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Central University of Punjab



25th Meeting
of the

Executive Council

t7'^ ruty 2ol7

l- #m.H*ffim,",
MINUIfS of rtrc
.. -. riiih
M@ring or Exccutiv/Courcil
Hcld rr City C!,Dlus, CcDrnt Ultvesiry gfluojrb, Brrbiid!
oD t1th hU 2ntf
I e 24 nrerin; o"rhe E^eqi\< Cou .it qas heto on t,r ., ) ?0r / cr Cenhl U v<rsU

l) Pbt R, K. Kohli, Vi@Chancettor

2) Prot A. K. Mohataha
3) Prot (Ms,) Rclha K. Btddwai
4) lrot P, Rmrd,.
6) Prot s. S. M;ana

I0) sL (.P. Snrgr\ Oftciaiins Re

n could not ritend rlre h RatukJishra Wsirika Nas Cre&d

Tl.. V..e(ir.-. !r rrp.rcd lli prn I I | )fom.De
ff'd nhc -i1k{ o P'ot JJqdeep S r$. Ileri.hr "oour L
Loucil,on laoJtrty 20t 7 -no ScLn ri Lrecu,.\e

Ane obrn ms rurN .it*.J r,

"*r.". * *, ,r*e
rwo ro rhr de-. neJ sout,
rhe E{ecutne Councit |{ESOL}rE4 as ud*.

rhe Epdtli,e Cour.it upiffet tur{ett coidolencs ot tre Mtrnelr ant

eddtuJar|poI p Rwp4Jattn,-io-to* ofi,o1 tog,t""p Si, gh, n"etroo,
ondsft4ary. E\Kttli,p fruncir a tn! to tt? arh;ieh, b
s;Ni p;,.e to
rn. a?pa pd sour d"d tb.tlgth to be,eayed lanitr and tiead, bear tLi\

It Bas ITIRTIIDR RESOLVDD lh!1a copt rbe,bove R6olutior bc senr to r[c

menbers oft'Le bcre.v€d flDily.

fi}e heetin8 ws adjou@d due brhe sJd ddise ofrevered fa&eFillaw ofProl Jagd*p
Ersh. Reeisr& Md s( reta4 €xecurivc Councjl.

tl t45VicehousChecellor
e aurlorized tbe omcialins Recishd
on l76July20r7.
ro convere rle Adjom.rM@tinc

T u,*A;-ft$.l',
Cetrtrrl UniveBiry of Pu.j!b

MINUTES of rh.
Tweniy Fifrh M@litrgof Dxecutivc Council
Held !t City C.npus, Cenlnl UniveBity of PunjlD, Aathinda
on 17tt ttly 2011

Aner adjoumenl, the 25'i neeting of tha Ex*udve Coucil w6 held on I ?s July 20 I 7 ul
Cdtal Univesny of Purjlb, Bsthinda. Tle Conrroller of Exminations, Sh. K.P. Singt! who
wd omciating d Registd in absn€ ofProi Jagdeep Singn, was noninated s Secrcley
for lbis meelirg. Tne following nenbe^ wcrc prcscnt:

l) Prct R. (. Kohli, vice ChuceUor

2) Prot A, K, Mohapatm
3) Pioi (Ms.) Reklu K. Bhardwaj

l0)Sh. K.P Singh. OlicAling R€gistrd

Dr. Ball@ Gaulm coDld not a end rbe meelins. Prct Jasdee! Sine}, Regisl@/Seceltry,
EC dd Proi Rm.liishna wuiriks s6 sluted leave ofabsence.

Tbe Chanlrh md vice-Chmcellor. Centui Univcsity ofPDjab exlended a wdn welcome

lo the nenbes to the 25rt MsotinC of Executive Coucil dd thnled then lor spding rheir
piccious lide for conaiburing 1o@ds Lbe acadenic glo*'lh of lbe UniveNily dd for their

The Chaime then requesled th" S*r"iy to p,.""n, rl" ag"nda rteds ode by oDe to lbe
mcmb€is fo. deiibdations ed dechiontefome ations. TrE Secer.ry pEsnted th€ ltcms


Fo cotrfim the nitrutes of Erecutivc Council h.ld on 20ri March

Tle S€cr€tary infomed thlt the dnn mirutes of dre 24'i metine of the Execuive
Council werc circulaled to alt dre nmbors ofthe Coucil on 2l' Alnl 2017.

Tle t.al hinuts werc cncdared on 3 l6 May 2017, The Chaimd sought colm€nls,
if ey, &on lhe ncnbe4 or the iim. There w€re no @nmenls.


ivc Council unMinously RESOLVED to connrn rhe ninutes of lbc 24't

he Executiv€ Courcil held


One day egionll worksbop on trime Miniskls FeUowship Schene for Docrorul
Sludenls ' sponsored by SERB DSTwasheldi. asociarion with CIL Dr S. S. Kohli,
Advhoroflbe Minisllyofscicncc md Technology ed Prol Smh K, Bnlm.hoi
md Dr. shaliniofcli deliv€r€d l€tur€s.

I-ike last yetr, lhe Universny orearriz€d Yoga Wc€k wnich culminaled in celebndon
of lntcmalional Yosa Day on 2l'r Jue 20 i 7,

prsenrarion concluded with lhe sratus ofconstrncrion works ongoing ar rhc Muin
Cmpus of lhe University.

't\e .)et^iled rcpan is at Atnqu.e-2s.2.


Th€ Execurivc Conrci! uDaniDously RESOLVID lo rccept t^e repon @rr*ue-25.2)

orthc Vice Chancellorwith appr€cirtion lnd erprcsred srtisfrctior over tbc progrcs
nade by Ihe Uriveniry since 20'r Mrrch 2017,

n ,".*,0*r^",

To consider tbe.sse ofDr, ShaDslrirSi4gh Dhilton for appointmctrl to post ofAssocirle

Prcfdsorin t[c CcDtre lor Ednc.tion.

TID Couruil infonncd tlrc UnivGny I.! !r! rdilrihld u!$u$l

fccully posilion
Prcfcssor in rhc Centr for Educalion. The inleniev for
this post w6 held on IID Mdch 2017, The lst dale ro apply online m 26'i Augusl

Tbe Secrcr.ry added ibat lhe Exeurive Comcil in its 246 meeting held on 2Od Mmh
2017 vide Ilen:No:EC:24:2017:6 bonsidercd lhe recomendatios ofthe Selecl,on
coDnillee dd srrcssed rhat rhe appoirLrenl ieuen 1o the sclcclcd cddidate G) be
issued only aner e veification of all thc eligibility oiteri. in Especr of the
Ecomended cddidates. In rhe event ofey disdep&cy, rbe matle! be broushl brc(
10 tle Excculive Council.

Accodin8ly, the cde of Dr. Shmshn Singh Dbillon wd efened back to ihc
ScEenine Codnitle lor re-verilic.rion of 1he elisibility cnlcria. The
recomddations ofthe Scrccning ComnilFe in d sealed envelopc wcE prcscnted to
thc Exeulive Comcil fo. consideFtion.

The Coucil noled that 6 per cligidilily condilions giren in Clause4.3 0 (iv) ofUCC
Regularions, 2010 for lhe posr ofAssociale Professor ,r. .au dida k snoudporses
.vid.te of ,avnts guided loctotul .ardidate. lioNea.t, as pei ilie re-vdincadon
rcpod of
ScreeninA Conmitlee ud
the docme.ts availlble in Recruitnont
CellTersondl l-ile of ne.ed,dac. rl.c Lxyuri\e Corcrl qa aDpased o, Lhe

L As per lhe docunenrs slbntued bt Dr. Shmshn Si.sh Dhillon, vide enail qatd
28s Decdbd 2016. it ls evidenr lhal no Ph,D, dcsis hod been subnilted uhdcr
his Supenision befor rhe lasl dare ol receipl of onlinc applications (i,c,
26.08.2016).Ihe fi61Ph.D.lhcsis Ms subnilted on 27'i F€bruary 2017 undeflis
Co-Snpcnision. Howcvcr, as po thc docunenls ptovided by Dr. Dhillon vidc hh
enail d,ted 28!i Dec€nbei 2016. he was Supenisor/Co Supeflisor of lhc

Mi.urcs orPc Bosd orstudn. ii


2. As per the documenrs povided b! Dr, Dhillon on 28'h Februdy 201? tbr4ugh
email, tie Reshlration BEnch ofaDLU by ns lcllcr daled 27'h Fcbrur'f, 2q1t.
convcycd ro Mr. Cuprccr Sins]r €nD Scholar. Depn. ol Education, CDLU) the
appiovdl ofAcdllcnric Council, b ils nrcclnu bcld on I5rh icbruary 2017, to $c
Econnendations of DRc, lcBos&R regddnrs appoinroenl of Dr. shaqshh
Sinsh Dhillon as his CoiupeNisor.

L Also, onthesmedltei.e.27ri Fcbru3ry2Or7,Pb.D. tbesisofr,lr. CurpreetSlnsh

wN subnitled under Co-supeNision ofDr, Dhillon. Thc cenificde was ssued on
28rh Fcbrutry 2017 by the Cbairyeson, Detdlncnl ofEducation, CDLU, SiM
Tlse s.aMell.otiet.locuntertt b.r. Dro,il.tl bv Dt. Dhiqot,t 28'i Fcbrrnrt
2011thl.ugh ehnil'tuheft^'thel erriev was sclteduter! on llaMarch 2117.
4, AnouF! anomaly was norcd in ihe fact thll de copy of the ninutc$ of
Depanmental Research Connilt@ submifted by Dr. Dhillon, indicatesdat DRC
Gccomcndi.s Dr. Dhillon Co SupeflisoO was held on 28dOclobcr 2015.
Howcver. in 1nc @py ofnirules ofPGROS&R n is n€nlioned to be ncld on 5ii

Tbe Execuliv€ Council aho disc!$ef the hllcr Eeived ton Dr. N.K. Sharlna,
sanndedh (Rajasthan) daled l?r Juty 2017 challenging the selccrion of
Dr. Shmshir Sinsh Dhillon for the post of Associale Prcfessor in &e Certre for
E!u!atio!. He ns nrwddcd a moLincatiotr dated I2d May 2017 ofcentDl Univcsily
at IMnr (Annuuru-2s3) shercin !L S.N.6, Dr. slEDshir sibcn Dhillon bas bpci
shoM s 'Nat sirl€' wilh Fndks thrt "Prcaf ai subdisrioi ol Ph D thes+ ir
ald tast dat.' af submksion o.f appticdtioh fun. Th6is subhitted Mdd P-
s,pet,itot oh 21d lebruary 2Al 2 ". The Codcil ss oflhe opinion that thc entCnls
ofrhe letterneeds lo be exmincd.


In ihc view ofabove, the it€n sasexn nined ntrd !ftc. dctriled delibentions, it
RESOLVDD that the above noints need ro be exrnincd a.d investigited rhoroughl
rh€ follosing thre€ n€nb€r Cobmitte:

Centr.l Unhesity of Punj.b

1. ProL Ash{ini Kunar Mohrp.trr, School of Intern.tional Studie!, JNU,

New Dclhi {chlirman}
2. Prct S, S. M!flrh!, Coordindtor, Ccntrc lor Applied Asriculture
3. rrot ADjtn Munshi, Coordinator, Ccrtre for Hunar Ccnctic! &
Molccular Mcdicirc

Mi Rajcnder l<aln, Deluiy Rcdisldr (Dsll,) will ,ccoDrplny t[e connitlcc for
prcvidingrll the.ilninistrative, documcnlrry and any other,$istancc for tlrc
smoolh conduct of Deeling,

It wls FURTqER RESOLVED lhal the cobdiltoc will Dcct rt Dslli on rhe dalc
to be giv€n by the Chli.Datr and it will subDil it! rcport !d
in a seale.l cover, *cll h tinc, to be pu1 up before rhe rerr neeling of th.
Etecurirc Coutrcil,

To consider thc r.coDDendarions of the Comnittee codstituted for fornlljzins thc

san.tioDjngofgr.trtrelrted to rciDbu.scmqtofcxpedilurc on NationaVlntemdtionsl
or anvel as per Guidelins of UCC.

Sccrcrary infomed thal fic Excculive Comcil in ils 24ri neeline held on 20'r'
Mdcb 2017, vide lten:No:Ec:24i2017i10, considered lbe ptuposed guidelines for
awad of Cumulalivc Prolessiotul Allowce lo facully as rcconmended by a
Cominec constiluted ro sussest ihe teflns and conditioN for awtrdns CPA.

M@h 20 t 7. t he repEsonlatives of UCC in FC meedns poin&d oul that UCC h.s io
provision for uy such dlowce ad the Ilen is nol in asEenent wilh lle UCC
suidelin€s. T[e FC wa infomcd by rbc Sccrebry thal uds lhe uNsjgned eldh
such allovees re being giver bi nost ofthe Cenlral od Sr.te coueses in India for
lravel Elaled expendilue lo ficully fo! oltendins confercnces in India md abrcad, It
hd also b€er apprcved by the Finmce Comin€e in irs 5d Mcorine. Duing the
meting, it w6 turlher ngucd thar thc lcm allowdce h nol proper o it is lh€
rcimbNement of travel cost, @gi3t6tion, sray, sustenmce, €rc. The UCC does not
halc facitity for roidbusenrenl of such qllowar4s for Univcsity tcachds to
panicipat€ in Intcmational ed National snfer€ncs, ihoud, such provision for
college leacncrs exhts. The Univesity lacully also need a provision of finucia-l
rcinbNehdl for expcndilue on National ed Intemtional tavel for aite.di.g
Conference etc., faili.C which our fsculty wiu hav€ to niss o@sions ofupdating their
knowl€da€tothcNalion L{ ematioml reseechpecr 6rcDp ed show cse lheir wolk

The MqRD rcprdentatives i. rC heeting suse€sted that maner be rcCdal

UCC standard suidciines speifying the budget head udcr which such allow
coveEd. The nome.cldG of the allowce may be checked,?chtuged
ex!€ndit@ fo. Natiomvlnrcrnario+al con&rences. In 6e ofay cldificatio
spccial dynmic requireneols oftlle Univerity th€ mfter be talcn up dite
1ie UGC. The linoce Com nee aner delibcmiions Fsolved that nalter s

soned oul as per guidelins of UCC, which re issred in view of tbe utilizdtion of
Ardtfor$e I2uFYPld.
il ws bou8hl io rhe noti@ of rhe nenbes that the Univdsity is still ii Prcjrctryodc
ud fiee is nor sucn sepsare bldger allocolion dendcalion foi such heads.

The Secrel&y ofFC said lbatlheUniverity,aspcrrules,isp€rntued to spend upto

Rs. 8 lakhs per yeds (in case whcrc faculry srrengrh k up to 100) on attenfjnt
conlerences as per UGC guidelines foi gencral developnehr asshtdce to Celldl,
Stat€ Univenities md lrstilulions deened lo be U.iveshies duringXII Plan.

'llo Execulive Council, in irs 24rneetinsheld on20riMarch20l7, also delibenled

on the reconnendations rhe Co|mine onstirured ro frme suidelin6 for CPA in
lignl of lhe lesolve of Findcc Conminec md rcsolved to appove fie
Econnendalio.s of lhe Findice CdnnilGe ieearding inplenentins Cunul4tive
Pbfessional Allosrce d per UCC luidelins lor udlialiois ot simt for lhe l2''

Accordirsly. a conmilrcc was conslilurcd ro dclibmtc on nodaliries lo adop the

UCC guidcli.cs for utiliations oferdiL for the l2ri Five Yds Pld. A mcetins olldlis
Conmilt€o ss heldon 9'r May 2Ot7 for fomalizing the guidelinos ofCPA dd 4n*
due discussion, $e conntuee @omnended that:

1 The edlicr dcchion of EC in the 6li ncctihg, regarding Cunulalive Professional

Allowdcc of nininuD of Rs, 3.00 la&fis in block of thrcc ycds, be Eot !frended
lioo EC d per availability ofs8nt fronr UCC ed facully slrehgtn.
'/. Alt the lEnding cirer lbr rcimbnEemenl .f lhe ft!4n,jilfrF *tta . tf*',
subnitted beforc J I rrMmh 201 /, nay bc paid os pd the srant availabilily of lilids
undcr XII Plm (Rs. 8 l-akn l]er yer, Rs. 40 Lal<hs tolal).

:1. Frcn l '' April 2017 onwds for eihbu$enent ol ex!€ndituie rclatcd to Natibnd
or Inlemationol lrav€l lo th€ faculti membqs be nade d per UCC Cuidclin€C for
Cencral Dcvclopncnt Assistdcc 10 Ccnlnl, Srale U.iveNities ed Inslilullons
Dcmcd to bc Univesilies during XII Pld, or subs€qu€nlUCC suidelines issued

4. !rcn facultyt sha!€ of 50% ovedqad ch{ges, und{ poject gmlq a part nal be
used for rcimbmcncnt of sonc pofion ofexpenditure rclated to rravel.

Anolher meeting ofthe Codhitlee w6 heldon 2l"Jme,20lTlo onsider nodlllies

!o dislribule Rs 8 LaIh pef yea. donbst faculty, lor applications rcceived aid3l''
M@h 2017, for reinbursemenl of Cxpendnue rlated to lravel. hc Cominee
rccomcndcd thal cach ted apllicatio.s be inviled fton faculty in Jan@y md Ji'ly.
lunner, a Scr€ening Conmillee al lne Uhivsity lcvcl bc conslituled 10 considcllhc
rec€ived applicarions for einbmeme.r of cxpcnditule Elaled 10 National hrd
Inle6ational bavel, The recomendadons of the Comincc wcrc pEselled s pldced

q Certnl UdiveFity otPunjab

Thc Execurive Council, ,ller d€rancd dtcussions, uD!niDously RDSOLVDD,

a) aD.l thc clrlier decbion or EC in thc 6'! necting' rcgrrding Cumuhalve
Prorcssional Allow.nce ofniniDun ofPi.3.00lalls in block ofihrec vcsn. bo
ancnded !s per lhe ncw suideline, ofrhe UGc'
b) lo adopi lhc rccoDmend,tioN of rhe Connittcc (,r,u dre-2t4 constiluard lo
rom.li4 lhc rcinbun.ncnt oa crpcndilurc .cllied to Nationavlnacrnoalonol
lnlel lo lh€ faculty,
c) lh,l elch y.!r lpplications be ilvired from raculty 4 timcs ,nd ihc S.rc. ng
cohnillec consaitut€d (o.onsidlr thc recciyod applicltiolr lor reinbunemcnr
orcrpenditurc mhted to Naliolll atrd Itrtsnalion,l lrrvet n€et qurrr.rlt,
d) lhrl this Scr€ening CoDmittec*ill decidc the,nonnrlo be p!ftIin each qu$tcr
and to erch rpplicul,
e) t[e reiDbdrscncnt b. coDsidered onry
i, !!!9_3_$!I for pariicipltion jn Nrliotrlylntcrnationat Corlcrcrcc hcld in
ii. once in 3 yexrs forparticipation in Inlernarioml Confcrences held abroad,

To consid€r con.lonitrs brcak in seFice in .cspect ofEi Mccmksli Miaral, Assisiut

Prctesor, C.nlrc lorComputo Scicnccs & Tcchnolog/.
Thc Secrcbry inhmed lhal itre Excculivc Council in i$ 24'r needns held on 2O'r'
Mdcb 2017. vide nem No:24:2017:57 consideed rbe case of Er. Meenalshi Mi|al.
Assisle! Prcfessor, Cenhe lor Cohpuler Sciences md Tcchnoloey for condonins of
bea& in her senice on 12.04.2012 imposcd in ber sedice Ecod. The EC Fsolved lo
approve lnai a I (lEe) nember 'Review Confriltcc' may bc conslitulcd udg the
Cnaimdship ofDeo Acadenic Afai$ 10 consider condonine rlc brcal in scryice
of Ei. Meenalshi Mittlal, keelins in view dr€ fach prcsented by hq. The Council
Innher resolvc! that lhe report of thc Rcview Comnitlee nay be brcusht back to
Executive Coucil neelins for conFidcntio..

In complime to th€ decision ofthc Execulive Council. . Revi€w Colmitee wd

consdutcd, which ncl on 276 Junc, 2l)l ? to considci thc cdc for condoDins of bre.t
:r'.rv. e ofl r. MccndJr M LJ lherelormerda on"orde Re\.(" C;m nntee
tbi condonins of brea& in senice of Er. Mccnatshi Mil€l e atrached 4 A"adute-


Th€ Exe.ltivc Council, afl€r deliberltiois, unanimously RESOLVED,

to conrirn thc reconmendrtions of tbc CoDDire€ (Ath8Lre-2t.5) tor
condonins the bre,k in scnicc on 12,04.2012 itr respecl ofE., Mec.ats[iMiiat;
to extcnd due bencfits to [errccoldingly,

To considcr the reconmendalioru of ih. Connifte€ .onslilnted lor exl.ndinA

b.nctls of Pasl Serice to thc f,culty, for CAS DurpGc only.
'nr Dxecurivc Cobcil in irs 24'r n*ring held on 2orh M@h 201?, lide iieft Nd.
DC:24:2017:59 consideE l the cses of I I faculty menbes who wde rcconmeldcd
by lbe Connirlee conslituled for this purpose, in its meeting held on , 0o Mdn 2p I t.
]11c Execulive Courcil appbved lhe recommendations of the Connitlee.

As per rcconmendations oflbe conn ee, Di Shmshii Singh Dtritlon was requJsrca
lo subnil the .equhite docunenh, vide Univeniiy lener No.
cUPBRo/Esrlb./l 7Dfl423 dated 9'i May 2017. He submitted $e desned docnmcnts
bd lhe sde have beer found in order.

Coucil co.$idered md asrecd lo sive exlension of benFfiis

In view of lbc above. lhe
ofpst seruie ftom l6.li.2OlO to27,lt.2ol3 for CAS purposc onlyro Dr,
Shdshir Sidgh Dhiuon, Assislml lrcfcssor.

Funher, in asc of Dr. SMiosh Kmd Manapatra, co.sidered ed aged to allol thc
reclification oflypoeialhjal nisrake in the period ofpasl scnice fom 07.05.2l)151o
22.12.20i5 16 be Ed K 07 05 2013 to 22 l2 2015. Resl of tie EmnmendaLfois

Tbe Drecutive Council unaninonsly RESOLI'ED.

n, h.nnfirnrh.r..nnnr.ndntinn(nfthiCnnmiti.i.nnir ni.drocrtr!hrnctils
pasr sericc to ttc ficllty, for CAS ptrrpGe onryi
b, to approvc thc eicnsion of bcncfns of pssl scdi.e rrom 16,11.20\0 r. 27.rr.4o li
for CAS purpos€ only to Dn Shamshir Sinsh Dhillon, Asistant Profcssor.
c. to,llow the r€clificalion ofrypogmphicnl Distakc itr thc period ofpastscni.c
.rse ofDi Sinlosh Kunar MnhDxln. rron 07.05,2015-22.12.2015 ro 01.05.201 3-

To considcr th. cxtersion in thc term of cml),nelm€

As per approvaiofthe Dxecutive Counfil in i1s I

followine advocales v€rc enDdelled for repre
Cenlral Univcrsily of Pujab, Dalhinda befoE

Certr.l University otPunjrb

{q$ftdd/I6/qft{{{ / I 84

dR'frdldd/l6/Jnr{m /l9l
*S++1tu/16/!ft{rd /205

rlB4-4/dd/t 6/ct'{fl /244

I@ Secrclaly infomod thar since the im of enpdelhe.l of the advoqres

ne iored at Si No, I !o 14 hs alleady expired md lem ofadvocale at S!. 15 is
go'n3 to expne on l7,08.20l7,lenLlr€ ofall enpmelled advocales Day b€ considered
for extension for aother yetu, sq as to have a uoifom lenurc ol all mleelled

Iunher, tlc Univesily h6 also Eceived a iequesi along with biodala for mpaclhent
fion Advocat€ Bluwo Vais. He Iilay dso be @nsideEd for empdelnenr on sme

Fb€ Execllive Council uunjbously RESOL!'ED, ebplnelmcnr of rhe foltovitrs
hdvo.trcs fo. otre yer.. *irb cficct frcb li Angusr 20l ?
L Advo.ar Miftu Rn cuprq Barhiido
2, Adv@ae K. K. Ctrp6, ChmdiciJh
3. Advo€re Klm Bn cir, Chddigsh
4. Advo€r. P@av Chldha, Chodligeh
5, Advocat Raviddd AEEffiL \.w Del]li
6. Adv@de tushi ftv chlndisah
?. shmq chndigafh
3 ^dved.
Adv6ar Rmji Dss Baq chhdistrh
,. Rahni M,rhdn, N.w qdbi
r0 ^drcar Abhrsh.k shmc churlbad
r3.^dvcd. Ratir l(um. New ft rhi


To.onsiderthc propo.rl lo de.llrclhe toaqhingst,fi,s v,.!iion s1afl.

The Sccr€tary irlomed thll the Univqsily is still in ecruitnenl lhase md has
shonage of faculty od staf. Tlrsefoie, the Univssiry h conrinuins the pncti* of
non vacadon ro rhc rcculr rcachine +alt In pkcc of vaution, rhe resulf !c!.lins
slajI is bein8 srdred Eded L€ave ahd cncshnent of Emed Leale as per DbPT
suid€lincs i.e. toral l0 Eahed Leares in a yeai The l@ves @ bcinS credit.il i.
advdce al a unifom Ete of 15 days on the l'' Jhuary and l" ofJuly cvcry ycar, s

11was tunnor told that sne ol lhe l?rcfuy ncmbeB bave rcqucsr"a rrt"t r-"tiorl t"
allowcd lo lhen, lreating then a vaci]lion slaff, Theefo@ the Univ€sity h6 Fcnl
l€ne$ lo UGC iwice r€sddiry cldiication on declding vacalion slaf dd non-
vacatio. stait No reply h$ bcen @eived fron UCC so fn. The hdler was, howcver.
verbally discusscd wnn UCC oficials durihs FC mcctins on 29ri June 2017. The UGC
EpEseblarive opined (hat leacning stail snould bc dccldcd as vacalion s1ar,

slnce the naner h setlins delayed, the Erecudve couicil sa! r.n*"* . -"]'*,
the foliowins:

Ftuh the acadenic session 2at t- B, tfu ug,to, a*],;,s ,toll of the Uniwsiryray
be l.eakd as stunand hen Eane.l LeaE ercashnent etc. be soveded by
'acatjan2ata Md
the UGc Guidctines, dnqdnqts

Id) The Dea\ COC, OIC at aD'othel ofrce bearer kill be requirc.l ta pe/fom dl
duinA rurtian|
(b) ln addriah to aba* the Uhir{sitr na, ask akr af the ted.hinE stall b P
duties dwina racatio6

Th. ninidM ahd nein,n limit afEbned L@ve to be sanctione.l at a tine

deciled b! the Cotupeted Atthotit, on the ntit afeach cav.

The Execntiv€ Conncil, rtrerdis.trssion,unaninourlyRDSOLVED, ftar opdon b€ talcn

fron the.egnl* rrculty n.nbeh in a trororna, whether they want to opt forvac,lion
(yes or no). rf50% or Do.c oftbc regul,r r,culty ngr€e on vncation, lhen rrom ihc
,c!dchi. scssion 2017-18, the regular teacnitrg strfi of thc Unirersity nry be t.eatcil as

vacation slaff and ihcir Darncd Lerve, encashnenl d.. [e governed by 1[c UCC
Cuidelinq 2010 !nd subsequsnr amendmeni3.
li wa8 FURTqDR RISOLVED that if otr t[c basis of najority, v.catiotr is adopled,
(a) tle Dorns, CoCs, OIC8 or any or[€r omce b€rer will bo required to perforn
dutis duringv,caliom, Ttey sill D€ given EL !s per UCC guid€lines,20lO,
Ibl in lddition lo rbovc thc Univcrsit'y Day ask any of ihe teaching strlt to perforr
duties dn.in8 vacations,ID lieu ofrhis p..iod, ,trpliclble EL as p€r UGC/DoIT
rules vill bc siven.
l.) thc niDnnun and naxinunr linil ofE rnedLeav€robosanctionedrt!limeslll
be decided by the Comperenr Aulhorily on thc mcrirofeach.!se.


To cotrsider fillirg up oftlE non-reachiig vr.rntnosts rescned u.dcr Dronotion quoto

t[fough direci.ccruilbenl.

The Coucil wa infomed that tle Univeniry has l3l

secrioned non-lea<hine
posnions, ou! of wtrich 56 posts @ srill lacdt &d lne sde de being advenised
throug! djrect raruitncnl ndnod. Howver, the adveniseienl of pooorion posts
thrcugh diEcr Ecruitrent is subj4t to th€ approval of rhe Execulive Coucil's
decision. As pcr aplroved Cadrc Recruitnent Rds of rhe CU?B, out of56 vacMl
posls, 16 postl (l
Assisrant Rceislfu, !
Private Secrclaiy,4 Assistan$.I STA
(conp.),2 sTA (rib.), 2 UDC,2 Lab. Assisr4r,2 LDc, I cook) de vEcor undd

Funncr, it ws inforned rhar, N on dare, none of fie enployees is eligibtc for

pronolion lo these I6 vacmt l)osiiipns, Esened under prcmolion quola. To wiihhold
rr l.rlinO !l! In t".iri,d', liD,,,n,l, r, I l, rrF, (wln,',ll $wi,,i r' rnt4t(rq
witl olber cedidale, is not ",",ri

Tle U.ive6ity had senr a prol)oel 10 UGC for ci€alion of 3 I addirioml non-i€acbiog
posh wtich w. de enlitled a Der the UCC gnidelines of t;t,l ralio of teaching b
non teohing atam However, the llCC did not &cept rhe prclosai statins thol tr rar
been dccided by the Etput Canni,ee co^tituted by UGC ta .o6iler the a.lditbtut
reqtbendt of th. Uhire4ity lott the non-facull, posts that the prcpasal oJ the
Uhiee.sity vjll b. consi.lered on.E the teachiiq paritiaN qe Jilled up ta the
*tat af4A9/a There.fare, Untwrcl, k a.hhed
"ah to yn.l the praposdt ln the enctaed
Jdnat la UCC once the nonreachinE positions a.e Jilkd up to the etknt of80%.
Tn€ Chdmfl added rhat 80% of the tolal seclioned posrs i.e. I05, posls out of t 3 !.
need to bc lilled before th€ cution of n€w posts, Prcsenlly, lbe Univesitr could fitl
only 75 posb. The Univcsiq/ ha advenhed nonrqching posiliom nmy tines, but
sne orlhe posls such s Lib@id, Depuly Librdio, Execurive Eigineer, Medial
Ofiiei, Securily Oficer etc. coutd not bc nllod due to non ayailrbility ofeligible

As per Colmn Sr. No- I0 (melhod dfrectuilnenl) oftable ofceh posl oflie Schedutc
(Aplcndix2)of thcalproved CRIts, ithmcnlion€dthat .,..,% br ponotior b6en
or o depa ne,tat test,laittug vti|h b! deputatiotu/dircct rcouitne"t (6 pe, the

E v*gf::1,
a, utrNersry
UtriveBit) of
or runJao

dbietio^ ol Co,ip.teat Atthorili." I.Ience, ir is rlrc dkcretion of rhe Conp+tcnt

Authoriq, b converl the posts under pmmorion quola ro derurarioi/dired recruitrtcnt.

Tle cobcil w6 Fquesred ro con.ia!. nling up orrle non,r"."ring uu"-t lort,

rcrded uds prom;ron quob rr'*Jr, a*.i,.i.,r..^.


Th€ Execurivc Council d€libemled otr the dattfilnd unaninouslt RESOLVED ro allow
to fill lll lhc vreni posIs throtgh di.ect recruitnent! including p.omotion quotr pork,
Howcvcr, n circulD in ihis reaard bc setrt to all regulni non-terching stift, b€lore eic'.t
rdvcntuen€nr, for rep.cscnfins thei. care for pronorion in ms they nre digible +r r
oosl rcsen€d underpronotion quota, in the ndr sir nonths.


Io considcr thc drrfi R6cnatior RoricrlorPc bilIiri

PtT, clUPl r- rwoj ror
Tho drat oflhe Resenation Rostcr for PwD (Cfoup A, B & C) was pEseored

I he rcstcr has been found i. oder by the coufi ofthe chiefconrnhsioner for R
ofrhc lcsons wilh Dndbikica druing a hc&ing on 4In Julyr0l? Ncw Dclhi.

Th€ Erecurirc Council urniDourly RESOLITD nccept to adopt lhc ti

Rosl.r for PcrsoN Fit[ Db.bilities .s AhnMft-2 5.6,
^nnqe.l ^t

To.onsi.le. draft of tlc aDerdmerh b rhdOrdinrnce Nos,II, m, lv, V lnd vI in /i

wnh rhe ucc Modcl ordiuncer of)0r2,

The S€creiary said l,\at $e MHRD had approved lhe Ordindcc Nos. II, III, IV, V md
VI rcedding Enolmenls. Tems dd Conditions of Sedjce oflhe vicc Chdcellor,
:-T,-ltr-,9!1:Ti: S:',:9..
R.pecuveb'idelede, l**": o.mi::.1i9. 9:{:"ler-or
l0liL2 rn
G(c)M tc t2Al
20t ch r:{
c )6dc c
vlly ic
U v

c€ntrul Ubive,siry orPunj.b

w6 Efeftd lo lhe Executive Coucil in lhe 24u neeling held on 20rr'
Ilercc, lne
Mdch 2017, vide lten EC:2412017'],5 Mdi tL. E e.atiee Cou".il uwnimoulr
RESOLVED to appnw the .e.onnetuotions o! the Fitonu Codnittee tlBl
specQc O,litunces be Jran.d U fia AnivusitJt i" Ibe with the UGC Molsl
Onlird"ces o12012 otu hrn'g he sahe to Eclol .lisc6tio",

Accor.jingly. linle chdgetmendmen$ lo lhese Ordineces have &en made kccping

in view the UCC Modci Ordindces ad sone olher CentFI Unive$ilies d presenicd
ro &rc C,obcil ,r Antdue-2t.7 to Atrsu,e2sj 1.


Tte Exe.ulivc Council ex.Dined tho,Fered proposed .nendnenis md unrnimously

R-ESOLVDD 1o approve lbo draft ane4dnctrts lothc Orditrsn.cs relrled to t€rms rnd
condilions ofs€Fice, as alpendcd !tAmcxurs 25,7 to AntrcxuF2s,ll.


To note th€ incorporltiotr of ihc Connerts/SuggesrioN of rhe UGC tu tbe lnctrdmenl

to sarautc r0a$: constirution of the courr.
The Council nrformed lhat lhc Exocutive Coucil jn its 24hnccling bcld on 2Os
Meh20l?, vidc lren EC:22i2016:47 appoved the ddn of|he modhent to Stdlur€
l0 (5) for foruddi.g UD sme to MHRD for assent oflhe Vhitor (Anndure-25.12).
The Chlinnm added lnat 1hc MHRD fo ar.!€d the sme to the UGC for lhen
comm{rs. Thc ucc h6 suggested rhat 1/3i oJ the denben of lhe cod shal Jont
a qtudu,t oI tue hehtg of t. Collt ih ktpe.t of Ceut,rl V4ite6it! o[
Pu'jsb (A,tdure-2s. | 3).

t\c Eieutive Council unrninously RtSOLVED to approre thc incorpororion oftne
connrctrh/Sugg€stions or the UGC in thc {nctrdDc.t to Slature 10(5): CotrsritutioD of
the C ovt (/r nn q a r., 2 5. U).
Furrhe., subjecl to r[€ ,pn&r.r of r[s Stlrute 1O(5) by thc Visiror, tlc Council
ISOLVED10 mni re;

iutrder Clruse 12 ofstalule 10 (5)i

l. Mi D. S. Dmr, Chairnsn, G,V.K,
Bio Scionc6
2. Mi M. C, Mehl,, Sr. Advoclte, Suprcne Court oflndia; Envirotrncnt,lisr;
Ma$aysay Aw.rdce; Prdin Shree Awardee
iundcrtheClauss 13; P.ot A. L Dh,sft, Forner Dirccton NIITEM; Dir.ctor,IQAC,
Cenrrul UDiversity of Pnnjd,
14, EC luthorized DSW 10 noninare tuo neritorious students loft


To rccomnend, plncl of not I6s than three pcBons rnon$i p.rsons of cnin€D
acadenicor public lifc fron rhc counIry, for rhE officc ofnerr Chnnccuor.

Tnc Secelary inlomed tbar Dr. S. S. Johlwas appoinred as rhc fi6t Chdcellor.llhc
Cenfial Univerity ofPunjab, Barhind!, lide MHRD lellq dated 6rh Seprcnbd ?012,
bralem ofnve yem. Dr. s. S, Johl assuDed his office on l4'hSeplenbei 201r,
ftc Secrel,Jy added tbat presenttemofHon'blc Chocllorissoinsroexpneon I3 i

As per Ccnlral Unive6nies Ac1.2009 pad lo"a.r "Tbc Chn.dlor shalf bc

rppoinlcd by thc Vnitor in sucn nanner as nny be prescribed by thc Statu.b'.

As ler Second Schedule [See Secrion 27] of CUPD, Srarute poinl I rhi.h is

l. the Chdhcelor rhall be appainte.t b), the tlisitorflanapanel olh.t bs

than tlwe pe.sons ,ecmn n lad br tha Dx.eti,e Conncil Iron anangtl
pqsoks ofemindc. jn the aca.t4hic ar pubtic tik aft hc cotntrr:

Ptuvide.l thal if the visil.r.loes not aryoft ofan! ol the perca$ so

tecohhe..le.l, he na! call Jor:fresh rccatnnen.lations Jron the E ecttivc

2 The Chmcellor sha hold ajli.e lbr a klm afJire rem dnd shull not be
jhhed :
.liEtb le Jbl re-appo

Prarlde.t that the etplry oJ hls tern .1 oll e, thc

Chancellal sha contin"c ta hol.l olice !"til his srccessor Lnte^ upoh hh

Thc Ereculivc Council unaninously RESOI-VED to rc0nmcnd, thctollo*ingpancl or

pcnons of eninencc in the ,c,denic or
fnblic life of lhe counlry, fo. the orfi.P of
r. Prof. R.P. Banrbah, rNA, FASC, FNASq FTWASi l-danrBh8han Award de
Prolossor Dneritus, C€nlre lor Advanced study in M.lhomricir' Pa jrb
U versiiy, Chandignrh
He is o En€rilus Prcr.ssor rt Pr.jrb Univ€rsity since 1t93. Reccnlly, hc has
bccn honourcd wi0r thc Desrcc oIDoclor ofScioncs (Honort Crusa) by ranjab
Unive^it. Ee was Vice-lresident of INSA (197t-80) rnd Cen€ral Presidcnt oI
Indian Scienc€ Congrcss A$ociation; He sls the Vicc-Chmc.llor of Pnnjrb
University for 2 terms comedtiv€ly. Profesor Dnnbah hrs dadc snbstnnli|l
conhibrtions in ttc field of Mrlhcnrti.s. fie was Preident ol thc Indiu
Mathcmlticll Society (1969), Mathemiticll scclio. oflndinn Scienco Coneiss
A$ocjotioo 0973) Prcsctrlly, lc is a nenber or the Bodd or lrustes of lhe

Cen I r.l Uoirerity otPubjrb
Tribuhc, Vicc Clnirmrn, Covcrnitrg body ofthc Csntre for Rcsclrcl in llurul
Md Itrdunri DevcloDhcnt (CRRID)

2, ?rore$or Ajay K Sood, FNA, l.ASc, FNASq m\ryAs, FRS; PadD! Sltll
Awr.dcci Ilonoris Causa, IIT Kantur
gonomry Prore$or, Departmcnr ol Physics, Indi lnstituio of Scloncc

Proa Ajly Kum.rSood !n Indi!tr physicist, resclrcherrtrd holder of2 US lnd

5 Indi,n prlcnls, knowr lor [is pioneering rescarcr' on gnphene
& Drnotechnolos/, The Covernmenr of Indi, honorcd hiD in 2013, with
lh€ PdmaShri,forhis conl.ibutions lo lbeficldsof scienccmd t€chnoloA/. Sood
was electcd, Fellow ofthc Roy4l Society (FRS) in 2015. Hc ic conferred wltl
Shanai S*arup Bh.tnas{r in lr90), Sir C,V. Ranm Awsrd: PhFical
Scieoces (H$i OmAsbram Trurrllnivenity
^wdrd Gnnk Condission) (2003), Tldfd
wo d AcadcDy of Scieqhe(TwAs) A*!rd i! Physics (2000),
HoniJehangirBhnlrh Mcdrl oflNSA (2002), M.N, Slha Bi ICe €n,ryAverd
(Indi,n Science coner*d (2003-2004), Lifetime ,chicvencnt lward otPunjlb
Univeaily, Ch!trdigarh (?006), ond n$y nore a*lrds to his credit

3. Mr, AtriI Kakodkrr, D.Sc.(h,..), FNASC, FASo, FNAE, FIE,

Preridenr. National Acxd.mn. of s(i(nrs. Ilangalorc

FornrcrDirector of BARC, Iorner Ch,irnrn, Atonic Ener$, Connission and

Sccretary ro rhe Covernm€nr or tndii, Deilrrncnr of Aromic Dncre/ e000 -

4, llll Cunantr Prdu Tllwarj P4ldn Bftustan Aw!..lce

Founder Director, Naliotrat Instirure of Innunotog; Dircctor Rssearch, The
TalwnrRae!.ch Foundnlion,Nw Dclhi; Profcssor atrd [e,d ofBiochc'nistry ln
AIMS f.oD 1965-83.
He $,r tterd, ICMR-WIIO Reenrclr r.d T.airins Ccnrrc in lDnunolo$ for
India rnd Sorth Dasl Asia (r9?2-rl), IIc wls thc lirst Dir€clor of rhe N.rionll
Inslilute of lnnunolos/ NII) (1983-91), Ee ras Pror€ssor of Emin.Dc€,
Intcrnltional C€ntre for c€nsric tngineering rnd BiotcchnoloB/ oCCEB), Nw
Dclhi (199,L99) and Direcror Resear.h, Tslwar R6clrch Foundario& N€w Dethi
(2000- ) Ee wls Disribguishcd Profcssor !t the lNiitur€ oI Bioinfornttis lnd
Biolc.htroloB/, Udverit'' of Pude (2005-2010). Trlw.r's nol.blc conrribulions
includc thc developmelt of an innunolhenFutic vsccinc Ior lcprosy. Thc
vacciDc i3 rlso slowing cmoct !s in innunoll€rapeutic odjuncl to
cncnotherapy itr tuberculosis an.l c!n.ers.

5, Pror, v.L. Chopra, FNA, F..lSc, INASq FNAAS, mwAsi Pldma Bhushr.
FornerDG,ICA& Form€r M€qber, Plrnning CoDnnsiotr' New Delhi

Prot VircndcrLalChopr! is atrI;dian biorschrologjsr,geneticist,asricultumtisl

,trd a forder dir€clo.-gencral of ihchdiln Courcil of Agricnllural
Researc! (ICAR). Knorn to hqve cotrtribured b the developnenr of wheat
produ.lion in Indi.. Hc is thc Chdnccllor ofccnlr.l Univc6ity of Kcml
rorhcr Chrnccllor of tho Centrnl Agricnlturnl Univcoittt Inohll.nd. for
nenb.roflhellNnriryComnissionof lndin. Hctuar.ciDicntof anuf,b
honors includingBorbug Ara.d jll.Ao World rood Dny Aword and
lrakrsh Bhosin Ar.rd.

Prot Kapooris an Indiin scholnr ofLinguistics ard Lite.iturs and an.uthotlty

on lndian inletlEclud irditiors. Hc is rhe forn$ Pro-Vice-C[.nccllor
orJanlhflal Nchru Univcrsity (JN[D and sncd as Prctcasor ir lhe C€rtre fot
Linguistics lnd Englirh, ,nd Concqrrent Prof.sor at ihc Ce.I.c for SnnlFr,t
Sludi* therc before r€liring in 20p5.de has h.cn tca.hlng for 52 yeaBl 4l
sclohn work€d for Ph.D. nnd 36 for M,Phil. und€r hin. IIo rvls Don of thc
School olL.ngnnge, Litc.rlu/c lnd Cultu.c Siudies, JNU, fron 1t96-1999 lnd
nc.tor (Pro-vi.c"chln.cllor) oI thi UnilcBiry fron 19t9-2002. sis tetc4lnA
,nd rescfch a.ers include litera+ and linguntic thcorios bolh Indian Fnd
Westem, the philosophy ofhrgn,ge, ninelecnrh century Brittuh lire' lirer€(urc
.nd rhought and Indinn intellectuel tradiriors. IIe has rriltcn Md loctulrcd
erlensivelyon Ihsethenos. Hc rctircdt on tNU in 2005.

To consider lhe rpDrovrl of Anditcd Annud Srircmenr

lhe Fi.m.irl Year 2016-l ?.

Tne Secrehry presented lhe Annual Slllenenl of Accounls for lhe yed 2016-17 a
a\dlable at Annsute-2t.lt, The sme w6 piaced lor aplroval of the lin4nce
Commircc ir its 18't mcetins held on 29'hJuDc 2017, lidc llcnlrNoilS:2017:5.

Tle Secreldy fuihd infomed lfi.1lhe Findcc Conninee re$lved !o aDlrov€ the
Audi€d Adual SktedentofAccountiofde Univdsiiy for fic linancial Yer 2016-
l7 for onward subnission to CAG.
The Executive Cotrncil un,DinoBly RESOLVED, ro lpprorc the Audiled An
Strtem.nt of Ac.ountu orlhe Univc^ity for rhc Financial Yerr 2016-17 $ ann€x€
Annsurc-2t,I5 .nd recomncndcd by th. FC for onward subnission to CAG.

To considcrthc corplirn.cviih lhe Audit Prn on exc$s IIRA rccovcry.

The Council6 infomed thal theFindce Connincc in its I8'ineeling held on 29'
June 2017, lide Ilen NorlS:2017:6. was infomcd about lhe India audn md
Accouts depanrnenl plraEraph poinling lovard lhe paymenr of Hous \enl
Allowme in its lcbruary, 2017 Audit. 11 Minfoded thal lhe mand was &leri up
in l5d FC md ii mrcsolvcd rhat HRA should be educed to l0% dd accordintly,
the HRA ws rcduccd to t 0% for Univcsiiy employees nod salary nonlh ofoctober..
2016. The matter of Ecovery of exess HRA Ms pul up for @NideFlion of 16'
C€ntral Univ€6iry of Putrjrb

Finecc Codntua in ligbt ofrequsl subnilFd by UniveBny enployecs. thc t6rr,

s per t€fler fron MHRD dalcd t3'h
FC resolved tlrar duerecoveries sholld be nade

Fudher, lhe Universily, in adheEnce wilh l6d FC.€solve, issued a nolic( No,
CVPBICCJII/EC-24/415 d^en l7l05/20t7 for lecoverv of ex@ss HRA lioft rhc
salay nonth of May, 2017. 1he &culty nenbcn of lhe Univesity approach€d Lho
Hon ble High Coun oI Pujab & Haryma in rwo gouls rtrrcugh CWp - l 1995-2 0 | 7&
CWP- l r 749 2017 md got lhe sr.y prde$ on lie Unive6ity,s' notincaianet"ddu,e
2t161. The Coutt srayed dre ordcrs till next bking. A delailed Fpty on the nar|cr in
esponse ro MHRD iencr dared 30b M^y 2a11 is Anrsare-2s,/2 Tnn lener wb
sent lo MHRD sner alproval ofIC on ?D tuty 2017. ^t

Tne Fin&ce Commiltee in its I8rh pceriDg q6 ofth€ opinion thar

all ellorrj to vacarc
the slay md slad the recovery pioc6s should be made by ll.le Unilesity, Since,
Cenlrol Univmity of Puhb is looolq €nlrally fbded, the saldi€s md oujer
enolmors ft
Egulaled a per Depanmeit of Pe*omel md Minislry of rjnmcc
suidolines. Hence il
is loi
in pohpetence of dre Univesity to devie€ &om
co\.lmenr o''noia inm.uon. lr qalsosuS8.$d d ar rhe repb ro lhenoricc of
molion from Coudshould be vetred frcrnUGC/MHRD

lie Finec€ Connitlee h$ rcsolved thal fie Univesny shoutd mate all efofls for
lhe recovery ofexces moul ofltRA.


T[e Execulivo Council, afr€r derlilcd discussiom snd Dcrusrt oI ihe crsq unaDinousty
RESOLIED ro approve the recooDendarion of$. Fitrr.c€ Comnirte for nrki.g lil
elToft for recoyfry of .xc.is naxncn r .f aIR A.


Iftc Ditrutes of 37'r Building Advisory Cohnfttec ncctitrg beld on 14ri JuDe
The Secr€lary infomed thal ! neetins oI3?d Buildins Advisory Comoiltee wG hcld
oo l4u Jue 2017. T[. Mnrut s bl3ltr RAC (Antdutu2i.t8) w{c lled for
considdalion ofthe Fi.dce Colminee io its l8d n€ring vide Iten No: t 8:2Ot 7:?.

The linmce Comiftec considercd the prcposal ed r€come.ded it for alprolat

subFct b 1ne sndnion thal prcjocr is being executcd a
per .geen€nl wifi th€
ex*uling agency ad s pei cFR, 201 7

lThe Exccutive Coulcil, !fter delriledl detibetuliotrs, unmimousty RESOLVED ao
pprove the Dinurs oftle 37rt BuildirgAdvisory Conmitre€ nrctitrB (,.r,zazre2t /8)
crd or 1!!i Jule2017, rs reconnodclby Fc.
Itens ,oh tgh Acad.nicCourcil


Tu rc - considcr ch,ngc ofnomcncl Urooldcgroca nfC0nr0r fnrsourh & Ccnrrnl Arlnn

Studies (Incltrding Hisioricnl Srudica.

lle cecErarj r r b $e nens. Corair'ee 11il. o'\ meerin;(o

requesl receivcd'romed
fmn rhe studenIs of Cente for Sourh & Cenrral A s
(lncluding Hisrorjcal Studiet lcsardins tbe nomenclatuE ofrheir de
aiter coDpledon ofde come is M.A. in SoDlh & Cenlral Asie StDd ( ina
Hislorical Sludiet. Thcy hale ieqDesled thar, keeling in liew rhe en li
$.qden6.rhede8rees\odldoeC'ven'1ba.".ub.e. whch na) c1"o .,
enployn€nl in the basic discipljne,

Tho S*@t Jy said lhat the Dees' Cqnntuee delibdaled on

re(o ved .hl rhe nomenc arrc o'dce( be chffscd lo M.A. "ll
specidlialion in South Dd Cen16l Asio Studics dd
sDecializiior in South dd CenlEl Asim Stldies.

runne., lhe Acddenic Coucil vide Ilen:No:AC:14:201t:8 considered

reconnendations oflhe Dces @mEillcc c ed rcsolvcd lo approve lhe chea
nonenclaluE of deeee of Centre lor Soulh bd Ccnhl sian Sludies.
Econmended by the Delns ComDiiee,

ho, Oe Executive Council vidc Ilcn No:EC:24:2017:31, resolved,

rpprcve lh€ chmse in nonenclatw of degr€e of Ccnle for Soulh dd
Sludics, as rcconncnded by th€ Acadenic Council, wc.t adnissions of20r5-r
s' i*l 'nlmrlhrr rl'1lirrliMIn, b..n
h R.iv tumr .rrlFnrq.lMA Hiatnry
(2015 lT balch,201618 barch), dd M.A. Polnical science (2015r? batch,2016-18
;ere admitted to their espectivc coufses
barch). Tne stDdcnts havc sDbmiued rbal tncy were cou
al CUPB thiough CUCET 2015 dd oUCET 2016 rcspeclively. The CUCE] ?-i015

cddrdares upon compler.on or rhe @u se *oJ.o be V.a Pso4tudV.A.foliiico'

&i9!99. riowever, rhc AC ed EC in tlFir t 4'i $d the 24'" neetings €spectively have
chmsed tle ritle ofcoNes to M.A. Hislory (witn speialization in South dd Cenlral
,{sid Studies) dd M.A Polid@l Scid.ce (with specializtion in South dd Cc4lral

Ttre Asd€nic Coucil considmd lhc in ils 15'" meet,ng on t 5'July

The Council w6 infomed lhat the studedls have requcstcd to rcconsid

rl.emmeorrheco trses b fiir. ii wfi.h rl.ey seF.1'.led ir. bc,"r"c
studied my subj€cl Esardins Sourh ed Central Asie Stndies duins Iri.
prce'mes. It M addcd that thc Universny h6 yet to innl€nent thi
nomcnclahxe, a cdlicr rcsnllen,

Central Unn ersiry ofPurjab

Tho Academic Coucil, resolved ro Efd the iten bek ro the De&t Comitlee vhich
snould coNider rhe c6e in delail, check |he syllabi of rhesc osssss a cun,puss ro
nomenclalue dd accordingly chmge tlE nomenclalue, if lequired for lhe eKisling
couses The Des' conntuee sbould also coosido ed econoeod the Cent6\
nomcnclalue in vicw ofrhe degres ofeled by it. Tle Sub-ConEinee lhat h6 bccn
consliluted erlid eder dre Chaimoship of Prol K. N. Plthal, for iookjng inlo ftc
nonenclahnes of rhe deerces od the Centres oferins them, should consider lhc
recomcndarions ofrbc D€e s Cotmnilree md scnlc tnc hsuc for the tutue.

llre Council nrder Esolved to authodze lhe Vice Chmcellor to llke decisioi or $c
mauer, for lne exisrins studenls! in view of the forrhconing Convocalion.


The Erccurivc codncil uDaridou.lj R-EsOLVED to rpprove.he reconbcnddione of

fhe Acad€ni. Coutrcil ro rerer thc itcn back ro Dem.s Cohnifle..

Th€ Etecutive Council FURTEER RESOLWb b autlorize thc vice Cfrnc€llor ro l{ke
d€cisioa on ti€ hattcr, Ior rhe existing strderB, ir vis
ofihe forthconing Convoc.tiotr.

It*!rstillFURTHERRESOLVEDroCilftcwhotesysreDofptacenenrofCe r€ssrd
noD€nchturer ofCou.scsdiscusse.land rccoDoended by rhefollo{ingSub-Conmilrcc
to beer rt Chandigarh in the orficc of thc Clairnan, Pror K.N. p!th!k.

l. Prot t<.N, P.dDk, Chairnar

6. Proi Cumril Silgh

7. Prot P. Rrn&ao, Coodinltor

To corsider continultion Gre€n F rntng TehnoloA, und*lbe schebe

co ese.
lhe S@tetary infomed thal in 2015. UCC lpprcved ltre UnileBiry's proposat for
$aning Diplon. in cr€en Fa.ning Technotogie udd ihe Schene ofcomuily
College. aurrher. UGC also @poved a gat of Rs. 65.96 Lalns b the Univ€Bity for
a !€riod of 2 ye6 for ndins lhe ome.

The Cou:e in\o've, L\Fe .reps: 'i6l yee 6 Diptona r.ord )etu d Advr.cd
Diplom dd he finai J cr d B Voc. Tte pbgrmne ." oglxy beneficrat tor $
lo' asriculrue !omu1ri.s lhis omcs ude' Uudr Bhdal Abhlm S(rtl
Developnenl India Pmgrmne. Funhcr, EC in ils 246 neelins on 206 Mmh 2Ot?,
apprcve<l dre exrosion ofcouse Di to B.Voc. level in view oflhe facr that the couse
cmot b€ siopped nal6^ry rri@uehl

It Has tunhr infomed rlat tho 2 ycal pciod for which pemissior q6 grmted
bccn cohpleled wirtr end of $is sission (2015 to 201?). The cou6e w€ run
succe$fully d[ing tlE sssion 2015116 nd 2016-17 (2 Barches p6sd o!r- TXc
couNe nai.ly involves skill development and innolatio.s in,griculturclcchnology.

I unho, there is no infomarion rcgddi.g rhe lmission lo condnue *O a"n".. tl"t

UCC. Bul oul oflhc rolal grdr received, expenditue ofnearly Rs,40laln was modc
bd n€ldy Rs. 26 rakn is sdll alailable under the scbene. The UCC has bccn
reqlesFd lo allow the uilizalior of de ballnce funds, tbe approvll of whicl h

Since ttis is one of thc populd skill develolhent cou$e and dnarly relarcd t9 thc
agricultrc colmuity,lhe @use fray be allowed to Continue. teoission mal bc
gtu1ed foi dni$ioo in Diplona a+d Advlnced Diplona duing cuftnr scrFion
(201 7- l 8), subjecl lo approvar 6om UFc.

l'hc Acadehic Coucil considcrcd lhc smc in ils I s'i neeline on l5'r July 201 7"
IrcfriN.:Ac:i512017r5 rnd rcaolvcd l. rcconnend to onprcvo lhe @ntinuatio lid.^
Diplona in 6ren Fming Technololy ud{ tle $hene of Cofrdunny Coll
subFcl lo ap!,rcval of UGCA,IIRD on lhe tnmcial specrs, which is awriled.


The Executive Council unldnously RESOLVED the recommcndrlion oflhc

10 accept
Acadeniccoun.ilforconlitru,tionofDiplonninGreenF mingTechnolos/ under lhc
s.h€ne of Connunity Colleg€, subject lo the concurren.c of UGC on thc tnin.ial
a\F.h, $hich is asaired,

To consider appointmerls ofiher€nosnedpduc,tionish as Visnirg/Adjutrcl Poresor,

The SecEt ry ihfomcd thar thg Unilasiry has nosr of the scnior laculty posifons
vaca nE follow C,enowned cd!.gtiorisk nay b. consid€ied for appoinhlc4t a
visiting/adiDct Prcfesorj i. ligbr of the euidelines for Enpdclmenr of Adjnnct
Faculty jn Univesities (,rz,d!.c-2tl9:

a) ?rct R.c. v€ma (cD, Pnysics lBio dah at A,D.rurF2l, 20)

b) Ptol Rrindaban ChardE Ranu,

(Bio d*a at A"nd0e-25.21)

c) Prot S. S. Chalal, Pathology veio data ar /tr"durc-25.22)

d) ?roi A. N. Girl, Statisrics (BiodntarrA hdttz-25.23)

e) Prcl Satish Kapoor,Ilistory (Bio datzarAnn6ve-25.21)

D Prct lshok Sanni, C€ology (Bia d^ra atA"idure-25,2,

CeItnl Utrn€Bir) of Punjab

Thc Aadedic Coucil considercd thc s@e in i1s l5rincelineon l5riJuly20l7, vidc
llcniNo:Ac:15:2017:6, ed resolved,baurho ze lhe Vice Checellortoconsiderthc
llpoinnncnrs ofrenowned educalionisG 6 Visning/Adjud Prcfe$or, who fullill llrc
c leria per UGC Guidelines for Appointn€nr of Adjuct Facuhy/ Vililing
Prcfesor j. Univemities. Thc AC hd also pointed oul $at &ose who bave crcs3d 70
yca olase should.ol be appoiDted 6 per lhese guidelines.

TheExccuaive Council unaniDouslyRESOLtaED ro rccepr tne recomreDdations oftl'c

Acldcmic CouDcil and aut[o&ed the Vic. Chrncellor to ippoinr renovnod
educatioDisb * VisitiDg/Adjun.t Profespor, follosinstbe suidrlin.s of UCC.

To consider rcs!.ding subnksion of nudbcr ofcopi* rtrd fom ofsubdssion of Proje.t

Tne Secret ry informed rlut ar preenl lne srudenrs 01

M.A.Al.Sc.A/.Tech.Al.Pben./LL.M,/M.Ed. de Equired lo subnit five hdd bound
copics of Projecr Rcport for evaludon. The Projars ReporlG) submnGd by
M.A,A,.So. studcnrs @ inlemllly qaluated whercs the Diseriation of M.Tech./
M.Phm./LL.M.A'I.Ed. de sent for cxtemal evaluaiion.

Ilwas lnllher nrfonned th.t dre M.A. aDd M.Sc. studenh have submilred
rcpresentldon datcd 96 Jue 2ol7 staling that approxinare out oflrinti.g od bindi.g
ofPrcjat Report comes to Rs.3,00p/. ro RS, 5O|]OI od is nndcial burder on then.
Th6y bave rqucatcd to ollow subnlission jn spnal boud lbm

Kccping in view ofthe rcpresenlation ofM.A.A4.Sc. StudchG, thc AMdemic Coucit

wd Equcsted lo consi.jer Educins llE nmber orcopies ed fod ofsubnjssjoi (hdd
boud or spinl boud) of Prcjcd 4eDod.
'11€ Acadenic Coucil will comi+r the smc in irs ts! neeling on t5s luly 201?,
vide l1eniNoiAcr]5:201?:7 dd lcsolved to apptuve subnnsion of fituI PmFct
Repon/disserration as fotloNsi

(a) For M.A.,/r11I.sc. coNs where dre evaluarion is inremali 't wo (02) bdd-bound
copies (one for lhe libEry ud onc for rhe CuidVCe re lner evalu.lion) in addition

(b) l_or prcfe$ioral @uses like, M.T€ch,Al.Ph3m. /LL,M/M,Ed. whe@ evaluation

is exlemal: Th@ (03) bdd-boud copi€s (one for the libory, one for the exminer
md onc foi fie guide/CentE) in addilion to a son copy CD. The copy ifreceived
back fron the exuin€r wilh @nnents dreEon could be relmed to the student
ancr decldarior of drc nsdt,


The Execulive Courcil unsninously FTSOLVED ro npprove rhe follol,rlng

ftconm€nd,tion ofthc Acrdenic Council reg0ding subni$ion ol nunb.r of coitlc!
rnd f.on oI subnission ol Disrdhtionnroj..i Reponi

t) Fo. M.A,Al,Sc. couB8 whcre the cyllu,tion is intcrnal: Two (02) hnrd-
bound copies (one for the libnry and onc for thc guide/C.nb€ aficr
cvaluation) in rddirion to a soft copy CD.

b) For p.ofcssi0nal counes like, M.Te.h'^I.Ph,rn. /LL,M.At,Dd, whc.c

dnlution n cnemal: Thrb€ (03) hlrd-bound cotis (onc lor ile lib.ary, onc
for rhc craminerlnd one rorrhcg.ide/c.nrro in,ddition ro a sofr cony FD.
TbccopJ if rccived brckfron rhc cranitrcrnith comnrnrrhereon ciuld
be relurncd to thc sludentrfterdeclamtion ollhe result


To considd tho drdl rulcs for Mastc.'j rrd Ph.D, Pros.rntoc rpplicnble el.c,t
Acadcmic Session 2017-18.

Thc S€crelary appied that at pEsenl day ro day work relatins to Mdteas PogrJhe
is eovened by tbe Mdlcls Dcercc lroermmc Rulcs & Resulalions (appli.ablc
{.e.1 Academic Scssion 2015-16) bid Masleas Dcge Prcgrume Rulel &
Regulalions (applicable w,e.l Acadedio Session 2014 15) dd Pb.D. Prosrmrnc is
Eovcmcd 6y the Rules dd ResulatioN for lhe Ph.D. Prcgr!tone. Tnese n'lcs llavc
b€n mended by lbe Stslulory Bodies oI the Univebily ,ne to limc as per
requirene.l to inpmve the system dd rccdry rhc issucs being faced day lo day.

l Serclary added thal k€eping i n view, Lne Uni veai ty has rcdraned new ru les aier
inco.pomting all the mendnenis dd aho incoryonting somc other issues .e.sl on
untair means, Doces of Resistalior & Re-apped exmjnalion. Evalualio4 of
DissellltiodPrcjet erc. which m not Fovcrcd udd the existing dles. an effort has
aho been mdc lo bc spocific in ev€r, tulewh€re il cdlig seDed to be silent. ltbe
Ph.D. rules ba been prelded in accor{ec€ with 1ne LrCC (14irimm Sunddds dd
Procedu@ for Awdd ofM,rhil'?h.D. Degeo Regulario.s, 2016. An€! lhat draft
iules wee circulaled qnong all the facqlty membes for rhe; snegestiontvies in this

Iunhd, the susseslions ed views which were rcceived &on rt

raolty mmfer
nave aho been jncoryo8ted, Afler that a connitee consisling of AII Deius,
Associale Deds ed Conlroller of E+dinations wde constitulcd to exanine fld
llralizc thc d&n rul$. Thc commnr+ delibent€d ud qamiied rnc dmn n'le! for
Mst€r's od lh.D. Progrmmc applicablc wc.t Academic session 20t7i18,
discusscd in derdl on v&ioDs ap€crs dd coftcred dnn the rules.

Ttu drafi rules for MNters od Ph,D, ?rogrdrne .pplicable w.e.t Ac.denic scssion
2017 18 *e pEsented 4 pl&ed at A"ndnre-25.26 ed lnndare-2,2z

Cetrtr.l Universirl of PunjsI

lhc Academic Coucjlconsidered the sme in ils l5'rmeeringon t5dJuly 2017, vidc
l@:No:AC:15:2017:8. fte Council suggested delction of$e word lmi.inDm' dl
poi 5.2 of Rules forMastefs Degee Poglmc,I w6 sgtood to,
Thc AC also consideed in detail the poinl ll,ll of Ahhaute-25.26, wdcl
'Exdinalion ed EvoluarioD' of Rules for Master's DeStee Progrene eage r 04 of
fte Aee.da), The Cou.cil ater derliled dncussion rccomneided that the studcnk
wlro gel relpped in 3'( senester dray be allowed !o rera*e the @levtut exd ltong
wnn 1he exminalio! oflhe 4rh *mcsl*. Howeler, o 4d senesler studenl msy bc
allowed only one special chmcc te Mtped exminalion in smmer b@1. In csc u
studenr who fails only in 4d senesrbr Day be altowed to Eappes in rhe retever papcrs
duihg sulm€r brcal period, provided sucn sodenr should nor have dy otns backtog

Except for lbe mendnenrs nendbned above, lhc Aqdenic

discussion, unoimously resolved & apprcve $e dra.n rubs
ProCiam$ apllicabk w.e.i acadcmic sc$ion 2017t 8.


The Erecuairc Coun.il unlnirously RISOLVDD lo lpprcvc lhe lacndnenrs ,r

reconmeded by lhc Acadcnic Councilto rle dreft rule, for Mlsrer\ progrrnne.
Thc Council FURTIIDR RESOLVED ro incoryorare rhesc rBedDents in tle <trofr
ru16 for Mastcr's prognnmc Qt ndu,e-25.26; ildiuti"e chuug?9 and ldopt the s!n.
w.€.t mldeDic s€ssion 2017-18,

Thc Couocil 3rirr [arnTHLR RISOL]ED b approye thc reconDctrdatioDs of thc

Academic Courcil ro 0ppro\c rhe dran nte, ror ph,D. trosraDD* npplicrble w.s,f.
!.a itcml! s6slo\ 20 17 - l8 U n, a u & 2 s. 2 7),


retulr.ioD{ ror cttcoro. itr rbe Ph.D. dururion duc ro

Tn€ Serctart infomed thal seveEl schohrs rcCislered for Ph.D. de approaching the
hider authornics foi exlension nt Llc dal,e for subDissior of Ptr.D. tn$h, rD this
comection followihg ws prcposed ro AC in irs l50 meeting:

1 . No Ph.D. schold should be atlowed in 6e hosrel betond de 5 y€d of the hoslel

2. Scholds who m rcghlered in Ph.D, dd fulfil all the Equiremeris 6 pe. UCC-
2009,201 6 rules dd ee nor able to cqmplere in the sripulated titue due ro Esotu
betond their mnlnl (healthlehnical rcacons r€lared !o rseKh lopic/ my ofier
rcason den lo bc fil as per the compeldt auoorily) my b€ given errersioh

fcc 6 per Unive.silt rules.

{qrd +ffiqrtrc
Central UniveAitr ofPunjab

L Those Ph.D. scholtrs who have nottulfilledUCC rcquircnents such 6 publi qhing
of I reseeh paper s per UCC inhs & reBulations of 2009 aid 201 6, may bc
given exrension subject to:
a. nneofRs,500l or nor.:t decided by lhe CoDncil.
b. on paynonl or lhe senesF(s) fte spdUnivqsily rulcs. till conpleti{n of
the UGC equienenll.

e a.cdenri. I oun. I r rF .o n.cr'n8 on ls'i J rly 20.-. lidc

'Fn No A.l< 201'.4 re.o red +a DrrrS.ddirg \\a' i. cori.ned.n rhc
ReE-la'io1s ror rhO. frogFdme, rle ( nJrrpeFon A.denh rorci rnaj n
.\c.! or rl cr. rmsbces md on rhe re. omneldarion of$e s( hool Bor d .oralcd
ord am'opdat comDinee on lne neiIsofcach individual6e aid lbrresol's lo
be recoiled, allow reldalion of my of lhc prornion except fios pEscnbing COP
equiFnents md rhe clausc I 7 (vi) of rl'e$ rcenlarios The claus I ? (vi) na* as
'The Unilcnily shall issue degree in accoidance wnn thc provGions of I]JCC


Th€ Executivc Council unanimoudy RDSOLVtrD to apDrovc the .c.onn.ndnlion of thc

Acldcnic Couacil tlrar 't ,l,it
ttondnt( rhol is co anEd in tl'e Reguhtio"s lor Plt,D,
Prcsramme, the Chai,p.^or, A.ddenic coMcit nt! i" dceptio"nl circu$hres onl! oh
th. racohhehrrzioh oJ the S.hool Boafu! con.efller! ot d, afi,opriat co,"tuidee 04 thc
herits ofea.h ndividuat c6e andJot rcasons to b. recoderr, n otu r.luation oJanr otth.
titoeision scept thos. pr.sctibi"s CGPA rcqrircments and the Ctdrse 17 (,i) oJ th.sa
regtlotio"s, Iha Ch6e l7 (ei) rcnds6'rne Uri,c6ilr shal issue l.e,.e h accotudnce

consider dlowing thc rnbrn,tion,l sludenh to tak€.dmission in lh.D. progranne


M.. Shivanshu Kumar Tim.i lion Nepal aptlied for admission in lh.D. (life
Sci€nas). Bur thc Adrnission Comitte€ for lntedational Sludcnts hs pul on lold
thc adnission lill dE compctent anl ority spproves lhe adni$ion of Intenatjbnal
Ph.D. sludenls wilhout fellowships.

