Switching Converters With Wide DC Conversion Range: Dragan Maksimovic, and Slobodan Cuk
Switching Converters With Wide DC Conversion Range: Dragan Maksimovic, and Slobodan Cuk
Switching Converters With Wide DC Conversion Range: Dragan Maksimovic, and Slobodan Cuk
A systematic procedure for construction of complete classes
of PWM converters with a given number of reactive elements,
a given number of switches and a required dc conversion ratio
is described in [3]. The procedure is used to extract fourth-
order, single-ended PWM converters with quadratic conversion
ratios and a single active (transistor) switch. Parameters given
at the input of the procedure are as follows.
Required dc conversion ratio: 1 M ( D ) I = D 2 , D 2 / (1 -
D ), or D 2 / ( 1 - D ),;
Number of capacitors, inductors: n, = n, = 2 ; Fig. 2. Converter a, with dc conversion ratio M ( D ) = D z (a); and its
Number of switches: n, = 4; version with an isolation transformer (b).
Number of transistor switches; n, = 1.
Implemented in a computer program, the synthesis procedure
searches through all possible configurations and extracts those
that satisfy the' input specifications. As a result, quadratic con-
verter topolagies in Figs. 2-7 are uncovered.
The conversion ratio of converters a, and a, is M(D ) =
D 2 ,converters W,,W2aud 63,M ( D ) = - D 2 / ( 1 - D ) , while
convertef e, features M ( D ) = D 2 / ( 1 - D ) a . Versions with
an isolation transformer are indicated where applicable. None
of the above converter configurations were disclosed before,
with the exception of the @,-converter, which was indepen-
dently amved at by Lambda Electronics.
It is interesting to note that some of the quGdratic topologies
( a2and W3 in phrticular) bear little resemblance to a cascade Fig. 3. Converter Bz with dc conversion ratio M ( D ) = Dz.
or some othef combination of two basic converters. Thus, it is
not likely that some intuitive circuit-manipulation technique transistor. In the following discussion, for simplicity, we as-
(such as the one used to derive the @.,-converterin the intro- sume that ac ripples in capacitor voltages and inductor currents
ductory section) would uncover all Converter topologies intro- are entirely negligible. Voltages are normalized to Vg,while
duced in this section. On the other hand, the systematic currents are normalized to IOut.
synthesis procedure guarantees that all topologies with a spec- In converter a,,when the transistor switch is turned ON, diode
ified set of properties are found. D, is turned ON simultaneously, conducting the current i,, =
IL2 - ZL, . The average transistor current is equal to DIL2.Since
CONVERTER the average transistor current must also be equal to I L 1 ,we have
In this section, we discuss operation and basic properties of
the quadratic converters introduced in Section 11. which confirms that diode D , is indeed ON. During the transistor
owtime, diodes D, and D, are OFF. When the transistor is turned
OFF, diode D, provides a path for current I L 1 , while diode D,
A . Continuous Conduction Mode
provides a path for current IL2. Diode D , is OFF. Since the two
Conversion ratio M(D ) of the quadratic converters in Figs. switched networks in a, are electrically identical to the switched
2-7 is derived assuming that the converters operate in the con- networks in a cascade of two buck converters, converter @., has
tinuous conduction mode (CCM). In CCM, all capacitor volt- the same dc conversion ratio, M(D ) = D 2 .
ages and inductor currents are dc quantities with a relatively Converter a, can be viewed as a cascade of a passive buck
small superimposed ac ripple. Turn-ON and turn-OFF transitions stage (L,,C , , D , , D 2 ) and an active buck stage ( L , , C , , T ,
of all diodes are synchronous with switching transitions of the 0,). Switching of the diodes inside the passive buck is a result
T rout
1- D
D 1-D 2 D
IL1 1-D 1- D
IL2 1 1 1
1- D 1 - 1
I l+D I -
1-D I &
IT 1 - 1
1-D 0"
VD 1 1 1
ID1 1-D 1 - 1
- vD2 1 1
1-D 1 - 1
vD3 D 1-D (1-or
- 1
103 1 1 1-D 1-D
Capacitor dc voltages, inductor dc currents, and voltage/current stresses on switches in the quadratic converters operating in
the continuous conduction mode. The stresses are computed assuming that ac ripples in inductor currents and capacitor voltages
are negligible. Voltages are normalized to V8, while currents are normalized to I,,,.
