Physiological Laboratory, University of

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J. Physiol. (I959) I48, I27-I60


From the Physiological Laboratory, University of Cambridge
(Received 3 April 1959)
The most widely accepted theory of the restirng potential of muscle is that the
electrical potential difference between the inside and outside of a muscle
fibre arises from the concentration gradients of the potassium and chloride
ions. If we follow Boyle & Conway (1941), the membrane is assumed to be
permeable to K and Cl but to be impermeable or sparingly permeable to other
ions. Since K is more concentrated inside and Cl is more concentrated outside,
the interior of the fibre should be electrically negative to the external solution.
If K and Cl are distributed passively, the concentration ratios and the mem-
brane potential under equilibrium conditions ought to conform to the relation

[K]o = [Cl]0 = exp( VF/RT), (1)

where [ ]O and [ ]i indicate concentrations outside and inside the fibre, V is
the internal potential, F is Faraday's constant, R is the gas constant and T
is the absolute temperature. When the external potassium concentration is
less than 10 mm agreement with equation (1) is not perfect, but at higher con-
centrations the relation seems to hold with considerable accuracy (Adrian,
1956; Conway, 1957). However, it is only possible to calculate the membrane
potential by equation (1) when the concentrations of K and Cl inside the fibre
have come into equilibrium with those in the external solution. In order to
deal with other situations one must know the relative conductances or perme-
abilities of the two ions. Information on this point can be obtained by
measuring the effect on membrane potential of sudden changes in the concen-
trations of K or Cl. Such experiments are difficult to interpret unless the
effect of changing the external solution can be determined in a time which is
so short that there is no alteration in the internal concentration of Cl or K.
The present observations were carried out with single muscle fibres, with an
* Present address; Department of Physiology, Washington University, St Louis, Missouri,

apparatus in which the external solution could be changed in a fraction of a
second. The general conclusion is that the membrane potential is affected by
both K and Cl. Under appropriate conditions, the membrane can be made to
behave either as a potassium electrode or as a chloride electrode, but in most
situations both ions contribute to the potential. When a fibre is equilibrated
in Ringer's fluid the transport number of Cl is about 0-6, whereas that of K is
about 0 3.
In addition to consolidating the conventional theory of the resting potential,
the experiments with single fibres provided some new information which cannot
easily be fitted into a simple physical picture. These observations, which relate
to the rapid time course of the change in potential associated with a rise or fall
in potassium concentration, will be deferred to a later paper. It is not thought
that the questions raised by these results are likely to alter the main con-
clusions of the present article.
A preliminary account of some of the experiments described here was given
at a meeting of the Physiological Society (Hodgkin & Horowicz, 1957).
Single fibres from the semitendinosus muscles of English frogs (Rana temporaria) were used
throughout the investigation. When the fibres were mounted in the apparatus they were stretched
to 4/3 of their slack length. The length in the apparatus was about 16 mm and the diameters of
the fibres varied between 70 and 170,u.
The main features of the recording cell are illustrated diagrammatically in Fig. 1. Single fibres
were mounted in a channel in a Perspex cell, into which solutions of different composition could
be introduced by a multiple tap. The tendon at one end of the fibre was gripped in a small Perspex
clamp and the other tendon was connected to a transducer (RCA 5734). The fibre was suspended
freely in the solution, except near the clamped end where it rested on a smooth glass pedestal
which was thinly covered with petroleum jelly. Membrane potentials were recorded with an
internal electrode of the Ling-Gerard type. The micro-electrode was left in position while the
solution was changed, and alterations in membrane potential were recorded photographically on
moving film. The micro-electrode was not left inside the fibre for more than about 2 min, and in
measurements lasting for longer periodsthe potential was determined by successive impalements.
This method required some practice and was only successful if the micro-electrode penetrated
without appreciable dimpling. In the best experiments the fibre retained its excitability and
remained free from opacities for many hours. However, as a rule it was not possible to make more
than about ten successive impalements in any one fibre.
In the majority of experiments membrane potentials were recorded between an external micro-
electrode which was always kept in the external solution and an internal micro-electrode which
was periodically lowered into the fibre. Both electrodes were filled with 3M-KCI and had tip
potentials of less than 5 mV (Adrian, 1956). The resistance of the internal electrode was 5-10MQ2
while that of the external electrode was 2-10 Mg).
When potential differences were recorded between two micro-electrodes of low tip potential
there was usually no need to correct forliquid junction potentials between the different test
solutions. This was established by the following tests which were carried out in all experiments
with solutions which give different junction potentials. (1) Both micro-electrodes were in the
external solution and the potential difference between them was recorded photographically while
the solutions used in the experiment were run through the cell. If both micro-electrodes were
unaffected by junction potentials no change in potential occurred. There would also have been
no change if both electrodes had been affected by the junction potential to the same extent; this
possibility was eliminated by the second and third tests. (2) The test was repeated with the
potential difference recorded between the external micro-electrode and an agar-Ringer electrode.
If the external micro-electrode was satisfactory, the standard junction potential was observed
when the solution was changed: by standard junction potential is meant the junction potential
expected if the micro-electrode were acting like a saturated KCI bridge. (3) This was a similar
test to (2) but using the internal electrode and the agar-Ringer electrode; it did not give any
Internal External
electrode electrode Perspex
Agar RCA 5734
electrode transducer ,'

Inlets for solutions

Fig. 1. Diagram of measuring cell. The multiple tap had six inlets, of which only two are shown.
There were also six: outlets, one to the cell and five to the 'waste'. The lines containing
solutions were clamped when not in use but were always flushed into the 'waste ' before being
connected to the cell. Silver wires in the electrodes are not shown. The twisted end of the
silver wire loop was bound to the tendon with a strand of silk thread which is not shown in
the drawing. The drawing is approximately to scale, the length of the fibre being 1-6 cm.
new information but was a check of the first two tests. In the great majority of cases these tests
showed that both electrodes were recording with negligible effects from junction potentials;
corrections were made in a few cases in which the external electrode was found to be affected by
the junction potential. When working with solutions which did not give appreciable junction
potentials (e.g. solutions A, B and C in Table 1) it was sometimes convenient to use the agar-
Ringer electrode instead of an exrternal micro-electrode.
Ringer's fluid. This was the same as that used by Adrian (1956); its composition is given opposite
A in Table 1. The chloride concentration was 121-1 mrs but in all subsequent tables a rounded
figure of 120 mrl has been employed.
Ringer's ;flCuid with K replacing Na. An example is given opposite B in Table 1.
K-free Ringer's fluid; see solution C, Table 1.
Na-free solutions containing Cil. These are not listed in Table 1 but were similar to solutions A,
B or C with choline replacing Na on a mole-for-mole basis.
Isotonic sulphate solutions with the same ionic strength as Ringer's fluid. Cl-free isotonic solutions,
with K varying between 0 and 80 mrs, were made by mixing solutions D and E in appropriate
proportions; since both these solutions were made up with concentrations calculated to give the
same ionic strength as Ringer's fluid, there was no need to correct for changes in activity coefficient.
In order to make one litre of the solution D or E, 797 ml. of 10 mM-CaSO4 was added to 203 ml.
of the remaining ingredients, i.e. 80 ml. 0*5m-Na2 or K2S04, 10 ml. 0 15m-Na phosphate buffer and
113 ml. 1 M sucrose. The resulting concentration of 8 mM-Ca was chosen because it was the highest
which could conveniently be got into solution. If the dissociation constant of CaSO4 is taken as
5.3 x 10-3 mole/l. (Brink, 1954) the concentration of ionized calcium is found to be 1 mM instead
of 1.8 mM in Ringer's fluid.
We are indebted to Professor A. V. Hill for suggesting that CaSO4 should be added to sulphate
solutions (see Hill & Howarth, 1957).
TABLE 1. Composition of solutions
Sucrose Relative
K+ Cl- Na+ Ca2+ HPO- H2P04- SO4 (m-mole/l. Relative ionic
Ref. (mg ion/l. solution) solution) tonicity strength
A 2-5 121 120 1.8 2-15 0-85 1.0 1D0
B 10 121 112-5 1-8 2*15 0-85 - - 10 10
C 0 121 122-5 1-8 2-15 0-85 - - 10 10
D 0 0 83 8 1-08 0 43 48 113 1.0 1-0
E 80 0 3 8 1-08 0*43 48 113 1.0 1.0
F 10 30 83 6-5 1-35 0-54 36 85 10 1-0
G 2-5 30 90 6-5 1-35 0 54 36 85 1.0 1.0
H 190 0 3 9 1-08 0*43 104 1.0 2-3
1 2-5 214 212-5 1-8 2-15 0-85 - 1-75 1-7
J 95 214 120 1-8 2-15 0-85 1-75 1-7
K 95 0 98 6-3 1-08 0 43 101 168 1-75 2-3
A is Ringer's fluid. B-G are solutions of the same tonicity and ionic strength as A but with
different [K] and [Cl]. His an isotonic solution with high [K] and increased ionic strength. I-K are
hypertonic solutions. In estimating tonicities and ionic strengths CaSO4 was regarded as mainly
Isotonic potassium sulphate without sucrose. The composition of this solution is given against H.
The potassium concentration was 190 mm, but since the ionic strength was greater than that in
Ringer's fluid a correction must be made for the change in ionic strength. From the Debye-
Huckel theory and tables of mean activity coefficients (Taylor, 1931), it is estimated that the
activity coefficient of K in this solution was 0-87 times that in Ringer's fluid. A corrected con-
centration of 0-87 x 190 = 165 mm has been used in Table 2 and Fig. 4.
Solutions with constant [K] [Cl] product. Since Ringer's fluid contains 2-5 mm-K and 120 mM-Cl
the [K] [Cl] product is 300 (ma)2. In order to make up solutions with different K or Cl concen-
trations but with the same product, we mixed appropriate proportions of solutions C, D and E
(Table 1). Thus to make solution F (10 mM-K 30 mM-Cl), one must take 25 parts C, 12-5 parts E
and 62-5 parts D. Since each of the master solutions, C, D or E was isotonic with Ringer's fluid
and had the same ionic strength as Ringer's fluid the resulting solution should be isotonic and
should also have the same ionic strength as Ringer's fluid. There is therefore no need to correct
for changes in activity coefficient. Solutions made up in this way had potassium concentrations of
5, 10, 30 or 75 mM and chloride concentrations of 60, 30, 10 or 4 mm. In order to extend the range,
a solution containing 190 mm-K and 2-5 mm-Cl was made from solution H. After correcting for
the change in activity coefficient the effective concentrations at the same ionic strength as Ringer's
fluid were taken as 165 mM-K and 2-2 mm-Cl. The nominal [K] [Cl] product is 360 instead of 300
but the chloride concentration is so low that the precise value is unimportant.
Solutions of constant [K] [CI] product without sulphate were made by replacing some of the
NaCl in Ringer's fluid with an osmotically equivalent quantity of sucrose and adjusting the K
and Cl concentrations to allow for change in ionic strength. The disadvantages of this method are
that [K] cannot be made greater than [Cl] and that solutions of low ionic strength may have
deleterious effects on muscle.
Solutioas with normal [K], and reduced [Cl]0. These were made in the same way as the solutions
with constant [K] [Cl] product; an example of one of the solutions most often used is given
opposite G in Table 1.
Hypertonic solutions. Solutions Iand J in Table 1 were made by adding NaCl or KCI to Ringer's
fluid; solution K is a chloride-free solution with the same osmotic pressure and potassium con-
centration as J.
Variations of [K]0 and [Cl]0 at constant product
According to the theory of Boyle & Conway (1941) there should be no move-
ment of KCl across the fibre membrane if [K]o and [Cl]. are varied in a manner
such that the product [K]0 [Cl]0 is kept constant. Under these conditions the
membrane potential should respond rapidly and reversibly to alterations in
the K and Cl concentrations and its absolute value should be the same as the
equilibrium potentials of the potassium and chloride ions, i.e.
I VEKVKl= F n [K]0
F (2)
RT In__]
VC1v = F ln [C1]. 3
The record in Fig. 2 illustrates the effect of substituting a solution con-
taining 10 mM-K 30 mM-Cl for Ringer's fluid (2.5 mM-K i20 mM-Cl). The
potential takes up itg new value in about 3 sec and the change in potential,
which is reversible, is within 1 mV of that predicted by eqn. 1, 35 mV. There
was no change in potential at b and d, when the cell was flushed with the
solution already in the cell. This shows that the solution was adequately
changed in one flush and that there was no flow artifact.
2-5 mM-Ki1U mM-K ,25 mM-K
120 mM-CI 30 mM-Cl 120 mM-Cl
°0l- 'a b k1 d 0

