimated combat
1900 combat aircraft, US Air Force– more than ers, 150 H-5 torpedo bombers, 23 Su-30MKK and capabilities and aircraft specifications but at all
2300 (and 390 in reserve). And Indian Air Force (the MK-2 (another 50 have been ordered) multifunc- this he pointed out to Russian guests that J-10
second Asian nuclear power) numbers 740 combat tional fighters, 98 J-6 fighters, 30 J-7s, 124 J-8s flies not worse than Su aircraft and also China
aircraft, 23% of which are “4” and “4+” generation and 100 Q-5 attack aircraft. Despite that the Navy has “something” from perspective researches.
vehicles (Su-30 MKI, MiG-29 and Mirage2000), disposes 20 newest JH-7 bomber-fighters, which The secret of Chinese success is simple.
47% – 3rd generation (Jaguar, MiG-23 and MiG-27) Flight International on some reason put into the Monthly average salary of workers and engineers
and 30% – thoroughly modernized 2nd generation training aircraft category. varies from 200 to 300 US dollars which is much
fighters (MiG-21 bison). There are 53 Su-39MKI in Despite that Chinese Navy disposes a Jak-42
less than in Russia and gradually less than in
the Indian AF. Another 177 aircraft of this type will cargo aircraft and helicopter inventory including
be imported in the nearest future. 3 AS-565s, 8 Ka-28s, 8 Mi-8s, 3 SA365s and 19 Western countries. At all this it’s quite possible
The main potential rival of China is Taiwan Z-9Cs. to live on it in People’s Republic of China using
which Air Force numbers 484 combat aircraft, 45% The substantial negative side of naval aviation is the advantages of socialistic state structure. In
of which are “2+” generation fighters (F-5E/E), and absolute absence of antisubmarine aircraft. the 1960s-70s China founded the basis of its
own aircraft industry school. It was reserved in
the 80s and was forced at the end of the century.
Today the country is strong on its way to indus-
trialization and economic cooperation with global
companies which gives money to the treasury
and makes possible mass investment into aircraft
industry. At first the main work was concentrated
in “cloning” good foreign models. But gradu-
ally Chinese are coming to its own “free art”.
Patience and labor peculiar for Chinese turn the
question of reaching world aircraft manufacturing
heights into the question of time and maybe not
so long.
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
Vladimir Ilyin
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
new aviation system was confirmed at the joint At the end of 1990 – beginning of 1991 they But in December of 1991 the Soviet Union col-
session of the Chinese Communist Party Central started building real metal model of the plane lapsed. Altogether Soviet aircraft industry started
Committee, aviation ministry, and scientific tech- «8810» in Chandy. By that time 606th and 607th collapsing as well. The hope to bring project S-37
nical committee of the ministry of defence of the research institutes finished bench-top labour- to a flight sample was vanishing, and the Eltsin
People’s Republic of China. And in October of the rent of power plant and on-board RADAR for the Russia seemed to China a much less reliable
same year the first batch of technical documenta- 8810th model. defense and trade partner than the USSR. As a
tion received from the Israel party, was directed for Perhaps, initially J-10 plane (as well as «Lavi») result, the Chinese again had to rely basically on
deep examination to 601-st and 611-th research was to be equipped with the Pratt-and-Whitney own strength, as well as on «half-legal» foreign
institutes (however, a number of sources indicate PW1120 American engine. But after the events of assistance (bought, it should be mentioned, for
601-st institute only). At this stage the program got 1989 on Tyananmyn square in Beijing, any defense- big money). Under the circumstances considerably
official name «Project 8810» (or «Project 10»). technical aid from the USA and their NATO allies was «promoted» «Project 10» acquires priority again.
The history of Chinese aircraft construction is out of the question and China had to apply for own, At the end of 1993 aircraft construction plant
a most secret theme. Many events and solutions of far less perfect engines. Even within the frames of in Chandy finished assembling flight-demonstra-
20 years old can be discussed in supposition mode J-9 program in CPR an engine with thrust of 12400 tional sample of the new fighter. Its appearance
even today, based on far and away incomplete kilogauss was created, known as WS-6 (probably, was not much different from the original «Lavi».
and rather contradictory information, coming, at its manufacturing «unauthorized» construction It was a one-placed plane with engine «V-13C»
to a great extent, from Taiwan and Hong-Kong
sources, often providing unchecked information.
Nevertheless, even on the basis of this kind of
information one can draw a conclusion that J-10
was from the very beginning considered not as
a destroyer of air supremacy fighting (as it is
introduced even today in a number of Chinese
and foreign publications), but as a tactical striking
plane, fighter-bomber, aimed at substitution for
numerous Q-5 fighter-bombers produced at the
beginning of 1960-s on the basis of Soviet 1st
generation MiG-19 fighter.
As Dimitry Regentov wrote in his article pub-
lished in the magazine «World’s aeroshows» (pub-
lishing house «Intervestnik») No. 6/2002, and
perhaps most completely (at least in Russian
mass media) illustrating the process of program
J-10 formation and establishment, «initially the
new fighter project development was assigned
to aircraft construction company in Sian (Shensi elements of American F100 were used). However, (WP-13C, 7000 kilogauss, Chinese accelerated
province). But as long as it got an order for later the program was shut down. version of the Soviet turbojet engine Р-11) and
heavy fighter-bomber FBC-1 «Feibao» develop- In 1990, after 25 years break, Soviet-Chinese series catapult seat of Chinese manufacture, but
ment («Flying leopard»), in 1991 Shenyan aircraft defense-technical cooperation was renewed. As a with aircraft equipment and on-board RADAR
construction company «Shanfei» (Lyaonin prov- consequence, Chinese high-ranking military men designed in Israel.
ince) and the «Chanfei» aircraft construction com- (most of them started their career at the time of In the first part of 1994 aircraft-demonstrator
pany from the city of Chandu (Sychuan province) «great friendship» and were brought up in Soviet completed the first successful test flight. After for-
got the right to participate. But soon the project school spirit) were detailed enough acquainted tunate debut J-10 got a name «Tczyanbin» («The
leaders, considering the fact that «Shanfei» was with recent native designing in aero techniques, Winged Dragon»).
busy with J-8 plane park modernization, fully capable of rising interest of the Chinese party. In However, in 1993 there appeared a threat to
transfer J-10 project to «Chanfei» company, which particular, they were shown a project of perspec- Chinese – Israeli defense – technical cooperation.