B. Discontinuous Conduction Modes mine the conditions for operation in the continuous conduction
In this section, we remove the asumption that ac ripples in Define parameters k , and k 2 by
inductor currents are negligible, while the assumption that ac
ripples in capacitor voltages are relatively small is retained.
In basic single-transis!or, single-diode PWM converters
(buck, boost, buck-boost Cuk, etc.), the discontinuous inductor
where R is the load resistance at dc,
current mode (DICM) occurs when the diode current drops to
zero before the end of the transistor ow-time. In a cascade of R = ~O"I/~OlJI. (5)
basic PWM converters, a DICM can be associated with each
diode 151, but the same qualitative description holds-the diode andf, is the switching frequency. Consider, as an example, con-
turns OFF before the transistor is turned ON. In the quadratic verter @, in Fig. 2(a). Familiar discontinuous modes can be
converters, there exists a diode that conducts during the tran- associated with diodes D, and D,. When the transistor is O F F ,
sistor on-time, so that the notion of DICM needs a slight gen- diode D, constructs current iL2. The diode current decays lin-
eralization. An operating mode of a PWM converter will be early and reaches its minimum at the end of the transistor-om
called discontinuous if switching (turn-ON or turn-OFF) of a time. For operation in CCM, the minimum should be positive,
diode is not synchronous with switching (turn-ON or turn-OFF) i.e.,
of the transistor. A IL.2
IL2 -- > 0, (6)
In every DICM, the conversion ratio is a function of duty 2
ratio D and load current rout.For the same duty ratio D , the
conversion ratio in DICM is higher than the conversion ratio in where IL2 and AI,, denote the average and the peak-to-peak
CCM. Thus, a transition from CCM to DICM tends to increase ripple of the inductor L , current. After evaluating the average
the minimum attainable conversion ratio and therefore, to de- current and the ripple current in terms of Vg,R , L 2 andf,, we
crease the attainable range of conversion ratios. Hence, for a
proper design of quadratic converters, it is important to deter- k2> 1 -D. (7)
Conditions for operation in the continuous conduction mode for the six
quadratic converters. For each boundary condition, the diode responsible
for the condition is indicated in brackets.
kl > -
dition for the simple buck converter, except that load R is re- The minimum energy storage or, equivalently, the minimum
flected to the input stage by the square of the output-stage +
inductances are required if the sum k , k , is minimized under
conversion ratio D. the boundary conditions. The solution kl = 2, k , = 2 yields
Let us now examine the discontinuous mode associated with
diode D,. When the diode is ON, its current iDl is equal to min ( k , + k 2 ) = 4, for a,. (16)
i,, - i,,, and the condition for operation in CCM is that For a,, the boundary conditions become
ki > 2, (17)
throughout the transistor owtime. Since both iL2 and i,, are lin- 2 3
early increasing during the transistor owtime, this condition is -+-<1,
ki k2
equivalent to the following two inequalities:
and the solution k , = 4.45, k 2 = 5.45, results in
IL2 - ->
IL, - -,
min ( k , + k 2 ) = 9.9, for a,. (19)
Thus, in this example, more than two times larger inductances
are necessary in converter a2than in converter Using the a,.
L L results of Tables I and 11, a similar comparative analysis can be
camed out for any particular design example.
The first inequality requires that the diode current is positive at
the transistor owtime, while the second inequality imposes the IV. AN EXPERIMENTAL@,-CONVERTER
same condition at the end of the transistor owtime. In terms of
Topology a, in Fig. 2(a) is used to design a practical 500-
parameters k , and k , , conditions (10) and (1 1) become
kHz converter according to the following specifications:
;I - Zl
Input voltage: 10 V c V, < 100 V;
Output voltage: V,,, = 5 V;
Load: 1 A c IOutc 4 A.
Analysis of boundary conditions for operation in CCM is car-
ried out for all six quadratic converters. The results are sum- The power stage of the converter is shown in Fig. 8. Inductor
marized in Table 11. Note that the conditions can be vastly values are chosen so that the converter operates in the contin-
different even for the converters that share the same conversion uous conduction mode under all operating conditions. For the
ratio in CCM. minimum output current, R = 5 Q,k , = 20 and k , = 1.2. It is
Consider, for example, converters a, and a2.Assume that easy to verify that all CCM/DICM boundary conditions are sat-
operating conditions are the same and that the duty ratio is set isfied for the worst-case operating condition
to D = 0.5, so that all average inductor currents are the same. I
60 --
70 --
60 --
# I 8 AWG # I 8 AWG -
-- "0 -