Tne Secrelary preserted thal s e

lhrcc cale3ories under whic4 the
per pdl,cy there
adnission of inremational stude^E i! nrne @hd*e-25.28) The t$t calcUory
dcals witn dncci admission ofstudents wbo wisb to joii undd sclf-finmced category.
The Connillee suggesled lhal sincc lndie studenls e
nol gilen adnission wilhout
fel lovsh ip, thercfore sde condi li on nay bc appl icd lo Intemalional studenls al so.

'Iie admksior criteria for Ph.D. intemltionai stude.l is different than lhe InFir
students, theEforc, n was sepdalely aplroved by AC/EC. Moreovet lheie de
supmmerary seats for lnlcmatioml students in ali !.ocrmmc6 lvnich is alrady
alpoved by ACIEC.

CeDr'!r Unilersity or Punjrb

Owiry lo lhe above facrs, the Acadcnic Coucil considqed te

admission ol
Intenational studenl in Ph,D, progrmne s per selfaponsoed criteda, Tllc Council
r4oomended that this lovision should be for Forcign Studctrts ed not Intcmatonll

The Acadenic Council in 15' meeting on l5D July 2017, vidc

ItenrNorACrl5:2017:10 resolled lo approle lhe povision of adnilting FoEign
Sludents (holding passlon orher rhd Indim) in Ph.D. progMe s self{ponsored


Thc Executive Coutrcil, afrer discussion, u.rinously RESOLVED to ,cccpt ihc

recoDn€nd,liotu oftlc Acrd€nic Cou4cil to approvc $c provirior oI!dDilfitrs forclgn
slud€nts (holding prssport other thar I i!tr) in !h,D. prognbne as ser-spo4orqi


To considcrnodific.tions tu th€ Cuidelitres of rhe Uriyersity on Plrgilrho.

Tbe S€crcltry infomed lhar tho Exccutile Coucil in its I 56 meeting vide ltem No,
ECil5:15138 approved lhe Cuidelines 10 Cbeck llasieism. Thesc euidelin€s impose
3ll the responsibilily of the plagi{ism on lh€ supenisor.

Furdrer, in liew of ce.tain conllairts Eceived fion Universny frculry tlal some
studmls Bort lo plagidsn dd rrosl of lhe liDes tne sonwdc fails lo calch rhese
*$s sjnce DAjorily ofthe Univdsity Ph.D.A,{.Phil. thcs€ a€ iol digiLiz€d and ae nor
on the ssch cnsine data b$6.

The Unive^ity propoes modifiqtions in the approved Ouideliner on

L The rcseeh scholn shall givp d

u4dedlting that lh€E is ro plagiei$ (tesled
on the bash ofa softwm) dC d€old€ ihot to besl of bis/her knowledge no act of
plagidisn md vjoladon of cobyrishl rcsdalion hd been done, Hdshe will ale
ceniry that dre work hs rcl been submined for award @y other degEe in $h
Univesily or hy odr€r Univesilr.

2. Fuithcr. tlc rc$dch supcryisor sbaU submil ! ce ifi@te thor he/she

guidedsuperised ed have son€ l,hugh l,\c thesh,

3. In c4e, subsequentl, il is foud tuy ofth€ obove bal-pr&rices, comiued by

rcs&.b soholu thc U.ivositl om r.!e neceswy aclion againsr Eseeh sohoir.

fte A@ddic Coucil considd# sme in ils l5d meting on t5d Jdy 2017,
ed ie$lved to defd lris ilo till rhe UGC imllenenls
vide IlcnrNo:AC: l5:2017: I I
the reulalion ud* prcpdalioq on the issue, h tho m@tine. ihe mane! be
discE€d in ile Ded\ Comirit md m€ndments, if dy, be btuudt bdk to the

"t 25
Ccntml Uni!ersity of Punjsb

AC/EC in a tabulared fom indicating rhe exisling &d the proposcd

addirions/delcrion rotne Guidelines,


The Execulive Cotrn.il! lcr duc dclibcrltions! u.ninoNly RESOLVED fo apptolc

th€ r.conncndliion of the Acadenic Council td dcfcr ihls itcn rcgtrdlns
nodificltiontadditionr to lheCnidelines on Phsidrirh, oflhc Univc.sity, in vicn ofthc
fictthrtUGC is finlltingguidelines, rul€s nDd reguhliors otr thc hsuc.
To.onsidcrthe.oNersion ofvacnntsertsqfSC/ST/OBC cltcgory lo CeneralCatcgbry,

fte SecEtary explaiftd rbat thc l "rcounselling for adnission ir Msldt Pogra4ldc
for Aadenic Sesion 201?18 has bEen ompleted on ]stJuly,2017. Mostly, qeaft
r€scNcd for SC/ST/OBC calegory dp lyins vacmr Tne 2" onliie counsllii8 is
under proccs od the date of subdission of onli.c applialion foms has hcci
counsellins forn. It is expet€d Ihat aner dre 2i! counselling f€w sets in SC/ST/OBC
caEgory hay rtoan vacdt.

ln vie{ oflhe abovc, it is proposed rld thc AcadeDic Council Day aulhoriz€ lice-
Chadcellor to consider convqsion of the vacmt scots of SC/ST/OBC clteeory inlo
Geneml catesory, if sedts rmain vscanl lner the 2id couh$llins/ocking of rhe s+als

T Il5 on ls'tr July 2017, lide

II .(c t55:2 \7 t2 olved to approve sc conve+ion
0 c/ rD(c
:/la I/OT lc )i Corogot, tmYid.d iho nod{ oro
; 'T, fll lis cmrs. wlile n*i.g thc vaFel
) ST )Brc
OE lc mdidares, pErerence be slven
lc $e seats belone to rhe fomEi


Th E eso
EI rof-
C, ofsc/sr/oB
Lll ',I
pli 'sSC/ST/OBC a
c g

To consider the dare of 3d CoDvocation of the UnivcAi(r.

T1E Comcilw6 infomed that the pNsing oul slDdents ofMster\, M.Phil. &d Ph D
Progtr re rc robcawded dcg'cc. n rhe Jid.olvoc.'ion.
C€ntral UniveNity of Punjab

Tbe Acadhic Coucil w6 poposed thar in ils l5s meeling o. I5dJuly 2017, vidc
ftcnrNo:Ac:15:2017:13, ro opprov€ l2rh September 2017 s ltre datc of 3t{

The Acadenic Coucil felt thai fixing oft]le datc of Convocalion is the peroSativc of
lhe Checelior tud resolved !o authoria lhe Vice Cbeceilo! io fix the dare of thc 3'd
convocarion in consulrario. wilh ttre Checellor.


Council agreed wilh t[e rccomn€nd.rions or rhc Acldcmic Cou!.il ud

Vice Ch,nccllorto fix th€ d,t€ of3rd Convoc.tiotr in CoNulringwiah tho


To corsider lbs list of studerls for !s!rd .lesrcc ai lne Jd Convo. ion ol thc

The Secretary inforncd rhll lhe Iist of Ph.D. studenls who have compl€ted lio
requitrenrs lor aMo ol $e desEe one m elgiole lor akard ol deglee in I'r
.onvocJuon as o r abJJIy 20l7,ispln"e. dAnndut-2t.20.

AIso, thc lis$ o1183 studenls olM6rer\ Prcgrmme (M,A., M.Sc. ad M.Pbil.) who
navc codpleled thc eqliremeDls fo! wdd ol (le desree in 3.! Convocarion as on 4ri
July 2017. M plnced at Ar"dute-2s-30.

Ihe Acadenic Coucil in ig t5s neling on l5d July 2Ot?, vide

It€niNo:AC:15:2017114, F$lved to approve the aMrd of desEsto llc atndcnlsas
ln lisrrlil{rLl 0t,,1rr.rrr.r-?t29.t\d,t"nd,ne-25.J0.

The AC turther eolvcd to authoriFe lhe Vice Checellor to ,pprcv€ ad irclu<te rhe
nmcs oli such studcnb vhosc rcsults gcl dnounced subsequent to the rbove lis( but
betdrc the dale of convdcrtion


ThcDxeculiyc Coudcil nn.ninously FESOLVDD to accepr the reconbcndltiotr of trrd

Acrdenic Cou.cil snd lppmved rh( rwrrd otdegrceq ro thesrudctrtr rs tbl placed ar
lnnuurct-2s.2o ^ail25,J0 thc r ouDcil, FURTHLR RESOLVED to rtrrhori2. the Vice
Cbaft€llor to appmv€ rnd include rh€ n|ine of such srudenrs whose r€sulb gcr
FtrtrouD.ed subrequerrto tbc abov€ lisrs, but bcforc the dare or rhc 3rd Convoc.rion.


llocorsid€rldoptior of UGC (CrcdirF*nworkforOntineLesrnirg Counes throush

Reexl.rtotrs. 2016.
Ihe s*Ebry inlomed rhar TheSWAYAM phr,om ise ind.gsojp.rfom of$e
GoI which losts MOOCS (Marsi* Olon Oiline Coset b;oabte ihe studeds ro

\inu,llyartend rhe cou6es lnughl bj rhe bcst facully; acc6s high qualily rcr
r€sowes. p.rri.ip,tc in dkcussi.n fotumsi ralc tesrs and ean &adcmic gmdes-

ln thh regdd, the GoI n6 identified eid Narional Cooidinatos from school lo
Higher Education tevel. UGC has been identified d the National Coodinalor for
developinsnon-technology PG MOOCS. UCC is aheady inlheproc4sof deleloltiig
hisltqualily, cutric unbsede conlent al PC levcl in fourquadrdls i,e,.hxl, tidco
leclms, self-asessnenl lnd selale@ing under lhe E PC Palhsbala proermqc ol
NMEICT. About 12.000 such nodules de aheady lploaded on lhe ePG Palhlhalo
wbsite. This c-conrchr h .ow bcins repurlosed into MOOCS lo bc delivercd ns
onlinecoBeson lhe SWAYAMplalfom byvdious univesilies wilh thc pbvision
ofcrcdilno6ilityacross edlclLional inslitulions. UCChs also i$ued Rcgulationir ior
Credil ljrmework for online l@ing couNcs lhmucn SWAYAM to allow citdil
trmsfd on the b6is of these MOOCS in 2016 (A"rdur.-2t.31).

it ws nnher infomcd rhat thc SWAYAM shall noljfy on I " Junc dd l " Novembef
each yctr the lisl ofonline cous€s Coihg to bc ofercd in lhe fo hconinBsession,.4ll
lnslilulions shall, within 4 weeks fton tnedateofnolificationofS\VAYAM, con9idcr
$rcush their conpelenl aulhoriry online leanidg cou^cs bcins oiIertd, ed ke€Fin8
in viewtieiracadcnicnqnircmenh. decide upod rhe @uBcs wnich n shall pdmilfor
erelit bt"tfu,
As per rh€se iegulations, o otlow onlr np to 20'/" oI lh. totd a
InstirntioA dn lF6
bins offered in a paniculd Drcgm a senester throush lhe online lcmins courses
pbvided lhrough SWAYAM plalfom. Also, the larcnt lNlitution shall 3iv9 thc
equitnt.Lt .tedit *.igtttdge ra lbc studcnls for the c€dils cancd though olline
lemins cou$es $oush SWAYAM platfom in the ccdn plan oflhc progm

TIe Acadenic Council in ils t5d moclina on l5'i iuly 2017. lide
Ii€n:NoiAC:15:2017i15 rcsolved lo appove in principlc adoption oa UGC (CEdn
llmcwo* for Online Lcming Cou$s lbrough SWAYA\4) Resuhtions, 2016

Thc Etccutivc Council, rftcr dn.rssi0nl unaninous,y RESOL!'ED to nccept lhe

reconm.ndations of the Acadenic Coun.il Nnd rpprovcd in prin.iple, adoption ol qGC
(Credil Frunwork for Otrline Learriry Cdu8es lhrous[ SWAYAM) Resulations,

Ite6 hon 17r Fist"c. Connirae

To trole thc constru.tion of the frissing porlior of thc hnlfside

f.oD nain satc 10 ttc,{cadcmic Bb.k rr th€ nain caDpus.t m

The Seorclary iifomed lnar BujldimgAdvisoryConntuee in irs l5dneetinScoNldcred tltrt
Ocknhmdsidcoflhccnrffceconidor([email protected]
oftlods,.ponionoflhcrequiredroaduproAcademicBl@ksasnotlrkei inhd .tinr
tin,e. Nowrhhremriningponion js robccomplcrcd ro mrke rhaUniv.6nyop{mtiotr!l- Only
bn hand side road of dE rcndinins podion of main enlEnce oonidor benveen th. Acudcm ic
Block.nd alftady corslrucrcd onkdce cdridor h ro be co'srrucled, aor rhe complcriotr of
lhre I A at .n enimared co* of Rs. 4.96 crorcs.
lbefi"anceCommifreeconsidcrcdrhesanoinrhel6,imeerinsandwssofrhevlewth lho
rccommenddion h nol rupponed Rirh nudarory Abshcl Cost Pcdoma, Rate Confimalory
CcnilisG, and other supponing document as perrl,e guideliDes nsued by dr UCC. hcncc
the dccdon cnnor be blen as such in rbsonca ofrhese dcumen6. tt war clarilisd lhar dD
d@umeirs had.lrtady beeD prepeed butcould not be nade availabte ar rhc vetrue ot60

Funher, rhe ExccuriveCouncil in ils 24d mccling, iosolved ro rppmverhcexpendilure.fLs,

4 59 crcres for coNtuction of nhslig ponion of
ennance lion fldn gdte to dr
Acadenic Bl€k. subjeciio drc approvaloflhe Finme con ihp.
The cha imrn added tha! thc B
c in ns 3 6 I meeting co' sidered dre lielai led esrimare ba$d
on DSR' 2016 arA rs prepsed aM lubDjrlcd by Architat. The cdnni(ee unmimously
lpprcvod the Absr&! ol Coi dd ltare Conlonniry Ccdificale.s pcr UCC mms for lhc
co'slruc1ion ofrenainingpodion ol rho half side (hn hed sidc)olrnaired@ce cofiddr
borweer Acadcnic Block and crlmncc lor rhe complerion of t,hase 1A works 0t an
esharcd con of Rs. 4.96

ThoFinmce Co,nftnree, in ib r7o ncctinghetdon29'r Marh20t7 vide lren No FC:20t7:3

resoivcd ro approvc rhc r4onnenddions of nrc BuildinS Advhory commirrco rcga.diDg
conshcriotrofrenaining tonion otdr lhtf side of de app@ach @ad fro'r nai. eare b rie
AcadcnicBloct arlho MrinCa pu! {t an esti'nalcd sst ofRs.4.96 Ctures.


lT[c Erecutive Council NOTtrD th€ lpprovll of FC !trd ,llowed ih€ construclion of tlc
Frtsins portion of th€ balfside ofthc aiprorcb road fron nai! glle ro iheAcrdcDic
tslock!i lhebdn campus at rn eslimalcd cost of tu. 4.96 Crore,


To nolc tle renor!rioo or erirrins H{tl No, 8 ar City Csnnu\ ro ,c.omnoJ,rc gnl

The SeEt ry infomcd .hat rhe Univeairy h6 ro nake mksions for rhe fonnFnhs
sesion 2017 13. Thc Main cmpus oflhc Uriversiry is under consrruclion sd pMC, EtL
Itd., had shoM rhei! inabilirytomnpleterne hosrct occupdrion byrhk Acdemicse$ion.
'ftc university hs sludenb froD 26 sbtes aDd mos ofthem do Dor know Pu'rjabi. runherl
Ih€ taBit mpus ofrhe UtrivcNiry ir on $e ouskirs oflhs cny rd rhere h nenace ofdtu!
rddcnor ro ac rcddg h the (lof rL .q o, $e Un'!.Rin K*prnS n 4e{ rh( s -t
rd >qunryordnr. udcnl. ir !d refdd snoL.db€pmldeds om-o&.onqUin
lheoanrpus jlselt 'e)

Tosolvedleproblen,lheUnivcn y hdd proposcn lo roovat€ ! hau ovailable wilh Unireniv

&s porl6 hosrel fof neeting the adqnional Equlemenl for lodeing gtl studenls. The

t 29
appEximalc cxpsndiluE for consl ctidp of the porta lj,!e hoslsl is Rs. 66,00 laltu I
oihrsercies (3%) + Stalu.ry Tdes exlia. The EC irs 24'"nedina leld on 20'" MiEh
2017, approven rhe sme subjecl ro approial ol Fc.

ircaooLe $'d prpo s qaIT1'ho o 3u, d g ad! \ot .o- m'ne- in i'\ 16 M.ctirrS
on / d
Marcr. :0' '
he rmmmenddion.of BAL !-F p'e.en ed'o f"b
\ mc4rins l
held on 2gi March 2017, vidc lknNo:FC:20174. Tho Fiiai.c Comminee, Esolv4l lo
approve the renovarion of existing Hlll
No. 3 inlo pons hoftl ar Cnt CampuF lo


The &ccurive Council NOTDD thc

eistins llnll No.8 at City Clnpus to


trote lb€ purch,sc ofNMR Spc.l.ohct(, Povdd x-Rry Difrrctonctcr and LC-

thesecEtuyinfomodlh.llhoUcchNsancrioncdRs. l0crcmforrhepurhscof hilcid

oquipmenr. The purchas prcce$ for NMR and Powdef X piy DifiracronclF has al4ody
ben complc@d and *s prshred before the Finance Conmlncc jn ir5 | 6i meet ing held on
lTdMarch20lT.TheCommiteewas inlonedihdrherechni€l bidsof aboleNo lilicd
cquipmenl have been eveluoted by the intemalommiuee aid aho by llio extemalexppns
The FC E furthq infomcd that thc purche proc.ss ol Lc MS/MS is in lho lerdtnng

The Execurive Coutrcilin ils 24dDeetingheld oD 20'hMrch2017, resolvcd lo sppbwd the

Durhase ofNMR Spectonder, Powder X nry DilTmctoieler dd LC-MS/MS subjecr iO rhe
trppovllollhc lln0ncc Cdnlncq lhc!C djrcclcd lioi the oction btcn *ill l,c rEto' qJ il
rhe next neerirg of i\c EC.

The 17d FCneelilgon 29t March 20 I7, lide ltem:No,Fc:l?12017J,discu$cnrhehallir in

Jebil and recommended rhar as rhd auo€ied s.ad wd sndiored in xII PIan, thc
oder nust bc placcd lor rhc purchsc by Mrch 201 7. 'hdclorcl
Thc Chaiman apprised rhat the purcha3o $rcccdurc as pq UCC guidelines/Gol inslncripnv
lDseuclion oa GF& lhoush alno$ firalizd, i.vohes minub rechnical dordh !s rhe
eluipnenr s€ Hi end and specialired. ft ! not advis.ble to linalize the purchase wi$in a day
and rush lhc purchAe ordcr. This may leail !o many uninbnded hisb*6. ft ws 3le rqued
that the I2s File Ycs Plo is exp-led ro be extended by al lesl a rcar, as per rhe lasl PlFis.
The Finm€ Commifl€, unminously bsolvcd, lhal the UniveB,q m.t sek sptcial
pemission of extcnsion lrcm UCC beyond 3 lr Much 201 7, up rd a m.ximum ofsix nctnth,
10 fimliz rd conplete the purhae process for NMR Spechneter. Po*dd x Ray
Diffraclomctci and LC-MSnvtS.

The Uniledry More r lener to the Secdary, UCC in tnis ft$rd and pemission ],as
aocorded appmval lo uljlia lh€ grot under xll Pla

Cetrlral Uri!ersiq of Putrjab


T[e Erecuiive Coutrcil NOTED rhe.pprovst ofFC rnd alloscd tto purch$e NMII,
Sp€cIrometcF, Power X-lby Difira.tomelo. and LC-MS/MS.

lt.ms hod 18t Fim,e Conhi4e.


ofCUPB io UCC leticf rcg$ding erl€nsion ofrelirenortsdiui6/rnd

thc.nployccs of aulodomous bodi6 coycrcd underNPS.

The Sccrelary sid lhat a lefier no.F.25-4,2007 (CU) dated 11,05,2017 bas boen
reeived by the Univesity, on abole mentioned subject fiom UGC,

The Unive^ity is following NPS egifre dd the sme wd i.formed to FiDDcc

Comince in its l8o needng. FC.oted &e Eply giren by tbe Univesity rcCtudine
cxronsion ofretnarcnt 8rotuiry ard dcartr gatuiiy ro dE cDployees of lubnornous
bodies covered uder NPS.


The Erecutiv€ Council NOTED ard concurrcd with the reply of thc UniveFity to UGC
lettcr rcgarding ertension of rciirencnt grrtuity rtrd death enldty to lhc en0loy€cs of
autonomous bodios coycrcd under NPS,


T. !ol. tlr. ru0!dEo!t, lu cudru Roullftmotrr ruh0 (cluto)

The Secrel&"y appnsed rhe Coucil that lhc Univo6ity hs oade ninor mendmenls
to its Cadre Rccruihenl Rules (CRRS) keepins in viey tlr UCCA/HRD gujdelines
for disconli.uation of inteNiew i! jmior lflel posis. ftese werc approred by lle
Executive Council in its 22tu nccling vidc itcn No. EC:22:2016:46, dd the sme
w€rc ibNdded to Ucc for approlal.

Ttrecomcnls/slggestions ofdre UCC, r€*ivcd vid€ lener dat€ 2lsiApril 2017, were
incorporated in the cRRs of dre r/niv€airy. fio UCC ha aseed on nosr ofllje
mcndrndts, but hs nor agrccd to reldalion ofage 10 contactul enployees ofdr€
Univesity equivalehl lo the penod of slnie at L\e Univssity mdimm up to 5
ye6. Tne Urive$iry hd sent ils represenlslion for lhc smc. Ilowcvcr, no lcply hd
been r€ccived frcd the UCC even aner rcminder

CRRS of lhe Univorsity duly incorpoEtins the comertvobsenalions of the
UGC sere prcsenred to the Coucil an dace at AMqute-25.J2.


fhe Becut'ive Council NOTED lnd dlow.d the ninor lnefineats (Asnqwe-25.32)
o Cadre Requitne Rules (CRxr), as suegelted by UGC.

r ?1
To c0nsider the rcvnion ofnininun mtcs of$agcs as pcrNotilicrlioh

lhe Secrebry said $at as per the nolificarions issued by the Slalc/Ccntrol
Govemrenls, drc nininun ratcs ofwagcs tre being nviscd fron tint ro tinc fit
ditteEnl qtesoris oflho onployeev wo&ers. The letler hs been Ecejved Coil
the seruicc pmvidoN, M/s Checknaie Faciht ed Eleclronic Solulion PvT, L lil.
for atprcval of rerision of d!es. bded on tbe lollowing infoDario/ docunents:

l. As per as@ncnt clausc 32, rc-iDbmenen ofrb€ sralutory waees, rcviscd qy

rhe Govelmcnr f@n rino to tinp dc applicablc to the psiod of awdd 4f
c6het. 4Therc souttt b. ro n'd+4e in mks palabte h nE Aget.r lturinS
th. .o,tract pctiod uccpt ,einbu4ane"t oJ the statto4 ttuges Heiscrl br tr(
Goru"ndt, applicable 1o the penod oJ awa l oJcorna.l,"
2. As per wolk ordd lcnd No CUPBICC/1541+CS/2074 daled :l l'queusl 20 l5
Pm 2, de service provider shall ciFurc thar iatos of midnun v!g* a pcr tlc
rules and nodt.arion of tbe cehml covemoenr md stare covenne,ll
(whichev{ is hish{) shail be paid to the workeF in rhc pesn€ of tle
EpEsentativc of thc uivcrsity or by chequ€

3. As pcr Noritcalion, ofGovcmncnt oflndia No. f.No.l/13/2017-LSII dat+

20d Apiil 2017, the ninin@ rales of wages includins the blsic nles a4d
vdjable deame$ allowance payable w.e.l 01 .04.2017 1o lhc cmployes is a pqr
I. As p r h 0bov. n 1rio1.d Norili,0r'or 11 Pm l. rhc new n r nm w-so.
rates for vat.h & qdd have been ieconnended by l,bc conmiltee conslitutcd
for inalizins the saunty tedder dA eproved by the conp€tent audority.

5. At pGcfi, 1nc oulsoNing cmployees/ workeB are beiog laid the ninjD+
mlcs as per the Noiilicalion issucd bl llE Labour Connrhsioncr ofPujab, dat$
4t April 2016 whicb w hishd theb thc ccnr'al covement iodncation dateF
3lr'Mmh20l6, Now the ldles ofrlew notjficalions vidc noritc.ljon nn. F. Nd
1/13r(ll7-Ls-ll datcd 2orh April 2bl7 nsued by lhe Cenrral Coven-eiL +
highd thd thc Pujab gov€ment

Tle advhe in tlris regad bas been soughl lelcpnoniqlly jion Loboqtr
Enforcement Officer. Ms. Sumd SundQ. who infomed thal cstegones of tlie
employes siver i. the Notification S.O. I 87(E) will be appli€ble, heice thcip
is no epdatc notitcation issued for Education Insftulions/Dcpamrcnt,
Tne lo ll owing calegod es de covercd ude! lhc di lTerent S.O of lhe noti fi catioh
issued by the CenFrl covm€nl dared l9d Jeudy 2017:

LS.O. I90(E)i'lhisordddeak*iththeenploymcntofclesingshft
The lollowing UNkilled calcgoriB e covered under ihh propoel:

Clrsifisiio' of *orkc6 P{.1 -iii

(i) creane6.

Cetrtnl Unive6ity of Purjrb

(ii) swepss Mailsd Femalc

2 S.O. t36(E):Thhproposl dslswnhfie employmon.of Agricuhurc.

'fte followjrgSeni Skilled catg8ories are covered undcrlhispotossll

L S.O. I333(E):Thisorderdedlswnn employmentof conslruclion mdmomtenm.c.

The follosirg Skillod calcgorics ere covored undq lhis poposoll

s. High,y Skilled!

The Erccllive Coutrcil u.aDi-oo",, *iro"n"o, ro rhe r€virion or mitrimln

ra16 of {igB !s per Notification of Govr. of ldia daied
20uLpil 2017 (A,nqutu-
2ttl .!d ![ored rb€ prynen r or v!gf !ccordiosly.

To cotrsider ihe d€ploybeDt of 18 bbldrrs and I supenisor for dev€lopDent of
Loniculturc workr ii Mritr Crnpur ofUDiversity.r VPO Ghudd&

Thi Secielary infomed said thar a Conminee wd constiluted by the Com!€tent

Au$onty to €valuatc tho prcCre$ of EIO/Iend{ for hofticultw work a1 Main
Cdpus ofthe Univerciiy. The Comitt+ submined $e compmrive srabment of the
lDtucial bids which w*e fohd to be verr hjsh ud for wlich suffrcicfi nnds @ not
available. Il wa daided that tlis work snould b€ done departmentally.

Also, the Comlelelt Aulhority apploved that for the time beiog (mdimm for one
monrh) l8 beldm ed one supdivisor throud outsoucing on mininm lates s
applicable be al@ged out of the mpu developmed fiDd fo! plutalion ed or
epllcenent of dqd pltuts. This ms inyievoflhe urgency dle to curentnonio.n
scason. lt was also added rhat li€ lroc!€ss of qork will be elaluated by a il0n,
conpising of Regisitu, Ex. Engineer, Dr. Sdjeev Thalu od t,\e pelious tholc
tem norified by Ret No. cuPD/ccl]?Norificaiion/4sI dalcd 28'^ June 2017.


Council Nter dtcnssions, unnnimously RDSOLVED lo .Irprora

18 betd.rs xtrd 1 superisor for derelopnot ofhorlicnltnre norkr
.f t nn.r\i$ ,r vPO Ghudd, f.r ono monrh on ninlmtrm $tqc!


nsider diskibulion of overhead chrryts olthe projech io.cirod by rhe ftcul6r'.

Ih€ S€creldy inlomed that 1e nMbd of prcjects eeived by the facultJ .rc
inceding every year. Tbn bs led ro increase in wo*load which thc exisling
workfor€ findsitdiffcultloacconplhh in lhe.In oidd lo neeldrevorkloM, morc
wo*ins hmds m rcquircd.

The piojecl fuidiig agencies ofler sokc ovcrhcad charges in the prcjcct The sdt.
Univesity e&lier used to ofilr 50% of lhese overload charges to lnc PriDqipal
Inv€stigator md the balance 50% Emained slh lhe U.ivenity 6 its inconc

Ino erlo neeluid rhedendd ofnorc worklorce de Univcrsity proposed Lo use

tbe overhead charges fron the tojc.l grdl6 pcr following nlio:
i. Univcsjty 40%
ii Principellnvesisior(forlheirresoirch.divirr) 4A%
iii. For appo inhcn! ol su pport slaff to nainein 2a%
fin anciol A ccou.turi lizrion Cenifi 6te

re.urive CoDrcil after discussions, nimino$ly RDSOLVED to tpprove thc

ulion ol ov€rh€ad charges oI thc prolccts rc.eivcd by the frcult'y, as:
i- U.iveBity 40r'o
ii. P.inciFl Investigrlor (for rhcir rescarch ftlivity) 40r'"
iii.Forappointocltofstrpportsrartomaintain 20v'
Fin,trcial AccoutrrutiDrlion Cerlifi€tc

a) rhe rppojnrm€nt ard re-apDointment of flctrlry nenbcrs o. purely

Md conlractu.l basis
b) rcsign,tion of regularfaculty n€nbcre,

The Sefetary apprised the Coucil lhal. in vF$ ofthe edins ofcudenL academic
ssion. valk in-i,cnies wcre mndJcted for lbe lost ,\ssistml Professor on puFly

9m.ffiffi", tenpoEy dd ontr&llar lor one senoslo! against adverliFm€n1 No,
cuPB/Esrab,/t 7/0 t 4,

1]ie Unive$ity Is also @nsider€d appoinlrleDl of facdry nenbes who wcre

aploinled on conlrelual b6is ir the previous sem esler lor edemi c cal endd 2 0 I 6-
l? (even $n$k, d ler lhe Fquirements of tbe UniveBitx since thei. wo.k sd

The lbove derails along with lht ofrcCuld faculty nembeB who have resiened ancr
the I6t neeling ol the Executive Council w* peserled a ar An,swe-25.34 ,


T[c Excculive Coutrcil NOTDD

a) the appointncnt and r€-rppoininent of rrculiy DemboB oD pur€ly t€mpor.ry
md conlr.ctusl b$ir
b) rqigmiion or rcguhr Iacult ngnben rs detlilcd bclos:
a. DL Rupcsl shivaji DevaD, Alsoc Prot, Cenrre for Phylical Scienc€'
Relieved on 27.03.2017
b. Di Vijaykunu Yogsh MulcJ, Assiti Proi, Cetrtrc for CoDputationd Sciencs
R€lived on 10,041017


To coNide Ihe Sdcciion Crilcri! and Procedurs for Non-Te,chinc Posls

The S@retdy infomed thol dwing the lNr ph6e of Ecruithenr vide Advr No.
CUPB,NT-o1 (2015) md T/NT-o1(20 t 61, the Univesjit had adverrised vdiou vamt
non tesching posilions ed the nethod of ecrutunent M ttrrcugh Skilt Test^Vritlen
Test4nlcfliew or @nbharion ln€Hi In the meetimq on Iebmary 2016,
UGC/MHRD ciEulared the new guidelioes. whqein it wd dieciqJ io discontinno
inleniew in juior lclcl losts in Croup'B'(Non ceded) dd Crcup'C'.
Accordingly, ttre Unive6ity made ila€ndnenl to CRRS ed the sme weE sat to UGC
for apprcval. Comodsugsesriols oflhe UCC, Eceived vide lelter daled 21 .04.20I ?,
w€rc ihcorpodted in the CR Rs ol lle uivNily. flE UGC charly ne ioned 10 follow
DoPT guidelind for discontinuarj4n of intdiew !l junior level posrs.

I! view uf lhc compliuce oI dr UCC rd {levisn€ a inly t@rsld€nt $eclhisnr foi

*lccliod 1o Dor-leaching pons, the lniyesity h6 t@Fred a draft ofrh€ Selerion
Crne.ia ad Proc€dnres for:

Non-Taching losts having Cjndc l,ay oflb. 4600 ed lbovc Gxcept losls hving
Grade lay of Rs. 10,0001 dd the posli of Libtuid, Deputy Libruis dd
Asis&nl Libtrim)
2. Non-Teaching Posls havins Cmde lay berow 85 4600 {cxce,F tosrs ofSTA 0,h),
STA (Cotrpureo, Dnvo! ed Cook.
3. Technical posiiioN: STA (La!), STA (Conpuler), T4hnical Assistdt, Drivor ed

Libraie, Deputy I-ibtuid d d Assht nt Libtuid id uivouity

The chaine also infomed lhat dE scrcedihs diGdt for the posb of Liblni'm.
Dcpury Librdim dd Asklml Libnrian has been drancd keeping in view scrtcrlnS
dite.ia approved for the posls ofProfcssor, Associalerrcfcssor and A$hhrProfc$or
as {ell !s lhe CRRS ol $e Univcnil!.

ll {6 C tciahasbccnd6ned k*Pinsi'l vicw

added lhal, though lhe abovc Sclcclion
the DotT guidelines, the codponent of Pcforndnce Tesl in STA (l-ab), SIA
,, onp' c-. fq\r i-alA.si ranr. Drir- do.oot ha bee. ir o pordkJ r"ePln8 r
\cw tpp!bcnslacedbyrlerli'er..r) 'n do8ir8 fesnub dddok rhrcush
sr(r rer. becruse poq. nccd oe(ial .k:l capabihly o'tddline rook
the cddidate in desned dd ssochkd neus aswell6job rclatcd hands on P€cliccs,
tcchni.al tnowledse md looh/techniq\res.


The Ereculive Courcil, .fter disctrssion, unrtrinously RES OL ED pr

proposcd Sclcction Ctiterh Md Procedurcs for rhc inc N T, c

r. Non-Terchirg Posb navins Orlde Pay of Rs,

having Grnde P.y ofRs,10,0001md lhe posts L
and A$niinr Lilfarian);
2. Non-Te&hing Posts having Crtdc lly bclow Ls. 4600 {Excepa posts s
(Lib), sTA (cotputotl Drivonnd cook);
l, STA it-rb). ST (Computo), Technic.l Asntabl, DriYer and Co0k
.t. Libnrirn, Depury Librurian and A$isaana Libt,rinn (both Scl.cliori


R REI Lr DD. Lpl
o ). T
D c '), ,i
gir gr
killll ilir
'g itra ij RES o
kitI 'f,

To consid&rh€ reqtr€st ofMi Rrnbi. Sing!, Section Ofiicofor tr$srer on dcl,uI.

basis to the C.nlnl Universirt ofJannu.

The Secrelary infomed tnat lhe Univeisily bas Eceiled a requesl from lle Regislar.
CenrEl University of Jmnu lo spde Sh. Rdbn Singh, Scction Olicd (Slores &
Purcn$e) on depulation basis. inilially a pdod oflwo yea^ Ho*€ver, kccpjnE in
vicw lhc shoiage of slaf dd ongoins verification md re@nciliation of slock lhc
U.ivctriry slores, it ws rellied lo the Central Univcrsiry of Jomu lhat it sould nol
be feasibl€ to spN M!. Rebir Singh al this no
ent ft ms added that on conplelion
of the vo* of siock veiificalion, the requcst may be considered on nent &d his
.en,ces *' lb- ?dd ro-onerea, o1l) o, deDLELo,fdr'

c€nrr,l Uni\cbir! ur Punj2b

It ws funber intbmcd rh.t now in mother rc{tucsl. Mr. Ranbn Sinsb has nalL{ thar
hh father h iU ddnodcrisvisuaUy nqaircd and n is his$cial oblieario. ro be wnh
then at thh shge, He h.sonccaeain rcqrcslcd rhe Unircrsilics ro saare hn services
10 cuJ on s!frparhelic srcunds. as his familt is at Jamnru.

The Sarelary sdded lhat ahhoush lhc pfoccss oJ phlsical rcriicarin lnd
reconciliarionolsoc( is pendins, duc ro.ohtellins circumnarccs in rh. case ol-Mr.
Ranbir Singh. his requet for dcputnB him ar Cenrral ljnivcBit! .ajafrmu nay bc
consideied under following rulcsi

A. On Dcputrtion
B, On Exrra Ordin.ry L.!yc(EOL)

Rules Rcaardilg DepuI,tion

As on dlle univesny has nor lidhedadopred its oNn rules rcgardins sndnrs a.
enployee on dcpulation. Ho*€ver consolidarcd ordcN cncutatcd by cor4. ottndia.
DOPT vide No. 6/82009 Dslr (Pay II) datcd 17062010 &sardi.B lransfei on
depublion trc atlrched !l,4z,d,z--?53r. l1lc claus No 8.5 oflbcsc nrlos srlles
lo posrs in state covenncnr/ state colemment orsdiationvcolemnrenr ofuTn
covcnnentofUT\ Ol8mizrionv Aulononrous llodics. riuss. socieries, PSUS crc.
nol controlled by thc Ccnlrll Covemnenl onlrr ancr hc hls complercd 9 ycas of
senice md is clear fronr lhe visildrce an8lc.

B. Rules Resarding Exrrd Ordinary Lcave (XOL)

EO! is grmtcd ro a pemanenl employcc *hen no o$e! lerve h alailablc or whci

Othcr lcave isavailable bur rhc govemnent seRanl applics in {riing lbr tOL. The
ndinm linitofEOL is5 ycm

ln lhc liew of rhe abovc ruics and rhe conp€llins circun$mccs oi Mr. Riubir Sinsh. lhe
requesr olMr R$bir Singh {d placed before thc rxcculile Councit for considcrarion. rr
{a added lhat he is rcquned b compl€te lhc proccs of ve.ilicalion of rhc slock md
econciliation of fimcial dlIa with Storcs data before he can be relielcd.


In the viw ofcircnnsbnccs siven by Sh. R|nbir Sineh, S.ction Ofiice., rhe Erecurivc
Council afts discussions, unaninousb RESOLvEI) to approve, lds req tresr for ,tlowins
Eow€v€r he is r.qui.€d to conplcre thc proccss of rerification or lhe stock and
re.on.ili.tion of financial drll with Stor€s data, before hc ii rcliev0d,

Uriversitt has rot conpletcd 9 yerrs tftcr ih csr.blishnetrr rnd Sh. Rlnbir
Sitrcc, rh€
Sind hrsonlyjoincd in 16ri Seplenher2013, in lish! ofhis erc.ptiomt fanily situatio&
ii r.r FURIIER RtAoL.t,ED
.odt rftr D. ts
o4phrdt 9,e!
o{fd6" llorr
To tu d.ro ot rhe dr Eedtrg o d
$*"n* c-*l
T[e Coulcn fi&d rle nsr dtb
"'"' ""
Tne E.ed!g.d.d trirb r ,oG o
l"t'"-" o)


i{1 \e
R.I( ,hlI
& c[,[email protected] Co
Adion laken R..od hTel
onlheAo|Ve|of,4|ErcdlEc.urc|' 4Nv ewet:l


txe.uriye coun.n unin mousty 8Es

rak.n Repon on thade.dioi of the 23d meer ngofthe Eche d on
14t De.ember2016andexpre{ediftGd or.

TED andappre.hred the prqrcs m:de bythe

Bid+ed the remmmmddioni of screMins

ttee ionstitutedformakinc rc.omnendationr
.urtylnom slase r (^GP 5000) b sbse , {acp
and RESOIVED to appdve p'onorion of
rroil rhen dares of .r sibirity:
a$+bnt Pafe$oi core,or |:mua36 md

2. Dr. vitrod (una.,Assa profere.,cenre for pharha.ourkal

scien.er & NaruEr Prcduds w.e.f I 120 runa 2016.

4!14e"1&s9r&4r"J.J PP"

cohmtEe md REoLvEqbaeFoyethe prcmotion or Di anjana

Prcfe3soi cenne for
Md(u ai Medi.iDe b .hq eon of p.of€$or unde. clj frcm srase
4 {aGP s000) to nace s ps{, 37400,67000 r..r
110000) in 6,h
bi@ry 1017.i.e. d{e of qisibir ty.
A$oc,re Prota*or(uR) oi pre*iba
e.000/.:&.siFm+ I

coui. ndedrhdrhese e.tioncomn

soode prote$ar (sc)
and REsorvrPt'€"r.e e6i be re dwfr tsd.
b) Asnmt ProF$oi {93c) m DE
eiv aad R.. 1s50013,10o wrh acP of B 6,000/-:

war ned Dfi sisw:iit sehsa

cdeir nre$ed rhl,

se ededGnd datesbhksucdon yrrr
rh. eligibiny ditdl"
sndidds. h rhedfd ot mv disd

Ex*urve ftmd, REqotv€D,b approve rhe ftonmendari.nlhf

seredioi conn r.e ror apqo nrne
15600.e100 wrh aGP or R3. 6,000
1. Mmju ral

1.0r.sum@, bihder ,l or. swdrNsrder

coud.il asah nre$ed rhd lhb appo

6Mrd'G b. rlsLr orry .f+ Fv.rli$rof o'.Lh. .risibifty
drrs a in 6ped otrhe.e.qmm4ded.and date.In th€ dent or
anv dr$reoanq, rhe mdrer tB bouRrrt ba.krd rhe sc.

ae@riE cou.ir, ts derilsdb

remmmsdarm or ihe Frdarce conhirtea rhat rhe uiiwBiry
,hou rd torrow th a iiniu dionj of rts ,ecura,ory body ucc a nd ma y
5end a delaired $tmitained prc

iBuian@ nhene by bnployed as

J- 4,***, "-.-
re@mmodariod or rhe corl'm ree 6n*itd.d ror cEir "
mmpounded rn.ienTb b fqrbwis facure nembeB, as
surdarrn6, * debried berowl

Executive coun.il, after due deuberations, REsotvEo to approve
.ecommendations ol Finance Committee resardi^3 implementing
cunut.rve erre$ondr Atowarc de oe. LGc Sude,Tj ,o.
uti izar on of 3'an( for rhe 12s Five year p ad.
or nrn enrai.e non I asenda
main sab bthe Acdenc sd, sbled b ihe :eprua o, rhe I hecfiiA

rhe ars'e cdrcr unmrmFud

of finme commire regdh8 E,h5
coidnion! tor appoinr'h.d of Adrator of cuPa and
reommenddioB oraee.oe.iatt authoityl re Mrnhrry or taw

Trre Execurrve councr unanmbEy RFSowED to approve the

odinanftr berramed by the Unlv.rtr'y h /newithrhe UGc Model

rheabdere.onmandatio6of tc rcsadiis re.dv.ryoaake$HRA

pald to the enployee5 or cenrEluniveEitror Punl,b, in monthry

{n, aj pertheoptlon reberredfemthecon@rned employee.

re.ommend*roB .r Hi:nFe c
see(rric 'h.
,dvie t'ron uGcriMHRol M
ro €,emption.rsetuke $r ro thb ceiiDl Uiive4 q of puntsb Tu,,rnu"Ln,,,,
lrd conlids annurJ fee I tuo.dvc courci 'ftdr dGcu$ioi RTSoLVED to approve
/and frPi or va ous re.onmendations orFinance comm ttee recardrns annua ree and
I ebscr'lm$ ot rhe I runds orvarious prosramqesorrhe lniveuity rorriesh adhkstons
Uiive6ity for the of new bdcher wet. tlre &adem. se*ion 2017 r& tt was
rudemlc se$ion 2017,lFURrHERR€soLVEothatdierewoudbenochai8einthehostetree
re titrhe 5tudenB
ieside in trmtit/city .ampus. tt was a 50
i . ned thd ror erisrins ltudent, thcre wirt he no cha.se in rees

;:::ff_ Exccurive council considered the ob$ru*ions of Ftna.ce

Commirtde and RESOTVED to approve the purchrse ot NltR
spr r'ol erer Doidr' x.qdi,D drddoferpi dno ra M9 Ms { bre(
ro the approvalof the Finadce committee rhd actidn roken wit bc
reporled in tho nexrmeetim of the Fc.

Executive Council RESoLVED toapproveiherenovation of ra I No3

to .oNrud poda ho$€ I for 8ir sludenh at ihe ciry campus,
subject to approvalofthe Finance commiltee,

ro ariryl Erc.utive counci unanimously RE50

recdmmendauom ot rhe financJ comnitee
32,s7,439/- to EnsineeE hCia Linir€dforconsd
.onstruction ol Pha5e 1A (seddrA & B)wodr.

!!'nr'c Coun.i' unlntnJl\lr RE3orvLo r. ,"'Iy !,q

re.ofrnendations of the Finance co6m ttee for paynent of Rs
6.52 700/. ro M/s {sMB& 5o1. tore{r remolctedrr.eofsh'uor

llem:No:8c24:2o17:?3 i

ro,,'irvrhe paynenr of corr.i. Lrb.,roln/ R_sorvrD. .o .ar.y

flt, 4j,r6,ss1/- tolF"e(I!e
r.conmendauons of the finance connitlee for paymenr ot F5
PredeeelehdevaDesi8i l4q96,ssv- to M/s pradeep sachdeva De5isn asociates Jor
Arsciaci. Archit4tu6 comurtarcylbeBi|
paynenr ot frecutive Councit unAnimoLjjy RESOLVED
lo htity lhe ratit to
Rs. 30 are in EscRow E@nmenddioN of Fina4.e c.mmittee for paymenr of Rs. 30
a.@utgtcuPB3,Errlor I @e ro EscRow ac.ounr ot E L E clpB for makiry runnihs bitl
marinc i runnin8 h'lllpaymentsor.onnactor.
Faymen$orconlEdoi I

hr,fourty rsoLVED b

reommenddioB ot A.ad.mi. aou

conidered lhe abov. iecomnendlliois or

md mmi'lddy msoLVED b nr,y and
:pp@e :bwe resre of a€de+rc c4n.r bj
worka oic wrh Eovernment jobr

@Brddinc cPAr/GaTE qla if ed nudeits, equiErenr to csrR/ucc-
NEr qualfied nudeic aird to add thir d:use ii Ph.0. iotifrotiois

E,-,"v. comc ,. mm ..ury [Eso,vEo. ,o H, fy and approve

.h:nse h nomend:ture & desft! ot centre lorsodhaid cenral
rem4msd1d by

gx4(de c&d.i,3|o REsotVE? t

Acth* a slb @mmrtee be.onltiruted by charmai ro tohali,e'
rhe nongndature of desree!, .ou
vaiious cenrres ,nd &h@k lor Humriris corss before
i?d.r'.!e co,1t i. u, dioorn/ RESOLv(o to rnfy "nd dppro!e
rdcommendarions drAcademic counc lto name merged c€nrre as
cenke fo.laGuaBes and compa€tive Literarure and ro approve

IremrNd:ecr24:2017:33 ]
ro mnrider amendnenr I tuecutive cduncil umnin;uny iEsoLvED to rariry and approve
ii recurltioE for amendmert in chuse 15 ofrecutdioEro.Matets Decree
M6re6l Desree o ostun ni .) re(or mdndeo b/Acad.n. coL1.", Loirto.rrrl
I Le4@e,,e o' cpa sd. ._cidtR RE(orvcD rDr ,.ppar ns
students wtu take exafrinarion arons wrth resular bat.hes,
whenever co!6e is orrefef,. rhe eram pauem and qltabus otthe
*amindion wirtbe cu(envnew paneft aidsvlabusasapp i6bte
I ro cu.fent.ou6e bat.h a!the lime ofappearrnS tortmprcvemenr.
No dewor spd*eresvqlesron pape6 wi be preoared for su.h i
I repedins nudents. I

Executive couicil unanlmPody REsorvED to ratit and

recommendarions of AcadFmi. councir to ofrer computer
and siat sticsas unlvedtybsi. l4velcou6es,

Etecuuve codncir afr*r disalsion,

of Planning Board
I.gtd r'g !r,asc wac3rowth ln nc$ ve

item:No;Fc.24201?36 |
ro .onlrder *anin8 of i rrerL.r'e cofti. ler d41bp,dron5. RLsoLvFD to a tor nan,ns ol
rew .qus! rn rhe ro'lo*,n8newcouiejdp&tne,e.ommendanon5of Ac
unive6i{. i 1 \4.s.. cnenisr-v tAepr.ed cn"nrrar
l?.MA h Mnr conhrl,rrior androrna.Rr
I L V.com.

hrurve coufti, .ftd d+e d*L*io1r ccsorvFD ro rar.ry rno

3pp'ove followins .ecommendatlons of the ptannins soard and
L UtilDatlon otv4antrandbre6 alt maii campus ar envronmenta
res..nF d'ea clllivdling L5l s'ow,ng ar de tas Jow slos ng
'or foj tnvnonrenL f.ier.e rrd Te.nno,os! str
trees under Cerke
aimlo study root archiiectu.e and devetopingBrow1h modek.
rr. Developmenr of Borantca Garden/Arboretum and Medictnal
Plant Garden at the Main campls lor education, research and

I aeu* c.*;,,re, *e red a:
I abNe re.afrmddarons or thq ac
lfl,iiria &rd reFdq mddrrs and mdhodooaies ror
linriaiion of oGrion awtds h isme or hd r/rnd m diqin Nobel
wrnE b be cGi b hd6i rese,rh worer/
l+,ke lmhent

r The.,'d' b" -."d o." A*

3. rwo aw,rdr of aJ 54 00o/. e!.h, o

4.A.oeusbedere oped for thele awdr

5 A phoro - sa leryorNobe lauiede

5. ri 6:n cnpus hark/burdiiss b

T,ThgUn wtriiywi I praire acomeeidirm olrhe biogrephies aid

wotuotrhe renosn.d Pirnhbriiantistsortheworrd
and prc.eduB ror aw.rdinc
rheonrioi awardr as conrined ii.4'rerrle.?r,r5,

txednve coundl, alter deribetatiotu R€sorVED to dtily ;id

bu&aeaB and trratr .rB b' *y cn

G) und$ rhe schoor sord for schoo or

unmimqrry REsorvEo b appbve rhe

unds tle s.hoor B@d for schoor of Lec,

unannoury RESOLVED to approve the
undertheSchoo BGrdforSchoo of socia

RFSoIVED to approve the
s.hool Board for School of

t$ f
Ihe Erecutive councl unanmoosly RESOTVED to app.ove the
syrabus or the centie (sJ under rhe schoo Board for s.hoor of
cisuacer, uterarure and cutture,

uqanimoudy RFSoLVED to approve lhe

(s) onder the
S.hoo Bdard lor School of

The Executive council utanimoudy RESOLVED to approve the

svlrabus of the cenre Gl under rhe School soard tor School ot
Fnc ie.nnE and re.hnolo*.

umnimoody RESOIVED to approve the

undertheSchool Boardtof schoo of Bas c

Exeouve coumr, unanrmicry REsorvED, ro Gtiry and approve

above su$6red redifiethn n decktoi of Ac and Ec resard nB
e{en\ior perod of Pr.0 {Ldenr. oi M ph.t.-pn.D. nteg,arpd
docramn" d .e.oahefded b) A(idaric corl(t n ,lr r4d

qLso.vqD ro at1 rno dodove

re.ommendadons of Academic councit regadins retbspedivety
approvinscouise work and syllabu5 olPh,D. pro3ramme.
rd Grit

tutdive com.r, mmrm@di REsoLvEo to 6tly aid arow

odhuibn of Advaned lima p
D p
Acriculurc (6reen r:hine rdchioroaiss) I re.omnefded hy
a€demic coun. r. ii vrew of fact thal i. between couue cannot
be nopped. The colncir a ljo approved sylabus ol B.Voc

EE.utive councir, un:nrFo6y REso|rD, ro ralify aid approE


ExedNe coh.,. hm,[Ndv REsolvrD, b €i,v

udreuity A4dehl. carmdar lg ;cademc s$lon
reommanded by A6deniccouh.i.

nonrNrE tdr/lkr! [r ee plrru] 5u

sclioo of rnbndromrsiudres. taw

cenrar LJn vere ty of Punjat 3*h nda.

rhda threemehber'!Revrewcommiree' haybecon*itured und.r

the chanmanship ofDa:i aGadcmrc
break h sryre or E. M{ed.kiiMrar kaephc rn view rhe ta.r.

rhe coMcrr FUNHER RESoLVEb rhit rhe repon or the Review

conniriee naY be brcusht ba.k tor
Ele(Ltive LoLnn. aftq qL. dplibe'dlione, REsolvEo o.po o\e
recomme.dations ot .ornminee to lift probation aid confird
seri.e of M5. u5ha sharma, Te.hnrcal A$htant w.e.t 2r*

Ererdiv€ coufi | aft s duf der b+ations. REsorvED ro

a, approve the re.onm+ndations of Committee fof extendins
be1" ir. ofpai *1ce ro k'a.r ty of(UPB !.r cAs orroose ol
.' lghr o! -6C oni 2010 and subsequcnr .meldn e1s/
da.ificatlon thereoi.
b, arlow unive6riyto fotuard rec4mmendation letterof commiltee
to UcC for lheircoirideration in drder to at!rad good
Re3earche6/ra.uhy wo*l'1g abroad.

The Ereculive Council autho :ed rhevle chan.elldrofrtthehext

ne€rhq of $e Ex4urrve medinc otthe councir6
hryuext,e€ -z



f+.llttRi;G,tf Efr tll*tilEtil
. Resrdron ordudens - 20u July 2017

.-3d corcedm :r26sep. at



I Ll.




h'|N EX oz.€ - 2yt i

cdscol Dr. shr'nsh.9nsh Dhillon

!cenrai r.rnive6itf or Punlab, bdhinda (cu riDspositionsvdeAdvt. ryo

7 (?012), n resp.$e to thG advertc.menl illon applied for the Post or
i5tant Prolersor n Centre lor Fducation. D llowinC qualfications at the
e ofapply ng for the post otA$Gtant Piofer

69.1% 1993


*1 200r


Dr. Dhillon aho nentioned rol ewhi €xp*ience in hk




72.O9,2044 3

15600 01.10.2010

r1 LdJ ar ol nn,e3'1"r b.\,,. rd ror pd a. cJpS
ol 23 I 2ol I
jeiecreda(A$i5rant profej(.r
applicarjon for the post
orrsoiiale eroressor
]5-ulrtr :r c,,pd /o-)rca.!rcoor,9n .-{,0,1311"po.qra
-"'j": l'- *
Fo' Pro'e$oB, Aidriare pro,c$ors, and Alr,5ra

uLJL! A oNso!!,^" o,
61D OrllA AcrDEMi "'::,^':lll"^,1,".,pDo,r\TM,N
!-A| I .n,v,x,r.el AND coL_LJcs Ar.D
MEASLTRESFoRrNE MATNTENANce ol srarbenos n srcnrrl
rhe2ndaoendfrentstorhe r4urationksDed inr,ne2013.
pr-o\-, ord -nc. or D , \f- r,"e\d.r
],_ "
1",.-"" ".**"."
4nq"". "ubt
les-',r01 on +.hur cu,,rt",,o} io,
aDoo nir4. o.,.r.ne,,. 20io. x.,, r" a Jpr. Jr re,orM.a r"i a,- ..e _
r "

nhe qudt:li ation\ t.t ooe oI a*o.iote prcJplot ll., M.a.
thp ,-n^_.n,, * on ,nA
li) post1toduatp dasrce
with nninun $sx n otk' h th' t
dkcielne rckvontta the areo
l"'ars, oduotp des'o.F Ldu.o,.o.. td. M a I or.ot.or) r.ln.r;.,^. x.o,,,.
ph D. d"a,ee,r,au.d,a,
l,,t or.n,,,e ^/'
ar.prn4,et.,oq o tnc }eo at
oLal.h.otian\ o4"..tb"d b, Ucc t+? LFr "prh\soL.o,.
ptardsnhd teo.hina d^p4ter.p 4 pet uct u.tu," ".,1,,,t.,a,an a, enlth oJ
ra,Fhnea "a,n. t,rp
posirians oJ pratessor and a,sociote
itoJssat I

, r ' br Rec-rdrrc...2oro.o,owi,s.oanon o.ri,icaro,.," " ** o.|.,0"0.,,n. o.,.,

t ,o ,, e po.. o.Aso1le pro,.(o,
er.a.:fo, l

.. Laoa acod"a:. a atd wt.. o ph.D Dps,pe i. I T rc1."ta.d a,*l,rrL^ o..-.-.

.. c
\aste/. Des|p,44n ot |ea., >.," ao,k.,olan eel.,o.rt snd" r.o po:at iole rhae@l
dad.ne.\ (cn.. tonaa ed).
1nid,r ar eahttothotatai^tontptole.sat
A teo\ ore\o-4.n\e at t.o.tu.q o4a o, @rpotLn ion d.ader4qp\eot.h
a tqtxaneqdtobn nouni,.ts.4 cor"oA o, Ae,pdftd Reteakh
h-rdian/.nd',nve^ctudinsthe peiod 6J ph.A. rt<eorch e,iren&atpubti. h"d tratrand
o rftnqh ots tLbrtLa,b45 o. boot, onan,,"t"oAn,pot.,t^tpop",,
:. o, ibur." La
I "o4 ot:ard tana,.Lto. a*.sa 4r .e .L(,.ao ona ,oLa",. ono *ct _
" "o,oo,

v Ahrhmunscateotstipulate.t intheAca+nrPelatnoncethdicotot(AP, bdse.t Petomonce
B.sedAppratsotSytteh {PBASI s4 aut in ResLtdtian h appendixttt.
A4s.onbinins quliri.irion mentioned in NbrE sesuariod,2014 ald lcc Recuation, 2010, a
.airdidate nun po$e$ foliowins qualituationj to beelisible forthe diiect recruitmenttorthe post
ofastrEE Prof4ei
| P$rstdduoE desree wkh nininun
narks in the disciplre rehwnr ta the teo ot
tutr':::i;:::;:; 0""." tu.;d./M.i. tdrconu) witlnitinun ssx no*s.
liil Ph,D, deqrce in Education
atin thedis4plke lekvonttathe otlooJspeclotkotion.
(iq A nininun aJ eisht yed6 .J eie*ience aJ teachihq ahd/at rcsearch in oh
aca den ic/rcse a tch pasition equivo lent tho t of A$ bto nt Prcf+stot in o U hivetslty, cottes e
ot Accterlxed Retearch hfitti.n/kdLstty excludins the peilad ol Ph.D. rctedtch \|hh
I eviden.e aJ pubtbhed wotk and o ninj;un oJ s pablitu ohs ;s hoak' ond/.;
taear.h/pali.y pope6,
1\l out al the eiehr tpob aJ e^petien.e npntt.hed drsr t;v), n4t hove d nin;ntn ot thrce
I v?dtsotlhe M.Ed. tevel.
(vi4 cannibutiontoeducatianotinnavo.ion, desian oJne4cuticutdPhdcauBes, and technotosy
| - nedioted teochins leanins uoces 'iith evt.Jence al hdvlng suided do.torcl candidotes
ond @eorch
(vii) A hininun 'tudent,.
tcarc ds stipuloted in lhe Acodenic Peiamhhce tndicatot IAP:) bdsed
Pedarnonce Based Apptubdlsysten (lFAs), set od in rhisResltoton n appe\dix ttt.
As pet ucc Resutotian 4th anendhen. cantolidated API ko+ requirenent aJ 3o0 poinE
i t
tton coEsqies & ol apk lcuhutdnw)
.lesponse ro above advbnsen€nr, D.. ohillpn appied for the posl or Assoc:jte profe$or io
ce4tre for Edu.ation, Qu.riricarion5 aid Fxpd.ience mentioned tn hls appr
apptication form 5
car on rorm is €Nen
Unlle6itv M*kl%a!!
"f' 9C

MlF" 69.7%

'ii' x
2903 De€ree awarded on
t; 2E,07,20q3
ufp NFr
Rirh De.lared

ntionel fo iowinc dperien(s






ri]application form under 'R;$rch Guld6+ ,.", 0,. Dhrr"l. m""ti"""d th"t oa Ni.Phir
stldents have completed their desree and twq rc underhissulervkion butcodereted lone
Hf wdd, m sueeortinc documst wde rosf appLication fo,n1.

role$or in Cen$e ror Edrcation bvthe CUPB

rde applicat'ons re{ieived ror the post or Aisqr
wtrc foedded to ihe rcncanedsccmrl'cT eandcoreco|mltt@'i
ctn5titution or scrTnins

Prcr.ahok Dhlwan
Dr. Dhanya
31 0r. Puneeta Paldey
4l Dr,sachin Kuhar

or core committee:


in firrt screenincJtthe above codmlit

ed6 boted on PhD @ttftdte .


D hliJon s'Not

Exne*ne tds

enda due to !idaiins orvaanclet elifibllitv

I the oeanrime, irheunlvedtv lssue
rditions and airivaloi4ti amendme natrons, 2oio.] rn the 3dcoiiBendum tle hst
ateforapplyins t nlin'" was exteided
03.10 t6;]

ri ld rerpon5e to rhi5.orlgendum, Dr. Dhrlon updaled h6 APttorff, liheren he mentioned under
N]) Pho tr eirherawarded o.submltted under hh supedirion.

Til€ appricariom weie acain rEened by th; sme committee and rhe codmitree decla,ed Dr.
Dlit)or t
prcvkionbny Ercibter subie.t t. tulnkskn oi
ercoJ .f ph| ypetubian.
n liltofeliCib lity5tat!r ofthecandidaterwirh rdnarkr were dhplayed an theunive6ityw.brite, and
n rerponse tothe erBibiity nirur diiplayed e' website, Dr. Dhirlor iubmitted a $anned.opy or
. Dr Dhillon k superuirorot thiee stude,rts of Ph.D in Edtcation, contra University of

PunFb. (dateof lerteB5.12016, 25 a2 16 & 27.A5.2A161 ..,'

i Tr'erecoirrnendalioroflheDeptrl'n.ntr Re*m r co4nittee lD Rc) ol uepartment

of Educption, CDLU, stsa hed 0rr 23.10.2015 at 01:00 PM. M nutes ot the meeting

tten No. 2: cansideftA the oppldtioB oJ Gupreer sksh
ond Mu&,h psq,dnq
ottoldins ca<uiehkot to theh. n
I wo,unaninourty
^unotftr.tnfd thot ca,upetuBot,
Pt, sh'nrhn sinsh
Dhitton, a$'ttont Prolcsot, cehue Jor flucorton, cdnxdt
univettity al punjdb, B.ilhindo ndy be spprovqd,"
r,r A5pe.docum€nts, on the 5ame dly i e. 2s-ro,2o1s at 2:60 pM, the meeriisor
i PGBos dr Depdtmem or Education, cotu, sirsa held, ln the mrnuter ot thk
*-.e tn" *a on "nrv otrJ rt".,,nt r,r". n, it i'.f"ti"""a tn"t,
] "
"considereddnd appn+dthe Mr'a4pteet dnd Mi
co'* oJ
I Mukp\h kunatph.D nhLt the
| 0+)IAAA unde' '.4otdtdhd 'AtDRchetdon
thl rcn no. 02 tc+'ideted the
\ dpptkdti.ns oJ Mt. Glryteel slnsh and.Nlukesh Kundl
rcsddihq dlla@tins co.uietuito. te t\?n, tt @ae
unsninoutty rcsotved thdt co-stpeNisot, D.. slanthlt stnsh
Dhttl6n. a"istont proJfsor, Jat Edtt+tian, centrul
univ4shy ol Punjob, Brinddttndy be dpprc:yld.)"
Thh above erte6 wereconsider€d bvthesc.eeninsahd co.e cciiirniitiees. ThG time Dr,0hiltonwas
oisidered Elisible. F€ins elisible, Dr. Dhillon yas.alied for intefrtev,l ;cheduled on 11,03.?o17ro.
@-. ofa\.d,re qof*"d rc".i"'orrlrc'rc-.
0423.02.2017, Dr, Dhlilon s€ntan emailtotheFecruitmentce lattachinsrollowinstwodocuments:

r.]r",t". aut"a zz-oz-zo1z i.,u"o ol? *ro,fo,,on O.n"n o, CDLLI to Mr, curpreet sinsh (pho
Schoiar oeptt. qr Edlcation, CDLU)conveiins rhe approvat of A+demk coun.i in it5b€ering
herd on 15 02 2017to the recomnendartqns ofDRC, PGBOS&R, i€ga.din8 appoinrmenrot Di
I nr
3h Dhi o. 4 rhen (o (.e"ru,t'.

il 'l l6ti

'i i'":l'i:
*l ;,*+**ll**{ii}i:ll':dlli:r:#:#i:""ff
il,:il ;;:: ;,"i': ::r;,::: ;iT;:r'#;:,,.:#
-", l"
li...,l ;,"il
:'::"i::": \ : t:;i
:tr;lii iii ii[: if'it'''ii;'i,rr:,t* e


i'l"",ll $'"l'll;i"nill*tn:*'.*x
' ffii"triltn:#l;":* ll*-'.tq**li!;::l*'::"','u;'

il'.,-flli,l+il*iJJilili1r :;:,t":,ix:'1;r';i:;

ffi #[*i'fii;5ii,'li*,*$::]#[i
j;l#dx'"'l ,::r#r.:;
tr$#n#'"?r',:l'j:ffi *jH

l& W-
AFpllerron forft lo, llle r,
I or Eduetldnar sbdtu - Ril
cnt rvodrlotlon rtld 1sl a.f

r.d 27'AP'[ 201' Nof (


sctonny Combince reldo

Eypen.n.e ot f hD Guldan.e requircd ndl

nce ifhavlds surded PhD, N

t atthed. Maic or M.Phil/Pn


PDofot4sbmn on or FhD rhsB It art{r

lan drr. 61 slbml$Ln of lppll€tloh
foro. ftsk submltted lider C6

ffir. qz{al*ql@qtfio
lflE[|t uenlra, untvqrslryrot Jammu
.<g n4{qrn nm4 Fn",tLui+ qa€qdqdi)
Rahy.-Suchani(aasra), olrdct sdnd. - 18rr43, r,mfi'u(Jeo

No cvrden.o ol hrvhs surded ehD, No



:ti i
:. +

\- t
(l -_ t
.s,r, ,t

?d l




n5 !e
b .es
;l; JI56ii.$iiJ9



I ,,?'-.
A t't
Central Uni versilflof Punjab, Bath tn da

Mmuer of meerins of .ommirtes
fot ulilizltlof ol tft ver srert.

was he/d od 2v06lz0t/.Folowins

Mr.Aj tsingh, Finance Otfker
prorv ( 6ar& Dsw
f. Dr.Hdish p/ofesor
I. chand,, A$rnanr
Mr.cr!i;v r.idm,A$j,L,,r
nser*. , eo c"_-. i,+"*"tanve o, DR(A&M)
J. i".
y" sr,.".,r." r.-**0.* - r"-"r l
necorh',...rerberurodon thc ri* h d€tel/lmd,*..,
_ded the ro rowhs,.
:::::l]':, " ], reqf.r,o ".,,.{ |" "".'".'
'.!.rh(Lna., e.l,eke",.o, ,sdsdei deorha,q, s

;:iliJ,*_*, * "-*"ai.rn {. r."

"r. r..op,-,,"
/:i.:.::69 a:ll' eRus o''"s',odd(
u uidr r!r' !gctorravelhead. "t,,,1.0y,,'.e * i. oe jJb (, !o a/i' m i,ty

;:: i:l:t,^:":"1":t.. '-_,." f", r.f,,, r.-^ -" "

* ,,{iLe,1a }ec, e,r,y

.,..,-r.l rt
""po,"o"**,sana s.odr.u.sol
Jppr..,ro4 A'v,n.wdor.do!edra/o.oeJ.sJpo!0.i1\irnsdppki.:ons
mhurer are put up ro.tdfd.orsJderation
or cl.