includes one of the leading battle planes develop- tive S-37 attack-fighter. This one-placed single- Mass media revealed information about “Lavi’s”
ment centers — 601-st research institute. So, engine plane, developed both to suit the require- documents having been given to the Chinese that
why the decision was taken for the benefit of the ments of domestic Air Force and for export, to caused indignation of the USA. At the beginning
«Chanfei» company? greater extent, than «Lavi», met the requirements of 1995 American Secretary of Defense William
The thing is that as far back as in 1980 by of the Chinese Air Force, developing in the Soviet Perry «suggested» to Itshak Rabin, Israeli Prime-
the decision of State Council, CDC and scientific tradition spirit. Multifunctional, perfectly equipped Minister that Tel-Aviv should stop participating
technical committee of the ministry of defence of and protected, possessing high characteristics on in Chinese fighter development. The suggestion
PRC research institute № 601 in the city of Chandy low altitudes and high handling qualities, provid- remained unanswered. But further cooperation still
is defined as the general developer of J-7-III fighter ing possibility of usage from airfield, S-37 made had to be ceased: already by the middle of 1995 a
project (Chinese version of the Soviet all-weather the greatest impression on Chinese Air Force small note glimpsed in western mass media about
MiG-21МF). The staff was successful at perform- authorities, literary penetrated by the ideology of Israel official assignment of “Lavi” aircraft docu-
ing the task that is why the Chandy Company was the indeed extraordinary project. Under the cir- ments to China. Having considered the results of
also chosen this time, as they had good working cumstances, when the cooperation negotiations cooperation, the parties seemed to have taken a
experience with relatively modern aero techniques. on S-37 program started with the USSR, fighter- satisfactory – both to Beijing and Tel-Aviv – deci-
According to the CDC decision, the project also bomber on the «Lavi» basis was likely not to have sion to separate on having achieved an important
involved a number of other Chinese leading aircraft seemed that promising to the Chinese. Agreement intermediate goal – aircraft-demonstrator con-
construction companies. 606-th research institute in principle was reached, according to which China struction. Further Israel participation in the J-10
(aircraft engines), 607-th research institute (on- was to receive the 1st batch of 180 Soviet planes. program was fraught with relationship aggrava-
board RADAR development) and other branch- Later on, obviously, «Chinese» S-37 authorized tion with the USA, and China was likely to have
wise centers were enlisted as well...» construction was meant. felt powerful enough to victoriously accomplish
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
Probably this weight must be taken as the most American fighter-bomber F-16C Block40 and
realistic one. J-10A are designed to accomplish nearly the same
The fuel tanks capacity of the J-10A aircraft in type of combat tasks. So it makes sense to com-
comparison with the “Lavi” aircraft was increased pare the characteristics of both aircrafts. This most
nearly two times and reached the level of 4500 mass modification of the F-16 fighter-bomber,
kg. As a result of this the ratio of the fuel weight which came to service within the US Air force
to the dry weight of the aircraft became 0.51. And in 1990 and was equipped with the augmented
now it reaches the same ratio (It should be men- double-blow turbojet engine F100-PW-220(10800
tioned that it is quite high) as F-35A (0.55) and kgs), primarily was designed to attack ground
F-35C (0.61) fighters. That is why the flight range targets. F-16C is equipped with the airborne radar
without external fuel tanks at high altitude, which AN/APG-68 (weight is 160 kg; antenna’s diameter
is for J-10A equal to 1850 km (in accordance is 0.38 m). It provides mapping mode, and also
with Jane’s All the Worlds Aircraft reference guide can detect air targets, such as “light fighter” at
2008-2009) looks to be quite realistic or even the range up to 45-50 km. Moreover, Block 40/42
marked down a little bit. According to the mass is equipped with suspended containers with the
media the ferry distance of 3000 km for the J-10A aiming-navigation equipment LANTIRN and also it
with three external fuel tanks (two of them with is equipped with the helmet-mounted acquisition
the capacity of 1600 kg each and one with the system (analogue of Russian “Schel” system).
capacity of 800 kg) also looks quite realistic (or The American aircraft is not as heavy as the
marked down). Chinese one (F-16C dry weight is 8300 kg, nor-
Quite heavy and various assortment of combat mal take off weight is 12600 kg). Fuel weight in
load, it is equal to 4000-4500 kg (in some sources the internal fuel tanks of the F-16C is 3100 kg,
– up to 5500 kg), seemed to be an advantage of maximum combat load is 5500 kg. Chinese air-
the J-10A as the aircraft primarily task is to attack craft maximum speed (corresponds to M=2.1-2.2)
ground targets. It is installed on the eleven external is rather higher than F-16C (which possesses
pods. Six of the pods are under the wings and five M=2.00). The efficient flight range of J-10A with-
of them are under the fuselage. The external fuel out suspended fuel tanks is more than (1850-1900
tanks can be installed on the internal wings pods km in comparison with 1600 km of the F-16C).
and on the central fuselage pods. Two front under Action radius at the minimum flight level with the
fuselage piers are used for mounting various con- normal combat load (for J-10 A is 460 km that is a
tainers with optoelectronic and aiming-navigation little higher, than F-16C has (400 km).
As it was already mentioned above, the first equipment. Takeoff thrust-to-weight ratio of both aircraft,
J-10 test samples had the same airframe, as the However, “Tczyanbin” really being a multipur- while the takeoff weight is normal, is nearly the
“Lavi” fighters. That is why aircraft dry weight pose combat aircraft, also does not relinquish to same (F-16C – 0.86 and J-10A – 0.87). Steady
(equipped with WS-6 type engine) probably was any up to date European aircraft in fighter pos- state theta displacement rate of the comparing
from 7100 to 7300 kg (let’s remind, that “Lavi” sibilities. It has maximum speed equal to Max aircraft is nearly the same: for “Lavi” it is 13.2
fighter dry weight is 7030 kg). Further on the M2.1-2.2 and service ceiling (17000-17500 m). degrees per second, for J-10A it differs little,
aircraft was considerably increased in dimen- These characteristics exceed the characteristics of and for F-16C it is 12.8 degrees per second. At
sions and therefore it become heavier. So, the the analogue European aircrafts of the fourth gen- the same time the rate of momentary roll-out for
airframe weight was also increased. According eration “4+”. J-10А possesses practically equal “Tczyanbin”, designed as “bes’hvostka with PGO”,
to the different sources it is now not less than with the French fighter Dasso “Rafael” of the “4+” is considerably higher (nearly 23-24 degrees per
8000-9730 kg. In some sources, particularly in generation thrust-to-weight ratio and also nominal second in comparison with the American aircraft
Jane’s All the Worlds Aircraft reference guide pressure on the wing (0.90 and 358 kgs/m2 in – 17.3). For F-22A fighter it is 27-28, for “Rafael”
for the period from 2008 to 2009, the dry weight French fighter and 0.87 and 360 kgs/m2 in Chinese and “Tayfun” it is 24.8, for SU-30MKI it is 22-23,
of the J-10A aircraft is mentioned as 8750 kg. aircraft, respectively). and for F-15C it is 16-17 degrees per second.
Later modifications of «Freedomfighter» –
F-16C Вlock 50/52 and F-16C Block 50/52+, that
were supplied to armament already in XXI, almost
simultaneously with J-10A, are equipped with more
powerful engines F100-PW229 or F110-GE-129
(13000-13200 kilogauss), probably providing for
American fighters inconsiderable dynamic advan-
tage to the Chinese aircraft.
One more foreign analog (and potential rival)
of J-10A is Japanese (American-Japanese, to be
exact) multipurpose fighter Mitsubishi F-2, that
was being created since 1987 to substitute for
fighter-bombers Mitsubishi F-1. The prototype
of the plane performed its first flight in October
1995, and the first series fighter was disposed
to Japanese Self-defense Forces in 2000. By the
middle of 2008 Japan had at disposal 76 F-2 out
of 94 ordered. The cost of a series F-2, according
to Japanese mass media, is $108 mln.
