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Name of Elements Properties Use/S 1. Zink

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1. ZINK  Bluish white in A metal that prevents

color rust & is used in dry
cell batteries

2. Silver  Shiny metals Used in tableware,

jewelry, photography,
medicines, & coins

3. Mercury  is a dense, silvery- A heavy, poisonous liquid

white, poisonous metal used in some
with a mirror-like thermometers
appearance. It is the
only common metal
that is liquid at room

4. ALIMINUM  is a shiny, silvery white A strong metal used in the

colored metal that is construction of buildings,
light in weight and steel, & machines
strong. Th density
of aluminum is 2.7
g/mL, which means the
metal will sink in water,
but is still relatively

5. Copper  Reddish-brown in A metal used for electric

color wires, pots, pans, &
 Turns green as it
 Good heat and
TIN is a soft, malleable, ductile
and highly crystalline silvery-
white metal. When a bar Used to make
of tin is bent, a crackling cans
sound known as the "tin cry"
can be heard from the
twinning of the
crystals. Tin melts at low
temperatures of about 232
°C (450 °F), the lowest in

is a greyish-white lustrous A metal used in

TUNGSTEEN metal, which is a solid at light bulb
room filaments
temperature. Tungsten has
the highest melting point and
lowest vapor pressure of all
metals, and at temperatures
over 1650°C has the highest
tensile strength. It has
excellent corrosion resistance
and is attacked only slightly
by most mineral acids.

Antimony is a silvery-white, Antimony is

ANTIMONY shiny element that looks like alloyed with lead
a metal. It has a scaly to increase lead's
surface and is hard and durability. Antim
brittle like a non-metal. It ony alloys are
can also be prepared as a also used in
black powder with a shiny batteries, low
brilliance to it. The melting friction metals,
point of antimony is 630°C type metal and
(1,170°F) and its boiling cable sheathing,
point is 1,635°C (2,980°F). among other
products. Antimo
ny compounds
are used to make
materials, paints,
ceramic enamels,
glass and
SODIUM Chemical element, symbol: Na, Soft metal that combines with
atomic number: 11 and atomic chlorine to make table salt
weight 22,9898. It's a soft metal,
reactive and with a low melting
point, with a relative density of
0,97 at 20ºC (68ºF). From the
commercial point of
view, sodium is the most
important of all the alkaline

is a bluish-white lustrous metal. A metal used in automobile

It is very soft, highly malleable, batteries & in fishing & diving
LEAD ductile, and a relatively poor weights
conductor of electricity. It is very
resistant to corrosion but
tarnishes upon exposure to
air. Lead isotopes are the end
products of each of the three
series of naturally occurring
radioactive elements.

An expensive metal used in

PLATINUM jewelry
is heavy, soft, malleable (easy
to work—only silver and gold
are easier to shape), and ductile
(easy to draw into wires) and
has a fairly high melting point
(~1770°C or 3220°F).
Chemically, it's often described
as a noble metal because it is
so unreactive

It is a soft, yellow, corrosion- A metal used for jewelry &

resistant element, the most precious decorative pieces
GOLD malleable and ductile metal,
occurring in veins and alluvial
deposits. A good thermal and
electrical conductor, gold is
generally alloyed to increase its

Mercury is a dense, silvery- A heavy, poisonous liquid used

white, poisonous metal with a in some thermometers
MERCURY mirror-like appearance. It is the
only common metal that is liquid
at room temperature.
is a hard, dense, malleable, ductile,
silver-white, radioactive
metal. Uranium metal has very high use in some nuclear
density. When finely divided, it can
react with cold water. In air it is coated
by uranium oxide, tarnishing rapidly.

is a chemical element with the
symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and
atomic number 29. It is a soft, A metal used for electric
malleable, and ductile metal with very wires, pots, pans, &
high thermal and electrical pennies
conductivity. A freshly exposed
surface of pure copper has a pinkish-
orange color.