{,AW O\\ {r,r.ir

r llL' ffi^'qlrf1?. BM
rerms a cond[iolsrof rirav€r crant

Gl ro movide fof slppod to rea.hc6l s.ieruirc/ Te.hnr.al otrke6/ Admtnkranvo srarr_l aI

!!-.... di.poFlei: o--d!drn\1oFaorn'.!fo, r.r-c,d!,dr,,r01,...'ovt,l..
dreofli - lorm.ro.r.i{,M,d - b,,.ans..r D:-+io.
P\),id LdLd'on aoo orhp ar.p.rrs n ,te,.(J1.
conferen.erl !eminary sympona/ wdkhop5
ljlerd +ro.d.
{hl Jrtehiiomrtrarerr6re and narntenancero iilch.k,c -arcd !ddp,rnreha om .o tabomt|f,l
p,(\a,3"dos.afn4o csiv r4sA ar orheras.rr'rs
t(l lkrn olr r de s'a1"o k.!reii' o o'.e...o.dtre. o.nc tra
(dl noed .o F..5. / rtrr'-/ Gd llr b,,.F< rd d-,i(rr,e {ar r'?, q"si a4s/
Librarians/ Director/ phyri.ar Edkatrod
lrd l,4ftris @ntqs or resarch or to atted acade lll.
| ..ntem.es/ senints/ tynpa,ial worGhopl d!/d in rndja.
kl A6demj. s'.hanse proscnfre berw*; unjvei,ith, wirhn hdia.
(a)l a.3
tr (onl ncd erp o,pa

(olt .5d 1\",..",1.. h+-,'.'" rdve.,o .n i r"d. 1om oa,p o.

dperan,oLd tu|

,,,1 dpp,a-m,rudb"+, r,r.ds,.*-,+,4e.

(d) Ffon one centre J manmum or *.
*"ora"tl, f.; L" ,r
{e)i rh6e idvited to :ftend inremauoiai eademirc .Anr+emes/sedrM6/ symporia/workhop5. 14 e
lr r'otl5e p os aTTeald rle ndno, s ofrtotln-/ or o scl/' s rFd eFr.irord a$ de
I',,/ nF n,.d" ",af.r""""r -r,,..c
prore*iqnilaccomprshmenrorthc ben4tkiary, ''.io,aa.e-!l"i
(rl Finmcial dsistanq€ wirl be prouta"a in tt'" rorro*ltngL,a* orp.ru**u.
11. Teache6delive ns key-note addc$et! eMrytedf6.
Thos conr burinsa papef.
iii. Th.r. tnvlr.dio ctraira te$iun
1.,. .,-".,.kd-d.,hE.a,,da,h,j".b"-\.*.seprcc."-* I
hr''Fd'oc4rrpd.rrJr.,/'t' cd.(r-a: o rv(o rod,L.. ari
k)lapinctiotr will bp invired tuk" y€. i"
r"l*fl & r,ry. rh , yed appr ations wi I be nvited
'b l4 rrcen E Lo a,.1ps s t i.eer rr.e app.cqf'ollr e nar" r..--e^oa or
(rlan.po er o. ro,E.a-r trr) oe.-r ov ref(5lj/ ort.s. o*-nco ,o, hp co*,' red - 1ne5rr{
l& I d r' thblsr r!e nead orrFeoepanfelir had bodav(brIo'" rh, ddeofrFr doc,a-ah
{,, h L5e rorowFs do(dne.r.i
Ja'ol8 1

I t-)/-,
I (l) rhree copies ol the ru rterr or d({dents/ pape6 prepared by the tea.heu/ off <ctr tot
I resenrtion ar tre t"rematimal@nr+4rcsi leminiitEmpoda/dorkrhops. The detr!rlt ot0
rrain nc e,o3rumho, even r dt,hd dlltioi,ihourd be sueerkd.
] (ii) B,ier 'letails or the olcai:ss, utre or tlq eros;1mme, place and duretion ot the .onrerenc., !tc,
inwhichthepaperlsp,oposedtdbeererefedorpldhrpationrsde ed.
] (lii) Acopy orrhe hnr ofinvrGtion t4d ihe grsanlzeBofthe conterence/semrnar/symporum
1 &eptins the pap4 ror pGseneiqn, imBlebiately afts lt r, re.erved, or rha ldttc/
a copv or
r.om the orsanDe6 idvrt nE the t"icha6/9fre6 to chair ! sesron/ sect on .nd meht lon i8
I detaikotthennai.iarsupponorfeie4et4shourdbeeiclosed.
{iv) rn Gs or $minars / symposa/
tr3iiins prcsrammes of rhod duGrton, the
invitation o,orherre evantdocunq4t5 shquld be arta.hed.

(a) rheUnive6itynaymeetapercenEseofihea4nkibreerpenditurcmentionedtottavel,akpon
tax, maintenan.e and,es r/arion cha4fs ior5$i5bn.e out or unassrsied Grant, p@vr ded ths
remaininsexpenses are het bythe !nlq{r5ity fom ft, own runds, orotherso!rces acceptab/eto
the unrveEliy re{he6 may ako be lieed to b$r the balame or expenses t.m rhelr own
(b) Pe6oni 5e ected ro pa.trc p.rLoi shoul v e.(ud on.aesory ( (lers

(aj Entj.e proposrrk subjed !o

(bJ Theterm &qondltloo5 are

l.on *-+fv f*r+ft +r-oa eBst
u,jveBiry or p, nj.b, Barhi,la
r FenrBr
d A"-d g-dHr-a sEd,
fiily ANhrB,,{u06 rs\f,
i i t'o* "--" *"i-
''n" ""Ft.- ""**u*"

ir,#", A1x,l"'r,l*#ffi *{r
H;$*l"r-"* ;s,, :;r*"1 [,, ir

iI i}]:i*ffi:#"'*"':;n*#""*""." J

, [:*Hx2ilX;i#:rr:"t;.#i:*:fuil;;*::"il""---+-""-,_*+. ..,,

ffi t**'*
*T= :rur*!"'il!xx* sm[.r*mn;Jhn;

iri iffitsi$R*ar!*i.H'*li4sl;$*!Hi!ffi

'mffiNrg,gm ,mffi #*$f

*h::'::-"'5u*m*f*:;;"-*t "" '-- - -

*ffir-".".. b*W*
-ffi- o;ffi, 1
Ail# )A

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!"artro t,,;
montreq ulfld/ liM
rtl re. !e cilc. ilr ra};;i* ar-**e, a, 1, NocFlenSa
Ir' _5r|-r
r.i ply:ar not,ijed by rhe cenrDt 6o{*nmebr
I I ,o::1:.: from rr,
,lil l ,"d o,..; ;;;",.1,; ;:';;,r,""":i"i;'."",.,,
I / r r Jotr 1. r .e cnord.d -nr' oe er,l,eo ro .-cn rerr.r,. oonei,r ano
r-4.5 orr'.edovlnecrlf ..uor'e/n4 enrrohunerorne.
I J a
I "evrcc'r..rt'ol :hr, be enr,r,qo ro ave,t Lear'e,Jdrelcoi.e$ton.
per cenk, coyernnent rur6.
I 15 The ar li

li I vice chancrJtorshol be entnh! !o the4ihbusemcnrorimedhar

l crreo or r're n eoid' rernelt or hrm)err,ne*err d.d
f,,/hF,.adrrnetroe,rm,.md.dl re p,.d k o"D/p, v€re
II a6,/
J r 6 rd'e co/,.vi"
a '.."8 /opr..Nr,is /oi!. I '|
II cn., c ror !h,r. o"
-ri,i"a ro .r," ,e.0,""."n1 oi rn" I
I h,, :'Fnsme.dNof re,.oop ro, ri",err1n",-".r ,.trrs,r,u.J
tre1 be! a, d*p-,es ro.pro. rrrr.ngornou,enoroJ,"ee.ge
l/ ror 1vr{ hol e o4rrogar.h.raurron,rq,*"!_.r-.l
l1 J

/ __ :i,.A.nd,ejjoorj.i.rc.--,,"".{.1...v*.r"_.. I -J
reel-.ed roreterre r,a"er.ee owarer

f'*ffi ,." o..d"""

ro,ed.e o. r-tt pd/ a he ar o, $ d.,,1.,re "l"v*,or..". l'

6 mc, redr rn. l

Kavc\id bc.edireo ro r 6/nel a..q nr,r hd!.nc h r/o,"r tpd,v
'11"rre,rsorl)dc,.s. io^-,. .$o., o,ra.u"ryanarrej.rraa,
orrL, e,e r re.e.reinet, I
p'a.:dea hartthev.e
.\e olti.e
cro4.et.ato.,-ie. otfthnadi,he.the.rde )
attt F | !.e I hmatot du_s.t",.h"q otnar,*,. u"i".) |
tau bp aed.Ed p,oputianoEq u ne ok rh dar,lbt ead,l
.ahplerednanth aJ.e^..e "t I
7.2 r5e,preaL rne.,e.j.ro, rh"\ * c*.1",,.,,. o".ro,"*,,,"1,*io.l
;i;"fi.,.::f",** -*. b,le w na,f ye.,
cdd,ed,o j

+r,r,.e,1. ,-,s".J h'/n- +,r I

oernrkd ro L. a .Lm eqJ.v.renr fr * "rd"
'ece ".ea"e sarary aan,l.io.e ro, i
rnpI rrbef o.da,s o redve.nf,.,p{ya_"Lon_rr",u, rn!r,uorl
o, (ndso
-7a rJheM v(e
er ruri
'qu:shtns I I
charel'o, rar,",s b. enr,r,e! ro Ha,ipav roi,clr,rc,are or i

7u oayr br e..r- rchpreko tr,

r o. r,4@. rhe redve me |
"a.r-pav '$
rcueed hdwh.n*thrcnnledtede ut,na
o1. t*n e nionw+l
or Ho!.p., Leote,hon.e debnedoer.lheAa " -p;, L._" d,;
.> F vre cr rnc /o, . na.r
lErry Leare rJ-Fout ".-o
my br"nrrrr"d,o
a -a.l,m"n ", "f
n .,"r7ne,,"rr Lr r.r,*
pe,ioa or trr,eelmonrn- |
: I
lrrs re ju / rern or f ve on ne.r)car srd-d, o, olhetule. I
o 1 .are tie vke challerorveaj
ls &eom-dd b, d rudh". Frh q a sn
i ,
llii?;lli"'""' "'- "'*^"+*-Jo,*env rldi,tarat
7 0J n s rte pe.,odof3ucn,e"ve.tne vicq ctranqer,or sna
Ee sarne sa/ary and ala*ances a1d srtl otfer ract,rries
t oe eritta _ J z
oi sentces a I
@yhave been Drcvided, I I
78 i rhe (!r oti.y abrere o.rtevkea{i o.o.(i.rot"
by the
Ceilralorstate 6oyemment, publi{Servlce, oroD DepuiaUon on "ii;
beltlo he uf,verjrry
Jr ivpaity n
i pu0r. irreeel rhe
oub.t Dtereei p,od so rDenrjhrl
r're perlod rpml ihrr, be
reJledddn dury
2.9 Where
dhere mlroyee
ad em!loyee univetsrty k aadd. nred d the v .e chance, q,
orrhe Univetsltyk
!e/:5p, arFr.owebrd.r,rn."ritt*,"r..i."*
cedr be.o " lkAe ood, rrqr ), rf4lire
-D,eb i,d ".".".
r'. ol
,"ne re mL n.ig e pqr or -f e v.! C,a|e ror,..J,r ..cnr or
re.Jolnrls hrs/her ord ect, hplrh. shs bo aorii/ed
:l:/1,:r ro erry oac(
he reavearhc/her.iedittothe new oo*.
/ 0 -Lrle. ne.ver:/bp r'Neo rd orFdl(ero a1 proL,d.i..-.dof
r0 r.b, e ro r\' ,(dl1r o, -rr,r t4 )F,1.rn p,o\,,s11 -cDr
r\",rp rotA ar uJ,il tE
op,)on h.d b.en
bd 4shnAd,ck,vbeb.a,vr.
.. __@,
4s:nn.d,"k'vbe,o aF,,l e.
,, t , 0"^01 eno,or'ed -d". ,_".,,iJ:,o,1.",".
,,v _ht.erd.
,.' 4 l. h,/sle 4 r,
eno,o/ed h dm'5+
d1d5+ rcr, , rbdnia.
+p",*" 1.
r r*
oe e1fr.6d[o r |v, a.o" .... and iare
r *er+.orcerk'u,r-,ih o/,-r,4 aa r^..-.r *le, r"i
ruF(o,pre1.'r,e rh".r,v,,.rv,,a.l",,r"a""s"t"-y p-lvo"rr
urd p"ror Con brrdl) 6rar..., er; Lo lT pa.en( ,lnrLrtor,
where he/she k pemanentty €mp oyed.

l.1The vre (haf(e/o. 5h,lr be *rd"a oll,*

wirhour paynenr of reni rhroushout hh r{rfr of
rh,I far]on rhe vlcc.chancelnf in f.!ppdhrih,
I 3.2 Ihe vitalchon..lral
shan be entrlled t tha
focitiry x o Jrc 4alJhtat 6t.
u" ao ll ii*ta t"
'rat Phanel tnd h*
*r"er'-" 1-itf sn'",a
tso) cetoke Fr hhht

3.3. fhe vtceIchonc.lol

shdll be enntbd to ona
rhe Vlce ch:n.ellorr5s
as rhe ch
ief Executive anp
an! A.adem c read orthe
the powars to:
4.1 €mure rhar. the prorsiom
prov/sionr of the Ait,
Act, s4tubr,
stii odiirreo ard
qe8utouo.,a,errJ!lyobse'vs'li oJjq,vr,J: I I
4 2 0ees"kh<oo"earorddvro.aavro*rouLrrovre"taneior{,
3 for day-to-dav wdrk rd rlE j,
Deans, coodinat66 .r ih4 clntres, . orredor and olhor
ofire6/P.oie$ds who shd d&ton rhe b*jlorcre"ri, * dld dgwd
inthisresard, lr
4.3 creale tenpor:ry posts ahd dri ca* lrre pdt
case 1reJn createa ror a p*rl
pod aotea rerrl or
rrx donthsor more, reporritto the Exelunve
!.! M,r e dopo,1, nenF o' Dea1r. cm.dhaio.. D4- d sLeelr. we" r.
D-.r'oB. p'oLo*< ald W".de.< er- I
4 s ceconre"d rF 1,me. Ir rre posir,.i 6,+q vF c, 11.".m, -o he
F\elunr'.coLrr: I
4.6 suspend adion an anydectston of anl authdlity, if he/she k otrhe
opin&n that it ls ultfa vifes of tha proilsJois Bt thb Ad or sratues or
I I o'i','a"," t'fiu.h;?Ajbn i rcr hfho. bo,t titehsrs ir rh6

I I 4.7surp6nd a dember ftoo the d6€ hg of the autho ty/ body or 4,7 No Char..rta
I I riduk/n! h tor
.onm,tte! leEts ns to objtruci or rtal the p@edh3s for
i 4.3 beh&rou u.b*onr., di r nenDet and
I sapend aD €mproyee and h[{at;d lplrnaii adior as.rnst hrrJvh.i
Haever, the vre chanelor fiFy
I d
these eow.F to


il i



,l! il


f.o,stet ,-a) to whhh

he wos ehthled ptlot to
hlsorpoirtnento, pto
vl.e choncelot/ dnd t
hehhe EontklN tn
hotd hir/het nen on
rhe Pro vice chan.eto'shat be edtit ed th {.h te,mimrLendr,
ahd alowrncas as noiilted by the ceN,ieovernment
rrjm rme
rhe pro vrce chJncelo. sh, bF anred to N,ir Lea+ rrcrel
conce$ on, 6 app.oved by rha Elecutive counc| trom time to

r5e b.o v..e

cnd.e.o, sr,, oe r,l! L* k e.dno/rn".,.-
ned.aJ e.pe1.e. r1,.red.h oe led,cat rTal6enr ol
riliolt4e,FlI rno t,:,rcr ,an?,,\ nenoets obrailed fo, r,,q
Pt !d." aPD/Pivdte wdds
Hosprar/Nu6tns Home. {, any Gor. or prdre
rha Pro Vice chancelor shalrbe
lnlide; to rhe reimbureemerq
m -rcrr q a.rcr' o J.^. b.ld D.A ro.l.mirrnsr. ano
,'.Aq .bnl, memoe^ drd elpensoi lo"arc,
,n.ri.p or
!oJ.e'od -33{e r,o1 ."-e tol"",b Barroa,"d
bac; _,
hislhe.a$umrnsofiiceandre,nqui$inek on the$piryorhrr,

fff . ;.. .:;.;",:_; ;"1::,";;

".#" l
Allowanceatthe ratesixed by the crurclr. """'
Fx{Lltrfe I

oth{redr,ldcoldr os. ---T-------'- ltr,.*hfi*
I 2., rrEovc(!r@for(hai drr\crlereljaoil,/!c.ori(e,12.1\och.f,!
re.ve o, c I pa/ .. r5e ,. oi lo da,. il lhe l
cdqd..\e... \eh&e+. @(.tuioobt_/".&.orL
I nl
II , i"*'. "/1"'. ald15^r6rd./o;,r.v".el1ar
d40i _ip{r,",\. I
I -u@d rroL.! r, e e,at.N.to.Q.a. a.sota. at te.4o-..nes
I re (a2p d tl" . .e at he p o t.F or.p { u. no oe I
| .ufldal.ot.Qd,te..c.e n,oe .".red
Fa,,,L.;.." . )
a.(e toLeaI]%do.jtd eal\.aah"za -trnale
I .
,v ec." r,," aed . o! . eoor*,,.""
h.r.""' ",,"..^"" l2z.!.,--*
"",.F..',sbhM",drc --T
I rr i.d. ed.r"dro, ./h" 4-o,l,t
1 rr, o\,."ci3T",.o. o..,e,,qJ.,,'^,herni
o ' 5a' oee i'|ie" ;: i;;;:;"' *"1;;;eh'-^" I':310c5'rirsr
5cL.. ed n -lbrd !r ';
_^.re.oi . o L"_o o. .-.. p v *. I

.r ,re p0 vrc.rl r.ror35", ...o bt.. , ed b /d,od, r, r\".. !".h."s!

1" rdr o.20 d"/. ro. ea. , coroqleo ]r."
,+.or "^,e rne
"a L.a\e rrv ,so be dd"d o, at o.""r"a re_"".rr o" l
pa.dedL\qx._.uh."-_* ..",^" .1. ,.\.. ."

*"". "r"1
,r r." ".1-r". I
c!.1e,,o. .r, d,o ," ",, 1,.,^.*."-.
r,aqrh-.er o h,..0.6.,., ..",e""q.,i,.n
".,,,""p"y ruJ
. 4,' a- d ,.do orr, Jee rofu,d -l
,.._., r..",""..
or red,;rg ojd\ o.o e,r,l,se ".c*",,,
)6 11ft1 , " p'o r ie nd , p ."1 ,&-,8df",",',-",,.,.
.pa n/orr.oo.
cF, roed.r i
. 'p
'rl. alore-or,ecl,,e.r,r,r
'is,F F bd o..t.hral
F.bxx p aa .,?, u,s I
1"ynrh be+ p.o. d"d.
rB',h ..ro./!dr.....1., r,,,1v,.. -,,-e.,o.:.1,-.,,Izsr"c**"

o D,ona,'o1o1b"hd.ro.T-.^+,(.ro.",lp,o,"b_poF,l I
tf"p-iodso Dera5" toelpredatoldn, I I
. h" ure, Lt., roo,,a d p, r." v...,., r\" c,",,..
Lr ar" ro . h. i,e :hd/t be J ow"" r| .a. r ,-r,, *,
d,, o, M\ I

chr nce tor simirar y, on h s/her rel&u shrns rhe

V pllr!".'o e1a j. "!ent or t, /r. rfL.c,6 *,.,0 poi, I
po$ ot the pro I I

re .i. \;lber. . re I io !,.y oa+ r." e.,e* ri",r e. . oI

".rL I
ro ed,o,oJ.J bLre ro r y o.o! d",,
Lr or p. !o1 fhed" o.,vh.1 r 1. '\ " n enb_ "rd rrn II,,o "" c",."1/I
univeBit $arl.onflbute ro the a.countorsu.h
peroon id thar I l
provdenr tund or penrron schlme ultn".n".t"
ut *li,n tnn I I
pe6on had been confiibuilns i.,llnediardtv b;rore his/her I I
appointneni 6 pro vice chan;b /or.
, r/ !a p.l,o1 dtrp.oled n ad1.!
tr.hjb1, <'pponeor. -o l r.uM*-*
vrce cfal!d.'o.. re,<np )na.' b" eliied b s"b1. a'.oddFi,
Lda."" drea\c d,cryaspe ie.,+. .,,s..\" I i
c,1db rLp -f.vp-|lv\1:.a,!oo"] ../ p,o..cnf
"d I

4dPen'oncodrbu|ff;; eparenl ti*iturion, wher! hdshe
Perhan.ntl! eflployed.

3,1Ihe Pro \,/1.. Citn,o or

sharr be en {tlrd to trco,
,urnhhed r.rtdlhnll
accomhodaElon, fto
premhes of alrlhor todstng
w[ oe mant.lnrd by rhe

rtlce Chonhltol
3.2 rhe Ptu
thdll be ed tttd t th.
Jd.uty ot stcll @t tol

i.t He/she lhdn iLo b.

e,n ed to tnoblt. Phoae
.nd ree fttaPhon lqttt
SfD dn.! ISA) s.t n ar

3,4 rhc Pto t/1.. choncoltol

thol be @tl ed lo dn
otendont at hk/her
The Pfd Vhe ChaiceltorshaU a$iittho
manec 6 may be spectfied by th€ vrc
lneta time, and shafiakoercrcise;ucr
a5 may b€ de ecded ora$sned io h/m

chanBetad dktoiT;!M
I tahl: Tho ReSnE' $;t;;;
pres.ribed by tho Uniysaity,

'Ihe Rosisrarshat/be
a whole.rim
Helshs sha]l be appointed by
2,2 Hel,he ih.li bo...
recomn0rddlon of a seledon
,.,5ha t:nta o4 lualrln|
the ose o!.t)tr4wo trott.
ohploy,o al ko
wh6te .n
lmvEtetr or cn, okdl

I ond hs o@ronhtdant h
oPpd.@d Qt B'rtltotr
h.kh. shol eandnu.to b.
g.v.hec trt/ th. tune
rcfiehent benaJh nfitne,
lndnety 9enetuI Pt vtd.nt

tuznsret ral to |'hkh hc

wdt enti ed pnot b hk
dppointnent or nethtnL
dnd titt he/she can nus b
hold his/h.t tle, on thot

2l The emotuments and orherrerms, 2.3 fhe Em! .d

R.trirrtrrhrllLt !u!/ r! moy b. p
-1-"a'i"* "r*^n""l,r
.oncntont o, s.Nt.e !! tuc
councir rioh timeto timo
Resitvdt thdll be tuch 6
1i Netcibed Ior othet non

tl va.otiondt ehptoyee, ot

when ihe oflce olrhe Re8ktraris !vlcantorwhenthe Re8istiar k, by

reason of illness, abjence o.any or
uDble ro pertpm rhe
dutiesofht oftice, the duties olthe't1*66e,
eifheshall be pedormedbVrch
P-eAoA aj the Vi.echaffelormay:afPorntforthepfpos.
trtheseruices 0frhe Re*isihf are br l
,qr{owed rom coreomentqany
orher o4anDanon/nsittuion, the!
Ilrms atd condidoG of hlr/hef
sed ce shaltbegovehed bythe Der,quFrion Rules of rhe uniiernty.
Prcvided thrt a Resisitq on deputqqan qay
be Ep'ttiated eottiel
thon the stipuloted petiad by E)+futive coun.t .an the
rcconhendotian. oJ the trce aonalhP
T/ie Regisna.shatl be entittedro su
Leave, Atrowai@r provident
Fun4 Bnd orheri€rninat benefih a5; pfsriq€d
by ihe untvsrity rrom
t me to nhefo' its non-vacational st
3,1The ReSinrar sha be.entile
acconmodauon for whjch he/she s

3.1 ..-

I r:- | l^td*@
1 3.3 the
b +h. td.'
t] tfuiued
betAlr,n ttt
''.a.f..H i I

I 1
a -, ces-.r. 1a,, ruf *,*'1
",.",",";;1;"; l::,il?. _ii;1, li
lJ -#0,.e,r"dn,redd.d,r_.".t..p.orn,na,o*,**
o.a, i,." _,.J"*-
"". rnr. r r ",.
i::l** '." --eo...e^'5.ord.s. *,
/ 1^d." I
" lii*'*"'- -"'* \"e,dl.' "".'".lq.
l"' l:;;,: :'#fi,Ji,':ilt i; lltT,!tl:' L"ti?ljt ", *,'-!. I

1 r ! r in appsr sh: | * ,o rr," vr," ch,n.urio, up"*t, 1

"", .p.;,c,,,;: ll.;; l ;:;.::.:J,.ll,::.,"'
I ods ot 4a Resl
i, "
l:^'"',::y,::" tl;:::"
I I inpo'ths otl ol
I l,enohie5 ,Atalted
l--. l.t'^"Z:i1h
,1d * of" hdto,,. ae,rm\_",," 4.4N;ch,.-,1
@wa, d.re R"sn a ir o.,ed to, rhA p"B rd.snJr
I roon he
|,b1.r^,onor.i.,cr^ r,tr","Jo,,,or,e.,"(ra,...ro,oonp
n'l/i {oh1trdd,rol,. -
I l
: q
J i;';: ! I!:!" t: i""iiii !,ilit;i ;"''' " " ",' "s "'" " " ".' ""' )

'" %3'I.' '. | @ e. o//,.

14, rcao#r..
il coJ,, r. bd,rr. j,r+n+dbbed r"r@-Jehn l
He'F-' ",.
11 .'il;:'"' "''"' oo
"' o'"d M"aoa' setrcia'v o,,e
li.r rr mtrpd..r'd.ERessi,rro 1,.,
e,eco,ds tr6,onnor."r' ard.,.h o,p,,t,-r.r""."".".
ro rr,-".
p ooenl or Llb u1nF,'irv d rh" Eg.rr," c0"".,,.*,.o._r,o

B l eer'rBt o. rhc co,.d. -1" E(*." * ]ar r.:"o,,"g1

res oi
" ra+.ls, or,\" co,", ,r," r,"-,." lo..r.cN.cro"*.
a,' r.

:Hl::,i?j"""''' "'iT " vlc"""'"* "e-^"d "v I

4 r.! lorold rhe orr(ia. co,,.p"-",1d" rll" c.- rhe FrpcLri.e 4.3.4No.hanz.
(oLld,fd rhea.rdem,.coLr4.,"r I /
r rs Lo!\ ,o he v6ro...oo", o *"[e""d].r,r," or,, e Ia.r.,Noc,d.qe
, 1ed rrd r I
mhutesorsu.h "- ", \, e,
4 3 5 "ue"., r'r" Ld\ei1\ r,L,b o. plo.geo,lc.
oy o. dsc"".- | 4.r.oN.ch".c"
', nsn oo"e., orarone,, ar ote"oirBi
"r "fary ' depne I
".., ;:T:if:::f*,""i::Hi::T:? fi:""11,,", *" ,,**o *" I 0., , *_* " ".
adhmer t rh;i;J;;i;; as drlr be requked frcrn rhe to
rln6 by the vke-chanceltor, ,''''|
4,4 The Regtsrr.r shafla$kt rhe Vice ch error ln rerpecr of such
as nay be rpecned by the Vk6 Ch! .llor hatteB
h rhk behrtt, frch'{me to
tftq and sh.ll ako exercke su.h pow ts and pedorn
pe a$r3ned such dufleg ai may
or detesated !o himlhef I

*::'il Alnl
Enoludenlr, Terns and Co Lidols ot seruke or thJFihan.e oncer
zs ij

lr 1. stt1,._;;Frnm; orfE;"r
prescribed by lha Unjveisirv.
,.d salary and other aiowaD.es

s r. No c,,-;E*-
The Flnan.e Ofiker shd b.! I l2,Nochare

u sa aied offic.riot the 12.1N6 chenc
Helrhe rhar be appoinkd by the e{rutive councr ril
dn the lr,, Hel$e !hr[ b! , ]
re.ommendauon of a Sehdion :ommi(iee ofitifuted ror
the l. ,hou rctte an omhtha
purpose ror a rerm ot iive yea and shalr
lor .e I tn" .q" "r "txtt-two y4i I
be erisibr.
Prcvtded thot the Finon.e aJi@l 1ot telne an oLiotatrclt!1e ore
)p@tdedthot tJh.nNrc.I
I ;,
o.f skrtlwo yeqt, lo11x* "apotnaa onl
| or ba'!' .:lAp"t tnnon|
I i laQdntzoth'r aeolr\/ |
laudh tetuke./ cdd& hl,
/h.t dtoty cha bd !!d, o, I
| )odhtrsibte ro hltlhet I
lcc@tdtns to the tu14 oIl
I laepqtotioo ot tol
lw ., hehhe belonor, I
I where dn enptoyes ot tte I
lht,e6ity ot
dry .thq I
)kstttaion/cowqMent I
lMd hs otso-bq tus b l
loeeointea rs nnona I
a!t@, h./'she Ehrtt
I connhuet bc gowrnedby l
I lt '. 'me rc['end )

) ) benetit s.hehe, tnon?b

p,uqden rurd/ I
I I ltdEtat |
I l.ondbulotv P,"vtd. l
lFund/p.nsknrctotutty/ )
| )f@Ie, fal t. whkh he I
t ed ptiot to , I
1 l.eeoinrae,t as rtnone )
lotl@L dnd iI
h./she )

I. i @htkues ro hotd his/hq

), The I /
_eholuhena and other terms i @nfJtrcmofFturE orrhe
lr.r n" ,",."
Finan.e officershal be r!.h as nal pre$r bed by the Ere.llw edltiq, ot ",a1
cqlicirrrom nhe ro time. i
| flnsnce
oJ tt e I
oJnce\hal he l
l IsuchdePrecc b.dto, ott 4 )

roh vacanoiet ehehye$ I
when rhe ofrJce of the Fjnartce d
I I ott^e unive,,hy. I

Finance otrjcer ij, byfeason otirhel

:er a vdcanr or when rhe
J2.4 Noch.nse I

unabre to
oranyothereu!, I I I
Perforn the duries ofht
oni.e shalr be performed by su.h
affice, the duies olrhe l

may apporn or the pulpore.

I son]as rhe vice.chan.elor

tr tne services of rhe Flnance l

l(er ae boaowed rtum lr.s Nochanse
Governmeor o. any other o€anDau
/hslitutlon, thererms and I
condit ons ofhk/her setotce shal be

l--- -- --
'vefhed bv the DeDurartdn
,--\-- l
, \.',/
Ru er otthe r f- --'
- miy-i-
Pdded $ita F,dn.e ofi.+oh depurir,on
be reoatr:hd
errorthin rhertipuhredre/od by rho E\mtlvecou;rilon
ieammendrtionj oilhe v (thah(eror.
rhe Fn,ne oflia. shrr d. Id i t. ,,.r 1e""", e ro*. n.c.
irovde^rtuad,andorherie4mnr "abereiE
mrer, ry,rcm,ime t0 rim! rd r1 ron{aanor,Dre(ribed
bv rhe "--lI
31 rhe Finan.e ofiicer 5hat

'r-r,rdF o.r, ey",, be p. o/.r,.b5"1,{.4, u e,, a @ o,,,,n

our snar norbe deemod to be a mem5eloru.h
comm rtee
r r rhrrbe fte dury orrhe Fhan.e ofli.er[o
41.I ft,T A?4re.i,rpe^loJ iJ. d, or he un,,.
9,rj. r']( /-!
$aradvi3e ita resards,r,I n!i.,
._- do /.y, and
dT rr,e. t,(tr a! nd bi cJ.sr.o.o
rc b! . e r?".I." cor{.! d. ,.e . e cr, "t.. . "_
'.1 b"db,.5e-h1ler
pe. I,r"ooht.*dh"%sja!.
". .

". roda"o n".cso _
-" .
hdudns trstand endowed ",,"" u,,., v
o, 0^!4rhd ErirrrrrFr,hyrha+atltrhcourci[o,1..*..E
cnd 10'
'c(r', s e\pqoire ro.I re- .e -o ".cee.-. "ro
sranted ora[o6redj

f.4..d oc bJdcfro, rse 1.1.,e,<./..,r r, -.,ef !Je*,,... on

to theE,e.!rivecouncrl
d keepa constantwatchon the rlareottneo"naiaba"iba
a,ndon ihenate orinvsrde,lt{j
e. xa,.1de p!c,e$ or.r.dtLd. oi lrrc,qkr"
e-do}f. "a ro, h.
r-, e"er,-r'F"dsdrcoi{r'o.
rhar r5e rec,se. 14 o- d..s5 .ar .L'1.uJe alo
cqu,or e1r'" na.d".reo Ld ro.d,ie.n. L dr n0.,..re("
n, L l
,ondr..ed o eo_,onen .,r",,-,. ;r. I
"r drhe .o".Lme,"
offre..p rie< c1d,oe! d..,"d1,aoolaroie.. l
'. "-pend,rl,e b \1 rouco or tr, vrd Cnar@rlr rn"L norrsed
"no o.r. rrc+D. lleq k"_ -d ,.Fs",r I
o scid n"4 rd,olagrr< peron.dtJu an.
r' .r ltroh d.vo,1.e cenke. rdboru o\ dr h,t,(-.o l
1.hb m. I
b, rhe uliv{\t} Mv i.E.nc.o" *t.,.. *r r
con dp. -ecesaryro. rhp
l, V,r,"
""y I
o.rorl:1.\ d rr/F{ drcr.
ny rece pt siven bVthe Fhance office or tg+ pqson
orperoons du|v I
thon:ed ii rhk behrilt;;E;
payabre t0 rhe UniyaG/ryrhalt
be srr

ai TheFirai.e otticer sh4ta$t$ the Vi

matreE as hey be speclfied by
the vi
!he to rjme, aidshallalso exercker
be *dc"ed - d"I.sat"
A ,-J.';l
",,1" ^iNr'-rrjd
rce otthe Conlroller ot Examlnatlonl

srlary: The Conkoler of Exahina|ons

J lowances ,5 pre(rbed by rhe Untvetsl
orher Teift and cod/tidhr
2.1 lhe Connol/er ot €xamtnlto4
otfl.er of rhe Univerity,
Helshe sh, be appoiited by 2,2 nelsne rholi b0,,,
recomnendation ol a Setection ,,.,tho rctne on dtdnh1
plrpde tor a tern of five ye! ::':: the ose af tty4wa yta1,
appointmeDr Prcvtded talot t! ha
Ptor ide d thdt thP connolht nJ F t l;",; 'ttcantrcttet oJ E dnlndlant
i.f dppotnted

a b /hot tatty
shatt hesuch dt cdhltbts
to hin/het oc <odlno ta ke
tu|et el dqpuhdah oJ
* i.e to tuhkh h.ht'e
whete an emttayea ol ke
il 0hive6tty oF ory .thrl

dnd nt oryanltu ot$ It

dppatnted ds corttolls d
Exdnindtiont- h!/th. thon
connnue to ,e sovened by
the tone rctlanent
benelit *heme, (ndn ty
cPncnt Povktent Flnd/
.o,albrt.ry Prcvlderl
F u d/Pe c i o DJc tu t u I \t /
ton,Jet" ral to whhh he
wat qtlrled p ot to ht,
otpolnrnert os contolt.t
oJ Ewninofi.nt, ond u
I h.hhe .onuhuet td hotd
rhe ehoruments and otheridrhsa 2,3 the temt qd
conko rer or E.am nations shall
Ele.utiye Counc tfrom rime ro rnir
* ,li @ditions oJseNle althe
Fkance olticer shol be
tu.^ as prctcth ed tot oker
non vd.atlonot enPtoyeet
e,;the un[iifrt.
D,put;tion R
co.tollet ollxdntl
Ptotided thot o
tepanb&d ecllet tho. the ,kuld
cauncilM the rcctunendatians al c
5 the c.ntrol.r oJ Eraminarlons shi I
Ardwtn.er, ebvrdent Fund, anir
pre*rjbed by the univeEiti fronl
I ;!l;
.- _.___!- lu
rh. ronndlrer or E,am,nrionr $r I
rsidst, {commoddioi foi whi.h til

n'e con@ller orEramnranonr shJll rGd

exrnrnalon5 or rhe UnjveBky in the
or.l,nJn.es orthe ReBUlaitonr of as,hay be
ffi * r+ fu*e*rw.ivre
'* Cernil ptrniIL

Thechatnan addedthar earliefin 2oii,3l dmti ordinmBs wereapproved by

r/e t." rr'\e cor11 rnev *ele rner
fo.w*d"o ro MHqD to. aopro\a, o,r e
v{'o. rsp M|RD l.d rrsge3reo i.ni 5ne-dnerts no.ot1!iceNo. t.,/ ({.
xxJ I xxv. rhe amendments wefp nFde aeofdndy rd asan the amended
ordinan.es wefe prerented ro t4e dC fo. appront The Ec appfoved these
ordinances andtheywe.eagainlLjbntned to MHRo Now, MNRD ha5 accepred
th€ othef ordinances and has su8A;sted rome.mendmeoB ln 4 ord ian.es vir,
No. Xxrrr, xXlV, xxv and }lxt. Thq]am4fded d6tt of thse C]rdhan@s i5 praced
atannexure-22.r3. 1 ;
ti/ I
The chalrman also presented ihH srat{le t0 of the Centm Unvetsties Act,
2009. Ne shared that this Statute !eatiid with the Court otthe Untvetrriy, was
3irent on the consrirution ofthe cbun..all rhe rern orfi6t ciud konniruted by
MHRD)k endins on 20rr NovembFr 201i1, d;tt amendmeni to sratute lo(s)of
clJ Act, 2009 is requlred to .onitirute tle sn.ond Court or the Untve6ity. The
su33erted adendmenrrosraruri 10 ir atfended at Amdu/e2r.14.

co,n.ir, ,*ni.o*ty fe"lorveo m

-_ii"lJrrhe'e""",ti"" "pp,ova
rubni!5ion ro MHRo tor aeerclliot the vtr.tor:
the forrowins ror

r) lhe draftord nan.e, ofihe univer3tlv ol above s poinl,

b) atrendmenti in a ordinances !i2,, N4, xx t, xxiv, xXV andxxxr
!l f 41ssn4&ilt re$i!sr"s{.sdf rte$ebiiar J$in itiil#s,lrM99g''
lren:Ec:22:2016:48 |

ro contd.r rh. 6n.r {u'.r ol|Ir ur,vE/tny.
The se.retarv brjeled
thatihe uniYFrsiry ionsttured a .omrnltteE .onsistins of
' thefollowhaoffichrtofrnar&the Hostelfu esoltheunrver;ity:

1. Pr.r,A,K. Dhawan,oeai studHntsi wellare, chakman

2. proi V.K. G/& Dean s.ioolonEnvironmcnr:nd Eadh s.iences
3., Dr. Markheyverma,warden qpv5 Hoster
4. Dr. DineshBab! P,wafden BqlsHostel
5: Dr,Amandeep (aur, chiefwpFei 6r sHostel
6. 0. r un A106, chiel
l/vddfilsuys HolLcl, coNeDs
Ther.comfrendat ons ofthe conhiittee 4te phced ar annerur€ 22.15.
The Chatfran pointed outthat:
1, onlythe re8ular Professors willbe slvFn the ch*ce ot Deans of the s.hoo s,
as perrfe Ad.
2. Tlre renjor most Dean wlJlbe appdinFd as DeanacadenicAfiairs.
3. 7he Deaf student welfa.e witt aiso att 6 the Prodd.

tll I }IN FI f-4 ,t3

o. r-[ro,J o*0,u, i
! i ilume BeoL+!c Developm{4
r ll,fl t oflHish{r ELlu@tion

I ,,*olu
lDa 16.01,20 t

cux4l U vosjly 01 ?Lirhb,

Cny Clhrlus, Mdnso Rood,

l;,ur*,, o'*",a.,",, *'" ,or cotr,i,uriu! s*,",r c"-, ,r
Lunc,\io orptrDlnb -,,.e.,I{e.
'"1', i


lF. . .brc,

/a.nr,.rJkd,o.dhr,rd.letre po c(JpB cc/i64o8J dnrJ 26..0.)u.ooD

. K.iiuoeo Jbo\c Jrd b sre lhar cbmndrs ot Ucc nls bee, M(.\ed

' Je." rcr. o r8-r. o j2 (cLr dd{ u8", ay. 2pr r r@py mcloscd,

: LcL j- ,o ou," r.' on *" p-p[*o !.edoor resqld,n8 codrruDob of

h- loLfl srh:ic . i)e conr rinn r\. t/rd nr r4e r.nhm nf rl e conrt s rt. fh.n a
tuoeo of rhF n@d!g of ihe court iilislecr of C@lral Univdny of ?ujab.
*",'ll r s,J,(
i ::;'i ::+i;*'**" ro
",+t'',",h'."8'u F,c.u'r

i 1] .
I yom rar.rrrury, I

ryta) K@d','orJi
ro.Fe Govamdot oflndia

i ; '1
^t-t*l*' lr

'l v\o lrl )/
i ilt i

"' lf|

;, /-\'
t t'y e&,,0, ANN€r t)44.1r.,)l

(i) I cr,.-,',, J I *r*.

, vice cha,coUor
I r"ari.r"v"nr.
! 5ib,rl!-rPc.n lr.oJrdo\.r...1.,
4. s'udmf,wdr's
5. r.dFofJ.tr srondoMroDp,.
6. coikorJerofFr ri;tioB Ex-of.r.,o Member

3 rwo-v"rt61Nohre6 (ro nonJnsted by MfiRD ,run anon
pqson. rioFrc men or$ndhs,n pub.r rfe or
rre rpenr.
Mow4dse ollrrn.ut^J.,e.,ren.4'

" L'
_ rhrenon rno4p4on.,nodr rrc -
/PJrd.6P or rJ r'.db

ro. r(e.ch",...,+, Nqn,ne. rh,ep

p oorriN,. Pi rejd orr.e,ra s
1r. rwo hdbereJtmn ahms$ ths D@B
b *,b,r.
'o "
or s.hook of srudre,
***.i,.:I,:T *-by
1z rvo rcp.""slF'ie, or ci,ij so.hru rj\co/ Inou.rryl Lesrr
f m e'n 5//E+lnenrciizen(\tr bb.nohrnd.pdbytho s:4unue
1r. n.ple*d,atI d Al_,.,." _ ok rsh.reo ,y rhe a.unn,
,. srudpnrs - ,wo
ronp nir. one j.mre
"u.,..**f " ",d
of ctudsnb, cou"rt f,o.., "mo"s

l] E .orn.r"Mohb".5oqeb,y
unaDbq'd ,\e.or+dmtlh.,nc\ orn! o,emoeh o,.., \ ,o,
J ci r q (f,ree ys:6. 'h_jrnotd
o.!-d,.- ."nb.D or Lh. co"i ,\J rom r quo,_r Jora mpebns o, Me

(d) rhe c.urt oNii*,cd bi

be the chaDeloi







il il-


*. ,

ffiilgf' I

)f z,




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lo ,oitud

lllnohhhdmo 6hs
1,1!!b3rd(€rd-heards !yd'h)


. l lsra ofAdmrssron romr
, sde or 6yrab!6 md Ousuoi Paper ,ei4

larhE,^cdemrcRsc.'!6 l
,lR€s,ft bi'a, hlm*sop6, prcsnmr
,lResklarim res {.Aaenc sbn cdbsl
4lPhoro ddv @rob ar€nlfercd ro ucc il 1,";,
li;brE 1q


a E




I a a
IF B a
ls gE


.c E
E 3


€ ? Er EE
$ .!8,"9{
a =
fr fr i€EEs
5 rg EfdEg
I :;
gr 3?EH'
i? E
36 f


&e, __l- i-----r64rrr$0] i.',1@


b) Fbrd woto Pad. pa|oi h con'obies


o obdr Mh dd€i v6 E4eB4

[d.$ Rmr. unbeciv 3d d ie
tPmh, ,d sdbmry
adior Flnmsdm/b01ts cusi,brcy
r4p b it E&6in, Hd. / Meerho B I Eb
PrcJdd s6d Mo4Y
orrreG (speu


lar. e'ii0Md6i3
lb) M, dsnre d 3! bnr6

ld) M'hbnM@ ot otr@ Eqlrpneib

td M'iibmn6 ot Laborabry €+hnsb

h)Mrhbioi6ot^ldhv.ud Equpnoib
D Mahbmi€ d rd6re b a wab slppt
r) M'hbi'i6 or !b6ry sorvaE


r oi orrsi b'!! ch{

1 n!udis B8i(

t Pbvrrm r' 3d D'b&&€m*

t /tu@v'6!b &r'i€ Mcn of
c)c€ndrsubdd6 b dhlj is!&!on





t&u. r!-.... ++ - 4, ds "d-,!d


rkrFd'@ddnrrd,ft edBdni ihrtilt@,
r6qotrdrep r tr dr{ - E,d! nhre,Jitrd
h'dle ilD@o16 r'r! @!q. d dd

' si-''"--*,*" l


hrd rtudqhhd4nrdErtordrtr' c1nhd *s


adohrsispimarycspssb ryglmmar6i'oni.
b tli og
lontro ent Lr.
i 1.1 Asoi31 0320lT,coudcasertrodasainsithoin,iilurioibyromq,pE$m
1 emproyees renads and @nrracIff and aibilErion c.E66 wrlh coir.acro,
@@ pendr's for d*hions. rh6 suls r todlbt 64proy@s we6 esrabrEhmoni
EJdred yz panorid ,.ino rs 15. Ddl sa
+4 r€,nmrs or -r o q.a"r- r of
ri6.ame nol..cAddlobl6 rrscrc,msll sL t€ a o€,oil?rioi-*5
oy @n !? clor anounlod
b Rs 0
L{khs (pEyjous ysar R! _o___.jakhs)
1.2 rhs un,v66ie ie havins rempo€,y @rod d Mama R@d, €a,,ldda
o $'s ra/. hs. o ( pEr' o, r'oa Rs o)
MmnparT# Rr01Pre! our Y€fR5 0)

- ,,,r '""" _.+,d o,Lp.? tr@

ell E
asse( purchased out of runds

E]! t!!&s



or @riarion h |n6 ord nary cd!86, euar lho aggresate emounl sh@i .

lous year igu@s hav6 b€6n regrc0ped wher

10s edlle lo 1 to 24 are annexed to and tbrm an in g€l pad otthE Balance sh4t
1 March. 2017. and lhetncome& Expenditq@
dI hN€ a
lnlon ol mana06m6nl lh6 cur€nl lsl ldaru. hdvm@s and DapG rs

callualioa h tho odhary courco

arcdshodl, : .. : "ss"'gd"**''h*'
)€a nsuB haw b.{ Ggrclpa !"rllil ili"'h'
1 Flnal a@urits h€vs boq. rcot ,rft'hffarei'rue0..
6#;lirb aE adnaxdd io 6id ro hai or Iho B.rarca sheei
rlo 1 ro 24
lh. 2017, and Ih. limm. & Ee
" -t"*"



c ll t9-2017
Ar,tnret oee-zfl
a SA{o
cE]\.Tn 4r LNT4


wrth enhanced FRA @20% i,om s dy mofth oi ranud\,,2o12 th .

lhe " ll]rcrrj
rrom Ma rch,2o11 lt h ciaiii ed tilh employees were nd4 eaid N RA @ oTi15%
The matter was not taken i,p ii te Frnance committee nor apprcGd fro Ec.
The orlce feltthatsince in haljel Fc deckion of 25.03.2011it wa rerclve d thtt
HRA is to be civen a5 ps GPr rurild B1citr4. Nsre 3 ps cormt r Gt No.
and the rute ot HRA derinfd is rhe 6te (ro%) w$ taks s per c
1b%. tntra
8olemment notiri.atron alra .,ti oteeorrzatt.n lB1) wd bded on Filijab

;:l:ffi #:::,*,,i""n,J,*, *.*n n,

F)ponted tow sthe nreduh,4ayment of HRA to racultv and stanand
unlvedtytotakeconseiti/pmthFMiiis4olFinance rheunNssLwreel bv
statins that (Flae-G)r I
'et ub bt.ct
Ganat unuelstv aJ PLhtob hos ba'n .0a9)
tttt d th. Lut" ha4att!' - t'.
pDitd^enr. Accotdthe to .
'Lb,t]a ''
uhivestty hos beeh enbawe4d b tdv dawn candittons af setvtce o4lol
cdtesoties oJ enplayeest ira'laan ,n"i, -a" X -"a*t att a"'ill-
pertaihtna ta the ooot)1nn"llr, tem' & canttitians af reNhet rrflv&

ottawonces ta be qtven ia thelttnivssitv nofi arc ert ue ta the ex{\\ve

.auhat(E( ). o ndt'taq au,rat'|, o*ti ,r"a r^" ott tre heFbelfJ
tcote oppohtedbv the vis@tll" c*n-r.t"a'" t* *"t'otudet<I1\ar
Punrob has been sq up in the lndq de|ebeed rerton Ft o ottt oct Lne t
1' '

co.htnsond nanteoo'nd s@tl wd tned@4 t. stPen"ern @nllt


/incentives. Acrctdthsty dsendlt'ar atowtns HRA @2o% oJ bd5ic satorf (fs

put up to the Ec. ,h, Ec d"ttb"^ia.' on th" issoe' k"ei\th.
,(* f*'fd


l I

view the speciol notu, oJ lhe unlvesity ond dha topostuphy oJ the o reo,
eoyneht af HM @20% wd'
I Unive6ity further contended tllat rhior membere oi I/IHRD and UGc wer- pa

of Ecand hencedecrslonhasthHconcu(enueurboththebodies ltispe^i.-€hito

mention here that in the rou'hh meetins rhe then seoetary HiSher Educ auon,
MIRD,Ms.vibha Purioai,lASllndothernembernominatedbyninistrv .Jnd€r
sectron 44 of the unrveBjty acj w*e rhe aldir departnent In its lerter
on 2a/02/20!6 (Ftac,H) stated t,

"on being pakEd put the inltitutioi idted thot Ec oitet detoiled deliberc tlon
on the irsue, the poyne"l ol a' odhtssible ta the certrct
f,A @2a%
gavennent ehployees pos\d ot pl cities os natilied by the savetnher:.t oJ
httio, wat dpprcve(t W the itc. rtf reply oJ the institu.ion h nat tenobl< os
uE Bdthtndl ctty ts nat 01 ci1l."

cohmittee meeting held oh 26.09.2016 (tlagr) where it w.s resolved to not
approve payment ot HRA to thf teaohifc and no^-teachlne natfotthe university
b€yond 10% of pay as pe. Got[!]es tof oathtnda. tt w4 iurther resolved th.r th-c

excess amount paid to the e+loyeeq hay be recoveled as per DoPr surdetines
ol rFCovery ofe\(ess paVrenl
The reconmendations of the wd4 put up to the 22tu meerins ot Erecltive
colncll held on 12.10.2016 {Ft+/) whFrc lt w$ rerctved that HR^ rate sho lrd bc
rited at 10% orthe pay trom ttll ot"ii r**
o o.tot*,zot6 rnstead or20% of
the pay as applicable to z ctaslfitiesas per Gor noriihatJon No. No.2(13)/2008-
E.ll(B) dated 29.08.2008. As recids tb recoveryoiq@$ payment Ecresotled to
€rerthe matterbackto Fc.lt4s afo re$lved th" a reeresentation on behar

nace! or6

Jl nz "'t Lii'

or un,vercty emproye*
bl senllhquch a medber o' Ec to F.. "n
dechlon oi recovery or excils H8i already ptd to employees.
The decislon olEc to fix riRA.6ib% (lnstead ol2o%)with effect Jroff odlobar
2016 ws imphmdted whire recdlerv of erc*s nnn w* aererea
a retter was wrrtien tororl secrefary (cu& 0, MHRDoi os/12l2016 (Flasii()bv
the uiiveruity req u$tins fir walvHr from recovery ot ex.ess HRA amouit a |
prdto the employas. ft! minisjfv h rG eervdared l3/orlrot (FI.c-U eft"d

" As eet 6FR2ae(6)liv)(ol, d4snnke th4ituttan' orqonhotians vXhh

rereive nue lhm so% o\theitfe.utins dpenditure in Iorn d sftnts inlbtd
Jbn the centdt soeemnehtl, it adinai, Jotnutate ktns
'hautd nhd
candition' aI thetr enptales dfich ore, by ond totse, nat hishet thah tXb5e
oeeiiabk ta sihitar elfsqiff ol, ehobw* k enrot oovernnentllas
cenndt untvlslty of Puni.+br+ei'|nq loa% stunt han centtot savetnhflh.

the Dnl'eBtty h savehad by tle th*mtiohs kq?a hv the Governnellal

tndto Jrcn tihe b nhe, tnctuins in the ndttq of HRA b irs enptovfras

Arcddhsty , eoynat HRA the enphve4 oJ the uiv4sitv ue t+lbe

lo +
savemed iD dccatdonle wfth ninbttv ol Findhce, Deputnentl aI
etpehditurc's oM Not2(9)fta08-E]tlB) doted 2e a3 2oa8 ohd
No.2/5/201+E.tt(B) dote( 21 241s.
T i I
fhe payhent oJ *ce$ HhAl,trhe emptowes aJk univesitv 2oinb
tlr the date at tE otsrcnttnuot ib" 6 u"odhaized eavnehr oue ta rcI
tn cansanon.e xi! h Got otes old h- clote, | :haLtd be
v . 1he reFry w* put beroG ihe Etedt e @uturr in its 24th medins h1f on

rlw*psorea to apprwe reoret

2 0.03.2017 {Frac.M)whe,e

ttll I]

monthJy lnstalnenrs equal to iespecf lve ertf a entPermontho. jn lunipiumr
as perthe optioi received frot the
Nonouriis the rcsolve oi Ex*t]rive council th etsitythrough its notif lcotlbn
No. CU1BlcC/r7/EC-24/Ars 17/05/20111 {Flag-N) implemente d the
recoveryoiexcess HRA fron salary month
rhe recovery has al.eady beerlirrected forthe oyees who have lett unh/orslty
dudnsrhe rasrthree months btlow detr

3 1705
2, 3 a2 tzA

3, a L72AA
_&&erh Mulcy _
a 816



ti ofHnA and rccovcry of


T Chandlgah

rlon'ble Mr. tustice

- 20!7 Augustine Geo.ge t\rasih

ln< -A

rhe Hon'bh Hich co!ftstayedthePr ertllL nerthearing, Thematterk s

rhe abde k the factral pqlition the matter oI payment of Ex.e$

unrvssitv hs done rts bestilo conlf wlth theAudit observations The

hs been lnitiate-d and tle

recov,ery ate of HRA has been changed to La"/.

theshrymdth of odober r0lll


1. vice chancello6' Secietariat ldr klfd nformation ot Hon'bleVice chan

2, Frmioe officefor inromatron arlnc
!uiUinC Advisory Commilcc
{Ja' T uf
1'" M"hbe, scd"h.J, iirod,"d rh. Bid tb*i dtr Mti,r6 or tnc a6s metinc ldc
cna'hEd ro r! dE dcnlJ!$ of 3Ic tltouB[ .m"il. No co-.cn$ $dc i.etr&
roih hr 6mrbs tlc Chufun rJkcd th!;.mtr.s foL d)cll cododtrs, iamy ri
l[,*ll:::"]y.::f,*1,\,t":m,r4 pp6qr to bo !cs.d i. such
rrtr Arr4(5 or j6,h]mc,Ms orlAc q!,:.
re ttpla*J ns .ircd^tad /A'a.xne :

tn" -..u.. -o - mioues ol rhe 36d meedng ol

Building Advisoq/""Lu "oo.J"o

7h- au,,d,,,c /rd,'Lury Cohinil(. rr(J .l,r A,riLi. TLrfli RclJ, . ,...1
.foq.d ir6 urh.ppin.s rcg,.rd,na non_aom!.:,.n.. of eomc ot BAC
de.s'on!. Aiirh. coiTrlieJ ikm"Ncrc rblovrd. ErL"nd PSDA bc a!k(d,o
6hery rl &n{onfled t,eft d r][ erl'kd.

m Llc mjnac, of Tw.niy ScvcnF 12r,, MRbng !r srb comn,(e, or
nre Mr4h or,,\c rlwcnrr scEnr} L+a, i.{F6B oi s.t coIMr" o. Bund,"s
Advisory CoDdr.. cd. pu,ucd b, th. BAC dd 6.cd
+e d on 2t 'MucA 201/
ih- rc( prjroe Ee.,,I rns. nin,." ,bi,d.i B \c.
fc ',y
,n" *-.r-" -,f *o ,ooroved d,c minLF! or rhe 27o mee,ina ofsub

L a.

C.Dnd'., or il!,ldinJ A,lr,,oDl comFifla.

I il l
G8g Mk'iins or sub conhi'fe or
r. *..,.. .r f*o., c;ht .-s' aons or lrb comj.e or sLJ.nB
i'.,, ry co''m "..c. qad o., D. JJ." totI .Jd. - trucl brt r h. n-mbr.. An{
n .,. ,"" ,. r-,:, p ;o,d L, d^L (;oexu,c-r7.4,.

,* ."-...* ..,". .0".*q],n.

".. Adu''d -r.* r,n. ,.",. -".., ,,0
hcrd on r'tr runr" zo,?
lAct3Teau:. I

tl I

Tls rie pdsrc$ .'ld *hf

voi4 of cplorsctio, of Ma]n c,mlur fo!
11.l-..jr:, j:,.;-1..
tnrc. \t' Mq ancx ".J
.h*5'"_ry,,r,r,:(..r by Er,:s."cft
t' 7.

M, , u 1...-... p.o1-. .u
lrsnl.d n.0,os,ss kpod orrh-.. 1^.
..':.,.1 ",i'-f::I: pj:F.-
{ !-\ -. s( Llto J'o-_0r7 $xn..
' 'nL.rLp.ogr., oItoog;(A;*ueJ7.t. H. p,-{(d du
o"hr! lr rt0t20.3 Th" ch'4rrn oa BAc.r.(d jrrhe.omptctjol
.onrpicDon wr. noidccpbbl! d, culB wo,jJ..ax,. rl
.,M (! rh" 11,ef"6noflorS lrf--4.M.jCdns Tb"_.^oo.o.
d o. !r\ hJr lin e ur 6'!(ur \c,9 n.r conptrhoi ind.Io..,n..o,u,(.or
hurr cofll.c drc b4adce work wid!i,, th. n*t i ndrhs. Er! *N
!d,ne,t to
hq.c 6" -ro'FlToo
rrsr-dr('dLd Lh.tFrrijc
ll.oJ.?olq bd rLo alc dE coLFc@, b.ondq_cc.
vrc htu drE r4r orlLn. brjt.L,g. .o,lrlncn;^ flomtleof Jl.br.lolsur,,hshg.
N".d*r 2017 b$.d on
Pnonn4 tudry d(jdtd l1! cuPs ll
l1!.::ll t;+.91,.:" ,r. , -{fr *, -**,.a Lom JrlM Lb.. .}c
Etllhto:m.d rhe
qar .onin:ee D.mtm rlr (rb D,.doDly a*
0s3 ar(wr{
ionJ(..d IosDxrlt
noslsRr/ L..bs. Thj
L..bs. Dr, ii|. e6I!B rrk
tiA. rrkcdd En
E!. rc g.r
0.r J,e;{oi
a* oi
tuLrLrdonc frum SlT.f LLs rElj.dy cJSAr.d@ - _hf
6* roCUFB.
culo-a, ui, r:.icd jinc d6 o, *. ,r-*...z-o i.q: roud ,r{.
Bc e@Brq! d dc uifr f{.* f" vi!(h
*rq,$!A i1q,,By shoJd rr. aprd,rcd

.l 4"1":
bb.( ?nd -T,.d rllr,1-.J
n(ioeL ,,r1 l,i- of L)oJ, prm &,ws. of
dca,ltu ol,"6as ,oe br; a oo oc_oi"_
onNtrs! .rlo
'pf.fed ty cLrB. hi kq,tq.(d,nm s.. -".,i" _y li.

,i vq
t t 1i23.

o&r (i4tnturtrrbit

j1.l.t-! I" "r"*. t,u * .l. .r."*";. . u.,.. knd,


;::" i ;J.""' ; i,; l;T1 l,il1,i .':;:iJi. :i l" ;..,", ".',1

1 ur." on:oO,.zOt-,1r,.l.,l rti
'I' j.',.t.r.. p c.. .! h. p,rr 1,.r.t m. c .or j,c..o
n rr , r aj d^J otll, ji..nnIro,trilr\fy,,1r;...),t.,{,.\._.
il . ropo . on I sis-.9! u. .B.. rd (r
ln !i,,L t. Ly,t. j -,,fl dr... .nn k ., ..
ro trar hc Ji.ns,.nd r,r1),h.o arl,or r....c, "ad r,.tr.noi
rx,h., io r.tuc no6Rth] n1n5,Ac \[rl,.r3 , ,ftrr cJ a, JJ,!F jc"
oli.r-\:d"mc trto.! /rd.,osvo,.td n.cd *tfr tctJ.. or do-bl-I...(nB
s'il .o

1 &1.. i,:?.:
s d!..dcdri,, +.".hpg,.Ir,ov[onr-,. o,D..r" ic.o,-o...i.,..
/,.th r,t, trDrt/ d. f...,. Nrd, hr! Jr.,..,.!r t..\c L(o
I "
a.!d oJ f ui3 r. ginss o.ro,., Ljs. fm!,.r,.
t n c,!.'1,{,"+...1o... 1.r. j.,o" 6.,11. a.
;, 1"1. * p,o,._".: ;
(.4,!rr .,d.".ncc
^,o": t* ch1;,n *. -
,o. !,.n/.r.or D c,,
I 1x r h* rL',dr dr."d,," \,.,r{d.,hnoncct./,:uoidLrD.Jm,.kdu
,hraed.mr i, r,(,t,lr dc) I q"nc hfu,1.. orru.,l. . r.
Bio,.. dLc,o
rcr-d, rh. r'jtior,4 m.frbr..d,..tu.d,l,,Dto...
p, ".,ior&
L! r,.d.rc,l
iro6 nd i,ho"d bf allo tu pr. [inl.ltmour elv\o,.td rs to, d rbe y , r!
*:r. ., q{r hp;
-:i | "h" Jc.. .1 d.(D{. -8ni,.n. . E
ior ioL A!.tu,,tr,ou,a ln. /{r. ,k,"\ou,r
...: Jl{(o ,o N .id, m.n6.
"ld f, .p n,t, h lt (.r ..rr Jtr,. t/t, o,*- p... o,t;,
:r,m. \. i. Ldrd ltrJ ). qo,,t.l b. -.j.o;d "
^5.ceird-d r(hn... .u.,1,n,,hc
deb!, itudrdy.
] I
,r{.,.b", gd qurLe s,ruB.y.i(.c &
9-*9 +*:"f..
:itu8i *orJ bc "a1.ah.o!,,r.
hid $hi., \old hl,.en"@ n.c eL nro,m.d rh.i
i.m t'q i'tox! of hcf! r,tr rj"c $qi. f, .r.i rh..@Mfl.
th. a \' 3l o_1d.re (EL &,,^h,*c ro.+*L md 6"6- rhr p. D ioo or Ac.
.., sc Jcm, B-(ti rll . o,, b,ta"l., .{o,td be *.- , \ ,.om m,.d.

1**ti I ]
or u.

I ri,c com-nrc @ntd"ra,r
"0""{;",,]"1*,r ^_r".a.,
9t -,"y* qdti
i" mho'tu.uon o..rr{".*"o,,.
fi, phoso _ t"p'l*"
-[o -*,-.,on jr.ofrprctc tnc
d! M,rch 2018 qi.r, b.,cc w.d hJndinc
(rum Na\ci,rb* b,{d;n
I are,dy
:::i:':'11"p: qu!a.
dccjdcd by".,I11,jndna
2017 ,hr p.io, uc;
' s. ta" p, o,., *" or *.;"* *]h..y * r,*r, ,huutd b. medj rcd.
c, rrl to ac hc red "i*{.or
dtmarcnat d.dc konl"1o*
Sn.\t hb, ,cA,r".ry *in
I .ost,ocuPB I I I
*faf M*h, a,,Mtry
I ^e6+^.h,,
I 4l l

L :1,
,t I
Ng llflra *rfr{rft{En?qrfi{r I

M {*.r uoi "^iry"1,"":.,r, J

d. Inlnrc€o CUI,!
I ,t .,rpro\Jtlro.,lmord on rh. &"sing, -f trb ld)ourd
subnrnnu by M/s ISDAby 16-06-24r?
to md (hc pdhinary 4dtrale dr i;rcdor wolks or scmjr& Ha s
I ,.,d smn, c.-$ ruon, b( for,lo,d.d,d [rL ro, *i,n ion and
I lonnmnion. I

I t AI/S l,cDA .nurl'j {.1'n.r rhe p/ppos3l or Sien-e. Jlong virh dcrjjkd
j;;" o,
" u'",n '
dimdc ,o ErL rur ,(ers "nd nnJri>.r,o1 re'hm ,5
I "
I r. tu. r.1!Ll-.ud":n I,r(,rry rnE ptr.c whs,l, dnkd ut-*/,t,uLl. mlulJ(cd
I ah66/i' tr, h-3 L.rn rrcvi4cd, CtrPa qrttUqr lhe ddc ror lcning

I h, AJcnitcd
ro r$tddFcravjlion of4clder$ic Block ifuo nv€ storcy *ructure
ru'dfr n lhotj.l b.. encto*C spie wih Alud:niuh Glring rirh
J rlc.ui.J lidhF,
I vano,.r pL.po!r.. Ln! & Air.onJngbing provision! ror u.-dr by CUpa ror
Ar.l ir.c o ru!iEdl!hc d,av,nS, snn,r sscn drt" and pur
ll' trp rocopB. 1l

I ,. i'.1Lding
!.o,nion orJ- ir rr olhr pj".{s !h / br re,i.wrr wnt, odcr rtLe,nrnc
Ms J"ti :nd Ar. nn(' ro lfbmi' lhe oc'dj! eid,in $cn dri6.
] ErL & A,(hicd J
!o ctrLcr, .nd.od$m ,he n,o/i.,on or Ac" in
lj. Bro-k Jnd Jhu' b,Jconic,.h".to qF a,cs$,bh r,o-i,rduof ..,oom.^c"dfln,,
r'un:flAc:37r20r7:6 i
J;]1,.,,r.1-g** -- ,."...n,**-u r]*,J...., m,n canpu, br rJrid,r
B 1 k- s..h rc!p{!t,o.ch!.-r.c,;J nERr'.n;,r dLc"dr lubm.(ft b, Engincc,5
r,,dillliDjtcd (!Mc) (]1tu6ui!,i26).
nelrcrc'.!n .. IU ptni.d of prog4f, klon otPh.- ta b.lore
I c('Jh'c._hd 'nc
I pro+' r orlloonr.dcd du'
'nc rros+$ v4 r7o? rsJinj..!u(l cmJlarv.
ul' rd r..us2. Hs.,ld ojdrh!,[od rrnbrnptus,,.. ws dr.
r drJy,r
I shd' f-'ln rpp'ov,l oid.s, ru ro, q.6on! 6ryo"d -.,.,Jt ., .u.d Jr dL.
rrJ-! . \,.U ot r.ne pp xnd \o+ vi. re (onntcr; {-hd se
] ldpu_UkLl pcloLl.

]I *.-*"-,*,f",.u*.Jl
*hedurc ro, phrbe .lB
c allcadl comittcd co4llcrioa
n:l+c:37:2011:7 i ll
.JJf, -o
nT'f '* "no-* *" o.J"-,"*.'*Jl
(s*''"-o u'i"o'k Aon.*.)I IMC reg4.liog vitdlcd Aoo! til.t
Itc lnc
& Ejr ror 'o@d
e.o"ndd+rioi o,
thar C,c
{f^" *
n.n.*, n*nu..,
providins Vtbinod Tjto !loo,i; 6l+ious r@rThcB C
"" tbc
e@poxt ed xdvifd ihr rhe &chir{! 6i Vq shald sb,aj.6dtiple^!p!dcd
dois.s od
I i
Itlil I sl I

l3l l,

I llod!ftus lo1 {J,r'oql bl CUla wiibd, ihi nst sNcn .liys ir tJcl]n(r hircd ro
r-Lh r m (Ctrrl !. -.dA,1 .,lolc to.l 1rr r,,fl qu ...i!r- r r l,r
dr )mrnr tiL rn r \ \rct,k(

rcd rno d rhc i+.m,ncnda'rone of 2&h n er'rnc oI
rn cumm'(c: orDuld'DS ^pprovf
Adqnnry C.,n r:rn r (Annsur,_ r?.4).