As well as J-10A, F-2 is based on a foreign
prototype – «never realized» American project
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
«Agile Falcon», pro-actively developed by the Considering all that, all in all, regardless of
company General Dynamics in 1980-1990-ies as a bit more conservative «board», J-10A today
a considerable upgrade of F-16С aircraft, pos- seems to possess better combatant facilities than
sessing improved maneuver characteristics (in its Japanese analog.
particular, unstable roll-out speed should be 21-22 Of course, in its competition with the American
degrees per second). However, opposite to «Agile fighter – as to air supremacy fighting – F-22A
Falcon», Japanese fighter is oriented at, first of «Raptor», also equipped with on-board RADAR
all, not for air supremacy fighting and air defense, station with АFАR, the Chinese fighter-bomber
but on striking tasks solution (in particular – “air- has few chances to win both in close and distant
to-ship”). missile combat (however, as well as most of other
F-2 is somewhat enlarged (with «Agile Falcon» fighters of «4» and «4+» generations). That is why
wing surface 34.84 m2) F-16 with hardened air- the described at the beginning of the article air
frame, which is designed with wide application combat, supposedly having taken place in 2007
of modern composite materials. As a power plant above the Taiwan Strait between J-10A and F-22A,
American double-blow turbojet engine General is likely to be related to the category of newspaper
Electric F110-GE-129 (13200 kilogauss) is applied, or Internet «fakes».
providing М=2. Dry aircraft mass is 9530 kg, fuel But for the fighter-destroyer of the 5th genera-
mass in inner tanks – 3600 kg, and maximum tion F-35A the new Chinese aircraft can be quite
take-off mass – 22100 kg. Action radius at «anti- a dangerous rival. And if to consider that number
airborne» tasks solution (with two “air-to-ship” ratio F-35А and F-22А, according to the existing
missiles ASM-1/2, two guided missiles AIM-9 and plans of the USA Air Force, must be approximately
ПТБ) is 840 km. 9:1, than air combat between “Tczyanbin” and
As far as we can see, the Japanese equipped “Lightning” II can appear a usual thing in hypo-
their aircraft with more powerful and heavier thetic Chinese-American conflict of 2010-2020.
engine (dry mass АЛ-31Ф is 1530 kg, where- It’s out of the question that unfeatured F-35A
as F110-JE-129 – 1740 kg). At the same time equipped with on-board RADAR station AN/APG-81
inner tanks capacity in F-2 is much less than in with АESA and «built-in» in the integrated digital
“Tczyanbin”. As to relative fuel mass (0.51 without data-control system, will be considerably superior
ПТБ) the Chinese plane is considerably superior to to the Chinese fighter in missile combat in non-
its Japanese rival (0.38), which provides for J-10A visual range, «playing» with it, almost “one-sided”
better range characteristics. The Japanese aircraft (enough to mention that “Lightning” II can detect AESA, as well as undertaking additional measures
has a similar to “Tczyanbin” thrust-to-weight ratio its rival, having ERS in heading flatten surface, to reduce J-10А RADAR detection must come by
(0.88 – 0.90), that seems to explain similar break- equal to several meters, at the range of 160-170 the second half of 2010-ies (i.е. when the mass
down characteristics and ascensional rate of both km, and “Tczyanbin” can «see» F-35A with ERS army-acceptance of F-35 is to start) should equal
planes. =0.5 m2 at range of only 15-20 km. However in the the chances of both fighters in remote air combat
It should be specified that the Japanese air- close maneuver air combat lighter and more flex- as well.
craft is less known than the Chinese analog, ible J-10A will have all the advantages. The striking armament of J-10A today mostly
though even 10 years ago F-2 construction pro- But all the speculations are only true for includes aerial bombs and non-recurrent bomb
gram was rather broadly highlighted in Japanese unlikely «duel» combat between the two fighters. holders gauge 250 or 500 kg, as well as НАР.
mass media, herewith some editions even called In real life it’s not single aircrafts that fight but Thus, in one of the standard striking configura-
the plane «the second «Zero» (meaning the aircraft groups. That is why in the conditions of tions the aircraft can carry up to eight free-falling
famous Japanese fighter of the Second World War large-scale armed conflict simpler, cheaper and bombs gauge kg 250 кг, two suspended tanks and
Mitsubishi А6М «Reisen», more famous under wholesale “Tczyanbin” is likely to have additional two «air-to-air» missiles PL-8/9/13 of small range.
American «nickname» «Zero»). But as far as we «bonuses» in front of more expensive and more However lately China develops up-tempo guided
can judge by the present, quite scanty press infor- complicated «Lightning»II. aviation ammunition, which is first of all to equip
mation, as well as by the decrease in the number It should be also pointed out that the most the newest multipurpose fighters J-10A.
of F-2 fighters ordered by Japanese Self-Defense probable equipment of the Chinese aircraft with In 1998 tests of the first Chinese series
Forces from 130 to 94 units (non-reasoned by any perspective on-board RADAR station with ESA or GB LT-2 finished, which was created in LOEC
noticeable changes in Japan foreign-policy posi-
tion since the beginning of the current decade),
«the second «Zero» far and away not completely
supported hopes of its designers, that conditioned
rather moderate present «PR» of the aircraft.
It should be mentioned that F-2 – is the first
in the world series battle aircraft, equipped with
on-board RADAR station with АФАР. But this is
just the very case when «you must spoil before
you spin». Japanese RADAR station having ultra-
modern structure and element base (as well as no
less «modern» cost), even today after almost 8
years of aircraft system operation, doesn’t match
design parameters: according to Japanese mass
media, detection range of air targets for this on-
board RADAR station is less than it was even of
the archaic station AN/APQ-120 of F-4EJ aircraft
«Phantom» II, equipped with dish aerial.
J-10A FIGHTER AND ITS PROTOTYPE THE IAI”LAVI” AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS tude of bomb-dropping) on range of 7-18 km and
Type of the aircraft “Lavi” J-10A hits the target with the precision up to 30 m.
Wing span, m 8.78 9.70 FT-3 is small gauge ammunition (250 kg);
the shell is fitted with folding wing module. On
Length, m 14.54 15.50
the tail module (inside which there is a unit of
Height, m 4.78 4.78 inertial-satellite guidance system) four aerody-
Wing area, sq.m 33.00 39.00 namic small empennage tops are installed, behind
which Х-shaped tail unit is fitted. Manufacturers
Dryweight,kg 7070 8750
state, that this type of aerodynamic configuration
Takeoff normal weight, kg 9990 11440 provides for better gliding stability, as well as con-
Takeoff, mаximum weight, kg 18370 19300 tributes to application range increase (according to
some sources it reaches 60 km).
Маximum combat load, kg 7300 4500
Heavier than FТ-3, GB FТ-2 mass 440 kg (con-
Fuel capacity, kg: ceptually similar to the American GB Boeing Long
In the internal fuel tanks 2625 4500 Shot) is equipped with new folding wing module
In the external fuel tanks 4165 4000
with large elongation. They inform, that КВО of the
ammunition is 20 m.