-100 mV -J -
-100 mV

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 2. Record illustrating the effect on membrane potential of a short application of 10 mM-K
30 mM-Cltoafibreequilibratedin Ringer's fluid containing 2 5 mm-K 120 mM-Cl. Thesolutions,
whose composition is given under A and F, Table 1, were isotonic and had the same ionic
strength. At a Ringer's fluid was changed for the test solution, at b the test solution was
flushed through a second time, at c Ringer's fluid was restored and at d it was flushed through
a second time. In each case 2-3 ml. was flushed through the cell at about 2 ml./sec. The
horizontal lines below the letters a-d mark the periods when solution was flowing through
the cell. These lines were derived from the transducer output which was also recorded photo-
graphically but is not shown here. The scale gives the internal potential. There was no change
in potential when both electrodes were outside the fibre. Temperature, 200 C; fibre i;
diameter 145,u.
Figure 3 gives the time course of the membrane potential during the experi-
ment. Although there was some random variation between successive impale-
ments, the membrane potential was established in a rapid and reversible
manner and there was no drift or hysteresis of the type encountered when K
was changed at constant [Cl]o. The reversible nature of the changes is shown
more clearly by Fig. 4 in which average potentials are plotted against log [K]o
or - log [Cl]o. The crosses give the potentials after equilibrating in each solution


d fdd
~~ d ~

t-Sot~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ -


_ II I I I I I
F 3!0 20 30 40
50 60 70 80 90
Fig. 3. Effect on membrane potential of solutions with a [K] [Cl] product of 300 (mM)2. The
concentrations of K and Cl were:
K Cl
(mM) (mM)
a 2X5 120
b 10 30
c 30 10
d 75 4
e 190 2X5
Solutions a-d had the same ionic strength as Ringer's fluid; the activity coefficient of K and
Cl in solution e was estimated as 0-87 times that in Ringer's fluid. The continuous lines were
drawn from photographic records with the micro-electrode in position. Broken lines were
drawn at the average potential produced by each solution in this experiment. The fibre was
impaled at different spots, roughly 50 ,u apart. A contracture lasting 10 sec occurred at 25 min
when solution d was applied; the micro-electrode had not been inserted because a contracture
was expected. Fibre i, as in Fig. 2.
for about 10 min; the other symbols give the potentials established 20-30 sec
after a sudden increase or decrease in potassium concentration. The straight
line represents the equation for a potassium or chloride electrode. The value of
140 mm for the internal potassium concentration agrees with the figure of
139 + 2 m-mole/kg fibre water, given by Adrian (1956) for the potassium con-
centration in the sartorius muscle and with the value of 139 + 7 m-mole/kg
fibre water obtained on fresh single fibres from the semitendinosus muscle
(Hodgkin & Horowicz, 1959). The membrane potential is close to the theo-
retical line for [K]o > 10 mm but deviates slightly at lower concentrations;
possible reasons are considered in the next section.
In order to check that sulphate was acting as an impermeable ion, tests were
also made with solutions in which there was no sulphate, and sodium chloride
was replaced by an osmotically equivalent quantity of sucrose. The results,
which are given in rows 10 and 15 of Table 2, agreed well with the Donnan
0 0
- 20
- 30-
--40 -

E []
- 50 / l 1og - 50
-60 -_ or 58 log
- 70

-80 -

- 90 -0
-100 _ -100
-110 _

-120 I
2-5 5X 10 30 75 mM-K
120 60 30 10 4 mM-Cl
Fig. 4. Relation between membrane potential and log[K]0or - log[Cl]o,whenusing solutions with
[K]o [Cl]0 = 300 mM2. Average data from two experiments, of which part of one is given in
Fig. 3. Crosses are potentials measured after equilibrating for 10-60 min; circles are potentials
measured 20-60 sec after a sudden change in concentration, -O after increase in [K]O, >- after
decrease in [K]o. A correction for the change in activity coefficient has been made in plotting
the right-hand point on the potassium scale; concexitrations in this solution were 190 mm-K
and 2X5 mM-Cl, the correction factor was 0-87.

One test was also made on a fibre which had been equilibrated with a solu-
tion containing 50 mM-K and 30 mM-Cl ([K]0 [Cl]o = 1500); the results, which
are given in Fig. 12, were also in good agreement with theory.
The action of solutions of constant K, Cl product on the membrane potential
of the cat's gracilis muscle has recently been described by Pillat, Kraupp,
Giebisch & Stormann (1958). These workers found a linear relation between
membrane potential and log [K]0 (or log [Cl]o) with a slope of 56 mV for a ten-
fold change. Our results are clearly in good agreement with theirs and both
are consistent with a Donnan theory of the type described by Boyle & Conway
Variation of [K]o in the absence of [Cl]0
The effect of potassium on membrane potential can be studied most simply
in the absence of chloride. This was done by Adrian (1956) who varied the
potassium concentration between 10 and 190 mm. Adrian did not use lower
concentrations because he found that muscles twitched spontaneously in
sulphate solutions containing less than 10 mm-K. The object of the experi-
ments described in this section was to see whether the membrane potential
varied rapidly and reversibly with [K]o in the absence of Cl and, if possible,
to extend the measurements to potassium concentration below 10 mm. The
solutions, which were made by mixing solutions D and E (Table 1), contained
more Ca and less S04 than those employed by Adrian; the ionic strength was
the same as that of Ringer's fluid.
When a Cl-free solution containing 2-5 mM-K was first applied, the resting
potential decreased by 30-40 mV and the fibre often twitched spontaneously.
This depolarization was transient and after some time the resting potential
in 2-5 mM-K sulphate was close to that in Ringer's fluid. An interval of 1 hr
was usually allowed for equilibration, but this may be unnecessarily long. The
fibres were electrically excitable and gave propagated action potentials and
twitches. Later on it will be shown that the transient depolarization was
probably caused by the fall in the e.m.f. of the chloride concentration cell, and
that as chloride diffused from the fibre it ceased to affect the membrane
potential, which then returned to the value determined by the potassium
Figure 5 illustrates the effect of [K]0 on membrane potential in the absence
of Cl; crosses are equilibrated values and circles are values established 20-60
sec after a sudden rise or fall of [K]0. The range was extended beyond 80 mM-K
by using an isotonic solution containing 190 mM-K (solution H, Table 1); the
activity of potassium in this solution is estimated as 165 x YRMM, where YR iS
the activity coefficient of potassium in Ringer's fluid. The potassium con-
centrations in the other solutions need no correction, since the ionic strength
of the solutions was approximately the same as that in Ringer's fluid.
The membrane potential was established fairly rapidly (5-60 sec) and there
was no slow drift or hysteresis of the kind associated with chloride movements.
The potential varied between + 2mV in high K and about - 120 mV in
0.5 mM-K. Reducing [K]0 from 0-5 mm to zero caused the resting potential to
fall by several millivolts; other examples of this type of behaviour are dis-
cussed on p. 147.
At high potassium concentrations the results agreed well with the Nernst
equation for a potassium electrode, as shown previously by Adrian (1956). The
straight line in Fig. 5 is drawn from this equation at the same internal
potassium concentration as in Fig. 4.
0 _0

- 20 -

- 30-

-50 -50
- 80 [K001Nko1
V 58 log m bano an l[ 5 log-[K]o
- 901410
-100 - o -100
- 120
0 02 05 1.02-5 5 10 20 50 100
Potassium concentration (mm)
Fig. 5. Relation between membrane potential and log [K] when using chloride-free sulphate solu-
tions containing 8 mm-CaSO4. Crosses are potentials measuredafter equilibrating forl10-60 min;
circles are potentials measured 20-60 sec after a sudden change in concentration, -O after
increase in [K]0, 0- after decrease in [K]O. With the exception of the right-hand point, all
solutions were of the same ionic strength as Ringer's fluid and had concentrations inter-
mediate between D and E of Table 1. The right-hand point was obtained with solution H and
the potassium concentration has been corrected on the graph for the difference in ionic
strength. Semi-log. scale; average data on seven fibres.

