1. Aquatic ecosystems can be divided into zones based on factors like water depth and flow. The littoral zone is near the shore where light reaches the bottom, while the limnetic zone is the open water. The profundal zone is deep, dark water beyond plant growth.
2. Lakes have well-defined physical characteristics like varying temperatures and oxygen levels with depth. Deeper zones depend on organic matter sinking from above. Stratification divides lakes into epilimnion, metalimnion, and hypolimnion layers with different conditions.
3. The nutrient levels and productivity of a lake reflect its surrounding landscape. Eutrophic lakes have high nutrients supporting abundant algae and plants
1. Aquatic ecosystems can be divided into zones based on factors like water depth and flow. The littoral zone is near the shore where light reaches the bottom, while the limnetic zone is the open water. The profundal zone is deep, dark water beyond plant growth.
2. Lakes have well-defined physical characteristics like varying temperatures and oxygen levels with depth. Deeper zones depend on organic matter sinking from above. Stratification divides lakes into epilimnion, metalimnion, and hypolimnion layers with different conditions.
3. The nutrient levels and productivity of a lake reflect its surrounding landscape. Eutrophic lakes have high nutrients supporting abundant algae and plants
1. Aquatic ecosystems can be divided into zones based on factors like water depth and flow. The littoral zone is near the shore where light reaches the bottom, while the limnetic zone is the open water. The profundal zone is deep, dark water beyond plant growth.
2. Lakes have well-defined physical characteristics like varying temperatures and oxygen levels with depth. Deeper zones depend on organic matter sinking from above. Stratification divides lakes into epilimnion, metalimnion, and hypolimnion layers with different conditions.
3. The nutrient levels and productivity of a lake reflect its surrounding landscape. Eutrophic lakes have high nutrients supporting abundant algae and plants
1. Aquatic ecosystems can be divided into zones based on factors like water depth and flow. The littoral zone is near the shore where light reaches the bottom, while the limnetic zone is the open water. The profundal zone is deep, dark water beyond plant growth.
2. Lakes have well-defined physical characteristics like varying temperatures and oxygen levels with depth. Deeper zones depend on organic matter sinking from above. Stratification divides lakes into epilimnion, metalimnion, and hypolimnion layers with different conditions.
3. The nutrient levels and productivity of a lake reflect its surrounding landscape. Eutrophic lakes have high nutrients supporting abundant algae and plants
- Classification based on features of the physical environment - EMERGENTS: Cattails and sedges plants – roots are anchored in the bottom - water salinity- influence adaptations of organisms mud, lower stems are immersed in water, and upper stems and leaves - 2 Major CATEGORIES: Freshwater and salt water (marine) stand above water. - Marine into two broad categories: COASTAL & OPEN-WATER SYSTEMS --- Organisms: Hydras, snails, protozoans, dragonflies, and diving insects, - Freshwater ecosystem: based on Water depth and flow pickerel, sunfish (lepomis spp) herons (ardeidae) & blackbirds (Agelains spp) LOTIC- flowing water (ex: rivers and streams) - FLOATING PLANTS: Pondweed (potamogeton) & pond lily (nuphar spp.) LENTIC- Nonflowing water (Ex: ponds, lakes, and inland wetlands) - SUBMERGED PLANTS: species of pondweed w/ dissected leaves - FW & SW: Linked as components of the hydrological cycle - POND FISH: have compressed bodies, permitting them to move easily - GEOMORPHOLOGY: path determined by gravity & topography through the masses of aquatic plants. 1. Flowing water ecosystems begin as streams LITTORAL ZONE- contributes large input of organic matter to the system. 2. Streams coalesce into rivers LIMNETIC ZONE: zooplankton & phytoplankton (desmids, diatoms, and 3. collect in basin and floodplains to form standing-water ecosystems such filamentous algae Primary Producers), nekton (fish- distribution as ponds, lakes and inland wetlands influenced by food supply, oxygen and temperature) 4. Rivers flow to coast and form estuaries (transition from FW to marine) - Spring and fall turnovers: - marine environment: 70% of Earth’s surface plankton are carried downward nutrients released by decomposition on the bottom are carried upward 24.1 LAKES HAVE MANY ORIGINS oxygen & temperature uniform - Lakes & Ponds warm-water and cold-water species occupy all levels Inland depressions containing standing water - Spring: warm water & stratification develops, plankton have access to Mostly have outlet streams both nutrients and light Formed through Nongeological activities - Summer- large predatory fish inhabit warmer epilimnion waters Beavers- dam streams = ponds - Winter- predatory fish retreat to deeper water; lake trout require colder Humans- dam rivers & streams for power, irrigation, or