NASA Designated Countries List: NPR 1450.10D
NASA Designated Countries List: NPR 1450.10D
NASA Designated Countries List: NPR 1450.10D
This NASA list of “Designated Countries” is a compilation of countries with which the United States:
I) Has no diplomatic relations.
II) Countries determined by Department of State to be “State Sponsors of Terrorism” or identified by the
Department of Commerce as “Terrorist Supporting Countries,”
III) Countries under Sanction or Embargo by the United States.
IV) Countries of Missile Technology Concern.
All Foreign National visitors require Center Export Administrator review and approval; in addition, Foreign National
visitors to NASA born in or citizens of these countries require review and approval by an Agency International Desk
Officer and the Headquarters Export Administrator. All NASA mail to these countries requires the concurrence of a
NASA Center Export Administrator, in accordance with NPR 1450.10D, NASA Correspondence Management and
Communications Standards and Style, Appendix E. Foreign National Visitors who are currently citizens of, or born in,
Countries Designated by an “X” in Column II will be denied, except in very particular circumstances.
Reference: 22 CFR §126.1, as amended through 83 FR 6457 (current as of August 5, 20129); 15 CFR 746 (current as of
August 5, 20129) and 15 CFR 740 Appendix D: 4 (current as of August 5, 20129) and
sponsors-of-terrorism/ (current as of August 5, 2019).
Key to Designated Status