Between 10 and 0 5 mm the resting potential deviated from the line for a
potassium electrode, the slope at 2-5 mM-K being about 40 mV. In this region
the deviation is of the kind expected from a very slight permeability to some
other ion, for example sodium. For concentrations greater than 1 mm the
points are reasonably well fitted by a curve drawn according to the equation
RT [K]0 + 4cNa]0
F ln[K]]°+ [Na]' (4)
where oc has the value of 0 01. Since [K]i is much greater than [Na]i, oc[Na],
may be neglected.
An equation of this kind can be derived in various ways; for example, by
the constant field theory of Goldman (1943). However, the relation is more
general than the constant field theory because it follows from the initial
postulate of Goldman's theory and does not require the somewhat arbitrary
restriction of a constant field. If the definitions adopted by Hodgkin & Katz
(1949) are employed, the constant a is equal to the permeability ratio PNa/PEK
Although the membrane potential in Cl-free solutions changed with [K]o
in a reversible manner, the rate of repolarization when high K was removed
was very much slower than the rate of depolarization when high K was applied.
On the relatively slow time scale used in the present paper these changes may
be regarded as instantaneous, but it will be shown in a subsequent article that
the repolarization when high K is removed is too slow to be explained in terms
of a straight-forward diffusion delay.
Membrane potentials in the steady state in different solutions
During the course of the experiments we accumulated many results on
fibres which had been equilibrated in solutions of widely different composition;
TABLE 2. Membrane potentials after equilibration in different solutions
K+ Cl- Na+ Choline+ SO4- Sucrose potential VK+aNa VK No. of
Row (mM) > (mV) > fibres
1 05 0 82 - 48 113 -109 to - 118 -117 -142 1
2 0-5 120 122 - -113 -111 -142 1
3 1.0 0 82 48 113 - 103 to - 113 -109 -124 3
4 1D0 120 5 117 - -112 -123 -124 1
5 2*5 0 80 48 113 - 94±1-0 - 94 -101 8
6 2-5 120 120 - 94±0 5 - 91 -101 16
7 2.5 120 5 115 -100±1*4 -101 -101 11
8 5*0 0 78 - 48 113 - 76 to - 87 - 80 - 84 2
9 5*0 60 97 24 57 - 76±2 - 79 - 84 2
10 5 0 60 56 118 - 74 to - 80 - 81 - 84 2
11 10 0 73 - 48 113 - 68±0 9 - 65 - 66 5
12 10 120 113 - -64±0*8 - 64 - 66 8
13 10 120 5 108 - - 61 to - 63 - 66 - 66 2
14 10 30 83 36 85 - 62±2 - 65 - 66 2
15 10 30 22 - 171 - 61 to - 63 - 66 - 66 1
16 30 10 55 - 44 103 - 37±1-4 - 38 - 39 2
17 75 4 6 46 109 - 16±1*4 - 16 - 16 2
18 80 6 3 - 48 113 - 15±0.5 - 14 - 14 5
19 165 0 3 101 + I to + 2 + 4 + 4 2
20 165 2 3 - 101 + 1Ito + 4 +4 + 4 2
21 95 4 98 - 95 168 - 21 to - 23 - 23 - 23 3
22 95 214 120 - 21±0-3 - 23 - 23 7
Rows 1 to 20 were obtained with solutions isotonic with Ringer's fluid, 21 and 22 with hyper-
tonic solutions. The ionic strength was the same as in Ringer's fluid except in 10, 15, 19-22.
Concentrations of K and Cl have been corrected for changes in activity coefficient in 10, 15, 19
and 20 but not in 21 and 22 since here the internal ionic strength is also increased. VK is calculated
from eqn. 2, VK+QN. from eqn. 4 using x = 0.01. [K]i is taken as 140 mM except in rows 21 and 22
where it is 235 mm. Between 2 and 6 observations were usually made on each fibre. Means and
S.E. are given when the number of observations exceeds 6. Concentrations of Ca and phosphate
are given in Table 1.
these are summarized in Table 2. Except in the last pair of measurements,
fibres were equilibrated in solutions in which the internal potassium con-
centrations should remain close to its resting value of 140 mm (see Boyle &
Conway, 1941; Adrian, 1956). The table shows that the membrane potential
is the same in a solution containing a given amount of K and 120 mM-Cl as it
is in the corresponding solution containing the same amount of K and zero Cl.
The inference is either (i) that Cl- does not contribute to the membrane current,
which is unlikely since it is known to penetrate the fibre and since changes in
Cl do in fact produce transient electrical changes or (ii) that chloride is dis-
tributed passively according to eqn. 1.
As may be seen from Table 2, the membrane potential agreed with that for
a potassium electrode if [K]o > 10 mm or with eqn. 4 if [K]o > 1 mM.
In the last pair of measurements the tonicity of the external solution was
increased 1-75 times by adding 93 mM-KCl, or an osmotically equivalent
quantity of sucrose. According to the well-tried theory of Boyle & Conway,
the internal potassium concentration should increase by 90-100 m-mole/kg
H20 under these conditions; a value of [K]i = 235 m-mole/kg H20 has there-
fore been employed. Potentials calculated on this basis agree with those
found experimentally.
Variation of [Cl]0 at constant [K]O: experiments in the
physiological range
Figure 6 illustrates the effect of suddenly reducing the concentration of
chloride on the membrane potential of a fibre equilibrated in Ringer's fluid.
The test solution (G, Table 1) contained sulphate and had the same osmotic
pressure, ionic strength and potassium concentration as Ringer's fluid. When
this solution was applied the resting potential fell from its resting value of
- 98-5 mV to -77 mV. However, this depolarization was not maintained
and the potential drifted back to its original level with a time constant of
about 4 min. On restoring Ringer's fluid the membrane potential first in-
creased by 12 mV and then drifted back to its original value. Similar results
were obtained in experiments in which chloride was reduced by replacing NaCl
with an osmotically equivalent quantity of sucrose.
The transient effects in Fig. 6 are of the kind expected in a system in which
the membrane is permeable to both K and Cl. Initially the e.m.f. of the
chloride concentration cell should be equal to the resting potential; from
eqn. 1 this requires that [Cl]1 be 2-4 mm. On reducing the external chloride
concentration from 120 to 30 mm the e.m.f. of the chloride concentration cell
alters by 35 mV and Vcl changes from - 98-5 to - 63-5 mV; the potassium
equilibrium potential remains unchanged. The result of the reduction in [Cl]0
is that the fibre is depolarized to a potential between VK and Vcl at which
K+ and Cl- leave the fibre at the same rate. Loss of KCI continues until the
{K]1 [Cl]i product is reduced to one-fourth of its original value; at the same
time water leaves the fibre in order to preserve osmotic equilibrium. From the
theory of Boyle & Conway (1941) it can be shown that re-establishment of
equilibrium involves loss of KCI and water in amounts such that [Cl]i is
reduced to almost exactly 0-6 mm and [K]i is virtually unchanged; the final
membrane potentials should therefore be the same in the two solutions. The
transient hyperpolarization on returning to Ringer's fluid is explained in the
same way. When Ringer's fluid is first applied [Cl]1 is 0-6 m-mole/kg H20, so
that Vcl is about -134 mV as against about -100 mV for VK. The membrane
potential takes up an intermediate value-about - 112 mV-at which the
K 25mM K

ci 120 mM 120 mM Cl

60 -

-70 -

0. - 90 -

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 6. Effect of sudden reduction in [Cl]o on membrane potential. The solutions were Ringer's
fluid (A, Table 1) and an isotonic solution of the same ionic strength with reduced Cl (G,
Table 1). The micro-electrode was kept in the fibre from - 0-5 to 2 min and from 16 to 19 min;
it was also inserted for about 0-3 min at 6 and 28 min. Control flushes with the solution
already in the cell were made between the first and second points and between the two points
immediately after the change at 17 min; these had no effect on the membrane potential.
Fibre r, diameter 111 , 230 C.
TABLE 3. Instantaneous effect of [Cl]o on fibres equilibrated in Ringer's fluid
(2.5 mM-K 120 mM-Cl)
Internal potential (mV)
[K]o [C1]0 ,_
(mM) (mM) i r2 r3 Mean
2-5 120 -92-1 - 93.4 - 94-2 -98-5 -94-5
2-5 60 - 80-0 - 85-1 - 84-1 - 83-0
2-5 30 - 64-5 - 76-4 - 75-2 - 77 - 72-0
Data from four runs on two fibres. Other experiments with slightly different solutions gave
similar results but have been excluded for simplicity. In fibre r solutions with S04 of same ionic
strength as Ringer's fluid were employed; in fibre i isotonicity was preserved with sucrose alone
and concentrations have been corrected for the change in ionic strength. Fibres referred to
specifically in this paper are denoted by letters; references such as r, or r2 are used when there are
several sets of measurements on one fibre.
rates of entry of K and Cl are equal. Entry of Cl then brings [Cl]j back to its
normal value and the fibre is once more in equilibrium.
Chloride conductances and permeabilities can be calculated from the tran-
sient changes in Fig. 6 by the methods discussed on p. 150. For this particular
experiment the chloride conductances found for the transient change on
reducing Cl was 130,umho/cm2 and that for the change on returning to Ringer's
'fluid was 90ovmho/cm2.
The data in Tables 3 and 6 summarize the instantaneous effect of changing
[Cl]0 on membrane potential in the physiological region. The average value of
log [Cl]! 2.5mM-K
is about -35 mV (see p. 149).
Giebisch, Kraupp, Pillat & Stormann (1957) studied the effect on the membrane potential of the
cat's gracilis muscle of replacing part of the external NaCl with Na2SO4 or sucrose. In the former
case they found a large depolarization, lasting about an hour, which they attributed to an effect
of sulphate on sodium permeability (CaSO4 was not added); in the latter, a small, maintained
depolarization, which they explained in terms of the Donnan theory. A transient depolarization
was not seen with sucrose but the measurements may not have been made sufficiently rapidly for
thio to appear.
Variation of [K]o at constant [Cl]0: experiments in the physiological region
Figure 7 illustrates the effect of raising [K]o at constant [Cl]o. The test
solution contained 10 mM-K and 120 mM-Cl, instead of 2-5 mm-K and
120 mM-Cl as in Ringer's fluid. In a, 10 mM-K was applied for 8 sec, the
resting potential fell from -94 to -73 mV and returned to -93 mV when
2-5 mM-K was restored; the half-times of these changes were 0-35 and 1-0 sec.
In b the same solution was applied for 60 sec. The potential fell from -93 mV
to -71 mV and returned to -87 mV. Curve c, which was obtained on another
fibre, shows the effect of a long exposure. When 10 mM-K was first applied the
internal potential changed rapidly from -94 to -73 mV and then drifted
slowly to its equilibrium value of -65 mV. On restoring 2-5 mM-K, the initial
repolarization was only about 3 mV and it took about 40 min to restore a
resting potential of -90 mV. The asymmetry between the on- and off-effects
of 10 mM-K was independent of the order in which the measurements were
made. This was shown by experiments in which the fibre was first equili-
brated in 10 mM-K 120 mM-Cl, then transferred to 2-5 mM-K 120 mM-Cl and
finally returned to 10 mM-K 120 mM-Cl. The results were similar to those in
Fig. 7 c except that the order of the curves was reversed. An asymmetry of the
kind shown in Fig. 7 has been seen in experiments with whole muscle by Sandow
& Mandel (1951) and Csapo & Wilkie (1956).
The family of curves in Fig. 8 illustrates the instantaneous relation between
[K]o and membrane potential for fibres equilibrated in solutions of different
[K][CI] product. It will be seen that a rise of [K]o above the level used to
equilibrate gives a relatively large depolarization, whereas a fall of [K]0 gives
only a small hyperpolarization. A similar family of curves was obtained in
solutions containing choline instead of Na+. When [K]o was reduced far below
the level used to equilibrate, the resting potential did not reach a constant
limiting value, as it seems to do in nerve, but passed through a flat maximum.
For fibres equilibrated in Ringer's fluid the maximum potential was established
between 0-5 and 1-0 mM-K and the resting potential was 3 mV less in 0 mM-K
than in 0-5 mM-K. An exaggerated example of this type of behaviour is dis-
cussed on p. 147.
a b c
10 mM