water storage water temperatures and construct smaller ponds and marshes for recreation, fishing and PROFUNDAL ZONE: depends on supply of energy and nutrients from the wildlife limnetic zone above, & temperature and availability of oxygen Quarries and surface mines- form ponds - Abundant w/ life during spring & fall turnovers - PONDS – small bodies of water so shallow that rooted plants can grow over - Easily decomposed substances partly mineralized while sinking, + organic much of the bottom. debris bottom sediments- habitat of benthic organisms - LAKES – some are large that they mimic marine environments - Where Oxygen curves for lakes and ponds show a sharp drop Formed by glacial erosion and deposition, craters of some extinct - Dominant organisms- anaerobic bacteria volcanoes, Landslides Amt of organic matter reaching the bottom > can be used by bottom Tarns- carved glacier basins filled w/ water from rain & melting snow fauna = muck rich in hydrogen sulfide and methane Moraines – retreating valley glaciers; dammed up water behind them - Water becomes shallower = benthos changes Also formed when, silt, driftwood, & other debris deposited in beds of - PERIPHYTON OR AUFWUCHS: organisms of benthic community slow moving streams dam up water behind them Attached to or move on a submerged substrate but do not penetrate it Oxbow Lakes- dammed loops of streams that meander over flat valley Colonize the leaves of submerged aquatic plants, sticks, rock, and debris Water-filled depressions – developed by shifts in Earth’s crust, uplifting Periphyton (mostly algae and diatoms) are fast growing and lightly mountains or displacing rock strata attached Aufwuchs on stones, wood & debris, form a more crustlike growth of 24.2 LAKES HAVE WELL-DEFINED PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS cyanobacteria, diatoms, water moss, and sponges. - LENTIC ECOSYSTEMS depends on light 24.4 CHARACTER OF A LAKE REFLECTS ITS SURROUNDING LANDSCAPE amt. of light penetrating the water is influenced by: - Water that falls on land flows through the soil to enter springs, streams, - natural attenuation and lakes water transports with it slit and nutrients in solution - slit and other material carried into the lake - Human activities add: Nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter - the growth of phytoplankton. - EUTROPHICATION “eutrophy” - condition of being rich in nutrients Temperatures vary seasonally and with depth EUTROPHIC: oxygen can be limiting - High surface to-volume ratio: surface area is large relative to depth - Ponds & Lakes divided based on penetration of light and photosynthetic - Surrounded by nutrient-rich deciduous forest and farmland activity: - abundance of nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus = heavy a. VERTICAL STRATA- influenced by depth of light penetration growth of algae & plants b. HORIZONTAL STRATA- obvious to the eye - ↑ photosynthesis = ↑recycling of nutrients and organic compounds = LITTORAL ZONE/SHALLOW-WATER ZONE: further growth - surrounding most lakes and ponds and engulfing some ponds completely - Phytoplankton- in warm upper layer = murky green cast - light reaches the bottom, stimulating the growth of rooted plants - Algae – inflowing organic debris and sediment, and remains of rooted LIMNETIC ZONE/ OPEN WATER: plants drift to the bottom - extends to the depth of light penetration - Bacteria – feed on this dead organic matter - inahbitants: microscopic phytoplankton (autotrophs) and zooplankton OLIGOTROPHIC: Oligotrophy – condition of being poor in nutrients (heterotrophs) & Nekton- free swimming organisms - Low surface to volume ratio PROFUNDAL ZONE - water is clear and appears blue to blue-green - Beyond depth of effective light penetration - Nutrient content of the water is low; N abundant ; P limited - beginning is marked by the compensation depth of light - low input of nutrients from surrounding terrestrial ecosystems and other - pt. where respiration balances photosynthesis external sources is mostly responsible for this condition - Depends on a rain of organic material from the limnetic zone for energy - ↓availability of nutrients = ↓production of organic matter BENTHIC ZONE/ BOTTOM REGION: - Oxygen concentration remains high in the hypolimnion - Common to littoral & profundal zones - bottom sediments are largely inorganic - primary place of decomposition DYSTROPHIC- “ill nourished” - receive large amounts of organic matter from surrounding land, particularly in the form of humic material that stain the water brown - peaty substrates or Heathlands that are usually highly acidic - have highly productive littoral zones = dominate lake metabolism = source of dissolved & particulate organic matter 24.5 FLOWING WATER ECOSYSTEMS VARY IN STRUCTURE & TYPES OF 24.7 FLOWING-WATER ECOSYSTEM HABITATS - Continuum of changing environmental conditions - River emerge fully formed from glaciers - Headwater streams – swift, cold, shaded forested regions; primary - stream drains away from its source flows on lay of the land and the productivity