Маximum М 1.85 2.20 CASC also created unique, having no analogs
Maximum ground-level М 1.20 1.20 in the world, superlight (mass – 35 kg) GB FТ-5,
Climbing capacity, м/s 254 – aerodynamically similar to the American 500-kg
aviation bomb Мк.83 mass 500 kg. Ammunition of
Economic range without external fuel tanks, km - 1850
the kind can be applied not only at pilot aircrafts
Ferry range, km - 3000 (in particular J-10А), but also at small combat UAV,
that are sure to be investigated in China as well.
(Luoyang Electro-Optical Technology Development LOEC is as well developing high-precision To fight over-water targets J-10А can be
Center) based on the Russian CАB-500L. Presently aviation ammunition of the second generation, equipped with new light “air-to-ship” missile
this ammunition is produced in series. They equip, that have bigger tonnage, interference protection С-704, developed by CASIC (China Aerospace
besides J-10A, new light bombers JH-7A (army- and application flexibility. If КАБ of the 1st gen- Science and Industry Corporation). Guided missile
accepted by CHINA Air Force), upgraded fighter- eration LT-2 had only optical semi-active homing is equipped with tele-homing head and is capable
bombers Q-5G, multipurpose fighters J-8-IIМ, and head, in the new ammunition, LT-3, it will be com- of effectively hitting boats and small ships in
also light fighters JF-17 («Super-7»), supplied to plemented with composite inertial-satellite guid- daytime, in plain weather conditions. Solid fuel
Pakistan. Guided bomb has the standart deviation ance system. Aviation bomb, by its composition “air-to-ship” missile with start mass of 300 kg has
3 – 5 m, semi-active optical homing duration 20 reminding of the American CАB GBU-31 JDAM, range of 35 km. It is produced according to regular
sec and capture range homing head system, equal has a tail quickly-mounted unit with aerodynamic aerodynamic scheme with trapezoidal crosswise
to 4 km. controls and control system module as well as wing and tail unit. The upgraded version of the
GB-1 is army-accepted as well, manufactured plated aerodynamic surfaces, meant for gliding missile – С-704KD – is equipped with infra-red
by the state corporation Sichong Group and seem- characteristics improvement. all-day homing system.
ingly being a developed version of GB LT-2. It is On GB LT-3 new optical coordinator is applied To fight small-sized moving targets in com-
equipped with optical semi-active homing head, as well, substituting for wind direction indica- bat CASC creates «air-to-surface» missile AR-1.
providing КВО of about 3 m. Ammunition mass – tor type coordinator, used on GB LT-2. The Guided missile, as to its dimensions similar
570 kg, besides J-10A it is also carried by light new ammunition is conceptually close to GB to the American helicopter missile AGM-114
fighters JH-7А. GBU-54 and «Upgraded Payvuvai» IV, also having «Hellfire», has optical semi-active homing sys-
LOEC Center in 2006 finished guided gliding combined (inertial-satellite + optical) guidance tem. Optical axis of the laser corrector has angle
aviation bomb tests that were indicated as LS-6. The systems. with longitude missile axis, which facilitates
ammunition is equipped with optical semi-active CASC (China Aerospace Science and surface targets capture.
homing system. Its mass 540 kg, warhead mass Technology Corporation) creates a set of high- J-10A weaponry will be also supplied with
is 440 kg, shell diameter is 377 mm, wing span – precision aviation weapon «Fay Teng», in particu- antiradar missiles– Russian Х-31П or Chinese
2.46 m. LS-6 wing is made of carbon plastics. They lar – guided aviation bombs FT-1 and FT-3 with guided missile of the similar type. At the same time
inform that during the tests the bomb showed stan- inertial-satellite guidance. Bomb FT-1 (500 kg) a disadvantage of the Chinese fighter consists in
dart deviation 7.5 m. It should be mentioned that has crosswise wing small elongation and cross- the absence of strategic-tactical cruise missiles in
bombs LТ-2 and LS-6 were publicly demonstrated wise developed tail unit with controls, having its ammunition, similar to the Russian Х-59М and
in 2008 within the weaponry of J-10A. electric drive. It can glide (depending on the alti- Х-59М2, American JASSM or European «Storm
Shadow» and KEPD-350. However, China will pos-
sibly purchase the weaponry for J-10A in Russia.
For missile air combat of intermediate
range the Chinese fighter can be equipped with
«Шаньдян-10» (SD-10) missiles, that are the
authorized version of the Russian missile of Р-77
type with combined (inertial + active RADAR)
guiding system. Guided missile of the type must
be basic weaponry of «air-to-air» type for Chinese
multipurpose fighters Su-30МКК and Su-30МК2
(J-13), as well as upgraded Su-27СК (J-11).
But the standard aircraft ammunition is
Chinese missiles of intermediate range «Пили-11»
(«Удар молнии-11», PL-11) and «Pili-12»
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
(«Thunderbolt-12 (Удар молнии)», PL-12). The missiles PL-11/PL-12, two PL-8/PL-9 and three government approved the plans of acquisition
first one is a bit altered Italian missile Alenia suspended fuel tanks. As we can see, as far as of 36 fighters J-10 type in export version (it is
«Aspid»1А. Its development started in 1992, and guided weaponry of “air-to-air” type is concerned called FC-20, and it is going to by 100 more air-
PL-11, equipped with semi-active mono-pulse the Chinese fighter is almost not inferior to the craft. Thereat according to Mass Media the prime
radar homing head, has the starting mass 220 best foreign analogues. cost of one fighter was appreciated as 41 million
kg, maximum speed, correlating with М=4, and The updating of “Tczyanbin” is running on. US dollars. Possibly, these fighter-bombers (in
shooting range in front hemi-sphere up to 40 km. Most probably the evolution of this advanced case contract for aircraft delivery will be made)
They informed about successful manufacturing of aircraft will be continued in the direction of further will be equipped with Chinese double-flow turbo-
its upgraded version – PL-11A – with active radar increasing of its air characteristics due to install- jet afterburner WS-10A engines and west made
homing head. ing more powerful engine with UVTAL-31 FN-M1, airborne radars (the most possible version is
PL-12 missile is the newest Chinese develop- and also due to decreasing of radar and thermal GRIFO2000 radar with slot antenna).