KL I 25 2 5 mM K
Cl- 120 mM Cl
- 70-

I I I ~I
0 10 0 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Fig. 7. Effect on membrane potential of changing [K]. from 2-5 to 10 mM at constant Cl. 0,
observations with 2-5 mm-K, *, observations with 10 mM-K; the two solutions were A
(Ringer's fluid) and B of Table 1. Results a and b were obtained on fibre I diameter 119 U and
c on fibre m, diameter 173,u. In a and b the micro-electrode was left inside the fibre; in c it
was inserted for about 0-5 min at a time. Temperature 200 C. Some time after the last
observation in c the region of the fibre which had been impaled became opaque and the resting
potential underwent a gradual decline.
k The effects illustrated by Figs. 7 and 8 can be explained by assuming that
(1) both K+ and C1- cross the membrane and that at equilibrium the distri-
butions of these ions conforms with the Donnan principle; and (2) the potassium
system can pass a large current in high K if the driving force is inward
(V < VK) but only a small current if the driving force is outward (V > VK)-
The second assumption agrees with the observation of Katz (1949) who showed
that muscles in isotonic potassium sulphate solution have a low membrane
resistance for inward current but a high resistance for outward current. On
this basis the effect of raising K at constant Cl (Fig. 7) can be explained in the
following way. When [K]o is changed from 2-5 to 10 mM, VE alters by 35 mV;
this causes inward current to flow through the potassium channel and V
approaches VE. The membrane potential is now between VE and V01 so that
KCI (and water) enter the fibre until equilibrium is established with
V=VK =VcI -65 mV.
On returning to 2-5 mM-K, VK at once reverts to its original value of about
100 mV. Since the potassium current is outward the potassium resistance is
high, so that the fibre at first repolarizes by only 2 or 3 mV. However, the
existence of this small change means that the fibre is no longer in equilibrium
with respect to chloride ions and KCO slowly leaves the fibre until the original
equilibrium is restored.

-10i x

-20h x 2

E -650 I-_
) 6_
- 70

-80 1-

- 90 F B


Potassium concentration (mM)
Fig. 8. Instantaneous effect of varying [K]o at constant [CI]o on membrane potential of fibres
equilibrated in A, 0*5 mM-K 120 mM-Cl; B, 2-5 mM-K 120 mM-Cl (Ringer's fluid); C, 10 mM-K
120 mM-Cl; D, 95 mM-K 214 mM-Cl. The arrows show the potassium concentration at which
the fibre was equilibrated. The shape of curve D is doubtful. Curve A, fibre b; curve B, mean
from four fibres; curve C, mean from three fibres; curve D, fibre p. In A, B and C, [Na]o +
[K]o = 122-5 mM; in D, [Na]0 + [K]o = 215 mm. Semi-log. scale.
Variations of [K]o or [Cl]0; fibres equilibrated in solutions of
high [K] [Cl] product
The internal potential of fibres equilibrated in a solution containing
95 mM-K 214 mM-Cl was - 20-6 + 0-3 mV (mean and S.E., 11 observations).
When [K]O was increased at constant [Cl]o to 210 mm the fibre was depolarized
to -11 mV, lut if [K]o was reduced to 2-5 mm the change in potential was less
than 0.5 mV (Fig. 8, top curve). Since there was no sudden change in potential
on reducing [K]o to 2-5 mm and since the internal chloride concentration was
probably about 90 mm, one would expect any recovery of resting potential to
be exceedingly slow. This is one of e points ustrate y Fig. 9. It will be
shown prese-tlyfJiat failure to repolarize is not the result of irreversible
damage, since a normal resting potential can be restored if the internal
chloride is first lowered by immersing the fibre in a chloride-deficient solution.
According to the hypothesis outlined on p. 140, the insensitivity to a reduc-
tion of [K]o is caused by the rise in internal chloride concentration and by
rectification in the potassium channel. If the argument is correct, the mem-
brane should become sensitive to a reduction of [Cl]. as it loses its ability to
repolarize in low [K]0. Figure 9 shows that the ability to repolarize in 2-5 mM-
K disappeared during the first 50 min of the immersion in the solution of high
K, Cl product. Figure 10, which was obtained on another fibre, shows that
during this period the fibre became sensitive to a reduction of [Cl]0. When the
fibre had reached equilibrium in 95 mM-K 214 mm Cl, reducing the chloride
concentration to 3-6 mm made the internal potential swing to + 64 mV. In
common with other changes produced by Cl this effect was transient, and after
about 1 hr the potential returned to the potassium equilibrium potential of
-20 mV. On replacing Ringer's fluid a resting potential of -88 mV was
obtained. Recovery was less complete in the experiment of Fig. 9 but this
may have been the result of injury in the impaled region. Some fibres gave
propagated twitches at the end of the experiment, others which showed signs
of damage in the impaled region did not. Considering the drastic treatment
and the number of impalements, we regard the recovery in Fig. 10 as satis-
factory evidence that the internal chloride concentration can be raised to a
high level without causing gross, irreversible damage to the membrane.
Table 4 and curve A in Fig. 11 give the relation between [Cl]0 and internal
potential on fibres which have been equilibrated in 95 mM-K 214 mM-Cl.
With chloride concentrations down to 30 mm, the membrane behaved like a
chloride electrode, the slope for a tenfold change of chloride concentration
being 56 mV (55 mV for a tenfold change of activity). As a corollary, it was
found that the potential was little affected by changing from K to Na at a
fixed chloride concentration (Table 4, fibref).
The curve drawn through the points in Fig. 11 (curve A) has a slope of about
45 mV between 214 and 107 mM-Cl and 65 mV between 107 and 30 mM-Cl.
This is probably not the result of experimental error, since a curve of this
shape is explained by a decrease of potassium permeability as the internal
potential becomes more positive. With 2x5 mM-K instead of 95 mM-K, the
relation between V and log Cl should, and probably does, approximate more
closely to that of a perfect chloride electrode (Table 4, fibref2).

95 mM 95 mM
K ~~~2-5 mM 12-5 K
Cl a~~~14mM 24c

E 0 ;


I 111
I11250 II II
Fig. 9. Effect of large changes in [K]o and [Cl]o on membrane potential. The tonicity of the three
solutions used was 1-75 times that of Ringer's fluid. 0, 2-5 mM-K 214 mM-Cl; 0, 95 mM-K
214 mm-Cl; x, 95 mM-K 3-6 mM-Cl. Fibre j; diameter 132.u, temperature 20° C.

K 95mM
214mM K

Cl 13f mm
2 ~
+SO- ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~10m


<-50 _ 95 mm-K 3-6 mm-Cl

W _ ~~~~o95 30
_; -50 _95 214 _

0 50 100 150 200 250
Fig. 10. Effect of large changes in [K]o and [Cl], on membrane potential. All the observations
except the final measurement in Ringer's fluid (2.5 mM-K 120 mm-Cl) were made with solutions
isotonic with 2-5 mM-K 214 mM-Cl. Fibre e, 133,u temperature 210 C. The main point illu-
strated by the figure is that as the fibre became loaded with chloride in 95 mM-K 214 mM-Cl
the internal potential in 95 mm-K 3-6 mM-Cl changed from - 21 mV to + 63 mV; on leaving
the fibre in the latter solution the potential eventually returned to -21 mV and the fibre
then repolarized to - 88 mV in Ringer's fluid (2.5 mm-K 120 mM-Cl).
TABLE 4. Instantaneous effect of [Cl]0 on fibres equilibrated in 95 mM-K 214 mM-Cl
Internal potential (mV)
[Cl] I
(mM) el e2 e3 fi f2 0 Pi P2 q Mean V,,c.
214 --20-9 20-0 19.2 - 19 18-5 22-3 20-2 -20*2 -20-4 -20-3 (-20.5)
- - - - -

107 4*7 - --1-7 -8-6 - - 6-7 - 3-1

30 +27-5 +29-2 +25-2 +27-3 + 27-6 + 28-9 + 27-3 + 29-0
3*6 -F62-3 +63-1 +62-6 +73 +74
- -

- - +65-3 +82-0
3*0 +-71-4 - +71.4 +87-0
0 - - +84-5 - -
- +84-5 + oo
All the test solutions were isotonic with the solution used for equilibration (95 mM-K 214
mM-Cl). Inf2 the test solutions contained 2-5 mM-K and 212-5 mM-Na; in the other experiments
they contained 95 mm-K and 120 mM-Na. f2 is excluded from the mean. Vc,,¢. is 58 log 95/[Cl]0.
The figure of 95 is the value of [Cl], which gives a potential of 20-5 mV in row 1; it is also the

value predicted by the Donnan theory if the indiffusible 'anions' are monovalent (see Boyle &
Conway, 1941).


