Lesson 1 Globalization Outline

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Prepared by Group 1 differ from journalists and political activists because they

see globalization in much broader terms. They view the

LESSON 1: What is Globalization?
process through various lenses that consider multiple
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: theories and perspectives. Academics call this as an
interdisciplinary approach.
1. Agree on a working definition of globalization for
the course; The best scholarly description of globalization is
2. Differentiate the competing conceptions of provided by Manfred Steger who described the process
globalization; and as “the expansion and intensification of social relations
3. Narrate a personal experience of globalization and consciousness across world-time and across world-
Global Experiences
Expansion refers to “both the creation of new social
A Story: Gio, Latif, and the Laksa networks and the multiplication of existing connections
-The story shows how globalization operates at multiple, that cut across traditional political, economic, cultural
intersecting levels. and geographic boundaries. These various connections
occur at different levels. Example: Social Media
“It was through such friendships that one was able to (establish new global connections between people),
appreciate the meaning of globalization.” Non-Government Organization (a network that connects
“Something is happening and it is not affecting more specific groups from different countries)
everyone in the same way.” For other people, the Intensification refers to the expansion, stretching, and
shrinking of world may not be exciting and edifying. For acceleration, of these social networks. Not only are
example, recruiting mail-order brides through internet, global connections multiplying, but they are also
evicting urban poor communities for industrialization, becoming more closely-knit and expanding their reach.
etc. Because different people encounter globalization in
a variety of ways, it is deemed useful to ask questions Example: The strong financial market connecting New
like: Is globalization good or bad? Is it beneficial or York and London is accelerating because of the volume
detrimental? of trade increases exponentially since traders can now
trade more at high speeds. The connection is thus
Discussion begins with two Premises: accelerating. Apart from this acceleration, as the world
1. Globalization is a complex phenomenon that becomes more financially integrated, the intensified
occurs at different levels. trading network may expand and stretch to cover more
and more cities.
2. Globalization is an uneven process that affects
people differently. It is not only in financial matters that you can find these
connections. In 2012, when the monsoon rains flooded
Globalization: A Working Definition most of Bangkok, the Honda plant making some of the
critical car parts temporarily ceased production. This had
Most accounts view Globalization as primarily an
a strong negative effect on the Honda-USA which relied
economic process. When a newspaper reports that
heavily on the parts being imported from Thailand. Not
nationalists are resisting Globalization, it usually refers to
only was it unable to reach the sales targets it laid out,
the integration of the national markets to a wider global
but the ability of the service centers nationwide to assist
market signified by the increased free trade. When
Honda owners also suffered. As a result, the Japanese
activists refer to the anti-Globalization movement of the
car company’s global profit also fell.
1990’s, they mean resisting the trade deals among
countries facilitated and promoted by global The final attribute of this definition relates to the way
organizations like the World Trade Organization. people perceive time and space. Steger notes that
“globalization processes do not occur merely at an
Globalization scholars do not necessarily disagree with
objective, material level but they also involve the
people who criticize unfair international trade deals or
subjective plane of human consciousness.” In other
global economic organizations. In fact, many are
words, people begin to feel that the world has become a
sympathetic to the critique of globalization. Academics
smaller place and distance has collapsed from thousands transportation vehicle. It is easy nowadays to access this
of miles to just one click away. People begin to perceive transportation as long as you have money.
their distance as less consequential and now, he/she has
greater sense of what is happening around the world.
Economic Migrants- are those people who travels from
Steger posits that his definition of globalization must be
one country to another in order to improve their
differentiated with an ideology he calls globalism. If
standard of living.
globalization represents the many processes that allow
for the expansion and intensification of global Refugees- victims of war or collateral damage of
connections, globalism is a widespread belief among rebellious acts.
powerful people that the global integration of economic
markets is beneficial for everyone, since it spreads Tourist- people wants to experience the culture of other
freedom and democracy across the world.