ment among the weaponry of “air-to-air” type, per- detection ability, adaptation of the up to date avi- In October 2007 there was information about
formed jointly with Russian specialists. Its devel- onics and armaments. It was mentioned in mass Iran’s intention to purchase 24 planes of “Tczyanbin”
opment started in 1999, and in that second half of media with citation of “the circles being closed type. Though later the Iran party officially declined
current decade « Pili-12» was army-accepted by to Chinese aircraft industry” that in 2006 airborne the fact of negotiations with the Chinese about
PEOPLE’S LIBERATION ARMY OF CHINA. Missile radar “Type 1473” was created in China for J-10A J-10 purchase, it can still be presumed that some-
with double-mode hard-fuel engine has starting aircraft. This radar is able to detect J-11 (Su-27) thing was done in this direction. Among other
mass of 220 kg (according to other data – 180 at a range exceeding the range of detecting J-10 potential purchasers Thailand, Nigeria, Angola and
kg) and aerodynamic configuration similar to aircraft by airborne radar N001E, which is installed Sudan were also mentioned…
«Pili-11». It is equipped with composite guidance on “Sukhoi” aircraft. If you take into consideration On the whole it can be stated, that on the
system similar to Р-77, and can use the so-called that ERS of Su-27 several times larger than the international aircraft market “Tczyanbin” rep-
«plunging» trajectory, providing shooting range same of J-10A, then you can supposed that the resents a new product of good quality, capable
up to 80 km. they also informed that the missile new Chinese radar is able to detect an air target of competing with aircraft industry production
was developed with air-burning engine, having “light fighter” type (ЭПР=3м2) at the range of of the USA and Europe. As to our country, I’d
maximum range increased up to 150 km. 80-90 km, and the range of detecting a target like to remind of the fact that F-10 is to a great
Besides, the fighter can carry intermediate like Su-27, will exceed 100km. Probably they are extent the result of native aircraft industry (in
range missiles with ТGS PL-13 or PL-13M, that talking about the radar with ФАР of passive type, any case, engine, as well as pert of avionics and
are authorized versions of the Russian missiles that is developed in China independently (but with armament there are Russian). And if the USA
of Р-73М type capable of hitting air targets at the Russian specialists as consultants) since 1990. once ignored the prototype of “Tczyanbin” – the
range up to 20-30 km. Missiles, equipped with The other way of possible J-10A upgrading Israeli aircraft «Lavi» – for the benefit of own
thrust vector control system, can fly with 40-times is installation of Russian airborne radar on the aircraft industry (indeed, what is small Israel in
overload and developed the speed relative to aircraft. comparison with the large USA?), it would be
М=2.5. Starting mass of PL-13 is 105 kg, and In prospect it is possible to equip “Tczyanbin” very stupid of Russia to behave like that towards
PL-13М – 115 kg. aircraft with Chinese or foreign made (first of all the Great eastern neighbour. “Tczyanbin” air-
Nominal J-10A armament also includes small with Russian) radar with EASA. craft is already created, series manufactured
range thermal missiles PL-8, PL-9 and PL-9С Although F-10aircraft is delivered now to and (whether anybody likes it or not) will inevi-
(starting mass 115-123 kg), that are developed Chinese Air force and Navy only, a number of other tably join world aircraft market. Under these cir-
version of the Israeli guided missile «Piton»3 foreign countries have already taken interest in this cumstances the position of our aircraft industry
(Chinese-Israeli defense-technological cooperation fighter. It is quite natural that the first would-be supporting J-10A program and participating in
heritage of 1980-1990-ies). Missile weapon can be customer, most probably, will become Pakistan, the aircraft production, looks like perfectly right.
used in different combinations, for example – four the main China partner on military-technical coop- As smart managers say: «If you can’t prevent
missiles PL-11/PL-12 and two PL-8/PL-9 or two eration. In April 2006 it was told that the Pakistan the booze-up, you should head it…».
Vladimir Ilyin
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
system. For a number of reasons the system din and number of weapons, as well as new avionics
not satisfy the Indians and in 1993 the U.S. General equally effective against air and ground targets.
Dynamics (currently Lockheed Martin), which had The LCA concept was close to the follow-
obtained a lot of experience in the field while cre- ing aircraft: JAS 39 Gripen (Sweden), Ching-
ating and upgrading F-16, was chosen to create a Kuo(Taiwan), and FC-1 (Super-7, China/Pakistan).
four-channel digital flight-by-wire control system. The look of the new fighter was influenced not only
The digital flight-by-wire control system final by technical, but also political issues: India, which
adjustments were carried out in the U.S. through was gaining international importance, needed not
modeling at a special NT-33 aircraft with additional only an aircraft, but also a kind of a symbol
checks performed at the F-16 fighter. The works of national independence in the field of high
were completed in 1996. technology.
In 1986, India concluded a contract with the It is noteworthy that, though, the Indian fighter
In the March of the very 1986, a U.S. Defense U.S. General Electric for the delivery of F404-GE- was designed for the Air Force, at the early stages
Department delegation came to India, which com- F2J3 engines to be used for LCA prototypes. It was of the program a deck-landing aircraft based on
prised 20 experts working in military R&D facilities supposed to be a temporary measure with further it was also considered: the Indian Navy bought a
specialized in aircraft and engine building and prototypes and series-produces aircraft to be fit- British-built Vikrant in 1961 (19,500 metric tons),
radio-electronic systems. Cooperation between ted with Indian engines. It is common knowledge, which proved highly effective in the war of 1973.
India and the U.S. in the LCA program was dis- though, that there is nothing as permanent as A more powerful Viraat (former Eagle) ship was
cussed, including such issues as building the temporary measures… bought in the U.K. in 1996. It had a deadweight of
fuselage, development and construction of avia- The LCA outline design started in 1987 and 28,700 metric tons and had Sea Harrier fighters.
tion electronics. Pentagon officially announced its finished in 1988. The works were carried out with India had plans of further upgrade of aviation and
intent to support India’s HAL in the LCA aircraft Dassault’s technical support (the support price aircraft fleet of deck-landing aircraft.
development. was $10 million). The aircraft under construc- On March 31, 1990, the new fighter project
Looking ahead we will say that the fuselage tion was to closely meet the requirements of the was officially approved. At the end of the year a
finally remained to be Indian, but the Americans local theatre of operations and fully integrate the LCA prototype construction was to be launched.
further received contracts for deliveries of engines, national combat expertise, including that obtained Note that the maiden flight of the new Indian
advanced alloys, and composite materials, as well during the India-Pakistan war in 1971. fighter was initially and optimistically planned for
as for development of the LCA digital flight-by-wire The analysis carried out by Indian experts 1991, but later postponed until 1992. In 1990,
control system. The development of the system is showed that the new multipurpose fighter was to the Indian Defense Ministry announced that the
worth focusing on. The Indian gave up the idea of be close to MiП-21 (which proved perfectly effec- construction of the “demonstration” aircraft was
making this crucial element of the aircraft them- tive in air fights with Pakistani F-86, F-104, and delayed until 1993 citing technical reasons so that
selves at early stages of the program. In 1988, F-6) in its main features. It also was to have better the wheeling-out was to take place in 1994 with
Dassault offered its analogue flight-by-wire control maneuverability, farther range, increased variety the maiden flight to follow no sooner than 1995.
All that meant that the beginning of series produc-
tion of the Indian fourth generation fighter would
start most optimistically in 1997 with the first
batch-produced jets to enter service not in 1996
as it was planned, but in the XXI century.
The Indian chief of staff said commenting
these decisions that “the delay of the LCA fighter
program can prompt the armed forces to consider
fielding a new type of an “intermediate” fighter
to replace MiG-21 and MiG-23”. As a possible
replacement both General Dynamics F-16 and
Saab JAS 39 Vigen supersonic aircraft and sub-
and BAE Hawk 200 were considered. The subsonic
aircraft would result in considerably reduced costs
while maintaining a high strike potential, but the
Hawk 200 or AMX fighting potential was evidently
not enough for winning air superiority formerly
performed by MiG-21.