I 1 11111 1 1 1111 1
<i O[CI]o

+ 50



4) A



I~~ 1 111

1 10 100 300
Chloride concentration(mM)
Fig. 11. Instantaneous relation between [Cl]0 and membrane potential using fibres equilibrated in
A, 95 mM-K 214 mM-Cl; B, 2-5 mi-K 120 mM-Cl (Ringer's fluid). A, data from Table 4, all
solutions contained 95 max-K and were isotonic with 95 mM-K 214 mM-Cl. B, data from
Table 3, excluding the last set of measurements which are incomplete; all solutions contained
2-5 mm-K and were isotonic with Ringer's fluid. Semi-log. scale.
At chloride concentrations below about 30 mm the curve flattens, reaching
a limiting value of about + 80 mV in chloride-free solutions. This high value
was not maintained for more than a few seconds and it seems possible that the
maximum internal potential was limited by a break-down of the membrane.
However, this was not the only explanation of the flattening, since a departure
from Vcl at low [Cl]o was also seen at smaller potentials when the fibre had
been equilibrated with solutions which raised the internal chloride to a less
extent. Other explanations are that the permeability to potassium is not
completely shut off or that the permeability to sulphate may not be zero. In
terms of the constant field theory (Goldman, 1943), the permeability ratios
PE/PCl or PSO4/PC1 need to be about 0-01 in order to explain the departure
from the Nernst relation at low [Cl]0.

Effect of alterations in the internal chloride concentration on the membrane

potential; fibres equilibrated in 95 mM-K, 214 mM-Cl
Using sartorius muscles in Cl-free sulphate, Adrian (1956) showed that an
increase of external osmotic pressure at constant [K]0 made the inside of the
fibre more negative by about the amount calculated from the increase in the
internal potassium concentration. When a muscle fibre is in a condition where
the membrane potential is dominated by Cl-, rather than by K+ as in Adrian's
experiments, an increase in osmotic pressure ought to have the opposite effect.
TABLE 5. Effect of changing tonicity on membrane potential of fibres loaded with Cl
[Cl], Internal potential->
[K]0 [Cl]o calc. Sucrose Relative Pi P2 q Mean V.WC.
Solution -- (m M) tonicity (mV)
1 95 214 95 0 1*75 -20-0 -20-0 - 20-9 -20-3 (-20.5)
2 95 30 95 147 1-75 +27*2 +27.6 +28*9 +27.9 +29.0
3 95 30 60 - 0 1.10 +16.7 +15.2 +16.0 +16.0 +17.4
2 95 30 95 147 1-75 +27.4 +27-6 +28.8 +27.9 +29.0
1 95 214 95 0 1-75 -20-3 -20-4 -19-8 - 20-2 -20-5
Solution 1 was solution J in Table 1. Solution 2 was intermediate between J and K in Table 1.
Solution 3 was identical with 2 except for the absence of sucrose. The tonicity is given relative to
that of Ringer's fluid. The fibres were equilibrated in 95 mM-K 214 mM-Cl for about 100 min. The
first application of solution 2 lasted about 30 sec but the subsequent applications of 3 and 2
lasted 40-90 sec. The above measurements were made from the records when the potential had
reached a steady value. Vcc is 58log [Cl]' with [Cl]1 95 mm for solutions 1 and 2 or 60 mM for

solution 3. Note that -0 = 1 75.


This is borne out by the experiments shown in Table 5. It will be seen that
the change in membrane potential is close to that calculated for a chloride
electrode on the assumption that the fibre attains osmotic equilibrium. The
effects of added sucrose were fully reversible and took place with a half-time
of 6-12 sec. The water permeability calculated from these records was about
10,u/min atm, i.e. about 3 times greater than in mammalian red cells and 100
times greater than in Arbacia eggs (see Lucke & McCutcheon, 1932). Details
of the analysis will be given elsewhere.
Variations of [K]o and [Cl]0; fibres equilibrated in solutions
of intermediate K, Cl product
When a fibre has been equilibrated in a solution of high K, Cl product (e.g.
95 mM-K 214 mM-Cl), reduction of [K]0 to a low value produces virtually no
change in membrane potential. Under these conditions the chloride con-
ductance is so much larger than the potassium conductance that chloride ions
dominate the membrane potential. Interesting information was obtained by
equilibrating with solutions of moderate K, Cl product, 50 mM-K 30 mM-Cl
being found convenient. These results are given in Fig. 12. It will be seen
from curve I that reducing [K]o from 50 to 25 mM (at constant [Cl]0) caused the
fibre to repolarize from -32 to -38 mV, but that a further reduction (again
at constant [Cl]0) from 25 to 2-5 mM-K returned the potential to -32 mV.
This effect was fully reversible. On going straight from 50 into 2-5 mm or from
+10 III Varying [K],,
/ and [Cl]o
0 X
Varying [K]0
>-20 1/II Varying [Cl]0
E _
-20 -

30 *

- 70 /
( x vaito-f.lo
-C8uv I tcntn
1vrai of Koa 1111
=I lii
2 5 10 20 50 100 200mm-K
150 75 30 15 7-5 MM-Cl
Fig. 12. Effect of varying [K]0 and [Cl]. on fibre equilibrated in solution containing 8,mm-K
30 mm-Cl.
Curve I (0), variation of [K]a at constant [Ci]m;
Curve II (+), variation of [Cl],, at constant [K]0;
Curve III ( x), simultaneous variation of [K]0 and [Cl]0 with [K]0 [Cl]0 - 1500 (MM)2.
The curves were done in the order II, I, III; incomplete measurements indicated that the
slope of curve I at 50 mm-K was about 10 % steeper at the beginning of the experiment. The
solution used for equilibration consisted of (mm) K 50, Cl 30, Na 152, Ca 8, SO4 93, phosphate
1*5. The tonicity of all solutions was about 1-13 times that of Ringer's fluid except for the
left-hand point of curve III, in which the solution had the same tonicity as Ringer's fluid.
Fibre n; diameter, 134ju, temperature, 220 C. Semi-log. scale.
2-5 to 50 mm there was no permanent displacement of membrane potential,
but in both cases there was a transient repolarization lasting 5-10 sec; this
effect, which will be discussed in a subsequent paper, suggests that the effective
potassium concentration at the membrane varies more slowly than the con-
centration in the external solution. The probable explanation of the fall in
resting potential at low [K]o is that the potassium permeability depends on
external [K]0 and that, at a fixed membrane potential, the permeability is
greater when [K]o is high than when it is low. The result is that as [K]0 is
reduced the resting potential should pass through a maximum (minimum
internal potential) and should then decline as the fall in potassium per-
meability outweighs the increase in the e.m.f. of the potassium concentration
A decline in resting potential at low [K]o was also seen in Fig. 8 (variation
of [K]o at 120 mM-Cl) and in Fig. 4 (variation of [K]0 in the absence of Cl). In
the former case the membrane potential should return to Vcl if the potassium
permeability fell to zero; in the latter, one must suppose that when [K]o is
reduced to a very low value some other ion tends to control the potential. The
other ion might be Cl- which had diffused from the micro-electrode, Na+ in the
external medium, or a metabolic product such as HCO3- or lactate.
Line II in Fig. 12 gives the effect of varying Cl at constant K; line III was
obtained by varying both K and Cl, keeping the KlC product constant. These
results are considered further on p. 149.
The relative magnitudes of the K and Cl conductances under
equilibrium conditions
The results described so far indicate that both K and Cl affect the membrane
potential and that, under appropriate conditions, the membrane can be made
to behave either as a potassium electrode or as a chloride electrode. In the
remaining sections of this paper, similar results will be used to calculate the
conductances and permeabilities of the membrane to the potassium and
chloride ions. The underlying assumption, which receives further support w
from the experiments ts
t, is that the K and Cl concentration cells
are the main sources of membrane current and that the two cells are arranged
in parallel, as shown in Fig. 13. Before considering absolute magnitudes we
shall describe a method of estimating the ratio of the potassium and chloride
conductances under equilibrium conditions. This method depends on the
following argument.
The conductances are defined by
IK = gR (V-VK), (5)
IC, = gC1(V-VC1), (6)
where IK or ICi are the potassium or chloride current densities in the oihtward
direction and gK or gel are the corresponding conductances per unit area.
Neither conductance will be assumed constant and both may vary in an
arbitrary manner with concentration or potential. To begin with, it is assumed
that only K+ and C1- carry current through the membrane. In the absence of
external current IK + IC = 0 and
V=VKTK + VC TC1 (7)
where T1 - 9K (8)
gK + gel
and gK (9)
From (7) and (9) we obtain

( ) =
TK + (VK -VC) (10)
I bY C Ib0 KVa
and \Vc!V = Tcl+(Vcl-VK) (VCJV (11)
For a small change from an equilibrium state in which VK =VC1 these
relations become
(;Eve (12)

VCJVK = T1I (13)

Hence (b +7)+ (p7) * (14)
If VK and V0l are constant and V is varied, the fraction of membrane current
carried by K+ is TK and by Cl- is Tla; these quantities are therefore the
transport numbers of K and Cl.
For comparison with experiments it is convenient to express V in milli-
volts and, using eqns. 2 and 3, to rewrite eqns. 12-14 in the form
v -Y-
(Olog[K]o [cl]. 5=8TK,
8E,(5 (15)
\blog [Cl]o) ~ 58T01,
[K]= TC1,
I (16)
(\log[K].! [C1]0(log [Cl]i [K]0 58 (17)
A more exact formula which takes account of the imperfect selectivity of the
membrane (eqn. 4) is obtained by substituting ([K]O+0 01[Na]o) for [K]0 in
eqn. 17.
Table 6 gives the results of experiments designed to test eqn. 17 and to
estimate TK and Tl. The quantities aW/alog[K]0 and WV/alog[Cl]o were
obtained from curves such as those in Fig. 8 or Fig. 12 by drawing a tangent
at the concentration with which the fibre had been equilibrated. In order to
reduce errors from progressive changes, the curve obtained by varying one ion
(e.g. K) was bracketed with two curves obtained by varying the other (e.g. Cl).
TABLE 6. Slopes of curves relating potential to log. concentration
I II III IV av \ AV Sum of
Fibre [K], [Cl]o V \log [K]J CIO \alog [Clo K. V+VI VIII IX
reference (mM) (mM) (mV) (mV) (mV) (mV) TK TO
i 2-5 120 -94 14 40 54 0-24 0-69
r 2-5 120 -95 18 30 48 0-31 0-52
n 50 30 - 32 36 19 55 0-62 0-33
Columns II and III give the concentrations used to equilibrate and IV the potential at equi-
librium. V and VI give the slopes at the equilibrium point. VII is

a log [K]o) CIO a log [C1]O)Ko

In i and n the measurements were made by varying first K, then Cl and finally K again; in r the
order was reversed. TK and Tci are defined in the text. The Cl curve and the second K curve for
fibre n are shown in Fig. 12.