'fd .jFUs.nd
drc oxdr itcn chijn6 4r s,lbnincd by M/s (SM! & So$ and
duly+conmenrlcd by E.sincelb tidi. UdncdFr
4,icxure - 3?,3.
I _
I e -(omn idr'or . f rtr sLL co m i.l"r of Lr'u,I.\-
I orF.-tr drinrIrbTdcJ t y s Kii\,81& 5 r,i . cr. w1"
I a6d!,tdbr nlcidrDf,u(( '(ofnodcd14

I Thc connnnrc rdcd an.i alprdgdlft rcconnr..driions of2&h nce rg.l

sr') comnir.! nr ptr,ldilg Advi.4r cd,.1nrcc tv'rt' !o'r. n.".'.J,trc'.G
({rrcxu, - r7.9. Funhrr I hn'irlc. '.rmrcd 'hf,r ErL r-.hcd( rrr
quandtics virh coniou! I)lm"calead! 6ubdrhcd dd c$tili rh.t di6poBl ol
snh N$ restrircd aid adu?ly Fdcdoil h! sirc.
hcDr Noi BIC:37i2017:9
To dilcuss lhc Timc Ericndio4 of 183 d.y6 lo M/b I(SMB & Sons for thc hind$ncqs
!iJuq.'.'tJ bv rh! ..n'Bcror un ro 0t,0u.2010 sr rc,ommcndcJ hy EnsnkeL !,d,
L,,.ir!,1ro- Plt'sc -1,4 ,Sc.rion - A & \ecrion - Brsdkc. ne nr$ compkfion d-c ol
j,ha8rfrA$ork6 sh,llbc 22.07.2017 ,bi.-,tu n 0
itl Ihe BAC aplrovcd d$ exdsion or llife o{ I83 dirs to M/s KSMB & Sois bscd
i on ErI- pblosl i'd ls rer (comrlcdditfns o! tlE Sub Comirtcc of suihbg
Ad\i. n Crtud .. n!BAL,dvi4d .L,.ol. rhow (iure rcd(c m.,/ o.
o AJ,riccr ap d.l.rrs rfe bt l5rto{'lh Thc d(11/ oIoijr L dt,
-o CUnr .6odd rl,o b, s/n.{..
ron rccor.t, rnd I r.po| Er.n
3nc D B rc. L m""Drtp. ')
I l

Thc.nmm,rc. rorch..nd aoD!;.d h.c hlomendJoonof 2&n m(dnr or

I S!b Comniror or Rl' i,dr ng A;L korylcoJhinr (Atrexue - 3?,4).
Prnhcr COPa,o s4min. ddJ, {f l0 da}s 3rriburrbtc ro CUPB arom,l'c
&co.ds .nd epor giGn !o 'heBAc i',na no:it
Fcctj'g of BAc.

It -)J 32
M { nrralUrrecdify orPuoJrbl


Ttu commikc lpFbvcd rc .(ar!{enddrion ofslb comrnrec orluildins

Advj€ory Cummiqrr (Annc{u,c -
b7.4r ior nJyncnr rJ EtL ro' Pojecr
Mrniecmcrt coroulGncy scdiccd idc.
:L$ dd -ppro\c rnc rclsJy.ofpJvm.nr lo M/i PSDA ror tuchn(ct Con.u.'ofl
frr brllsub.,.i ,cd 3no qu) \..co.m.^d#hy
HtL,..?.xdt -t7t2

1!c co@i$e, acccp;,r dE reco-*l;t.* Lr roac oo *"rao*

p. ma.( Lo PSDA rtqL " Etr
qi\oo orc le,6 on !@uroadet yj lac worL.
hoL'Jb.'J\Ecaro'i.uln,d.( JJoit{J qlr ,6s urd;a n@ eolnt Lh!
't 1

Thc comircc rpprpad ftc rccom4lcdarion orsub comttce or Bui.oin,

4uy,5ory Lomtulc. (Ar"c*,R. _p7,4)
Commiuci (encxuR. - h7,a, lbr
fo. p4)6cot M,/S psDA
p-1mcat ro M/s a;;
8SDA ro,
Arctukcwor cosu+mcl s.ntr€ r4+.
tmcl t.

'.' or.u. r.",n., l,un"" *,n.r{ ]nr.f r - , (s€cdon - A & B.)

Thl BAc zccelrcd jlc idmimddrdirs oF sc&tc.rtu sphedd or cFL
'l ".u'.' M'-,],^^\,,
l,- M""-,


'lA wolks. EII shouLd Bivc i

* rvdhbld^1oogqith.o$ bed.ir

E lt
Tl c cufrm'hcr rpprolcd ,hc lA ommr.dn,ion" of lS n r(oing of Sub
Lomnir{ or BldmA Advi6ory Cofrmir.. {4,r.\,.r 114, t"r
,cpiaccmenr of crLc con..t fi rbngs riirrlLED fi ning6.

Ct31:2071:74 i

n oran ln.ortun,rc addenr ar crlpg n4Ln c.frp4 in ?h*e ra (s*!ion

being con*ructed by M/s KsM BaihiFr4ohd. & s;n!,jjcldow.a 06.06.201?.
lX. BAC cofrdt@. tdoL v$y 3&ious vjcl, o[ thc u.ao|hurre inc]dent ind dvGcd
'hrPMC ndrhcLoD6-or(6r.,kfr'up.a,r..sdnr".dpoi,.cid.9uqF
rik] ijrd d.drn n tur.s.o D-,c.i,*h nc cn4 m tuu. t..L.t o, t. cndD
1'rt |Ii Lbo! .nal.y.d bv itr..nu|..4r,i ite, nor 6dc rg.. J.!J ,( be.ne
p., 1 D. nnn,r rre6 rcr.1d hul'll.tvo,t cs.nor'o r,. p/fc.,o,osr),,r,1
-d d"ry -s,.-.d , ih" ".-,rs or;l,hfb
EIL ro ce!ri4, ih^.:

i a.'rhctabour.mlroyed byrheconira.loriar sirGnotuidsasc

I b. Thcy arc bcinsprd $ p*-i",-unl,Jda*
I c, Ari 'hr Norhro hrvr t,..t,,. idn.,l,), f",,r"c,
s,,l r,,tr ki."rLr.J n, r,.r
4cord8 or,t,c conrdrtu,. l
i d. EIL ard drc Co.racto. to €r!u!c lb blovjdc fulr preclulion!, adcaMe
sfcly .id *cudtr n asurc nr 6ite ro DJovcnt such incidcncc in futulc.

] ]

redcn! or.ondmr olpcsioio!.t Msi. C4mpD6, c6u.lda!t,j!c.

:rh. con"u ,cbJn or buldrn, r., rhc ofc- pn.r L r.",". "."s. 1
.unrbrchon (on.r,mr s..pdirm b/ +Tn.4-es
$l c .FB ils"?nbdv. i! rcqJir.d o
rPcff:c aod @ordinrh siri l!\c drflcsnr iaooo 5, BAc kcommends b jppo,nf
a sunbl. QuItud Cr! Endr.a vih h"q,;E .,
e@m( to! d! p*!o* lnc
dr..d,uc ro' dcroys.* ;, e"i,4.+ ciid F,
p,o/ct conr'n8mcr i.rlpDo nkd rol d.. .*(lr,. *, h; ,i"
iurqo{ o,,,\. p,o
3/'M.ahr ot zLMhrA6b.rytudtft,.

p rn *'ffqfuqfu(qrm
,!lnJ UblYeslty olluuJ.b
Fim.. Comnittcc olCOfD mf bc

BAe37;24n tt6

rixing d.e orrhc ndr mc.dnga

Tlc BDlldiog Advisory Coeminc. .bc Ch:im.r tx ah. d.t! of

rhc n.xt ncqring ad ler !€qqircm.r 'o

th. ocpti,s cndcd vit! fudlc to th. Ch.!

n!8i!!.r &\,t4hb€SccrclJy
BlndilgAdvtolt Co@dtloo
AuNelu*e ac'':'11
l tl
Gsldeffnos for Enipaiblment ot A4runct
Faculty tn Unlv$rsl{les and Colleges



culdelln€s for EmpaDetlfent ot nolunct racurty

In Unlversttles and Cojteges

' i;."il:j;"* ," *o", ** **""* . ...,"*, *"" 1

ovdlhe last ', "*, "4,*,,J
yoa6, tta koy rhtu,rrri-. O"",lp" rrp."r^s lhr.rp oyabiriryprcspects or t i
gradualos aid dlso hprcylno lho qualry anl quanlum ot ros6arch, Thof6tof6, I becom.
impentive Io lnvorvo oxp6ds, Oo,s$roiir/s Mq @*arches nod d vers6 ro conl/bulo
lho enearns Doeds or htoheroducafun 'erdssysrem s pos$
naun nigror *ucarion
l fysrenllrno
Io make jfsell roB €,evMt ro the headdo! )ndlsty and dhptaynenr opponunlies keepho
mind lh6 €pld cha.sas o jobrsqurch€nlsand Ae6ds or rh6,-u., y.

Fki dovelophenl aod upgradalion o, iF

Takin! an hldghled hlrialive tolilds
comp€ronoJes, h6 cohnrssron has reeilry taqlrched hrco ne*sh6mes iadery comnunl
Corleges, a.Vor dsgree pbg6mn6
f"d d!"n O"y"r Upadhyay KAUSHAL K6ndra.]
Unive6llles and col/eges o',Br.ourso5 r'bn ceii,icare u, to lostqraduale aid rosearch eyli
ds! eos artreo ar -o/p*'-
e(onorl. ard l"drsual rsds at h.
-o " """,
rdoral 'r"..","r,." """r'1
co.rs.s a e o'h 6d $ d.rvo,ivoir'ere1r o, Fdr.l oa-ds 1so\o-r€.rrk.Ji
deveooro- der\ery o',or'ses ard $-$trefr oiterre s. -re s Dree o q- (/?(ul I
q hids y rel,Fo sr's,em
o' F q\e e.€'!- af a lhoe. Fs4a. s'c' ro e p d'm!
- s. ,basod.oJ3os. !
tlsworEaisd (alr1e'e slo'o'.'dar'odedard.'|e ('urrso,-Frd,cl"bawrhl

-€.ornr1 .a,,,0 r,'onarv co-".'"f* *^a-,vs,er r.6 irDe a r'6 n

'r'{ 'o'. rar a?denl
-'r'hdlvdLcrl sro a e on<d6 rho srrear
sysleni rrows inloour universifes. This \tnurd srrcnshei and improvo the qual(y
bachlns, training aid rosoarch. The cufenr mh$ive e&mson phase in hioher aducalioli
da.daiins huse prosEmfrdrio divorsiy, ;lro reduires lhal rdcurry rcadrrccs bo .uohcnted 4
uiiizins ihe seto@s or supe,annlated alademlcs, repuled $ienlisc, e^sneere, physlciant
advocates, adisrs, civil sedanrs ncrudhliskire4 prore$onars, bolh serinq and r6i red.
arso essemiarrhar such tadlry rs hted wilh rh€ +ame desree ol nsouras adopied lor rurr-llrti
raculry so lhar dqht typ€ ol cadddal€s a; iden ded ror such assrsnmenls. t is also n6cossail
ro rve unro{iyaro ra-.pa 6r.y.- fte e!(el, d 1fo,dj . r'r""r r. .,""'t' o
2, Oblectives: I

2.1, To d€verop a us€rul dd vlable
belween insliulrons and induslry anfi
onhancnq quariry of educaion alid skrf by rnwrenenr or ead*
"*" *"*"1
O ltl

p/acrlione6, policynakerc and slirlpd p4,s$lonah rn r6achhs, tEiiino, rEsoarch 6.nd
rolared s€toicos on rcoutarbasisj

scionc€ and €clrnoroqy, indusrry, commoice, soclal resoarch, nedia, l|e6tuG, rln.
ads, civilsofricss and publlc I'e inio tho;cad6mic aroda,lo smich Ihs ovara llea'nln!
p.ocessss by binglng oxlenalpeApecliygs 10 reoular l€achlng. Such lnte@d ons aro
expedod to rosror tansirsclorrnai apprcach and syndolza rho oursilo ?sa worrd
expsronco wirh lho rnsics intelloctqat pu6uits in lh6 univaGlly;
23 p'ororo ,o ndado1o s^ ldd Ddscionals$,1. rD 6arosa.ora-r6F tl_€
mpanins ol lndslry relovanr slan[ads in ski rs, acc€plabre nalionaly, which cou]d
,urrirllho nood ror skirred work,orce arso b undedake F&D n lho ar€as rcraled ro
skl t e duca rio n & d ovotopn o nr ontrHto n6u 6hlp an de mployabitily drc;

24.Io enabro hlgher odu€rionar indfturioT lo access rh6 aminenl l.acho6 a-d
tosoarch66 who have complotod rliHttorTtrarsociailon wrh rhe un v€rsily/corlo9o, 1o
panbipald in leachlno, Io collaboiie and to sl]morat€ €soarch aotlvilias ror quarhy
resoarch at M. Fh land Ph, D, Lsvqs;andlo ptay monlorig and insp alionalrclei

25 io rscoqriz€ ..h6i \6
rospeclivo o, their acadomlc quali'carioiF ro mpad r@nins to lhE learners o' sklll
based vocaiional cour6os in Untvcrc os anil coticoas.

3. TsrqEl G.ouls:
Professionals, oxpens, outchls and manesers havtns.xpaisnco or woding in:
3.1. Teachins and rcsearch orsanizatrins supponod by bodios ks |CAF, tcssR, CstR,
crrF, DRoo, cenratand srar€ Uhiv6rsiit6s,6tc
3.2. cenr.arand srare pubtic s€cb, uijiiedakrnss (psus), businoss coipo€ ons, NGos
and prc,esstonat associaltons.
3.3,civlr sofrants (rAs / ps /
ofiiglab rom conr€t and prcvhciat s€Ncos) and
prcI€ssJonale & ofiicrars rr.m prctelisronat @uncls and slatutory bodres ik6 UGc and
AICTE, both ssrujng and ro r€d;
3.4, Skilj Iralnins p@vid66 r€cosnii€d Nadpiarskjts D€v6topm6ni corpoaron and /
o, secro, sklr/counclts tn their.eshFdrs tor sklts €du€ton and l@ininll
3.5. NF/s and Plos wdklns wth pvrrsias acad€mic, rosoarch and business
orsanrzaiions or having a demon+hr€d ihr€resl in lndian issues,
3.6. Skill€d pfofossionals working in o&ani?€d and unorqaniz6d sGclorc known tor
rh€/r hands-on ski[]ns rochnlqu* i"o

4. E gdgene lroda[Iesr
a,r OurlilJcdronr: i
Ca-drdatororad,LrdrdtLrrysfoJdr"r,rrt_",0,"*.0_." ..
n) Fot Conven oht Htghat EduLdtton Cau ses:
1 snoud "a\e ro -.-.-hr'.a,orxo*.osd -|ordl'1b4!
r,,F6doyucc rsp6_was1d.ro
rD A person o'6mhenF Itrh mhthdul a postshduare o/ ph,D. quafi€lions-1.]
b) Fotskutbosed.outsa:
i ]
shouid bs an accomlrrsheqlebressrodar / 6xped rn rrk chosen fidrd
dis.brine and nay ioli6co,+arily possess quatiricarions prcsdibed und+l
UGCfeguralions. oF I
r) should b6 a conified prcJosjionar, roachinq and trainrno on Nalion
oc.upar'orc s'ard ds rdf, \sof.
'or !,, re se rd sr,\ jr. ' f+
reach.o esp.crvd rao6 iobloie
they are arso expected to ha{a an uddoGlandtns.r induslry /aqunenoit+,
Naro'drorLDdiondstarad( \oss c"dI$os,For.sc6r'o.,of o.yit+
'1 aodlon ro rE aluw,r's oyo6.hd r,], o o r-,a(,
r, m bor" r," **i{
woud be an a@omptishdd schoraftn hrs
d specia zat on and hk *sciat m wo! lf
add varuq lolhe acadefr c prooanimes hd s asso.taled wllh.

4.2, setecfloncrtterta:
Adlunct Faolty wll bo aep{rnred py tho 6mp6lenr aurhority based on l?i
reonndndallon or a comnifldo.ldeiod
w vary rrcn 05 fronrhs ql
years r decid.d byrho ln3rirurln oi 'o
liuNary sorced refl, and @ndrrom. ' ll
€tpeded lhal any applicarion tof djuncltacufty rs rrcl discussed al rho depannofil
revdl. Ile depadmont nay rotuird $q apprication wrh comnenls spe.i,ytds IhH
6uiabiriry or such anddarc(s)rn tdo dop+ndnr/ insriruron rele acsdanic aclrvrios
Fe deoaltrerr
a L J" k'
fj' e..r
d ,:., ..y .h" sr€ +o J "
by d corriree comp,6hs orrottowt1g:
,) tleado'ho.srrro.o.r-\Tlnnsercnar,r. |

') dead or ho donceneo DFlalderr. l

Deal raedehc cdoarcl, ]l ** o,"..,.r, rcno,
'r .aseo'co'egs. -"rrr(,p l]

lv) ono ExrohatExrod (Noftnarcqby headorre hsrtdrd). I

vc ot serol6kill council/ rndustfy assochrioi6 (,o,6kir bodol

v) noohra, / vr@'prndrear 8,""f . p.*^ 1c-**'t.

illlI I
lr lhe commllles rccomDonds tho a+, rho would bo lofladsd lo lhs comp6!.nt
aulhorir'/ con0ide€liod and n.@ssary The llFnsh ol Adjund ma'/ nol
'or lappolFt
exc06d25%1he 6androned drongh ottac[rlyst 'acully
5, Rol6sand Sosponsrbttlrost ] ]
Th6 ompaoorlodadiunol Iaculy ls srpocledto und4dake lolrowlng 4ssnmqils:
i)convonllorclHlghor Educalton Coursds: Adjuncl taoutt! willbo oxpeclod to l€ach
00!19es dlredly blalod lo hls spoclllc oxp odlso and prolBssional orp.ionca or lhe
aroas o, hls spoc allzarion He also @nldbure l. rh6Insliulions aclvil os I lkd
counselino or srudenrs, dovoroplfg ndwcouc6(s) and ped.qogi€l imprcvoments,
ll) skll, based voc.tronalcouBosfTh6 mre couc€s pona niDs lo spacla zod skilrE /
r6d6s be rmparcd by fie racurly tom indusrry, sooror skrl counerlo
'nay Fdlund
apptoved tain66 or olhorpors{ns wilh app@priat€ skiilprcllcloncy. Such lacurly
;rpafu s €o-cerc1 afd ar 14 to .ea nei in sn. oas6d coLles, sfo-U 5avo
'eie,a1r \soF qLa icros. (o" roo oy rn€ 610,o1r se..oJ sr,l
counci/ |
ill) Fes6a,ch courses: Adiuncr ta+ty miy also be tivotved in lhs M.Phil / Ph-D.
cousowork bas6d on hs piorelsionatatrd res€arch poiicioncy adjudqed by tho
conc€rned lnstturon I
5,2. rnhrno: Adtunct facufy wttt Ue elpocroJ ro rooilroro mo oo rdg or worKs[opt and
labs, providtng hands on lrann0 n rhe ntem.i doman a.€as, devetopmonr ot sot
sklrs, and rocus on onsurno compotgncy
+s6d toarnins oulcom65amonqsrud€nls.
5,3. Fosoarchr Adjund racllry is exp€cled id in|a@ct with and supoNso rhE rcsaarch
siudenls rn Ihe arda or his spociE i+aron or por€sstonatprcrci.ncy. How6v6r,lh6r€
should be pr6l.Ebty m€ core doutry mombef as6ociaiod as Supedtsoi / Co.
.upedisortorsmoolh inducrion qnd coodtnauon ol acadomic pEcodures. Th6 adjunct
racu(y may rack a radrional aclPenic beksbmd in such ca.6, lhey are not
exp€cled i0 conlribule lo lh6 instrlulfn s rcs€arch and cr€ative mrsslon by panictpa ns
rn Iradtional schotady acrivilios (ri] fioy are hor expected lo conduct independenl
r6s6arch and/o. publlsh In poorr€tiewdd jounars)_ hsiead, ho may panicipato by
adv/sins raculty on rh6k rcs6arch p4/dors
Fdrng as a takon boMddnlho insliiuitohs
and industry or sovemm€nt enritbs idoniry resoarch and/or tundins opporrunlries or
by wo*ino wilh facuJly ro idenliry EH€arch prt€!. industfy
Frcjeds rhar wourd benelir
5,4, serui.es: Adjlncr iaculy is atso €]peclsF ro aciv€ty panicipato in sodic€.@tat6d
acr/ros, suchFs srtang on o6panm6nral
fohnin€€s, serying as adv506 o,acrtty

aidlor undororaduato aid pdsl sadualo sludeils, hahtno studonts nerwoik, I
acfve ollabomdon wlrh fiH Indu$ry / empJoyef provrdfo intomship and
6, Cosls 6nd Honorartum : i
6.1. Adjurcr racu,ry w'n bs pJ4,rde llhrer @sr as p6, s1r.-orri,otr nis/r
hsriu'b4j,€ or 6ra *d
Ha^. llldhum &\ 106) fmos oo, dedonrc y6,,.
r€rfrbusoheit tor hrins acJlmmop4oi wtl re p",nr""ror. roreue,, sr,ene ,
bo pbyrded 16€ todsrns and loardrdd h h. Guell Houso.
6.2 ShelE wllrb6 prcvjdod an ho.oreifm or ft. 1oo0/- (R3, ono rhousaid onl, r
le.tuo io a mdrd@ ot Fs, ,1ooo/- (Cfi. Fou rhoBdd odD pd day ot seMco subJl
lo a rDximum coirino or tu. 80.00q1- Fs. Erohry ThoosMd odt) per nonrh. T
Adjuncl Faorry wl woft dr lhe hosl roru mrnimum or 02 days per vislt.
7, llonlto hs: I
Al lhe end ol asslonm€nt, dva4iAdJu. Fadly slltsubmh a'penomance repon'
lho ho6l unlver6lty / 6rroso wtih coeylrro tha Univetsliy oEnrs Cohmrssion.
{ ir
pedomanco f6pon, may b€ consrdfted rolhrs mi im on / cidwaror nexrreiu,e.

tlil .1r.:

lu tl



iIl I

l rtt
a. Visitinq Protossorj
1, A Vjsiling Proiessor should b6 an eninelt scholar in hithor fleld, Gen6Elly
D€rsor bho hes hold or . olohs rllo posl o. Pro!€ssor o a p66or who hae
dcho!€d d.. !l:o- ou5do Lo -ntor,,ty .€cto-, s-o-ld oe rcn'oe6d ro.
appo4rnenr.s visirina Pro,essor l
2. Tne na^a.n r€1ur6 orlppo,nrfe"iol a vrsr,ng proressor is w )ea6 ano r€
r'r'm-r - -olles rna- rliee ronrne un,versiry na/,ppoinla pe6or Lpto
rho ego ot 70 y€ars as a V etino p.oiossor.
a [email protected], sm,to rcrmdppo-r€d as a vF[no p,o!€6eor n lhesar€ r^iv€rjry
h h6 .'e no.osa oosr.;meora,€tTbororo o;oft€r -uoor!rLai,o1.
4. ji d superznrratFd oe6on .s dDoonied as a v,r,tina o,o6
pd',able_noud-orekeooRs.15,odo.-p.T.oruromud;,s-p€6n-Ldlonoe ot'rs.
l r a per on aopo,nrod d. v
6,hnt p'oietnor LoT oursroe rne cou..ry nay be paid an
I fonorari!, i.tupto Rs,20,00otD.m.
] 6 a aso d pdso sen _9 h a1 nd.af Unrv€crry rs apponroo as visrlrlg po,€sso_,
I lro rotrariLr palabie 5nou'd De do.o rhed on rn6 oas,! ors","ryp.us l0% of lhe
corveyd-cedrloqat€. rrrnljar permd rar6s orrno pa,e r -nv€6ry. -ae v ng
I ulre's v tro-ld dlso contr'bJto rowrrds oolsiona-v oe-et'ls o. OPF,GDF'ece as p€r
I usualrures.
7. ,r. e,oecreo .rr {h€n. ,".ns plf"on i" rppoi".o vJhns po,esso,. u.e
| pa@r ul \ers
I d. t p66on ty roLtd gtro I -.€, d.d.odvs w -o_r p"y, "r
a horr'rg
I reulve6.lynalnee aboad o. a perm4nslt ba, r is n\i €d as d v,s r,-9 orofesso.,
I nocosroi,nlerialionatarrravettromnsownr€sources.
lv:sr'rt Prorosso,h iDpo.tcd mEy bb pad ka"ot orp€ns63 4ir4 nd:o n
I accoroance wiln Ihe rutes
oilh€ unrdE,tu
19. Cca hoLs a @rd@auo. e,p,iaeo ro oe pro.oeo ,e€ o .hd€€ oy rne
lloslLnr/€6,ry oLr.oodcnd gs) aouto bp pa,oto.by lhe v s.ri.g po,€sso.
]1. Vtstrins reltow:
1. A !F,ti.o Fet,oi enouro oo a gchotar of em,rnce ," hs/he. subjact,
>Lpo@tuated pe so"s .p to h6 age o, 70 y€d6 na) atso be consdo.oo for
rrTent a5 VE,l ng F€, od. he -i.:trLm rer Lre ot a Visih 19 Fe ,ow :-oLtd rct
le$ lhan a tr€€( ano ra. mJ-'
_Lp b |nf€e mo^th5.
ne v s lirg F€low nay be patd odrtatb@n(e nol o^@ed.ns Rs,6Oo/. per day
lz v.s c Lp lo on€ monrh Fo, v,s.r!
for or vis/unp Ldrpro oie monh re €r; tra/ oe as n fie
raso Professor
T'.veldpens€s ray bs rer,r sccoroi:nc€wr lhe rr'osotth€ rniv€rsiy.
P. 1-se/peLiedrr hepar€rt,ln.rlon[yils€nrEcadetric.eavewirrpaya.d
r ano@rce to.1hs @Er on ot lh6 aqpoilrqenr a6 Visiing Fetow
rr€ nosl u.te.s,ry iouto prov:ooaccom-odahon lo iieVisiring F6,owin ihe
fi&ea'tyoJes Har€.ce o.oa.o". or,looo"n&n", *ud bc;j.d bylho
y6tr/ng FerJow,
rhe sad€ pdrcn ray.d be n,treo al vsiins Felto* ,,
f_rn€ sdm€ _unrverslry oLr re peiod or 3 ron
L,d !,d,, J.,1, n, d )co
withrn Ih6 p6iod ot of€ year,
la cdr be spih up as dedred oit.e
'lnNelsrry J

I t.. I
It )lL't
t-t^ ;

k^r^l€Kua€ -1.s.,2a
atioh (Throughout Ftrst cjas5

(Hioh Endsy Phys6. rhoo,

1995.2013 Tdachho &Fosoq d,i
chrl Padesh. univorrry, slrtJnta 199092 Teachlnq & Feeoa6,,
h/sics 1934-95 Toaching & Boeoqrr,
1931'34 Toaching a Aesda/.,
a^]ry or Ab'na, Edmonron, (can!da)

rds and A.hievehGnts

Ha,r ohm ash.am prerr-Naro,lL, o**o-,

shon LkredrorsaDaMunv rpA Fdsildavhd - re37 "*j".n
Prorldsir, Fasronrr councfi othdiarlA$ or Fhvd6 Teachds
Protossor Emontus (CSIF 2014)

sel6crad,orasradAmodcEnwhorv,,1holt"d, ro03.:01r.
solocrod ror Em nontP66oiauu's otro,hcmrird. rnr Brd F*
sat*bd tot Dtttkrery at kteqathalBba7h; pn _ $,1

ive Experience (phlabr dNotlv)

Drrccror, PtonnlnO andMonlor]no

Deant Physicit golonces ,
Hc!d, Ph,/srco Dopa(monr -
coo'dhatof, saP & cenv6 otrdydn qrf
,, I
coordlnaror, Ftsr (DSt- coyr,or hdl

[renb6( Senat€, 2003.10).

charhan, ,raadohlo a Adhtn. Audir c
Mohb€rCol/ogE Oav€topmonI Councl

R crl"^ !1"-j
Rese.r.h Collabor.rions

un w6nyor A bcna, EdmonLon. clnada

uivorrD oiWkoru n. Madkoi ril^
s1m4 ftad unr4u,ry varcwdl bdnada '00!)
Lrs6i(o 8rrery Lab. B61Mhv iti^
16.rrno /i!. reh., Hara ismel
i.c.r.P, Trla d,lraly
ACdis Ababa ui vsBlry AddkAbabl Ehbdr
rit orPhrkt a.adohra s ka,larDetrlrw (200s,20070s 2010 1r,20r3 20151
Nd/onrr lrng Hua unryoE r! Ns irhu. T!rwrn
CERN, G6nova, svlzc.tond
Yoiso I Univorslly sodul s, l(drea
(EK, Tsukoba, Jlpad

tn myree'.h vdr m rh, aeakdm,ls or I ut,y q,",r r,0,""' rr,"""^p","a'o.,qpry

d6i0vdd^e rewrh8iom6na ii orda, d hid,J rh, disirno
eap b6i!6n rheryad $psdDmr. Emt$by @
rh0 (oEtJludnr qlsjk nnd,t,0ivou amdelitds andd^
Fcro'r:aron ,orrdmo 6rc. I ha\a tlavetapell r)ovah a
srudy rrr0r'de6yj. Drsorery oJ lh66 rr4w rlarcu lhddlons begai a iaweE ri tho developmod ot iHdllold
or hioh Ef6r0y physt.s Srqirkanco oI mi wb* d! :! rd p4bl^i rii inroDayorwaak aid rsss undalllo.d
svon! hre/a.no4 t' rhhdeveoanonr. iay'BDubr 120 Boarch prps6 rn ropured louribr! o/
rn$1,, futveted tatNs at aret 100 tntenA anal lf6d ovar Ndhndt .ontienfts qnd synpodt, E\1. Ml
' ?nd
'hteerwtait tuattd bo tsetut ta dabhdt thC rcbtrl ercnqths at.am@nnq *dar qutrrdtdt ptuc btsas
and ihus ad a59,ide toe\pertmmir s6afthel. oar lrfulary h rho hroh Gtathllmoxpdments wlih rutum
mach ie3 su.h a6 ra+(hrm Jid bouomnslbnrd.

ucc R6dch Pbject t1ss2-3^)

Dsr Rasdabh PtuJact {1se7-a1)
Phy.rcs, cs/t F s,a,fth Pil?.r (2n02 - osr
Proplirion or b n.dh -hc. or Shrprnol6chirq0e tcAsr)
ror sotar cen Appltca ohs, Dsr Res*tch Pt J6d l2Nas.13l
FesearchSupervts,on: ph,O.: 3, .3

ha\E tdrg\t Ptdrcte ohystcs, omtLn Memantg GtouD fheaN. co

Eeld,vtv dof*, Mahd;hs {a Hsto'v 3 pt osoe\o'
B&oo. rhd rasL.!. M. i 5aa rriarm
'00..ta"sprrl.s*rhopde.GradLalere.eroLjinom, ja,ar rr,p unld6u
t .rcoonbrns
svEe.t.t conput* stnultlan
1ab urBA,! Fd o!1ao tl.4ary rd,h!prpoto, ra"oa*eoooa o:ivarg a-a o eohleij
.rho rfa 16* sLqdr ,1,aoaa\rei3,'f "oa.iaboaroaFr,fe Idr,e
o.e-o16d riese c(0r6 ard r6.ee -Lmd d %'1er erfL ss h6 {,aro
'n "rs,q, ".fo a.dplabr l
/z vs.u"4o.", V
PuB6d rnrercre rn phJro;optryand

dt hobbt, gnd have puushed aret J0 Gehed

DrR.c.vcrmu (Profile)

20.AedghkSl.rca Mat.lots
Tarp6l llarwan) rols
19. KEK lThoo/y Diy.),
Tsukuba (JapaD) 1014
sooul, (s, Koreal

- Mtry ro13

-Fol. r0111

Geneya (Swrrzartand) '^'l* i

July20 5. visiling sciqtist &

Th6o@tcarSc ances pancipalEdin Inrohntonal
Hsinchu, (Ialwan) con'o€n@ on Fhvor Physlcs,

Vlsllhrg Sdenlisl &

padicipaled in htshattonat Workshop
Padlulc PJrys.Ph€nomonolooy
Addls Ababa (Elhlopta)


Vbiting Sci'hlst &

Edmonlon (cadada) Talk llv€n at lake Loursowinrel

Resead A*aciate &

Edmonton (cahada) panrcrpalod Jn Lako Loube wintor

Edmonton (c6nada)
990 Fewrch Assaddlo &
Talk Oiven at Lake Loutso Winter

Tal\ d€llvorod in Xtt lnlernational

wor*shoe on w@k |nt aN4rdn6

5. Simoi Frasq lliiveGiry panlclpatod in NATo Advancad
vaicouvsr (caiada) Workshop on SopofFled Tho
4. Lasrdico Bo*dtsy tab.
lf" pdrlrclpaled In xxl I Inldiiarlonal

3, UnivorcltyotAtb6da
!; 'lfu HOh Enoiay Physlcs Coilecncc

EdmonJon (canada)

2 Unlvo6 ryorWisconstn
Madison (U.s,A )

1. Uoiyersly oi Albona
t' pa icipalod n xx Jnlohalonal
HiOh Enercy Fhysics Conieronce

',1] Post oactatal Felbv

Edhon|on (Canada)

,*ror". rlo, J*,*

"*n**o P.d14 sa a"irs
c brcompuresihurrron hpiy,6llrD p.6sr
FoFTFAN ror combula onar &h!si.E

FoRTFAN 77:Ptus€mm iq ahd Aood.ar;ns

d.c. vm. ,\ tLA rsDl fd
compu16rA/d Instrddrlons
ri Phtrics bua"rum Llecnanrcs
uK Mtbt. E.c. kna h s.c F,e1a. *,1.
conpurof sitrrurarl( ir pr vsr.J
conpurer Pboahmrno ] I
nc.ven,. vK M,b,.sf
compuioronar Phys 6: ai hroludbdl
ni'oddo on ro Pcs Dos&comouhohnhaobr.:ion3
uN k,BE. a./A.t\tbi F.c.ven, (sss)

r. co-p,t." 'tpprr"" Lor, ll

Papers Publish€dr 124

j5l'Pilisfs G (Nrc' PhYs ) P@qr€ss ot Thoo. Physics

-9 lnd, Jl, Pure & App, Physlcs
.3 -3

124. Topolooical Diagram Anatysis

Pseudoscalar t\,1esons
Mfu|j,da|}[email protected]]Dh|''Aina'h

121. Dc-ri colsrilts €ro o'J-wavo aroCrave ne,orrs

'orn'ac.o,s ade,ap.ph t's..sal

i20. De.a)s or bo(roa n esons enirlinq re-sor Tesons rn rns Lnatear€

lsino th€ tsgursco|a c'insl€ n-wts€ mode
Pnys so1. ar\o
D s1 t:0' u
rle P'e|-:ra y Esfaale ot E'anc.lnq Fadosotw€a( haa,on,c OcLi,! ol
borcm baryors 0r, ,n0 chariesr S(atari,4esons
Mtu stuT4 4 D.j Md p.c tuaiF
118. E^c/usjv6 Semlteptonic oecays ofBc Meson,
) u.,o,o. od.ol
Ph,s. s1.
117. Prodlctions or B! m€son omjtidb pseudoscatar ano feavy sca,ar
nesons /ising |SGW _[ modet]
r16. Brdrch'rsFalosorEcmeson!be.airopseuooscaa.
J5 Cha.r Cr"ang rr rredk Hao.or ic opfaysorTip,et (c-1) ba.yon6
emitl/q A^iafveflo, Mesons lrc.. ,aqonz€or€ ard poleConrdb-ro-s.
114. t/oments o'(32r) hoav/ oaryois usirsetfecli,e ncss and
^4agrelc cha.!e scheme
Eut. Phy..,J. a,42 t2e9243
'13. tu'ar-v€(ror Vesoner:trn9 Weak Nor.eptonc Decays o,b.BaJyons
12. Scara/ Mes_on emllingwe"^ habron,c D€cays o.,,+ Crarn Baryo.s
invorv,ng Fado.izat/on and potil conrrbutro;s

') ' ,"i-.

ll'q ?' _. L

F"sr tcLrare or 4. arv€crol|lheson oh.rio

WFap No-epro..c De
'rl. 0rcharmBaryons n th€ FadlJizalion s.ha;6
- i0 Ec Vo.on Foa,a(lo.r af o Bh.>pV De(dls trvo,v fl a!o. o"pF,
/anaers6 ouarh Moneitutn
Ra Dhi ardRc vdnE) ph'c R.v D 7s, auaal!2aas)
'09. E'av-o.
o-Dando-ce o, B rq.o- to,r /dcto.s a-o B c _.> p p dec
i08 Fia vo"' SIU_cr" r€ or, ow.Ero,9, nao.o- oat D, o.op.oo_c,on

107 uad'o.,! Decays ot Chd/T lve-o-s€n.tng p.p.oo"ca.s.rn.

!, +
06 E< us,p weak had,o.,c de-a\i o,u!a.a Baryo-<.r Fra\ou. SJ
deana/yzed i
nd l nh 4 r'Pp hF.45 t@ra ns
'05, \ojiaciorlzao'o Co{,'oui,orr to pao.onic OFcr\sor D n€cons
104. Vdo^€r( \,lonenF or c\d,feo B{ryors us,no e,i€ah6 Trss a-o
s.foened chsrse of oua,kl

101. Wea( Noleororc oecav(r * .""".,i"n

i02, Feanalysis ol baryor maOneticmdmefls
"t,]lf "-, "*-,
us fg the otfecr v6 mas6 and
screene0 chara€ ot ouad\d

'Ol OJd'k D'qq-amA-a,vrs or Woah d;dronc D..rs n' B. M.son

p,.," Dr, lad.,,,"aa.
100. OL/k DagrmAra,/s:s otP,VVWe"" De.:y. s Sr"6r,no Ft""s
oc vd.^s 3 r c s\d.4s
es Sfono BBP couprinos rorrhlcnar eu earvons
;ar.a as b.P r ra 2aot 6n
98.cra rriaoror4woar DecJlsardror.raaor'z"ureconr'o-ro-s

97, Rrro D€cy. olv and y I l

It Me -3 ",.,@ts:.
96 AOo-poterlar efacred r{r o-H.kon
"n\ospecfo *op.c Dalc,
. o-2 a acp P .r r7t'@a 's
95 SudvorW€a\MesolcDsdaysoil(s: baryols 01 bas s oi hOFT R
6-. Fryo r c.1t@e,r,z
94. Bottom Baryons Decavsh pot6 MJbet.

93. An lrcoroatrb,r/ . CstcJ,:.,on oib a,ron:rr \4as<F< & Lppronic Wiol

92. Norracro,2aoe Cor.oJtonsto wehr D

-. pp De.av-
K<s\E.-a t.c 4,b.aa.- vaga zp.blphr:cnt,,n ,

9l sUr3)ilavorAal/s,s^or'worody wFL O-s-!a),!.^Cna..so.Ba.ivo1s
Phts: RN D ss (tes) t67
90 rsosprn Analyss or nonraclo, zdib16 conlri.lo d6c.vs oic
hadnnic decays
lo hadronic oicharm me=ont
r, Phy& o 23 (1se, e0/
49, N?1?:l1iabl9.99.!!!9'trl9n9 t" wea(o r
PV oecar_(rcrPre_sr166)
t. Prr6 a7stt6a7 $r
88. CKM Favorod A,moson D€cays to pseudoscator & Ar/atmesofs
87 wea\ D"cd)s or B.rosons to 4{o ) & sro-J ,r F,narslrre
ht.Moo1. at.qri),2'
86. No1'acro za.,o- in
4NKtutlR s, B
ned.onclrp bod/
t.tba!' P.la
Cab obora\or€o decrys otD0& D ,

85. Cabibbo Favorod Hadronlc Dec{ys ofcharm€d Baryons in FtavorsU(3)

84. SUdFia'o Ana'/sjs o. Nonracrb.izao,e Corl',ourons ro D pD oeca) s
| | Phtc. LdbE B raro,.)1??
33.So^o'ch,no Srstemal cs tor \",,. D
d.." '.F*"b....Hadron . d€cays or Dd &
zolk L Phle c 6e har6 ,s3
8! Woa\oocays or B. a Bo r,dsor$ o 8 z' M€so-s ,n! or.no b . c Trarert o-
'o fu|]a*D52|,ab',\/
81. cabibbo-Favored oecays otMasbhs ro psoudoscatar& AxiarMesurs

30, Anoysjs oJ Cabiobo td\o. DeLayso Cta'tred V"sonswrhl or-t .,i.atsr€l€

79. Compalsr o, A , . '/ZA Conr,,bLronE loO & Koor wed\ Oecays
utu, rt J DtPhys.62t ttser\j2t
73. o oecaysinto pseudoscaiar & S$atar Mesons
zoa L \ c,z t,g,tet tzt q
77. consllL€nl oJar^ Vod€' AndF)F orWeakMeson '.
Decays orcrara Ba.'ons
76. Weck Decays o'D ]V€sons ro pseLooscata4Te..o,!rd s.dtes
Pnn aa,, D.sr,ssr 1bd.
75. Voctor-Voclor W6ak D€cavs oi ofMesorG
i ln su(a) Framowork
A c.kabch & R,C,Vema hd r Puo app\P],$.3(,,,3),16.
74. Weak Eleciotagnetic D&ays ol
I a

a phaq' Baryons
Fhy', Ear 447 Ur$)
) 'a$.
73. Era.chjng Fatioslor O-W inct,L Fmearhg Elfeots duo Io p-I4esonWdlh
zo|s L Phts, c t6ltse4 e7t
7" si.ffie"91;"Y; or c ' u**wviithoilDrPVDecays
1 Pht&EN.D16ns42w
71. Two-Body Moson d€cavs oJ B.M{ lesons lh su(a)
s M shahahstad a R.c. vm, hr)t Mad. Ptlys 16ttee435st
70. Eft,"cts oiar. wldlh on D + K ar I -
. R.C. Vema A AN, kanat, phys, Fter a 4s (teqt) eu,
69. Weak HadJativ€ Oeoays ot Hvoe|
rdhswrth ln sU(6)Brokon o.oiquark rvodel
I Uppat a R.C, vahaj zslB t, Phts, 52 (1ee1) 3a7
. ,|i
llttg. / .,'t,
6-. D.D. -VVDecals n'^oModb,..sU.Jr/ood&FadoJzaton"-u,vrrr
66.Ca-b ob!.d,'Er.o0r$ds orb/ s.mrsb D-pp & D,Vp n sU J q.rf, FS,
* s$[re.
"3i,i:93;flll*:1t,%::1",%7:1,2::"""'il,,: Eyt:):,#:ltr:'r"a
6,. rtaoron, - Wpat De.drs ot !
63 Sum Rutes for lhe pseudogcalarBBp Couollnos

62. A Pesralys's or Wea< bdoar,e bscavc.r F,,.-aon,

' pb; p*.D,6..re,.q
6i. Proro. C,oud Frt.ts on tso-Vas+ D ler€nces orcnarm& JncnarnBawJns.

60. A. A-",/s,s or cra.r - oD BasJdo- sU,3) Swrrertu s Fsl

59. OJa k Efe 1ve Mrc6 8 B&von tlao-er'c Vomenrs.

5s.Erectromasfetlc Massol'ierence]hi1/2.BaryonsinOuark& skvrmeMoJ;s.

Pits. EN. D 6 l|s, s6t
57. Sh eldlnq oiQuaR Charge & Baryon Magneuc lMomenc,

56. Baryor Vasses& Vaonei- Vo-lnls l SJ,6t Brohen Doua i Voo"l

55. courths stra.96 QuaRs rdirh€ Skyrme Mass6s, i
t M.. t$t 4
EC. \tottu Ludphy!Ler!2tte36)@t. ]
5.. CordtLFn'Oua.k lvoo6 P,ct-retJr Nonleoronrc tivDe'on Decavs
\t4 ila. p. /6 N3r.o.Eda- Jphy!Gii!,q.,,.a
r.3 A Nor. o. t-6 Ba.}on Mas$s I Skrrno ]\tod€..
Pc vstur P.$a_e
52. W-E\c-aloe Dor -ance A lh" !'- o I l Asvmnrelto.
J. Pt;ys c'tlqd ec
51. Tachyo.s in crattarionat Ftetd,
B c tuhh,8 s.B,iMA.sav. F c.kn4j hd.r.pue 3 /,t+ ptlts ,4(te36)51. I
50. On lrc P€'ar'on B€ween CoJD ind 8 Mass
I A.s P\" Po, 3 k ,Ea, 2
1e Lrers,,aru pa r ro^",nllo,opry,'*,
cre 'nr6?, 1

48- l\4eson Cloud Eliecrs on B",yon v{.ent",

R sasd a F.c. vtu, I Ada hyi tut.315(su) en.
a7, Skorg CoLpt! & haoror


rll itil
46 Anofao_sMagnolcMoasnlg,or unc.a.rned& cnarm6dBaryons.

r 45 Maonstr. lnteracltons otf=O Fladron;


'" "ll::'^!4[":: !;:"*u n o*'p'qua+ Madet,,x:t

!3. z,
Rad,aUvp Decays 8 r.4ag.l\4otronF o,,lad;o-s,n SL,:) r,.O.c O_ar, I
42, Wiy rre +oron.NouLo" loneht q.rio h.r,4e,

li I' sS:0.'"" B"cjo,o..r/.n

6 d,nen.roi"l super.Lrm,na. rranrrorm.
4t.wna lc.adar38sp4.L AM.br",tue r8r,-/.
40. I m.-3oor Erec5 on Ba4 on M+0. Vo-€nls
I & Fao:ar,v€ D€ca/s o, rv.
Pcnar. tet'e92 255
j J9 Radratiy€wearl D€cays otearybns.
JS.Parilr,V.'o|at.ng Wea( Baryon Od.als rn
Suppol ot SU(bls..^," D'qua.h N/ I,
Phe r@. Ph/s.u(nr,7a6.
37 GrLoa_E\cr^rnse Frlec6 or or,lon r.rtgn",;" vo.ur"
| )- tdt N.o c " *,,@r.2)
,6. Pai,/ V'o,at-grtao,o, ic De..y{o,.,{. earyo, s,r ur: roflaqeo.a
35. w€d< Decaysor t.2'8 3.a- er, {on" ,rj sU1+r oy"r" rcu :.-"".,
i',y" e.". a a,*a.,
34. /Vagn€rc rvon sr! o'Jp_ 1 2,q".yon!.n Broke. sUtB),
h1,r Phr6 ?c(eau.n
'' *":il',9*Tr:,?:;,g*," r*- * \:l\;* g::wi;r,,,
., BfI'
lBl,: *
i:ld:E1i €::*d e, -" *"L1",9;,lll3*;1,,:,
31. Strons Coupt,ngs ti Broken surtl.

30. l,lagrelic Momenrs o, garyons

I c-.,.",,. *,"* nn
rn lroron sptn-Un
29, Srmnetry"Brodkhg EttecEo"
F40alv? De.ays oj Meson!, ":iY;:'"';;'li;"'
* s?!:!#,93t:;x,);',
Ph!;, aN.
*, jp#i:*:,,,,,,,.,,*,
D 22 | tesq 6sa

fl H: "
2Z Cha'mchMs:ng Docays ./2.
4 3,2. Ba,yons In su(3) Dynar.cat scr
) ott" n"'-'
&,'., '"*t,ag'
"u " {'1".Y;! E nP:"2 t ","#}:- "I E;: E Sf:i W"*,
24. sU(4)Syn-erry SkLcur€ olNorr{pron,c
Wea\ hte.adon,
4.c. va.naaM.p. Kn E. phya asr.D2t (lsso)|.r.

il, </ i
zs vector Mssonic oecavs or i /2. da'vom r^
s.kerw ti p Kr.N
F c vdtna a
22. Charm Ch.mo no Fadiallvewelil Docav6
p.N pz.dn F c vanstMp
Kf,m[, Pbe, fha.r Pttt'. 62 1107e) 1713.
83?,o;yx9ii:rrl'lofl3rill,*,i,k,n okrk
'?l P'at herPv. e (letq ule

20. Radrallve Weak Oocay6 ol Un(harned Hyperons,

a .--- ..c .craepD tt d-r
i9 Magneric [4onenh o, Baribns,; Eroten sur4r.
cP sbc qt
/yr,'Mp +r.a -,";2., ts., )6
r3 w-"i( nad.o- ( D'( ays o. U- c.! r
- Batuons s,/31 or!- c! Co^sid"r- ,

17. strons couprinq Consranls n Brdlen sU(3),

sKtuM.Rcvena&Mp.fthr4 p.ahetptr'6,n,7,r,5z
16. Nole on lhe Nonieoronc Hvo€fon D€cavs,n stJr.lr
15 oVI PC oecoy, .. 2 ,J2-r ONt r ot ChamBarvons rnAFS Mode

14. weal< Nonreploni. D€cays or 3/2i hobars in SU(3),

13, Weah Hadronic & Fadiarive Decais or Nonsrrange Charm Baryons in SUI
s.tuMu,A.c hn.aM ph4ha. r. phy,: o !(1s7s) zs
'2. D:'ry vio.r-s .ad.on c Dq, avs o. cra red B'ao'c,1 SUrs, wi.q F r l
sta...P \ %nt t .nrr\a'a1s pqtaa.p, o, tsn1.h'
I l. 27 - Conr'ib!rion to Weat Eleckomaonelic Decavs.

I' P\s^D a3aae

l0,Ci.J',' C'! UrUlt.d,Dccby. rL -: r aa4 jurr)dJr LL)^
-u a t,1e?3131
). Baryon Massesrn Bro[en so(E)
) tu,s 4{ D 3,ts2.%.
, Hiqher Orde.Elreds o. Radrhtrve 0ecavs of [1esons,
I ea '*.P .
. HiqherOrder rvass For.nuas ln SUi4).
Pt'. Fe! D r3.F?3 3-3
Ad,o,nr Feo. ror,yrLrp roweak N4f,epror:c D€cay(,1su/r) & sL,sl,
"-z sb"a'.b!,
SU(8) lvlass Felations Amono 1.2, & 3/2. Batyoni,

Vo-€r6 oiBdryo-3 n.l1gre. SytrrJr S"hetre. trcudnq c1a

^lalnelic Pht;a(e77t.a
Woak Bad:al,ve Oe.ats ofhlperon<8 Cram€dBaryons k SU\1, 8. Su(8)
P van'ktudsu'.M'\L p.s... pA
Pdry vlo'd rrg\on'eoro1.c dbcaylor Pypero-5 '3,'o7:,:e!
& Chdrr B:r/on. In SLrsl
)"*-3t3. "
Norleolol.c Decay" or rlyp€rdrs& pha,- Ba,yons l S\r 8r.

ll 'un* '"s;'L^a

r. TAF,o,ettdt - n",aron o' t!o Ino,marbro,,s,n
tho Cao.,,a./ aclo. Sndp.rg
rs!rr"qu0a,'Jitu ven,uaton throJg,t tns
Oiov{n ol S[rcon:hcots
cnJcds, s M D Re,mdRc I vqiP
Malorids solonoo noooiroh rndi! 1? (2015) 30,

adiof shapins rochnrque ro' e,owino sraped
ffi**'o'-' ""p'uo
LdeMcas, c VtuaR. s M, D. Rao,
Butf hd. vac. soc.ty 16 (2013)1

() Grow,h oJl'lhrn iiuo/do dysra,sg,otLn oy Edgo de',ned r,,n ,ed g.owlh rpcnn,qJ
"aaa 5b r. sl. irqedBr.ACshdn4s v Baa -r oc /o,._,
hdifli J. puro & Applod phy6ro6r 4B (2010), O943ez
Mdih€ruilcr, Mooq ro p,€o.cr rjssuo padhe",^-A,.e,oLrerj.ar,
hsspofs€ or
H n. Kohti D. R n a R.c. verna l
Brorf€ P/t|arun 35 ( rre3) 537
liLence o'E-€typr shele.bo" p*-
vaha -
vdl"t", Asroeco-.yqems,
h 4.Kahr, asinqh a a c I
as,icp ruB,
E@sysrems & EnvDnmtrr33 (1sso)23

?ri.r"riiifi rffi '":: rJ?:,' .,, r " "-'
f il,",
iiloli?il{iJlfffi+*,,,-* "f 1" -,.ri:,r:ru
i f

i#,ll,yy*ffif r;r*ff;2,f
1ffi{"jt*fffi ','--'
Fffi ff ffi m:,,*r*
Tr; i:f;ijr #,"i.iiTr:f"):fffihd. J,.#!!?Pul3,
app Fhr..33 (20obr 3

l*,1 rr

Ill ils3 ,-)


13 Erahmmda and Dik.Kataj prachida and Adhunika Dharna, icr ydma

re,a13i". q,@sr.ai.,,000 m
12 ELo"l,onoi..jn,vereandConlepho,\4; F.:Sore A.cie.r,norrViprs,
rjo v I woi.hopor Ret ldsy lo. Corlsdns se
ed.v.K!m5r unv Faanhan Jari,tr (rrr$nri
arso app6a@c rn vr99.n Bhm prad*ptka 4 (1000) 32,
aidrl vqdr{ Parh Lvrrt c000)33.

1 1. Heav} Flavor Weak Decavs I Bevtitu\ | Ec. vsnr

F'oc.I[ oaE symDosum odHrohdndmv Fh^h"|qqr
Gar\4 u /. cr4rd. h, J,.;,phi's.?)ar og3/.F
1 O, Uparishadis Thouahrs on Mrfler. (t
voyaf€had Sammeanll998)
KuruksharE Unry.xurukshdra |
9. Eil cacr o, CorpJler A,oeo Lea..,nq I a-ys'cs, p c /d. -",
P,@ ri,ernationdr coirersnco on Edd.abn, comDufnd
od...tud 31r..5r.. |rr. rr
8.APL.2'errD Ds .l t r pVDecJ/(, Fc Ld.a,
Ptac ol bre Lauiso W)nta, tnsttute tttnzdz\
od. A. Anbury or ar. I wqt| sci, pub,shsapa@ (es6l 523,
7. Con.rilue.l Ouai lvodetPictu.e,or hadalJveweak Decd)s ot.llpe o
P a .. a' Ld^e I ousa rd. ., lju e tc,\d6n e L ve.
pd A A.blaerar.
^ ",
i/a'd5.t or..s sapa4(s9.\xa.
6. AOud* Vooe, StLdyo'W€a( Oecays ot B!.vonc, a. /d,-d,
F0o.Yrlrohofon.rwdiir\opo.4's,.$; .r0N{r.$.,hr.
6d P.sinoof & G. Eiram. Nud.ihvs.c l! ( sro) 4e.
5. Mofopole Physlcs and Skyinlan MasSaS, R,c.vqna,a M.p.khahM (
por6s Dydlss r€lFoa rNa. ra
dd os, n.hur,Prroii ProrG,rron (jrosl
. GrorpThaoreilca'Asp^cr6olsctrroorqor dqral,or p-.'"ma
P/oo sch,ddnoa, c6nr. suru€ys n physr!6, I
ed, v srroh & s, Lar wa d F.].Ph sioaab fitaul nn.
3, lndlai Co|l.ibu ons to DeveloDment dlcatdLrus. F.c ye,'a
Ptac. Ndianal scm Mt Hi4.ry a Phlasaphy oll\cisn9,
6d H s. vrrx G.N.D. univdstr, Amrtrst (l $q)s

2 Frrelsloi o'Eodre.or tdeas lo Ola.ki eolbn Level o6 r,em,

Prd.. Eddnsron conr. rnro.ndrronot syhpostLlm,
ed. v,sabbara a T. M. kaado lybnd lct.
pub,, sksapob (1ss5) 253,

I, Flerenlq h Asttophy$.cs (Bevle!4. Fe u6T4

y Part'.le r.reraLt ons
ddJJyarcd ar syr En6my ajrdbhy,tc9 {is32}
'.onHloh rcr5crHr.a,4d.rl!{rsa4)rt.
), I 1l
llatrtelpatto,l in lhtoraatton / cotrr€ri:ncesf Wortchops erc. Letd abroad:

i I
rEk FravorFarloryWort\shop, I

I I KEK. rrrrLbd, Japan (2014)

2 NFF Wori.nop o- Pr,tc'e D.)stc! and Cqsro,ogr,
I YQnss' lln ve,slly s€ou, s.(orca(zor3)
]J 26riSping Scnoo. or Parr tes aro fJetos.
Nalional T?lwan University, taipej Talwan (201!)
' 4. Worksrop on Hrgqs physics and Bsibnd,
rnslilLrle ol PIryslcD,lAcadeda Slnica, Ta pel, Talwan (2013)

I 5. LHC symp. & PSSOCAfn. [4€€rin0,]

NalionalTaiwan Univ€Gily, Taipei,Iarwan (2011)
I 6. inlernalionat
| wo/$hop on padicJe phystcs phenomenotosy,
I AS, Lu-Oofg, Tarwan (?005)
7. lrlomatonal conierenc6on Flavou'ihysics,
Nullonal cen[al Ufiversily, chu/ro-ti Tajwan (200s)
I Lqre Lo-s6
13 !v,n6. t$rirus on ALo4a.dCo'tdo,s
' Un v6's ry
fl'Abona, Lak€ LoL s- canada(_ggsj
9 LaIo Loui6eWr16r InsILuleon.Facrdry Ersl,
U1v€rsiryotAto+ la La<eLoJ.soCanada1199.1
Louise Winter InslirLrte on Standard bdot& Boyond',
i110.Lako -
I uf v6'.r/ fr Arnl ta. La\e Lou.re, canada (1990)
I L xlr he' rariondr wo, kshop o. weak +rer"cilors & Ned..os
I Tochnion tnst/ru$ ot Tdchnotogy, Ginosar, lsrael (19s9)
phystcs, .
J2.xxlliinlomatioani conigrence on Hisf Enedy
I Advanced R€search workshop
Bolkqloy Urilvorsiry, Belkerey, u.s.A. (1e86)
l3.Nato dn supbr Fi6td rheoies,
s:mon F,as€' Un:versly, Vancouve., canada r198r,)
I4.Canadian Associalion physicrsts Condress e6,
Univ€rsrt{o' Aroorta, [onortol, Canada {1986]
5.XX hlernalronal Cortere.ce on hrgh
unlv6rs.ri/or wis.ors,n, tvadrsor. u,s.a. (1980)

l"t1tl". il.in Nat|onat/rnternati4hat

se er<. hetd Indi!: _ lconrerences/symposra/nerres


'9. c-a{ Codo 'L- o 00,ar

i,. i ra.,
d.C6.up U1!.0 o, d p,add.. D o,ane.aa l)013)
,tl o*1o,,..i.,,,q0*co:r
2.. !",!.d.s6h.inorao.d1,ao.a*.
"84..". ."",".."E.,",",,",.r",,,",y
va \.^da.,Jrrrco.6gs. S\i,odd ?ou
)2 rnre rdolarcdr,.F,ce c-orts q*"J"
Puld,uri631r bar:ar20.2)
".,.t, ro s..o* ".v.,,s.*r
:q"l "",lurp,,o". .:. ,"" , s".r, zo :r
'" i1[i",Jii;:i.fl;li;5fi.3,'irooilo o o r'" co"o"'.dua/4 ?iaa.5ers
25 No h zoi6 Mo,rids o' rapT, GGs
c;t"e",ll*ata"n eotzt
-o -.o.e-a,o-Lo.rs Asc,oL,.*,-.."s,t.pd,,r0.,
?7. Fslesnq.oL,,o pn.i(.rFc.2lr).
"maf!a.p.coe,h, F-,, !,,mta,_otr)
23 Na,or,,sdn,fa o- Fn).ts EoL*ro.""9{, . sr. s,a, .c,"s", sn._ u po
" J;r:'i #if" ;:j;..",1';i;::"",1t"r jlJE:f
r0 \,r'o"d'!6n,ial or vosa a-o Au". e"_.,p1.,
r' 7o.J coaen'01.Lr wojG\opo.
""0" ra.ro(o,eoe.*a1dsar.20l
do,"ad crc...s.oo,,."o -u,:0.,r
32. Naro.a/sdnrnar o, s.renca os LryrndFoard
H.c. corres,, Jasadhar (roj r )
33. 5ii (rJieirar on courso, asc punjad qi,
re6 r!, parra a €6r 0)
34. Bo'@shd cou6e n phys cs, panluo rlnr.,""d,,
cru^o su,h lzor o1
3s.4i o,jenlar on cou6o, Asc, pudl"ut L]"r""r{,, rar..lrorq
36 Foteshor coma rn Malhemau.s r sl!| dtro6,llsc, pmjsbj
Un w^ ty, nauard (2010) i
37, Wo&hopod symboric conputatioi & l,s$d4larca
in co tnrm Mechantcsandaro6br.

lrP. Unrve6rry shimra, (2010)
Reirdshar cd!^o in phystcs, Hidu"r,r r,uau]f u"r"","iry, sr ,u 1ao0r) l
3s. 3- o'ronrarion cou,s6, punlabt u^ p"rrHh
40. <e"ia ol p,,s ""ily,
-Ll-f -Ts.i 6, tu.,.b. r /sa v. c|a,o gar.2oo9,
4' woklhooo-corp Ldb -)'i.''q^4 Pn'&'r"' P"''a
.2 a.yab,a{a t,.tr1.6 or'6ooco^ct,or. sc,res ihD,€s. \,.-,!,CooO
43 suomor sdhoot in Basrc sc enc$, kolkshd4 uniyeB ry, KutuksherG (roos)
44, Rotosher couisd ii physics, Hrmachar pradesll
Univ€ts ty, sbhra eoos)
45. Narronar wdkshop m Emdsrn! rochnftosros,]Fun abr unrv., p"rara (rooB) i
.6. FotreEl"q co-re h \ratre-rr.s, .ryds
s c nDud scon.o oi sadd.eo
anbedra. Ma,ardada lilrvorly. Au,,rsFb;d r2003i
.z qeal ldrJ.os,n,,,sa,.e Mak"a4 \ r +a,..,.. oos
43. 1 r rh pun ab scrence cono,e$ (zooe),
flrapa, rlnrorsrrx eariaa 6eu z oool
4s. Workshop oi compoter Lab. Trarnrns rn
fhysrc{, eulFur U"i", car;ah 1zooe1
50. aerr.6h6r courso in cdnpuralionar phytlcs, Hi,frachar p,
Uniy,, shimra (2006) i
s1. Na! iar conrereicd on advanos rn coildons4iMa[of phy3r6, rhapar
uniyersiry, parara €ooa)
s2. Retoshdcou^ern physrcs uni"","ry
* naulr"n, *rpu, tzoos) ]
53. 3'' pudjab sd.nde cono,e*, p,njabr unlv-si{iturira (roos)
i I

!:-/ t 56l) I


I ^d0a [email protected]@3!da"M6$4".d s aoD.cr o" "L.rao. u....

L " Hotrdshdrcoo^d nph,sks GND. unvtamrEarr?003t

:: ::::ir''lor"s m *-' u' r nu"",l. r'oe. o Nlo pd.abi J
.6,s,,.. pa,'a

:: :::"':'] -..1 l o' 's 's' lJ''a7' p'Bdo.. U' \d'|/' sh'-|a {2002J
jl _ " """-".0"",,- ". r,' *"ta/ pt,l... r\qs,r a. lann). hrl- \_ao,l

uab6ry, Aohhrl?ooz)
lr I

| :::11"1-"^*. ,'"'' oJo:'' 1|J5 e.''jlvU lc\aro'odrj.'0,]

-'"""1:::i;i:.,:;rj;, ::'"*;;
o Mr hrd scMr-, cmoJes.. oo.. eii,r"a,
l.@ "..re*.1 r"mrcllorl
jl j""ll" ",
*,". _ o", c.,".,. f1_.r_'
;::i:: -:"*'-"'"' ".,* .s 3./4 .",s
::. :--t":-,'","1, ", oo., co.d, pu L. /. ooid pL.
*,1 {^ *".,@o)
.rd uclor c,
h, Elo,srr {?oL']
// r€resie CoLtroolLiqCmpL.o\,rp.,!.
Agai1V. h... c sdl.2ooo,
r.l,lT:#l j4_.jifiii* !i
&0 , "' ors Ldr.a' 01. Dvs.cd, ,a.
DsA a cosrsr pJooram kumao"
I. u,*" ,y] fu"ro, r,errr
r i,:1,:l:l ::..:"- ""
**-,.r ooo.oq,
f ".uo",,o,,ry nu.,",.s"s,
-, -"1oe4i wa4srap, up stab abs.nrtbb.
l phv6js, phluuru,uu,l
Nahrat n€ss)
on pu ruru
In'6horco'Ed $. oeeo
rlol FaG'bn p, r&, e-,"u
:^:v::r syrpo'rn on srsv e,u*,sl 1q"..,r,,, c" "r,,ue
p,,r, "
,..J" . nr"., r,,"..a (i gggr
Fe,resFdi c*"" p"{t r r"*"., p".,", ,*r

!tr or Hr$ E"",/ Pnv6 .s PTjao u? v. chdld.sdr

,---rwJ pfoocm,nud&i untkcrry Narnrbt (]seE , I


o, pd€"'dc'vF q6.,ro
. .", od-",",*, , .*"0. *,,
92 Wo shoponB & Neudno phy3r6 [iehb
hesoarh r^sttule Kanpr 0rrsJ
e3. workhDp m F6la&hb levy lon pl"Js, untu. or n,t*rhM,
e! F6rpunlab s. on.6 cmqre$ pu,,ldd pr"t.rrsea
r"" un ry
e5 a! cd*io"o .1d.rlsc d.!dc.ro.I.. .]p. r, 0". or.,. *,
v,,pqru u
.. _.._ sympodun
e6. xrroAE on ncr
H0h cnqoyfnysdrcauhaf ",
Enqoy Ar,y" J]c-r,urr udrvdhi,y, o_*r t1996)
ua*oi,y, 6iuh.u l,*r)
e .EptDsr w1,o.s.Dodr,.r,s.
e,p.s. rf,"c,1,,.,, c".as" ,.e+,
e3. hrar4d,onar conro,6r.o -.. (
o. codG.!1d,
Grorrcblput 9,'-a. (hd-o.gaf
cbLpur.e. 006r
a.oar Ir.@6,
+ t.or, . .,.cr. oq," e$,
'00. uccN,'ora'svro.oo,r'o,"*..,i,l*.u,."r-...1. .",",.,0s.r
'o r. osc"rf s.<"uL",e,a .,,
'02 rl,eha,ion.,wo,rshopo.,,edc"_pt.o.. . 4!,r,, Drls .-.aaio,.rsa, Jar'6h1r
r03. :::::::.::"?
ttuepv nvs2)
compuro onat phFica. ndresdr comjJ Hrkcharp. un v.
shrmh 0sra

Nar o^arseh nar di Frsrory

& philisophy o/ phys.,Kuhaod un,n ra 0
univ ,Na rr1)
i05. Hish
105. physrcs
1r ee1)
H,sh Enorsy symps,,
symposum bnna+untv,, s,mo.
srma* (rosq
106 Fn*gi,u^r""
syhposrum on H srory a^d phi6jehy or
Fcierc* G.N D. u"rgsly An rsd (1sss)
107. schrcdiiser conl Re,,oshd c"ure9 on r4f*ai"ar erys. oev err yabaiUnv., hdoG (1ss$l
ncha{sris 4cos o, padrdr6 & Ndd d, Bo.ds Hr"d, u"r*r"iri,
vaianesi(,e36) I ll i

l::. Monoe"r"" .ris&r4hrmi

Kum.oi ln' Nankr (1,s'
0 sEoc sltr- o. sn oo, ol h,orFre.s. oik6. r sL. Brr.ao,,s<
111, Nalionatsynp,oncroupTheory&AppcA\on6 Madipu/!niv,,rmpha (19s5)
i,2 sj-oo'ur or H'ol F1o.sr r"bhsi6 llA6 b, v€riq
uoatrhpur unoersiry adJaklpu ( j9B2l "-iars( o,
113, i,rern'rroharc6nr6narysymposlu.onhdra v[yacd.."r"qy(srA.Eddinston)enslei
sci6n.s Foundarion, Naepur { I es2lI
114. vr Hish E D6ruy physrcs srhposru'i, Unry4is o' Myso re Lryso@ 9sr)
ry {l
r15, Adil.ncdd hnlurs dn Feralrvrly &
4."ikrln, M.M,M,cofieod Gdakhpu(jssr)
116. sydpoduh on Nudrer lnteEc onC d Btg{ EidBl6s, Unlve.sity ot Nodh AanOal, Faja Rn
1J7. lvHroh E.aroy phrsic. symposrutrllunp.
br R4aslhai, Jaipu{jrE
'rB. r' ,
,o1Er.e/ p1s e syr@ 4*1,q1"r Eabft,,s,
,t, ^,

Fqrthei rink for Research papers a

[vi I5
Itl i 4trjt!19.{:7 a,

lror lrird'Dln c n!tru

D,te oI lrir.l : AusB! l, r9ae(cj!"e oflDfhbyBjnh)
qI a.,Jrc$ : Dep4 hna.r or o,rm.. cnerij. tr)
I lndie A$ochrion f.r rhe curti,"ri"" scieilo
tldalrur, (ojkara - 700 032, tndia
I [email protected]!
91-33-24i3-280s I
E-mail i
Fax | L

Phone : 9t,33-2473, Exr,I40,1

ll ?rcsD,Posirion -J cBose Narjonat

ietlow ([uryzoo8,Aususr lO,20t7) 0nd INSA
I scijor scjendsr (Nov 2ol4,ocr 2017)
D lrolo$ion,r c!reo.
J rh.D. I

I rhe depanmentoforsanic
(.hdavpur Univc^ny, l9s2) wo,{i,s uDder rl* sup*vision oflror U R. chonlc ur
ll P6rdofl chefrisrry, r[cs.
i onl uor( $'ri Prof. r. Hud.n{y 4 vtrcrnh fe.h. UsA dr ng to8z t98r on
se^ior rec'urcr cr L{cs duinc tes4-8{l

li nedds d lAcs duri,,s re8e-e6 ll

]i lo"ciorDr
I IACS oLr:nC logFroj I
H*do rlrc DepadD.nr orolgflh.h*iirky from adcusr l.2ool roJL.y,roos
]r senror rror6sorfior.r2006_zor.rcrei*f in.r,[.:or.l,
Ir nonotrEuJ As.rd I
rc Bof Narionat tou ofosl cow ,jr oa,] ,:oos-.zo r .I
I e,
. Ilecred Feiiowot rhr Inditu Natjondj Scrence4(aoemy in2u07
fh(Ied Fetiow or'Lhe rndie Acadedy qfsciende m teoj
I' Re.ored Chemicat Rer&cfr Sociery oftnoia Si,verMedat n zoro
I Hj8I.-r cPP (c .rion per p,p" r
-a n( j n
r",i,. C,rruo" rmpd) . n or8Mrc
ClRl.i.x) Reseachin Ind,!Du.nc.20q4f20l.l(C,,,e4Sckn.e,zots. t09.slo)
i TirutrMember, r(rpAc ctenRawn c#;nine;
lr llecred Felto* or lnc \\ena*ga r.ul"h,1 .r S.i** a r.chroto$ 199.J r
. lr{ece,!ed P,ofe\so.\sNtralhhtu EnophhetrLAsed rorcEarivir) in Orseic
lhh,5ryin I
r I Recc,\cd Sir rgadi" I Ctr&d.a Ao* t5dr'C"nl,nrj
Awrd 2OO9 by 6o Scienco
I A$oriarion orBenc..r I 1

o I dre Edro io. Bodd. rnd:u ro+iar LichemisrD. sec. B

1 I ryembe,

r/ )ss
I ':l; t', -.
ll i
. v'nu'-.c-" clsri.,r ra.r.o,,"1-o.J]u."o o, oou-ro r'
. seded I
menbci, PAc orOrsdic chihhrirolDsTlorlhcFsjod 1998 2oo2
; vhidng Prote$or !t Unilesidad de E{rcm4!m, B,iijoz, spain, du,jrg Jult I 99t
Marh,1996 l
. VisnjiCProlc$oratrhe Cenrre forOrcln Cheirisrry, MoDsh Univemny, Chlron,
Aunraiiaduring May-June,200t widr Royat Spciery Jounfll cmnr A*erd.

