Name of Elements Properties Use/S 1. Zink
Name of Elements Properties Use/S 1. Zink
Name of Elements Properties Use/S 1. Zink
is a chemical element with the
symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and
atomic number 29. It is a soft, A metal used for electric
malleable, and ductile metal with very wires, pots, pans, &
high thermal and electrical pennies
conductivity. A freshly exposed
surface of pure copper has a pinkish-
orange color.
is a greyish-white lustrous metal,
which is a solid at room
temperature. Tungsten has the A metal used in light
highest melting point and lowest vapor bulb filaments
pressure of all metals, and at
temperatures over 1650°C has the
highest tensile strength. It has
excellent corrosion resistance and is
attacked only slightly by most mineral
NICKEL High melting point, 1453 ºC.
Resists corrosion and oxidation.
Very ductile. A metal used in coins
Alloys readily.
Magnetic at room temperature.
Can be deposited by electroplating.
Has catalytic properties.
is a greyish-white lustrous metal,
which is a solid at room
temperature. Tungsten has the A metal used in light bulb
highest melting point and lowest filaments
vapor pressure of all metals, and
at temperatures over 1650°C has
the highest tensile strength. It
has excellent corrosion
resistance and is attacked only
slightly by most mineral acids.
IRON is a shiny, bright white metal that A strong metal used in the
is soft, malleable, ductile and construction of buildings, steel, &
strong. Its surface is usually machines
discolored by corrosion, since it
combines readily with the oxygen
of the air in the presence of
BARIUM is a pale yellow, somewhat shiny, drilling fluids for oil and gas
somewhat malleable metal. wells. It is also used in paint
Malleable means capable of and in glassmaking.
being hammered into thin sheets. All barium compounds are
It has a melting point of about toxic;
700°C (1,300°F) and a boiling
however, barium sulfate is
point of about 1,500°C (2,700°F).
Its density is 3.6 grams per cubic insoluble and so can be safely
centimeter. swallowed.
Chemical element, symbol: Na, Soft metal that combines with
atomic number: 11 and atomic chlorine to make table salt
SODIUM weight 22,9898. It's a soft metal,
reactive and with a low melting
point, with a relative density of
0,97 at 20ºC (68ºF). From the
commercial point of
view, sodium is the most
important of all the alkaline
is a chemical element with
the symbol Cu (from Latin:
cuprum) and atomic number A metal used for electric wires, pots,
29. It is a soft, malleable, and pans, & pennies
ductile metal with very high
thermal and electrical
conductivity. A freshly
exposed surface of
pure copper has a pinkish-
orange color.
is a hard, dense, malleable,
ductile, silver-white, radioactive
metal. Uranium metal has very use in some nuclear reaction
high density. When finely
divided, it can react with cold
water. In air it is coated
by uranium oxide, tarnishing
is a greyish-white lustrous metal, which
is a solid at room
temperature. Tungsten has the highest A metal used in light bulb
melting point and lowest vapor pressure filaments
of all metals, and at temperatures over
1650°C has the highest tensile strength.
It has excellent corrosion resistance and
is attacked only slightly by most mineral