It will be seen that there is reasonable agreement with eqn. 17 and that, for
the fibres equilibrated in Ringer's fluid, the transport numbers are approxi-
mately TK = 0-3 and Tc0 = 0-6. If instead of the quantity
a log [K]. we use a1og([K]0+0-01[Na]0)
the figures in column V become 21, 27 and 37 mV; on adding these values to
the figures for aV/alog[Cl]0, the results are 61, 57 and 56 mV as against the
theoretical value of 58 mV.
In two of the experiments in Table 6 we also measured the changes in
potential produced by varying both K and Cl at constant product. This did
not provide any new information but was a good way of checking the previous
measurements since the line obtained by varying log [K]o and - log [Cl]o
simultaneously ought to have the same slope as that obtained by making the
measurements separately and adding the results. The slopes found were
53 mV for the first experiment and 56 mV for the third experiment, as against
54 and 55 mV in column VII of Table 6.
Absolute magnitude of gc7 and P,,
There are several ways of estimating the chloride conductance, gcl, from
the results described in this paper. Although differing in detail, the methods
used all depend on calculating the internal chloride concentration from the
external concentration and the membrane potential.
A. This method will be described in terms of the experiment illustrated by Fig. 9. At the
beginning of the experiment the membrane potential in 2-5 mM-K 214 mM-Cl was 100-5 mV. -

On substituting this value in eqn. 3, [Cl], is found to be 3-96 m-mote/kg H20. When 95 mM-K
214 mM-Cl was applied the potential changed to 31-7 mV. After 104 sec in this solution, re-

duction of [K], to 2-5 mm caused the membrane potential to change to 63-9 mV, which is taken
to be the new value of Vc0; from eqn. 3 [Cl]i is therefore 16-9 m-mole/kg H20. From the rate of
rise of chloride concentration, the fibre diameter and the water content of muscle, the inward flow
of chloride is found to be 333 pmole/cM2 sec. The flow occurs from a concentration of 214 mM into
one of 10-4 m-mole/kg H.0 against a potential difference of 31-7 mV (10-4 is the mean of
3-96 + 16-9). The chloride conductance, gcl, is therefore
333 X 10-12 x 96500
(581og214/10.4 -31.7) x 10-i=720,umho/cmn.
The same method was applied to the results obtained when [K]o was raised for a short time from
2-5 to 10mm
at constant [Cl]), for example Fig. 7b.
B. This was similar to A but used the results given in Fig. 10. If Vt is the potential in 3-6 mM-Cl
after t min in 95 mm-K 214 mM-Cl and Voo is the potential in 3-6 mM-Cl after a long time in
95 mm-K 214 mM-Cl, [Cliit, is taken as
F(Vt -yVe,)
[Cli]t [Cli]c
This equation follows from the assumption that the membrane behaves like a chloride electrode
with respect to changes in internal chloride concentration (for evidence see Table 5).
C. When a fibre which has been equilibrated in 10 mM-K 120 mm-Cl is suddenly treated with
2-5 mM-K 120 mM-Cl, the potential at first changes from 65 to 68 mV and then slowly drifts

towards -95 mV (Fig. 7c). Using eqn. 3 [Cl]1 can be obtained from the first value, -65 mV,
and d[Cl]1/dt can be estimated from the initial rate of repolarization. From the flow of C1 and
the driving force (3 mV), gcl can be calculated in the usual way. This method wasliable to introduce
large errors, since neither the driving force nor the rate of repolarization could be measured
D. The fourth method depended on measuring the rate of change of membrane potential
following a sudden change in [Cl],. For example in Fig. 6 when [Cl], was suddenly reduced from
120 to 30 mM, the potential changed from -99 to 77 mV and then drifted back to its original