F necognitio,s
. Irvned b' Profssor L. cnosez, Gusr Ediror,
ro conrfibfte ai anicle on
SrruiD A$hled Synrhesis for Tctrahcdrci Syfip6ia-in-rirt
. Inviled by Mo,1on lnrebatioral Inc.,ll-rsA ro
iv eaR*iewon"Seh.rilcReduciiot
w,lh ZircBorohydride" aor rhoip*jodimi, Dl-eAlembic
r Invilcd bt trofessor KPC Volhardt, EdiroFinlCh'ci S\NLETT lo corlribute an Accounl
or sone aspedt ro rccenlworts l
. hvited by Prcf*sor MJ Ee,n, A$ocid]e Ediibr, orsa.io PEparatiohgnd Proccdures
Internatioral, Io triie a reviep on 'Dealkylariii ofEthe/
. Inlitcd by Dr. Kaen Hindison, Coodi4r-tirg\!a.agi.gEdilor. Europgan Jounals,lo
vrnc a Mioorevicw ror Europeai Jou46l ofqicanic chcmistry on l.dim-hediated
. lnviled byProt Loo Paquette, lditoFinlcbidfito i\iile,n adhh.n zinc
letmiuorobodteto ElectronicEncyclo+di.oliRcaccnts for orsanic Slnihesis h 2005
and on Ldilno lodide i.2006
. Conrributed (d brjhrion) uobapterin a UollJ,r oo ClrurktryFblishcd by Royol
SocielyofChemistry, UK
. Delivefd ?rct RK Barua Memoial Lecture, 4bo I in couhad UniveNity
. Delivercd Prot MK Rout Meroriol Lecturq 2004 at lhe I3d Annual Confercice of
Orhsa Chemical Society !t Bhubansqr Ll
. Dclivelcd foundation Day Lccturc at ctntrd tlel Reseaeh Instnure, Dbanbad in 200s
. Delivcrcd Colloquilm LectuE at Indiai lisft le ofchenical Biolosy, Kolkata in 2005
. DeliveEd Keljio& Lecture at rhe 7ri In+m!d+, synldiun on Mollen sal$ ChcDistrl
and T*hnolosy !i Toulous. Fr&ce jn 1005 i
. Invitedrodeliv€!colloquiunlatuft at].ISE4,Bhubone$'ronFebruary, 18,2009
. lnvited 10 bc Discussion Le'dq in ird qlrdd pdreerce m crccn chemisla hcld at
B6tes College, Maine, USA 2008
. 'n
Delivercd evcral lcciures Gemi-popuhd on
+€n Chcmisnr, ot diffeena Institurcs
O.gdiztions th.oughout India lpal1 ftoh Fs{lar soientific lecrures.
. ContribDted a clalter i' a book o' catqlysh 4t N;nopadicl€s published by wilev in
2a13 I

ii 1
r . conribured a chaprer jn a book on lrrihsis
9f8iorogicsly Actile Hersocyclic
I. MoJetu ks plblishcd by Ek4 hr in 2oli{
Fdirro, booion B!Jl M.,rinrpubt,shce by RoJai socierJ o. Chemnlr) in 20t5
l]l !1,.D. Srudedrs slporvhed : , (deBrJF .wride,j), ornrty wo*ins: 4 (ph.D.) ond L

9l RssnEI n,rmsr rcE srnrhsis, cleei qoht/sis sins supponedMehls Benjgh

BIfl te{ Erper,.!.ldn\irion mekh. Metrl Nqropuli!lcst VEible LiShr phorocsbj)/ed
Rlfcrion od aitl Miliins medhred synfisir.
,ql RAo,rch Pubtica.iors (roht):265 + dirsrion! r9348; h-inder- 56; ilo,indext88
ll Publiclrions hsrrveyemr 52, cntlio.s |!256;h,jndex ;35;iIo-index : It5
. / visibre Lish $otocatalyzed Cebon,B;kroar,oh Eond romarion end syndesis of

ll Rerared Conpounds -N. Mutdrjee, p. hlliiy, t chosh, s. ? nnjn, B. c. R^r, Cr ezt

tl Gf@n ch.nisrr,2o!7, aoa, Dar 10 d17422i3u61O466617O13OfiAA$
2. I copptr'sijvd Duot caralyzod Deoyanaiive cEbon-selenium Crosecouplins _ N.
MLf.o'jee. D. XJnd D. c RsrJ,a[ p nk. catot..2oti. J59, ]29.
] '.
3. c,l. iLm M"d.ored c-t- dond sJbr.:.d.d; in FiLderm, roq r,ds c-chatcocer Bond
Iorfralion p. Mairy,
s. AtEnded, R. i,l. Mrirna, B. C. Rtuu, o/s. chtu. Ftokt.,2o |
li 46s'ta
l i
.l ] stheF.r'4tJz-o ( aiuon+etpnrm crc$]couplinS Lsing N- uhenJt,etenoJphd rrimior.
an Anema'c AppJ oo. h Lo rhe sJ ihsi"
1l lf Btuorknids _ N. M dkn.rjee, s. paul. A
I Sdra,B, C,ReuCarl Cred.,2o11, 9J',51.
s. I cobai! ca .t) $d. copper As:.,kd c 4 -F cro+ Coupting T. cho"h. p. Msiry. D.
I Kudu.B.c.RMu.r?nr cr"..,zoteSpo,esio
/trPali"oiur cab.)zeo

I (ymarcn No,hnmer. Medi4kd lqndem o{ho c-H Am:noiion/ tp,o Ct

or rodotr4*: Reciospecifi.
I I B. r. )<nr. irn.ieris of2-Amino Beuo. irritr - B. vajhi,
ote. kn .20t6. ta 4162.
.1. I

' I lorc+or sJ,ur: Clptinc ofAroma.:c Amines v.a vk:ble Liehr pdorocrEl)2eo Met.l
U..oe IBLONO 0r R4om Temperaue - S, S. Nedi, D.
K6d' udB. c panu. f.trched.an Le4. t.5t. ^hmed,
8 Palladiun cn,Jlr/ed De"^u-yru,i". Sftf"i,t e 1r"r.on ol ad.oenaLdjLr.Jloxu:n-a.
I oe.kr^qt.v$ "irh a_o\ocrboxy. ic
B M!jh' D \rn|u
r+ids Lra prererenLilr cJctic rmine-,r onecred
chosh'B c P@' Attr Edh cald!
] f',?:.'r;$1"- l
lt ,'
Ilitl-- I

l6t' ,

t. Nhkelcoppe, cd;tred cOor,* .,i.
.f1, * t.n
and Bridsed Amides An
Ac.e$ to cydh Enamides andAlkenyiVinct Lactams *p, Martu D, (undu, s. c. Ranu_]|
tdv,Synth, Cotdl,,2'rs, 3Si, 36D. I

JD. Arcorbr. Acrd P.ohored oxidative Arlra dioi vhvlArenes to 2 Aryr Acetophenonesl
wiiholrt kradlatlon at Room Tempsatue l]nda Asobic coidiriom - s. fiaajhl D-l
KundqB.C, RdnD,J, Ora.chen,,2o!5,80,
j9 ]
I l- rEneition Motal- and sotvent-tree synrhes s oluisvhmetrica Diarvtsu id6 and
serenidei underBaitdirtinsrN. MukdF ee, rl chatte,jee, B. c. Ra nu, rRMVoC ]
2076t'),5!. i i

12 ). Mldowave Alslsted synthesrs oi crarclorff, - s. nu--"d, D. xmdu, N. Muk rree, ]

t3, i:::::::":::":::,.1"_, 1]il,,'J,,, ".,", "._...,. "",.",.","0 I

chioroarenel lnder Ligand-Free condttlbm-
Mukherlee,t. chatteijeo, s. c,
cobalt catay:ed rntemoecllar c(rp,)o cio$ couping - D.Kundu, M Tripath, P-
Matt\l and B. c. Ranu, cheh-Euror.2o1s, r1,1(r7..
15. Vlrlble Ltsht photocatatvz€d Meo' n"l.-" d*--,"nr"" t Hcterodenes 6t Room
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iZr'a,;.;'," 1 4^^r;;;;[

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Dcslr IBndrr I nr - !r). Mand, cob,nl", r,, Lo , ppJ.,.,: I s cr"r,"t as , rs v.ce.cnffc. ;
rrl9ioet uda:pu. He h6 ber r s. hoh of jrhftd,omt fdme id rt eJricu,ie fiejd.
cr .rlDoor.. .nd (onrrjbJreo ir.:r.e, ro ,uor. lrrronh anr: rnremnronr-r oumsls. uesl
o oll,e\edch p'ojec',. shrrjn. C!!rr, Dtrccror C{c6j or Desn. Bh,pai c, ouD ot t;
red l',o v.recnmceiror or . nrvp.6:ry vh .+ vrdlde s.nan *i c nis,srdl
urfn, e,\,ry a0'ho ies sirdl,nicup'a
'ne h". beLn a,;e.aemenr*a "i,r
id, r nxmber ol boo\s. sbe nas been r,socrated q:ln
I De.b BhacJr crc;D oi tnir;
al meo,,d,,o.e D i, iriolndeowln
^,a,:ha:dJ)ed I
rdelsh8h nno hs a rons k(h,ng a, d ddm,4lsk"rive erp.nelce and fas been o/eno,l
oi De,h Bha8d! Un:ve^l} Zo!, s:nptsdjd rhdr he mission;Inj.
.true based edl 4ron focus on rese"*[ j@o;r:on, crsuqq sod ro
brxLy ttrlt .lJdflrs. 'ttr or*6 oe:n6 n,a r; rhi6 €enfl
un.vccrly mctudc thD, MphrirjlMTech, Pq,
r rjosm-ms rn Mmr/eh{ ..omnqc", Edu4arror. 4nimarion & Mu r:m"dia. qxi-0e UO

Tsfbn .roumJEh. erc. Veoir ard rfdEc. .omlds sci.nc.. rio6i S(

',1'{lil,H,l#:i';."il, Kh'|oroe\' Finc A'." md bsi'
tited' re Ai'Ijne'


rr i

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paameleB jorntt wilh Parminqer sinsh. Jl oJ siatistLcs ano
Appllcallons (2007), 2 3349.

137) Simullaneous confidence bo"nds folal ral':os rc l-" besr Jornlvwr\'

KuFar ald G. P. Mehia, Jour-a olAppleoStalslca Scrence 200o)
503-5'14. I ]

(3aJ Slep-Lp lesls for(o-porlno sFveraleYpone-lid oopurdlo1sw h uu lro'

Locaiio; case loi"tly wih Pa4-rnd+ shsn Ameh.a/J/ at Mathendr(el
dnd Mah4genent sciences (200e),
139) 'oislributlon of Elio ol extreme qtisotonic estimato's of chisquare
variables wilh appii@tions' joinry Pamjnder sinsh and Ndendla
Kumar. Jl.of staii;ficalPlaniils;nf lnteence(200e)' 13e,3262-326e

a4ol A test oi homooeneitv o'bw"&t *r-*. aga_sr iree oroeed
alremal've johrry;rlh Pafr,nde, Slng' and N€F-dra ru6ar' sra'is'rcs
and Plobabili9 LetleE (200e), 7s(21), 231 5'2320

1r1) A nole on comoadno sevetal vaiahces wilh a co_lro varan'e

w:lh Pah,nder bi_sliand A1j/ Govhl slalitl:cs a'd Probab ilv Let'e6
(2010),80, 1995-2010. i
/42) subset seredion orTrear-enls E_bdder lhan rre best (onro jo 1fv wrh
' ' n";, c"v"ii"a p",t'"der sfsh ldremalio"alJou'na orLalhenai6
Gam6 rheory and Alseb€ (20i0),2P, 1-18
,I I

lll (43) 'Non'p€romotric nrLr pro clinpartsons wlh mor€
than on6 conlrct 16r
scaG param€l€rs us'ng l"c.sanpre sralst,ca wtrrr v6ha, an<
P^1-,1dtr shg!. il.of comh,raro4cs 'ltorartonlohlty
an0 Sy6rer sdence s
r2ur rl 36(rr 299.323, asofciatE.". ord€wtczF€slschr.n.55re

{4!l 'Il"lr'p,e conpc rsonr wrth mp,€ [.an oio cortotto.erponenldttocatio-t

paraf,ererc r.dor helo.orcqndasltcJry
Jo,Dtry wtth v,shat Maurya and
Anu Goyal ConFm,calm n Slal;stras-S';nubaon ano Cotriltatior
(at 'A nolo on resrhg romobde, or s6r€6t orponenr,at ,ocar'o-
parareteF Jo;.lll ujlh qan..der s:n!h lnd,lare4dra Kumdr.
Lontr"nlcar,o1 n starElcs -Jneo^) and \Lthade 2012, 4 t, 47 4484
(!6) sralurid, atu,ys-s ora,rqufiy hd,ces:A btudy'/onl,y wln R. Nmesn
s o'a a1d K.K Ntaha;an. t4ter ndliona, joumal o. Eco os.cat Economics
and sratistrs (ljEES) 20'Z (1) 27,b9-1d3.

(47)'siinurbneous ssl6crion oirreirmenls beterand woBe rhan

!he bestancr
B06l conlrors ;o,i',y w,th A.Lu coyat and parm:nder S:ngn Sldisljla I
ri{elhodotosy 2012. 9, 573-58f .

{48) M-r',p'e compJneons w,tn alconxqr ror e,po,,€rr,at parameleE -nder

lornrty w;l! vislrd, tVo ya and pdrmnder srnsh_
Journat orApplied Slatisrics,
(.9\ A.muripte n,ee-oe"ision or4cedurF ror corpc ns seveGt kearmenrs
rh a coltro underreleroeEoas:(rly
" .oi-rty;ih A;ju Goyataod vsfa I
Maurya conm sb'rs' - srlutatioi c;apurdiion, 20j3.42, t?63_
(50) 'oi a,rV-rr,pre rh,ee decision,probdm ror compaimg s
wrrrho_ bsr Jorihy' wih Anlu coyit on; prm,noer singh_
-confiorand [re!nos. 2oh a2: 3a321a52.
uomm. srar,"r-Tfeory
(51) ?reoilns a'. quai,ry_Js.ns AdtMA. ARFIVA and H W Sroolh.ns.
w/F n. N,r,,cstr s. A,ora anq Kh. i/ahajan. ModetAssisled ro:nrty
3nd Applicariors Journai, 201 41 912),137-1i9.

caididates suporvisod for pll D.

{1) _o:e^cand,oale
(N4hoe,1{ura4 prore$or, o€pt. orstrrs c, p.u.)
@s cotrpjeGd his ph D.llesreg unde/ the Joint supery,s,on o, Or:
b.F.Men'a and myselrin rls4.
("I s{'!mo
'') ns comptered h;s Fh.D. degree
:^"--l^1":1-ot9:n- leroiessor. oepr. or srar.srrcs, e.u.1
under the jo'nl superu:s,on oi
myser and Dr. Nee6j [risiit in oil., 1995.


! I
(3) Thlrd csndldai€ (Psmlhder $insf, Depdrlment of llalhemalics,
G-ru Nara\ Dev Unversly, Ai nlsar coroleledlsP, D. D69r6e
ln Dec.,2002 under myf[pedlllon
t4) Foudh candldale (AnllKumaf Dhawan, Now in UsA) compeied h s
Ph. D In Nov. 2003 undbrm)lguperutston

(5) Fitlh C6ndid6io (AnJu Goyal, Assirianl Prcressor, oepadmeni or

slausI]cs Panjab Unrveisrly, o.handisarh) compreled hef Ph. D in
Jan., 2012 urder the ldlnt s{petoision oi myself and Paminder
Slngh (Assoclale Professor, fiepadmenl of Mathemalics GNDU,
Amdlsar) i
(6) Sr{'r Cald:dal€ (Vsh. Mauryb) (orolered h c 01. 0 n Jur. 2012
unde' lh€ jonl supervirio- of mysef a d Pa ii'der Sngr
(Assoclate Professor, Depardmeni of Mathemaiics GNoU,
(7) sevenlh candld€le (R!bl4 NimHsh) compleled hef Ph. D. in March,
2014.,under the joint superyjiion oI s. AtuE, K.K.Mahajan afd

es PuBUlnq Ph, D.

rll" ol'

Editorial Work
ir me;ounars communicaton rn
(ii Compulalional Slalistics and Oata
i Mul|! )rllcJl tnd l,4.rrUrrrrr,l
(iv)Statislical [4eih i; (v) Communicaton in Stalstics-
(vi) s lislics and Plobab ljty Lellers.

o. Teachlng Experlence
(t Twenty N re yea6 reac' n9 erpejence, Taugll slalstcs Cortrses, tl'e s:r
Cou6eWor|\ (Pre-P\. D) P.ogra{rme I Sralisiicsr,lV. bfr (
^,lonlhs , Post{Eduate (l\4.sc. afd A4.l fech) 6fd dndersaduaie
IB.sc.(honou's) and B. rech.lclassFs. I
Couces Taught l Class
Foundalions ofMeasuEmenl I [,4, Tech (lnsnuhentatior)
Trunkins iheoryand Random Probesseg rM. Tech (oplicalWtreless
I communicatlon rechnologY)
Operations Research I ll B.Tech.( Elecrronics,
I compuler' lT) and [4 sc
Quantilative l4ethods [48A.
Theory of Stalisllcs i' l l\,1.A. (Ecoionrics)
Staiistics for E@nomicAnalysis I B.A. (Hons. Economics)

lT z.
i 8io-Slalistica I [4,S0. (Biochemislry), B.sc. C
I (Hons, Microbloiosy, Bio'
I I physlcs), B. Tech (Bio-

I B,o.rdr,'c, I v. sc (sysrem Biotosyand

.Piobabilrr a-d rrdtFendr,crj I Brornromarc4.
, Suj slc, lV.Sc. (^rainemrr,csr.
alanllalive Tectiniques:
Itlt | ] [4BA (p,u. as gueslraculy>
probqb,,iy,sampl,ng,,lteren@lhlt,, i,',sc.8ry,phi,{sldlbtrcs)
' processes
I slochaslic D6r9n or l
c(penn6nG,stalislicalMelhods. Rel/abjtilv.
ou€uing Theory ode.sralrstrcs. rlon ;ra;6r c
Merhoos Muthva,,ar€ Ana.ys:s, OpiE ;1s resodrch,
p,obability anC MeasuEs,
_sldl;srical Ousl.ry Conro,r.
HankrnsandSeteclion, Numerical4natysl

Administmtive ExperienceJ Chairperson Department of

Sfatisfics (Aprit 2000 to tdFrch, 2OO3).

Also sorvgd as:

(i) ldvisory commitiee mem$er {t Uoc DRS, Depadmeni ol
Slatislics, paret
Saroaj Uni{ersiLv. GJ.arat.
(Il) IMemberP G Boa,o or Sr-C.es lSr.rr"r..s ana Mahemar,cs, pU
unandrsarh) cNou Amnrs!/, Kr tsheria.
{.rr [,4emoe L G Board ot srudres In Sla slics p U Chano,garn.
(:v, Menb€r AcademE, Aom:n,sr?live ard Tec-rrcdt
uommuees or rne

Deliv€r€d ar [vitcd tatk. Srochasti
expio.alory technrques in the lntern
Malhenralical Modeling and stalistic
uepadmenl pf Msihemaiics J c D A

Deliv-".ed an tnvited ralk In the two (

UpC sponso.ed National S€minar o.
hesea.ch in Stalislicat Scrence: pa FysPreFeht
and Fulure'olgaoized byrhe
ocpanment otstarisrrcs saraarea It, unjteAiry,
valiabb vidyanasar, Anand
{Gujatat) lrcn Feb 21-22. 2014.
O/gan/2'ng secreta.y of Twentv
hterdiscipirnary Mdthemalics o; Ft lnt4rnahonat conrerenco or Forum tof
l\.rarhemaiics, srarisr cs and

computalionalTechnJques ( h4S0T 201P F l\4 XXI) fmn Dec 15- 17, 2012 at
Depan'nenlotStatstlcs Panlab qhlversiiyChandsarh
4, Ailended workshop on Rellabjllly Tlleory add Sutuva Analyss from
Deenbet 3-5 2aQ atganized bt bepdh#nt otllatheniarics and slalsrics.
. ltT Kaipur.

5. Dellvefed an invited lelk iilled l$hrislLt modetns.i rea lire data usino
SPSS'to Ihe prnichants otnallonalwoikshop on ddla andlysis usinO SPSS
organjzed by lhe Depadmenl ol qlalislics and Operalion Research,
Kutukshcf ra un jv.6ily Kurukshcta, trcli scpt 21 -22, 20 12.

6. Deliveed Key nole addrcss titled ' Daia reduction technjques ih the UGC
sponsofed Nallona I Workshop on Sparee Slalislcs oplimizallon 8nd Machide
Learningon3l"rMarch 2012atLyrllprKhakaColege Jalandhar.

7. Allended 6ri chandigarh Science Conslbss, oruanized by Panjab Un vereiiy,

chandisah,llcn 26-2a Feb.,2a121
I Ahe_ded Nadonrl Conle.e.ce or adva[ces a.d Appkalio_s I
orga-'zed byDepr. o'Sralislics Du Cnand.oarh f,or Feb 20-2'.2012.

9. Attended lnlemationa/ Conferencd on lhdun.h and Applied l4aihemalics

(lolAlvl) ai vancoulef, Canada from 18112 July 2011 sponsored by NBHM
ihrouqh nationa l"ve selecrio..
10. oerjvered an Invited talk tilled'lSotonl0 es maiors based dislribution wilh
applications: ChiSquafe variable base'lln lhe "lnlehalional Conlerence on
New Trends ln Life Testing Batesiarl Inierence, samplng Theory, Bio_
slrrislic-s, Bio-informatics €nd Conip!lerlApplicalions'orgenized by Banaras
Hindu Unrve|slly toin 5-3 Jan.,2011.
11. Deljvered Kev noie Address in the UGC lponsoEd Nallona Seminar on Role
ofStalistics in Physiotherapy organized dy Lyallpur Khalsa College Jalandhar
frcm Nov.2s"27 20i0.
12. Delivered leclure on'Oisciminani anallysis, factof analysG and survival
arslysis to r're part'cipan s o'wor(croo oh Resea ch a_d Dola Alalvs's Usi I
SPSS l8.o oEan;z"o by lf e Depa4hlenr b'Slal el cs ano SPSS,lBrV) ngd'
13. Delive€d an inviied talk liiled "Diltdbuiion of rallo oi enreme of isoionic
estimatoF or chi-square vaiabJe!lwiih lFpplications" in lhe Indian scence
consress herd arrrivendrum (KeEf) r@1i Jdn. 3-8. 200e.

l4 Atrended and oresented a oaoer tiudd Ndh_Da'a-eri" Ieslc ro'les'ino sinDle

ordercd al'ern;t:ve ror sc;i6 pa€dFreBlus."s wo samDe sraristics e in
XVllr lll€r.aiio-al con'€.ence of r'16 For|]- lor l-t"b sciplilary Malherafcs
{F'fM) on hterdiscjprina'v l\4alnerallcal anU sral(|cd Techliques l'eld ion
Auqusl2-a,2OO9 ar Jaypeo Unlvedty oiLformaion and Tech'olosv /JUl-)
i li
'5 Dorlr'orso al nflt€o lol^ ro r1o p?dlcpanr, of Orenond Juor66 Woas op
Appi€d Sralsrrca, -€ch qu€s ot So. al Sci€nrists or9aniz€d !y
ll.io -n
D€padn€n I of slaUstics Panjab Unlv€rslly on 20.3.2008

16. D€.ro so on,rvr€d ra.( ro

rn6pd4.crpar8oro,omondJub.oo synDosi-m
slal'sr,cal rechn,q-€s. R€.odt Trcio, and Advan.es oisdnrzed by tho
Dapannoll o' SIal5Lca Par,aD pnrr'oBllt Cnaro'Sarn ouring l\,larch 18-l€.
2aa8 |

I 17 Attended and presenled a paper lllsd ,srsp-up tosts tor comparing sever€l
I exponenrial populatlons wirh corjrrol I Locarion cas€' in th6 lntornalion€l
I confefenc€ on statisticalScience, oR & lT hoid at T|RUPATI during Jan., 7-9
I 2007.

I 18. De/iveredan invlted talk titted ,Sihlttdnoous Coniideice lnleryals for th€
successivo Ralios ot scole Pa.aln6ted' ln the lntemational conferefce o n
i Recenr Ao\dncer ,r Sra$rrcs o.ganized oy me Dopanrenr ol Matemal,c$
and Slatslcq,l'' (r-pu dun"q Ja.. 04 -00,2005.
I lq wolr
Dei,ve eo an:nv,Go iak r'tted s,ruldnequs muh,pte compaisonh wJn lh€
and best :n lhe xxl' ArnuatCon,etence ior P.ooabil,ty
otlnodn Socrely
and Sbt) cs, o'qan:zed by te ooparlmenl and CenGr for Advalced Slud'es
I in Stalislics, Pune Uhive.sily pune dlrins August lt-14,2002.
20 A(ended cno oresen€d c paoe.l.lled _A ctdss o' asympLolrcdlty disributon
r.ee resrs t0, syrmetrv il an lnrerid onatconterence on sld 5 cauntererce
A Re.iaoi.(y Io nonour Prol J.V. DqFroande concurenrly snh re XXI An.Jal
coGeae oi Indiar Socety'or4,ooabiilydno Srarsrcs (.SPs)andAnnual
I' conr*1ce o'lrddn craore' of,4rer.clionatSoc'or/ or Bayesi.n Andysis,
I organ,lcd by rhe ner)d'lnenl oflstatislcs, Panjao Ljniversily. Chandirarh.
J \Jutitls Dec. 2t - 24,2oo1.

21. altended an of oevelopmenls h sralsflc-s

i ano P'obao,ity and The,r"-"*1""
",".",.nr, Appt+torsl o,san,/ed
"econr by inlornartonat t.oian
!l rrsn€l Assoc,s tiol (l SA, ano ol\er Ind,an Srailstia, Organ izdtio b dt tndia
'nre.ndrroral Cenrer New Dethi, i/om dec. 30, 2OOO io Jan. 2, 2OOt anct
presenled a Dape enrihed A Ljasi,or seleLtion procedu'es baseo on sampte
qlas mnses . I

?2, Allended Inte.nalional Conferencalon Oider Slalistics and Ext eme Values
Theo.y ano Applicat:ons o/grrLed by he Dept ot Sua,es in Srarisli6,
u_n,ve6:ty or Mysore, trom Dec. 18i20, 2OOO and presented a paper ent,lted
's:mulrareoJs seF(r,on orEruemehoputat,ons bdsed on
ranses". sampt;
3. Altended National confererce c1i Sdtisiical lnfe€nces and Retiabitjry
organired by rhe Depl. or Slarst.ca. j5-17. ZOOO'
P.U . Cnandigarn trom Nov.
ano p'eserred a paper en lted -A d,ass oisetecl,on procedJres forsetectjng
soodpopulations"join ywrlh parmridersinsh.


24. Allended & p€senled a research papel n National Conierence on Applied

slatisiics and Oper"lions Research ordanized by Depanmenl of Slalislcs,
NaoDr U_ ve sly. NrooLrfoa Nov.05 6 I998
25,Altended Inlernationat ConteEnce oi\ Combtnatorics Statstics, Paitern
. R"cognri'on ano Rerareo Area3 todAd io:nhy by +p D6pa,a61is of
lrr,hehalrcs, S,a'(r,cs d-o (or dje'i4.enCe. Un:vereity or M/sore. V/qore
tot OFc 28 J0,1998 and o_esent-d F baoe_ e-iir'ed d nrhol" rhree-

26. Atlended lntehalional Confercnce on rccdnt advances in Stausiics and

Prcbabiliq organized joinlry by lsl (Kokata) and Bernourl socieiy rof
nllhen6lcal slafsd(s ard probabr'iy rro- Dec 29 1097 o Jr1 lc98 a
re*drc! paDe'faed'TesLngnoaoge-eryagr'lslsmoe orde_eddlernarv".
sale paGmeiercase was presenibd. I
27, Visiled lsl, Delhj lrom March 18, tS96llo lvarch 29, 1996 as a visiiing
ierrow lo corraborale research wih di. S.q. Ko.har.

26 Ailended a Workshop on 'sralistical hfeiAncd under Non-slandadConditions"

andpEsenteda €search papereililredlFimullaneous cohndenceboundsiof
lhe ratlos of scale paraneteg' dlga^l4d by rhe Depanme.r ol slalislics
Panj8b UniveBjly, chandisarh dflfs Jaifary e-12. l ee6.

29. Atlended 83d Indian science Cdnsest hed in Punjabi unveBlly Patiala
du ng January 3-3, 1996 and a baper'A selecUon procedure lor seeciing
least dispeBjve riie disl buuon' Iras dpsented by my co'author Dr.s. K

10. An"nded second hiernaiio-al1r|e_1.d, q+.'-fla syrpos ir on lrobobiilv

,aoSlalrn,sfroaDe!.30.'994lo-dn.E 1995 ne'o al <oraa Jr
ve sitv
Kolkala and presenleda paper"slmulbnbous one-sided coniiden@ inleNals
for lhe odered pair-wise d jfierences of elponenlial location eaEmeiere"

31. Aliended SOth lndian Scienco Contresslheld ai NlO, Goa lrom January 3,
1093 la January a, 1993 and pe3enle{ a papef liiled 'A
.Jass ot subsel
selection pf ocedues ror Weibull e0luratilis'.

12. Arl"ndeo ano prese_l.d 6 papel son. Lha aclerizalors of expon"nlaj

d'slribul'on in ihe XlrihA_nualConle'elce o''nd,rn Socrerylo'o obab'rlv and
sr,risri.c lJsPsr .rd,nized .v rhe beornhenl ot lvalnematrcs ard S arisiicc
cochh u;iveB'ry o-t sc'ence md it'e;n4bsy coclil r,or Dece-be' ej2

33. Attended and presenteda reseaich pa;er fitled "selecllon procedures ror
s@le paEmeteE in ihe annual lSPs ciiife€nce heJd at rJT Bombav from
I December,2T-30, 1990. l



I Co'6ied JACOB WALFOWIZ prto tor rheorehcE do,ances ,n

@1ehaL-cr end Vanagomenr S,ierces ror lF6 yea, 2OO3 lo my esedr.-n
paper flred ' simujraleoLs V.{lip,e
CompaAons wh the Worsr and BeSt,
Jornry,*,lh Oi NeeGj Ms6 lilT.. hanpur I ard D/. S. K SFrrra lp.LJ.,
Lqaro.gorhr by lhe Areicdq
rtodnq' ot Marnematrcat ard Mcrdgefe nt
st'e.c6s The o,:e conesrs olhororary a*ard ano an ong,aved @;i,Gr;.
Irs w0,( sds a pan oI pn.D thers oi Dr. s sharm; Lnde, he jt lor
superyBron ofmysetr and Dr. Nef.aj Misra ^
2. Alarded S,ll(ShA RATTAI\|PJRASKAR ,n "!ty, 2OO7 .y trdad
J c@i'ied aest C,uem of ln{,, A}drd m Oci.. 2oo7 by trt-rat:a-.=l
-uorsnFq Houce Ne4 Detn, in rdcognlon lo my.(u reacf.ns;r schootLrur€r
*^o'Pima(nar p,roesn). cor.ege and u"rvits.ry er'e,,. ri r)


(;) Pepared am pesencd rfe ploposdtof
our Oeparheni torlhe sal ion
0t re DST (covr. of t-dia) du ng my €m as
undrpe'son. Consequen y, o-r Depdrtment gol this p.ogrdm a
oe1o0 or Ive years f o- Apn,2000 ro Ma,ch,2b05.
Lndir rhs progEr
racr.fos. (compJter equrp,ne.)15 sut,sl,ca, p;cuses
and bookt. our ot
heso crdnrs the DeDdrlmellr coq,o insial 2a bGn penlums
>!rr*m (sPss MAThEM4TTCA LTNOO, D|NOO, 3,'Et|nCM and or,LJ
4,./48) In ue corp-ter labbratory wh;ch we/e r/genrty neeoed by rhe
lor.reea m leach ng, and b imparr rE.ni;g drrc sruoenrs or
Ine,uepr4ment and Eso.chirs orlrhe sisler o6pam€nl6 in corp-Ler
rqaleo couBes s.nce p,io,lo th6 rh6 riepadmerr had o;,y 3
tsFnlrum-2 Mach,nes The Oepddrehr
it"o pu.chased tatesr oools wdrh
Ks v racs outorthesesmnts. r

('r ,
Alr:verv ;n lhe UGb DSA p,osrammo sanclroned io our
PJbl,sn€d more inan aS roseircn papers in :nrernd,ondl
roumals or epure In lne ucc DsA roentrfied drust a,ea .lvu,apte
Lon)prrison procedu.es' of rhe D€p:/tmenl.
Peputy cooJdiralor or UGc QsA
- I pjoqramne sancroned lo ou.


L AItendeJ UGc spodsored orienlalion Course organzed by the
Academic slaf colege, tanjab Unv€6ily, ChandigaA from
-J-n" 30. t99l to Jrry 27. lPgJ
2. Atlended UGc sp+nsoreH Beiresher couBe, h slalislics
or!31izeo by lne d."deit'c sial Colege. GLJ ar Jt v"rsiry
rhiedabad ne I Jarraqf0ioJanlsry30 lood

3. lnviled as a resourcb perloi in lhe UGc sponsorcd reresnor

couBe oroanrzed bt thel Depaddenl oi sialstics, Fanjab
uijvercity, Chandig4h tmfi March 24, 1995 to April20,1s95

4. Inviled as a fesource pedbn in the UGc sponsored efresher

couise orsanized ioihly W the Depadments of Malhemaucs
and slalistics Panjdb uiiivereily chandigarh trom ocl 13
2001to Nov.7,2001,

5. lnviled .s a rdsourcd oebdn in lho UGc soonsored refrcshel

:oinirv b'l oepalFenr' o rarnc-a'ics
'he alandga+ t?n 'an ?3
,-d Slal,6_r,c6. Pr;j6b Un;Ue_sity
20031o Feb. 17,2001.
6. Inviled as a resource pe6oi\ and delivered three leclu@s to the
oanicoank of lhe LGC sob_sored rF'esl"e col're 0r9an?eo
bv rtie oepan-e_l or _ahematirs. H -rofa
Universiiy, Simla, irolh Oci. p4-24,2004

7- lnviled as a resolrce Dere$h ard delivered lto leclures to the

padicio.nts of lhe UGi spron3orcd refresher courso orsan z'^d
6ythe oepadment of falh4matcs, Guru Nanak Dev Unive6itv
Amritsar, trom lvay 0{- 24, ?005.

s. Inviled as a €source perebn in ihe UGC sponsored rer€sher

co-rse ooanized roinilv b! re D"pahenls o'mar'emariG
ard St€[ta(s, Par,ab J; vdFIv, crandls'h n 20'0

Acted as a resource pe#on tdlimpad t€injns Io the pofessioials

or slsler d.Darln.:ts sndllhe'e5earc'6rs/Pro'psriots or
reiohbo.ino in; lules {,Rb Se-lfconduciots L'd (rvo a i, Ra_bd'v
rl4ola,r 8_LL {PslchkJb) dbMER (chandstrh) sasE (Llr
Pa rhai (Ma;alr, Gvctll {cl',no sa,1)) on
methodolosi for th; anblysed aid intePretations or dala usins
sofh4arc, dudnq ln-houte lfdhlns progEms o4anized bv our
Depanment ai va.ious tinle pojlls in the easr'


l:) t

krttoTr,B-. 2s'tt
il A. (Histod, [4 A. (Area Studies:
28/A 195A


Fducalional eualjtications: I
I Ph.D.1931 PnD I
P-_raou v€rlr.r, c'd.disdrh
, ,.o le75 [aA (Ar€a sludies:louthAsia), Univ€rsity oi
I ,.o.

l9l0 MA r"sro.yt, e-n,+D Unle6,ty Oj.dnd'gllh rcodMeda,,sla.d

qosearch oissenanonsj I

I ;) V,vetaranda at me .F,c"go pdrjEFell,, Mrsrers Dssedatbr

,,i, ""#f,?"""::::::ri,J"'t",Liqsojo,nsano,npadonmewes,
rl8ei e6). Docrorc' oDs€nfior. F,.,iab rJn,veE,r/, ,eor.
0poinrnents/Po6rrions ,treudv hetd : I
(012-201 sstrsr. DAV LJn ;6ily JatJ.dha; c rv
) Reg
,l luo
zur2) Locarsecretary. Dayanand nsritulons Sdlaour
(M-h- rsht,r), (ondisis q,ou. sen or Cot.eges, $oJ-nror Co eges
,.0 tt',.u s"t'oo,e. 3s'n9 run oy DAV co.'es; Managrirg comn.uio, r.tew
( !-
zulb' :lr*'f "l Lva"p-/
rnarsa cordse. (L^c). Jrrano^a. c(y
hdira cr orr Nalona, Op€n L.heers.ly, Ce;re 2212.
l1 cor.so Ja *dhe c ,v
(2 ,ii'j,iiil #;t,,i'3!iii"ii"l'o'v-rv,'f'orr(htsa
Khatsa Cotege, JalandharCrtV, '
rgraduate Teachjns erpori;nce: 35 !J;rs

Hl:!i1,"T:m ]

1o sr!dyarschoor oro d.6rand afiiaan studl6;

,uGr orHMd,
.t rha ?"ria;fifi-i%;i; Eelslb8
'ndhd M;dEE.'s s.;fi a
hsrd st san Franctsco rtaA e€0,
r Morer:nd,s@at rercnsh.trcn 9nar Conioranca aid
or 211 Cantury
oganized by wo,rd H@dqhids, Mold

!dq'd sbr o-sd@i-ifiirt-rc

ttu-= {r!
qbnr,rcd,hd.Wa;ildb;:;;fi rl'Epapq w4iit. s;t-,:aaii_aaG
Ps&o Foundruon rd hr..6[O]ous;;;
46rnalond FsdoEuon fo, word p@co rian Contotunco on Our Conmon Lslacy oI
.em ranNand Poaco,, irarch 9.2005
cAdiiicaro orA;pE;A;;
q4!!!lon,cA, cahada. and

i 4!!td.d Rdr o. Horli- d Goro Mpd tit^ n cF!.J 1:. T l
4!.!derd 3.r c l[en J.randhal J.trbesc
adludrd B8r r?&hbr by Ldnr ctub lsNa[)
lE!4ocd Eed r€Eih;;'t irG;;6;r a$o.El-t; olL oN Ctub3 Dd,dlrrD loqg
gfl"Jtlj,,il m*nffiF ctub lMdroqn) J,taidh.,, Rohrycubrsoapu4

tr,rn.Edrs on hE"mdNrrd.La6 t
ksnsid' wrlh Puilabcovdnd, shdo +,ver
HoioumdbypuirsbGovma;3I;]-S:ETd-;fi ii
&IlqElpndis.oddbu M'o moflddorEdu;l
I Honod by Er.cNsnoiE iiffi--i-ri qh'iuNed
ersddbi ofsh:bd Ra,
wrrh rho
y awrd, r00r.
lDio.Ldb ao-, vd,;ft;;:;;i6;;;i-;;; ii: )ddq T-
R*dred sohan samaiG;;%rd-:
Honouredby !od,randdrobeafi];'rodt t; lidaaiis Aryasth4 soa0u
2aae. euturek BilE Dmdaite Msrh.sordr Deladber ,0.m03 ^
4LvRr rsarpDdits pmo sohmer j6rbjjd(
ilaFd r.d,"--drcss. F r2aoor/e ehABr
'EFiET?E d Drc@bn&! . ra.
!4eirar.id Af c6n siudi$ unEftsoiloidm l

!!!am. ioDr Rorq ou, F;lida,ran N;i %nij!it-
!!l9oq@!6r F.dlDron b wdld Fa;!a N4 yo*
b!!!80 €rou F4qd/on biwdrd psd
Eqelom Jun @ and Pei,6 socbly. N sdah Ne
q!4rr rtun Ne,,. rodb. aar'oaR=imail;iM krvoruhirsr trddJaiEry Decenbei 20r6)
oF uNrvERsrry aND prcFEssdlJrg
Fenow Gonabn, GuruTrn;Ffunnnrntd0. AmI
!!!!!q, ldto or sudh! ri Hkbry, curu NamI
Menbr, co{drndbn comhTffii;ia unk;uresr FnnFb b pftp esyirabroran(
rEnbei Pdnt'bsr.re un v.irry id Eoor BMj
qq'bq ouu N ErDNunrw,itrv,a ./o Lr'hwe tibAdvrlory commnko ro6l!!q
M.dbon cn tr.{[ Dovunk.Brl, {n.tso" ffio c;Lii | 2ms-:007.
Pftirdsn! spodrcodm rearMei), Guru N'n'k Dev unrvereky, amnGai, 2006.2007,
vmn-,co.roseDevcoD-ertcoriaiau'uNiakDevunveutry,r- rL., .00'.?!!q
..... .,@fu-t. a;;Ei:Fi :;ffi".",
Membe, hd,an Nbbncmdss i63^s6l]d
cdmrie Edttr;;E;aMffiEmnr i,ic ot DAv

corese-commt corres6 mderNvEoF

!e!b,r scidor 8oald, s_loor or so.

Lar Bahadurstustr Ndrona Addsmv orAdn

u.a.c. qm$rcd cmletsrorcomper'raqam mi sdlGufuNdo$lnieEryAmrtsJmd
ndna 6a'dh, N'r onar ooon urNCisie{r c6;dins


wd.t (13e346). wth 3 Ftuwad by Dr. Hotut E.

s@hkt ot M6 sbb utrr'ad|, Kan# lu.s
rha KhDtn sbstfttud. subsbnB dnd stqlli.anc cffioof|rtsbrdstuds'Lyd|puKh

rha v0^a,1t A;it6tut@ ran.
ProsodalronotH{iralsorMahdasFrlr, D 0 P.
Dayanaddcorssoota(s3'd scrdieo oohplt
sMn vtrkE'raajih,JSaldEhi;t tvaothf, Vvdrrnanda XondE Ma€rhi Phkasrh.n
cank6 ro. Pro*triilor orH'rr00 ol
to,, su ,"-;@-;.'!, ,0 rr- Conu8 rol PmsryionotHdriosao
rindur6n rho Faur Er6htawh;'ft;;; e76-€r;760:,

uhelo spdrurMbrcndFM

Nor ms o' f r/m.nan-;ri;rrrr- n Bakhph sh shsh er o/ (Edt 6dld3i

'rhs Naio md lrro rdearctrJ,il njtt Kav lad),G!tu Gabind sih1h and
,d o/rir, /turjq Gdu NJnrr Dw

vaQ s4rn ssbh' e@bd ta tude tu

dd srr, Jt c!rudre, si 6du shri
M"h,aF R4i snsh ssr
An s. Pq nshaF J s. k6) Fr, o/
^DoG,5d Mdntni R4r snlt Natuo a4,t
Re/e'10(0, Gu! Nanor Dsr un€Ely.

omfun, m An.p4ltditjr&"p L ans'neh(Ed) 6rdp5eso/,nd,s,H,ra7L

.rtrld ! /rn, h ri! ra P3r 5 ru

'viwrranda g psre;loi;;iiatr \ssav?llEd ), Nfli: Face at tndin
,hoo4 vor. r, lndiatr Pubrrshds
s{an' vrv6r.e4da;;dthdnm c.M.4saMt(Fd.)tdhn wfi61 va |, trdian Is8N31.7r4t,]2X
flrft Drerblim, oerh,.
rha wsbh Pseadivea o, KiEn P.wa md sanla stb;a:'i (E ;t-lfu
'rha Equcs, an rEdilai;ii;aitr ssaMel Gd.), saski : G/,rEs?
lc,/iu4 k n hdanPb,+aG

;Tfliii"Lf":?:fli,mm; , Vol.ll, hdlan Pubhhrs

'Nridukm hd lhganr?;iEa-ad5
tsa'tugl/sd.) Ptdtb rd Lrew at tndisn rsEN 3'-7341-?2:I
noo4 Dorhi, hdknPubtkhsG
Hr,uu wollH andRek0n sofu srzw?t la't ) Pftribihb: tha'es af rsBN:3rr34rlrl;
's*.m/ vrusrananda; ci;_Gobrn;
r sinsh Joqi (6d), 6uru oltlrd s/r9hi a
6rd Bllde^ Takhr sriHarimandd. Jt,

'Fc*L! of Prcphel.tGi.
ttre Jlt a4spkt@l(f k tho tqht al sn tsSN
1l 'Tlre s$reofEdueloi li rid. rn lhe Wfrffit1t /'s rhp rhiks Patrt rk Rko rl 1n60!3D.
6 NP, sridluo/ m e(Ed s$am
shddhidFnmda) sw'mrvwramidas 150^
P'b eld A&a la a!"3m4
rht book s4 GL6sd on.raru:ry 13
'!olo P'an6b M"rhoieo.Pi6dedor

SeDnI vtudk\nrndd Tho chatu at.

rs I spe*/ns ro God:An uideBbdr! M s r nc sho th h eM P d ne d b r whi n.wd i rs.
dtlEd@dlan tot cfipieta sott D*-Ftaphent
B') Ehinoht cahhi6,t6 v6'tsnta Ke@n
cinrcnaly Pu./.,[ir. s'i R.n*dshm Milh,

6a; csndhi- vbrrntt Gfid,n st ai

vi&aia ka ssh6kra vyokrkrva r(a KunarJai Mrsl Pub shed byshli

0r{rr buroi rvor rar Briatus D'sr

'Missionary Wo* ii Gm' a sMmi



R.3.arch Foundatlon, USA),cOIMPLFTED
Editod and subsianc6 Edil€d about s6ven hundrdd 6hMos

wnrrreN cortrnreurroN r;ENcYcr-oPEDlA oF H NDUIsIM

etri;nt;?tfrE E;tudn H"i@ F*- d
Fffi6;;iF-d,t,iid6 r Fn'.idco
Fd;ddoi u* i/a*dbroi s N!4e!! I
E"..tdqrM d Blldin t'd ' Het bse

EidtnGAn;iFi;AiCfi @ ft d 4nn*rcr
ffi ;a,fi tiab-t-i.Ei;r;t;.a-^i
tu!;drdLus A*ocdonshFDesdco !qegl!!
rdi'ddbiLUs^ r^r.oerd - Mh Fa" -d co Nd odr

EiAaAAAnAnnAiE;iiF; tu, tui-? n a(r

FN;dnoi lsahA!&ddonwh FlF md c! !4!rl2g!!
Fd;&6i Lsa itaodd.ik6 Prd6id c. Na q!l!!

F*;d,i - usa nahddo^ Fs" -d co N'l !!rl

Eebdh d Hrtdas. t"d "h
aet be' Fa'"d
F-;dd m usa ih$odd o' e s Pad .id c" !9!!!!!l
Fe;diibn lsA As6, oi * h PlF Bnd colsr-!!l!!

F&ida.i usA nh$od! oiq i Plpa mde Nqruan

FLd;d& drJlnB,^n lr ! re bt6 FEdrci
Ftu;don us^h^3soc don!m Rutalid co N'v udn

encbbpti, d Bldhn t fr td ht R6rd.n
d tutusn lnda{ant'e. Rrn2,6
Fohdq.!$haid oi yro F4 trd co Nv oeh

€ncl.hpt1a at tudlin lnd r N{ ker $N cr4,fiir!tn-!I[

4t4r4'd h n'n@sn;Aii6iiwF;8-
En sN er6,{f.Itl.r-il6:j
Eeer4dddrf t Mtftnn;ii;ta&;;;n- rssN o7 ddi:&fii!6:j
Ehrydq'd b d B N hn ttnda hd hi' RBF ;t.h 6EN e.i[Tr.ff]liFi
Etqdct|ttr d t11''4h lndh ktxas. R{Ezrch rsBN e Tadf,tflitTiEl
.rq*@dt' d Bhddn \ttu1Huhss Ron2rcn tssN e iE:tDofii!&-i
?r I Kdq: Erydrytitotfli'dlkn-l'a;F!1';i;i;*; r$N 5 )€-s';r[r:]!te-i
&Mcald ,rshF*@dorlu R4"id cc NsD0,h
EE$apdqh at tudn Ltnaznq hs' R1nucn $N e7€.ot.teTrldnt:i
- EEF oFdlr or 8nllEn ( dh er uF tuilrrh
Eacy.bpedb at tuntun lrndzqqnz] RaE d sBN e T€-ti:at-'603.-j
ENFopo.'/r d/Hdurs 0ii; ri;@ 6BN e 7e-3 rroi:t;iti
EE/tu adk d HndLrh tnd,zHdbso Ro.Eztd

Erctu@dF artfulm !^d2 knt2t'R6t ant;

€ tdqadl Hadan
/siJ!.!r,,",; d

Enry4pdi dh,njfu;i6iFF;ib-d;ffi
ttnda N.mra. Riln 7n

Foudi or lsA n4*( donshF;maid.o Ne Ddh
Eno doFdd d &ndre didE F.im Rg|M 6-firi?E--sin-tti{sti
Fohddh UsA ilE(doi{sR;6,id.d

r!flfft-!4.L l@,lor ENtdapaaiartud4intttutttuiaii;M;E!fld

usA i A$€iDi eh Ruo€ ad co N& Ddhi
Eftr@Fc. d A,iii;ihdtr er&6 Fa6;i
+e-gliP.8 4. rn d'ni I'cr iAknbh wrh do4 oid co ro{D, h.
'?:r!- a/ArrdrlM 0idh Hai6s! &narcri
Etou@aodarqi@ihttuEb w-
!oh&'oi, usAorLlsdr.i 66R;drdco
i"iili:;:R d,qa orrid e (rid . N'G@ Rs'rrch^dDdH rsBN szs-!-i:ti:i6-
"" Ert@pdq dto@liMtftE er&rtd;;;d-
Jolddhi r!* i eddoD dh R;r sd.o N6! Ddh
E rye@d4 or
';;@1h-a; Erdco Ndpdh
arw@aqat nhdlth rtun tu&s. #6a6
d Hhtuin rttuta tuibro Ro*l;ij
o/didrrrn ( ndr Hd 6tan6l€d
S!!.qr, 4dre v r!!4!eq4!q , b F6r lid c! !!4 Dd!r.
'o eii6i6taaa lsBNgiE'"tnldr
dad4e 0idh h!driq.e)6ii-
orHl'drie 0icb adihs. Rts;-- Cetttam?rn-td:i

ci ons in Encyclopodia ofHinduism,tl

(rn Henlaso Research Foundarion. USA ro as4
t &itish-Hindu Orientatism, Vo!|, A, Bl (Two rele€ncee in BibliogBphy).

Paropak:c, Vot-V]]r, p-R, F.90. I
siddhis vol-tx, s, pp.4.46-448.
. Tora Puri vol-x ps.l 553.
/1 ;.1i'- r'
ry./op;;Ziirts,0,Jn Vo umd 3 rsBNSr13=
u^ ab mivdst P.Lor4.-
SAGA or Frceddn shssre ii sdbtaGm
flmro ared vebiom rlb lhed nMrao
(urd! dairy Jd andha. ). Ausud 15 : Njnd
s'm'.hrlud! driN Jrrdh.0Audud rs
Rd:'i; Pahu Phu (PunrabiD' y, Pd€ s)

sds (emFNqer, B'Iqa)sepr.me'3


1999. (trw. nrc in /ridis imasdpib)

iJJ '-"-**'f
'l 'Fbdomsrruss6 n tunld, vd. r No.3

Publlshed Pspers ln Journa,s

rtusn raundt i, Atuicm strdr6,

wgnde,lahE tn Aned6 Jrtr1t31.
'vissa and vhroi of curu Nada[ osv : rs viewe Jd@t;ish s/dbe on Nad
bY swsmi l4€krianda
Jo,rnal otnalsrdus stu'riei PunjabL

'The Equedr ai TBd on ot rndla Nownber lt sne;arAmata EqBltah

,1, 10m c rorplbriskd oir'oo@sbnbr

Efi;;rrh; i;;r, s;;l Vft;;"d; ;; d;l s,ft srdres

Tha w6rem P66pecr@s oi Nnd!3m a 6tudy *":i

'Abm€d6b6 or RdEksb, vor. I Nd. r,1$7

Tho Why ot lho Hdridess dr Hamand I, Fe .mtit-&t sttr16 (spec ,

commehodr ve 6l!E!L-
I Appdch ro Reriaron , o.1obd 1e8e.
I cdmmemorarivo vo umal Rc l!!
fr ii;i;inD dy M da u n k o at,

FEE;Aaid Bhnb.
'\4v6kamnda s Peruprlons or hdran womei

Ssml \4vebnEnda s rdpad on $d wasr some


's/.m,vr/e'.m.nd. h he Lr.s. MdB, msl rure

ir q<
tfo Modih,bn: rh, r/.!tro;;;H; r-vor- D A.U Haalk thw l{Canptato
H*rlh Jouha ), DAV ayu'sdic
I Prsr!3
3nd A4a.dJ-Ma)f rr5
r Ae,nrea nrs w,,il;iFi;;iE
ch'Publ.hodnA4fiHd'qdJurei,, H:
ii;; t{
cha.rha r/r€ spmnns wra rrioLuoe;
hEo'y''Vd|V'N3'5en61096 H/91o,1 Gmu NaiaN Dov U^,d6i|y
lndd ReD *4(oJmD) rrgz rssN -oaaiii
,cor,o,oi nd c@cn E(ororr.r,fd Bundin at Chlcthn losl.tub at rssN -aojanot
rndrrn AFrc&h b DI41 stiin' r$@ I
'Eoroq€rconemtrnHndrjrj-:*];;i;tlsss -o0171?tIB
Hailaso, Butath olko Histott Sub

rhelro l
'f Raradd, Maurt Abu

rircE. rssN- oO4Lztai

'wcbMdo h 6uru Nt;IGt. N;;;t
'sem, vMramnd;MtrhaaroGMm /ssN oo-r.o:i
o' rhei' 6ira(G t13e3. e6), JanGry I
I Lnd- Rona;;iAF;@E Roha rssN,o3675om
:t1c.16rEm vor ,5 *dFsb rr0, (,rd6d n
*rr!+1+r!!:. __- _ r"o^it

+!r+!9__ ^dwi
Asocralroi or ssN. o56a-):t
ssNoor.si a
|63N 0!4,:,,6.
issN'oo42t 53

lrd Hd,bi,sq (h&qud rsss) PG
lL son-" obsetudoB;n p;daFh H-;dum w *v 06 hv a ft n hd ktlota sb al |SSNOs0i:1,aid
a!.nlr d5 r.rJ. rre- Desnbsfao3 2otu
*'4'd 1,6 i" H]"d, R |.',idc"reMl;i'
4! to e dic ca u a q o, Jatandnal

++:9+rr4:qlss:_ l
rssr{ 0022{aiE

o' Bftoh"' s"'" cr"ai"s"

lili !i3s'"'^'"s
,i e ufor^usna n h ndu R,l05,.Juna 2005
^viE drcLomrorpnts.dr,strDuodnd tulld
uod es, tuousr,2005
I:l&dmrh,.onque3orFs-aErffi T
Tho rruo$ TG+ Fotldeoid Uss Apr 200 6fi-av
ayuN|xi lv Hctstic H@nh
rssN2 40 001

Alu@d, md P aque vo l:1 Apil2m6 dNEiiid rt uisu *an ts9N? ,104010

rho r]ro otApamBd ii ridi'i Ti.d 1 dl vor / Dii;Eiaadr t Hdtst't Hohnh ,r0,0010
wrrdk Lo'dr(Ehid2 !o tNor, odo{dr00q rssN0E '00!0
Prra,ia rhd Bbhnav r(sh, oftheP,ftdd, ! atttodd' tt Hor'ttr 86,nh lSSN -.-T 10601
aurob o96phy or si o'i0i Fdbruary2mT . 'frli;v
DAv\ Ay!toad,lar tlatisti. HE6nn ssN2= 0 oclo .

6, I abh' rm I, vor.1 seereDboi 4, 1007. 6a\ 3 Atrrcdrt HDlEth H1ath

B l€du' vo /M:y5.bo R!!.d0r0

,WMl h Medklioi? Vo,l3 sNary
xrrlan Tnd solrflr Merodt, vor 565, No. d53,
moP' llq!
'curu Gobind siio:rMF@ Ph6o.vq56e,
'sr cutuc€dhsahrb:symrioicspitual

ntt }1e'i;;;n;i6lh-i

,''d R,m Naml %l 55 No ] z
Mysr.bmedrh.sar,6of M.h,shrrorYo
fd '5

M6rc d cft dr wdshrc, vor. 56, No p3


'&rakhdR€r: rhe rim or rhs Pmjsb . vot. 56

6dy;;;;a iiv JM;I |narsut'

valkdi+8hrkr4 who reap Time . l', vor. p6, No. Ei anslffiat

-EikMe R'mk,lhna Mis3bn

vadGds B[akb who reep Trh6 - /r" vor.l56, No.

a4 I 'sMr ruld6m - Ho buched ho sods ordi
fr iAi;A tnoa;a;ta sh m M B s ia r

'Th6 MaradyandrheRefredrDL

o!,rofp"yr,* c64a €ofr*

F *blf,a;1d | I

q I
DAvb Ayuryddd Iat Hakt't thstL rssN 2040.!01
RN l-lo 000t/!
kintalof sTtl;in
i' '3db
wrys cd

ff iB'"i:ilL:1?_i|*m.c*T-Tr
'cALdis r,irhd varD Nnr Ht€dGF-rT;
57 No i0 DeGnbar3l ,o1o
' RN

RN Mr o 000dtl
I I sdhash 06e:AM'o'Acrm. rdGs vot.
I No 11, January 15 rfi lkrsoDlbrishddi,a
I Hdbs6 vor.av , No.r, J,nGry2011)
ll I Nano.conGptinrndidnnadron vors7
r. [L(h15
'orj a Pu,tir sd

,8J!or. Mectta;

*T* RN NO 604t67

I ',llomm !1ia'ds _ r. Mahdm,
tartuns, I

j mhe!t€::3!!!t!!_-!!]ljplt ]
rcep nD

J:i ii.:il"t y,fi ,"t," "

*.,' *
"' 1,
rhs L, mra 3 6$m,ntat;6-;6 k

;l',T?:'N:T; :iilii:;f
er, c, &,,
'u1 ti
'Narha Pdrra: odq or shr;
Y4 ll!, No.3 a@sr rofi
.,1 'Arya s'maj md DAV Moemoir

Arya Sadai md oAV lrjo€hmr

Hdiimad',srD HdsiShnna-i6;-3;i

Ka$h rsh wm A scdtn R;'qM Butdun at Ranskishna M.iean

r6rfiu$, $Na seM

xapar,,c ed
qellliber 2or 1 Do 1i.
'sd Famardhm. Fa@ut rhsEoohsr-. Mv
Ylr s3,& 1?A!r!!st?!1l

1X:i;,:'::'ii:T..*,iffi * .tr
Ennoonng rdeas afd M 'I
dFebules Vo].50.Nd
33 Sepremb.rlT-23 2012. PoSr I
'sur rroariror antr Doi5i6r,-ffi
o.roberS 2Qr2 Pp50.55
i20 roqrds Inknair Fci/oshh:i;i59.Na:E
No!6mb0f 302012 no r5-1.
121 rutrEJa nve in rcrs0nandFh 600hr', RNrNo6o6tsT
December 3t ?012 pp 132.37

?a /."
Vl@lodaDdr'r lmpacl oi tto Wo/d ol dea, Vol rssN.o: 2,0r7
1l3,No2 F.bru6ry 20l3,pp 306.330

'VNerdnanda s lmpEcr on rh6 Wd d ol

lT8,No 3 March 2013.00 251.255.
'sbhmachrrya P6iashali aid vpexria
ldds Vo

DAv AwMd6 tat Hotstr Hasllh

T5r '01

1 bsu6 -2z,Matuh,Apd 2013,pp.1213 0.00r0

'sw6h vwkmida mdwomei E;tdldlM

q:!!!. r? March 25.31 2013
!!!!r,vo 118,No4.Aerr2013 Dr?e4.oe
Reralqsoi rhe v,N! ons!o$dr{e
sdEda!m vdr r00 No 4 ap r0irpp15.i3

'Mai mkiqbNdion maHig,vo 51,Nd.20

F/oD 6id sht€ lr/ojshiD .voi 59,N0 20 MAy

'Lrto ard grory or Raha vor 60,N0 L D@dtrber

Fe@prioisd,rnd;,nWomen De.emberr0r3
Edodrioi 3id Lrro Tho spiilua Phk s,Vor60,No
lio^'.Vol'60.N0 17'Apil l5]

w8 crcdioi crcded? Vd'm' No 24 JUrl


ol'vE AwN;d' br Hathtb H4r1)

vEhand Prshaii Gahdhi Bha,tiildtn kd vDarbne, a al

ocshoshsk,Jatnd vldvan Ra sFhakl3 ryakl'tva ks ^atia ^tiouj.

vch'nd Rdshavtt G6ndht: Bhannyard kd vijphsndd, a jolnE a'

udehashdkJake vltuen ka sdshakk q.t1itua ka shdAlm,idida^ationa
Jaia Mshagabha(
rut,Dk,, Pan r, vor. 53 No. e, seprembrt


143 lvirchandGaidhiExpmsro

sciors and apok;mm or hdra ,boad,ppldT-

s,t6,,,4 ( a qG ry
loumal olJaiioldsY Parhwanah
lacMnd tustuvji oandhr : An l^dlai

voJ No ? pp-r-rt
50 I vrcbnd Fasrrtiefi;iI;tftB s;;t rssN-oj,:al
I ;ideha schohr- e;i
ridia s zooral^/

i-" RNrr-.JOjO6tt
enan 3 D.i;m 6rnl;it i';6t
Ewry RN||.Jotd6a6i
bz,ro r Aussl1s20i5pp rots1a
son, nra,s!Ap/-u,-ro!TT;robi;- DAv\ Ayndls t, Hatislc HsEth rssN=3r&EEL
Y.ga!ms' rnrDry crs;t iT,rG;td;
lerr,o.s@ics i rmdu wlyokrr'or6x RNrir o 30Ttt7

,{ shldd rha ce Acq!renroid- st;ltl RNrN o 006r.7

rtu rah Jm;-oto6
of Nohino-i
spi.,tuarly oi Ntn.tulB-a li;ls. ?ijE RNr N <'-0646i
li/ ! of tsirhovrocopa,irh [,6J !Ahnua]
@3r No au&d t5mr, pr6/i?,

FNrNo 6r*57

bvudBriiish?o@5|nd€h gasD6c]a|
+9!!r::4? ?0r op i.4
ir;i;i"Jl:"li:li'il'::1ti111391 .-- RNLN€"''6i
a|Jnouno|Rdna]'khneMis:ion rssN ro ottlu;6E

"l i,:ii.*;; ;i:l';:" **^ * "

oMitai.. pb;t;rerAdGE ;;;t; neF/t rssN.2243.9s70
^d 'hh A Noiiavt
1 bvdad to Endish twuase and
qriirfiidi'i"'"'^"""'"" * '" u, RN/ No5a6t5t

rrddrsshr,/a amoMrytoumatorRamarrishl :odsisbnodbysmmrMvekmaida in13e3.

il ?Jff;i:i;'ff
*drs Jomr
yro^d dh. Ra*ld5hn 0rd,1!,n6 1s,4(s,!ied by swam, \,l€,amnda ,n
A b -monorry ptrmt or BhaBliva V
yard^c,!3L,u A!€s!sousiournatorcri:
tMoe b, tatdHsdktte.nn ten9d a. DAV.E
'^ft !6da tpr No rrrc Hsatrh): I lo pub]r8hdd by DAV
cu,tu1monlhly foqded'n cadrb rd 1053
T Review
;,"|i u|[rc]d conla(|
d! a'd tlgat s"an,
a'a Fugio'' s\anl v;|e^nanda|i|i r
. 'u\ foreuo.dbyHoD€rE.sootorsivorkail!
f oreuo.dby HoD€rE. sootorsivorkail{as
"/sra,o,d, E sb(b unrvsc re1s37
.totndds h stud)*. FohruaN t$7. )
studi€s k eansn hd cm,a;bs tutilt o

i:iffi:iff 'fi':,H:';jj* ""*
ne PlaaD: past prclent,
' -{
aid Arnt t9s9l
Pft huddha Aha @ta, Mat lsso
rhetnitanHatorcatRaio4 l
3) atsa :Substatun, Substancs and Sianirr Ls Hkloder slldies, lalandh ! i 2000,
rho Stnday rnbne. Jho | 3.2ao1-
Ihe flhd, fnotced bur fot Evlewodj. I
4il, Pmpbi kssp.ptr, Jm6 23,2,9d2
. .orhrdlF doLs sr. de so+o.,!dr_h 2oot
t) Fa \srsn|t1naa,'a1.Ct-6 ro Pr;+trdoJ o'ie lasso',"dr4tn sobt" 20'l
. P660ddha Bhtlb, Jba 21llldaubddbulholdulewed) I
, fh6vadarte(6eti,hr2A11, I l
D) H rdu sm: Tho Mmlla Abhram 6l Xolkrla 2015
Fdrh Ele mal,
ro1urc by D. . ,.s\ha!{Rdo,p.o6{{o Er .,/p5./o.v!n,
Fe, p* bv saDul i0r^ara lro 7+ seh 6mdd'20i6 DD0i 92.r99^ 0dt2r361)
Rs N0i a. \ ds e164rr h.t4es"d.yrrb s.,0.b& 1016. Dd11 r_b'e q
. "
ad,abd 2a1q PunjBd ^
fi6ud, 3 odbbe, 2ql6 -
7re vadfird Xr.d4 chorno Novohbs ?016

citatlon / Rolorences ln Books and Joufnals

. D, Galda S th JoLr^alor S'lh h slodtalbnd Rllo ors 5l.dF( vol I rro Vrr\'99'
ha,rara sj,!b hsre s.'. .3ioD F$*(, diarer I r,ra-a codqp. ^, ,rqr soe< l-
. NewRepdnstrcmWordDaysotPcye.rorHuni rshls,FreedomJ6li.eandPeacesocieFl,
Hillsdale NJ, usA, wnler J991 page10.
, svetr'v!6to.aid.6 mDdlrqt'5€ P:,1-.1.orRr i , s h/ s^a{i ldfrJ ' "rld. Ned
Yo't vedalrs sorr/ 99JrparFs3, !a)
. cata ra..so, ttdddlo dt\swerrrbRa-at "aa^'a\s-ea oU4ads'da' t1da-F
Ur r'e6(!,'99, ocqe 174.,1S8\ 025.233.09e,\
. usra \aooo'woTeraidw6'"re. Asrqovofvn,J la /!9e11* Fdu<p b sLi0corodr/ |
NewDehi.'96s /lSaN 3'1332012-2\ baa?s 30. t4
. Rarsopa. Cra[opdd y,y,. smr r'vlrJraaoa + roa. ^ coie ?c Eiocaol/ Voq'a
Srra€.da(<, De,fl, 10oq paoe 310 (rcB! 3'tr664-3r652r
. vLBoN.ssl.nF,\a{D.'hl^r,y1999.tEcoodrca co1c"r, 1H-dLEn \, aabtddrP
Bront6, Jatuatr '999, l
. lvlBo \e". e"er Ne, D.li,, [44] 99d ihdEdRerd( rG D"-t^v'dva 76 Ja\d'{
ceruary t999).
rvLBo Nj_s,c,i . . Ncs Do \r. Marc'l ,ooo \,-trdr..idL 19,Iao-v'.M F r'ur' 1
b@buddha Bhaetq, Ja La"y 2A0a).
! .r1ao rFlrolrrAqes rrsf,ra o, S {D s,Jdlo. cMlo.sal 01\r1
. v.C C1r1aa Rarl r:) " straE aq.€. ser sr lJal ord U6soe roF qb cF19 co oora0oTJ
oelhl. 2004 oaoe42l ILSBN 3176r'3465?)
3 G Pa la^oG B N"'da a R'bllotrssmEry ' pdhravrocod
vo z6 No 4JJ/'
' SeDlembef20ll Pao659
. Th;ul m.ra sloes;lns i o s-o 6 D.at lDd\^st to cad. va j6 No / Jrl _s6pl"rhe-
2011 lrlBD News eller. JE-uary2012
. unlveGltyNFws: ^,a1o.al-6€ woishopol 0lo.'lesorF,ro Bo d-sl' *a1d F olor't
7.nr.ny vi..5 21.27 2n',1.nn r10.:rr.
. unlvoBlty Nos: Nano' alco.r'F1@ ol Aova+ed \at trarer als se1sors. d I

. Book Rovr€w: N;/aiv" s -

. swari sn,oofid.raioa, v;P\EnaFdo asrha rl'lnt4s pDht rt dR eo'dA'e/spr'r'or
,1/are.Ko.€h: aovaita AshETa, 2013( SBN 97d13'?50- 372') p 252
. Bhd; T6d,rio.6ha ttaden,N redfor.Ra$tra *Lna_ oa?+a ) Bl p.lJpadhvay,a t'va
'1*as*{aa'a l
..-' o.-.h'.,''ca^ ijls'i;i;;zb;).
!;;i,,';;;r.itj;;tji;ii6";i' i'ke pssay by Dr L. p Loadh\"v.
oTir rr o)o,tl.r, \nj".(q,hr'n' Re"\e.(c O'
s#mivtuebn.nda 3 Messs. hth6 PE5€nt s
Paoers rn conrererice Pi
Gt, siior (Ert Fer,rM
Jndia: Revrvdkm, Relomqidi'id
- Nalidm wo*shoPon
lnduro. DBFi6id Av!d.dt
li colraboGrron virh cenldl
'hI orAvuneda Pal|ar' Ma,cn
t **ron o'Akhrr M"h**ht- r'rh*
]f Dec.2a-2s.2010.
Nmo.T..hnot.0| ucc spdNore4 Nalonar conre'omo on Advatced
I NanomalFrak $8re6 and Inorrumslki on
Dopadnlnl ot Erectoil6, sorapur, J.n. ? 1.22 201 1
symbolism hd U$s o. Uc c'spqh eordd li rdm.lonal conle@nca on Ad aid
Arch,@'fd,n,idm suboilmi'i s0,,e4,012

lji:,,fi",*, *. o, ;r;
. ucc'sponso6d Naionar coi nco of
Nmama$'iar3 a'1d (NcpNA
Ndioia Semln oi Make6 o, Mo&rn Indh herd ar


rssN/ !sEtrNt
swamiMEl:@da: rhd prcDherd:ir]!M
Enocipa od by $n06a Das Glpb Carcu

l ftmbry d I baGiottth6rooy crlcfi

or rh6cdljier Tjr€oJy by nomas r(ocrrdha6,
_l!!ecu[u6r pub]i€rions, New oehr Auoud I
rs6 chnr & adrico b-esc;idit;;j:
l,if"':r ; :Jll'l: J3:ili ",rl'i'I;;I}*
F nd! sm hd hs ErtDrEabiby DalLd

Junat ot Rotrsiauc Stuttiss, Punlabi


wkddm d vsda;G bt Hln:ahld-t qtu.tias k sikhi at cdtpatstte

A.v RaLm tuda, sci ns P,brtsho6, Ns, o; ;|r

l}o Ph,b$phd htRorid;; LscrG;;isi
v obmnd' by swamt rapsFEid4 l
r+ s.". v*romnoa on Gnt'Giltio s];;f,
Bha'q|Na\,d"aBl..*. 8.-b,Y'Ah*tlosd
YoF rnd iho suoD;a Bn;; ssN.uia6ts
Fnriohbnd6d by sw6mi F.m.i dh3).
r'.mra'6d urdu snd p66ian A.J i
t 'rcfr
44l4e!!ukrre.9 N6w oerhr s6pt. 1sB5 ^4
Mtlhoroqy I A Rsader jn th6
sanslrilPuGnas Ed ted rnd kans ai6d bu
ComoliaDmdltlandJA.B Vsnn

Aicienl arhar: 8or conlibulon tssN

!!E!!!AshEd paha. seor. 1
SwomlM@lrruida Pr0ph01lidPahniqer ssN
by swhl Jlldh,mida Aidhh Prudesh, I 032.61 0
Rrmrkdshna Sdada Ku1h, KolhdgudBm
In6 Ded€led:ASogBphyof 51316r tssN
N vBdira by !err6 Raymoid s.nsrE

My idh My Psp e . Sisbr N Ed ta by Praw:l

$dd' Mr$rdD N
sw,i v€bmida 6id rhd wdd tYo0'h btx
rvukhdpadhy'y, ,ia6r vrv,ksiaita yw.
srosbpr'y o' s ds Ntodira bl

R.k.8ooks NeDerhr Adlni ro37

Mdem hdm rhouqhr oy De R4 B:r Sleniid

vrekmmda K4dd
rha Ase or rnpe aruit ed, R c Matuirdar an
orhm, 8h.€riya vid'" BhaBi, sonbay, oclobe

Mrlhs or comp$b cur!.e

'id ota t e

hdi, by Rdad Dr Bard

swamJ v€krEid'r P'rdor Pmphori a srudy b/

(A vldeo ih oi
Drv),y,irdthvoFn kidb, Mdobadi Fan.ht
$udrca h K6lhas rAasr by ApsnE
N idu unvedryl

rha sarnr md tha s'iedisr I Lifc M r'jss mq

Raja umap8 hr, unrvaErt R6ou@ Pc!31

s tunardshm fy M.l [email protected] R;daJs stud *.