is low; depend on input of detritus from terrestrial streamside underlying rock formations join new stream & other small streams, vegetation (90% of organic input) spring seeps and surface water -organic matter produced enters detrital food chain - Below source: stream is small, straight, and swift, with waterfalls and rapids - Dominant organisms: - Flood Times: stream drops its load of sediment on surrounding level land -shredders: processing large-sized litter & feeding on CPOM - Delta- formed when river deposits its load of sediment in a fan-shaped area -collectors: processors of FPOM about its mouth Several channels becomes an area of small lakes, - Minimal grazers reflecting small amount of autotrophic production swamps, and marshy islands - Predators: mostly small fish (sculpins, darters, trout) - Stream Classification Accdg to Order: - Headwater streams – are accumulators, processors, transporters of 1. First Order Stream- Small headwater stream with no tributaries particulate organic matter of terrestrial origin 2. Higher Order- Two streams of the same order join - Streams increase in width (order 4-6), riparian vegetation & detrital input 3. Second Order- Two first-order streams unite decrease 4. Third Order- two second order streams unite - More surface water exposed to sun, water temp increases* order can increase only when a stream of the same order joins it - Elevation gradient declines, current slows* 1 to 3 (Head water streams), 4 to 6 (medium sized), > 6 (rivers) these changes bring abt a shift from dependence on terrestrial input of - Velocity of a current- molds the character and structure of a stream particulate organic matter to primary production by algae & rooted - High water increases the velocity = cuts new banks & channels aquatic plants - Gradient ↓ and the width, depth, and volume of water ↑ slit and decaying - Gross primary production exceeds community respiration organic matter accumulate on the bottom = fast water to slow - Lack of CPOM shredders disappear - FLOWING-WATER ECOSYSTEM: turbulent rifle and the quiet pool - Collectors (feeding on FPOM transported downstream) & grazers (feeding processes occurring in the rapids above influence the water of the pool on autotrophic production) – become dominant consumers waters of the rapids are influenced by events in the pool upstream - Little increase In biomass of predators - RIFFLES – sites of primary/ organic production in the stream - Shift from cold-water species to warm-water species periphyton (diatoms, Cyanobacteria, and water moss) or aufwuch - Order increase from 610: riverine conditions develop assume dominance - Channel is wider & deeper - POOLS- Above and below the riffles; envi. Differs in Chemistry, intensity of - Flow of volume increases & current becomes slower current and depth; sites of decomposition - Sediments accumulate on bottom major sites of carbon dioxide production during the summer and fall - Riparian & autotrophic production decrease necessary for maintaining a constant supply of bicarbonate in solution - FPOM – basic energy source used by bottom-dwelling collectors that are now dominant consumers 24.8 LIFE IS HIGHLY ADAPTED TO FLOWING WATER - Slow, deep water & DOM (dissolved organic matter) – support minimal Streamlined formed animas- offers less resistance to fast water current phytoplankton & zooplankton population flattened bodies and broad, flat limbs- larval forms, enable them to cling to the undersurfaces of stones 24.8 RIVERS FLOW INTO SEA FORMING ESTUARIES protective cases of sand or small pebbles - Caddisflies (trichoptera)- - Estuary – place where freshwater joins saltwater cement them to the bottom of stones - Semiclosed parts of coastal oceans where seawater is diluted & partially Sticky undersurfaces – snails and planarians cling tightly and move about mixed with freshwater coming from land on stones and rubble in the current - One-way flow of freshwater streams & rivers into an estuary meets heavily branched, filamentous algae- Water moss (fontinalis) – cling to inflowing & outflowing saltwater tides rocks by strong holdfasts - Counterflow – created when water of diff salinities are mixed; as nutrient cushionlike colonies or form sheets, covered w/ slippery, gelatinous trap coating – algae - Nutrients & oxygen – carried into estuary by the tides Animals of Fast water streams – require high near-saturation -vertical mixing: not swept back out to sea but circulate up & down concentrations of oxygen and moving water to keep their absorbing and - 2 problems organisms inhabiting estuary face: respiratory surfaces in continuous contact with oxygenated water 1) maintaining their position Slow flowing streams – streamlined forms of fish give way to fish species 2) adjusting to changing salinity such as small mouth bass, compressed bodies enable them to move - Most organisms are benthic attach to bottom & bury themselves in mud through beds of aquatic vegetation or occupy crevices & crannies Invertebrate inhabitants four major groups: - Mobile inhabitants: crustaceans & fish