LEAD is a bluish-white lustrous metal. It is

very soft, highly malleable, ductile, and A metal used in
a relatively poor conductor of automobile batteries & in
electricity. It is very resistant to fishing & diving weights
corrosion but tarnishes upon exposure
to air. Lead isotopes are the end
products of each of the three series of
naturally occurring
radioactive elements.

is a greyish-white lustrous metal,
which is a solid at room
temperature. Tungsten has the A metal used in light
highest melting point and lowest vapor bulb filaments
pressure of all metals, and at
temperatures over 1650°C has the
highest tensile strength. It has
excellent corrosion resistance and is
attacked only slightly by most mineral
NICKEL  High melting point, 1453 ºC.
 Resists corrosion and oxidation.
 Very ductile. A metal used in coins
 Alloys readily.
 Magnetic at room temperature.
 Can be deposited by electroplating.
 Has catalytic properties.


is a greyish-white lustrous metal,
which is a solid at room
temperature. Tungsten has the A metal used in light bulb
highest melting point and lowest filaments
vapor pressure of all metals, and
at temperatures over 1650°C has
the highest tensile strength. It
has excellent corrosion
resistance and is attacked only
slightly by most mineral acids.

NICKEL  High melting point, 1453 ºC.

 Resists corrosion and
A metal used in coins
 Very ductile.
 Alloys readily.
 Magnetic at room
 Can be deposited by
 Has catalytic properties.

IRON is a shiny, bright white metal that A strong metal used in the
is soft, malleable, ductile and construction of buildings, steel, &
strong. Its surface is usually machines
discolored by corrosion, since it
combines readily with the oxygen
of the air in the presence of

BARIUM is a pale yellow, somewhat shiny, drilling fluids for oil and gas
somewhat malleable metal. wells. It is also used in paint
Malleable means capable of and in glassmaking.
being hammered into thin sheets. All barium compounds are
It has a melting point of about toxic;
700°C (1,300°F) and a boiling
however, barium sulfate is
point of about 1,500°C (2,700°F).
Its density is 3.6 grams per cubic insoluble and so can be safely
centimeter. swallowed.
Chemical element, symbol: Na, Soft metal that combines with
atomic number: 11 and atomic chlorine to make table salt
SODIUM weight 22,9898. It's a soft metal,
reactive and with a low melting
point, with a relative density of
0,97 at 20ºC (68ºF). From the
commercial point of
view, sodium is the most
important of all the alkaline


VANADIUM is a silvery-white, ductile, used in cladding titanium to
metallic-looking solid. Ductile steel. Vanadium-gallium tape
means capable of being is used in superconducting
drawn into thin wires. Its magnets. Vanadium pentoxide
melting point is about is used in ceramics and as a
1,900°C (3,500°F) and its catalyst for the production of
boiling point is about 3,000°C sulfuric acid.
(5,400°F). Its density is 6.11
grams per cubic centimeter.

TIN is a soft, malleable, ductile

and highly crystalline silvery-
white metal. When a bar
of tin is bent, a crackling Used to make cans
sound known as the "tin cry"
can be heard from the
twinning of the
crystals. Tin melts at low
temperatures of about 232 °C
(450 °F), the lowest in group
It is a soft, yellow, corrosion- A metal used for jewelry & precious
resistant element, the most decorative pieces
GOLD malleable and ductile metal,
occurring in veins and alluvial
deposits. A good thermal and
electrical conductor, gold is
generally alloyed to increase
its strength.

Silver is a soft, ductile, It is used for jewellery

malleable, lustrous metal. It and silver tableware, where
SILVER has the highest electrical and appearance is
thermal conductivity of all important. Silver is used to make
metals. Silver is stable in mirrors, as it is the best reflector
oxygen and water, but of visible light known, although it
tarnishes when exposed to does tarnish with time. It is also
sulfur compounds in air or used in dental alloys, solder and
water to form a black sulfide brazing alloys, electrical contacts
layer. and batteries.

is a chemical element with
the symbol Cu (from Latin:
cuprum) and atomic number A metal used for electric wires, pots,
29. It is a soft, malleable, and pans, & pennies
ductile metal with very high
thermal and electrical
conductivity. A freshly
exposed surface of
pure copper has a pinkish-
orange color.