IDaiohs vtrh sht3: Hindukn. conrampo€oi
I cdlechish by sars!tu srvaya subEmunryasw,m I

conpamiiw R6lillon bY Haddas

Monbr Eana6rdas oelhr, Aulusll

Hvfrn ro s'r Dachrndhudhr wrlh MaBonlsa by

Naoe.h D. so|do' Munba|, Nov6mbs L 1s0d
ln Ih6 sdNr6 ol God and Manrh6 R k. M qslon In
Maudiut by t P. Rsysom. Momsnls wllh rio
nasb. spr rmroJaiooro' wlh rho slli s4rnr sal
30 lslndhrsur Llemtuc li rideFidenr lidla by 6.1.1
I GarwanJ SrndhrA6demvDelhi. 1093.
Atun Sh ns aid hrs chdibn cdirc, vpbe of
A Craat Savair Matuf,ahdpadhyaya G
KavibJ by G.G. Muhhopadr'yaya c

3.r I r(:rh3 udltlhad r-w-r Mun-i N#i; rssN 0 32:it
I 05. sodanbar 2ooo

Icloio3 or 5i ndn'irshm -r -at ths ratnd at Rcbra6 studh'. rssN 0{i'rzi

33 lPhobsGphs o, si namarr,fm-t;d;-6 Thd Jaudnl al Rotishut Studas ssN 0o4J17&
I stati vldyonand, and
lor Puba smeupra vor.
xr{v No 1 l


f" Lo,d].jnl|]lga||inhdja1936.1u3w a0s Publl€lidn!, Jrraidial 2005.

qhalrntl s]nqh
Esserce ot sin\d Bhaswd cla 6y B*l F
jmad shagvad riira Dovolo,s

Bsta.q ta ytu (A t€,tisdii ca;;i;

i t

payanand Pubrr.aloro sorapu, rssNPdnD 2277.6633 SSN

FroBedfils or le&doys Narioanl

{laharasrrLa Rojyo Nindi sah ya

Varrab€rrrru and D3.F Dalanaf,d

gorrssa or A'ls aid sc oncs, s
rdpaor d !'rodd wai I s r^d a;lh-;aai; v,re''s Chocs, New oerhi,2o14
reGrci& b ha Pujab by or Raksh

q!!REVrEl,ts: NEWSpApERS

%r" rs-- b,pru..TI;* r;i5dm;

j !a-
vdmb rirrod ',..
Ltrs Hsr; MtNo,r'-ocbbsr 1o rssl

E :rkd ndDn rh i|eulleGry s,Laz

'! Lo* Bsk ar ssdbr a-s-str{}e-;ardlt&:
Modem ndm inde J!;-a liEz
A P.,nd m ndma. oi"F-;-L Aaljfr igeT-
/v,r o ool ;Ls6, rs;iaFl.

mt!d,ro-]ffi iFEd'-rtF;;'ld- i-
ramndrs synrhskd RBGCds, Auoust6.Lsx

r eq q d-otrur e L rrre , May rJ, r ed4.

13 nqbAsara ru.neom&aovrval6m,Juty13,
t9 i qd4) 4>{4rur or roaery, uqooer rr, r93
20 Socarlsl ldeas otSFam Vv*ir;aae NoGEG?
21 sp riucr sset\er to spkled F]ehLei Litlf,JEIt
cmdhl not Malraha FebruaryLJa86:
B iiiliEiiiti iq ir'etrrd Ma4Jrs36
z 'ADl,i4dltsollidsf 6lory Juisl 1936. Ittna
'ThBDaF B^d Nghh ollNA AugBll7 1P36.
Ph sophlolPdlmohahs,Sepl.mbd 14, r0 q
'N6i'1. MiiMd vhi.n8ry Nd.mbsr,l
A'r As 0u11%rd R6ra 0i , Mai.h ,e, 1e37.
!apansNerpri Fre6dom F0iL Jrouary9 i93€.
F rsioidsorFGadomF0hre6 Mav 7
Aky iion sp6rc pad3.vs3 or DderoenFd , sd,
on s voyrgaor!lnriliroD3@!.iy o.hbor,z ttelr4 Yr,
wd d vre d aubbrido ad Ms M4qi. i,aq
auohido. D@morNobdrDdro andR04rr'rhd
l a s6ed Dder
rrr0 M1.oop6 , rdbmd, Mdt 1, I

churcia! Eerftdb or R4dd6i Jlm? ise4 +
r6usatExroi.doradsra, Jlry9 r99s
'Hu/rh wo*eB orAn. s lnd r, rtu rribure, AL4
rm, F: ii dM6eund ord F 'rh6. tui Fm&r
Lootinq rr* dr Yooa {ry o.robar 22, r e95.
!e$: weak Hr.iory bu srrone Fafth', rho iribun
'God a3Mend aDd roa.he,6s Drtnrt , Fepdsr/ rus.
lcPul?i4rh oerchdswoidova/, M,r ioe6
wih sh6 Lxo r. r Dri@d,serrD(dldry Auorl
l-i-I ""E4
Fr,a'ry rffi*; r,o souror HtidGfrr

'rhaDochieofk3m3,byYlvElk hna vor.i04

AslriGard4 bYs.L.c4wi MaY 2002



'Mir6ris Lirs, NoA ,5dioi3,May23, 1977

Jssirht Fnimd Pr&nr. D.amba rr17

orinkh0 ri Anobnr hdra , March 5 1 973.

tundlan Exees), q
6 I AFosaryotRudjakht,Apr 5.1031 T

7 I Hrndrsmwh.hNadBaano
I Rdsa'ded 6 Hunh md sondrr!9!!!!9d!!!! fl

soecies c3 red cddmon . saoremb6r 5, 1932

D*shB rEdiron. Leseids M/h8 an

Lold FooE ondFsnsitro , Apjr]t.-itdl]
rida' Norr rhd lon'Jut 3 Jesr-
't/r s Rarh/ rru dito^i L6r 6nd r ' Mthi;;,I
&!li!hed /i ywb shsdr Auoud 1e33).
F6n Mohr Roy Failt oatroaohta;:S5or-ffi5-tii6t
God Mm ai sdiE|y ,6pronrjrr-; rE
'whoi,rodk6rrid Auosr r9; iej4-'&
Heoft rh6 rd@ vwkmrjden cttcFnd 5
z: r id€i Ro?E-nsaltndl r:tbE6
:r I vrrebmdas n@ronlra wmtsapk
ordFrtrci8 nNo,/Fod, s€-Cmbor ji
rhi rntnt-ttt{
sMm oaJmand' md H5 Mtstrjaobol-drlF
KB^'.id! h r,d'rlont r Nt€mbo. rrp5-
3s 10'dshs aid 5h raEkt, Mareh D, r9€t
-Bo".. o. NMb&r.$6-
rhey 1r
crkd '..!sona nrm oa.;iii_i!!7
rtuvo€ rh"r Fnsd lfu.t!'nry ro,
'nto Morr soi d rha sal;alltt;aia. t0!
'wdrdPr/iammrorRororonr,seprmbditq- leat'l
am4 bd4dr',hl' NovamboJs l9s3 |
, l v8drla md viaoffdt JanE,y & rrss
r,&*th rEdr|on,a4u: teue,
t 3s6rl] h k/s r.u i lont,hdn;cM
viwramida sa niniFrctG'?-Gi;;t7. 1
o5ho Rajn€sh. a M6eGh ar s;;aafTsb
'M,hrrlch,€n en!h. lry rr. rdeo
orAmbsdoihd $@rljrd i!s$r 16,
rvahar4 F6Nd riqh A Mr orD-rintl4;E;Tilatd
oues ro, uflnak n6 liaNan{ta;ztiE

'F6ron d sdon6dsdriGri/ Jmsry i

'osho d L rs Ddah ain.iyondiRt;r]
'Ehasar s nsh A sym6oratFarcii6;l-Id
'lra Rsr Fm. or pmjat. atEa.-iltiIbo
Lerrcdvo|, hs!e3 May r5, i991.
'rhs rsnocd Aspe.lr ton eu;rat jrh;rdb!-;
chamr si'err leso rt22
or ih, 3ffi oajd, aro6-n. irgl
r@mh e o. sernrud ssrerirc6l
arcirororFah 3*: sodr. o( robt-.-r001
s@ri vrerarda on-t fi:;n o--l-is
crto rssh 8ah:d( I PrcphsGifttaan;;;
EEeob, w ,h a HotsdraG;;tl oat
risld'y: shad$ md shadowa-Farl l, JuBla-
'Brn|\36 and Brnde6 pad rr-juna-i:i5r.
Nah4 | an Aonosric, NiJtm$;itiSOt
Mwl€mnd on n, €io6 Hrm;nyJ;;i:t fho fnbttu
,anaromy or sENi@ , Jlm
,vowtocdrcrorNsbandtftdfrE _3:i395
1l Inoreau 3 vohe ror FrFdom , Ausu* r r, 199{l
06 Ddi slmbDrol L thr sd lrulh Novenler1 1990
07 NdhJ MrDdidldsr',Jtiulry20 1097.
nad46idhoirolshlvr"Mllch2, 1991
Hol Splsi.l Cour WfifdFEO6d.',Matf
wharM6ih4 M.d. orErih?,l|dy r1 i90r.
Puiob.Aoaids!d,y 0e^1hs Asa l!), i0
N66m Tho r'14 d 6nois rjoor, ruy i997
FBedomswgqori Punlrd
&!nrvisrsisidd 6r cxh.oo saebhqe',0 r0p7.
15 I rhd Dasdhh risdr oi ocldba i I reTr la su
caplon. Thd Woretp ot 0u06

Ld{ml cond$d,P/birrudo, Novambe,lrt97.

|a-!l,s A cdiddmrorRd6 oDr'il hda
rBirsr6E dr or 4b smonsrwhmhr
bmdh!': e&rmdPrcsd May'7, r,93.
v@r'DidasvrM $ rR3|dM, r!ytrre,8
DrAJnsrnsh,cE l'dNe,. Aueu430 ts3.
Bhrd d Md gligrrrtsh de Ms, GhudF

He c& a Ph ,rp bF.edohsrru,,o. Mf6mbi

rem6. Fdruqry ts,

'rhdMas^riedMah'4d. Ndeme, rl rm
'Pd@i 0f Pllyd 6d nd6 dibercd. M6y 30. ?
' NewHerOhts,audusl6 2004.

'JB16Adh.d. a'a Edlaaiho , (odrrn. .drr oi) Augdll 6, 2oa

cuu N$ar oe3iai swm vwr,mndd No
'Guru Gobridsrnoh:rheFin6rrdmsy, D9cambq
'Fenembd^, eb sdcbd. s+i ,6. ?90?.
s I sab Ke ua sam'i A€sr K Padkareami 1, J6 Dstdtk BM|E44
onbr,b. Febmt,r.1007.
FehemDeMo 8ab'Sh,iChond sepremberr0,?
ld€aotHindukm, Jan!ary 1r 2003. '?.,90?
il )
Jne G,'deid sarirloi sair savala
rhe rrivouarTea(hei(oi swadrvvefrns^da)

An Erenar Sou@ ot hspiGl on ,

'Naed snd cEed, Aprll 3, ?016

arv8ln nom|lsnl;g

,qbhsns6orNqnodovd, o.roror?r2016
itD]irr-mr-nd ,T
f''T* Trro Tlns or n<ll{(rdltor!l

'ch"{h6 Goid Endspi att Jarud

Ldd r]or Horo snir j\wMdal Ma;fr jo-td;- Ihs spgarhs t.atlitornol
'GoBr/'ndha ioadnysnaLrrc Mr.h25, ?ot
941!4aHASKAR I and m may wobsrb!.

ll*, E
R6sn 4d Ad€d. For64 16 reTZ
'8da.hBr,srho!rh,trvat jrrr7?-
Animrig rholshr, Juy 1s r972.
1 surtD B@ron, €opkmbeizlre7z
c6rsrar Drue, o.lobr ?d 1e72.
a cd6s!5 ward' up,. oinba-t E t
Gurdrns sp r ron sd Fdah snih 5 osajh)
' Fach6tr-iz.
sain,. smm, ad c Fdol,-@n$;?q-l
,NrmiioD@ Jarutt-4.iatS
M n ds, md h6 Mss;a
2 '.r;tll;t3tt
DiEtr*,sbry',ry26 ld-
wMhord i,. Auusshosd..!!yr rti
Flira or so.kr sm . a4il;-4. tatj
'addad* Fabtuary 1sJ973.
Kksifo!/s Foro, NoIB letd
ca,s md E,i*r , No-ambe, roJr7J.

D iod6n ot Hrsbry , D;aanber 3 re73,

4d,R',h|bF€be '
January3l' t94
aseurr m hi8rbcruar Nmont. Firut:tC:
16si dc,rear MJfth ra;iaE
Gubsmb'kr wo6 . M;Eh-t L';
Nshru ws Nor ro BCn6, MaAhrTa
'L,r-down by he|lectuab , Jma-. iaE

wd Eharar smoh procommln, Maya-*Z

Rspm$s rrcm Acdodrbdts';iA;;6u;;
c.i(lob ai &tnsi psG];;naad;Z:i;

Hindr Mdd (on Mrerp ft;F;l1izG'Ew

Babd De€dtta]dd
M$jid ,
33 'sar 8.ba Myd'quo JaiGt-iJoii:
'cra.iri€r'of (0n Gti5
T,ina Jyol No,btE 2010. I
35 'Ljv$in Re aronshio mrch-i;?61--
36 'smarAblse apitT;,010,
'EBloroisp&4 Mdy 27 2olo.
cehfitoiotvrtenr^6 DayofdDNd Jur I

Livo.liR.rlo6hp July26,20td i
Brnonz6\hNrr ! Enrry i rho U K A!g@r 3 2q
A$harA did leah,A!susi l5 ?010.
Why oi )i lh6 Tlssr?, od.b' r5 roio
whysrd* mrnsi oo berween a' m'h?tNdvemi

Fd. DrE'@ lriwddy ooi r'6 bdr m H4dt

sorEbv6liq (o0sd/B6ba) Jaiuary 151 20r1

Eidof rer04ionosma 3i rsden! h ho MJI 4,20r1
'3d' ! roE. rhesFar/ns,Ga M4 i ,p]1
'aMdF' orB$ (ommsrm My ddtorpb hd!!:!r::A

54 I Randavss:,Jmer020r'
55 I r/ srcadnrsd: F3m&v ruy3rri'
1 ca'1 E r ror You" rhd se€*ri, rn,. Aqr6' 1

-iEiimvores'* Fet

SplflualYSpeailnq The Tfbune



Frnar rcvrev ot runuscrrpl or Eicyc opedla 0r


FaooF Prese;aadZonts6ncee rd
f I c66srud6t hr6hdEnt
i I (cccrrarmo' sssioi.0

uu86rorhororaid tU6c4ooftore
sp0ai6jarhuofd lhrsmaronar

I r34., I dror a
I ufilod Nariors
I :srdurrisG,
I P/nciDres h Th


Nalonal cdiEd

Jrlbh srish oosdh ! 2402

15 / FPd4@ofskmr ltuo_d:yErFnh6i
I vtek,n1 ta . ) on dnEr'a's al
lvddddoryddrc$, Phir6ophy dr swnl
Mvakananda dnd ih





"1-'"i il

ii r@don(sbrc od-.or,0w
Nsrar oav Ui r'- r.ly rnilrlr

I'"iflffJiiJ"^ ""*

rf "*T E €minar on Truh I ns C.nrs tor
schddu ed cais q nd schbrdltod

Fo'yo/hdta c6nk6 lor comFt hrve
E €mimro6,D.a.v coliego,

apdr14, 19s6, I AkhlrBharsrta HrddLi

iMahasabha. vsnu€r ohl or

I Ms€ouis
J!v2r rees i rndi6 cotrdh inditubT
lr'dminkrB'm Missdh
Punjab Pori6 /,adomy, PhtrM
Dn,v.€o rssa, Jarandtu--

hor€lrni or Vatuss
Prlab pori@ tuddtTrriE;

Pu,'jab Porr@ ,,r5d6ny, PhilM

J coftsoflps


Fpl'h Sor4ur UnlveEiry tud a;j:
Vslankar coLroso orcohoerh
M6inC!onEd!aLim SolaprUnivorciiyoad
Dayanand Colleg6 ol Edu€lin
solaoui -



sprriruar .on9€9€ !lon !r
vihsharvas otKu mlr 6vohr

D P.3. Dayoaocr <aL ;

Josh asd€rar co .ct trrfi;

1**r I DG-BDalaDnd Lsat6ia,

Mdnsh Nnd s.mt-6ifiii-
!d o6.F D4sn:hd ci' ho d

udDanmonr orM crobtoto0y oBF


vaodrdo,yAddresa-.JrjrjFaoleeo r*f"-

ab.$h€b GeNm€ co 6sq

"t chME socioly s Bhonrq Mribry

lP€sdonbr;.6 c*uEUGc approvod ) R',.dh

sam€d - PGa;;i;i;;;f

- - -linr 6,6Fii@r,y
o.!.roD i,.nl Prcojrn\r j6
Hindu Klnys corses,k-d;Ej;

I charpoEon,EahniAl-
/ $sronv(srirDsr'eroDmeir Jalandh4cily
I cdnre)..RoJ6 orhd6!1-
I a66m€ hbdtu ri

13 -/ u@Da udbs€, Ja 4dh4 clt


fi;;I-it-015 fshr G!ru \4 ai

iTiftd'of *:l
I -r!!!t!e-Q.!.1
l -


4 Contai'paQry Ra&doh h tndto. A pesidi{tdd m! jdisc prMo/ dsmrda

5 ch st Ed.tai. aEr ms d t M rol'aL Da"ar. c@,fareb d;! o,
. I'ii;3:?"'.Ti.:",".
nb. s\oe i1 g.a, d M B cap
, iiljftji,jl;i3ti::,li?llf.ii'iil*h"i'",'"),1,"'"","-..^"mMdprh'vdff ssN(p',nl
s PBs'do1r. Ed.roiJ r', s.+ " 4. .'"r, dd *+tu b*d surq
a'Gd€'s 4Pdra" qd'
orsocialscei@s, PcMs DcoLe0e forn'omen Ja andhar cirv


i;i" aia l"b*r'j

alJb cji*a b cNou s'ddonr! Ll Ll"d sf'* 6
.boul fve yea6 berorc 2006. "s i

!i,cdrr+ 8Mf,)1. p d!'-Foe u

. subjod Ev.n.
: 3::;;i.7;ffi:"T: -"",,,""
"., ". " "1 ""-l
."" .," *.".,*, * -* * +
?mr-o DD +radts6't001)oro .-.ll
6cirDtsntrnn lo'T,v, do;urolt Plsrrrer'
oB r Nt ord fioNdr
, Pd;b. Lnvo-!Psr cdou'Furr{t5_ v,/20 'ssd l 4l
i cd; 4'3m-*,P"p.erd '"palr5.4*"lDeerFJ I dss
r. o.bb6r1 re3s
Nad Maidt.abodeorBrs3l2s mhulet,
. GrdlV6{d3
r Pan'so -iNe'srv. cha'doaihl45 r n i6r.
; o.;.*hd";'.-"ck.nnr..dprh"ddeq Fb E s "
7 8!sar" q1.4ib s*"0 es/o d wdds {r5 m$d4) vav'qo
Tele@s manv h.s 01 0@!a!.on
s vsu€j, Rsir siqh v'1o'Ddhr'r8'lFdlJare
e. s\6ota. c-.ay, l2oFhubr,Juy i.,1901.
',, .,:if,;";:#63 "-""
sktr. srs'? (sr ha.s{h' (o. -Fra r4+rQ, P0-h b.

rr Ms\aalaFBlilS'qhOr{dlo.Jara_d|a'D@ldaF%'ro-.rJuneee"
- d I
Jdold'a Dodldabr'laro l
,i ,6i or Moir, o*arr ,pJ 10 Fc
Ad Msi rcn rh6 @dh
dh..1e,esa{blh.Fdrorvdr,..s"dk-dl5 'rr7 'l l

' l's i
**^r"*",**," *u-,",,t[
11 ht dnhat1sEst
1b tnpn)ab) a1t)l13.2ool

lf lf.ff",iiglfj# *** a a,R, uraihd roiumaromoo, Ld or

3p on r'rJ blrr Fa $md/n6 n oel. l
zf 9" 1!-s"0,.'.'-.^.d..,,"rJ.dt"r*"ornon
undhsarsnsh Md.hr3 ar.

il"." ":i,iti,tj,;.;:j.;xiti:,x::i,;:i;[",;j,f,j,1.1;,".,*;;,fi1",i1#f""",,,,,..,,",,","_".",
ACmihistrativo Work
,1r.6rF.o,rrrD!. .r4,e,...)Jac,ora..,,"orroas..oIp,s ar.a(ado,rcano"or1.,8r,e lrJcL
rD9 un!66 ry, wilhde!olion, d6d ratoD and uLmojl nidtv
ctFe..ere Dalcr4o,a.re@1. so,eoj i
. I r 1€ied r.nrirlo o o RL ro rp,o,o h€ a !o{rn e?pn d Dala, a. o
,,.Ltons. p. onoco re_€a,ch.
loJe:16d rbndd, d 6lrdlo,6'col Etr(iu,,hdcd b6e"o,Lo e ltred,sc,pt,nasorLor,
prere^d.o. oJ Hc,1a9o otri{c%zshr?.4o Qron[e to.prsre^cnol orctcsscctscrskntaM r,t od,
encelonoe€+a'cqudsedb'JGcas coree€wr1P€'enrs'
. Jirde iod b.correror, s" -*"-, o| co. r"": a*e,oped m€cFsr sr ro.rprr h.sro- \6rLos
+," !,,r'[!,,*r,.r oreasre caerc'es eorpen4;rr €n';i;
*^"orisoua r'irve-r"nee not
' .n1s.r,
cor'oss ho .re'. e.ocf
wa, or xrdoiolJo.r' Hi9\ s..oo. r.Gaaru lrcr
9onsr,u.,eo ioo, r. w_nrootr ro, sr3 (rr co,roeo, oo Llos,y
roroj,aGd rdboEtoie" a;tr,n ,hnL 6 or,i-e, sh,,, oo;
ooys ald9..6toter,"ro.oerbnd,fgs p,olid{?or.e"ronf ng""ror tcir,ry rep"csosorerga

{i;'i1l5l':"'"" illl3iil' r Lo"eqo caYls

l Jdrs 2so edi*oo koe's iad k"' s 'u ;;
AsFrincrral '*e
rur &s f& .r:/ ro .!e'ure,",".c1 ar,:. * s,,e,sreo,lr/ * rl srdenr prrcere,
'E 16

,r.:#"ljii:3i"i,i,t;il,:;1"1i*ddet€,eBi,D'one sorrzcosr:a"'1smsoc,rr i.s:ss:

rrmoGd 5eoi ad e n!*.nc
I ,qqr Ar, dlsed;onanonr .o, no eor carion or u 6 poo, un r;
iF w{r u 3 rcp o'trerbE,s ".r,rtr.rbF.
o'lre,cclt/:t oLtso€ dono6
coreso.q EoL.afor meeE in <e;ya and i hop,a. Aooros"ed prin. p!.rWordlopor
' f"oG>eried
varrr alG-1\arr D6v Lnipr.ry, arnrsar. M.
Freoared co oo€ Bbch"B,,"d LE6L.; h","
lJlffi.'""*" -"' *"aro'ar' 'eed Nar onat
ll r. Edilor. cotcgo pro,pectu, rgss-200d.
Ed,br. 'Joc€r sc eiEs,e(ro. o,rir+ Be4, (co eee tv"saz
II i
I, LdioFh-chtaf, co tego 1:o!2in€,Iho aods, 199G2003.
J | . Pbdl-ed_soturariss,e, on he xlar6r re,c6nrdnary
corobrar.on6, Mj ,ptrj, Maharn,a
akd coliomir cor.b,uon ot r"" r"surrario" oi s't c,i,l Rr
I. i:l"n;." -'*""" "" c.
rnih€s€ "og.,u". Lr" p.,<r"".!u co"Se. Jc.cndm, rssr.s/.
I . -coa@d s.Jde.r<.o. o'? @np"rfp4s oeb4ee ano o€c.anorcn cont€sr.
'I' ff:l"jtff:',::'"'"x;::'.ui"#i'"
. rlrember or\r',ors coJiose co.,,.r""p r,ott"*""* "rd
P'izo osrbldon Fli,ions Lra

l.u. u.e
! I r Frep.r€d proposarsroporls
r€p io UGC/GNoL Lon Lm€ro|me
r]cbddinalor oI ths sboiins commtrteo

a$essrear and dcneoGlol otLy.t,pr

ror co. eae
'rfrandlr {Lr(C)-by NAAC Dreoered set,sud/ Repon ar o"r ^fatsa
m" r,,i""i
b/ lhe pes Te€a Tne colsso sor A+ i![i i "onm _

]11/r0:'m Mo{ars sh.sr{ver "rrjr"rj*

porcentago :n ire "r
' leto4.mred
NMC $ofrsl op o, Coltese priic oa.s on OLairy Assrdnce h H gher dduer on,
ngro ar Lyo lpur Kha sa coileqe Faa-,aN 26-17.2oo4.
l^1ofted evperl Rtu,ew-ofBsr PE(tas,n 3tuoent teedbac( a1d s_ppolS)d€rs in rhe yo&otro
rtlenl Pal|c oaro-- n ouat t As"ursnce 2d06. F a iic pa tior scknM€oged :1 Bosr p/.acr,c6s .
iTies 5 App€ndd-2. a NAAo pubtrcar on BaidatoE, 2002.
livolvemont li Faculty Seledllons
. ray D.t! S!foo...a.a"dDa Ce- e as a Srb.Fcrt pel
, Lrs ork_alsaCo?9e Ja!,dardPID(.pd I
Dayaiaid lislltuuoDs Solapu as Local Secrebiy.
co6chins ofl,A.S. / LP.s. AsplEnt3 {Udder Golehment schene)
1A rdd a so'l@! P@ eYamrn.rbi rmh ir csti Fd sch'dd Fd rr il
(Miieryo/wolare,Gbvdihlilolridra)arGuruNs'aNosvU^rverely,Am,bt l
' :i:'j:l:.''-
-0''^" *" ro cbre 6 r$i'd'' c' $o $d'oN'D' hod
" "'-r
Yourh Acrlvlt'6 /Socral work
, sbelo,o.p'i.(,p6 da,n. d. 4F.'p ri' 10 cdp. o.s' Fd N'6i"0 D,F" r..r o i!d tr
D.ho-Js M"r.Jrf. re3b ao -od€o 3 ^
rh we rEre adlliory comm (ee or cotu Nanak oev udvere rv Am 4r r"i
rlo ih {ofl4t"srr$(a 6' son{d'
s-'b-''$F' os(" *r' d -
. i63 6@6mps D'03v.",". *,'." s""p-
irel:$i!:,"**,*"*,-mM,a'Iree 1""0
. M'livarorar hdded ro hodereb I' Dayanand ilriru0bm. s0rapur, 200s 20, i
Head Examlner / Ex.mlner / P.D4 setler / lMofeEtor
, PGp'.d0!*idnE6nkid,sr,6 evdrad's*,.tlFEnM'm rrso
'b davm D{t '*! % '
"".-"-=H* ."
",, ",.,.ta I" A$' "" ". 1"

*r,o l"o - o"., u..lo oog
t .' dacao seenco L?0101 D*amtu +$ hdr F *"h, :om ., "s \'.,00,
€hat vAl*r.10d tad4 r4 rom
'oavrJ a'4ir qs*"'9
.:?i.1."....,",,*".*,"..,"*"1,**. **+- '""
nmoh.mr'drlPd rF
. GLei o'Ho'oualva.oEna sdh'v, ssnnqr,oii"nbs'.26, )00s
nr€ery o'&"+l s"bh*" 1161, s
md Mods schoolfsnuary i 2o1o
. chrerGuasr, tssro'i€rErh b rion, soraDur,Jaiu5ry23l2010
.d o Rd,11l "d.""p" 2orr
m'coo6?r\og6= sep_-oei2r - l

.,",J:15,j";i; " ,0,[0xD/f Pabb\,,,6v -*" *T1' "*'

";i ij;:'{tl::iq:;:.};:,\*: !i:::. * "** -" J'- *,'"
dderd.r l
wdt on s wemt V,vo[6nai da tourel NalonalLibEryolAustcrrae onrhecarat€u6-
wo( oi ln6 Khdje, noft3 in hlomilll h,ral slbiiosEphyotSlkh
Studia! (Sp.li0dr NEr.srl
Mrabrd tn thd south Asran coilecuoi or Iho libDry olSch@l
of OrleDlatandAtrtcan Stud
_uDreda|]on, or 2dAssembt otwdl dnallqfon,, Sen F6nclsco, 1990hav6 b@n ue6d
P@Fgomonoi tochaprqons h rB d{ publhh€d fom N€w Yo*, 1990,
Revlow ot ,ahchs tuk Shtvs hu E;tN '€edl4Ss
tru sJyFya Sut€mun/ya SwamL lo!^detal Hktuts
nas baM 6dd qra6/ver/ in MorciJi unrJrr66 ror

, I At r,te&ee _ ?,,2s
Illife$or Ashok s0h4l is cu,reirt, oNco C{lsi, anl professor Emsns irmjdb uiiveNi lJ,
trrd hasretd lronoory p@re$odhips 0r'xsER Motnti and the ce,kllUnivers jry
ollfmjab, Bltrlindr a. i' . raro* oi,*,Al p,",i!jo6 scienrific Acadenics od sooiertas
iiiludinc$e lhi,d world Acld.oyar Trirsrc,lrr.rrj Foundation, cerdoy; A$oaio
nlfnctr oeoi. s@. Irueq (p&is); HoD. MsVl,, u$A, Md js etso a r€ ow ofait $s rhrco
irJl& sc'eieAodenies.
I'l4lsas a deDber of rhe Scicn.e od EnsjDeoingRcsddr Council, m alex cooniftee of! l]c
D €f,a,1meDr of sciene and Trchnorosr, New DfthiMl ch.nme ofrhc DST Eenh sciencetl,lc
l,r$anne Advisory comeiue". vo," .""""tti l" on comhitrees !s Chair/nenber of
th. fnsrne aacully p,osraDme (Ealrh science{, aDd $e Mols pAMc respecrjvety. He w€s
ipltinkd chajrman of rle covnninc Body gftc Bt6al sahni tnsrnuie of paraeosciences,
r Lo.fmw d nenb* ot'he coveriing Bod),hfrhe wadis Irsrirule of Hihalryln ceolosJ,
Delf Dun . rrc ws liso clecred rresid.n ofrhe ripckon Mic@$opo Sochty oflDdj! lod
serrfd 6 Direcror, Resionat sopr,i.,i"ur.o r,+,n_Ltion c"nrre (Rs!c), md lat.r Dm af
unilfsiry lnsrlucrion Parjab Uni,"nity, ci*{iga,h.lH" Lu reen ! nenber orrh€ Narional
rvnfi'kc o, rdqturion I c"o.ogru. co"{huo. poiecrq rrccpr r, , n:rionat arad
rre,nanonJt'eaderfor5eve.Jt tcidp@c,J,,nesof heiJNtSco
His bsicnnenis incrud" u',i,r,
rns unileBity or Bom, Gernrry
(spillc seh6rcr) 1994 s sholi tem" Shirhsonid Felrowship",to wo*
at the Naiional Mlseuft of
Narulll llisrorr, w.shinsron D.c.rees, E_invitdons
Fy dE Hunboldr roundation, oermqy
and shon tern visit, ro the Nsturar Hisroiy Museun, Brussets
ilvdal with sloruo$hj! fton lhe
Natiolai Geosraehic sociery md Le.rey Foundliidtr (?006 10 2ot

Prcr s,Ini srlrrcd his prc&sional ce*rlln ie63 s a Es*rch dsisrdr ro proi rresr6n
L.oLj 4 Depmenr of L@to$ Md ceollysics/ univebiry or Mhesoj. Mimeapolis
*o.uff m eslseo-dno-pheEs ma co.. ,",ry
$n.r,.Le, .r e,ecdbris nircoiob. rn leo8,
ne obLl.ned his P, .D. h amroer r,"^ ,r,. ,*"1i.,i,.]rr""
r,"r inc undenaren pioneqins sorr
m Mflo-dc mMmais md renebme fdns rr4m |nt cFlaceous Jud:d
River FormaLion of
Mo..t11r Hjs In$i $A
pubrish.d as a iepdrrepitedp by Lhe Ane.icd Muserm of\aMat
Hi,'otiNew Yo.k ;n rr?2.



ll n
He re.urned ro ,ndjd ii Md wirh rlt fiUD
!t i snal bur
dcdlcared Brour or Fscmcn
schoJars, he anerptcd ro tacklc ! few oxrdl],djnd ptubreBs od challcngirg a,sas id tanh
scjencs in Jndia usiis ! oulti,ponscd apFopch ii+oNins Dor only venebmt. pdlaeontolosy

but alried discipri'cs s ver. Hk hajor ,{i.*rj1{ inlorve, rhc record and
desoilrion oftbe *niest post lndh-Asia colllsior a$embl;ss fiom fie Middle
Do@'e ofNonhwcsr Jdia and tuchchh. He showi! $e urilny ofrhese Gsenblegs in thc
rjmins of tho collisioD p!o€$ oflndh ii scodyiahiH Phre Tmronio no,lehrrhc role of fo$il
drvico,id rodeDr, j,
docunentins lalacoclinatio in tl,e NeoscDdQuateharv
Kdrew$ ol K6hdn V,JIeyr d$crilrion pf Siivplik nicovcncbEte., adapid ptjdales
0IATURE 1979 aloig with Lciicericfi) dd ibdinid{ frcn reN localities Hitoacfial ?radedi
,nd uttsrbEnd. A,o's wirh his srudors, he doiumatdtheoiJiesr slobal ecord ofevolutiot oa
wiales bsed or nalcrial tom Jahnu aid Kashnt aljd rachchh. His solk {ilh a irench Ieam
radically ch'nced earlier @ncepts about the aHe md duatioi ofthe Deccan Traps based on
iossil nic,olenebttes, ArlA! ceochrcnoloet aid mdsnerost licnphv. He was prih ilv
rcsponsible (aloig with Univdsity aid asl scqiists) for Ecodins dinosau ne$inc snes frod
wid€srrcud srcts ofpuninerlarl ia isr.itr8 tlli,l irDq mc of iD most spcci'cuhr in a wond-
qide condr. He pionered woil in l.dia in bi4mincl4lialioi,biomcchsnics oDrvins scanning
el".rtn n:(roscopic re.h1:qury b,omirpJl" ot<ir*, He htu ovcr -/5
r!r.t. -a
Dublcarions includ'ns l. scienrifi( <onkibrion{ in brtisious ioumdl su(h Dr Nddrc ald
Science w'th a coosle ciration Indd, h ind*=ao; il q t 08.
e has keei iicrest in lolularibrioh of scien@ aik hs b*n involved in s*eral interactivc

progFnFs wnh sindcnrs toft $booh aid colle86. 6i t|[ reguest of Lt Gcnc! tdcobs, dreD
adDinisrEror of UT, he st u! the Dinosaus of lndi. &llery at the Cov€nhe.t Museud Sector
lp chdndjsen in 2005. curontly hd h comnAnl to lhe Evolulio. Parl< and Gallcry st scien'e
city, Kapurt'ial!. ilis bool< on Ldjat djDcm6 bv rhe Narional Book Tdsr (2001) has
wides!@d lopurarity md rcw hs a editloi (r016)
'chiwed 1ld
He- is r rccili.nt of tlic INSA D N wadialiM"d4i {r00, for his contributions ro Eanh
sci€nc$.He was nlso awarded the lEsticids fladoihl ooscience Award {2009) bv the

P€side of rndi, on $eharf ofthe Mi.istt ofivljnes ?l r.bflary 201I for lifetihe tchievemenl

md the LiIe rihe Achievenent Awd by fie Elfdq yiqbs@Pe societt ofl.dia in 2014'

u.' l
RMNtxlrR€,- ,S,26

Rules for Mas

(Applicable w.e.f. cademic Session 2017-1 8)

Central Universi y qf Punjab, Bathinda

c.nll.r Uhrvs6llr* Acl, 2009)
Rules for Magtdr's degrce Programme
(Applicable v/,e.f. Academic Sesgiotr ?qla-1qL _-
b- (, ie i;ri;t Aa4as)
l se;tlon (b) otsection 28 oi

l[irr-e IAND Co|!TMENCEMEN1] .',' : ,ii

' tt I

.s ifdl b- "J6d rhe Pules orllvarer. Lcgrec P 09'dT1e heei-after r"f€ir€o lo as

al n" dnd s]'a'lbe apol("bl€ drrh€ Mrlter> J€9l66 Pros€T
o the overaiicodrororthe A.ademic Oorhcir the Programme 6h"rl be adnihisl6r.d bt/
.eshr'lonc nroforces,theffecriromAcddemLselsDn2017 18

PURATI( oN ..u,'.
The mi.imlm dur:lion for complelion ol prog.amde shal be 04 semost€rc
+ch Masteas Degree
(2 Academic Yea6) orolheMlse as dneited by the UGC from rime ro I me

a studenl who lor whatever reasons tshot abte io comptetelhe prosramhe wfthn the noflnal
period orihe ninimum duralion prescibFd as above, may be atowed bro yea6 pe od beyond
lne norma period lo ced the backto! tolbe quatified ior lhe deqree

In excepticnalckclmstance a tudhaf e4e.sion .f one more year may be g€nred (a. pef UGC
suidelines) The ex@ptionat ctcuhsranCes shj I ber
(i) Mo@ ihai 6 monrh hospiratizarhn. J
(it Death ora suppo^ing parenrsqadtad
(iii) olsturbed .onditions as decrer+ by tlie Governmed
(iv) of any oth6r reason with the ]approlat ot Vice Chancettor (under the .ohditions as
stipurared rine etc ) I l
Du lo the e,1erced pe iod the suoe.isha tie oNror€d d. s p vsre €ndodle.ndaso nor
be eli9ible lor €nkrng

A Semesl6(s) may be decrared a zeobem6iie(s) in case ota studenrwho coutdnor @nlinue

wrrh ll e ProedTme ouing l.al pe|od due to,tness and hosp tatahon or oue ro ac@pr ng a
bre,sn scfolar!hlorelromfip o/ anyarlet,atdeasan accept1.t D/rrre yica{ranLerorsuojed
to lhe turlilrment ol reqlnemenls as lard down by the reteva.r rures
The haxmum dlEtior for cofrpteting he degree shall be a! prescribed by UGC irom

31 of seals in each l\,1asle/s Prc e shal be as appoved bytheAcademiccolnct

The Llniversity sha linvte applcalionb tom e igible canddates tor adm sson lo lhe Programme
n each Academlc Sesson. O vino delaib or lhe Academi! Cdrcidar numberof 3eats avar ab c
elg blity fitera, presc.bed tees, etc

62 Adnlsslon io the va ous Proorammts or ltudes sha b€ made on A _ ndia basis i d on rhe
bas < or r cl eihc.,h,orsh conrol rNArle l.+ orau- Eo rd ?'o d' o 1' ull F'rv o
nconorJio.*' orrer -nve6lie5 ot 01 lfe odcl ol fa obJred rl\eqd''q
r fuuses il'eF ln6 nate ofstJJ'as i sral
rhe admission scheduie to Ihe *t be advedsed i. "aonq new"p.4prs ar rbe
nationa reverandarsoontheUfvercilywedste lheenirafceteslshal beconducled?lnallonal
evel at the des gnale! centeBlo be decded by lhe unveG lv depeidins upoi lhe of
siudefls opling for a Centre lumber
64 -he ,e-clco Lrloroale- sh,|sdon| ll'ores rbeo P
iaNe'rrv $ h - Fe shoua eo 11e.

t\: 3 rfi r:
zfen.ocnaruue srnucrune ., jri
l Unive6lly sha follow a Cholce Based CredirSystem (CaCS) natiilsMaslelsProgr€mm€.The
i Prcgr:mme shariconsisr olar reast 9q cedis (excepl MTech MEd. LLM and MPhan)
covering theoryand pracrlcar courses a bompursory seminarand research p@jecltpfaject basod
'I m rhe hd6l.6r research n rh€ rerevanJ d scipriie

f.2 The credt and olher requ renents fo. iroresslo.at Prog@mmes such as M.Tech, |\Z Ed, LL M
and [, Pharm sha rbe delerinined as p{ requneme.ts otrcsp:ctive Nar]on:t Resuratory Bodiss
I rorlhese Prosramhes.

3 Subiect to lhe approvaror Academ c cq,uncir.rhe.y abus ror lhe @urses and lhe l-6tructional
designs io be used shrrr be pEpared/presc,ribed and pubished by the €spectiv€ Board or
i Sludies and subsequ€nr approyarby ScloorBiards and statutory 8od es oflhe Univ€rs ry

7.4Cou6es naProgramm€maybeofthreeknds:Core E ect ve. and Foundal on as per tho UGC

guderrnes on CBcs Nowevd, I is
Trafdalory ro rake lwo iiterdsciprinary Co!rces n a

il 5 Baslc Courses o. cornputs science.nd Srniisrcs w

beraughl bylhe cenlre of comput.f
sdenoe & tohnotogyand cenlre for Malhedatics aid statstcs

,i6 A clnddale may be rcquired to take.ildilona ndn credt courses o. the recommendator or
Slpefrrsor Coorcinalor orCeotreafd the Dean or cofcerned Schoot The canddate may aso
register for adddiona non cr€dit course, if he/she jo destres ThemarksiorslchcoursesshaL
not be counted Iowards CGPA

717 The evalualion ot Dissertatron/Pojed 3ha rbe done as per ctaus€ 1a and ro harks shatbe
,warded Forufiformily €v.uilofoflllaOtDlcnrton/Pruiccl.cholbccorricdonlhcfotowng
| {a) For: Senesle. resulls the RPsearah credls shat be evatuated on 2-po hi scae as
Sal slaclo.y/Unsatistaclory Tlese wI be henrioned on rhe malk shee dnscnpl but
I r'd- o/e r lccqe Por rA\c,,se
(br rhail.r'-\"orr'"o'o.' l,Dr5scnaro- qtr^FvF,bFonJ 5.ootr I
I "cste
as Ekdrql_ ve'J r ood Good A,FEo-"r d Ln"rr's'rc ory T erewtbe ne.roned
] of the ma.ks sheev transcripr blr not be counred towanls ovorat Grade point
I Averase

3 The topic ol rhe Dissertaron/frolect sira t be approved by the Centre through the ioltowng
comhlGe consisling ofthe folowifg members ona p.oposatsubmi ed by ihe studenl through
his/her supefrisor

The iopjc of oissenal on/Prcje"r on* a"" o{o remain u.changed d! n91he
whole D.ogrdrme hoseve., lhe De"f ol "nurro,o,n",iy
@n.er1ed S!-oot on re .e.oaaenodror o.
celre coo o r rror arc suoea.,o' of the si/relr tra, pe.r l a noo i(al.ol r lhe toprc I
consdered n€cesrary lI;ior,jhingl3,:ii i3 nl o I'Dc onv alerlhe apprcnL's bvlho
'ror--crocar.4-oo\-- s. lrj 'i'oj on -"b.erdrr"re d+ ho,sl
'.sc F.-nr nf rFropo.cotiLeQoroore"
AAc rcader' dolo
' .d. CoF l]b"
_. lA rLo-nrrodors,.11o' irr D)*r.r,: ..--leorsiI5a_rs
ce. rE .on. {."d,. .je r ce-er <!,:r f. Fo.rd o.,b. I a doo " s,epor o
lfs ro4
ca.redoulbyhifr/€raswelaiacenrfical-Ar€gadrngregu. aii€ndrice al lhe Exter4alcont6
du y approved by lh€ exlerna supetulsor (ir) ds wei asq the rnlerna slpetulso(s)-


3 1 Every sludentadm ned 1.llr! Proqramrre shrligetreg s(d.J atl ie bog nn ng oflhe 1: Semesler
ol lhe Programme itheCenlrd[ycrmp]llngliex.Gs*ryforma(esasperth+schedue
announced bylh€ unive sry Pbnrnl. ol Regslralon Form allrched as annexurer .

8 ) d srroer i,ha' oF p o,o.do r o De r, eu .o eer-d". e o. @"

Br, c.r's ..e p.,rc.rtFd -Eqr,"il.,,.

a2 2 Passesai easl50o/o ofcodses i/ tlje sefr€sltrmn.emed

33 A slldent round nol arorbe to appear flrreEndSenrcsterEGDnatonoracolreeorlhe
-0o; o're F b"d
Prog'aaaao ero ."o rds- ola o ' .d. f
coL..-" n "-, !", ere, "r rr be,eo,,Fo orco% e cd." drrr".e eaqlF"rn
fespeciive sefreste, ofihe prolr6mme i. ro rowi,rq A.acemrc Year


s4Astuderlshal notbe p(milled ro resisterin lhe subsequenr semcrs or a Prcsra;fie mh$

hesh-aJ.b"end -q er".,-"ilorl c "" oJ-p"d{ q r_dh ard"r'pfsFdrre
co rce (, o r.ns"TFrc a 2 ude-r
35r.ea seaAse, rrr. one!r.a' b IvFpa-d.otr.o
".-","i r"" selF+ "'
$f'c ddn\ions. erd, ."jirao'L.h lr' bp ".
3.6l a erJde.l6 norag'e.ered o-oo tor g-. F.oTslo- . r . hpo - ror r\ o' da e -oL lled n
hebenl-so r'rF$re:'shF+ -t" d F&!na."lr trl of romrreUr ve l

a. J-oe, spec'al (kcJrsta1."c (,n l*" n , u*- who (ouo nor s'r
rco.srprpo r-sdn \sroa.o,oror o *ih "r-.
tr " troo rl noaF ron.horr.e lrnolr"r*-
dJe o l.ess.osoralzJo nd nJ.dr4r'es,ora /o'le' ade.so ac.6pledb[reV.e
charer o. the s d.n' r"v oreo (ale,eg-rr' oJ re -or's o- ov d soe.i'i9o oale or
be ar
FU oos. rqnosr-reou-oes b'o'ees Hoterf' 's'e
oay,t d dereer,/eoro rhe
rr61dar..s-rtbccoL.'eororrheda.eb!k.dr1o r,Fs.re5le. rhose.'Jderl5whoqpl
aie admission due to the admission proceis there atendance shal be colnled rrom the dale or
rhe srart ofrhe class nor ted by lhe Admisiion section

I 8.8 Those students who wore not allow€d to $it in Ihe End Semest€r Examinalion duo to tho
shonage of atrendanco bll cle.rcd 41o.e than 50% ol th€ir remaining 6u6evs lbjock a|6
requned lo regisler in Ihe resp€lctive subject alonq wilh the egulsr s tudont! ol
tolrowing/s!cceeding batch lo tulfillthpt ait€lnda.ce.€quirements after payins the pr4odbod
ree The studonls mudsubmltthe R4bishation Fom inlhe Res skalion Section at th6Bt6do'
lhe sem€sler. He/she wil be require{to appearir the totrowins componenls orer€mtnatton

/, Aoih MST each one havi,ig 254lo weichiale

,) tnd Seneste Eran,rxf's hav ng 2506 wershraqe.
., score or$e sulprEe IeS (10%), I6rh Psper (10%), Assisnment(s) C5.,a)wl/b.
. lakenassuch. l
.9 No studenl shalrbe a rowed to altend the classes unress he/she s reqisterdd ii € p3ndrtar
semester and paid the rcquisite lee.

ffiitdrrgrrce il ,,tr, l,.iiffi:.' I

Cour"e or a corp'ere SerFBre' srl|| nbve a thm'nud ot 75% arte.oa-e r thar Couce in a
Seme6ter in addrlion to satistying an otht reb+anl condilions taid down in the rules.

Allendance ot lhe srudents shouJd be qisptayed elery month at the Cent€levet. Forsppeaiig
in the End Semester Exanination eac4studentthroushitsCentreshallsubmitiheExaminarion
Form cleary menllonng whelher studb futlits arrendan@ requiements (YeVNo)' betor€ 10
dlrs orr-e !ra'l o'Erdseqester Era+narion 11 rho 'orn"r s'ver by rhe Erannalron Sedo-.
TheCe-reLoomnatorrnooedro-thtcore.nedSc.oo s.at do.kouttl^erodel b conoJcl
lhe Setord.re'n papllr eqJ v"re1 14 sone perc dsd of re aletarce. The s-olage ol
artendaneraybe onoonpIorly Jntil65%M he.opov.t'bnheDeanA€dercAldtr!
O.ly rcdoen( conporent sha'lbe coli",oerpo,o.onoe"sdle r.e bhorlage o,€deld$e !iz.
n.m|nnn, i.rm nrn.oi mlOnn.|1h.lg, Er.lnlti! r.t'Jt vr!.gJnl.\ltor rtt.nC! u! !!lu*
6saa ll i

3 rre reacrer conce led r.dn be eso$rsibq.or ranna'dng lhe ecord of anenda.@ ol rhe
siudents regrst€r€d lor the co!6o. l


ro any reason, whatsoever.

gl orany othe. cogenl .eason,
: nexl Aedemic Se$ion a6
sr d requir6ment oI aflendance

.1 The arnount an4nrode oi payment o e time oI admission a.d regtsi.ation

dunng subsequenl semesters, ai th ion and Gfund of f* under spedal
circumstances will be govorned by th €levhr rubs ot 0he Unive6 ry in lhis rcg.d.
1!!1fl.1| flUtu or rusrnucrol ANrf EXAr\irNATroN

12 1 rhetansuasefo,lieiistucr,onr],,r*Lf".aion.r,a o"r"q
l2.2rncaseswhe@lheF'.9i.dn€ p,pr1a,i!to..yl!nJ!.re.lrrerrr.n
andexamnallonsfor'rd be In lhal rangLlage


13'lA studenr shal b€ conrlnuolsiy evllualed for academ c pedormance n a Cours- lhrougha
suQnse resr (s) pr. rrrnour.ed tests lutorcls pr.clca work .ssiqnme.t (s), terfr papa
rield work sehna. (.)). percdrcJr tesli LrsI (s) .nd lhe Erd semester Eren falon, a
prescnbed rn the ex.r0naro, s$€me pr lhe respedve co6e and dury approfFd by lhe

132 Following eva 0ation 0(*"0-.,f. *, o*"

1 ConlnuousAsses,6frent
d) Surprise Tesls wlI be or a$sresile weshtage or 10v!. There w I be no lif t tor lre
slrprbe tesls of MC(Qs lype and the averaqe oflwo besl tesls willbe considel/ed rd th€
evalual o.. These leisls wii be held d tha.rass r.oms durnq schedu ed teach,hs percds
wthoutany prorann(oL -1e-ro'd+re ee' F..o or h. _ re sha'( duvc\dLdr"d
and s qned by tho Coi Ee. rrdma
f w bc m. nra nPd hv lh. cen rP
6.)I€rm pap€r wr have lhe weightaoe ol 10% The lenn paDers shal nol be 4 cosnelc
aftai The stLrd€rts jr rlba s v€. difi4€nt top.s lo wrre on Thehnimum and maYimuh
le-grno lhe re rDaoe a-o d.e dare o"q '-orrs-o- a oco'('d"d n"dld-ja d
Fe Du i Sfo!tr &'
must ensur€ lhat wo k dcre by Ihe studeit is.tqinalin n. copv pasie has
9een done
Prcper record otrh.r rcm paDerwil b;maiitanedbylrecenrre

./ A.s,snTcai !' ,e,'s ,'s"'d o ie s{orlT*'t '

".d |-oFo ,-$o- ,o.n:rf o{'ded
bv the Colrse Colld nalor

tests wil be subjecnve rype and wilbontaln rive medium answer lvpe questont afd two
lofg answer type queslror. EJch ir$T wirl cerry 25% weightage lnd total wllshlade oi
MsTs w rr be 6f 50./.

| -heoLdr.olo'r/c wlb-bnehoL r-or vl o"co u.edi.l"ec5s( oon

Ale.ree'ali ,r01 oaA Fr' ioxir'olf.ue!o heendrn+c\ rh'
romai ol the exafr .ation rTodmende'r by lhe mmfr nee. s as unde!:

''l -"
" '"'
qu"ir4r ,
ta4' Fad
O , oage a1s^en 0s aFd n
L 02 lo-s 1 \De 05
rns@ r,peqJes o.s-03,\"t er.- heIodoea $F dl "rFcorp-ron

I t iereste'Erdr r rron fnoSerosle a,a1rdronullDe(o.o-ct€oo--o
'n heU.,/e'r,h Coro-ler Cenrr. End Senests E)dn.rl'on qi tr6 orssr ol
[4CQtlil]ups Weightage of End Semesler Exaninalion wl be of 259l"

13 3Alllhe elaninrtions excepl End SehesterExaminal on sha tbe conducted by the Ieachc4s)
concened under lhe overallsuperylsion olthe Centre Coordiralor. The Coordihalor oltie
cenlre sha rsubrnil tho award I sts cfallCouBes of th€ Progradmes offered in th 6 Semostsr
lo rhe Conlorler or Exanriftuons l4rough th6 Dean orrho Schoo wnhin seven dsys ofih€
codpleton oferami.arion (ProfonlF ror Award List:lud'ed as annexure-lv)

134ln case a sludedl colld nol appei in any c.rpoireni!i lhe conlinLous assessmont 016
Course due lo meilicai reasons oi ufder other exceptona circumstances (supportod by
do ,Trnlal erider'e) r ,ep4 dc lc €rn"trc- o' tn", lorponent nd/ be aaanged o/ n6
lonceineJa.n eCu.'ordror beDrllnebegmn9o'c d<pF.<ff r)dnnaro-
13 5 The End Semester Pract cal Era$inatioh (whereve' appl@ble) shall be held bolore rh6
theory examlnaiions as per rhe u.ifeAirylcarsdar.

6A slldent shal/be pe.m tlea o app{ar m $e ena-semesrer Examination as perth6 Co.ducr
of Exanndiio. Rles aler tirlng !p thd prescrbeo Examrnation Forh, payrnent ot th€
presfilb-ad examlna,io. l"e ."rdtytng
ihe atiendance requirenenr and iutfilrirg otha
erroibrdycril€ria {Examrnallof ForTattachedasAnn€xurelr&ltt)

37 4 sruo"-,. ord dn oass pe (Flaqe l4oot |
"sqresdre \i/s
\' S-e"se tej.s -
Efd Term) Bul lor clearns lhe Subjecr it is cohpusory lo.ppear in the Efd Tem
13 3 Uness prescribed in lhe Rutes an4lhe Schenre ot Erarnnarion oiaparricutar Prcgramme,
,cr' diodd.l-'r ocdccredro hlve rodoteteo hs/tB' co.rsss e-c@!sruty
J'he.fe obrc.$ mnimrn c cdd po.l' ora ae pe. re.oto*r-g 0 po'.t slsrem ea-

:l I


___ __L
CONVERSION TAqLE tor 10 poinb scale
i".* *i* i il;;il;rGt
0s 39.99 - ;F Fail

.n,"; f ll"o" i" t,o

<.t I
o .,1 i!a$
o,i ic lp"*
;;- P P?::
'" P"..
45 4.5s q r4y9EC9
469 C Averaqe
a.79 C Ave€ge
4.39 C Average
4e9 , cr4y9E9!
50 5.0 I 5.00 5oe ic 1e*"99
5t 51 5.10 a,q s lqmueau.,.
52 52 5.?0 5 29 B I Above Avera
53 5.3 5.30 539 B

5.4 5.4 5.40

55 5.5 559 B

5.60 B
57 57 5.70 5.79 B

5.8 580 5.39 B

59 5.9 5.90 599 B

60 60 6.00 6.09 a
61 610 6.19 B+
62 6.2 620 629 g+

6.30 6.39
649 B+

65 650 6.59 a+ 990d

66 669 B+
67 674 B+
68 6.3 680 6lbe A+
69 69 690 699 B+
70 7 00 7.os B+
71 71 719
72 '7.2 724 1.29
73 734
73 7.39
75 7.50 7.59
7.7 J 7.7a 7.V9
7A 7 B 7.84 799
79 )7.9 lt 9A $,
so Jeo lo.oo l" 9
a1 I1 t8.10 3 9
82 a2 a2a 429
33 8.3 I a.30 I 8.39
84 8.4 I 3.40 ) 3.49
85 135 850 tloss
36 iao
aeo ' 3.69
lato Eti
88 8.8 | 6.€0 4.39
89 8.99
90 I 9.0 I s.os
9l 910 I o
9.2 9.20 i o
93 9.3 9.J0 i g.gs o
94 9.40 l o
9.5 rqc o
-g!-rr..e L.4 o
L,. .ell l,,B
le.B 1!! ri le qe o
,, I , Llceq_-

lLl ele o
roo I to.0 10.00 r0 p0 ol

13.9 'bed coiBes ora S€merre., heisheshall
E' rlhe€ ainingcourse(3).longwllhregul+
'ter pfting ]i any sddlioial a(endance. Thq
however. be caried lotuard in slrch gr
xaminatiol Fom along with the prescnb6

minalon (absent n the End

4r !o'n {is]. dJ( 1on€ hafng )5% {ds ko!

,) E^C S"nerq E'ariallo.s.5avrq 2Fqo$'shlag"
.) [email protected]{is(1oon).reiiPaper(10%) Asssnmeil< )(5%)
w r5erdr(en ds sfch

A siudent shatr be :llo/ed lwo cNL*"n ro, uop".i"s ,n-"ppu.

' *"t"n." {
arons urh hF tol'os.- . o,
'ics uree'd"dlh. U''ve'sllj ro' lhF I
oI lhe deoree
13.11 ne suaent *o
r'au",e-appealn o. J"r"rt", r r," lo sive €_appe I
SenesloFlll a/onswlh the sem"Sl."tv Fxai"nrt""" "r," "lo*d
However, ir a studed ot q
batch could noicl6.rovaninalioi HtsedlFsler rva.d have e-apFear $rh udeil
allo@d o_lyole spec al .nan@ ld bivP r$-rpper er am ..' on i'surner b'ea\ prol
6r-den(s) ooes rcr have any or. e! ba(.l|q d anort e sens'e
13.12 . Mercy chene: A sl,. derl who does iol]char his,'hd back os ,ubject (s) as per thF
chance siven al Clause 13.10, on lhe lrecommendatiod of Ihe cootdinalor an{
con@med Schoo. the Vice Chanetor. bn ment ol ndivlduaLcdse, mav @nsider k
finalchance (me.cy chan€) tothe studellt ior appearins the reappear subiect after t
pescr bed ree He/.he has lo appe4 n mmponenl mdioned a1 clause on 13] 0
13.13 Asiude.li:ilino inhoBlhan 50%9flho4odses in a semestersha I have to seek rq
in ihe appopriaie senester (rol oPinq/strc@€dlns baich) as a €sular studenl
13.14 rhe m6rks obramed rn the cor{ru@i litema As3essment (LilA) sl|lll be snq
srudenis by the cedre.
i I
13.15 Fomula tor Grade poinl conveision rdr each mal*

sGPA=:(Cir ct / tci
where C/ = Nlmbe. of cred ls

CGPA=I(Cix Si) /tci

numbe.ot credits in lhai sem€der

iir to percenl.g. i5.s givan belowl

Gdde Polnt Average (SGPA) X10
s€fre=lc umllai !e Gmde Point Average (CGPA


iol, o" ***v,r comprer,on or each mesler examnalon lhe siudent shal
r g€des/gr.de pomb lor thal s6mes ndcating slfflrl.neously rhe SGPA of

1,2TheMarks Sheetr.ansqiplo|asrsem+refshalind care rhegradesobrained and cred t6€am6

ro cd.h 56l bs ei a.d Cu1 r,. C aoF oo nr ave as- luuPA, d. o'-! bed . tne .€gu
- st o-
duryapprcved by Statutory Bod* or lherUnrecLty

lbiriurnoveuerr ot enloe
1*- i
1lx sludenGwhohave been dectaredpa$ id a probmmmeshat be alowed lo repearartaompononl
or conlinlols assessment and En.r seTester Examnation (as per Ctalse 1310) in ord6r to
mprove his/her grade/CcPA/doisio. alllng with regrt' srLrde.ts in .oiiesponding S6mest€6
provided rhll overarCGPA or deg.ee o' slch srudent 6 tess lhan 6.0 on 10 point s.ae. No
ri separate examn.tonwould be arranged fo. subh
stldents. Stldent canattemplonly twotheory
paper irom lrie semesie. Marrr !m lwo
I pmbd6 of chaices shal be sNen io improve.
15.2 Such stdderls slrall have Io appty for rffprovemenl of grade/ma*td visron and pay th6 fees
I Prescnbedironr I de to lime

1f3lf lhe camldrrc n prov.s 9..,1e/nrarks. llr+i lhe mprove.t grade/marks shat be bken inio
acdouni,or worktrg o_( D\ised atrrard dnd o evsed marks sheet shatbe issued to h mrher
He/She ha! lo sutrerder of the mar€ ilheel :s$red eaiier such imDroved mafts vi/t nor be
I counled lor llre award ol Pnzes/l edals Rafk and Dislifctiof tfthe candtdate does noi show
mprcvederI r] lhe Srade/maiks, tr6/her previous gradehrarks wt be taken ntoaeounl

15lf No candidare sharlbe artowed b mprovqgrade/ccpA rn the p.aclica, projecl work and sehinar
ardrierd work. i

1$!{5t-ruotrot'o" ; ll ,l ., f i ,, .,ir'$l..,rig+* i

r The Ufivereiry
has .dopred the In-irousq Exanlration system i.e Teach ng papef Setirs and
E\!lLd-o. o' rr- trstre s €e6. Ek1 stLdenlyat oe s o,n the F.dudt-o drswer sree,or
e,.a'rar )r hy :he c-r'F [:d Se.,esrer I <ariar.o. wi,r oe co.dlcreo on,r.e ,. I e
Corpule Celr6 TreF.ror. rneG sha be no re+'.rtuarbn Joweve' th6 sruoe may
I approach Grievan.e Ce I ro. redressat of his/heiortevance

ly or t ng

nl r< p,-" r .'e "\ra-a on c'+ 4'r\ rase6. or un'elr -.r!.
-1. *J...,".- -.'n g,q ad{ rr-omrirs ++Don*."
\,o",c" F s .po- r'er"ol a-d I'e tre. n o' - dm daF rc f c0.r0 F
,., -.-",.*,,1]-"'"- " '..."^.".o.ou
.o<.. n' "nd r 'br-(e du I'e '' Fnrolo
J"c-., o eY
.".d "' rhe'llr ard +o
anidrrerorhecontrorelot etamnarons 'mel
173 ns ls pohibled lhd sha nvre serious discipLiiary actioi i& anyoro
srr.l v
freans du.ns any examinal on Unratrplaclices and unran means ng lo

. Ex€rlng p,ssre coercoi and u'ldue i{uonc6ror poslDonenex an.r chanoe or

r m ngs orexahrnaron

Thrcalenins io lhe lnvr?r ator or an!/ olh-dl behaviof amotnthg lo nsubord nalron a
bv Ihe lnvdilalor

Seeking ravouE trom trrd/orlhrealltng ihe exnnr ners. papet selte6, eralualo6 ll
co'examineesorany.rhe ori..r.,sradiorthe!nir.uty

Resortrg to sucr p aciic.5 and.nsasing inio aclvil ca thot or..pcol'cc lv proh b

lhe colrs€ oleram lrLor

oo\\eR.o' o rr'-'"r
$", r.o -,*
6.-a.nedi.c,.d--^.r'r "
.r -.-$ e--a, ,r .. dr(or--dqcpe'^
component oi -axtnralion andl4 coprinq or alrem[tnq lc copv fom lhe m
possessan or from olher perscis vTilhin.r oulsde lhe eramifation han

Excha.gngnotes.lnlc-chanqinsirsweis.rpls,h.Dngc|ier.ramnees seekns ]f",,..

andlor conrlltirg olherelaFlneee of.ny niher fcFon ins.lc d.ulsiCe the exa6rr

Aflempls orimpeson.l on iiclucinq wttnb 5.me cthcr canc cal€ ! Resistat on Nul ff*,,
Number n lhe ansvr.r paper and4 exchFno ng or alteilpl iq Io cxchanse a.swer ""'
orhe, r):reria s dlriry thecourse of qajlmlbr

Slll ng or occupyino seals clher lhin $4 one alolled lo lh€ candidale or chansin
durirg lhe cource ofexamination ililhoul the permission oI lhe Invisllalof.