spawn off shore in high-salinity 1. SHREDDERS – caddisflies (trichoptera) and stoneflies (plecoptera); feed water on bacteria & fungi of Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM) -Size of plankton population – determined by: 2. FILTERING/ GATHERING COLLECTORS -seaward movement of streamflow - Pick up drifting downstream and settling FPOM (Fine particulate -ebb tide transport plankton out of the sea organic matter) – broken CPOM + feces -rate of water movement - larvae of black flies (simuliidae) with filtering fans and the net spinning - Salinity – dictates distribution of life in estuary caddisflies (1 & 2- detrital feeders) - Mostly marine inhabitants able to withstand full sea water 3. GRAZERS - Optimum salinity range – in sessile & slightly motile organisms - feeds on the algal coating of stones and rubble - Anadromous fish – live most of their lives in saltwater & return to - Beetle larvae, water penny (psephenus pp) and a number of mobile freshwater to spawn caddisfly larvae -endure changes in salinity 4. GOUGERS- associated w/ woody debris -estuary served as nursery & feeding ground - invertebrates that burrow into waterlogged limbs and trunks of fallen - Oyster bed & oyster reef – outstanding communities of estuary trees - Oysters may be attached to hard objects in intertidal zone - Predaceous insect larvae and fish such as the sculpin (cotus) and trout- - Oyster reefs - usually lie at right angles to tidal currents, which bring Feed on the detrial feeders and grazers planktonic food, carry away wastes & sweep oysters clean of sediment & - Mean rate of drift can serve as an index of a stream’s production rate debris - Associated w oysters are encrusting organisms: sponges, barnacles, bryozoans wc depend on oyster or algae for food - Rooted aquatics – provide a nursery ground for shrimp and bay scallops 24.9 OCEANS EXHIBIT ZONATION & STRATIFICATION - Mesopelagic zone – bioluminescence reaches its greatest devt - Marine environment – 70% of earth’s surface -adaptations: darkly pigmented & weak body; luminescent lures; mimicry - Small volume of sunlit water & dilute solution of nutrients – limit primary of prey; extensible jaws; expandable abdomens production -luminous organs & lighted lures (in fish) – enables them to bait prey - Seas – interconnected by currents, influenced by wave actions & -search-light structures (in euphausiids and squid) – with lens * iris & characterized by salinity discharge luminous clouds to escape from predators 1) Pelagic zone – whole body of water •neritic province – water that overlies the continental shelf 24.11 BENTHOS – plant and animals that live there •oceanic province - Benthic – floor of the sea -divided into layers: - Darkness = heterotrophic a) epipelagic / photic zone – sharp gradients in illumination, temp, and - Polychaete worms & pericarid crustaceans– in shallow benthic regions salinity - Bacteria of the sediments – important organisms in benthic food chain b) mesopelagic zone – little light penetrates & temp gradient is more even -found where large quantities of organic matters are present & gradual -synthesize protein from dissolved nutrients & in turn become a source of -contains oxygen-minimum layer protein, fat, and oils for other organisms -max conc of nutrients (nitrate & phosphate) - Vents – form when cold seawater flows down through fissures & cracks in c) bathypelagic zone – complete darkness except for bioluminescent orgs basaltic lava floor deep into underlying crust -temp is low; water pressure is great -waters react chemically with hot basalt, giving up some minerals d) abyssopelagic zone – “no bottom” -water heated emerges through mineralized chimneys e) hadalpelagic zone – areas found in deep-sea trenches & canyons -white-smoker chimneys: rich in zinc sulphides issue a milky fluid with a 2) Benthic zone – bottom region temperature -black-smoker – rich in copper sulphides 24.10 PELAGIC COMMUNITIES VARY AMONG VERTICAL ZONES -chemosynthetic bacteria – primary producers assoc w vents; oxidize - Lack supporting structures & framework of large dominant plant life rediced sulfur producers - Zooplankton – major herbivores -primary consumers: giant clams, mussels, polychaete worms that filter Phytoplanktons – dominant autotrophs water and graze from bacterial film on rocks - directly absorb nutrients from water - Smaller organism, greater surface-to-volume ratio 24.12 CORAL REEFS -more SA is exposed for absorption - Complex ecosystems built by colonies of coral animals - Autotrophs – restricted to upper surface waters where light penetration - Rich colourful oases w/in nutrient-poor seas varies - Unique accumulation of dead skeletal material built up by carbonate- -algae – dominant autotrophs in shallow coastal waters secreting organisms (coral, coralline, red algae etc) -brown algae (Phaeophyceae) – most abundant assoc w rocky shoreline - Reef-building corals – symbiotic relationship with algal cells -includes large kelps forming dense subtidal forests in tropical rgns -distribution is limited to depths where sufficient solar