For now, what is crucial to note is that when activists Technoscape

and journalists criticize “globalization” they are more Technologies are visible around the world. We see how
often than not, criticizing some manifestation of American products and technology dominates the world
globalism. Often, these criticisms are warranted. market. Also we witness how Asian countries like Japan
Nevertheless it is crucial to insist that the “globalization” and China make a statement in terms of innovative
as a process refers to a larger phenomenon that cannot products and technology.
simply be reduced to the ways in which global markets
have been integrated.
Handheld devices like cellphones, smartphones and
It may be hard to assess globalization or comment on it
because it is so diffuse and almost fleeting. Some
scholars have, therefore, found it simpler to avoid Presence of Internet - a technology that helped us to
talking about globalizationas a whole. Instead they want connect across the globe in easiest way.
to discuss “multiple globalizations,” instead of just one
process. Financescape

Arjun Appadurai Transfering money is easy now through Visa,

mastercard, and moneygram. It enabling us to use our
 He is a cultural theorist, anthropologist and money globally however other countries like Cuba and
speaker. Iran blocked the use of global financescape. It makes the
 He was born in Mumbai, India year 1949 people staying in their country difficult to access their
 He is currently Professor at University of international accounts.
Modernity At Large - collection of essays that helped
how anthropologist, geographer, and philosophers saw Credit Card
and understood the topic of our time which is
Moneygram- a company that transfer money
globalization. Appadurai coined the 5 scapes
(Ethnoscape, technoscape, mediascape, financescape,
ideoscape). This five scape is different dimension of Stock Exchange - it is a place where people meet to buy
cultural flow that have influenced each other as and sell shares of company stocks.
globalization has sped up.
Philippines Stock Exchange (PSE) is considered as
Ethnoscape the worst performing stock market in Southeast Asia.
Philippines lost 17% equivalent to 2.3 Trillion pesos
People move from one country to another due to
market value.
different reasons such as for work, leisure, and better
life or due to displacement of their homeland. They can
travel because of the presence of transportation like
airplanes, seafarers, PUJs or PUVs and other
Mediascape establish infrastructure neccesary for the events (New
Clark Sports Complex).
Media is powerful and it increasingly send news
information across the globe. Remember when Yolanda Ethnoscape- athletes, journalist and tourist will
hits the Philippines but through international media experience the culture of the Filipinos and due to
other countries were able to see how we suffer and they construction of infrastructure, it creates job that attracts
quickly response to help us to rise again. economic migrants. However, Philippine Government
will prioritize it citizens.
Mediascape does not focus on media newspaper only. It
also focuses to other medium such as Blog and Vlog, Technoscape- technologies around the world will be
through this other nation could see the culture or way of used. It a opportunity to Philippines to improved their
living. Internet play big role in this part of mediascape. It transportation to ensure that the events are world class.
breaks the traditional way of giving news and uses social
networking sites like twiiter to fed the hunger people of Mediascape- the presence of journalist froma abroab
the globe a news. An example of this new media serve as the eyes of others. Definitely in the ceremonies
company is Rappler, it gives the nation a news in better Filipino culture will be the highlights and we could see
ways. diversity of culture of Southeast Asia.

Ideoscape Ideoscape- It is time for Philippines to spread the story

of our nation, the inspiration behind our heritage and
According to Appadurai, Democracy is the most our culture.
powerful and ideal form of governing people. It results
to the decline of monarchies. Recently, the Arab world Depending on what is being globalized, a different
starts the Arab Spring and it jumped from one country to dynamic may emerge. So while it is important to ask
another (Arab Spring is their version of Philippines Edsa “What is globalization?” it is likewise important to ask
People Power). “What is/are being globalized”

Ideoscape can also be seen through musical styles. Every The structure of the lessons that follow will reflect this
artist in the world shares a common goals that is to multidimensional understanding of globalization. Each of
share their music and to influence the other generation the lessons will focus on a particular kind of
through their styles, like Whitney Houston. Filipino globalization. Every one of them will be about different
balladers admire Houston and trying to emulate her. networks and connections that are expanding and
LANY, a pop indie band have a good singing style and the intensifying in the contemporary world.
lyrics of their songs could melt the hearts of the
listeners. So music as an ideoscape is something that THANK YOU!
enables the artist to communicate to other culture.
“Treat each lesson not as an end in itself but as a window
Mediascape and Ideoscape works closely with other. to the broader phenomenon of globalization.”
Ideas can be disseminated via Internet platforms like the
world were able to know that Angelina Jolie is an
advocate of world hunger and she is working with
United Nations because it was posted in different sites.
John Legend and Sam Smith collaborated for the song
"Lay Me Down" for a charity called Red Nose Day
because it was posted in Youtube. Through this we see
how the people of the world works towards each other.

Remember that this five scapes overlap and influence

each other and the best example of this is the Sea
Games. Philippines is this year's host of Sea Games. We
could see this through:

Financescape- the Philippines can't make it alone that is

why different multinationa company helped us to

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