Boyolt / walkout ol lhe examination add or caisng dislurba.@s of any knd !

cond!ct ofelam naiion

Any olher act ol omission or commissiof as may be decaed bv lhe Execluve (

unran means in Gspear or anv or an lhe efamiiatds.

oeleclion of urlair means, irdisciplne and dslurbances duirng the exaffrnaror

broughl Ioihe nolice of lhe Centre Coodhato/Olc bvlhe nviailaiorconcernedinw
COC/OIC shallrepoft to lhe Contiolef of Examinations wilhoot deav each case ol a teged
use of u.fair means in lhe examinal on with lu ldetails of the evidence rn supporl ll]
'hF Jrl"Ter t or lr" utda.e Lonco .edr I a rv ll as' a cr'ordale fould -\r I -nl
r c'drnJol -ru.es ro trrrF:nd ssnire ".o s a.n "nt r e ._d'nrsharbe e
lhe Invgilalor and counleGisned dy lhe COC/OIC. The answer book ol the @.did
uslng unfaimeans ir lhe examinalion shrl be seized and the candidate mav be pe


wite h6/herexamn3lon on a sepa+l€ aolwe.book lo be issuedlo him/her Th€ COC/O]C

'i sharl6eidbolhmswerbooksiolhefonr@terotExamnationsatongwirhhs/her repon

175 Al indviduarcases ol reponed use lr unfa r means r

examnarion shat be rerercd ro the
' Eramnarron Ddpriie commillee cansrituled by rh€ compelenr Aulhoriry Provid€d thsl t.
I case ot use or unrat mea.s on a d:l$ scile al m examifaiion cent e, the \rce-Chancotor
shar have powe^ lo cancerlhe examin:lof ofarrlhe cafddales appeanns irom th€Coil.e
cofcernedand orderre-erarn naion an rnniatetunhe.discrpjnary aclion asalnsta | .oncofied.

The Eramnaron Discprine commirlee shal recommend to the Comperenr ALrthorly ths
hagnrtude of plnishrnbnt to those lound guiry ot using Ud"i. m$n5 in
use ol ].rnlatr nreBns and shatensuile that the punishnrenl 6 commensurate to th6 ofi€nco
'i mmor cd a d n ao@'danc€ wilh thq pnncrpre oi naturar jusrice
1f7 AlldecisionstakenbylheComm eed[beplacedbeforeth€Vice,Chane]lorlor approval

commirree may ar,peat to rhe vce.chafceltfl inwrring hdhnonemonrhotrheec€iploftho
decisiof dtte Universny and it rhe Vlce CriaroJo. is rtrsried that rhe €presenration h€dt6
consder,tr., rrelehe may retef th€ q6oe bftk 1o the Examnalon D6crptme Cornm tto€ for
I recmside4lron

lflq_ vrr-ualor or orssenrliirorfr4o.rrcr aND vrvAlyo.d,F i

11.1 Priorlo subntsson oihed,""",tution;,oi""r"tu""nr rnrrr.ake a pre-subm ssion presenlaron
n the Cenlre lhat shat be open to at lacury membe$ and research students, tor gelting
reedback and cimhenrs, which sha tbe suilabtv incorporaled ifro lhedrafidssedarion undor
lhe advrce ol hither Supetuisor.

8, Fv-/ -d'o'ole el oe.,er ron,oro,.r rtong *fh r ccr'.r,io Lon rt

sLoe^ so' .' r ar rhp o s."^a1on'hn,xa 6 !.e@. r o' or s nar.er6arh 4or (anFd o-r
br Iqe, d'd"re -m", . >,.F p-1.lion alr ,rt *e o ..-r i o-.oroe hrs r ot orFvio,r/
", "
UniversiV 3nd 1r atlhe dtssenalion/prdlect @piesenls mdependenr work orrh6 cfdtdare
1p 3 The Prorecl ot the [lastell ilograhmes viz, MA. /M Sc. (ercepr
rd Ed /r,l leoh /lM Pharm /LL rvl) shoqld be pvatuated rn-house by lne roltowing commiftee
I Ihroush a pesenlar,o.r(Formai a acdfd aiAnnoxue-v, vr &v )

I I r.lena erped noNndled bV yic..ctrci@uor .r vice Chanceltcfs nominee fiom the

I recrrimenJed risr by lhcCOC,oip.
Il'*'*ll :::":tii: **"
The Dissedalion oi lhe irasteas Ff.odmhe t r M.Ed/M rech /M pharma./LL.[4. wil be senr
1 tolheexlernalexped(s)for.vatualionwilrlheapprovd ottheCompetentAulhonly Onrcceipt
or report l.cn lhe or€rfa erah ner rhe tnteir! Connilree ofthe ro rowing otfciats/membeB
I wirlhord/.oriducr thc publ'cdeieme aip viva voce or rhe sruden(s):
I L Dean academlcAfia 6 or his |omrnee
I ll. Oean of concerne.i -q.h..r
'lr. co!,Lraro o, v. ca,rer o,"f*.*" c.*-
Itt rv supefrisor l

19.1 The su@sstul candidat6 shall be adfi
nay bo provided he
disclpllne, ar lh€ cas6

19.1,1 No ponding dues i0lh6 h6tel or liblsry oul6land n!

19,1.2 No disciplinary action p.ndhg e(
10.2.3 Fuflbd suoh olhd condilions al

19.2 For lhose €ndldales who have auallfied I rhedegee in disciplines vth ch
in n.tu6, ine universily nay issue]ihe d d6ln the espB.tiw discipline
r€siEbEd and have cohploled lheiilProgl

19.3, fte €wd orlhe Desee must.omqP I e rules and r.gulations issued bv lhe uG
iolide. ll

20_l Nol*ithsbnding wh6l le @nralned in i.he ur65i ihe chatperson, Acrdemic counci
CouDcil may jn ex.epiional circurnslence and on lho e@fi'nondations of th€ Sc
concsmod or an appropn.ir cohnlteo o lhe meits of each indMdu8lca* consl
€don6 1o be €corded, slls Elax4ion ol ny ol the prcvisions er@pt thos6 pFsi
requirement and the Clau6€ menlioiied in 9.3,

Central University of Punjab

ar studenG of cuPB are requred lo omplete rhe procoss ot reqisr€lon each senestor b€,04

Ol t.dr"o egrr'ror.ii .ocrr".,.o1p^.0+ R!:r".o ro,T' SuoelB r ar corGq h.

c0. o.o9?' r.dd,.soa rc. r I e. o". ss an', a.r1d Fes.a. 1 C eo 6 ro €.eS,re€o .
'sstd o, r4 o.po$r rF Id (rhr Irf ro, 'oEofr.e.ollrods,
q!!9."ao1 f etr. be!%'geod p€ .d. o.a- uon . 1
be lilled by th6 Studentl

slrv".e or rr'. sr,,,reI

.t whichever is applicable)

Detair lqastdl teetALdttdnir Fee)

Cath RLcd No /o D No.,ryv re Transrer derairs:

Central tJniveisif;i ol l'unjnh, Bathinda
I umitrdi r hm' lrc!"hr \rurd'r. n'r, I
i h( i lrru rr i\,I illir\ tsth rLi!

11I -

[ .111i1


E s|!,-(ii



*l '*"'*
d{d} deln^
ilL D.dldrE n'd
*" *""'*^r"'"[
doI .h! L' h] ac sb


sqlpri.c iA*rsrmcnt l';T'*
(5t l75l

rlI li0)





-t l

dond har rhe proled m.y be


(vic€,chamelois Nomin6€)




(vi.s chancerrois Nomin.€)


Plbrrc d6f6..tvlvr. voc./ soDlnr. 6rorl rot

Nrd. lid Prlhtatirn Nd

DaL oflutfrl..Li ot poi.ct lo

wo.Ihfth. .luddnt h.. .lbnrthd

nb/h.. pbJ*t lor drru.tron In rlmt
{wth rn 3om6t.4
(t No, ur. copy.l appbrat ol
.tt ad cow o, h.
n.lon @otCt
[email protected]
C.nts :

Publlc d.Ln&/Vlv.-V@./ s.mh.

h vr{ .rlho ..lr.hctory pbl..r Bport.nd lF tub daLn.. /vtua. ve., .omln.n w
FcomD.rd/ do not E@mnond iho !r!d.'* lpr.m otd.gr. oflh.t r ol S.l.nd

r" i
Mo.4h.n.€llolB Nomhe)


CENTRAL ,","r"a"il oF

ANNEXIIR E- 2 6',2 ?

Doctor of Philosophy ( ilp, .D.) Programme Rules

(Applicable w.e.f. Asa mib Session 2017-18)

Central Universit lt of Punjab, Bathinda

(Esrablished under !h,



Doctor of Philosophy 1Ph.D.) Programme Rules
(Applicable w.e.t Academic Session 2017-18)

{sub section (1) (b)oiseclioii 2s olthe cenrrdr universi!ics acl, 2009}


1.1 These rues shar becaledlheRulesofPh0 Programne hereinafter r€lered aslhe

i ProsEmme and shal be applcabe to Frlhe Pho P.ogrammes unress olfreBs6
staled These tu es shal/come into force Uv th imn-odiire eftedr

l2 T-e DFo,.. o. oocro. o' phi.opr, p. D, n"/ b- qrd.t"o

Ut,. <,'. sub,e,' ro a- e. Jl aL d"a.e o' re a(der . Co-na "nd geae€ .orYo o'
the School Board concerned

r 2.1.The mnlmum dLraron ror comp/etion or each Doctoral Programme shal be 06
semesters (3 0 academic yeare)and the maximum dlralron sha lbe 10 senesl€.s (5
i acaderlc years)

2 2 Normally,lhe studenl s erpecled ipcofipete hi3/her progradme w[h]n thc minfrum

perod laid down lnder the r4levant rule 2l ot lhe universily lr exceFlonal
crcumsiance a fLnher eneneion of ofe rore ye.r may be granled The exceFlional
ctrcumsian.es sha be:

(, f,,Tore rhan 6 fronth hosptalizaton.

ijiJ Deith olo sunDonnq qrrdnn
|I (iin ostu bed condironsas dFcrareC bylheGovernmenr
(ir) Anyolhervaid r*sonwiih the +pprova olhe Hon breVice,
cliurce ror iunter $.dipns ae srpu sled nne elc )

2 3 Thenameola scholarshal be removed/siruck offfrom the roltsoflheUniversr!itthe

studenl fails to submit thesis $ Ifin tive yeb6 of the dale of reg siration

24 The name ot a scho af shal be.4noved/struck off from rhe rors orihe Universly f
'-.,1" en dr dbspn rror rla r'r.Frq y'or a perioo o.o e no..h*rho-rp" m's"d.
Hc4"e n-Fd. lo raLp.e.ddn \s o. { .1e p ogranne al"r co. p clig t.e.ece>sary
ro. d"ee (ie pd'_-l or ree reconnemd ol olcJ- and slpeMso'),Jhk or"
ssudr.e of narq :r i(r of o'oer Afie rrcl rc (ld'm lor rfe ie-
admission wilt be enteilain

2 5 No "anddare o'oS?Tmesl rtu opla-e lny enp,oyn-r.or.oin.. y

"orn "d ro rh.s p5tn9 hen1':aJ
ore, lou'se o'>rrdlberore.on n es.den, / per od o'3.0 yea5
2 6 L crse o' a f ,e'p" u, j", t uh- s borpet ed to 6 nF k 6 prog r nre rl och^ee-,or
gc,naltF!t ae.tvnddii..det,gL(hpe,odshat no be,ou"eolo rhe pu poc- o,
car.uralion ofdufcrlo or € p'uq'zlr e
,7 a sen e.ler yelrmay o- d.!,r'ed i zero Setre.tervear r- Ldse ota s .oer rLoJto not
co.l nuewith (he progranme dlr nqihatpdriod duelottiness hospiralizarion, accept ng
a toreigf scholarship/tellowship andloining a governmenrjobsubjecllotherutiiheftoi
requirehenis as lald dov/n b! the rerevant rures. However, the sludent has ro

pass/complete Ph O Prolramewllh . ihe fiarmlm Perod as ad down by lha UGC
'-1".\o 0o \, , ,.t20, i Do.[ .ndo . o.ob,. ,c {

rD p os a._F .ha' be " apo o ed b, ''e el+,Jio'
bodid! o!.he un.er.j a-d,.1' b".or,ea d d t lh6
^"b,iLe lo lhe pGC
adnissof Prosp€clls asued al the lrfne or admisso. whch accodns
resuralons ssled toh l me to llme

32 rrie poricy ot rhe Governm6nr of rnla and rhe qldehes of rhe ucc. rcs+fdins
o d, ooJ F. oFle q I I s( eou "o d res s "dL ed rllbe'
OBL r\o'. '
eaY,.a.e. ".ofo_o leranlvrol'd d ddac IaIbei.od-+rrFd

41 Adm sslo. ol a cand date Io lhe oroo€nne would be nade on v in ts r.st semesler
.hp a1dro,.c sha r o...or o.ed ,; + r.o - r_er-.1. d rhe p@,annq are.
(onoelina e.F.\dfl rond iier

4 2.ln exceDlionalcases lateralenkv of a.andidale sha lbe cons dere,i lof adfr ss otl 10 a
later semesier of the proqrandie on lhe €comm€ndations or the concerned S{hoo

43 Fofeonn.lonars residio n ndiao,abfoad or nda. nlt ona s res d nq abroad r]av be

Jomte. lo ths orooramme r!-ororlo lo Ve oo a"oYr d dd oown tr 't
.re,.anordsruoe,.-Aon. i'o.co.
+i1-",-oco,.lr;- | o' r.or- "rL on Eodes
ol rhe u.ivers ly from I me ro rrde.

!4 1_ laIno o" "or"eo I alre.o,

C2.ddde el,obe
o -a
"dm'.(n lo rle "oo?
'ess,e'-d "
4.s.crndddres aomrded lo he Prooramtrb 5ldlb o-rf lled opu'!'par1trec!+-i-g
or orvF ona .JrF r - n4 rr d P F
=Liorerrtrv roi nor,rssrb-r ' '
51 rre app, .I' sho .d hav" r vas,e sdegee-,hcJp''...r ''"," , ^ - -'..1"
60% r"'<s 55% ror SC 5Toac \ L,"llD) "'
) 2.CandrdrLe n"sl have some f nanc.al cr'ce sJc ds NEr JRl rr'a d assrEld-,e
ftom Cor. doen.Es {1.^e Raiv cl "- dh N.lolal '"lo^shp PGr'lF 4/drala &"d
Nai'o-al Ferd'srip (VaNc) "ic)ad*o r.g ir 'JPB o oj' .t l'1"rowsl'ps o \
\ET. qt wtrbe e,etrD.ed 1oi t-, o^e,e.r\",I",Flo"op-
5JT.ose^.rFouta \r'rrca a'!. . .", ,pp". "."ererprl e ".rr" t1[car
o. loF.tred oelo-r Fs.e or r+.1'""dle.l f n{' ;df B<io. o!a+ | ei.crflL I
5 rl F 50"" li5o"
a cUr-oFf iraRKs: The (-l of la is o oJa i'v lr " " !. " c{ wEaqo
,or ScSTOBC.NCI/o/vor ca.4orte( s"o ng e lla {'5of 'or
sc/s- oBc'NC L 'DwDl rd*. rlol be (oN.de ed
55 EVALUATIoN Or PERToRIT4ANCF -.. acfa(an " o' c "nd;d:e vil be
o:4o-'roo'"r" .^ ","rrr","l"''"
bd5's o' erhe, ....-9. crr,,o,, L ia d r6i' (o4o. -d nd.dLdLv uv th€
unlveGtyorrncombinalorwihorherunnbrsties or on rhe bas s or marks oblained flho
qua ifynq -.sdinalior n su.h courslis ,hek. lh. irl.ka ol srrid€nts ssnal

6J 'eao-.(son. r""-trc'r'eoos€--( fh.,,.( ersoJpF s fr-6

nalionalreveral the desc.ared.tir;'s 1o b: 'lr':r,n by !fe un've6'ly dependiig up pn the
'unbe, ol.ruoF ,. oo0nq ro.d("-ne

6 a rne <a,, !d.d-ooor-.

Irre univers ty wllhin the sl pu aled lifre

7, iii![b'cAroN di REsErRcH s'JFERVrsoRi ,'.1

E,sbl, ,e arooFdle.-" s1, .'ui o !Lp-.eo' r\urb-r" o *l]"'.,
pelssoep- sJp.1.so
7',n!reoLa oor"c.oro'theU...r,'v r'-.rirFJ rv6 F Fa..hpLol aro n'ef+.eeo
tou'.a." o;nr'',r.r'.s3!( ).c A )r. I r''.- .o .ri euJ,e,1. * | d o D qds ee
and al reasliwo rer;.rcrr pubrir.li.i. rr4?.'e.at.rinas may be r.cosnized as Relearch
Provided thal in areas/dscoines wr€.c thef-o is onlr a lm(ed number ol refereed
toumars lhe Instilulion mai Blax the abave condtion for recosnrtLon or a pers4n as
Research Supetoiso.lvith €asois 1r( i!
72 Or./ai.',Iae -qrra. red e or| -'j <l, , a( s"."p"\'o rl-e'J''1r
"uoi,1Fo,a'enoialo/,rd 'o"e.., ls,";.s rlbe!rored l l"rots(i* ra1
a;asrromolherdeoadnrents/centrcs Dilhbsane nsltureorlromolherreatedinslillllons
*hee U1!cF., r,nc l (rOU o r{t e r.'o.1
'ecoa1end-d rodgL oeserr.hAdr'or/':-a'
7 3The a rocal on ofResearch Superusorrorb s.re.lad rese.'ch scholar sha I be deoqFd by
Ihe Centre concerned dapendlng on lhe nlnber ol schcars pei Research Superu spr lhe
rvr lrb.e spe( a zrr|n dro-g :he suoel, .6 -sFd-h :n.
. o' rle-
ccholiB ac rt
rocdled ov L en ar'hc rfe ol .r^1. , rL , . .-
-eld" p , -t'..rtr .Prl-ecF.re!o1.'ncdfe'c
ihar |e e,pense r x- celr^ a o be ....pDn.nied ror oLr. oe ir.cF.rdrr/
doponlr Petea(l Supelrsor fior r '... r'a F- $noshal b"ox rr'fe PFsFr'-1
sup'1 so_, a.d a co S"oeMsor r'cf' o-'s d. fl " : " e o t- i le -s I d cordtrron\ d\
qav oe sppcr'iFd ii. rJ'pFl dylh"..."en_r O lrjlr.to.s a*srvtole*l
/ SaResed'ch Sdpe v-o_Lo-upeosb {hulsLoo'eq'^ a. a.r g've"porlro',re ca.or
clid" no.erra. EB1.8r P..D. <l-bas A. !.<.cEre o'o'es5o'as Resea ''slpel*&'
@r o-ide Jp to a ralinra of si^ 16 PhD +ho'ars a-d at A$strr -o.srp'4
Resed.- suo.a'so'ca- gi'de -erb rrj n.ro'rou'/!)05D.scFo"a
, 6'.caseor,"roc"r,onor a oh D wo+dr s.holaroue o rrr dqe o o.-tuse lr e'e""r<5
drlr shdr bc rtowed to be tra-sr€neo rd .F J-,,e6'tv ro w-rc! he scFoa rllefds lo
'elo.ale provoed rf r e orrr colJrrro-. r rhe+'cg-lar ors d 4'o owed In erlq tq$ n
rnd l-F resFa- h wo1 oo.< no. peid- Lb I e p'ore(' <6.L ed b/ rfa p.'e.r i.rlL
superyisorfroh afyfurd ns asef;y. fte +holar'will however give dLe c€dit io lhe dafent
glide andlhe ifsllulonrofthe earr or reslarch a eady done.

7 TOnce lh€ supeto sor and certre was a/.rted to rhe Plr D schoar sha Inolbe cnEn€od
durng lhe Ph D duratonexcepl Ihe elceptional c rcuhslance f,:e 'is

I In case Guide/Superysor of a Sludent l€aves {.eegrvproceedlng of long lea ve)the

Lhivereily afd betore leav ng is fol n a pos lrcnlosuggesta fewGu delsup€ryisor
Chaiman olthe Research Adilsory Commtlee ind Dean-Academc Atlai.B may
rnleracl wth lhe sludenl and bppont a new Superyisot6ulde or Adminj€lralv6
Gude/Superisor (in case no f:cully/teacher 6 available w(hin the Centr€, thgn
adfrDslrariv€ G!de/Slpervsor ca. be lppolnted lil new reguar teacher/laculy
shal joi.lhe Unvereily) Chaige olguide requ res approvaiot Compot€nl lhe

ll lf a leacher wlh n lrje Centre aqrces lo be th-o gude/sLpervsor oi the PhO

scholar if the present supetoqor oflhe Ph D Scholar leaves lhe Univecl5/ lhen
teacher/laculty who aoree Io b€ lhe SuperyFor of h m/her needs lo giv€ an
undedaking regrrdin! lh€ s rrad Iy ol rhe research proposa keeping ln v€w lh€
avar ablldy of ntaslrlclure lo cary oul the proposed research work and vatJilily oi
proposa A,lerlhatrhe case shallbe put-up to the ResearchAdvisory Commilloe
lhrough the slpetosor a.d ce.tre lor lhe approval

11 .8 The Centre ollhe Ph l) Scho ar can bF chanqeo forva iC reasons wilh the approvat ofthe

I ! he/she has less lhaf lhree years

I It; h.weyer be a loni superyisor/Co-

l h

I --' - r'"f'*
I . pounsr wonr, ... --
c redlRequnenenls, number. tr(tri{on sy rrli r:iiiunsl:n,trdstorconipterion,elc.
311 lhe credrt 3sslgned ro lhe Pr D ,rorrs{, rvort shal be . nnhum ot 08 credils and a
malrnum ot 16 cred'rs
3P The course work shal/ be lrerted as prg.equtste tor Ph O preparalion A minimum offour
credrs Ja Le". j LdL {. : q,, vet, odoog/ wh 1 o-to
..e -llod. .orp.'er appl aro.6 f"s""rt ethc, dld
'e.ero p ble'el es:. "-,.
': I r'
'1.r.r.1-, r'anrt rato{or.
chr'tbe rd/rr(ec erF,, o ,.i. / I j..nJ.no!ruocrkioroaD odorce
er. or-e.rou\-.

eP l'"o,-- p".- ,..t o "" o ,o':f. *o. bc n Lonro.n.ry e.rr tc L -o,t ho-.
iev -rd 0e d"h roe dcd br 1,1, Fo a.d ](ddetr'c )odcs.
IITl-eD-o!na-nr."n?/j-.'.,'l'rpprJo r , i, F.6r,.h .ha, pr-n,be .' e
cor'\e/sr lo ,In1.6. rdnb'o s '.' rhc Res.arch Advjsory
8 l Al ca.d o!'es icr i"o o l . r t DruFrb,,r ". sra r ro.equ.eo ro.onprere re.oune
wor{ p es.ibed b/ t eDeoahe d. -nled.r.r!h
8$ Catoa-q al-dovI oo.I M. pr{ l{-. o.d I {leo o-e Pt-.D p o9 a. n e o hos6
trho'u e,r"ad cd nle--4 . .'r!,.l-r ' .vor' a- .arebeer oerr{leorop.oceeo


lo Ihe PhD mry be crcn,prcd iy lre n(a r,i rie thtr eh tr euEe wotk
wo'k lr-]louer
EqLvaence Coniltie-A otlhe il^vetulv F.r Ilr. Dren ion nlihe Cou6e wo* n Ph.D
0r. Drendion Ph.D.
lheapp icaton mustconelr Fqrivaer;dc. n uee thDuqhlhe Ccntr€Adhin stral 8nd
sn( !b
Acadenric C.mmilie€ (\Ac) A orlfii 0a4dinale.r adnrled
ale.r adn rled lo lhe Ph D prograftm€ 6hg
l0lhe 6h6
be reou red lo comolel. ria Pfr D cdu6e \to* Dresdb€d
presdb€d bv centre.
by lhe Centre.

3 ? .phD..,.r,n.... ..i- .r ' r: ji r, o ls equvaefl oGPA hl!,

i,, G ..,rFl./ae.rccpA h Ih6
UGc 10-Do nl scae D lfe:cn!,e w-{r. in fhri el9i b e 1o
r. be el .o.hue
10.o.turue h
in the p@srfnm€
and subr,tlhe lh€ls

I8 Anerslccessiu|conprer or of coursF work the'mnd'.laleshal recomnended rd r lnar

cafdrdale shal be
regisl€tiof n Ph D p.ogrrmme

,:rmf*amnl:XLi, ir"-^,v,eqNu ru 1,,; r',i,mjr,,u", ..:Tl il

llhe'"<far tezeubearre" ,i. ", , ,. ".

* e'r''?rrolrarr J +. b 'Fq eoro h",Jdh "-"1 "
elolf" ncrrcio.s
,o ,arree.an.a',o? ' o,. "'rafa o oraD +f,,on
ro,Erd- afr -.a.r' a
o,Trc. J Lo,6:L/o.. dn-noso-"d{l b"(onni"eq b,
r\e Dea- A,do-,.,! A'd o ,k:o._.ror'tr.oo dDorqPi4.
',J.il t '" 2 dso'rrcqses
nor nl rno o -.- J.1J i..,,"a n th.'vrasqJJbr'l
sub-rN Aponw' r , .,.,rf4'i . .4 '
1- ra'erent oi,lp
Gndidare b coik or o oi r am,1i,6nJ

LJse ot unlan means r sirclly proAbted and si.al invte se'ious dsciplinary actiFn lor
aryo-e 'o-.d usrg : ' "d_s d. r'l Lr'r" D lcti "' ad u_'dr
,,ea.s ,td.roroa€-i'i ,..r.hr hFt F. i n i.lc

"..,",.0 u..-.."
\) t..,,'!p-., -"1]*t
daies and timin!s ol exaffinalon

-h eater.g --
or r- 9 'p ' a:uor 6nounrrn
'" ''."""'O ",,1f"
,pooded bv lhcrr\ o.a o

a'/sFetngl,rorr''ro_ d-r'o i. i oaoer \'1e's 'Jr qaLor-

...otaron ..-,r '-""o ' ,.1, c o:' , o Jal,.l,hF ri.e.sit,
,v paqo...e ro .. h ez-qj do "' "" .p""'l""r.
, ! r' 10.'.".." *"
roble "l p"o1e" / Frec' -"'*
l-d,eiF. 1,
-"""."n " ""-"'
arr"ho- cL1. "ed"" r"il-d.9
olhetuisepermlted as a compon4nl oferamiraiion andTorcopvinq oranerllplrng
exafrinalio. hal. I

,v,,r,cr:nsns ""'""
""' {, ,-s*^ s.no,s cors otFq na-in.4
oursrdethe examinaron har
(v|An-Tp ol -pe!o-ar )1 Tcudl a
i I
. ie .r 'r cdtidales 'egsllalio
w r o
rL_be / ol urbe I rhe rnlr'-' prpe dr'o F c'd qirg or drlerpl_s'o
exchanee answer sheets or orher drns the e(se or exam iar oll

a3h I
(\,r Sirn9 or off uD, s sedr) oaer r'd|he o_o d ored Io the candidsls o'
cneng.-g u e sear o(i,q rhF ho perm'sco-ofr6
I invigiralor

] (it) Boycoll/warkoll ofthe exah nalion and orcausino dislurbancesoianykind d! ng

lhe conduct oi examination

(x) Any olher act of omisson or bommisson as may be declared by lhe Ex€culive
1 colncilas unran meais rn r€4be., ofany or a llhe exam nation6.

93 Delecl on ot hfair h€ans indsciprrnd and disturbances during thB examinalion s halb6
broughl lo ih€ folice ofthe Centr€ co{rdinathr/olc bythe invigilrtof concehod in vriling
I lhe COC/OIC sharl.eporr to lhe Corl.orler bt Examinalions wthout deay each ea8€ of
I erl6s€d u6e otlnfanmeans in lheexdmifathn wilh iul dela s oithe evldence in suppod
lhereofand lhe slatenenl ofihe candldale don@rnod, rany In case a candidale found
i using lnfanmeanslnexamiral on rcfugeeto hakeand sgn thesardst:lemenl, thoincid€nl
I shall be.ecorded bylhe lnvlgilalorand couniecisned by Ihe COC/OIC. The answer book
ot the candidale found uslna u
air nieans ln the exaninalion shal be seized a nd th6
I candrdale may be perdilied to wnie h s/her examination on a separal€ answe.booklo b6
I issued to him/her The COC/OIC snall send bolh lhe afswerbooks to ihe Controlor of
Eramlnalions aronqwilh his/her ieporl
9.4 Alindlvidlar*ses or repoftd us-".1dnratr m6ans in examinauon shallbe etercd to th€
Eramin.lor D scrplre conhidee c.n{ !led by lhe coDp€teitAuthorty. Prcvided lhat n
€se orue orlnfai. nieans or a massFcale ai an exam narion ceflre, the Vi*-Chancellor
I shallhave powers lo cancelthe exrminhtion olallthe candidales appea.inglom the conlre
I concerned and Drder rc e)r3rnalrrn an ini|ale rurlher disciprifary aclion agai.st al

f.5 The Eramnalloi Dscio re comn,il(ee shat decde (h6 enent and masnitude of
I punEhment 10 lhose f.rnd ar of rsihg JnlM Mears h exam nal on with due rega.d to
I ensureihatthe punishned is concielburare to the onen@ commrred and n a.cordance
with th6 otfalr/arlFlim I

i bAlldec.s ons lrl-1 b/.l,raon n ftec fl | bc pt!€d be'or e rhe lrcFCfcret or ior aoproval

'7Aca1d'dd16,o-ndonr\,.r rin.rJr,:.rlVe.1t,ne/arn.tionh\rheE{atriarionD,sciptie
c.nr'nee arv.,ppea ro F. v'. e-_.tn1er{.. in *(:ru *r.in o.e.o.lh o. -e r6;eipr
oi the decision ot lhe Uni\/e6itv hnd il the Vice,Chancetor rs satisfied that the
repr6senlation meiirs conrideralior, ha/she av fefer rhe case back to the Examinalion
Oiscipline Commiltee lor.econstdeaton.

1 There shall be a Research Adlisory C boly tof simllar puFose

lof each Ph.D. scholar, The Reseerc .n equ varenr @mmitl@
shail consist of lhe followinO nlembeB:

Vie-Chancellof s nonrnee
Dean/Assoclalled-"an or rhe S.h
102 Nol lale, than sr do,r,, ; Ii tl, pdJi.,,rj'!Nl,aro n F'i D pros6mh I tho
cand dale siarlder ver an orrer hous,, srl nar o, u.lr€s s research proposal (sy hpps 3
seminar) to be underrakef by hifr/hei drrnq PhD before lh. Research Adqsory
Commneo iRAC) The rilesearch S[]-"rljg.v ir ,. s.horar sra be the convener drlhs
Cohmillee lhis Comrrrtr:e shal hrvc hf frrdw' l'espoisbr li€s:

OTo rev ew rhe €v,ar" D'.rolardir dJzrar.,Neoe tooLircrdch

aidderlrr rhecou,se(t t)!r re/ricl,, r).n:,i dr
(iil) To period ca ry r.v.w n.c rssisl trrfc ar..rr.:s.lthe res.archwo* orlhe restdch

10.3 lncaseacandidrte?ttrst..hrngerhelrir:.IRjserr:h. ./sreilrybepermited(odo

so wlh;4 nre yenr i:o- trie jr1a.r I!i/le. r-^it1i r. Tftr r.afcd research pr+posa
shal be subm(l€d io lho Fese.rch Advsory Commiltee (RAC) through ihe mnqemed
Centte ?id Acr\L r{i ard A( n,,slaiv. ilit i i/Vicr fo Is carsderaton aid
approvrl '
104 A res!arch schol?, ;rilrbeb.1.r:;l.rf;rch.r.d,6.ry C.trntlee mce ]n sx
,,. rr. or,(rt. I dlo- and ldnr -
gJ'oa.(e hee nonh/p.oeEss!;or"-r r'' nl ' edb\ h'cese:'c Ac{lso'r
confh.,.or., ..,i.,:. .,. 1,
.0 5 In (as6 .F o.osir:. o , ,.J .- q65Fa .
" ".,
conrfleesla e!o,drhc.ea o.1.o..F r , d..qqc, o|ec1.e n"a"u,estI f.
,6\cr'! 4hor''ri ^r:1q r1. aeoPed+Adqso
commtee may rec.fda1. l.lhe cenlriliri.h\ !lr\!.".fdfeaso.sforcancelallonoi
the regslrlton o1'rl'. r..s.a ch !.hol:f

EWgflolr'ero assnsstterr uerh ros lt'utttttutu stnHoanosriFE drs

EoRHWARD OF TrlE l)nc FFE. E; ) : ,-

1 ''l,Dor'ar"" o^ 'vu 'J i arh!'J rgrade o e'cnp"d i'

suocaLses3..io-,-.".rrc.i.!ma ^!.r'. ri .la|j<" e eq-i'dlou dflarF
csaa. r.o.,r.ori'J. ,, rr ./. i .i.:' ojeo'Fcqsfd o.
/on. /pa, co.6!1/or:. o 6 ., ., ..:r
..21-6c/rop !5 J o6p .' o 'co' nre. Prc o E,dll"ro

Celrec.-co n6,..., eoa?d """"",,,"1."

/ rlicl- <hal aso
beooenrorrfa.Lrr, -ent'€'s lnab errL. r. (:a_',F hdfeeor
' td-dcor"e{s
oblajned iiom theo may be sulaby ncorboraled i(o lhe draft thess in consuiiatiori wth

114 *, ,"*i ."o ,{, *."arch

paper ln rerereed joumalaid hake
",n,,"n ", | ' fe : I r ' 'o- or rhe re$n ro'
p od'. e p/dr1@ "..+.
1. 1116 ar' ' -'Ior{oIprase'ldro^(e_rcar6s

" ..
',r e " 10 Dlao J .l- rd'nJ e ao4
lier deoree.d Dlo;d oj he :are l
'c JiJr
"o"**n''* *"
"[, 'o'
hac nor be'n cr br'tl-Ad
ol sr "r'.l e wo t {rs u nca
m"". ; a;r.r..,r"lso e .Lorrreo'or rF ce'?d sloel .o
tI anv ofr.e$or"
116The Ph 0 rh6ss subd rl€d by a research scholafshalbe evaLaled by hrher Resdarch
Superv6or and al easr two eiern; examnere, who.re nol in empoyfrent ol th6
unlve6rly ol ,fom be from oulsde Ihe country The vrr4-voco
exafrinrtion basedanrongorhirrhinql onrhecflquesgryeninlheevaluatonrepo.l shail
be conorcled br rhe Researd' Suoetojsor and ar 6asl one otthelwo elte.narexarinorg
and shallbe olen 10 be allended by l\redb66 of the Research Advisory Commlt6e, al
facully me bers oilhe Depadmenr/Cbnlrc, other reserrch scholars and olher mler€siod

11 7 The Res€arch sciro ar wi cen fy. al|ei ve lraar on usnq ari approprale software thal th6
contents of lhe lhess are iree or p aq ars,n and copyr!rht regulations

13The lh€sD shal nc/ude a .en/rcare ron fip Supervso' ro lhe enecl, nler aria, that lho
recomne.datronsmadebyrheevaxralonc.mm l€e have su tab y been nco@orated and
a decla.alon thar rhe Ihes's ncorporares th€ srudents bonafde research and thal lh€
tindinqs have nor b-"en subm tl..r ln.wa.d bl any deAree / dpomr n lhis or any olhor
!n,ve6ily or Instilul. of earnif O

t,, 9Thepub . rv, fD.d ol lhe resrarcli soho13r to Celcnd:r.llresisshal be conducted ony if
lhe €var!.rion repod{e) of the exlei^ar examn4(s) on lhe thess is/are saiistactory and
in.ludeaspec;c,€cornnen)rrDr lo.on(lrctingrler/?3yo.eetamnation lfoneollhe
evalualJf,erro/ls o/ tlre erre:nalcia4rine/ n c2se ol l)h D lhesis. s unsatistaclory afd
does nol r.con';erd v,/a-ru.e Je lr6klulon srral s€rd llre thess to another extorna
eraminer dul oJ lh. appror'ed Da ie oi er.,ninc r ard (h. ylya roc€ examinalion shallbe
rreldony ,lrercp! tofllel.reriiexamiher ssaislacrol flhereportotlhe alestexamrner
s a so uo5slrslaclDry lheth.sirsh3rbe/ej-o.tedandlh.,escarchschoarshalbedecar€d
Inel9beiorrh. !lvrrd of the dDgre:
d,*a Jai r,r 1l1r I llrcs s sha | !e ronrp etc s tir n a perod.l sx


s) Acandd:l! trl! i l"es,r'i:,-..r revrsrof shal re submit llorlhe award
oflhe Ph 0 oecree wrn n one y€a of ihe dec sion ol the Unversny

A lhesrswnch lias bcen re suo i lt.iJ llial Lre exam ned by the same exlernal examiie(t
? rn case aiv examne(s) 6 (are) lnwr n9 lo acl as s!.h anolher examine(s) hay be
apporl,.C f.,\ 1.. \ c. (:.a.t:,t.ttt.nthe .ppoved pa.e or exam nec

Dlrifg lhe nen.n .t res rhn s! 1 . hrsle t!.llyd.nb.trDVdedifavalLable OiheNise the

"i candrdaE ihzlhrreto?r?noeher/hrac.onmcdalron

l.''li-"fS'_r.n1 ot, rus raucirc,ru ,lro rx$liluloN

Efglish s::ill !.:lre ileu:r oi :rrdy. exairifalon and research of lhe
Unlversly excepi rn languages or be decided by the AcademicCounci


on successtri comoerrr orlh. evhr.loil rid b.loe lh-a snnouncemenl
awardoilt.:'rr I :i:! rr-) I .,Jrf sl\ nl rree.l0rc copyollne
,ir D
thesrs ro lrc rNFt trNi:i lof roil n9 r|]l.1 .o as 10 nake i accesslb|e
Insiiluiions/Col eqes


i Centr4 rt ef1. .,
.rrb e.e1 .r rril .ri ltrln lFc tns.l.r,!h ch lhe
has av'arded rh-" F,l) de.tr.e

ir lncaseolanyam5g!rylnof-sva.rilly
chan.: r, sr. i. ..r NlLsrrfril
eou al ons, lhe Vcr l)hancd or nay I
removi:rol doubir:dir iriic! ard r: i€:t

lo and conferied lhe D.qree ol

"ii: nir'b. r..v Je4 hershe

iv. Fun |.c srch olher Lirndil o.s:nd re'r! onsrns a. prcscrbed under rur€s

v For rl,r:r rtrr:t . ,,,,, .,]1,..r i|rrD :eer.r ir J::ipines whlcir are
inle'ds.ipina4, r" .,:i.re rre
'",.'r'u.1r\ qry .ai lie Cra.. the.espective
d6cF'rr nwl.ril , '--.....1t.....
ravc *)osli{!, i ':
,, Th' r..:h : r,C (Ml\llvur,'l
s-r\,DAtD6 ! t. '
D(.-i DURL t,,.4 PID DFcflEE
vii.The Acaae/nic crtr.,j. in he r.(.n/$.idat.n or lhe Vce Chancelor shll ha\iP lhe
r:ohrlorlhorrwrn! l€or.€ orao a ,h r dn, 01 1 'n o h . pric F ( deleqed al
ai,"ac.,."., -;-.u.,:r ... .. r ' re,-.. o/.d'o,adr r€v.a
.h:n."io, .- n, o-. - --arE, "-y.
*" 'J-n ar/J,dsFal9!e
-" drrol of he

iftERio REwrovF r.r,ry dti'FrcLLry

i:.!-n-'-r'--_"-'_"---"rl ' ;'.S ll :

loM r.sratnq *, at rr.,- . = dequr"r-"

i. Jo rhe cl"ioF<o A
"qef! Slu I
I re r '.: '- d":i.'"odrc.s6 oledel a.d

loiemeo. andrr or''"rc (o'--+ .1 , ,.o-.5

iorreasonslo be recorded allow.erdxallon oiary:f!h€ provrsions cxcepitho6e prescfrb ns
CGPA requnemenh and ciarse r7 {vi) |

Facilty ofhostelcoud be offered on y lvacan

ot, lhe HRA applicable eih ihe tellowshp

la \3
Ar univeBity tevet: f6e lqt awnB )t lorm tQAc
1 l:rot R t(. Kohl,
\Iicechance|or, Chairper
2. Pror p. RadaraoJPean Acadenic
3, Prot R. G.saini, rilvited proiessor
tits, Diectat
A1,tNE( ulte
a p.or R c sflarna nesisvar a;d
ana profe$or rn chars<
lr€niDt o, ]
s. piot A. ( rain, Dlhn, scrioor orEnBifeeiinl o r., r'n"r.eu
6 p,ofe$trA K DhHwa. ,
Foordinar+ te c
7. Df L s flndar qtrectojl, cjaorzdjsrnsh ffi
slhinda ll l'".'.',.',","",,',",
8. D anlana Mu,lAj,
Aslo.hie prdr€$ol

"*r,l u"tf"'.; *.*'

e. D. oeepak c(,rmJl nssistarJr ero,
P.o]essd, cenr.e fo r
Envt@nmentallaq I
10 0r. sunli l\4it|^t, profe$+, cenn
:entj fo, ENrcDNrrd I
. schtr€s s. rechiolpcy I
11. Ms shwetaArolalpeputy Re8jn,ad
12. fr. sweetSingh, c#mpus ManiRe.j
13. M.. Gajendra sihsh Vishw"b4m", I
R1 No. cuP/MPh

c.nrde. the polcy ror

ti i

.i r"f"*"tr",]
ttt i I
hrFhitionar sludelt5 urt hd!defh€ folori
jinl ddzsshie
" Foreicn N.rionits: c{ndidareF hotdind oi any
ro.e sn counvy.
. c*-* .r r,arJl o,rsl"

(pro+ e p""",1

hordnls anorhe,
fouit'y s crDFnshtp// nEil
nafionality i.e. he/she
i, hordhs r"rei84i pa$dort.
. I
Non Retdent rnHiant (NRr): af hdtan ctll
ourside rndia aa{ hords an Indlan pa$pof

. ., 11 ''1,l
only those Non-nesideni Lidili studenti
and p,;se4 rhe q,laritying qlamriqtioi,
co[e8$ in rocrd cou4i,ies viiribehc]ui
Depe4Fantslbr NRls sruilyi,rB
'todcnt5. L

@nsidsed as in1|,naihar nirdents.


"-"-ii-j", o.,0,,,.0 0i,".,,'.,,,,,,

,,derthe io owms

, D,. "tu .f "df."rr.1na

""")-,{ ."so1,"+
'r.r"4. r.o^r.,o o. J. i,e
reqlted to submii ther Fppljcation to Adm$ioro olir.€
CJPB " e f.
loo . or i llb" on' I,icr-dio rp ".oe...e J
Auihorned .opler wi
bJ dryke.l td tre Ehba$y/ vl;i
onr-. * l"+"",, o'
Howdtr, ln m31 of s'ud{nts fibri reft.i.red
oft,hs ile
P..ld 48 rl r u11" B" B."oFh 8 .. ". t.
appr; ol m ul"rde. ,hrd " 1"' e. q"/F
tccl Elhonse ht,;itlii
cutturct ,b*".^* t"*'.
/nd,olr can{idates d6ilou;.i:dfi:radmirsioi uder this
-" , e '"8,,.."
",]" ,"0" "a l" +" , "
hdidr lligl codfi',.o /'|rb" !.o I i . er" r
1" "+
iont' "u"- lt" '
'o'^a dpdlorJPq orco .i{el9!@n rdith" op r\ll
-- q"
rouno 3u sote. !o
' ,r offq ette:,l'. oo pr' o I r he'
in ous loin -ou . b .ul.ur"l qear'o r,l ol N4 \
Deh,." a1dd"-..- ol -
, Lrd-e I oa CrPB. l "..4..",]*,u'

-d bosi spa .o -a,,rf.*.,,"1".." .* ."*t,\"1

H3 Lonr. ml fnb"fksolrl " ,,.
f] ] I
,**t.* *""]l .* -pao- sso1,iqr.'e ,- oe I

io r,rqb o.!0n..:d, o hetrcE%nnes. e,"-rbfldf

,,:', , ,tl
iJ t.\t rl ltrttth M!dn! .l tx,ai!. .auhtl

a) All nternatbnalstudents willrequ re a'5ludo0lvlsA e tr dof!od
Lo thh riJtrturrqn ior jolnrns cuPs coures No other
cndo^cn4Jlt i, ai:ceptabre rho vl5a shoud bo valrd for thg
ofthe couBe.
Drescdbed quradof
b) any statuliy dealaMs irom NrHnP,6ovt ofhd a r r<.rulrod,
,rlbe aptijlGblq
t1DICR[85 tOn I

lNcuPB i
I t
lie qua iikatioN +qu re! ror admksion io dltfe'enr comes ir CUPB
w ho havo
wiJl be included ln
fdmksion bochure o]fly thoF students
qualltied Iron fo,+isD hlveEitles rerc4nl:ed d equvaLenr by th"l
Assoclar on orhdi4n unlve6iti*' (Artr) a r{ elisibk foradmissioh when
requted, a fefere+e wirJ be made to A! 1o ch4i the equivalence
DesFes obtai,ed lrom ur ve3 tes apptveii by the oepa hcnt of
Educauon/ other sla|uto,iy bodles oi co4cerned country wlll also be
&@ptable. ri ne+$syl the Board ol stldies of the co rcerned
oepartmmr n cuPfmay Fe skedtodeti,mine EquivaLencs oF Foresi
,ll I

I I )

i,l Eor lr';rie+ Prc4ramms I

i h Baihelo/s De8ree in disclpline subject
Fsion ro prosramrne wil bcthosahe
'equi,e,lreirsfbrad F
as fof lrjdian fationals seekirlc admisson to cuPB n that
p,oe.,nl... l

for Pn,u, il

o) firoerahmes
Mdte/l desree rcLev4nt dlscipline *",' protel
academjh/research aptitude.l Detailed prosramhe wke
GqL e'llf c sme 4 na,roml
ire 'r1..
Requiren€nts cohmon
fof both MateB and Ph.D.

. Beinsadition#l evel univeBii, the medium or Lnnructio n at
crJPB B AeFlhanis, viho h;ve obrarned a valG rELrs
orToEf\sco,el 4:. 8et ocrer

' (:')
. I
Thore wltho ut a val d l!tTS or T0EfL lcore, sha I FJ
CUPB (.Bhh Pioficiemy Test (CEPr) after ifh rtl lxr
uliiversiry. A student dericlent n Ensrish wil t1$ nr(0d lo
sludv afcdase mr*s.
' A wlldiGRE/GTMAT lroroidldate applyinsto FodXd Br! i{ss
*aEnrepreneurship D4lr's opnmt
dipa rtrlht) (o rc r rct mlndato ry to, adri,issrorill I ows'
squdsjj wrtr a vard GRE/GMAI rdts,adif tc' w
pteferefl.e. I i
. Abpricalltb havo to ebnlir a brei e$av oi iloc wods
/ oo.o1'J","ul ,;'" ,,{" ,*,"' , *r', r' .{
adr...ln ro. %.'d TNoqico i-o\. " " ,

l,i,li*,-.,orJ*.',0*"* t*r*,,
biSch rd. For i|t d rrcnt yiar tco
" -o --f ]f.*,,
ro r ntemauoi|ll 3t udeni'
,harrbedbirM: I
dncf3 prodram mes ln Humantios, us91000 pcr'-1f!m

rv*teils pro#amm* insce*"b:

us$ 12oo pefarJh!m
Ph.D.t"c"h.*, ussrmop*"1[,nr
. ttl
emiimodat tr ruhthed wth
Hostel tacLitiel basic sl,cluded
in thq abovq feo.
. 'rowite leDrcna nloalatrav rcr add
5 r:L'
pJ/-J1'brl, 'or
l I

--a' .'rh*ewirr bP.10%runuhtjyt.i06!cas3. i ieelv-erv!5Jir'

. sludents frim sAARc countftlwil becharsedres {amda!ror
'danstudrs I i
srEpwrsE FoR aDflssloN oF
| |
rhe procedulb forladmisson to a pr4smhme at cuP
I il
wll [e as 8rvfl
u.."*. st,f-'. o -lil r/ ro ' e
1"", rub- r rh"f l.rd.J/Lr' "@P
*^-,t"|l -.{' cc8o''t'ouchfe ro.s'a r'"2X"m"Jb

stepl: I Illil i
. (terest[a r^t"-"t ." at .t!dc nts mut.ead thfi adtris,bn;
biochrh mtefully to chec(the elisibilitv l] j
. trlr"-"ti"* ,rroerr \hourd ubmttf"tr 'utrVtr \rcP)
,A oqhn&red ro'r't n A'."",,"'xr "''tl "o,"''c]
t "'*tden( eh oc {'th r i rs rce 4 ori
Aqlnda ol F&ee^th Meettne I I ., I

, a\r | -l
r'€rT.n^ t, o Lle Aonis. ols o 1ce cuqbb\ Fonc u

. a brilr 6ev of 3oO word, lapproximatelY) {-rlr8 lhs

reoolj/s wrrv srre/re seeks admisson ro cuPs xnd thir
purpole olitgdv should iorm a part of cv'

' Phoblopjes F the follow nB Cocuments tre requ red0lol&

withr{e appiicalion on a pre$rlbedtomat:
Prooflord*i ofb
rirr+st *r o
i'th {vn ' blor
-*rllc"" "fa {-dlf'nBebr
sr+t ipeg.efs than Ens kh sho
in a ranemce ojner d bs ! 8ot
vandlted Inlo Enslrr, I
Dual cit ze-shlp
fr p*{con torforeie"
conv c1 cord
ror PIO o, NRI naius cErtilica!9
soncqpresolpassportsizephptosraph (lPciormet)
'rwo rFtetr oi ne@mmmdalion ro be enclosed if sealed
cowfj I I

. ApplicFtion Tjmelinesr Appli+uons of foreien stLrdentr lor

the acbdehic vear beslnnindlulv/Ausust will bd accepled
bosillrs ranmry 1 of thq vear' appllcatiors tlrl b!
revrewlFd a5rcccllcd ond henfe shouLd be made wel d dme
so tl4 the sudenr E able10 and N crc htsJdi'
the stf ortj,e academh *s1cn.

Itcp!: itl
r-" ^o*son c"r d.1,4 (.r".r8 tptla anJ oLlq
rhf eliBibilty !
relevant inlomatlon wiiiiniorm the applicanr bY enail, ifiound e isible.
rl.vr; (,,r! lpplicilnrj11||i Dlake'r4EqjU-af nqnjPJundable advance
amo!nt equivalenrto uds ldo.ihe ap-p ltation wllthen be reviewed and
if found a table q 'Pro;lsioi al Admhsiqn ofie. Letter' will b e sue'l b
enab e the studelt to obtaln the VlsA.

submlt the 'Prov#ronal Admission offerlLetter' to the h dian EmbN5l of
nle respectvc coPnrryio, obra:n -3 rtl'vr)a

stoD4: I ]

Report at cuPsl{n thf iotinad date jro. orreniatlon B ns allab.ive

nentloieddicu+lentslnorlEinalands+tthemv*irGd bYtheAdmislion
cell. the o'isifr *[ii.'* * he €ru'ned ro the srdens
mmed aterv irtqi mJr
fis an
endorerient to thrseffecl

| - \:j/
t,":;: lliT:I } i::T:
:;:,i.., ", *l "' " : i"_";r.,lli,l,,:..lj l]
;:i :,i;;;it;i' ;*;iirr*ii- :
:". ,"::1".:;;"lI:" .; Ln"s .err ")
;;:l,-"r ., .
"" r:
;; ri:if ;;; :t,r :J:;"J;';'1'Ti:'r:
'sc'n,'c ] .,]. .- . -., "",d . ", .". ,* *. 'Jl

,:::T;* "]{t-a.f."'*."*;l il;i,,!

;:;lii-''',4';ilili:i;::j:': ::: ";"
:._l:1,:l; 1i;:.:;,;' "'"-.,..'""*'*' "'

;i;T[';l-':r':::*: ifi
"iX,:;ll;;, t";;,,",' '"" " ""-"-l

. ol- "fl'0" " ^n'"' I
. Reglsfinr I

r) :
zr1 l1

*q,o a-."",],*."f"'
R t N,. cl(14& )r/ltq D,t.dt,h,!'.r1

An r,teyues -q5.49
subjocrr Ro0iidti0 teruth0 otNorJfl c.Io

Pl!!!d ,nd aoandaF) tof Itro tonh ooDtn s ol AclEc @oardlng lltulnc ot
no crron rol thd oi/d oj PhD do0ree t o!/lno Eludeili In lhelr r0ep001N0


{.nk. I' cohrnrty! !kr,l!tr,



!qnn ,or huronrcnhr s.i€r( rnd Tfth,AJdsy

I'f,,i",f ",sffi :ff t"il,:t[. T #:,::i1
o,huhbsr orstudoits
€UO bto tor6ward
otdgd ||;" onvoc.Uon of baloh ?01t1€
todh tumths neollhs or Acl€4,
.nrlo!6d horeMih atCP-, h9 lo,


"g,<<--", o{--Q,
..ll!..7.. 'l-
I 1l

P** &ttr"i,l
sd (' llt !.
't ,J' m,/J
er runJab
. UamtdarbncE
n"t,-*" *", u-tt\31
,s p

orri"u r,ro"

J;.",,]ii" Iii; f".i,"J,il,"J orucoir ot [ro

QontB ,6.

'$:ffi+ D, n4hdtl6;

^11*'""" """,

rhd roroki,e
.onmenrs eo,o
sryon ,, *" _Jllo* ,".u"*
o,nru *o u".*"no,

efy good, Sho

is €togait jost€land
cear h
irlltlp3r'sw stobtoh!h€oramrnors

[,1"J; f :,,t :3"T';;ljitriii.i]1

id his

s.c on Oflidr

i ,,.,,

P* +&
nefssrce No: d{J.E/4irl 3'3

slbjedj Roporrofph.D. .yocE

r. Tho Vv+ Vo(6
Enwonfr enlal Scl€n.es rho lollowing slud€ft. ot
!nd iJ herdon [6 c6n[6
J 23. ,t1.v
N6h6 t;i

Anamtki Ds_- OEqRA DATroNoFcHLo-R-FRiFd<

tzooeuotoz- :l l

/#"t[i",,#"lr#i'fu,a{rM:",{:}i""ilfl ,,$i:,i,fr
;1"'-"' *""",. -"," "",,,*"",",*. *.* *. ll,,u,-,
/ f,"1",,,," "

I '*m*+g*km--+,,"
f i's;:w"-JJ'""n'""'*-''"'"'"""""J.."-,",,,
1,;"';ii:l:ii:,"ffi*e;f""*t;,:#:xr""."t.* o'*"o{*"^",,
r' #f"-i"*,.ffi**r" [* *-*_
.1il:J,T:"*n:I*".'b'lof?::l;1. o*^oo oo o,fpu, n,.
suorirttiea ror p*us61

,n6 o,.atl-

ss,sre.r n.gi:jr,;{6;,na.o"l l"A-"9_
il, oe.6.rF L

ohrrollef of Examhads l

Do{ A ,
tv .I ,.u",.P^f
ii --' llNNtxuKz-22 s 30
flNN 3
No. ll
ofstldents e/lslble for ddsree btBatch 2015-16 a! on 04,07.2017

mwsrr&ry 8

M.s-cnetr..d's. en.si rhspe(br.i;r.o i rUed (lr, cfea.$r! l1

!! sc. chemtrry tconpuratlon!rchem
M.5c Earlh aid GeoloBk, 5rldrc6
IM 5c tnvtonment5den@ andTechnd
erc6 wft h 3p;aari."tb; rri Anlmil s.i.n.ei

q!! rrte sciencerwr,h rpKlarrz:ron ri

11 M.s.. ule scrences with ip{lartatron riJ
4s.. t'fe scren.er. h rp;c/altra'bn Lj
l3 M.sa Life Scien.es with specldlrailon li
!4s. rrresclen.erwlthipe(r!lhdionI

M.sr. Physkr (conpurationt Phy5 6)

M.A. Ensrj5h tcomprrarive LireDrre anJ rrunsltt;t

lV,Sc. Chemkal Sciences wirh spedatkaq
chemHry/Physkachemistry I


! wh *d .e;dp.;;;* ;^


ademlc Se$lon 2015.16 have.om

Pros6mme ach evlds C6PA/Lete



nG (Contputarronar Phyrr6)



whhSpedarhatlon In Plaits.lence,
KoharManeoth i

M,S.. t|r€ Sclences wtth sp+halranon In MotccularMedtctne

Sanhaklvlshra l

,ihuShama 5.23 B+
l4qll9shr:3 8+
M.s.. dres.rereJ; lh sreclalLatlon In Humancenetl6


Pratrbha choudhary

t4s.. Lrre s.ren.ei wlthiparra

&!h!dra I i


Lutlanr La^fran (umt

1 speclallzadonlnAnlnalScl€nce5

7,05 4
adNa3achandra I 6,91
441!a rumdl
l____! 6.63
q!!tu sarni ) Bl
suprlt sandhu lsi 6.33 E t
Enra De' 9i
M.sc, chedktry (cOmdlri onat cher

2 Pr.tlbhaLoyal
Poola Mrrtal
6.34 B

5 NrrbhayslnSh Itrhscp y10 7.18
5,N0, Re8lltritlonNo, Eesuhlc6PA) Let Gr!do

6 5hllpaSinsh 7,10
7 soufenadhlkary 7.04 9+

canesh (umaf Najat
{grnarxanwaf l

qlctVu$raq 3


Deepira I

BlnduBala d+
Gutok(aur l
{49!J!et tuk
EtEds sh8h

2 lNeerajKumar
r lsushi (umartarora
M 9r, chehlca!5den.er wirh
l l!.4anpreer r..ur

MIfSahldulAll n+

PunafrSalana d+

thestudentssiourdnorerhair ]
0e6ll Mdkl crds shall be kuedon retipt of

eapller I u, d(
sectr lorihe khd Informaton
, Vc
2 , DeanA.ademlcAfialrs
to rhe Hon ^rl
, Rqlstfaf: lor lnforfratlon l

a, system AnalysCfo.lpload on Uitved

T 311
l CentralUnivl rs rry olfPu n lab, Bathinda
o cl ,TION
:lu on 20x5,r5 havecompt.t|d ihr
,'if gr a.hlevln8 cGPA/Letter 6f rda

auv€ Rsuk 0f2015.r5 Barh

SJ'Jd JNAfrO Reolt{cGPAl lL€tteiCr.d.


3 Manpreet Kaur 7,07 8+

lt 6,70 It
5 Shtra Karki 6,50 B+i
Ayusllohatia 5.9J B

eclalLarlor In slochemlttry
1 Sotvccr(aur 3.51

3 Malaya Ranjan Behera I 6,92 9+

6.85 B+

PanchinanlNeos 6,82
6 6,31
sukhwanr oagar
a 6.16 g+

9 6.04 B

10 aMdeep Kaur 6,01 0

ll B
x2 5,75 a
13 5.59 I

3 6.43

5.35 8+
5 6,18 B+

6 lsmapunj04 5.85 B


15napisc08 8.44

3 7.84

6 VedpratarhSalnl '1,35

MohammedWaseeh I B1

8 E+

;:tri#,?:.*::',ili,"'"Til. duer cenltk.te ln A.ademJc sedlon.

-? lelIlq
. vcsc.tr lorthe hrndtnrdma ontothdH4,bte
\jc--' (t'1
qr llmtrd,
,oeanAcademlcAfrahs I I
n4Brarj iniorneion
for I i
conc€rncd Dean (5) i
cor.0rehed coc
Accountssection I I
stud€nrs Nor .e 30ad



[il/ }.lr
R.bN LAPILLI( og|t pui,Lt |$ ft,& or ,r..r.
Central Un it )f P ulnliiaID, Bathinda
t: TI tl.,, Tlco,NI
The loriowrns nudenrr or N4,A./M sc ion 2015-16 have cohplotod the
requrchehts ot rY A,/M.sc. Desree ccPA/tettei 0rd. r
I t, achlevhs

cunnulall!e ne5u rof 2015 l5 srrrh 1,2,t

ReslrtEilonNo, Resulr {cePA)
r.'..th-*il; 5{rnoislnJclor&nr./Physr.aichemkuy)


r rev Dha, Dwivedr- 3+

M.d a,,sr,sh

3 ,.72

rs*;tsoi- f l:'s--l ;-
r lnammdeprauF

AbJd Narr
5' Mohd shahq
rhesrudents 5hould nore rhar:
DearilMarls.ards lhaI be ]s5uedon rec o dues Ced flcate ln Academl.Se.tion.

1, VCSectr for t
the ktnd informationro
3, Regisrrar: ioi lnformation

8. System Analystriorup oad on lniverei

en ra ntv v u nJa
Fet. N o.tct-tP s / cc/ coE / 17h a sulr/ | { Date:".... !1, 2.-2,.1.

The foltowrig studen$ ofM,ph . p osfaninq ot aademr. e$ion rols 16 hare @mp[
requrrefrehtr of degree of Mphil_ E.bnfrqr
studr.s Fhhvinc ccpAl ,,"'
"',r" ii


The srudenrshould noto that:

They wtl deposit proporioiate useof hoiEl iaciity during the inretoenin
overlns clorure ot3d semestert or5ubhisslon of hk dirsedalio6.