value with a time constant whose initial value was 220 sec. The change in [Cl]1 was from 2-4 to
0-6m-mole/kg H20 (p. 138) so the initial rate of fall of [Cl]i was'l-8/220m-mole/kg H20 per second.
The driving force, V -Vcl, is taken as the difference between the observed change in potential,
22 mV, and that expected for a chloride electrode, 34-9 mV.
Table 7 gives the results of these calculations. In the physiological region
the chloride conductance is about 190Oumho/cm2 but higher values were
obtained in fibres depolarized by 95 mM-K 214 mM-Cl. Since the conductance
is likely to vary with [Cl]o and [Cl]i and with membrane potential it is desirable
to calculate some other quantity as a measure of the permeability of the
membrane to chloride. For this purpose it is convenient to use the constant
field theory (Goldman, 1943; Hodgkin & Katz, 1949) and to calculate a per-
meability coefficient,PC,, from the equation
= MCI RT 1- exp (-VFIRT)
VF [Cl]0 - [Cl]i exp ( - VF IRT)'
where MCI( ICiIF) is the net flow of chloride into the muscle fibre. Table 7
shows thatPcI is more constant thangel and the apparent variation in PC1
may be caused by experimental errors or by differences between fibres.
The conclusion from Table 7 is that movements of chloride occur in a
relatively straight-forward manner and that the permeability to chloride is
little influenced by changes in potential or concentration. The only obser-
vations which seem inconsistent are those made on fibres which have acquired
a large and positive internal potential as a result of being transferred to low
[Cl]0 after equilibration in a solution of high [K] [Cl] product. In Fig. 10 the
potential in low [Cl]o declines from its initial value of + 60 mV at a rate of
about 2 mV/min. If this decline is attributed solely to loss of KCI from the
fibre, PC1 is found to have a value of roughly 50 x 10-6 cm/sec instead of
3-5 x 10-6 cm/sec as in other cases. The most likely explanation is that the
TABLE 7. Chloride conductances and permeabilities
Flow of Cl
Inward = +
Fibre [Cl]o [Cl]i Outward = - g9c PC1
Fibre diameter (m7mole/ V VCI V-Vcl (pmole/ (,umho/ (10-6
Row reference Method (G) kg H20) (mV) (mV) (mV) cm2 sec) cm2) cm/sec)
1 j1 A 132 214 10-4 - 31-7 - 76-2 +44-5 +333 720 3-8
2 h2 A 132 214 28-2 - 29-6 - 51-1 +21-5 +165 740 2-6
3 j3 A 132 214 52-5 - 27-0 - 35.4 + 8-4 + 97 1100 2-9
4 e B 133 214 22-4 - 31-0 - 56-9 +25-9 +253 940 3.9
Mean 875 3-3
5 c A 87 120 4-49 - 66-8 - 82-8 + 16-0 + 37.2 220 3-3
6 d A 118 120 5-13 - 69-0 - 79-4 +10-4 + 50-6 470 6-6
7 a, A 148 120 2-79 - 71-5 - 94 7 +23-2 + 32-6 (130) (2-6)
8 1 A 119 120 3-37 - 72-3 - 90-0 +17-7 + 46-6 250 4-5
9 h, D 84 28 2-88 - 70-4 - 57-3 -13-1 - 14-3 105 4-1
10 h2 D 84 28 3 59 - 62-3 - 51-7 -10-6 - 9-15 83 2-7
11 a2 C 148 120 11-52 - 62-4 - 59-0 - 3-4 - 11-7 (330) (3.0)
12 m C 173 120 9-28 - 67-6 - 64-5 - 3-1 - 5-8 180 1-9
13 r, D 111 30 2-40 - 77-0 - 63-6 - 13-4 - 18-5 130 5-8
14 r2 D 111 120 0-60 - 111-0 -133-5 +23-5 + 22-2 90 5.5
lean, second group 191 4-3
lean, all measurements 4-0
Temperature 19-23° C. For [K]o in solutions, see Table. 8. Fibre a was in choline Ringer's fluid and has been
mitted from the averages. Pcl was calculated by eqn. 18.
membrane does not maintain its selective properties when subjected to a large
reversed potential difference for long periods. On this view, the initial rapid
disappearance of the positive internal potential is due not so much to loss of Cl
as to the gradual development of an indiscriminate leak through the membrane.
The chloride conductance of a fibre equilibrated in Ringer's fluid can be
calculated from the average value of PC1. When V is close to Vcl it follows from
eqns. 6 and 18 that the two units are related by
F3Y [Cl]0 [Cl]i
gl= C (RT)2 [Cl]i - [Cl]] (19)
Taking PC1 as 4 x 10-6 cm/sec, V as -95 mV, [Cl]o as 120 mm and [Cl]i as
2-8 m-mole/kg H20, gel is found to be 170,Fmho/cm2. A similar value is
obtained by averaging the observed values of gcl in the lower part of Table 7.
However, since gel varies with concentration and potential it is better to use
a value calculated from PC1. On p. 149 it was shown that in a fibre equilibrated
in Ringer's fluid the potassium conductance was approximately half the
chloride conductance. From this it follows that the total membrane con-
ductance gK + gel should be 1*5 x 170 = 255,umho/cm2 and that the membrane
resistance should be 3900 Q cm2. The result happens to agree closely with that
of Fatt & Katz (1951) who obtained an average value of 4000 Q cm2 in the
sartorius muscle of Rana temporaria.
TABLE 8. Potassium conductances and permeabilities (from Table 7)
Flow of K
Inward = -
[K]0 [K]j
(m-mole/ V VI
Outward = + gE
( umho/
V-VK (pmolej (10-6
Row reference kg H2O) (mV) (mV) (mV) cm2 sec) cm2) cm/sec)
1 jl 95 228 - 31*7 -22 - 9*7 - 333 3300 6-2
2 ji 95 228 - 29*6 -22 - 7*6 -165 2100 39
3 j3 95 228 - 27*0 -22 - 5*0 - 97 1900 3-5
4 e 95 219 - 31-0 -21 -10-0 -253 2400 4-7
5 c 10 104 - 66*8 -59 - 7*8 - 37-2 460 4*9
6 d 10 113 - 69*0 - 61 - 8*0 - 50*6 610 6-4
7 a, 10 113 - 71*5 - 61 -10-5 - 32-6 300 3-2
8 1 10 127 - 72-3 -64 - 8-3 - 46-6 540 5-5
9 hA 2-5 100 - 70*4 -92*9 +22*5 + 14-3 60 1-3
10 h2 2*5 84 - 62*3 -88'4 +26.1 + 9-15 34 07
11 a2 2-5 113 - 62-4 - 96 +33-6 + 11 7 34 0-6
12 m 2.5 104 - 67-6 -94 +26.4 + 5-8 21 0-4
13 r, 2*5 125 - 77 0 -98-5 +21-5 + 18-5 80 1-7
14 r2 2-5 125 -110-0 -98.5 -l115 - 22-2 190 5-5
For fibre diameters and values of [Cl]o see Table 7. VE is taken as the membrane potential when
the fibre was in equilibrium with the solution. [K]i was calculated from VK by eqn. 2. The tonicity
of the 95 mM-K solution was 1*75 times that of Ringer's fluid so that [K]' is high. PK was cal-
culated by eqn. 20.
Potassium permeabilities and conductances
Since the flows of K and Cl through the membrane must be equal it is a
simple matter to convert Table 7 (chloride movements) into a similar table (8)
giving the effect of concentration and potential on potassium movements. The
potassium conductance g. is calculated by eqn. 6 and the potassium per-
meability PK by
P = MK RT exp (VF/RT)-1 (20)
VF [K]1exp (VFIRT')
- [K]0' (0
when M.( = IK/F) is the net flow of potassium out of the muscle fibre. These
results are given in Table 8; more complete but less direct information is given
in Table 9, the method in this case being as follows. From the definitions of
PC1 and PK given in eqns. 18 and 20 and the equality of MK and -MC1 it
follows that
R lnPK[K]0+ Pc1 [Cl](
V=F InPK[K] + PC,[Cl]0 (21)
This is the usual constant field equation (Goldman, 1943), but, in the present
instance, the equation will be regarded as a necessary consequence of the
definitions of PR and PC, rather than as a deduction from a physical model.
The relevance of the equation is that since PC, remains approximately constant
it is possible to determine PK from changes in membrane potential. The method
was to assume that PC1 had a constant value of 4 x 10-6 cm/sec, to calculate
[K]i and [Cl]i from the potential when the fibre is at equilibrium in a given
solution and finally to determine PE from the new membrane potential when
[K]O or [Cl]o were changed suddenly to a new value.
At low [K]o the argument is complicated by the fact that the membrane
does not discriminate perfectly between K and Na. A simple but somewhat
unrealistic approach which was used in Table 8 was to neglect [Na]o and to
take a value of [K]i which agreed with the resting potential. An alternative
was to allow for imperfect exclusion of Na by the eqtiation
V lRTn PK [K]O + PNa[Na]o + PCI[C]i .(22)
F PK [K]i + PNa[Na]i + Pcl[Cl]o(
In applying the equation PNa/Pi was taken as 0 01 (see p. 135) and PNa [Na]i
was neglected. This method was used in rows 15-25 of Table 9 but the results
must be regarded as tentative, since changes in PNa might introduce large
errors. These reservations do not apply to the upper part of Table 9, which is
considered fairly reliable.
For small displacements from equilibrium, for example in row 11, Table 9,
the permeability ratio PK/PC1 was calculated from the estimates of transport
numbers by the relation
PK[K]I gR _TT23
PC, [Clio gc (23)
This relation follows from the definitions of conductance and permeability
given in eqns. 5, 6, 18 and 20.
The conclusion from Table 9 is that the potassium permeability varies
greatly with the force acting on the potassium ions. When V-VER is large
and positive and potassium ions are moving outwards, PK falls to a low value
of about 0-05 x 10-6 cm/sec; when V - VR is negative and potassium ions are
moving inwards PK rises to about 8 x 10-6cm/sec. The value under equi-
librium conditions (V = VK) is 1-2 x 10-6 cm/sec. The reduction of potassium
permeability when the driving force acting on K+ is outwardly directed agrees
with Adrian's (1958) observations on the effluX of 42K from muscles loaded with
KCl and with Katz's (1949) experiments on electrical rectification in muscles
immersed in isotonic solutions of K2SO4.
For comparison with electrical data it is interesting to express the results
as conductances rather than as permeabilities. With a fibre in 95 mM-K
(VR = -22 mV) the conductance for inward potassium current at V = -32
mV is 3000jumho/cm2 while the conductance for outward potassium current
at V = + 70 mV is only 30,umho/cm2; the conductance at equilibrium is
roughly lOOO1mho/cm2. With a fibre in 2-5 mM-K (VK =-101 mY), the
resting potassium conductance is about 80,umho/cm2 and the conductance
calculated for outward current at V = + 70 mV is perhaps 15 pmho/cm2. With
low [K]O, the calculated variation of gK is much less than that of PK because
the decrease of PK is offset by the constant field type of rectification. We have
no reliable evidence about the way in which PK varies in the region of mem-
brane potentials in which the fibre develops tension.
TABLE 9. Potassium permeabilities from measurements of membrane potential
Equilibrated Test
Fibre [K]o [Clb] Veq [K]. [Cl]0 V V-VK PK
Row rneference (mM) (mM) (mM) (mM) (mM) (mV) (MV) PK/PC1 (10-6 cm/se
[K]o = 95 mm
1 o 95 214 - 22 95 0 + 85 +107 0-014 0-06
2 o 95 214 - 22 95 3-0 + 71 + 93 0-01 0-04
3 g 95 108 - 21-5 95 3-6 + 43 + 65 0-023 0-09
4 9 95 108 - 21-5 95 30 + 2 + 24 0-09 0-36
5 9 95 108 - 21-5 95 108 - 21-5 0 0-4 1-6
6 o, p 95 214 - 22 95 214 - 22 0 ca. 0-25 ca. 1-0
7 9 95 108 - 21-5 95 214 - 28 - 6-5 1-1 4.4
8 e 95 3-6 - 20-5 95 214 - 30-8 - 10-3 1-9 7-6
9 j 2-5 214 -100-5 95 214 - 31-7 - 9.7 1-9 7-6
[K]o = 50 mM
10 n 50 30 - 32 50 6 - 19-9 + 12.1 0-19 0-76
11 n 50 30 - 32 50 30 - 32 0 0-34 1-36
12 n 50 30 - 32 50 120 - 44 9 - 12-9 0-6 2-4
[K]o = 10 mM
13 n 50 30 - 32 (10) (30) (- 38) + 40 0-06 0-24
14 10 120 - 62 10 120 -62 0 Ca. 0-3 ca. 1-2
15 - 2-5 120 - 92-8 10 120 - 72-6 - 7.5 1-3 5-2
[K]o =2-5 mM
16 f 95 214 - 19 2-5 3-6 + 74 +170 0-01 0-04
17 j 95 214 - 22 _-5 214 - 22 + 76 <0-02 <0-08
18 n 50 30 - 32 2-5 30 - 32 + 65 < 0-01 <0-04
19 m 10 120 - 61-8 2-5 1220 - 65 + 25 0-2 0-8
20 - 2-5 120 - 94.5 2-5 30 - 72 + 22-5 0-2 0-8
21 2-5 120 - 94-5 2-5 60 - 83 + 11.5 0-2 0-8
22 - 2-5 120 - 94.5 2-5 120 - 94.5 0 0-5 2-0
23 b 0-5 120 -113-2 2-5 120 -102-2 - 8-4 0-7 2-8
24 r 2-5 30 - 98-5 2-5 120 -110 11-5 0-7 2-8
25 h 2-5 28 - 90 2-5 120 -101.9 9 1-2 4-8
Columns III and IV give the external concentrations and V the internal potential at equilibrium. VI and VII
give the external concentrations and VIII the internal potential immediately after a sudden change in con-
centration. The definition and method of estimating P, are given in the text. Eqn. 20 was used for rows 1-14
and eqn. 22 for 15-25. VK was calculated by eqn. 2 and VK+ONa by eqn. 4 using a = 0-01. PC1 is taken as 4 x 10-6
cm/sec. Rows 5, 6, 11, 14 and 22 are based on measurements of the slope of the V-[Cl]0 or V-[K]0 relations.
Bracketedfigures in row 13 were interpolated. Where no fibre reference is given, average data have been employed.
In row 9, [K]1 was taken from Table 8 as 228 mM. In rows 23-25, [K]i was calculated from the resting potential
in Ringer's fluid.

The equivalent circuit in Fig. 13 -provides a convenient way of describing the
effects of K+ and Cl- on membrane potential. The batteries VI and Vcl repre-
sent the potassium and chloride concentration cells while RK and Rc1 represent
the resistance of the channels through which these ions pass. As the muscle
comes into equilibrium with a new solution, KC1 moves across the membrane
until the e.m.f.'s of the two batteries are equal; electrically this corresponds to
one battery being charged or discharged by the other. Under most conditions
the change in e.m.f. is mainly in the chloride battery, which should therefore be
regarded as having a much smaller 'capacity than the potassium battery.

VK- I I vcI

Fig. 13. Circuit diagram representing resting membrane of muscle. The rectifier element repre-
sents the variation of potassium permeability observed in the present experiments; the
variation is in the same sense as that reported by Katz (1949). For a fibre equilibrated in
Ringer's fluid RK-10,000 Qcm2 and RC, 5000 Q cm2.