radiation is -red algae (Rhodophyceae) – most widely distributed; tropical oceans available to support photosynthesis - Precipitation of calcium –from water; to form coral skeleton - Littoral & neritic waters and regions of upwelling – richer in plankton -occurs when temp & salinity are high & CO2 conc are low - Dinoflagellates (region of downwelling) – w 2 whiplike flagella - 3 types: -concentrate near surface in areas of low turbulence •Fringing reefs – grow seaward from rocky shores -attain abundance in warmer waters •Barrier reefs – shorelines of continents & islands; separated from land by -may concentrate in summer appearing red or brown red tide shallow lagoons - Diatoms – phytoplantokns in regions of upwelling •Atolls – rings of coral reefs & islands surrounding a lagoon -enclosed in silica case; in arctic waters -formed when a volcanic mountain subsides beneath the surface - Nanoplankton – smaller than diatom; make up largest biomass in - Build up to sea level temperate & tropical waters - Corals – modular animals, anemone-like cylindrical polyps, with prey- -most abundant are tiny cyanobacteria capturing tentacles surrounding the opening/mouth - Haptocytes – unicellular photosynthetic algae distributed in all waters -form sessile colonies expcept polar seas -Gastrodermal layer: lives Zooxanthellae -most impt members are coccolithophores – major source of primary -symbiotic, photosynthetically active, endozoic dinoflagellate algae that production in oceans coral depend on for most efficient growth -Calcareous skeleton: lives Algae Zooplankton – converts primary production into animal tissue -encrusting red & green coralline species & filamentous species -copepods – most important; most abundant including turf algae - Euphausiids or krill – dominant herbivores in Antarctic; feed on by baleen - Act as nutrient trap, so offshore coral reefs are oases of productivity w/in whales & penguins relatively nutrient-poor, lower productivity seas - Carnivorous zooplankton – feeds on herbivorous zooplankton - Corallivores – feed on coral polyps; such as puffers & filefish
- Bacteria & protists – heterotrophic & photosynthetic; make ½ of biomass of - Vertical attenuation of light in water – limits productivity to shallow waters the sea & responsible for energy flow in pelagic systems of photic zone - Nanoflagellates & cyanobacteria – large photosynthesis in the sea - Thermocline – limits movement of nutrients from the deeper to sthe - Heterotrophic nanoflagellates – consume heterotrophic bacteria surface waters where light is adequate to support photosynthesis -this interaction introduces a microbial loop (feeding loop) & adds several - Rate at which nutrients are returned to surface & productivity controlled trophic levels to plankton food chain by: - Zooplankton - some species migrate vertically 1) seasonal breakdown of thermocline & turnover -darkness falls: rise to feed on phytoplankton 2) upwelling of deeper nutrient-rich waters to the surface -dawn: move back down - Coastal region – highest primary productovoty - Nekton – feeds on zooplankton & pass energy to higher trophic levels -shallow waters allow turbulence to increase vertical mixing - Photic Zone – predatory fish (tuna) are restricted -coastal upwelling – bring nutrient-rich water to surface - Baleen whales (larger nekton) – feed on small prey, euphausiids or krill - Open waters – low productivity because of permanent thermocline wc - Sperm whale – attacks very large preys such as giant squid slows the diffusion of nutrients -phytoplanktons – controlled by cycling of nutrients w/in photic zones - Arctic – productivity is low bec of high limitations -light energy is lost through reflection die to low sun angle - Waters of Antarctic - high productivity as a result of continuous upwelling of nutrient-rich water around the continent - Temperate oceans – primary productivity is related o seasonal variation in nutrient supply driven by seasonal dynamics of thermocline
ECOLOGICAL ISSUES: DAMS: regulating flow of river ecosystems
DAMS - interrupt nutrient spiraling & river continuum and regulate natural flow of water - purpose: flood control (minimum pool), water storage (maximum pool), hydroelectric power, irrigation water, & recreation - Positive effects of removing dams: Eliminating barriers to upstream movement of fish Restore spawning areas Shift macroinvertebrates from lentic to lotic species upstream - Negative effects: Short-term increases of sediment loads w/ contaminants downstream Upstream movement of invasive species Loss of any backward wetland habitat
Streamflow- water discharge occurring w/in natural streambed or channel - Rate at w/c water flows through stream channel influences water temp., oxygen content, rate of nutrient spiraling, physical structure of benthic envi. & types of organisms inhabiting the stream - FLOW- volume of water moving past a given pt. in the stream per unit time Q = vA Where, Q= stream flow (m3/s) V= velocity (m/s) using “current” or “flow” meter (rotating cups) A= cross-sectional area (depth x width)