COBALT Cobalt is a hard ferromagnetic, Cobalt is used in alloys for
silver-white, hard, lustrous, aircraft engine parts and in alloys
brittle element. It is a member with corrosion/wear
of group VIII of the periodic resistant uses. Cobalt is
table. Like iron, it can be widely used in batteries and in
magnetized. It is similar to iron electroplating. Cobalt salts
and nickel in its are used to impart blue and
physical properties green colors in glass and
Radioactive 60Co is used in the
treatment of cancer.

is a hard, dense, malleable,
ductile, silver-white, radioactive
metal. Uranium metal has very use in some nuclear reaction
high density. When finely
divided, it can react with cold
water. In air it is coated
by uranium oxide, tarnishing

6. ALIMINUM  is a shiny, silvery white A strong metal used in the

colored metal that is light construction of buildings, steel, &
in weight and strong. Th machines
density of aluminum is
2.7 g/mL, which means
the metal will sink in
water, but is still
relatively light.

IRON is a shiny, bright white metal A strong metal used in the

that is soft, malleable, ductile construction of buildings, steel, &
and strong. Its surface is usually machines
discolored by corrosion, since it
combines readily with the
oxygen of the air in the
presence of

PLATINUM is heavy, soft, malleable (easy An expensive metal used in jewelry

to work—only silver and gold
are easier to shape), and ductile
(easy to draw into wires) and
has a fairly high melting point
(~1770°C or 3220°F).
Chemically, it's often described
as a noble metal because it is


LITHIUM Lithium is a silvery white alkali 1. Lithium Hydroxide is used as a
metal that can be found in small thickening agent to manufacture
quantities in rocks. It does not greases that are used as
occur in its elemental form but it lubricants for industrial
can be found as a component of applications.
minerals and salts present in
rocks and in brine water in the 2. Lithium is used in the
oceans. manufacture of batteries and
rechargeable batteries specially
for electronic gadgets. Lithium
ions have a high capacity to store
energy and this property makes
lithium highly suitable in the
manufacture of rechargeable
batteries. Even though Lithium
batteries are light weight and
have a high capacity to store
electrical energy, it is highly

RADIUM is silvery, lustrous, soft, Radium is still used today as a

intensely radioactive. It readily radiation source in some
oxidizes on exposure to air, industrial radiography devices
turning from almost pure white to check for flawed
to black. Radium is metallic parts, similarly to X-ray
luminescent, corrodes in water imaging. When mixed with
to form radium hydroxide. beryllium, radium acts as a
Although is the heaviest neutron source.
member of the alkaline-earth
group it is the most volatile.
TIN is a soft, malleable, ductile and
highly crystalline silvery-white
metal. When a bar of tin is bent,
Used to make cans
a crackling sound known as the
"tin cry" can be heard from the
twinning of the
crystals. Tin melts at low
temperatures of about 232 °C
(450 °F), the lowest in group 14.


BARIUM is a pale yellow, somewhat drilling fluids for oil and gas
shiny, somewhat malleable wells. It is also used in paint
metal. Malleable means and in glassmaking.
capable of being hammered All barium compounds are
into thin sheets. It has a toxic;
melting point of about however, barium sulfate is
700°C (1,300°F) and a insoluble and so can be
boiling point of about safely swallowed.
1,500°C (2,700°F). Its
density is 3.6 grams per
cubic centimeter.
PLATINUM is heavy, soft, malleable An expensive metal used in
(easy to work—only silver jewelry
and gold are easier to
shape), and ductile (easy to
draw into wires) and has a
fairly high melting point
(~1770°C or 3220°F).
Chemically, it's often
described as a noble metal
because it is so
Fluorine is the most reactive and the Uses of Fluorine
most electronegative of all Compounds of fluorine,
SILVER the elements. Fluorine is a pale yellow, including
diatomic, highly corrosive, flammable sodium fluoride,
gas, with a pungent odor. It is the are used in toothpaste
lightest halogen. It reacts violently with
and in drinking water to
water to produce oxygen and the
extremely corrosive hydrofluoric acid. prevent dental cavities.
Hydrofluoric acid can
dissolve glass and
is used to etch the glass
in light bulbs and in
other products.