They wlll rubdjt a no dues ced ;1,

"r orfire b be el'g'ble ro re(eive ma t

*cb- \--l


vcse.tt,r for the kind int ha on of
2. oeanAcademtcAffatrs
3, Reskrra. I
con.erncd coclotc
concerned sqpetukor
- -
Peuonal File of thesiudeni
studentNotlce sorrd
otricecopyil I


- ll--r-----

Ret, Na.tcu ps/ cc/aoc/r./

/ to sut| 09 Datar.,,,,[1.:.2.f1 --., 2 A17

I, x
Nt.pr'll ptoa mu of &adom,c se$lbn 201514 h o
complered the,aqutruhents
tf degree
af d"see)o,r M.Phll, t*,ant
of talnt, achtevtns awAM/c€Pa/Lotttl
EcananLss achlevlng awAM/cePA/LottBl
6tade at no\|n asatnst het/ht,

son"l & x)
03.o4 -zOL

7.2614 03,04 -ZOt,

rlt studenrrhoutd iotethatl

2 she/Je wil/ dcposli proporflorate
I fee foi durlns the IniervcIjd&
""".-'*** "r""'*tu't" tf" aotu of subrtilnu{d tulh a

** " ""'*' *i*fi". to receivo marks5heot

'i.lil,;i:,,::,:l I

Conltrollor ofEErI{haUons
I vC sectt.: for th e
tlnd inror."rrofi ot ,t*
<' lean AcadedlcAffaks
3l I Resistrar
a1l concerned coclorc . I i
5.ll coocernedsupervrsor
5.ll Accounts seciion . . l
| ?e|sonatFlte ofthe Student ]

student Notrce


ill ,J,]
iii, i


rli€1 Ri d. rd"-rrqq4e
PEGD NO D.L. r ao0t00

/+NMV'tuRe - 9o?l

e of Sndto

1I ,?E g tcm, nean, qfld m, zok6q{ :r,lrjs
fi'cft-nrsi s]-ch qrat4
3r{crr sn+,r (Fc d {'rq i fror*i vn_sUr na.w* fs $tu dsr) Frhir,j,
n{ ft-d, 19 git*, 2016
il n, "' ,-."7-*7*,1g-*r-so ,. ]**#.-
il'' W Y*s;* f* t'' g'r ..w "r''* u.,',' iq, qrinjlal ir s{ ,'fr 6r

l'ffis'T#flTf# * Fr' 6 i\ re,r'dri r@P F<

#,#EL;s,: *5i1tr-# o.
f .#,fr ," *i -*
'. l1I,-g ,-.+ -e.q
3g1f ,"y.r^i_.r'*a
: x":*F ri:;.-"#i; fjci"+#";;'#';J*-lH,,.,_.
{E,rh ";- 1{c?r5
- ??Fn o no, . ij

1 1:'"'u" fi l,l" i#,trffiT?J#Tffi,T.s

**-;"+ +j# ; fi #;"+T".#-iiTT,r e- rrrerr itl "rYr da
r 5 F{E' rd
| i,JJ trftqlrf r"rd l{.len Oo *, .r *
6.dFffi .* i
l1;j'ffi'H',s*,SsffiH# gH*'J,m*^H *g **
r.lf*l*+@ ll

4fmgf*#ffi * lk' t "'*" * *-"*

vn-v*t vrq+ma ss

tuh{q- fi
Ent 6 dfez 3,ri"r cr E.in fq_€li
'*$'#. ;!;';;
ffidl,a o,l"r f6s !-zsevrRid trft iiirftF i;

in { fo$ S $kd rFqF


{ y6

IP^nTlll sDC 4

i: #*.< c"#\'+"rfu
Eu11 d- a p. e" t $-
; q '.5r'
.r-'r n-"+'.15'+
-t nr- r" tn { ' q'T
?'' 'r .ft +.r- "+ +q riq! -,
,: "#{".,A', - ; q 6i" ?4 €-q" 4 'r"' .'!'r;rF'}-F-tr $-: -
;; ffi H, *Jt *n l .+-" i{-" 'o. 'r ' -r' b'? '.' }
.!{" E cF;-J,:gF ? E Tr.j6 ^ 'r a* - i.r.:t:r* -
dqn sr g 'd
.#? t""g-ti,#" ""ne
t ,*o ftil,rff ,i g,rarqr di n.o\. { !r*ii. r"16 dtu'
<wnd ih.dtu{ fiqdnr Jtnft€ {l
.r,io !6 a. +.llJr i. +- P@ I .r"d r-. F- - TE l5r "t"t w
ri+n"(cl{nt frlti nln nrd d ttlid ffdr{l 3idfre i i

.;'-j *- ;- *"J*
- *- -,ii *tr *t r"r
n'"l ps h-r- * ftrs-"sl
F #"q -'i4) ''a
s'nq cllrt{l e"€ TJ
c"id' li?€ ard
i'lt#ioq-irc r'$"r1o-' 6-1'4
i= *
'r{ .l{{-to'+"e
ffi{ry5 e ry" *.**hi^[ry-l"-"ig'Jt#H
iil;h* fri"' iffi'i; i iii bt nh'i# no"1 * t *"'
i,/q:dLd tuq .r4 il "ai"* "-'"
3.5'ienr' 6I erfimq i{ni69n nq'frU rilacd{i.a tui r{'r' ri"'n * et
16 'r.{ t-r!- r".- g-rltl
!rq!z! k u?jE-.--t
.n"ff,r \f4 s rrF@-
I tr.i '{rjidr
3.6 r.E T65Fd oirnr.r
iwi,ed*ri a j-eq F'.q"ij{Il) {ir
fi d"lr -a-{'-;-Eq 6.-"! - dr.
'r I a_ue"t
. la@ 3r;F3.r-dd.t
,., aaa u-
#a';# qrn "-r-H'+
ft; -".- \ -"n.r.nd
nr dF t -r' rb P{+ti ? "r' d rr
ffidq ar?l frd F*rd'n 'ri
nn{c,i Jrjr.lt njt I
3.s {e" Ft F iir{i-n rq@ €qa-r,(.r-4.,rT q I"T-"T*-T1]:::
n c Rtrfi€ ilr r f{slt {'rqnt d q_4"ri F'{ i
i c rsF- t"p. Ji-"
sdr $ l

,T;;; ;' p

ai .4?+i g\
FrJc fr-<ql qRf4
s!. ri-<q'tua. iq
@r"dd aq p,"/ @ r
./*peF }ts{eEi q<,r{ n d@d --yt-! vir
R |TF fi F4rdI E qE

r, E!4r i ltr q'dr d rfl, E ir\ .Fsd ft@ .ryftrar,ar dr ,, -?r

@) m d non @ {q.!rq) n i,nsrr r r tir tnw'l'ffi r -rce-ar,f r,
Fg I Fd $ '6ful
4q qr lrirEr B1r
r) tu d 4r4! rR iry,i-R T
{arr ?n fta-dF m cFro d Rfl ciqrfi,
.::aaT t'| aq i Fn$ r- h DFr n-d, FnE q rq{@) q rfl hq d lir w
'-rflr' r{d@ (9! ln€/ d F\ c" " ",.,r
*ffi "#I ;qg y*HR;H+fiT
- +{i
i" s( € shFq n'dl
q FfrPTfl<' {qtl
r' q' rffJ-pr fi qR 4n qqrR *",
"'"" * '^it1*
!d'.{'pr F-* m,.&; ,r so,;e1j..i'; 6r lnt{il irrd*r F*r n'n
{qf t n"" sr' F*
F.rdrw nTfr l+'q,\ ;,.#--;;;;rvd;
rErnn tr'.nrr q'6{flf o asi6r i.Lc cqFftd€
1 i-w/? ?r"Fnr J,r? +ni qd@ cl:rd)
tu * Tdq T6 r'irdrm qTq$'q
FortFU 3i cdhd eFir $ {{i6r d td\ S,*
j_5Y- Td.h-fi" q-3] @ a-d lafirlfi
qr ! +{r ilqffs
E. r)-e me F{ Fi!]crf4 irrd"n-ri"-.qs! ..loFyr
q **a F;#;
m,*,!1. "r*.a
j :Lg S {^,** .E mqfiF{ e #
q€! Rq.l! qqr ,F{a, ,rn!
:ff i :i-! Ig"c' ^q n i'h.ftt?iFl q@; F'ry m *a Fers) o qr+"c{p
frqd *r t."! i qc" ]:1.
r -.r"n ' ' "i;
t-qi {'i! st{ ?,t?n q FFri4
r ,* r d sq rrlfin lFd F1 gqq. "fln
Fffi'trH *
ffi.fr#* -'q'r "r'tir si 'i"' q '+' p'tu #'"6";'- P ie
rj jl"'-{4fti 1-@ri d!' {di.Fr ya fi,d ?r? d q,cR nm ralc d
"r!4! i lm
T*l * nr "c
$ qii!
r-i-. o,+ +/uE m ;6r,nl

r S"1$ ry.rnrd.tohd a{ nurnc ri*nq $ qqq s s' sm lrq tu,,r

"'' a
+nrc't"naqn+.r"ild# me-,I vr# # fd{shqrdc E]il siriq Fa $ l!]F,/lidrrr nq;
d. r'.d a' Ff, ihJ4. , qF:rr /sDr.n@ Ire FFsRll f. ,r,tr
aFr.'o7Fi1'Frrcr !r.r
/f;;iidi#;#l B sd q kain i6J 6|n hrm {al
*fr lr<lnll
or,n dt{ r+ m 3id/&l ql
crq 3id/nct d *;;
gFt 5qn *+al'{ qr{4, n (wftrre)
E{sftrr l?,\ !i(ll nln a{ f({1" q*rrr
qisH ol dFd dftftrl
RE3ffi qr{rFl] rR'rll? n
"tr"' to ri
K%ffig,T+-.*,y* *q*i*i nir[,t.tor a * .rn*" drd" d q]frftra d
q,rFfl) ($r.|lri}d})d
fr!n_{ffi#/*,:,$ti ^ Srr td tnqhaF{ d ft{q} n"n Ehqql
ori qrd i{q?idiffiEffi
.,)u, d{.n. _qT
ff+{q 6 qrt tu\ qrt b{ ftrfr + +K{ .; .t,i. u.i ds. ,I-rl6tt ql ,ri,"
F.3rEntut, rlqd. EFrqqi 3irft S to! qd #+ irth""Ri'# i $ it i ftutq d'n rdit qr
a'n fl i,4 qr'{?.ir tuur n 6, I
it| ,\

3 o:iftq !!]q


ucc (cildrt rnn.sork for onnn. t"n""m n"r,''"u"', :or]li
N",bdhr. rrl" ""..*
d,r. "
.+" ro r isn.!.o ution rd b,nc dorr I o! bv kc krL hsrc I

e iftd d
* c-^*
' ii volvins onv.itioMl did ot li. .nus oi, o''{doc, ll*. i.-s.! * i viabre mdd.r tor implidis
i,3 YLrcA th. Iidi'n E ion ot o in. I.dli} is b.lns laun.hcd on m indigdNs phirom ol l@rr 4l trm(
srvaYAl/ w.b o, A.dr L.mtrs b, Yoqns4dAp i.gMi0d!.
1.4 'i
wh.Fd 6.6 r d n(d ro cr.0,. "nd{-s bdH.6,h. !ri.'I r.d'E orrr"r'0r)Ihde oFlf'orr'
L,mi'r ,h. @dilloi.r .riso;h-ie.d ddk ur -"d.d b dd.rop i u,qs @iiot lrcrkqv
'ndwhih is rcspmsiv. b himd i@dr-d
g@si6pl'dl bolndri.
r.5 *r.,k.
d.F i. 3 ud,o d,,, pr- i Fslri,o-y n{'.nn hd h rd thq !ft nir! r'( 1 elf 1 (
onrinc r.edinc ,id 6c rgutar c1N rcon bdiis,

il"'J"1i,""?1i;. *"*"" "f*".1".- -*"*a n,.r** ro -o 1,1'."""if1.r "

"...*,." ' iilt'. rh. followils R4ulNilo. nnfrati
s4rion 26 or m. uco Ad 1956 (No. I of D56),
c..-oo""rlt, t
r dkc i!r"r"i
:,i th{. R.qJlNn .h l bo v,llod rh, U{j( r({dr !rmc!o'c ' 'dfld f'drr'
su{YAM\ Rcsurarloo 20td | .- l
iL- aBblBhtn oI ioloDorard
''t,,ko mr
'. h v'ft is i i'
i',',',*::;Jilf,3J:i i:X i:,,";1*::;"i;xg;'";, t,
2.3 rha. .h,ll rudrq arpl, ro the trmstu or.4it of {!ch iudst who iE .mn.-d { .!lra/o'nr'o$ frddf
in ,iy.d,c,rioiar innirurioi in rtrdi'
2.4 n*o 6h.r on. inb roc fmm derof.rieYt.dloi h dr! ofnci,r cdd.
'rr. ii
J. DtnilrJon!: I
r |Adoitric con-. f ! hir * Ff .d b 'd. !ffiDB .siJdiu 'rr k'd.ac f dkre n m 'IF' um
r.rnd'Fs rh. de.ton'56 nrtr. +sms or"T dxdgr swAYAv
qhrhBo'qlr rors,hsrb-e
l, Lou6r.htlmonarae.''.sddnspanidrs I

THff,'," **'.",', "'",1 @i,a,", uit" -d A"d. c-"""*^ *e""r"a r.* a1l-'."
'"", l
. Qladtur-Il h acontn. |ni 3h'll snbi4: PDF/_Bookr/illusMrion vidd &dddEdom ddurnhh md
. oudn*In i. w.b R.!o. c,: L\.,.t d-. F..,.ar,*' op."c-h rhrrr''*'s+fn' +
roprlm' ot" rbj.. t. ,iu b.rT
. audDd.rv i ser.A\qlrm ,bd !d rcr,h 'lr Mco f'obkm or'a! *rslr{B Mo. l9r'hr'

Di3( Lronlorun,opa.id&r,Dsrp'rdF4a.4kri.ruon'r sn!ft m'o'ep d' 1.. .

d.'x'rrrddirr,'e(4enr"dDpr'|\.rrr Ih'-3'btrsdtrmN rclvli rhc
I i
| ',-t I

I flat'
sd e{]kftd tunrjo,ric D ridr'

j9"?9i:.Y]ji:-9*1,91,t. 9"y* (Mboc' ii. slch $ri!r_cqn$ e d?rdop.d

aN lor rr!
p.-d.sosy .'-,.d
h.rin. bJJoqn! ${ ,", ql_*-. *r"b;;ffi:,;;i;n;i;i;:;;i
r'- 'I,oOC. C.'lc'i..- -h. dsn gud..ft- on onj,n. h&.ns trj.d 0) h. Mdau vd. ,6 ord.r!
r r Mrnh20,6 hd nr,rq,tr jdo d",, ,"._ bj /,. M.jRD, oL,oJ

r3 J lsuo'rl Mooc, c@o'nro' .NMc, jr r NJon h..j !g.n.y d.,snd.d ,j ruch D, | ( co{, n'Ent ior ri!
I r.rorofr.mrtr8
r9 rh,tr nf'. hc n ri'uron rfi.4irr/cojkg. q h.E ,h! ,udo, .r oo,kd s , ,.s
rnqsdsrb, , pr, rh.pr r.rrbe I strbj4' Md.y E^pq
'o{ "1*r'op."g;d
d.r...s r., !r,- *., ur'iii
r'" s",, rd r.*. $-;g_ -.1 d h,sh *hmr..nsincnns/non{,ar.cc..,.1
I dlprodt s'..?,Pslsrdu,jon ' |
_ ,._ I
(c M,,h.,mqc", btrph, i, d .dloriond h,id:on ,o6nins o.f ,p(rn,
I wa,a, " t""rm
K$/otrs rf, apsdmq
-r.r,- iI nwAra,tpl.(dn,.MrfpJ,uoind.d;r.jtud;_d.ruod.onaJbrq.llnjrFyorHrJn.n.m-(.
":::1.*,.":"1j,i11" ot r Enjri.,L]d'bn tdctrt..

!odou., r.r orci,ehn.,,.ih.rr ,".,r.

.,1 "rf,i.,.s *h* h;.r.-t:.;;;; i nooci i".il""i
a, orbEkftninlcou^s:
' lI'c hritrcr.tunc.oj.. Jh,.. D. ro.. !\ajr-br- ol r. sq a, M phuo.m b) k p. d. nedD] (
rrht Mooc! cDrdq.u muso r Ho.r rn\rir u@, o ps d. $h.jrb ndr,ed bJ rrn w,
h. od,. k&nin8 corn so,iB ro.r dcrd h
Jdsor 40,onr,jDniis s.tr,d
]ni,4 qRL nom +. d,k ofnou lonrdn muJr
o'' * qo'3 ,+",r(tr"
fi ':rff
i ;;r::;;:,::];ilx:i,:lifi ii?ttr.""J;tr u*"ch p
'ir".! 'b.rwAY^M "d",', -"d
ilft ;";tTtfl tlit 1?:.ff [,."..j:ffi :"sTtri.li,tif:]t". "
d*- * ",.,,,
'" d,i' nxy hkn d @n\id',,.srs m,n. !ou*..r,
l['fiif,lt, ^"d.,,r" +.d,

i /ftit;*,:i:ki:{riitti;x;fl{';ffiu:*r;t':r#;r;r "", "" "',-,'".,.

+o tyik dbsr,s 15. o,rrm rc*"e c"_,* b, srl,L
;';$*JlsT -".",,",
[:,fg1*x'39Jm k;;:iil!iH]["I#;l'.Jfl i'":il$$il.Ti;]:iiJil'*
" diffi;;i::1ili:;%*,iJi[i,f"ffiX"tg,11**' *idc $' $udcis L'ft ushout th' cou!
ilti,',-,jli,'li1li,:.ljl;:a*tg""'."'"*.:-"'f,-*'y'.jr'hbrrcsujdch.sud.nuhrshou,rh. ou..
i'mi}fffi :*3t3fi #tr"*-*,"1,""J1,.*,****.grs'raidlrcMooc!cow
ftle@c u., !uw@!
t, o! pEd!6!cd nof@ ud prull'n ed s!.n bc bacd oD a conlhrraive
ili :"'j:"1:1.:!::ll * oscd
n*q ;J v."au -*.'rii-JT""fi*fi ffi;;J ffi';TH;
,quizks, ":
d.is@nts, $$iorar "i .d r"d
6 I '1

wlerh ,i dlii! drdirdioi vdld l' r: pff.l1fd rd:t 9l Pt rhll E aulhod!.d lo daida or
oi.otrdu.tln8 lh. firll .ximimdoi Tii, sbtrll 6e ovdica ol dE Cous it [)
r' tu; apo n. p,p.r f'4 \.ni,rni i ro b' .ordn1e, rl" rnc hJl be orircd
rl ! 'r,
.' Tl . d-, .. ' Fr' t -ih M o rh. PI lrtl
d _sds

rm m.mq.ins b o' dud | r

oI tr..xmimrioi
" " 'r
md co'ipl.[od dI rhc cvi]Mrid', th. Pl rhrcusl' bon
'6' 'rm

;;i,; ;.;;l:i#;"";;; ;;.;;;ii;;;i;r;;;:;;.;;.,;..'

1r.. mroaoilh d' ob . 0, r$L
k rj'uro. fouri $. Pr old.swAYAMlo 'h( 'rsrtFi3n'l.ir l.+Ffr+..'d 'ldtv lL.-'
nraL6rLrorrFH rnl
or,I. d.srddiejodi by rh. u'i'trii,y !,c
p'J"k" ,hd,h" p-s"', I" *hrri bb/rndkd col?rlosr I
i"'olv.-d. th" i;d i":dhi"" *ir;*ball "rd ft;;bd.iib fo';.;tud -rllrb lonpdrc( lid sc+Skrisl}
1cooonr d.i!. n,.!! rod- h i.ormllhrl /dRd.
a .;.'"t -"pkr d or'h4Moo. .-*,, 1"'gn. r bv+. 0r {d r{'d't 3r
Lh. Fd h!.toh lidtr, b,i" ",r pyn rndr rorlrl

crd \r0bfi],r.fMoocr L
fl. p!_r lr{ir,'ioi d t' !i" q.slr'!. ro f'. ro' + Rd"i1'1tr'r[\
orlh. r.'n r!(orrdM'or!r twaY..r/ olsrId.o ln rp * or r\r'd'$
p olhn
No-.,*,r;"I"""-t*d.',.-".drobllab,,h..* --,.d'h-'!r voo'

Am.nd" c't (oui'.d itr u"r'*.rt" n"![t"* r""s*.'.*
rur* -a nssulario rIorsmn
Uni.cLrr Ru14'rd r.r"*";"' avooc" I

Erd 3hdl$bn4@ttfiln
futior shrrr r *[
*irhin 4 @r, *' *" t i ' . ot **.
dsl. of rr. . o"rrur"*
""grl.hon' *,rr
h!I *-f i6t *"
c,'n;*d a,$eiLy, ,h" *-,,r."i! tequid itr rh.ir^*" "
odiis.ci Rurd Rcsihriod dc h DiPl,oirh'
p,ovklo ofrr*eR.surariutr. ]

-J' ' n' r'rD' so'o1l I
nculil'ffid0iicli.hdl|loie.dodo'lhf.yd'"r* '' 'h 'r''dtr'



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o,n.#liiP"ili[,1ii,i,1, BT##fiiil",r"r ftt rue-xueS Zst

tn .r-"t"" !r
ridcrcrasc a lE
,r" po"ou
pdv-q mnf.,rclt ilJy C.nk3r oovolred vrde Dlorjficad
,!.,,2 uJr.o re&JAUql]a -nrc.cl
2017o hcMbiscv.rL^b.Drn
i;::G'":? iil;fl Jg;:in: i,."yfix;i:r"*t*tiilx"Ti:rii:1st:
;; u:6if ",Jts:i ;i,,:.;:t * xtT3rn*?,."?'":,1
i:.":;1,i: yJ;i idoi i roor *-. J
,.J\ ufdcr sa,
j.rprorr #[',"TlTff e!"d
"*'.l{dkql s uDd€r
cone tr.c.I or q4.20rl

H3:lta._a? ff#jiff Jf
*;inc}ii;1-,xad:i";,r;ii;;firy-uriEs l
r]r ahim0o
;;;.: ;;*::li;fi,.';:::?
Thcrc[orc reFs or
iraua:ng t4c.0,.:c rdrF ard varirEtr
I,fi:ft&";T,tr H1#;il flifl,,:T:'j:

4 ttrclrclr rridh* n{Irs er prt

(IjcEJlo4 4r o',oa! wti s4i; 4$ nr i!

rfdq, 2!J,7j UbrF$sJlu {$q!icAuo{ol

No.t/r30)l2017.t s"lr
0ov.md.nr oflhdla
Minl6fJ' of laboxl & EnDto.t,mcnr
ofi e of $c chi.rLabour Co;r!6stond.a,
lNesncrl'l ' I
r' .rcrqsc o' th. po-" |(brlicrrsd by Cenht ...pmnrr' vrl
Nodn(,ridl N.. t86tEJoa,.4 jou..r"nrJ,y,zorzotrlc vtnnrao.LLboural
Eo?layrDcqt tlrc uddsilncd ,ircry
+!isc rhe rares oi v!riebr;,Dc@c!
Allowacc lor tl. workqs mpjoy.d ul|rsrtoullu,. {.e.t Or.O..rotr on,ro]
ba6icoIr.llcavcra& consulr. lari(c lndJv {dr r,rd usrnd worl(cE (s( i,uE r 7Z. l
llod 271 4 Dn sr.l2.rOlo (8ase 2oor-Iicted drcr.bv re:ur,,"," J.-=,
o16,6 poims. tbc [email protected] vdrjs;rc Dc$iss Atld\6cc a" "'- ui
p4yablciiln.01,04.2or7:- "ia",l.v*ra
Tlclcfoq, thc tuiniaum rales oi wag.s ]ndudnrg $e basic ldtcs &rd. Veiabl i
Dtucs! rlloranco peJ'5btc. $,:6.11 01,04:2q17 b nlc crploy..b r+rd rrd d I
urdd: :

qkSo? o' wod<cr \at.s orua8.!l cudjrsv.D.^. AFa \sse o. da,

II ; lin Ru!..sJ


".1 I
Flre No,1l1314)2017 LS,ll
Govehrient oI lndla
f4lnistry of Uabo!r& Employment
ar the chlF:r LBbour commlssior e(c)
I Dated)12/4/20r -7

. .- in se,clse
or t}c porsu cbnicrld by da c.nlrJ covcrnmcnr v-iqo
No.s.o. I89lcJ darrJ I9P Jei4,y, 20 r? of lnc r,tirrtsqy of r:boui &
!rnpioym.4', llrr undd€jAneJ tl*.by .+rise rhc reres oi Vuislrc om-6!
AJrouoce on lh. basis av4.8e co! rDeipne Ind*l nuhlpr tor lhF pr.edlEa
pcnodor u. F
on'n endlnson 3t.tr.rolqrcachine277.sfrod rt
ruui and u,ereby i" sr _tcrea+ or6.5 pouB for rldulr4sr sorkard
tuld d!rc''haL Oii 'esLlMg
ordr. sh4t -omainb \|.at. oi,A4.20r?,
r) /:q?FS of v D A.FoR FMPJ o\ El:s EMPLOYLD JN .sToNE MIxEl" Lou,o bc

rtem or *ork lRdrcs or vafiab.c Dearness Atlpwaice

as an o!_4_20t7 1,

1. Excavation & removat

of over qurden wtrh

(l) soit soir

(ri) 60ft finitryi$ ilrl l--.ir

(r0 Rock
:, Removatand sGckhq
or rejeded stanes .wjth
50 melres tFadl 1.5 l""o

l *l

rhe,erc.6. )tbq mldh,urn plac€ l[t..,^

De€rnerEAllownhtepayrble.w.+lf. 0
sbne [trddelhaffteE4 qddefr-l I

& iCMgi:l

.(€ idftes,, ulh


ild EFgno mA.


rhe workers erp..yed

ony woL d be enitrred"" ,,",,,;';""."",""0 ,." ..i
tolthe rele or mtnlmLh wag#s plr
atavratcet n art, ror ulskilled c eso.y or above oro.rnd horker
trom nnr€ to tlre br, tle lcenr,tt Government In r9E!4q or I
empJoym€nt k slone nrie1.
I ffl ;',:ll*fi'T.ff

*'" *** '",[**.
i I

No, ll
cov+dddlit .r hdia
Mirislry o{Iibour& Ehplorm.n!
ornc. 0f trr clihl Lq!,bur coDdissioh*lc)
In ,\crci'. of d1c bv ttjo ccn(..l o-"-r*.
"*,* -..*lt ".-Jl
Notificstor No. S.O.190{El daed r9r Jpauat, ,or 7 .f &c vtr kiry.r L€bou+Jf
& EmpLtrnert. Lhc undcrolsrcd ht,cbt rcvisc lhc or vaflabld D.€ ncdrr
Alomnc. o. thc basls or Fe r\tms. f n3r'n prlcc '3rcsird.* runL.' tor t'r. ,i
prc*dlnAp..iod or6La honth sdn S or Jr.L2.,2or6 -715rrod )7 A
'.6c,rbiEof 6.s:poilu r-lr
rEade 2001 - r00l ed rhcrcby rrrMs
mr djrccr rhar |ni6 o$rer 6har (om. ,nro lohc {.c -{l
,t TES OF V D,A,rOR EI!@!OYEF.F EMPt-OvED rN EnFIor-*, .'**O* f]
ud cl.anhg .xoludlDs E.tlvltlcs llobibli.d !nd.r lfi. EhPI9.!mc'1 ql
M{ al sok'gds and conrtrtclioi of Dry lrtrlt.3 lPtor,,bltlonl Ace
rh.r"rore LI.c m nrmum rntcs o .!rsc* l.auar
tn" tosrc g d'lll vqr rbL ll
Dedncs< Allow@( pryAblc *.c.fl ol.dk 20 17 ro tllo cmploYtr\ , dr t c a
**'" ,L- fl
ARIA wAcEs P'lrs vlp.A PERD^I jj
I Bqt" wus"" {,LD.A loli l
l,R6.r _- F.,r ___-4:li--_]
350. 3sq

f.bc.VDA has Lbc r.xrricJ tuP.c as
'r i,he

1",1"",,,-.,"" .,, ." [*"ja^

Parrl ttrhc tddlcatior. whctoas tlasqkcafion oI aitj;s bo sd44
qiu I

PjJLII or tI6 norifrcaEor daied re,i].rot!ry :o r7. riic pre*N

I rd Y.adv tcfdel'lf'
o des i!1o a.. s A, B & c is ddo.# d

, lmgfue
I l:'ll.-


l.No,r/l (6) 2Q17' I


l;?'nffi r1#;;j.i{iffu$,.#:}:T;l.T""ryfis,fl xij_-r

#,;fi #:"r.ff ,iTiffi'J:1:r,grijft ;ai;!ff ff;.j#"*'js.,Ef
;;;|Ttit1',,:i.i,',tr::fJt :;:S"::'iii..,; :lTi fi r"a*raf '-r"*i

,ry#xf un'friiffiiii$ft{ffi',?$dflH,ffr'qffi i?,F$

RAtEs oF wAcps Ptu$ viD.tflER DA)l'
Easp Wegcs V,D,A .To
I 'lEa) Rd
)4 F
=-=;i 6o3t
n1c nrnrarum roRs oI Nr ct
i/eitussAtlowlnccpatabt siiowiDe thb bA$io .eles a'! varidlt,
w.€.i Ol, 14,2017boemllayece 4folt4llD:tVAiI
twq ora6l yordd bc a5 lrnder.
R4rEs ahwldF-i s 1/D,6 $Ea pa

AS*'"* J*,

Ffi{q! UapscssM}i1

'{s F.6n]liitnRat*i.4.

cdv{'nmcli! ol hdla

Mlnhrry ol Lqbp{l&.Elnplo!d.11
ornm dr thc cltbl tqlhlr odnrnksionvlc)
ndrlt l
D.tcd']44/2al n
oRllER i
ln trtdcisc orr. pouq " rdnr.
q.o, I9?(!,, dakd lau. Muary,'rc
oy cl,,r. c-.mo o r ' d'notridrion N€
ro17, !l'b_ M.nls!4 .ftabd,& tnrPlovDr-tl
l,]1. !nde' orddd. l.r.b / r cflsc 11,. rk{ ol Vdiablc D( d,e33 Al)ow^rr- 0n td 'l

tasl6 olthelverd!e cin"uo.r pr'cc tohq ro.tcr Io" i _ !,a "Ju.! udi)d cll
n! hotlho e,dh;, rr.t2 i o 16 \.artlnE 27l s ttud )-l {Bas'i 2!n- ' I oq)
ed dcirby rsilins tn d :_!rase oI6 6 porti fo- lndustrlul worroF d+l
dnEct t]1at $js orC.r snoll couc ret+e e.. t 01 04 201?

r) MrEs oF vD.^ ron rvfl&ras EMplo\cD l! LoA,crNc ANlq

EMPlovMI;rrs: finl DilcKs AxD PdkTsr AND llv) ^PASSENGERS GooDF
,cwo cARoo cAdRrio our AT AIR?pRTS {Bolu rN ERxATrorcAL a:vT
Dol4srlqi. i] ii
nniT rm rarc" ^'""g.1ln":,a-s t" o'"f -n"' dtld vMablt]
lh6rcforc, rre
+*"^ i
w e 0r 201? io t\e
'ne-*" *'" *
i5;;"'-*-- l! JI


J:e, {r Nrno ,i teq ! u{ 1!trh! irirrqL
r onlri in f rlLi.rilr r d c,'triud rltr' u
;: e' 4ur i4 rar/i | {

:l lii ii '
' " " ,' '' ".",'. ",,',". " *," ]].'
i4iri/kr ulriiiLl, eNr( b 1ir q' ril' r r
':; ;;1; .n u,^ , ,trrirFdJ
,c(!rd"riji l

r;';" ;:i iirLe rtr 6 0,!u! os! uk,t{r d

l) ; i;;i, ''.",'..",,'...'.."^.. "... ".''",.,."',,'|,,..
hl, $r,iLln iculs,!u Grl! d

FIN! rr:!rrr30,!.#:orr)l

Itri-.;J- -


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n--,fiL .glu .-
v,tr F | -l:L

I'lL _

".",rs,"*11i' ffq&
?"'#if i"n. ; *r *' ""' r 't
4rFm qil l{q
:.iitrrinqtr Jr rR|1lt rt' inr'i? ?



1i €*ukt' 2s 34
Ccntrrl tJnivcrslty otprrnjab frN
rn o0, Ps (:009)o 'rrtiNncnll
Rrr N,: rLrr'r/ccx7,1.I./ D.r0d,,,....,,,,,,..,,
sub: D!hits rcrtrrdirs conrRdurt rttonrrnrcn

l, - L ot5o ebrn{lcd ,hd r $ .ln n,€^tc

rroresof oi puelj rcmpoDD & |qdE.hll basis lor one senesrer
adverlrcDreDl No, CUPa/Enab./t7l014. iD $hich
ai'l appoinrDer' leie6 we4 i$ued ro cqTei"ed.

qlurpR, x8u, Dosh llh€ns

qgrt! !r. t-pa" & c""D,."i,,. Ub
Nifu ofSclocLd $ndid.r.
p. A hr",her a, p""d.J, s,o v,;i-;u|'-t;A

M. ssi'rAh3$d Do sl'r NueidrtSii

unco'scitrhr 0ndidre

\'ri. of sehchd cxrdjd!rc

P4!b ceg, D o sh;, o',rt!;S_6

Nrm.oIS.t(hd crndid'r
Mr. S,rinde.si,st,, to shr P:ra, s

lr nay kindiy be nored rh3r facuhy ncmbe$ have been ofered

consolidared satart oftu. 50,976/- thusnd nine hDdred dd srenry-sk

2. The Universry hasal$ isucd an ofier of appoinrhenr rcmr

{A\iiaf Prc.a\or nCenrft torLlu-,\jo,ssc,njtorrhese$:on
,d\enbemonr \o. I-0nr0t4,. TAtOt,tdt4r& | .{f.Otr20,uru..
.o mct, h.n u:rl loDolm ed :sja4lot R.. 50.a7o - rRJr<\
nundredaf,d se\cngji^only,
.l-' j

lllsai $,
Central Iilniv :r;ity of Punjab
lltsrrblished vido rn Acl no. 2s (2009) ofPrrli.h'eDtj

3. lr is also submilred dar tie univ siq lias dppoirled $e follo{ins seven
tacuJry meDbers in pevious semester for a adcDic calcndar 2016 l7 (e!cn semesleD
as per lhe requircoenl of ihe Urivcrsny:

. hr h\ rcD o! s!rrs4jl!!!l L

nm' Eotu or cuL€ ro, Mi h.mr

slo, Prcra$q, cotu ftr HcMrt

.-,.*o ,*r" l,*" J-"0,
u,iveBirv on 3r.05.2017. rne ur;l6ir lecei;e
neDbetr for rc-aploinlhenr in tr'" *{, **rp"'
2 Dr AmitKash\3n l
i. o'. H*.*p""r'S.gr r,foo' i
4. Dr. Rajcsh Kune
5. Ms, SandcctKaur

Tre reippoinhenr maftd of rhe abfle iac

per rules od prcvGions given in centml Unifsny

4. lurrnerly, ir is .ho sDbhincd d,at,lso fd, followine rcgular laculty resigne

fron rheirlosr drrins 20t7,

cJ,yu *- I i WL' 2{.
nt\rAI€x^*L, 2t. Bs-
I sElncroN cnrrEnreANornoce{lrnrronrnrrosrsiirs;;AWE;uii--
i' i


:rfp.rj 0n rhr ba.^ or n:nimrm et:grojl.r', condr,,ons 0, nentianpd ta odvetEfs/,nen ttle
j,ej,sdbsequen,'v,he (r
.1[:::]i:,';i;':,;;'lliiTiili "u;;fiT';'* ;;05

sqb-ll AfHc"l !
"rms rdp ", *.".*{f'."g c,i,*,". rop h'enry mnd,oares srI bo cst,od ror
,n'!ru"tr. oed,nst oft p6r l, hc nudbed ot posl rs ho,e rrqn one nve candidaaos tor oach
agruddi ron rv:/, be tulhd (eg. ror (p posrs. rop Menq .rve cdndid"res wirt calt6d ror
'rGrve4 'ca\Po
;l#iX;H:in:;;:l'*"t "a r"' iil'lo-i{'''i

liir A$isr rl-ibrtrhn Dbputy l-lb'?rian

Ja) Library nesemclr

I papers (Ptve)

Evaluatjon: (50%l bl orsanization

1o0) tsoe") I
recofd ofinnovadob
library servlces and

t20yo) i Plans (20%)
t t30%l

tntriun ratio shau not b.l.rs thrn 1:3.
ri'ftpr p'!6 rdv,is c :de rr! orni ,0i004 i,,d r{ic .frh, ernry rr,.tr,h hd e1 *ri cll|I I {,'r
sepJ: lh" oa$s ol nrn.hun p isro ir (ondrnon. (!s mcn'to-"d n advsrlsfm(t) o
appl:drolsw.l.op crur'nrzedrocheckrherr"Ig:biliry.lrel"rorprov.<ronry,rB.bl+cnrurd cs
hlbed(plrycdol he unJu"rsif webjre. Subseq' "nrty. tt" ertevdncc. (i d1)l rFtovc. Iar
c.nd drtes hroughe.r"ilwtrhin frv"d"y. wtlbeconrdored
S.pJI Ane- cons'dpr'ng tle Bleu,nn, lkr or ehgio e .a-didd\ ro rlr. Tes l] (w caL.'
'hc I
.rppr."ble of iherevef dniverety reek d rdqr.,cdt $,t o" ror,rFd on Ll" L, tro=lry wcr...e.
Tnc Skill Terl silt help to ludge spe.ial kJnowledge .iDabitity oI hJndling sdirhlstlcrtcd
cquipmenl, .ohnuni.Jron skilll, redl.iimF probt.n solvinB and rhrlyii.nl +lt,llr ol drc
candidatein desi.cd ard.ssociatcd fields. rrwill conprrse ofjob rerated hands.o jlprr.thcs,
te.hDical knoeledgeand tools^ech.idues rclatcd tojoD p.ofile, To pass this tesE, candidrtes
mu't har'e o oourn nnimuh 600/0 nirrks. tle s.rll 1e.r rrl. bc o qualruing E\hlLrrc o1ly.
Step-Iil: Airer the Skitl Tesr ist ofprcvisionally eligible .andidates J
Test wili be notilled on rhe Tst wi emprise of ?
o' Cioice rype Question (McQl

LangurAe prc6ciency jn English, Ccn.. 30 30

Knowledge, Analytical Ability
University Systen, Central U.iversitics lHo
Acl 2009, Statutes and 0rdinances J0l'/l
Office Pfocedores, Filing, Notins, Drafti

Lansuasq afu)a papqelll b. tnglish on|,
be hu heguure ndrkthg lbrwong answer

SteI"Iv: Top tw€ng, candidates of the w.

the tumbe. ofpostjs nore Inan one, five
two posts, to! twenry nve candidates wil
test candidate(s) securjngthe marks equi
ofthe candidates wil
be called, Selection
IDteNiew(25 Markt as dep'cri.i Delowi

Flnnl Crtterla for S.lcction

NlarksSecured by the Candidate i0 Written 75
Marks Secured by the Candidate tn Inte iew 25

1. hteruiew wiil be .onducted shall notbe less than 1:3.
2. ln caseofti€ in ffnal na.ks,
al sehiorin ase.
b) Ma.l.s seclred in WrutenTdsL

ll o
i snrrcnoN cntdpnlA 6ttr rnoceounn ron
rr\!jrr I 6b dsrr r. hrrdqi r(rnr Jj a*.sod. D. r €r ind coor,,

frap.t: 0n rhe ba5rs of minlrnum etiprbitrrv cJndlrj

,ppr,.,o".*,r ou.-,t:"r.J,;;;;;i.''11fi;i,1;i;:'Tli:"J:il1i'"i!llii,:li1l?;,,Ji
e.;*^* i ;'"",i -.r,-i':;r,";
4:1:.1'",17"'ff: l':',.lll;,?il.::;'; i:".#lt:t;Jl.
qt{p-rt: Ato rcn,iddh8 ,e g,*-*. ,1" ,"i * .

ff ;:ii;.ilr1x#.5 j.,riil:,j;:ti,"ili:J,:;ii:j+j.l;i#J: :xtilf,..,ff

-;rlii:icd'hunk.rrcn st,ills. reJr+ihe probl;m
eqlrpmcnr, s;t"i"g La ,",ry,i.ir
;:l;,J"il x;?Til J";:TIT :,,ili iillif ;Jff?;l ji Jlt#,::::j",:lpili J:;:" *,'
srf.lll.Afttu,hesk,rt.tes(,i"ppt.crb,eJ.l,helsfofet.grbtecr0d,ddresrorw,i en.rcs(wrltbe
norned on llp Jlrver,jry wcb-rte. Tn" whl.en fsr wrJt cohpflse of toO
Mrluple Chotcc q,;c
Qqtsdon (rvcQ) asper tlefolowihs detajts:

l-ahsuase prcncjency jb E;'l; n"""1

lft ovledge, Analyrical Ability
universiry system, cehffal uni
2009, Sratures and Ordinances
ofRce Procedurer Fjtih& Notnr
u *"fin&
vuesnon' rerev.nr ro suble.r/ p." T


s Ivr Prepa.ation of Merjr for Setectio
fks sccurcd tn wrineh test orty'

r! caseof tieinw.itrehTest willbe prepared In fouowine order:

d) Marks securEd in quarig, ,""*,{."



Stsp-I: 0n rhe basis of miniDum elgibilility conditions (as montjoncd in adverti Somont), t)c
atplrcations willbescrutinized ro check theeir4liCibility.Thelistolprovkionallyellgib
wrll be displayed on the universfy webstnte. Subsequcntl, the srjevances (ir any) f+cclvod irom
candidat.s thfough e,nait within five dayr wliJ
\ be consjdered.
Step-U: Aft er cohsidering the grievan.e, theF I oip isblF."ld dr'4 ro, _e{o.mrncqT0$w L
,edormance Test elll measu.e spcclal knowl0dge,
dotilied on rhe universjty webste. Thd p(
capability of handilng sophhd.ared iquuiplrenL, conxnunicatlon skills, re.l.tlrjlo prollon
sov'ng an.l an.lytical skills of the ca'rndldatc in desirad and associated field3, lt wlll
cohprise of J'ob rctatcd handeon placctidps, technical hnowledgc atrd toolsr/itcchnlqucr
related to job lrofite, The porforman+ TIesi wjJl be of25 marks To pass thls tes-tij cdndldites
blst tuve
nr!5r have o obtajn hlhinun
to oDErn hihjnun bu%
60% ha.b
ha t ells
(i Mark). The
15 MarkJ. thi+ tes!wlllbe
obrained in tnr=
rhe marks obtained
courted ror
for prepa.atioD se,e.doi Iiisr CaDdidates.
of t,al se,e.ri( ouaji& th. Pe.rormat
aDdidater who quaji4/ Pe.format14 Test wJIl
ony be eligible fo.furtbefp.ode$ olre.fuitr
elisible fo.furtbefD.odes ofre(
Step-IlI: nfterthe Perfomance Test, rhe lieible candidates for Written Test will
on tne uDrve.siry website. The Wrtten
(McO as pe.the roUowinsdetaih:
Il comp.ke of 75 Multiple Choice tyF ht':l;
l: I subject f

1 | Language pfoffciencyin English, Ceneral 30 30

I Knowledge, Analytical Abiliry
University Systcm, Cent.al Universities ! L
I 2009, statutes and ordinances
I 0ffice Proredures, Frling Norihg, Drahrnr
I Col Rules etc.
h.,. M
2 / Q restioDs relcvanrto subhct/ Do+ 4S 45
TOTAI, 75 75
La\gudse oJthe poperwitlbe Enslish (for ctou) 'B post ) dndHindi 3.Engtish (fot crct)
ahlJ. Each carrect aneet ||itt cqrry ane
Vark and there will be no negative narkin6,
), 1

step-lV: heparation ofMerit for SelectlonrS lection ofthe candidates will be nade o
ofPe.iomanceTest (25 Marlsl and written Te t (7s Mafksl as dcpicted below:
Fi.al Crlt€rta forSelecdon
M,rrks Securcd by rhc Candrdste rh terform, 25
Mirkl Sec!rcd by the Cahdrdrre rn Wriften 1 75


An/r/*uQL- ,{. %
No. 6/8/2009-Esfl. (pay l)
Government of tndla
Mlnlstryof Personnel PL,blic crlevanc€s & p€rutons
Dopartmcn! of P€rsonne' & fra'nln9

Newoelhi lh6 17trJune, 2010


Subpct; Ilanster on depllation,,foreign service ot Cenkaj Governmsnl Emptoye€s lo ox.

caare posts under lhe centrsr Govemmeny state GovemmentvplbJic sector
Undertaljngs/Autonomous Bodies, Universitiey UT Administralion, Locat Sodles
€rc. and vrce. verca Regut€tjon of pay, Depulation (duly) Aflowance, t€nure ot
depLrlalion/ toreign service and other t€rms and condiUons - rcga.ding.

Ihe undersigned is direcled to refer to lhis Department's O i,1. No.Z/29l91,Estt (p€y

ll) daled 5'" January, 1994 as amendecyrevised from iime to time. A need has been
fett to
consolidate ali lhese orders in one praci and accordingty, it has been decided, in
coDsultalion with Oeparlmen! of Expendjture, lo bring out a setf contajned O.[,1. in
sJoersFssior otCM dateo 5 I 94 and subsequent dmerdnelrs on the suDject. incorpordrn!
Ine p.orsons ot ealie.ordefs s tn sritao.e modr'tc:!.ors wherever necessary

2 Applic€lion

2| ordeE wrtt €ppry to a[ Centra, Gove,nFelr emptov€es who are regLrrarty

appornro on deputrlio.{oreign se^ce n accordance w:th Recru,rmelr Ru es ot rhe
.ad'e iosts. under tt-e sdme or some ot-er Deparlments of Cenllat Govermenr
or Lndel
me slale {j0veinments Union reiritofies
lAdTrnistratiorv Locat Aodies or under Certla|/
rlale PSus/Aulolomous Aodres elc s€t up or conFolred by Celtra|/State Governmenrs
provded the forergn sefrice under sLch DEus/auronomoJs bodies h€s
been permfled In
,eExarlon o, apporntrnenl or rmmediale dblorpt;or
basis Thes€ orders kr atso cover the
cases or iegular appo,nlarent on depLrlt odiore.gn seD&e ot emproyees of
uolemmenLlocal bod,es etc as wert as psugAuronoroJs Bodres of Cenlrarsrare
Governrents as per recruilment rutes in the Centrat Gov€mm€nt.

2.2 llowevet, lhe tollo,,ving c€ses sha not be covercd under these orde6 for
separare orders exist:

(a) l.{embers of rhe AU ]ndia Seruices bnd tttos€ depuled 10 posls, whose terms
r€guraiEd undef speciftc srrtutory ruJ* or orders:

(b) Qtticers appointed on deputation lo posrs undef rhe Centrai Sraffng Scheme (CSS)
o.ders 3s issued trom time to tjme wil oontioue lo apply;

ueputalron to Posls operated outsjde India;

{d) Appoinlmenis ota specillc Glegory of empoyees io a specifed class ol posts, such
as appointmenls made in lhe Personal Slaff of Minislers elc, in respecl ot wh cjl sp€cia
oders are already in exislence. However, the lems and condilions set oul in lhis O.M. wl
apply lo lhose @ses (o lhe exlenl lhese are nol specillc?ily covered under slrch speclal

(e) Appoiflments of lhe nalure ot deemed depulalion or lransleB lo ex€drq posls

rade In piq-.cies ol serylce wtn lha sp.cf,c cordil'on lhalro dap dro rou\rarowance
wijl be admissible e.g. {i) interim arrangemenls in lhe event of conversion ofa Governmenl
office/organkalion or a podion lhefeof into a PSU/ autonomous body or vi.e veEa and (li)
appoinhenls lo lhe same post in another €d€

3. Scooe of T€rm 'de outalion/ toreiori servlbe' - Resticllons on lrcalifa an ,ooo i ntmenl
as on depulation/foreian service.

3.1 Tne Erms deputalion/foreign setuice |'lrll cover only those apponlmenis tlal
made by lEnster on a lemporEry basis provded the lranster is outsid€ the noma lield of
deploymenl and is in public inl€rest. The queslipn whetherthe transter is oulsde lhe nofmal
tield of deploymenl or no1 will be decided by thd aulhoily whlch conl.ols lhe seNice or post
trom which the emolovcc is lransiered

3.2 Thefolowing Vpes ol appointments wlllnolbe l€aled as depLrtaUonforeign seruice

for the Durooses oilhese orde6:

(a) appoinlmenl of seNing employees made ether by prcmolion or by dir€cl .ecr! tment
irom amongstopen maftel €ndidal4 whether on pemanenl or temporary bas s.

(b) permanent appoinlment made bylransler

(c)Temporary appointmenl made on the basis o1 peFonal reqlsts or employees.

(d) Arangemenls necessilaled by slatr imba ral;ces on re-ors.nisaion or oml"" on

the same or diflerent slations, subject to the Speciilc condition that no deputation (duty)
allowance wilrbe admissble in sLrch cases.

3.3 A person in 3 h gherGrade Payls€le otrpay shallnol be 3ppoinled on depulalion to

a post in lowet Grade Payls€le of pay li ihe depulalion is lrom Cenlral Governrnenl to
CentmJ Government and also in cas€s where lhe sc€le of pay and dearness a lowance in
the parenl c€dre post and ex-€adre posl areslmilaf.

3.4 However, no appointmeni on deputationforeign seNice shall be made iromlo

Cenlral GovetnmenU an organisation where thd pay scale and DA in ihe pafent c€drc posl
and ex cadte post ate dissimilar if the basic pay an lhe parent c:dre increased bv one
incremenl plus dearness ailowance(s) incl dlng inleim reliel if any, admissibre to a person in
lhe parenl cadrc post exc€eds the basic bay plus deaness allolv3nce (s) including inte m
r.l:ef, r aly. athe maxiTln o'Ihe pay scid o'the ex-c€dre posl nfe
evsed pay
sruflL€. lie narimua o{ l\. sc?lF would neah lhe sum o{ lhe G_ade Pav of the ev cadrF
Dosl and matimirm oflhs
pay Band PB 4 i.e. Rb.67000. Foretample, iiiheex_cadre post
rn Ine Grade Pay ot Rs. 4200, Ihen the nlaximum would be Rs. 71200 ie. Rs.4200 pius
Rs.67000 (maximum ot PB 4).

c Erercrqeor opt|on

a-1 i
An employee appoinled on daputaiidn/foreign s€rvice, may et€cl lo draw eirf,or th6
pay jn'lhe scalo of pay of depLrtation/foretgn sorvjce posl or hjvher basic pay in lhe parsnl
cadre plus deouldfon (duly) allosance horeon plus personat pay, it any. Fowever. In c€s€
ot Governmen I emp.oyees on deoLtatron/ tore:gn servrce ro CoSEs, this opron witt not b€
i arjowedand lhei, pay w,lt be gove'ned in termsot lo€ ordeB.lsued by Deparhentot pubt,c
Enteprises vde OM oat6d 26.1'.2008 and cbnfcations issued rh€.e3frer.

r' 2 The bo(owino aulhority shafi obtain tne opton ot rhe emptoyee wthrn ons monr
date ot jo.n.ns rre exsd'e posr urress rh€ mptoy€g has h,mserf furnish€d th€

]rn" oprion on"" r" ri,]ut.

"*"r"isuo "r,rtt
empJoy€e may revise tho option Lrnder lhe following circumstancas
lrom the dale of occunFnc€ bf the same:

(a) lrhen rre/sh6 receives protoma promolion or is appointed to non,functional setection

grade or utrgradalion of scate in (he Darenl cadre:

(bJ v!41en he/she is reverl€d to a tower grade ifl the parent cadrei

when the sele of pay ot the parent posl on lha basis otwhich his Bmoluments al6
€gulated dL,ring depularion,fofeign seruice or of tho ex-cadre posl held by tho
employee on deputation'foreign sertic€ is revised ejlher prcspecl vely or flom a
relrosp6clive dale_

(d) Aas t of
Slek Gr gra
I pay n h'le ll bi
I k )t
f" ch nso
rg in
iti sf(

ag rdr llff Nll (rh

Notei Revision in the rates of DA, HRA or ant othef alowance eilh€r in the parent or
borowjlg organisalion shall not b3 an occasion fol revision ofrhe oarlier oplion.

4.5. ilflhe pay of6n employee in hisc€dr6 post undergoes downward revision, the pry in
lhe ex+fdre post is also liable to be re-tixe4 on lhe basis of revised pay and in accofdance
with lhe rcvised oplion ordxisting option il thd smptoyee does not revis€ his option.
5 Prv firalion

5.1 !4hen an enrployee on depulalion/Foreign Serv ce olecls to draw

pay attached lo lhe ex-c€dre posl, his/her pay may befxedas urder:

(i) Deoulalion tuom CenlmlGovenmeil lo Cenl€t Goveri menr

rf lhe scale of paylcrade Pay of the ex-c:dre post is higher, rhe pay may De llred
srleradding one incrernenltothe exisljng pay ln lhe Pay Band ofrhe parenl cadre post The
gEde pay coiiesponding to lhe ex-c€dre poslwo!ld thereafler be g.anled in addition lo lhs
pay in the pay bafd l-Jowever, in c€ses whbre lhe lixallon of pay in the ex cadro posl
involves change of Pay Band :lso, if lhe pay in the pay bafd aner addlng the ircemenl is
ress lhan lhe niininum oflhe pay band coresiondins to lhe g€de pay of lhe ex'c.clfe posl
tfe pay In the pay band willbe rixed ai lhe minimum ol lhe Pay Bafd

In case lne Grade Payh€le ol employees.6dfe post and lhe ex-c€dre

idenlical lhe employee world conUnuelodraw his/herexisling basic pay.

In case ihe Glade pay of the ex cadre post is upto Rs 10000. lhe Easic Pai. from
lime lo lime afier pay fixalion shoLrld nol eieed the marimum of lhe pay band PB-4
{Rs.67000) pJus rhe glade pay ofthe posl herd of depulauon. rn .3se rhe ex-cadre posr ls n
lhe HAc or HAG+ pay scae, ihe Basic Pay lrom ti.ne io lime afler pay fixalion sholld fol
exceed Rs.79000 of Rs80000 resDscuvelv.

{i In rorejo n setuic€/ ReveBe Foreion Setu ce

(a) when the pay scale orihe posl in the parenl c€dre and lhal atlached
are based on lhe same index leve and lle DA patlenr s aso sa'ne,lhe pay

{b) lf the appointmenl is made lo a post whose pay slruclure and/ or DA paltefn s
dissimilarlo lhat in lhe parenr organjs?lion, pay maybe llxed byzddins one incrementlo lhe
pay in lhe parenl cadre posl in the scale of his rcqular paGnt posl ( 3nd if he/she was
drawing pay at th6 maximum oflhe sca e, by the increment rasl drawn) and eq!alins lhe pay
so raised Dlus doarness allomn€ (and additional or ad-hoc dearness allowane, Inleim
relief elc. , if 3ny) w lh emoJumenls compisins of pay plus DA, ADA, Inlein relier etc. f any.
admissible, in the bonowing organisalion and the pay may be nxed ai lhe slage in lhe pay
sc€le of the ex-cad€ post al which totil emolumenls admissibe in the ex'cadre post as
aboveequallhe emoluments drawn in lhe cadre.

52 In cases ot appoinlmenl from on€i. ex'cadre post lo ?nolher ex-cadre posl whe€ lhe
emp oyee opls lo draw pay in the sc€le of lhe ex @dre pos| lhe Pay in lhe second or
subsequent ex-cadre posl should be uxep lndpr lhe nonnar rures wilh relerence lo lhe pay
ii lhe cadrc posl only l'lowever, in respecl of appointments to ex'c€dre posls carryirg
G€de Pay idenlicallo thal oflhe ex-c€drc po:il(s) held oi an ea er o@sion(s), il may be
ensured tMl lhe pay drawn in subsequent appointmenl should nol ba less lhan lhe pay
d6wr eadier.

l2s t
5 I. ,n cases olappo,llments ro a secold or sJbsequent ex-crdre post{s/ 11a rigrsrpa,,
scaleg/ad€ pa y lhan llat ol r rc pr ovious e\{€dj€ posl I e pal may be fixed *[h r etorelco
ro Ine pay d'awn tr lfe cjd.6 post dnd rt tr€ pay.o
t,^ed nappens to b€ tess lhan |he pd/
ora4n In Ine pr€v'ous e\-cadre post, rhe ofierelcs mdy be a,ow€d as persondl pav to os
absoD€d in tutur€ inc€asos in pay. This is subjecl lo the condition lhar on bolh lh€
occasons, rns omployee should hav€ opred lo draw pay in lhs scales ol pay/cr€d€ pay
allached io lhe ex-cadre posls.

Nole-l: The lerm pareni post and bastc pay means the post hetd on regular bssis in
lfe plrgnt organisEllon and pay drawrv admissibte in such a posl respeclivety

An officer who may be hording a highel post on adhoc basis in rhe cadre al
lh€ lirne of pro.€eding on depuration/ foreign serujce wouid be @nsidered to have vac€ted
lhs pail held on adhoc basis and proceedbd on depularion/ tofeisn seruice from h s/hef
regulaf post. Durjng rbe period ot deputatiAn/ rorsign servjce, he/she sha[ earn nollona/
,.c'ererls ir lhe parenl cad e post On r€vers,oi. ,t hersfe is re_appoin'ed to tn€ h,ghe,
posl or r€guiar 0r adhoc bds,s h,s pay wrl get
fixed wrth referere to the pay admissibto tn
lhs lowPr post on ihe daie ofsuch re-appojntment. In such c€ses, iI his pay gels fired at
slage rqwer lhan that oi hisjunio(s) who continled lo s€rve in the cadre, no stepping up
bo adqissjble as p6. o(tanr.ulee jn so fa, os qeDrst Governmenl smojoy€es €f6
lo-cerled However. it rhe pay \o i,red rs tess lhan tte pay dra{n eart.e, wnrts noto ng rne
oost on ad.noc basis Ihe pay ea rer drawn wi'l be prolected The.€fore, thos6 C€ntral
Govsmment employees who are atready hotdtng a higher post on ad_hoc basts or
e)(Fscthg it shorlly in the par€nt cadre may wciqh a retevanr consideralions before
optrngtor d€putation/foreign s€rvice. This nole of caution wi beapplicabte10 smptoyoes
of olher o€anisations wishing io apply for posls on depllation in C€nlrat Govonmenl, it
governed by srmilar rutes in parent organisation.

pay ot an officer aDpo,.led on depJlat;o1,fo.eigr

servjce o. adnoc bdsrs
p€1di19 seleciion o{ a regutar rlclrrbelt may atso be regurared ro
dccordanle wtn
provisrons otPdra 5 1 a 6.1 ot lhis o M

Nole-4i The piovjsions of lhjs para ai we[ as p3rc 6 will nol apply to appoinlments
on Perfnal Slaff of Ministers. Such appoi4impnrs wiji be regllaled by s€parale specifa
ordeE i$sued bythe Governmenl in rhat behdtt

6. Deoutation lctulv) AlJowanc€

61 Tl'e deputarion (duty) aIowance admilsible shallbe at rhe{ottowing ratesi

(a) lii case ofdepuration w hin ihe sameFlation, llre allowance will be paid al the 6te ol
5% otblsicpay subjecl lo a maximum or Rs.2000 p.m. i and

(b) lfl olher c€s€s, Oeputaljon (Duty) Allow ance willbe payable at the r€le ol10%
emptoye6's basic pay subiect to a maximum Rs 4000/- p m.
(c) ]lre depLrlelion (duly) altowance as above sl'a 'unl^erbe resl"cled as Jrder:-

Aasic Pay, from t{me lo llm e, phrs Depulallon (Duty) Allowane shall n
maximum of the pay band PBa (Rs.67000) plus the grade pay oi the
depulalion in c€se lhe Glade Pay olthe post held on depulation ls uplo Rs 10000. lh €3€
lhe post held on depulallon ls ln ths HAG or HAG+ pay sc€les lhe Basic Pa
lhe, plus Depulallon (Duty) A/lowance should not excoed Rs. 79000 and RF.80000

Nolo: Basic Pay in the €visd pay y srrqcluo]mesns lhe pay d6wn in l
ban.l plus lhe applic€ble glade pay blt qoes pr include sny olher type

Tho lltes or .l€putatlon (duty) allorwanco a3

Bhalttat<o eftoct fiom 1,9,2008,
Nole: 1 Th€ tenn'sams slation lor tr lhe punlse wjll be delemined wit
slation whero lho pe.son was on dulyy before proeedinq on depllalion.

Not€:2 Wioro li€re ls no change i,in lhe headquaneE wilh relercnce to

rhe tlansr€r should bs trsat€d as wdithin the $me atation and when ll
hoadquad€rs il would be lruated as Inot ln Ihe $m€ slalio. so iar as p lallins lwilhin
the same urban agglomeElion ofthe,old headquarters are oncemed, th€
as transfd wilhin the same slalion.

6.2 Speoial €les of depulalion (duty) allopance may be adnrlssibls und€r sepatate
orders jn any particular a.ea on accounl of the mndllion of living tbe€ boing patipularlv
ardous or unat€clive. lurere special rale is drore favoulabls lhaD lhal siven ln PziG 6 1
above, employees depuled to theareawillbe given lhebenelilotlhe special€te.

6.3.1 tf an employee wilh the permission of the @mpeleni authority, prcceeps on

dopu€tlonforcign servic€ from one ex-cad€ &st lo anolher ex_c€d.e post in lhe sdme or
snother oryanisation without reveding to bis pa/€nl c€dre, and if the se@nd ex_c"drc Post is
al th€ samo slation 3s lhe lirsl one, the lale of deputation (duty) allowanc€ would iemain

63.2 in eses *ie.e a pe6on on depul2lionforeign servic€ is lransfened by lhe

bonowins authoiv from one stalion to anoihet wilhoul any change in the posl held by hjm
the rale of depulalion (du9) allowanc€ willbe.etixed as per6.1 (b)

z. .admtssiott w ot oav. attowancesa Lenetlswrite on Oeoulationito'e'on serce I

/.1 Anyproiecr allowalce admrseble llra prcle.t a€a In the borowins o'sa.E.tiofn.v
oed.Ewn in addiriol ro deputariol {duty) aro'"Jce
7.2 any speciar allowance g€nled lo an er1|plovee ir lhe parPnt Departmenl Jnder fR
e(25) o, a 6r6pondins.,ur6.of parcni o,sanFation sh*rl
":1.b" "rgY:!
d;pubtion (duly) albwa;ce uowever, rre oo'fwins oepadmenr may allow In addrlion to
deputalion (duty) sr.owance under specEl c?cLfnslqnes. aiyseeciar alowarce atlacled to

llepo\l herd by rho emptoyee In hrr/h€r pa.eot D€pa,rmenr Dy suitably reslriclling lhe
deptulron (dury) allowdrco. Ihis wi,, require rhe sp€citic and pror approval ot Deparim€nl
ot Pq6onnel & Trainins.

7.3 h
case €pecial attow:n@ is atlaohed tolhesc€teofpayoflhe ex-cad€ post and tho
emp?yee has opled lo draw pay in thal scaie, lhen, in addjrjon to rhe pay in that scal€, hs
wlll rlso bo €rlilled to d aw sLch cpecidr al'owance. H*ever, such spec,dralowanc€ w l
nol De adm.ss'ble rl he has opled to draw pay il lhe parenr cadre sc€te/grade pay ptLs
dePulalion (duty) allowance_

7.4 Personalpay, rlany, drawn byan e;pioyee in his parenr depa.rmenr wi continue lo
be aqmissibre on depuration/toreign service it helshe opts lo draw pay in the parent cadr€
scale.lqiade pay plus deputalion (du9) alowanco. No depurarion (dury) altowance on this
however, be admrssibte.

7 5 rrcremerts -
he emptoyee wil draw incremenr in the parent €dre g€de or in tho
scr or
re pay /grade pay adached to he deoutaton post as the c€s€ fay be dependtng on
\fie ner he has opted tor the pajenr c€dre oay ptJs deprtatron tdulyr at,oeance or th€ pay
scalq /ghde pay ol lhe deputation post. tf he has opted for pay scate/grade pay ot ths
depol9r'o,r posl, nolionat jncremenrs shallalFo conlinue lo accrue lo him h the post hetd on
.egular basis in the par€nt c€dr€/ organisalion for the purpose ot r.guration of pay on
repaltalion to the parenr posl al the

7.6 and benefilswhlle on deDotation/ foreion service.

ia). aiowaresds are nor adm:ssbte lo rpgLt emptoyees orcorrespold,ng sraus

h Ine Dorowhg organisanon shatj .or be admiss,o'e ro rhe ofqc€r on deputator4ore;gl
fdryicF, €v6n i hoy wcresdmiEsibte in the
!a crt p sunisalon.
(b) 'Followjng allowances wilt be ,egutated wjlh mutuat consenr of the tending and
ooiioflms oroanrsatron:

HRtrransport Allownce
(ii) Joining lim€ andJoining ]ime pay.
(iii) Travelling Attowanc€s and T|ansferTiA.
(rv) Children Education Alowance.

(c) FolJowing allowancesfacilities wil regulared in accordance wiih rhe rutes as

Dearness AJtori€nce - The emptoyee dearness arowance at the

r€vailing jn the borowing orsanisaticin or in lhe lending organisalion dependirg on
whelhfl he has opred to draw pay in the
parenl grade plus deputation {duty) atlojlance.
i of ihe ex-cadre post or rhe

(ii) lMedical
Faciljlies - This wjl be regutadd in accordance with lhe rules ot the
borrc,liing organisatron.

(ii) An ofrc€. on d€puiellon/fore gn service shall be regulaled by llrb L€aw
Leave -
Ruies of lhe p3renl oqanisalion. lf however an employee proceeds from vacalion
deparimentlo non-vacalion depadment, orvice'vefsa, he sha lbe goverfed by Leano Rules
otthe bo(owing orsanlsalion. At lhs time of reversion fiom lhe depuialion posi lo ll-rs pare
cadre, the bonowing organisalion may a tow him/her leave nol exceeding two monlhs Tht
employee should apply forfurther leave to his Cadre Conlrollinq Authority.

Leave salarv/Pension/NPS Contribulion.

(i) As at present, allocation of leave s:lary and pension conlibul,on between difterenl
MjnlsldetDepadmenls of Ceniml covernmenl and between Cenl€ and State GovehmeJrl
nas been dispensed wllh. In such cases ol deoltalion trcm Central Governrnenl lo Siale
Governmenl and vice-versa, liabllity for bearing leave salary vesls wilh lhe Deparhent lron
which lhe ofcer proceeds on leave or which sanctioned leave and no conlributions are
payable lo lhe lending organisalion. Liability tor pension/ employee's conlrjbuton to CPFwil
be bome by lhe parenl depadmenl, lo which the oflicef pemranenlly belongs at lh€ tme ol
retnemenl and no proporljonate coitribdion willbe recov€r€d.

(ii) lf
case ofdepulalion ol Cenl|al covernment employees on foreign service lerms l0
Central Public Sectof Undenakings/ State Public Sector Undertakngs and Autonorndus
Eodies/ etc, leave salary conlibulion (ex@pt tor lhe period of leave a€ied of on foreign
seruice) and pension contribution/CPF (Employeas share) contribulion are reqlired to be
paid ether by the employee himself or by the boffowlng organisation to the Cenlral

liiD /n cas€s of reverse d€putation irom CenltalPubic Seclor Undedakinsv Slale Publlc
Seclor U ndertakin gV AlrlonomoLrs Bodes/local bodies to Cenlral Govemmenl lhe queslion
regarding leave s€laryand pension conrrlbulion wjI be decded by mulua consenl.

(iv) In case of employees Fvered under l'lew Pension Scheme (NPS), lhe torrowno
deparlment shallmake matclino conlribution to lhe NPS a@ounl of the employee.

8. Tenure of deputaiion/forela n service.

8.1 The peiod of depulalion/foreig n setuice shal be as per lhe RecrLrihent Rules oflhe
years in c€se no tenu€ regul€lions er{isl for lhe ex-€dre Posl.

I2. In case where lhe period of deputation/foreign servjce presq bed in the recruilrnenl
rules ol lhe ex-c€dre post is 3 years or lbss, the Adminislralive i,4in stry/bdrtow ng
organisalion may g€nl ex1€nsion uplo th4 4ri tear after oblalning orders of their Secrelary
{in the Centlal Govemment/Chief Secrelai (in lhe SIal€ Govemment/ equ valenl ofllcet (in
respecl of olher.€ses) and for ihe frfth year with the approval ot the ['linister ot lhe
borrowinq Ministry/oepanment and in espect bf olher organisaiions wjlh lhe approval oJ
the i,linister of the bonowing Nfinistry/Depa nenl wilh wnich lhey are adminisi€lively

831 The boffowino Minislaes/Departmenls/Ofganisations rnay ertend rhe p€riod ot
depulstron uplo lhe 1lfth year where absotutety necessary in prJbtio jnleresl, subject lo lho

(i) The extenslon would be subtect lo lhe prior approvalol the €nding organisallon, th6
corsent oflho oUlcial conce.oed and whereyer necessary, ths approvalot the UPSC/ Stat6
Plbric Service Conmission and Appojntme.l Comnrifle€ oiCabtnel (ACC).

(ir) lf lh€
borrowing organisalton wishes lo retain an omcer bevond the or€scrtb€d
leldre, rt stdll tr:lbte ad.on tor s€plr.g corcdrenc€ ot tendng orgai.er,ol indivoJr
cofcerned elc. six monlhs beiore lhe date ot expiry of lenure. tn no case ,r shortd retain an
offcial4eyond Ihe sa ctioned te'm unless prior approvalofthe competent authorily to grant
ludher exlension has been oblained.

(iir) No funherenension beyofd the Uilh yearshal be mnsidered.

8.3 2Wher€ €xrension is granted !p Io lhe frflh year, rhe ofticiat @nce.ned wi continue to
be alloted deputation (dtrty) atJowanc€, jt he/she has opled 10 draw deputalion (duty)

8.4 There slrall be a rnandatory ,cooling off period ot ihr€e years after every porlod ot
depuialionforeign service up to Joint Secrelary tevet posls and one ye3r for Addttional
Secfelary level oosts.

8.5 A Cent€r Governmeni emptoyee shal be eljgibte for deputaljonforeign service to

posls in Stale cove.nmenu Stare Gover.meni Organisarionycovernment of
Goveflr,ncnl ol 1.,T5 o€sfiraro|y Allonomous Bodics, Trusrs, solieties, t)sus otc. nol
conirc,tep by the Centrat covernmenl onty aRer,re has completed g years of seNice and js
c'ea, ffom lhe vig'larL€ dfgte

8.6 dlring the period of deputalion/ foreign seruice, on account of proforma promolion
rr lhe ol'eni c€d'c lhe oficja,cor cerned becoTes pnrl.eo ro a higher pay Scate/ oay Bd.ro
d, L,rroe fay'n the parent c€d.e v;s_a-v,s rhdt ot tne er cjore post the ofrrcEt shJ,l
compete his/her normat/enended lenure oidepulation akeady sanctioned with the approvai
ol lhe competenl aulhoriv. The pay shalt be regltareo as underl

(a) lf lhe Grade pay ot the officer in the parent c€drc becomes higher than thai ol the
deoLlalor ,osiafler genrg ororoma p.omo\ion. re m6/ be attowed lhe oay In th€ oay
+ ritdoe Pay o' the post ro wh,cl" he is prqmoted ril the tme he co.nptel.sDald
noir aueylplded oer|od o{ deoJraron ff r-e glK proror"ra promotion in the erlended oeriod)
dfeaJy sarcl,oned, ii he so opts. No eienspn ,n the penod ot oepLtation shal oe atowed
lo h "r a{ercompteting rhe saiclio.ed period otdepJlarion,

(b) lfrho draws the pay in the pay band + Gradb pay atlached to lhe deputation post, on
reveFDn lo his parenl cadre, his pay may be
lxed byallowing him nolional increments in his
regulsrposl in ihe psrent depanntent + the Grade pay al{acled to rt.
(c) lf tho Grade pay of lhe omcer ln lhe palent cadre bsmmeg higher ihan lha I of tho
depllation post on getling tinanclal upgradallon under lhe AoP/MA
may be allowed to draw lhe pay in the pay band + GndB Pay lo \4hj nillled
to underlhe ACP/[4ACPS, if opled lor by him, as bid down ]n Para
DoPT oM No. 35034/3/2008 -Esfl. (o) dar€d 19'" Max 2009.

9. Plcncu-9rc!9r9ra!-9ld9puc!als!&-p!9d-@de

Normally, when an emproyee js appoinled on depulalion/forcign sedice his sb.vlc,es

are p'aced al the disposal of the pa.ent Minislry/ Depanment al ihe end of lhe lenur€.
Howevef, as and when a silualion adses for prqmalure .evercion to the parent cadfe ot lhe
depulalionjst, his se.vic€s could be so returned after giving an advanc€ notice of 4t leas(
three monlhs ro lne lendirg Minisrry/ DeDadmentand lre employee conrerned.
10. Belqqlorclseldilrrs.

",il ;,";.. )

r. rgbr or tne ol'rdt.f

'' hi1'#!iii"ir;'Hi,iif!,* r*.,.".

3. P!.r.rt b.6rc pay
I tbs ll3lEnt cadr. irorr
4. D-!_ta*tta & ,sy !o.ti oc tr,r pat r,{.
il t?:l.j:?"i,i"*: er,!en, bB!10 q.,
" H:diii$i{ifi#r,id;if& -""
{."iri#d,,s,.i.,13i ff lT$ff:;H.:"

" ii':li'ifif'ii'[fftrpif,;iis]i:$;i'"
Drtr ot rrlorntd.nt jerutettoa.

ff;";f.i:i":i"!,srtslloh .,e &qu!r{

" il't'l',l!;"3*.:lloalublf htsot,h'ora..d.

"' $5rij5;j";**urg,"f.tf,$ifd:{?*i.",
i ." Iji"S: 3ili"::,""".,1 " *,,.o. **"r"r.ir..
ff",ffi'#tfth'gi#fidr$ft' ",.
f:i,!o;:S.r:r4aht rr{,*tron o.oo"rao,.a .

-- .. .creraturi rut


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