Another possibility is that the combat field
insulation task could be performed by additionally
ordered MiG-27M fighter-bombers, whereas direct
air support could be carried out by 80-90 AJT
upgraded combat trainers purchased by the Air
Force. Looking ahead, the Indian Air Force gave
up the idea of subsonic attack planes rather soon
due to low combat potential and survivability, the
supersonic F-16 and JAS 39 jets are considered by
the Indians as the LCA “gap fillers” in the frames
of the MMRCA program in 2009, 20 years after
the described events. It is really true that unlike
Europeans, who are always in a hurry, the sons of
the most ancient Indian civilization don’t take two
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
million rupees ($730 million at 1992 financial plastic use the Indians decreased the weight to The LCA thrust-to-weight ratio with the F404
yea’s exchange rate). The overall costs of the the record low for a fighter of the class – to 5,500 with a normal takeoff weight was to be 0.91
development of the new fighter, including the kg, which seamed rather possible. The composite compared to 0.81 of JAS 39 and 0.87 of MiG-
engine development expenditures and excluding materials were supposed to be used in the wing, 21bis, which would in theory give the Indian
series production were estimated at 50,000 million empennage and control surface design. aircraft acceleration and maneuverability features
rupees ($1.4 billion). The percent of the composite materials used exceeding foreign aircraft of the same class.
The opinion of the U.S. experts about the LCA in the LCA roughly twice exceeded that of the U.S. The LCA design speed and height features were
aircraft is also of some interest. Having studied the F-22A Raptor fifth generation fighter and its Soviet slightly worse than those of MiG-21 (Mach 2.0,
features of the aircraft, they said it was “the next analogue MiG-MFI jet. For a comparison, the Saab 17,000-19,000 m compared to Mach 1.7 – 1.8,
generation of F-5 type aircraft.” They mentioned JAS 39 Gripen with a structure close to that of 16,000 m), but were good enough for effective
that the design features of the fighter were high the LCA and a similar engine (Svenska Flygmotor fight with up-to-date foreign tactical aircraft. In
enough with the small size and relatively low cost, RM12 based on the same F404) and a radar was general, the Indian Air Force was to receive an
which would provide a good demand for it on the 6,620 kg, that is 1,120 kg more. At the same aircraft comparable with the best similar foreign
world market. The Americans said, though, that time, the internal fuel tanks of the Indian aircraft, jets and exceeding some of their features.
“the fighter has a relatively small specified life, according to advertizing brochures, was to accom- The construction of the first two prototype
which will make it operational within 14 years, modate 2,400 kg of fuel compared to 2,270 kg of vehicles PV1 and PV2 was launched in 1998.
whereas the advanced western fighters had the the Saab aircraft. The LCA fuel efficiency was 0.44 The traditional natural model of the fighter was
same feature was much better.” The ADA chiefs compared to 0.34 of the Jas 39. The LCA prede- replaced by a virtual model, which was a 3D data
said to clarify the point that the LCA operating life cessor in the Indian Air Force, MiG-21bis (empty base of detailed information on the configuration
was calculated based on heavy climate conditions weight – 5,350 kg), was fitted with the R-25-300 and design of the aircraft (a similar approach was
and if the aircraft is used in countries with a milder augmented turbojet engine with the thrust of 7,100 first used in the U.S. for the development of the
climate, the specified life could be extended. kgf and had only 1,790 kg of fuel in internal tanks Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit low observable stra-
Due to the fast tempo of mastering the lat- (fuel efficiency also 0.34). It is little surprise that tegic bomber, and was later used for F-22, F-35,
est technology in aircraft building showed by the the LCA practical range of 2,000 km was to be and T-50 fighter programs.
Indians, the LCA design specifications looked close to that of heavier fourth generation foreign PV1 took off on November 25, 2005, and
impressive. So, while at the initial stage of the fighters (F-15 and F-16) and be much better than the PV2 followed on December 1, 2005. Exactly
program the design empty weigh was estimated that of not only MiG-21bis (1,250 km), but also of a year later, on December 1, 2006, flight tests of
at 6,000 kg, then due to optimism in wide coal- Gripen (1,700-1,800) km. the PV3 started. The fourth pre-series aircraft PV4
initially built as s prototype of the LCA-Navy carrier
fighter was further delivered as the second series
jet LSP2. Then an prototype of the PV5 two-seat
combat trainer was launched, as well as navy
prototypes NP-1 and NP-2, which have not started
flight tests as of today.
It should be mentioned that the takeoff weight
of empty demonstrator aircraft LCA TD was far
from the announced record low figure for the
series aircraft and totaled according to the Indian
media 6,800 kg. The pre-series LCA PV1 had more
carbon-plastic and the weight reduced to 6,300 kg.
The LCA PV2 had the design composite material
figure of 43%. But this fighter was also fitted with
some organic electronic equipment, armament,
as well as some onboard systems, which were
not installed on previous versions. It was likely to
ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE OF SERIES-BUILT TEJAS increase the weight again. The exceeding weight
became one of the crucial problems for the Tejas
Wingspan 8.9 m
Length with pressure head bar 13.20 m On April 12, 2007, the first series Tejas Mk.1
Height 4.40 m fighter LSP1 made its maiden test flight. On June
Wing surface 38.40 m2 16, 2008 it was followed by LSP2 (former PV4).
Another six series aircraft (LSР-3 – LSР-8) were
Empty weight 5,500 kg
supposed to be tested until the end of 2008, but
Internal tanks capacity 2,400 kg when the article was being written the information
Takeoff weight on LSР-3 – LSР-8 flights was not available.
Unlike the fighters of other developing nations,
Air superiority derivative 9,000 kg
which are powered by engines made in Russia, the
Strike derivative 12,500 kg U.S., France, or the U.K., a decision was made to
Max combat load 4,000 kg develop a specific engine for the Indian fighter,
which would compete with fourth generation
Max Mach number 1.6-1.8
bypass turbofan engines with afterburner. The
Service ceiling 15,200-16,000 development of the engine called Kavery with the
Operational range 2,000 km design static thrust in the full afterburning mode
Ferry range 3,000 km
was 8,500-9,000 kgf (a bigger figure was also
announced – up to 9,200 kgf), was entrusted to
Max exploitation g-number +9.0/-3.5 the Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE)
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
The fighter’s wing has reduced sweep in the TD1 and TD2 test fighters are equipped with with other elements radio-electronic equipment
root which is made in order to provide the pilot the General Electrics F404-GE-F2J3 (1х7300 kg(f) and weapons via three digital data buses which
with forward and downward lookout as it is stated. augmented dual-flow turbojet. Serial planes were correspond to MIL-STD-1553B standard.