When the fibre is not in equilibrium, the membrane potential depends on the
relative permeability of the two ions. Since the potassium channel acts like
a rectifier which cannot pass much outward current, the membrane potential
is determined by the battery with the smaller e.m.f. A more precise statement
of the principle, using the internal potential, V, is that V VK if VK> VC1 and
V VC1 if VC1 > VK. In using the equivalent circuit one should remember that
neither gcl nor gK can be regarded as constant. In the case of the chloride
channel, the variation of conductance with concentration and potential seems
to be of the simple type expected from the constant field theory. This is not
true for the potassium channel in which the conductance for inward currents
may be 100 times that for outward currents, in spite of the fact that the
internal concentration is greater than the external concentration. At present
neither the physiological significance nor the physical nature of this rectification
is understood. The matter is particularly puzzling because the rectifica-
tion is in the opposite direction to that required to explain the recovery of
potential and the loss of potassium during the impulse. Presumably the
behaviour of the membrane at short times is different from that in the steady
state but on this point there is little experimental evidence.
In spite of uncertainties about the system controlling potassium per-
meability in muscle, the present experiments provide strong support for the
conventional theory of the resting potential. Both K+ and Cl- have been
shown to affect the membrane potential and the observed variations agree
quantitatively with the idea that these two ions control the membrane
potential. As is to be expected from the theory of Boyle & Conway (1941),
changes in chloride concentrations at constant osmotic pressure and at con-
stant [K]O produce only transient alterations of membrane potential, and the
membrane potential at equilibrium depends mainly on the potassium con-
centration of the external medium. When [K]o is greater than 10 mm the
potential is close to that of a potassium electrode; at lower concentrations it
deviates in the manner expected from a slight permeability to sodium.
Since the average resting potential in Ringer's fluid, -94 mV, was less than
the potassium equilibrium potential, - 101 mV, one must suppose either that
the fibres were slowly losing K and gaining Na or that a steady state is main-
tained by metabolic processes which absorb K and eject Na. The present
experiments are probably consistent with either view, but, as there are other
reasons for supposing that K uptake is not passive, it is simplest to assume
that the passive leak of K is at least partly balanced by an active uptake
driven by metabolism.
The approximate agreement between the resting membrane conductance
calculated from our measurements and that found by Fatt & Katz (1951) has
been mentioned on p. 152. A comparison can also be made with the experi-
ments of Jenerick (1953) who measured the resistance across the membrane
of fibres in the sartorius muscles of Rana pipiens which had been treated with
solutions containing different concentrations of K and Cl. Making certain
assumptions, Jenerick calculated the membrane resistance as 2500 Q cm2 in
Ringer's fluid (2.5 mM-K 116 mM-Cl), 290 Q cm2 in 75 mM-K 189 mM-Cl and
1700cm2 in 10 mM-K 224 mM-Cl. From his results one would predict a
membrane resistance of about 200 Q cm2 in 95 mM-K 214 mM-Cl. Taking our
approximate values of PC1 = 4 x 10-6 and P. = 1-6 x 10-6cm/sec (Table 9,
row 5) and using eqn. 20, the membrane resistance of fibres equilibrated in
95 mr-K 214 mM-Cl is found to be 300 Q cm2. Although agreement in order
of magnitude is all that can be expected, it is perhaps worth pointing out that
Jenerick's estimates in high K are likely to be too low since he assumed that
the myoplasm resistance was not altered by raising the osmotic pressure and
KCl content of the external solution. This does not apply to Jenerick's measure-
ments of the resting membrane resistance, but close agreement is not to be
expected since the resting potential in 2-5 mM-K was 82 mV in his experiments
and 94 mV in ours. In analysing his results, Jenerick assumed that the
internal K and Cl concentrations did not vary with the osmotic pressure or
KCI content of the external solution. It is therefore not surprising that his
tentative conclusions about the relative magnitudes of PK and PC, and about
the way in which these permeabilities vary with membrane potential are very
different from those in the present paper.
It is interesting to see whether some of the recent experiments on the effects
of anions such as nitrate or iodide are consistent with the present results.
Hutter & Padsha (1959) reported that NO- or I- increased the membrane
resistance ofthe sartorius muscle about twofold. Using tracers, Abbott (quoted
by Hill & Macpherson 1954) showed that I- crossed the membrane less easily
than Cl-, and it is reasonable to infer that the same is true for NO-. It has
also been shown that the exit of Cl- from the sartorius muscle is slowed by the
presence of NO- or I- in the external medium (Harris, 1958 and R. H. Adrian,
unpublished). All this suggests that NO- or I- cross the membrane less easily
than Cl- and that these anions retard the passage of Cl-. Since K fluxes are
not affected by NO- or I- (Edwards, Harris & Nishie, 1957), Hutter & Padsha
concluded that the chloride conductance must normally be greater than the
potassium conductance; this is clearly consistent with our conclusion that the
chloride conductance accounts for 2 of the total membrane conductance.
The interaction between NO- and Cl- explains an observation which other-
wise seems inconsistent with the present results. Since NO- crosses the mem-
brane less easily than Cl- one might expect that replacing Cl- with NO3
would give a transient depolarization of the type observed with sulphate or
with a Ringer's fluid in which some NaCl has been replaced by sucrose. In
experiments with the sartorius muscle, Hutter & Padsha (1959) and R. H.
Adrian (unpublished) found that the resting potential after equilibration was
the same in NO- as in Cl- Ringer's fluid and they could detect no transient
depolarization on first applying nitrate. Our experiments on single fibres
showed either no change in resting potential or sometimes a hyperpolarization
of a few millivolts when nitrate was applied. It therefore seems clear that
although NO- is less able to cross the membrane than Cl- its action does not
resemble that of SO2-. An explanation can be given along lines similar to those
followed by Hutter & Padsha (1959). In chloride media without NO3 we find
PC1 = 4 x 10-6 cm/sec. Hutter & Padsha's observations require a PNO3 of, say,
1 x 10-6 cm/sec. If Cl and NO3 acted independently, one would expect that
substituting NO3 would be equivalent to reducing [Cl]0 to i so there should
be a depolarization of 20-30 mV. However, since NO3 reduces the flux of Cl
without changing the resting potential, this ion evidently reduces PCl to some
new value PC1. If PCI were 1 x 10-6 cm/sec, there would be no change in resting
potential on applying NO3 and if P'1 were less than 1 x 10-6 cm/sec there would
be a transient hyperpolarization.
Since there is evidence of interaction in the passage of anions through the
membrane it would not be surprising if the chloride fluxes calculated on the
constant field theory differed from those observed experimentally. Taking the
resting potential as -94 mV, PC1 as 4 0 x 10-6 cm/sec and using the constant
field theory, one obtains a chloride flux of about 40 pmole/cm2 sec, as against
the value of about 10 pmole/cm2 sec calculated (Hodgkin, 1951) from the data
of Levi & Ussing (1948). A more reliable comparison is for the case of a muscle
equilibrated in Ringer's fluid plus 100 mM-KCl, where the value, calculated
with PC1 = 4 x 10-6 cm/sec is 540 pmole/cm3 sec and Adrian's (1958) results
indicate a chloride flux of 200 pmole/cm2 sec. The discrepancy is in the direction
explained by movements of ions in single file along a chain of sites (Hodgkin
& Keynes, 1955). A similar discrepancy is found with the potassium fluxes,
the efflux in Ringer's fluid, calculated with PK - 2 x 10-6 cm/sec, being
25 pmole/cm2 sec as against 10 pmole/cm2 sec found experimentally (Hodgkin
& Horowicz, 1959). With a muscle equilibrated in Ringer's fluid plus 100 mM-
KCl, the value calculated with PE= 1-2 x 10-6 cm/sec is 120-240 pmole/Cm2
sec whereas Adrian's results give a potassium flux of about 100 pmole/cm2 sec.
In the case of chloride there may seem to be an inconsistency since net move-
ments agree with the constant field theory whereas fluxes do not. However,
one should remember, first, that agreement with the constant field theory was
approximate and, secondly, that the single-file type of interaction may only
become apparent in experiment with tracers. A long chain of sites, sparingly
occupied by ions, ought to obey the constant field theory as far as net move-
ments are concerned but would give anomalous fluxes if the ions could not
pass one another.
The present experiments indicate that an appreciable quantity of chloride
should enter a muscle fibre during an action potential. Taking the height of
the action potential as 130 mV and its duration at half amplitude as 1-5 msec,
taking the after-potential as 20 mV in amplitude and 30 msec in duration and
using the constant field theory with a Pe1 of 4 x 10-6 cm/sec, one finds a
chloride entry per impulse of 1i3 pmole/cm2. This quantity is smaller than the
apparent difference between the net entry of Na (about 15 pmole/cm2) and the
net loss of K (about 10 pmole/cm2) associated with each impulse (Hodgkin
& Horowicz, 1959).
One reservation which must be made about the present experiments is that
nearly all the measurements were made on relaxed muscles and that we have
not described the effects of solution changes which cause the muscle to con-
tract. The primary reason for this omission is that it is much more difficult to
obtain reproducible results on contracting muscles and that fibres were usually
damaged irreversibly when they developed tension with the micro-electrode in
position. Certain aspects of the relation between membrane potential and
tension will be described in a subsequent paper. For the time being all that
need be said is that contractures induced by raising K do not have any
obvious electrical sign and that the electrical effects of solutions which give
tension are very much what one would expect from the results described here.

1. The membrane potential of frog muscle fibres varied in the same manner
as a potassium electrode when [K]' and [Cl]0 were changed reciprocally at
constant product, or if [K]o was altered in Cl-free solutions.
2. At constant [K]O, variation of [Cl]o produced no permanent displacement
of membrane potential, but there were large transient changes, lasting 10-60
min, in the direction expected for a chloride electrode.
3. At constant [Cl]o, increasing [K]o from 2-5 to 10 mm produced a sudden
depolarization and then a slow drift to an equilibrium value. When equilibrium
had been established, reduction of [K]o from 10 to 2-5 mm produced only a
small instantaneous repolarization and it took about an hour to establish the
original resting potential.
4. The membrane potential of fibres which had been equilibrated with
Ringer's fluid plus 93 mM-KCl was not sensitive to reduction of [K]0 but
varied in the same way as a chloride electrode when [Cl]o was reduced; the
initial effect of removing all chloride was to make the inside of the fibre
70-80 mV positive to the outside.
5. Varying the internal chloride concentration, by altering the external
osmotic pressure with sucrose, changed the membrane potential of a fibre
loaded with Cl in the manner expected for a chloride electrode.
6. The results are explained quantitatively by assuming (i) a Donnan
system of the Boyle-Conway type, (ii) K+ and Cl- are the ions which carry
current through the resting membrane and (iii) the relative contribution of K+
and Cl-- to the membrane potential depends on the direction in which the
potassium ions are moving. The potassium permeability is fairly high (up to
8 x 10-6 cm/sec) for inward current but very low (down to 0 05 x 10-6 cm/sec)
for outward current. The chloride permeability on the other hand remains at
a constant value of about 4 x 10-6 cm/sec.
7. In a resting fibre equilibrated in Ringer's fluid the chloride conductance
was about twice the potassium conductance; the absolute magnitude of the
resting K and Cl conductances were about 100 and 200,umho/cm2 respectively.
We are greatly indebted to Mr R. H. Cook who designed and built the equipment used in these
experiments. Our thanks are also due to Dr R. H. Adrian and Mr A. F. Huxley for much helpful
discussion. During the period of the investigation, one of the authors (P. H.) held a National
Science Foundation Fellowship and a National Research Council Fellowship in the Medical
Sciences for which funds were provided by the Rockefeller Foundation.
ADRIAN, R. H. (1956). The effect of internal and external potassium concentration on the mem-
brane potential of frog muscle. J. Phy8iol. 133, 631-658.
ADRIAN, R. H. (1958). The effects of membrane potential and external potassium concentration
on the potassium permeability of muscle fibres. J. Phy8iol. 143, 59 P.
BOYLE, P. J. & CONWAY, E. J. (1941). Potassium accumulation in muscle and associated changes.
J. Phy8iol. 100, 1-63.
BRINK, F. (1954). The role of calcium ions in neural processes. Pharmacol. Rev. 6, 243-298.
CONWAY, E. J. (1957). Nature and significance of concentration relations of potassium and
sodium ions in skeletal muscle. Phy8iol. Rev. 37, 84-132.
CSAPO, A. & WILKIE, D. R. (1956). The dynamics of the effect of potassium on frog's muscle.
J. Physiol. 134, 497-514.
EDWARDS, C., HARRIs, E. J. & NISmIE, K. (1957). The exchange of frog muscle Na+ and K+ in
the presence of the anions Br-, NO3, I- and CNS-. J. Physiol. 135, 560-566.
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