is a greyish-white lustrous metal, which
is a solid at room
temperature. Tungsten has the highest A metal used in light bulb
melting point and lowest vapor pressure filaments
of all metals, and at temperatures over
1650°C has the highest tensile strength.
It has excellent corrosion resistance and
is attacked only slightly by most mineral

POTASIUM The largest use of Potassium metal is soft

potassium is potassium chloride (KCl) and white with a silvery
which is used to make fertilizers. This is lustre, has a low melting
because potassium is important for point, and is a good
plant growth. conductor of heat and
Industrial applications for potassium in electricity. Potassium imp
clude soaps, detergents, gold mining, arts a lavender colour to a
dyes, glass production, gunpowder, and flame, and its vapour is
batteries. green. It is the seventh
most abundant element in
Earth's crust, constituting
2.6 percent of its mass.
SODIUM Chemical element, symbol: Soft metal that combines with
Na, atomic number: 11 and chlorine to make table salt
atomic weight 22,9898. It's a
soft metal, reactive and with a
low melting point, with a
relative density of 0,97 at 20ºC
(68ºF). From the commercial
point of view, sodium is the
most important of all the
alkaline metals.
COBALT Cobalt is a hard ferromagnetic, Cobalt is used in alloys for
silver-white, hard, lustrous, aircraft engine parts and in
brittle element. It is a member alloys with corrosion/wear
of group VIII of the periodic resistant uses. Cobalt is
table. Like iron, it can be widely used in batteries and in
magnetized. It is similar to iron electroplating. Cobalt salts
and nickel in its are used to impart blue and
physical properties green colors in glass and
Radioactive 60Co is used in
the treatment of cancer.
is a hard, relatively inert Used in electronics & in com
metalloid and in crystalline pounds for making glass
SILICON form is very brittle with a
marked metallic
luster. Silicon occurs mainly in
nature as the oxide and as
silicates. The solid form
of silicon does not react with
oxygen, water and most acids

VANADIUM is a silvery-white, ductile, used in cladding titanium to

metallic-looking solid. Ductile steel. Vanadium-gallium tape
means capable of being drawn is used in superconducting
into thin wires. Its melting point magnets. Vanadium pentoxide
is about 1,900°C (3,500°F) and is used in ceramics and as a
its boiling point is about catalyst for the production of
3,000°C (5,400°F). Its density sulfuric acid.
is 6.11 grams per cubic

Properties: Chlorine has a Chlorine is

melting point of -100.98°C, commonly used as an
boiling point of -34.6°C, density antiseptic and is used to make
of 3.214 g/l, specific gravity of drinking water safe and to treat
1.56 (-33.6°C), with a valence swimming pools. Large
of 1, 3, 5, or 7. Chlorine is a amounts
member of the halogen group of chlorine are used in many
of elements and directly industrial processes, such as
combines with almost all of the in the production of paper
other elements. products, plastics, dyes,
textiles, medicines, antiseptics,
insecticides, solvents and
BERYLLIUM Physical. Despite Beryllium is used as an
how light it is for a alloying agent in
metal, beryllium has producing beryllium copper
a very high melting , which is
point. It also has a extensively used for
high modulus of springs, electrical contacts,
elasticity that is 50% spot-welding electrodes,
greater than steel, and non-sparking tools. It
along with a is applied as a structural
low density giving it material for high-speed
a fast sound aircraft, missiles,
conduction speed. At spacecraft, and
STP, beryllium resist communication satellites.
s oxidation and
resists corrosion in
the air

OSMIUM Osmium is a bluish- Uses of osmium

white, shiny metal Because of its
with a melting point density, osmium is often
of about 3,000°C alloyed with other precious
(5,400°F) and a metals to make products
boiling point of such as instrument pivots,
about 5,500°C phonograph needles, and
(9,900°F). Its electrical contacts.When
density is 22.5 grams naturally combined
per cubic centimeter. with iridium, it is used in
These numbers are fountain pen tips
the highest of any
platinum metal. They
are also among the
highest of
all elements.

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