A three-piece wing-slat is situated on the wing supposed to be equipped with the Indian GTRE In fuselage nose section the X-range MMR
leading edge and the wing trailing edge is occupied GTX-35VS “Kavery” engines (1х8500 – 8800 kg(f) (Multi Mode Radar) multipurpose coherent pulse-
with two-piece elevons. with the Douti/Smith KADECU digital control sys- doppler radar station is placed. It was designed
As it was mentioned previously the wing con- tem, however this engine never passed through on the basis of the Ericsson PS-05/А radar sta-
struction is almost entirely made of composition the test stage. As a result the MK1 fighters have tion. The station is capable to track up to 10 air
materials. Most of the longerons and stringers, been equipped with the US F404-GE-IN20 aug- targets, allocate two most priority targets among
upper and lower one-piece skin panels which are mented dual-flow turbojets (8200 kg(f) and were them and ensure launch of two “air-to-air” active
fastened with screws to the longerons are made of updated specially for the requirements of the Air radar homing missiles for one of the targets. In the
these materials as well. The slit vortex generators are Forces of India (tropical edition). “air-to-earth” mode the radar carries out district
mounted in the wing and fuselage matching joint. The internal tanks of the aircraft volume is mapping, provides detection of small targets, their
The aircraft’s fuselage is semimonocoque 3,000 liters. Five external fuel tanks with the vol- engagement with onboard weapons, flight in the
type. Two speed brakes are situated in its tail-end ume of 800 or 1200 liters can be placed under a terrain avoiding land obstacles fly-by mode. The
on both sides of the vertical stabilizer and made wing and the fuselage. In the long term the under- slit antenna has small weight – less than 5 kg.
of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic. Two fixed hemi- fuselage fuel tank was planed to be replaced with a The development of the station was carried out by
spheric section air intakes are placed on the sides conforming external fuel tank of the same volume the HAL company together withERDE (Electronics
of the fuselage. which provides considerably smaller aerodynamic Radar Development Establishment).
Though dimensions of «Ajita» are brought to a resistance and smaller radar cross-section. Besides onboard radar (the basic onboard
minimum that together with the use of composite On the right side of the fuselage at cockpit information mean) the aircraft can be equipped
materials provides it with small optical and radar- windscreen a fixed inverted-L type aerial refueling with external multichannel (thermal, television,
tracking signature. In the aircraft design a number receiver is mounted. laser) Lightning container tested onboard one of
of additional measures on decrease of radar cross- The plane having reduced static stability is LCA aircrafts in 2007.
section are implemented. Such measures are: equipped with the Martin Marietta four-channel The aircraft has modern information and con-
– Giving to channels of the air intake of the digital electronic remote control system with the trol board of pilot’s cockpit corresponding to
bent Y-shaped form, aimed to shield compressor higher level of protection against external elec- the requirements to aviation complexes of «4 +»
blades from direct radar tracking; tromagnetic influences. There are no duplicating generation. The basis of this complex are two
– Rather wide application of radio absorbing analogue or mechanical systems onboard. liquid crystal multipurpose full-color display (the
materials and coverings; The basis of the onboard radio-electronic size of the screen is 125х125 mm) with a push-
– Use of passive sensors and tracking equipment complex makes a duplicated computer button frame as well as the wide-angle indicator
devices. (32 bit, ADA programming language), integrated on the windscreen with holographic optics. In the
twin-seater variant of LCA there are four displays
PART OF CONSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS (BY WEIGHT) IN LCA AIRCRAFT (125х125 mm) as well as two multipurpose con-
trol panels which have liquid crystal displays.
Technical demonstrator (ТD) Pre-production vehicle (PV)
For conducting near air fight the aircraft is
Aluminum alloys 57,0% 45,0% equipped witha helmet-mounted visor manufac-
Carbon fiber-reinforced plastic 30,0% 43,0% tured in Ukraine. The works on integration of
the Israeli helmet-mounted sight-indicator with
Steel 5,0% 4,5% avionics were conducted. The controls of “Tejes”
Titanium 6,0% 5,0% are made by HOTAS principle that allows to pilot a
Other materials 2,0% 2,5% fighter without releasing control levers.
Radio-electronic warfare and communication
means are integrated with other elements of avion-
ics into the joint «Mayavi» (“Fokusnik”) onboard
complex. There are both built-in electronic warfare
equipment (station of detection of a radar and
laser irradiation, containers with shoot off heat
flares and chaffs) and external containers with
active jamming equipment.
The remarkable feature of the aircraft weapon
system is presence of both Russian and the west-
ern aviation weaponsin its structure. The Lightning
container with thermal and television (with high
definition) positioning and targeting equipment as
well as laser range gauge and target designator
(that provides possibility of application of guided
aviation bombs (KAB) and other precision weapon
without any external means of illumination) is sup-
posed to be mounted on the special (eights) under
fuselage suspension joint.
The plane is equipped with a built-in GSH-23L
gun (23 mm) with the allowance of am munitionof
220 rounds, placed under the fuselage (it is similar
to MiG-21bis fighter). On the seven external joints
of a suspension (six under wings and one under
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
(that indirectly testifies to considerable increase phased array called ELTA EL/M-2052 is observed. to the customer in 2012) following the results of
of weight of «Tejas» Mk.2) is supposed also. The model of this station was shown at the the international competition in which generation
However the most essential part of moderniza- international exhibition «Air India – 2005» in “4 +” fightersparticipate such as MiG-35, F-16I,
tion will be installation of the new, more powerful Bangalore. It is necessary to say, that very little is F/A-18E/F (F-18IN), «Rafael», EF2000 and JAS 39
engine chosen in the framework of the interna- known about this station intended for equipping «Gripen».
tional competition. In December, 2008 the ADA of F-16 class crafts (its weight makes «130 – 180 Chronic prolongation of implementation terms
agency planned to direct to the General Electric kg»). It has a small rectangular antenna. And the of the LCA program made in the mid-nineties
andEuropean consortium Eurojet Turbo an offer on information presented in exhibition booklets, to the Indian Air Forces begin search of alternative
participation in this tender. put it mildly, raise certain doubts. In particular, variants of modernization fighter park allowing
The F414 engine (10000 kg(f) applied in F/A- the declared ability of EL/M-2052 to detect to to support necessary qualitative level before the
18E/F) or EJ200 (9200 kg(f) installed in EF2000) 64 air targets simultaneously looks colored (in “national” fighter enters service.
are expected to allow providing performance of the US radars AN/APG-77 installed at F-22A this In 1996 the Russian-Indian contract providing
primary requirements of aircraft performance parameter makes, on various information, 20-28 modernization of 125 MiG-21bis fightersto the
characteristics which were initially required for targets). At the same time it is possible to assume level of MiG-21-93 has been signed. The modern-
the LCA craft by the Indian Air Forces. The com- that the characteristics of this station (which most ized MiGs which got an Indian name MiG-21UPG
petition winner-company will delyver 99 engines. probably is just going to be created) will be at the (sometimes they are called MiG-21bison) started
The agreement will include an option for addi- level of the latest European and American onboard to arrive in the Indian Air Forces in 2002, and by
tional delivery of 49 more augmented dual-flow radio stations with automatic phased array. In 2008 the program had been practically finished.
turbojets as well, that, taking into account the particular, the declared range of enemy’s light Modernization concerned basically the onboard
reserve engines should provide manufacture of fighters detection for EL/M-2052 of148 km looks radio electronic equipment and weapons of the
125 «Tejas» Mk.2 fighters. quite convincingly. aircraft. «Bison» has received new pulse-dopler
After the winner in the tender of engine manu- In January, 2009 the ADA agency signed the radar «Kopiyo-21I» with slit antenna, practically
facturers is chosen the modernization of the LCA contract with the European concern EADS, provid- not conceding to the MMR station created for LCA
fuselage for the chosen engine will be performed. ing rendering to the Indian party help in updating (target detection range with radar cross-section
At the same time the “Tejas” Mk.2 twin-seater «Tejas». Thus the main attention will be paid to of 3 м2 is 57 km, simultaneous tracking of eight
crafts will still be equipped with the F404-GE-IN20 struggle for weight decrease and measures for and engagement of two targets), modern weapons
engines (probably, using the option of 20 aug- chassis strengthening as well. The program is cal- control system, allowing to use the guided “air-
mented dual-flow turbojets of this type). culated for 48 months. Thus the first «Tejas» Mk.2 to-air” and “air-to-surface” weapons, the inertial
One more basic difference of «Tejas» Mk.2 in the serial configuration will take off not earlier navigation system upgraded with the module of
from Mk.1 can be a new radar complex. By 2004 than in 2014, i.e. practically simultaneously with satellite navigation and also the complex of weap-
after many years of delays two MMR test radar the India-Russian fighter of the 5th generation. ons practically identical with the corresponding
stations were constructed. However in 2006 it We remind that initially it was planned, that complex of LCA. Thus the modernized aircraft
became known that works on creation of this air- the LCA aircrafts first of all will replace the fighters completely kept the high flight characteristics of
craft radar met serious problems which questioned of MiG-21 type and «Ajit». However «Ajit» “quit- the MiG-21bis fighter whichnot concede to the
terms of completion of the program. And the radar ted the stage” in 1991 still before the prototype characteristics of «Tejas».
station itself corresponded to the requirements of of «Tejas» took off for the first time. Later the After 125 MiG-21UPG practically corresponded
the early 1990s could not be considered modern MiG-23BN fighter-bombers (entered the service f to the level of generation «4 +» became part of the
any more in second half of this decade. In 2007 the the India AF after the failure with “Marut”) were Indian Air Forces the problem of the 2nd genera-
agreement providing rendering to the Indian party added to the list of aircrafts submitted for replace- tion fighters replacementbecame much less sharp.
help in operational development of the station by ment for LCA. However and these crafts left the It may have allowed the management of the Indian
an Israeli company Elta was signed. Searching for service in 2007 not being replaced with a new Air Forces to take easy the regular delay of the LCA
a new onboard radar station corresponding to the Indian multipurpose fighter. The MiG-21Ml and program connected with the necessity of creation
requirements of the present day was begun at the MiG-23MF aircrafts also should be replaced since of a new modification of this fighter, deprived of
same time. 2012 not with «Tejas» but with the multipurpose the disadvantages of the 1st generation fighters.
Presently the possibility of equipping “Tejas” MMRCA fighter: 126 crafts of this type should Most likely the modernized Swedish fighter
Mk.2 with Israeli radar station with automatic enter the service (with transfer of the first vehicle «Gripen» NG which started flight tests in 2008 will
become the nearest analogue of «Tejas» Mk.2. This
aircraft equipped with a new onboard radar with
automatic phased array has the extended fuselage
with the volume of the fuel tanks increased by 40
% and the F414G engine (10,000 kg(f), allowing to
fly with supersonic cruiser speed (up to М=1.2).
The weight of the empty aircraft has increased by
400 kg (i.e. to 7000-7100 kg), the maximum take-
off weight has made 16,000 kg, and ferry range
with full fuel tanks is 4070 km.
Besides the basic single-seater variant of the
«Tejas»fighter intended for the Air Forces, the
working out of other modifications of this aircraft
is conducted. In particular the training-combat
twin-seater variant of the fighter was being cre-
ated. There is a twin-seater training-combat pro-
totype PV5 is under construction. This aircraft in
general is similar to the single-seater. It carries
similar to «Tejas» Мк.1 onboard equipment and
weapons. The difference is in absence of a fuel
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
Vladimir Karnozov
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
Capital, an Abu-Dabi leasing company. Little was that of Goldman Sachs. The rest belong to public Apart from Aeroflot, AerCap has it aircraft placed
heard about both of those, which sparked our inter- and unnamed private individuals. On 18th February with SkyExpress (one B737-500) and Transaero
est. Below is the interview with Mr. Dahmen gave 2008 Waha Capital, the Abu Dhabi-based and Abu (one B737-400). Again, these transactions involved
our correspondent at the delivery ceremony on Dhabi Securities Exchange -listed holding com- the securitization portfolio AerCo, for which AerCap
December 10, 2008. Waha Capital traces its history pany, announced that its investments in aviation, acts as servicer/marketing agent.
to Oasis Capital (In Arab language, “waha” means finance, real estate, infrastructure and maritime
“oasis”). To many of the non-natives, waha sounds and logistics sectors will exceed AED 20 billion
similar to the name of the religious leader of the 18 over the next three years. This and other news
Century, Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab an-Najdi from the group can be found on their corporate
(1703–1792) who started a new flow in Islam. Now, site http://www.wahacapital.ae/. On 19 October
this flow is prevailing in certain countries, including 2008 Waha Capital reported a net profit of AED 40
Saudi Arabia. Men calling themselves Wahhab’s million for the third quarter of 2008, an increase of
followers fought against Russian army and law 34 percent over the corresponding period last year.
enforcement forces in Northern Caucasus and are These figures were given by HE Hussain Al Nowais,
answerable for many terrorist activities in Russia’s Chairman of Waha Capital.
homeland territories. While “waha” and “Wahhab” AerCap’s involvement in Russian programs is
may sound markedly different to the native dwellers longer and greater than Waha’s. Late last year the
of the Arabian peninsula dwellers, it does not for company had a total of 24 aircraft contracted for
most of the outsiders. And this puts them on their lease with Russian airlines. Five of these aircraft
guard. This is one of the reasons why the Russian were delivered to the airline customers. “This
minister for transportation preferred to keep mum shows how important the Russian market is for
at the ceremony. Apparently, he had not expected us”, commented Frauke Oberdieck, Vice President
this sort of challenge, perhaps not merely linguistic. Corporate Communications with AerCap. Most of
There was another reason for Levitin to stay silent. aircraft are intended for Aeroflot – Russian Airlines
The new Aeroflot airplane is actually registered well and its subsidiary Aeroflot-Nord. As of late 2008,
off the Russian coasts, on the islands of Bermuda. Aeroflot operated six A320 family aircraft. First
Hence its registration: VP-BLX. The ministry made AerCap-owned A320 was delivered to Aeroflot in
it clear that it prefers Russian carriers to put July 2008. Remaining five deliveries are due by
their aircraft in the Russian register and get “RA” March 2009. The Russian flag carrier also has on
registration. Aeroflot does not seem to have been order ten A330s. Deliveries started in December
listening to the authority. But let us go back to the 2008. These shall complete in April 2010. Aeroflot-
lessor. Waha Capital calls itself “diversified invest- Nord signed for six B737-500s, of which two were
ment company”. It holds some 40% in Addax Bank delivered in 2008. The remaining four aircraft are
based in Bahrain and has “interests” in Malaysia, owned by the securitization portfolio AerCo, for
Ireland, US, Liberia and Cyprus. About 15% of which AerCap acts as servicer/marketing agent.
company’s shares are in hands of Mudaba sover- Deliveries of these airplanes started in September
eign wealth fund based in Abu Dabi, and 3% – in 2008, in the view of completion in February 2009.
A I R F L E E T · 1 . 2 0 0 9 · ( 7 5 )
Government of Malaysia Ministry of Defence Malaysian Armed Forces Royal Malaysian Navy Royal Malaysian Air Force Royal Malaysian Police Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency
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